Here I would share my understanding according to the webpack guide . And by the way point out those points that our project touches.
A JS Static Module bundler.
- Bundle dynamically by dependency graph
- Bundle static modules
- An NPM package(so it’s based on Node.js)
- Not a task runner(e.g. Grunt, Gulp, npm scripts)
Modulization need while develop.
- CommonJS — require(‘.a.js’)
- AMD — requirejs
- ES6 — import
Images, fonts, .etc
After modulized, project files are not runnable by itself.
- Needs translation, bundling
It’s the result of evolution
- NPM Script
- Out of the box.
- Too simple, not many hooks available.
- Grunt
- Tasks + dependency
- Flexible, Reusable plugins that encapsulate common tasks
- Needs lots of config
- Gulp
- Workflow
- task, run, watch, src, dest
- Stronger than Grunt, but also needs lots of config to run.
- Webpack
- Everything is a module.
- Good at handling modulized projects; Plugins; Active community;
- Cons: could only adapt to modulized projects.
- NPM Script
- npx webpack --param
- npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
- npm scripts
Core concepts —Take config file from our project as an example
entry What we use as the roots of dependency graph
output Define where the bundled files would go to publicPath: When insert bundled files to index.html, the prefix to add before filename. —change it to watch the effect .
loaders — Asset Management: CSS/SCSS, Images/Font files, data files
plugins — Output Management and others, more powerful than loaders.
- Add bundles.
- Replace variables
- Generate new index.html
CleanWebpackPlugin -- Clean up before build
- Lazy-load
- Code splitting — Optimise load time. * Entry Points * Prevent Duplication — CommonsChunkPlugin * Dynamic Imports
- Caching * hash
- Tree-shaking — UglifyJSPlugin
- Source map
- DevServer + Hot Module Replacement
- Shimming
- Provide package as global
- Browser polyfill
- Babel — to support ES2015
- PWA support, offline web APP
- webpack-merge — divide config to common, develop, production.