Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- MNIST on Kubeflow
- MNIST on Kubeflow on GCP
- MNIST on Kubeflow on AWS
- MNIST on Kubeflow on IBM Cloud
- MNIST on Kubeflow on Vanilla k8s
This example guides you through the process of taking an example model, modifying it to run better within Kubeflow, and serving the resulting trained model.
Follow the version of the guide that is specific to how you have deployed Kubeflow
- MNIST on Kubeflow on GCP
- MNIST on Kubeflow on AWS
- MNIST on Kubeflow on IBM Cloud
- MNIST on Kubeflow on vanilla k8s
- MNIST on other platforms
Follow these instructions to run the MNIST tutorial on GCP
Follow the GCP instructions to deploy Kubeflow with IAP
Launch a Jupyter notebook
- The tutorial has been tested using the Jupyter Tensorflow 1.15 image
Launch a terminal in Jupyter and clone the kubeflow examples repo
git clone git_kubeflow-examples
Tip When you start a terminal in Jupyter, run the command
to start a bash terminal which is much more friendly then the default shell -
Tip You can change the URL from '/tree' to '/lab' to switch to using Jupyterlab
Open the notebook
Follow the notebook to train and deploy MNIST on Kubeflow
Follow these instructions to run the MNIST tutorial on AWS
Follow the AWS instructions to deploy Kubeflow on AWS
Launch a Jupyter notebook
- The tutorial has been tested using the Jupyter Tensorflow 1.15 image
Launch a terminal in Jupyter and clone the kubeflow examples repo
git clone git_kubeflow-examples
Tip When you start a terminal in Jupyter, run the command
to start a bash terminal which is much more friendly then the default shell -
Tip You can change the URL from '/tree' to '/lab' to switch to using Jupyterlab
Open the notebook
Follow the notebook to train and deploy MNIST on Kubeflow
Follow these instructions to run the MNIST tutorial on IBM Cloud
Follow the IBM Cloud instructions to deploy Kubeflow on IBM Cloud
Launch a Jupyter notebook
- For IBM Cloud, the default NFS storage does not support some of the Python package installation. Therefore, we need to create the notebook with
Don't use Persistent Storage for User's home
. - Due to the Notebook user permission issue, we need to use custom images that were working in the previous version.
- The tutorial has been tested on image:
- The tutorial has been tested on image:
- For IBM Cloud, the default NFS storage does not support some of the Python package installation. Therefore, we need to create the notebook with
Launch a terminal in Jupyter and clone the kubeflow examples repo
git clone git_kubeflow-examples
Tip When you start a terminal in Jupyter, run the command
to start a bash terminal which is much more friendly then the default shell -
Tip You can change the URL from '/tree' to '/lab' to switch to using Jupyterlab
Open the notebook
Follow the notebook to train and deploy MNIST on Kubeflow
Follow these instructions to deploy Kubeflow.
Launch a Jupyter Notebook
- The tutorial is run on Jupyter Tensorflow 1.15 image.
- Launch a terminal in Jupyter and clone the kubeflow/examples repo
git clone git_kubeflow-examples
Open the notebook
Follow the notebook to train and deploy on MNIST on Kubeflow
Kaniko is used by fairing to build the model every time the notebook is run and deploy a fresh model. The newly built image is pushed into the DOCKER_REGISTRY and pulled from there by subsequent resources.
Get your docker registry user and password encoded in base64
echo -n USER:PASSWORD | base64
Create a config.json file with your Docker registry url and the previous generated base64 string
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
kubectl create --namespace ${NAMESPACE} configmap docker-config --from-file=<path to config.json>
Source documentation: Kaniko docs