// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package executor_test import ( "fmt" "math" "strings" "time" . "github.com/pingcap/check" "github.com/pingcap/parser/model" "github.com/pingcap/parser/mysql" "github.com/pingcap/parser/terror" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/domain" plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/sessionctx/variable" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/table" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/chunk" "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/testkit" "golang.org/x/net/context" ) func (s *testSuite) TestTruncateTable(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec(`drop table if exists truncate_test;`) tk.MustExec(`create table truncate_test (a int)`) tk.MustExec(`insert truncate_test values (1),(2),(3)`) result := tk.MustQuery("select * from truncate_test") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1", "2", "3")) tk.MustExec("truncate table truncate_test") result = tk.MustQuery("select * from truncate_test") result.Check(nil) } // TestInTxnExecDDLFail tests the following case: // 1. Execute the SQL of "begin"; // 2. A SQL that will fail to execute; // 3. Execute DDL. func (s *testSuite) TestInTxnExecDDLFail(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table t (i int key);") tk.MustExec("insert into t values (1);") tk.MustExec("begin;") tk.MustExec("insert into t values (1);") _, err := tk.Exec("truncate table t;") c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, "[kv:1062]Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'") result := tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from t") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1")) } func (s *testSuite) TestCreateTable(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") // Test create an exist database _, err := tk.Exec("CREATE database test") c.Assert(err, NotNil) // Test create an exist table tk.MustExec("CREATE TABLE create_test (id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));") _, err = tk.Exec("CREATE TABLE create_test (id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));") c.Assert(err, NotNil) // Test "if not exist" tk.MustExec("CREATE TABLE if not exists test(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));") // Testcase for https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/312 tk.MustExec(`create table issue312_1 (c float(24));`) tk.MustExec(`create table issue312_2 (c float(25));`) rs, err := tk.Exec(`desc issue312_1`) c.Assert(err, IsNil) ctx := context.Background() chk := rs.NewChunk() it := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(chk) for { err1 := rs.Next(ctx, chk) c.Assert(err1, IsNil) if chk.NumRows() == 0 { break } for row := it.Begin(); row != it.End(); row = it.Next() { c.Assert(row.GetString(1), Equals, "float") } } rs, err = tk.Exec(`desc issue312_2`) c.Assert(err, IsNil) chk = rs.NewChunk() it = chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(chk) for { err1 := rs.Next(ctx, chk) c.Assert(err1, IsNil) if chk.NumRows() == 0 { break } for row := it.Begin(); row != it.End(); row = it.Next() { c.Assert(chk.GetRow(0).GetString(1), Equals, "double") } } // table option is auto-increment tk.MustExec("drop table if exists create_auto_increment_test;") tk.MustExec("create table create_auto_increment_test (id int not null auto_increment, name varchar(255), primary key(id)) auto_increment = 999;") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('aa')") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('bb')") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('cc')") r := tk.MustQuery("select * from create_auto_increment_test;") r.Check(testkit.Rows("999 aa", "1000 bb", "1001 cc")) tk.MustExec("drop table create_auto_increment_test") tk.MustExec("create table create_auto_increment_test (id int not null auto_increment, name varchar(255), primary key(id)) auto_increment = 1999;") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('aa')") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('bb')") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('cc')") r = tk.MustQuery("select * from create_auto_increment_test;") r.Check(testkit.Rows("1999 aa", "2000 bb", "2001 cc")) tk.MustExec("drop table create_auto_increment_test") tk.MustExec("create table create_auto_increment_test (id int not null auto_increment, name varchar(255), key(id)) auto_increment = 1000;") tk.MustExec("insert into create_auto_increment_test (name) values ('aa')") r = tk.MustQuery("select * from create_auto_increment_test;") r.Check(testkit.Rows("1000 aa")) } func (s *testSuite) TestCreateDropDatabase(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("create database if not exists drop_test;") tk.MustExec("drop database if exists drop_test;") tk.MustExec("create database drop_test;") tk.MustExec("use drop_test;") tk.MustExec("drop database drop_test;") _, err := tk.Exec("drop table t;") c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, plannercore.ErrNoDB.Error()) _, err = tk.Exec("select * from t;") c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, plannercore.ErrNoDB.Error()) _, err = tk.Exec("drop database mysql") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (s *testSuite) TestCreateDropTable(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table if not exists drop_test (a int)") tk.MustExec("drop table if exists drop_test") tk.MustExec("create table drop_test (a int)") tk.MustExec("drop table drop_test") _, err := tk.Exec("drop table mysql.gc_delete_range") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (s *testSuite) TestCreateDropIndex(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table if not exists drop_test (a int)") tk.MustExec("create index idx_a on drop_test (a)") tk.MustExec("drop index idx_a on drop_test") tk.MustExec("drop table drop_test") } func (s *testSuite) TestAlterTableAddColumn(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table if not exists alter_test (c1 int)") tk.MustExec("insert into alter_test values(1)") tk.MustExec("alter table alter_test add column c2 timestamp default current_timestamp") time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) now := time.Now().Add(-time.Duration(1 * time.Second)).Format(types.TimeFormat) r, err := tk.Exec("select c2 from alter_test") c.Assert(err, IsNil) chk := r.NewChunk() err = r.Next(context.Background(), chk) c.Assert(err, IsNil) row := chk.GetRow(0) c.Assert(row.Len(), Equals, 1) c.Assert(now, GreaterEqual, row.GetTime(0).String()) tk.MustExec("alter table alter_test add column c3 varchar(50) default 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'") tk.MustQuery("select c3 from alter_test").Check(testkit.Rows("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")) } func (s *testSuite) TestAddNotNullColumnNoDefault(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table nn (c1 int)") tk.MustExec("insert nn values (1), (2)") tk.MustExec("alter table nn add column c2 int not null") tbl, err := domain.GetDomain(tk.Se).InfoSchema().TableByName(model.NewCIStr("test"), model.NewCIStr("nn")) c.Assert(err, IsNil) col2 := tbl.Meta().Columns[1] c.Assert(col2.DefaultValue, IsNil) c.Assert(col2.OriginDefaultValue, Equals, "0") tk.MustQuery("select * from nn").Check(testkit.Rows("1 0", "2 0")) _, err = tk.Exec("insert nn (c1) values (3)") c.Check(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("set sql_mode=''") tk.MustExec("insert nn (c1) values (3)") tk.MustQuery("select * from nn").Check(testkit.Rows("1 0", "2 0", "3 0")) } func (s *testSuite) TestAlterTableModifyColumn(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("drop table if exists mc") tk.MustExec("create table mc(c1 int, c2 varchar(10))") _, err := tk.Exec("alter table mc modify column c1 short") c.Assert(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("alter table mc modify column c1 bigint") _, err = tk.Exec("alter table mc modify column c2 blob") c.Assert(err, NotNil) _, err = tk.Exec("alter table mc modify column c2 varchar(8)") c.Assert(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("alter table mc modify column c2 varchar(11)") tk.MustExec("alter table mc modify column c2 text(13)") tk.MustExec("alter table mc modify column c2 text") result := tk.MustQuery("show create table mc") createSQL := result.Rows()[0][1] expected := "CREATE TABLE `mc` (\n `c1` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,\n `c2` text DEFAULT NULL\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin" c.Assert(createSQL, Equals, expected) } func (s *testSuite) TestDefaultDBAfterDropCurDB(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) testSQL := `create database if not exists test_db CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;` tk.MustExec(testSQL) testSQL = `use test_db;` tk.MustExec(testSQL) tk.MustQuery(`select database();`).Check(testkit.Rows("test_db")) tk.MustQuery(`select @@character_set_database;`).Check(testkit.Rows("latin1")) tk.MustQuery(`select @@collation_database;`).Check(testkit.Rows("latin1_swedish_ci")) testSQL = `drop database test_db;` tk.MustExec(testSQL) tk.MustQuery(`select database();`).Check(testkit.Rows("<nil>")) tk.MustQuery(`select @@character_set_database;`).Check(testkit.Rows("utf8")) tk.MustQuery(`select @@collation_database;`).Check(testkit.Rows("utf8_unicode_ci")) } func (s *testSuite) TestRenameTable(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("create database rename1") tk.MustExec("create database rename2") tk.MustExec("create database rename3") tk.MustExec("create table rename1.t (a int primary key auto_increment)") tk.MustExec("insert rename1.t values ()") tk.MustExec("rename table rename1.t to rename2.t") // Make sure the drop old database doesn't affect the rename3.t's operations. tk.MustExec("drop database rename1") tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t values ()") tk.MustExec("rename table rename2.t to rename3.t") tk.MustExec("insert rename3.t values ()") tk.MustQuery("select * from rename3.t").Check(testkit.Rows("1", "5001", "10001")) // Make sure the drop old database doesn't affect the rename3.t's operations. tk.MustExec("drop database rename2") tk.MustExec("insert rename3.t values ()") tk.MustQuery("select * from rename3.t").Check(testkit.Rows("1", "5001", "10001", "10002")) tk.MustExec("drop database rename3") tk.MustExec("create database rename1") tk.MustExec("create database rename2") tk.MustExec("create table rename1.t (a int primary key auto_increment)") tk.MustExec("rename table rename1.t to rename2.t1") tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t1 values ()") result := tk.MustQuery("select * from rename2.t1") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1")) // Make sure the drop old database doesn't affect the t1's operations. tk.MustExec("drop database rename1") tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t1 values ()") result = tk.MustQuery("select * from rename2.t1") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1", "2")) // Rename a table to another table in the same database. tk.MustExec("rename table rename2.t1 to rename2.t2") tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t2 values ()") result = tk.MustQuery("select * from rename2.t2") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1", "2", "5001")) tk.MustExec("drop database rename2") tk.MustExec("create database rename1") tk.MustExec("create database rename2") tk.MustExec("create table rename1.t (a int primary key auto_increment)") tk.MustExec("insert rename1.t values ()") tk.MustExec("rename table rename1.t to rename2.t1") // Make sure the value is greater than autoid.step. tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t1 values (100000)") tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t1 values ()") result = tk.MustQuery("select * from rename2.t1") result.Check(testkit.Rows("1", "100000", "100001")) _, err := tk.Exec("insert rename1.t values ()") c.Assert(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("drop database rename1") tk.MustExec("drop database rename2") } func (s *testSuite) TestUnsupportedCharset(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) dbName := "unsupported_charset" tk.MustExec("create database " + dbName) tk.MustExec("use " + dbName) tests := []struct { charset string valid bool }{ {"charset UTF8 collate UTF8_bin", true}, {"charset utf8mb4", true}, {"charset utf16", false}, {"charset latin1", true}, {"charset binary", true}, {"charset ascii", true}, } for i, tt := range tests { sql := fmt.Sprintf("create table t%d (a varchar(10) %s)", i, tt.charset) if tt.valid { tk.MustExec(sql) } else { _, err := tk.Exec(sql) c.Assert(err, NotNil, Commentf(sql)) } } tk.MustExec("drop database " + dbName) } func (s *testSuite) TestTooLargeIdentifierLength(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) // for database. dbName1, dbName2 := strings.Repeat("a", mysql.MaxDatabaseNameLength), strings.Repeat("a", mysql.MaxDatabaseNameLength+1) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("create database %s", dbName1)) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("drop database %s", dbName1)) _, err := tk.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("create database %s", dbName2)) c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, fmt.Sprintf("[ddl:1059]Identifier name '%s' is too long", dbName2)) // for table. tk.MustExec("use test") tableName1, tableName2 := strings.Repeat("b", mysql.MaxTableNameLength), strings.Repeat("b", mysql.MaxTableNameLength+1) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("create table %s(c int)", tableName1)) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("drop table %s", tableName1)) _, err = tk.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("create table %s(c int)", tableName2)) c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, fmt.Sprintf("[ddl:1059]Identifier name '%s' is too long", tableName2)) // for column. tk.MustExec("drop table if exists t;") columnName1, columnName2 := strings.Repeat("c", mysql.MaxColumnNameLength), strings.Repeat("c", mysql.MaxColumnNameLength+1) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("create table t(%s int)", columnName1)) tk.MustExec("drop table t") _, err = tk.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("create table t(%s int)", columnName2)) c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, fmt.Sprintf("[ddl:1059]Identifier name '%s' is too long", columnName2)) // for index. tk.MustExec("create table t(c int);") indexName1, indexName2 := strings.Repeat("d", mysql.MaxIndexIdentifierLen), strings.Repeat("d", mysql.MaxIndexIdentifierLen+1) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("create index %s on t(c)", indexName1)) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("drop index %s on t", indexName1)) _, err = tk.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("create index %s on t(c)", indexName2)) c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, fmt.Sprintf("[ddl:1059]Identifier name '%s' is too long", indexName2)) } func (s *testSuite) TestShardRowIDBits(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table t (a int) shard_row_id_bits = 15") for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("insert t values (%d)", i)) } tbl, err := domain.GetDomain(tk.Se).InfoSchema().TableByName(model.NewCIStr("test"), model.NewCIStr("t")) c.Assert(err, IsNil) var hasShardedID bool var count int c.Assert(tk.Se.NewTxn(), IsNil) err = tbl.IterRecords(tk.Se, tbl.FirstKey(), nil, func(h int64, rec []types.Datum, cols []*table.Column) (more bool, err error) { c.Assert(h, GreaterEqual, int64(0)) first8bits := h >> 56 if first8bits > 0 { hasShardedID = true } count++ return true, nil }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(count, Equals, 100) c.Assert(hasShardedID, IsTrue) // Test that audo_increment column can not use shard_row_id_bits. _, err = tk.Exec("create table auto (id int not null auto_increment primary key) shard_row_id_bits = 4") c.Assert(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("create table auto (id int not null auto_increment primary key) shard_row_id_bits = 0") _, err = tk.Exec("alter table auto shard_row_id_bits = 4") c.Assert(err, NotNil) tk.MustExec("alter table auto shard_row_id_bits = 0") } func (s *testSuite) TestMaxHandleAddIndex(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") tk.MustExec("create table t(a bigint PRIMARY KEY, b int)") tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("insert into t values(%v, 1)", math.MaxInt64)) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("insert into t values(%v, 1)", math.MinInt64)) tk.MustExec("alter table t add index idx_b(b)") tk.MustExec("admin check table t") tk.MustExec("create table t1(a bigint UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, b int)") tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("insert into t1 values(%v, 1)", uint64(math.MaxUint64))) tk.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("insert into t1 values(%v, 1)", 0)) tk.MustExec("alter table t1 add index idx_b(b)") tk.MustExec("admin check table t1") } func (s *testSuite) TestSetDDLReorgWorkerCnt(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store) tk.MustExec("use test") c.Assert(variable.GetDDLReorgWorkerCounter(), Equals, int32(variable.DefTiDBDDLReorgWorkerCount)) tk.MustExec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = 1") c.Assert(variable.GetDDLReorgWorkerCounter(), Equals, int32(1)) tk.MustExec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = 100") c.Assert(variable.GetDDLReorgWorkerCounter(), Equals, int32(100)) _, err := tk.Exec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = invalid_val") c.Assert(terror.ErrorEqual(err, variable.ErrWrongTypeForVar), IsTrue, Commentf("err %v", err)) tk.MustExec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = 100") c.Assert(variable.GetDDLReorgWorkerCounter(), Equals, int32(100)) _, err = tk.Exec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = -1") c.Assert(terror.ErrorEqual(err, variable.ErrWrongValueForVar), IsTrue, Commentf("err %v", err)) tk.MustExec("set tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = 100") res := tk.MustQuery("select @@tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt") res.Check(testkit.Rows("100")) res = tk.MustQuery("select @@global.tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt") res.Check(testkit.Rows(fmt.Sprintf("%v", variable.DefTiDBDDLReorgWorkerCount))) tk.MustExec("set @@global.tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt = 100") res = tk.MustQuery("select @@global.tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt") res.Check(testkit.Rows("100")) }