Thanks for your interest in contributing to this project. There are a few ways you can help:
Do not hesitate to create an issue if you found a bug.
You can also create an issue if you have an idea on how to improve this project.
You can have a look at the existing issues to find bugs that need fixing. Once you found something, you will have to create a pull request with your fix.
Have a look at the README's installation instructions to get a development version of this project running on your machine.
Feature requests also come in the form of issues. If you find anything of interest, feel free to create a pull request with your changes.
Have a look at the README's installation instructions to get a development version of this project running on your machine.
If you want to help and translate the game in your language, here's how you can do it:
- Follow the instructions on how to install a development version.
- Create a copy of an existing folder in
and translate the messages inmessages.ts
. Note that thecards.json
file is automatically generated so you don't have to edit it. Regarding the leaders taunts, you can get them from - Update
constant). - Add your locale to the script in
. - Run the script to fetch the translated cards:
node ./scripts/downloadCards.js
You should now be able to run the game and use your translations. Feel free to open an early PR if you're having trouble with anything!