Youtube to MP3 downloader and converter, uses youtube_dl. Stores mp3 files in Minio or any mc compatible Object Storage (Amazon S3 , Google Cloud Storage, etc.).
Get a Youtube API Key From Google Developers Console as described in this link.
In docker-compose.yml, set the environment variable KEY to the API Key obtained.
Start the stack :
docker-compose up -d
Create a bucket named mp3 in Minio
Go to yt2mp3 frontend, and paste some Youtube video in the input.
Fill the form and click on Download or Add to Minio buttons. The first time the binary mc will be downloaded and configured, so it may take long to have the mp3 file on Minio
- youtube-dl to download videos from youtube.
- lame to encode mp3 files.
- Minio is used to store mp3 files.
- Express for the node server.
- Bull is used to manage queues.
- Redis is used by Bull.
- Argon Design System is used for the frontend.