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File metadata and controls

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ZeroBounce PHP SDK

This SDK contains methods for interacting easily with ZeroBounce API. More information about ZeroBounce can be find in the official documentation.


To install the SDK you will need to use composer in your project. If you're not using composer, you can install it like so:

curl -sS | php
# or
sudo apt install -y composer

To install the SDK with composer, run:

composer install zero-bounce/sdk
composer require zero-bounce/sdk


This package is Laravel compatible as is:

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-zero-bounce-test
composer require zero-bounce/sdk
php artisan make:command ZeroBounceTest
namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use ZeroBounce\SDK\ZeroBounce;

class ZeroBounceTest extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'app:zero-bounce-test';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command description';

     * Execute the console command.
    public function handle()
        $response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getCredits();
$ php artisan app:zero-bounce-test
ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetCreditsResponse Object
    [credits] => -1

However, this package is framework agnostic, so if you need it implemented in a service provider class, you'll need to implement it.


  • include the SDK in your file (you should always use Composer's autoloader in your application to automatically load your dependencies)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ZeroBounce\SDK\ZeroBounce;
  • initialize the SDK with your API key

Method documentation

  • Verify an email address:
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBValidateResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validate(
                "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>",              // The email address you want to validate
                "<IP_ADDRESS>"                  // The IP Address the email signed up from (Can be blank)

// can be: valid, invalid, catch-all, unknown, spamtrap, abuse, do_not_mail
$status = $response->status;
  • Verify a batch of email addresses:
/** @var response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBBatchValidateResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validateBatch([
		"EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", 		// Email address that needs to be validated
// or
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validateBatch([
		["EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", "IP_ADDRESS_1"],	// Email and IP address that need to be validated
// => 
$response->emailBatch 	// array of ZBValidateReponse type objects
  • Check how many credits you have left on your account
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetCreditsResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getCredits();
$credits = $response->credits;
  • Check your API usage for a given period of time
$startDate = new DateTime("-1 month"); // The start date of when you want to view API usage
$endDate = new DateTime();             // The end date of when you want to view API usage

/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBApiUsageResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getApiUsage($startDate, $endDate);
$usage = $response->total;
  • Check the activity of a subscriber given their email account
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBActivityResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getActivity("<EMAIL_ADDRESS>");
$active_in_days = $response->activeInDays;
  • Send a file for bulk email validation
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBSendFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->sendFile(
    "<FILE_PATH>",              // The csv or txt file
    "<EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN>",   // The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts at 1
    "<RETURN_URL>",             // The URL will be used as a callback after the file is sent
    "<FIRST_NAME_COLUMN>",      // The column index of the user's first name in the file
    "<LAST_NAME_COLUMN>",       // The column index of the user's last name in the file
    "<GENDER_COLUMN>",          // The column index of the user's gender in the file
    "<IP_ADDRESS_COLUMN>",      // The column index of the IP address in the file
    "<HAS_HEADER_ROW>"          // If the first row from the submitted file is a header row. True or False
$fileId = $response->fileId;    // e.g. "aaaaaaaa-zzzz-xxxx-yyyy-5003727fffff"
  • Check the status of a file uploaded via "sendFile" method
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";   // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBFileStatusResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->fileStatus($fileId);
$status = $response->fileStatus;    // e.g. "Complete"
  • Get the validation results file for the file been submitted using sendfile API
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";              // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
$downloadPath = "<DOWNLOAD_PATH>";  // The path where the file will be downloaded
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getFile($fileId, $downloadPath);
$localPath = $response->localFilePath;
  • Deletes the file that was submitted using scoring sendfile API. File can be deleted only when its status is Complete
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";              // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBDeleteFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->deleteFile($fileId);
$success = $response->success;      // True / False

AI Scoring API

  • The scoring sendfile API allows a user to send a file for bulk email scoring
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBSendFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringSendFile(
    "<FILE_PATH>",              // The csv or txt file
    "<EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN>",   // The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts at 1
    "<RETURN_URL>",             // The URL will be used as a callback after the file is sent
    "<HAS_HEADER_ROW>"          // If the first row from the submitted file is a header row. True or False
$fileId = $response->fileId;    // e.g. "aaaaaaaa-zzzz-xxxx-yyyy-5003727fffff"
  • Check the status of a file uploaded via "scoringSendFile" method
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";   // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBFileStatusResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringFileStatus($fileId);
$status = $response->fileStatus;    // e.g. "Complete"
  • Get the validation results file for the file been submitted using scoringSendfile API
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";              // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
$downloadPath = "<DOWNLOAD_PATH>";  // The path where the file will be downloaded
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringGetFile($fileId, $downloadPath);
$localPath = $response->localFilePath;
  • Deletes the file that was submitted using scoringSendfile API. File can be deleted only when its status is Complete
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>";              // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBDeleteFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringDeleteFile($fileId);
$success = $response->success;      // True / False

Email Finder API

  • Guess the format of email addresses for a domain
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->guessFormat(
        $domain, $firstname, $middlename, $lastname);
$email = $response->email;


Install required PHP modules

sudo apt install -y php-curl php-dom php-xml php-xmlwriter

Install development dependencies

composer install --dev

Run tests

./vendor/bin/phpunit test