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File metadata and controls

73 lines (64 loc) · 5.62 KB

Configuration parameters

The file has the following properties. Highlighting the defaults, and options for each here.

These can be overridden by providing the same either as environment variables or system properties.

# ATD properties
RUNNER=distribute -> ATD property. We will always use distributed
FRAMEWORK=cucumber -> ATD property. We will always use cucumber
RUNNER_LEVEL=methods -> ATD property. We will always use methods
CAPS=./caps/capabilities.json -> Path to capabilties.json file

# teswiz configuration properties. Can be overridden using environment variables or system properties

APP_NAME=teswiz -> Name of your application
APP_PACKAGE_NAME=io.cloudgrey.the_app -> android app package name
APP_PATH=./temp/abc.apk -> path to android / windows app name
APPLITOOLS_CONFIGURATION=./configs/applitools_config.json -> Applitools configuration 
BASE_URL_FOR_WEB=BASE_URL -> Key name of the property in TEST_DATA_FILE for environment specific base url
BRANCH_NAME -> Key name of environment variable which should be used to get the current Branch name. 
               IF this is not specified, then teswiz will try to get the BRANCH_NAME using this command: `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
BROWSER=chrome -> Which browser to use for Web execution? Supported: chrome || firefox
                  Browsers should to be installed. Corresponding WebDriver for the browser will be downloaded automatically
BUILD_ID=BUILDID -> The key name of the environment variable that has the corresponding build id of the test execution
CLEANUP_DEVICE_BEFORE_STARTING_EXECUTION=true -> Uninstall app from local Android devices before starting test execution
CLOUD_KEY=<auth / api key> for pCloudy / Headspin
CLOUD_USERNAME=<username / email> for pCloudy -> Not required for Headspin
CLOUD_UPLOAD_APP=false -> Upload the app to pCloudy / headspin before running the tests
CLOUD_USE_PROXY=true -> If we need proxy for connecting to the cloud device farm using the curl command. Default: false
CLOUD_USE_LOCAL_TESTING=false -> If we want to enable local testing (currently only in BrowserStack) -  
ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_FILE=./src/test/resources/environments.json -> Environment specific configuration file
IS_VISUAL=false -> Should enable Applitools Visual Testing? If yes, set to true
    If visual testing is enabled, and this is set to true, then the test will fail if there are any visual differences found
    If this is set to false, then a message will be logged about the visual differences, and the test will not fail for this reason 
LOG_DIR=target -> Where should logs be created?
LOG_PROPERTIES_FILE=./src/test/resources/ -> log4j configuration file
MAX_NUMBER_OF_APPIUM_DRIVERS -> The max number of drivers on cloud to create for multiuser android tests, default value is 5
MAX_NUMBER_OF_WEB_DRIVERS -> The max number of web drivers on cloud to create for multiuser web tests, default value is 5
PLATFORM=android -> Run tests against? Supported: android | iOS | windows | web | api
PARALLEL=1 -> How many tests should be run in parallel?
PROXY_KEY=HTTP_PROXY -> If proxy should be set, what is the environment variable specifying the proxy?
PROXY_URL=<proxy_url> -> What is the proxy url to be used if PROXY_KEY is set
REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_GRID_PORT=<environment variable name which holds the port to be used for RemoteWebDriver>
REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_GRID_HOST_NAME=<environment variable name which holds the host name/ip for RemoteWebDriver>
REPORT_PORTAL_FILE=./src/test/resources/ -> configuration
RP_DESCRIPTION=<description of the test execution to be shown in reportportal's launch description. Default: End-2-End scenarios>
RUN_IN_CI=false -> Are tests running in CI?
TARGET_ENVIRONMENT=prod -> Which environment are the tests running against? Should map to envrionments specified in ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_FILE
TEST_DATA_FILE=./src/test/resources/testData.json -> Environment specific static test data
BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE=./src/test/resources/com/znsio/teswiz/features/configs/browser_config.json -> json containing browser configurations

Overriding the BASE_URL_FOR_WEB and BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE for Web execution

The BASE_URL_FOR_WEB and BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE once set, cannot be changed for the test execution. However, there may be reasons when you need to use a different BASE_URL_FOR_WEB or a different BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE for specific tests.

To allow for that, before the driver is created for a test, you can add the following data to the TestExecutionContext.


@When("I login with invalid credentials - {string}, {string}")
public void iLoginWithInvalidCredentials(String username, String password) {
            "iLoginWithInvalidCredentials - Persona:'%s', Username: '%s', Password:'%s', " +
            "Platform: '%s'",
            SAMPLE_TEST_CONTEXT.ME, username, password, Runner.getPlatform()));
    context.addTestState(TEST_CONTEXT.UPDATED_BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE_FOR_THIS_TEST, "./configs/browser_headless_config.json");
    Drivers.createDriverFor(SAMPLE_TEST_CONTEXT.ME, Runner.getPlatform(), context);
    context.addTestState(SAMPLE_TEST_CONTEXT.ME, username);
    new AppBL(SAMPLE_TEST_CONTEXT.ME, Runner.getPlatform()).provideInvalidDetailsForSignup(username,