Build your Zid theme for deployment.
The build
command compiles and packages your Zid theme into a deployable zip file. By default, it assumes the current directory contains the theme and uses the root directory name for the output zip file.
$ themes-cli build [options]
--path <directory>
: Specify the path to the theme directory (default: current directory)--name <name>
: Set a custom name for the output zip file (default: root folder name)
The following structure is required for a valid Zid theme SDK. All mentioned files and folders are mandatory, though some folders (like modules, locals, assets) can be empty.
$ root
┃─── query.json
┃─── layout.twig
┃─── header.twig
┃─── footer.twig
┃─── templates (accepted extensions: [ '.twig' ] )
┃ ┃─── 404.twig
┃ ┃─── home.twig
┃ ┃─── search.twig
┃ ┃─── products.twig
┃ ┃─── product.twig
┃ ┃─── categories.twig
┃ ┃─── category.twig
┃ ┃─── blogs.twig
┃ ┃─── blog.twig
┃ ┃─── faqs.twig
┃ ┃─── cart.twig
┃ ┃─── shipping-and-payments.twig
┃ ┃─── account-addresses.twig
┃ ┃─── account-orders.twig
┃ ┃─── account-profile.twig
┃─── modules (accepted extensions: ['.twig'] )
┃─── common (accepted extensions: ['.twig'] )
┃─── locals (accepted extensions: ['.json'] )
┃─── assets
: Twig template files (accepted extensions:.twig
: Reusable module templates (accepted extensions:.twig
: Common template parts (accepted extensions:.twig
: Localization files (accepted extensions:.json
: Theme assets (see accepted extensions below)
.js, .ts, .css, .scss, .map, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .svg, .woff, .woff2, .otf, .ttf, .eot
Build the theme in the current directory:
$ themes-cli build
Build the theme from a specific path:
$ themes-cli build --path ./my-theme-folder
Build the theme with a custom output name:
$ themes-cli build --name best-theme-ever
Full command with custom path and name:
$ themes-cli build --name best-theme-ever --path ./my-theme-folder
- Ensure your theme follows the required structure before building.
- The build process will validate your theme structure and throw an error if it's invalid.
- If no
is specified, the output zip will be named after the root directory. - Always verify the contents of the generated zip file before deployment.
For more information on theme development and deployment, refer to the Zid Theme Development Documentation.