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Introduction to Webpack

Here I would share my understanding according to the webpack guide . And by the way point out those points that our project touches.

What is Webpack

A JS Static Module bundler.

  1. Bundle dynamically by dependency graph
  2. Bundle static modules
  • An NPM package(so it’s based on Node.js)
  • Not a task runner(e.g. Grunt, Gulp, npm scripts)

Why do we use Webpack

  1. Modulization need while develop.


    • CommonJS — require(‘.a.js’)
    • AMD — requirejs
    • ES6 — import


    • SCSS
    • LESS

    Images, fonts, .etc

  2. After modulized, project files are not runnable by itself.

    • Needs translation, bundling
  3. It’s the result of evolution

    1. NPM Script
      • Out of the box.
      • Too simple, not many hooks available.
    2. Grunt
      • Tasks + dependency
      • Flexible, Reusable plugins that encapsulate common tasks
      • Needs lots of config
    3. Gulp
      • Workflow
      • task, run, watch, src, dest
      • Stronger than Grunt, but also needs lots of config to run.
    4. Webpack
      • Everything is a module.
      • Good at handling modulized projects; Plugins; Active community;
      • Cons: could only adapt to modulized projects.

How to use Web pack

  1. Ways to config

    • npx webpack --param
    • npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
    • npm scripts
  2. Core concepts —Take config file from our project as an example

    • entry What we use as the roots of dependency graph

    • output Define where the bundled files would go to publicPath: When insert bundled files to index.html, the prefix to add before filename. —change it to watch the effect .

    • loaders — Asset Management: CSS/SCSS, Images/Font files, data files

    • plugins — Output Management and others, more powerful than loaders.


      1. Add bundles.
      2. Replace variables
      3. Generate new index.html

      CleanWebpackPlugin -- Clean up before build

Good Practices


  1. Lazy-load
  2. Code splitting — Optimise load time. * Entry Points * Prevent Duplication — CommonsChunkPlugin * Dynamic Imports
  3. Caching * hash
  4. Tree-shaking — UglifyJSPlugin
  5. Source map


  1. DevServer + Hot Module Replacement
  2. Shimming
    • Provide package as global
    • Browser polyfill
  3. Babel — to support ES2015
  4. PWA support, offline web APP

Modulize webpack configs

  1. webpack-merge — divide config to common, develop, production.