BrutalPyWebUI is a brutalist async Python framework for building utilitarian desktop applications that require a tried-and-true web-based cross-platform interface with realtime capabilities and no hassle.
BrutalPyWebUI exposes a basic web interface bound to a host and port of your choice, and provides you a selection of very basic utility functions to update the DOM on the frontend from your Python backend, as well as a few global javascript functions for quickly grabbing data from the interface on the frontend and sending it to the backend.
BrutalPyWebUI depends only on:
BrutalPyWebUI bundles only:
- a default favicon (the Pyton logo)
- a default font (JetBrains Mono Regular)
- a default css reset (Normalize.css)
Note that you can disable all three separately.
There are three main approaches in regards to actually building the user interface:
Write most of your logic in Python and use the UI
as a barebones interface that sends events by calling
the special global _wuiEvent()
function from a script
or an onclick attribute, etc., and gets updated
on-demand, from your Python code, by calling any
of the wui.el_*()
or wui.pg_*()
utility functions.
Use Python-land as more of a complementary backend and
inject heavier javascript and css that can contain
anything from logic and styling for basic web components
to the bundled code of a full-fledged React app. Note that
any js you inject using base_js
in the constructor
is injected after the definitions for the global _wui*()
so they will not be overriden and you can call them normally
from within your app. You could also just use asset_handler
to serve your scripts along with other files.
The idea is to give the developer a sturdy platform to build upon, expanding freely as needed, without highly specific enforced patterns.
pip install brutalpywebui
import typing as t
from brutalpywebui import BrutalPyWebUI
example_html = '''
<input id="inp_regular_txt" value="Updated value" />
<button onclick="_wuiEvent('btn_press', _wuiVal('#inp_regular_txt'))">{{ button_text }}</button>
<div>Result: <span id="txt_result">Old value</span></div>
<div>Ticker: <span id="txt_ticker">{{ ticker_text }}</span></div>
example_css = '''
body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
padding: 30px 20px;
body > * {
width: 100%;
height: 24px;
max-width: 300px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 0;
border: none;
outline: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
body > input {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 0 3px;
wui: BrutalPyWebUI | None = None
ticker = 0
async def on_background():
global ticker
ticker += 1
await wui.el_set_text(["#txt_ticker"], str(ticker))
async def on_event(event: str, data: t.Any):
match event:
case "btn_press":
await wui.el_set_text(["#txt_result"], data)
case _:
async def on_init():
# this uses Jinja2 templates
await wui.el_set_html_templ(
button_text="Press me!",
wui = BrutalPyWebUI(
background_interval=5.2, # seconds
# these are the default host and port
# specified here for the sake of the example"localhost", port=7865)
The run() method uses and is meant to be run on the main thread. The app will not be served until run() is called.
async def on_init():
async def on_event(name: str, data: t.Any):
async def on_asset(asset_name: str):
# served at yourhost:port/assets/<asset_name>
asset_bytes, content_type = mock_read_asset(asset_name)
return asset_bytes, content_type
wui = BrutalPyWebUI(
background_interval=5.2, # seconds
base_css=lambda: mock_read_asset("bundle.css") # or pass str directly,
base_js=lambda: mock_read_asset("bundle.js") # or pass str directly,
page_lang=lambda: "en", # or pass str directly,
page_encoding=lambda: "UTF-8", # or pass str directly,
page_viewport=lambda: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", # or pass str directly,
debug=False, # print debug logs where applicable
-- title of the page.init_handler(async()->None)
-- coroutine to run on init.event_handler(async(str,Any)->None)
-- coroutine to handle your custom events from the frontend.asset_handler(async(str)->(asset_content(Any), content_type(str)))
-- coroutine to handle serving your custom assets for the frontend.background_handler(async()->None)
-- coroutine called periodically in the background controlled by the background_interval arg.background_interval(float)
-- how often (in seconds with subsecond precision) to call the background_handler.base_css(str|()->str)
-- css string to inject in the main css file for the frontend.base_js(str|()->str)
-- js string to inject into the main js file for the frontend.inject_python_favicon(bool)
-- whether to use a default favicon.inject_jetbrains_font(bool)
-- whether to use the JetBrains Mono Regular font.inject_normalize_css(bool)
-- whether to inject NormalizeCSS into the main css file for the frontend.page_websocket_use_tls(bool)
-- whether to use wss instead of ws for the websocket connection on the frontend.page_lang(str)
-- the lang attribute for the html tag.page_encoding(str)
-- the encoding of the page, normally you should not change this.page_viewport(str)
-- the value for the viewport meta tag, normally you should not change this unless having responsive issues with CSS.debug(bool)
-- whether to print debug logs where applicable.
Append text to the current el.innerText of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_text(['#my_element'], 'Hello')
await wui.el_append_text(['#my_element'], ' there')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing any text.
Append text to the current el.value of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_value(['#my_input'], 'Hello')
await wui.el_append_value(['#my_input'], ' there')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing any text.
Add a class to el.classList on one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_class_add(['#my_element'], 'my_custom_class')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for
-- name of the class.
Remove a class from el.classList on one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_class_remove(['#my_element'], 'my_custom_class')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for
-- name of the class.
Disable an element using el.disabled. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_disable(['#some_input', '#some_button'])
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.
Enable an element disabled using el.disabled. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_enable(['#some_input', '#some_button'])
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.
Use el.setAttribute on one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_attribute(['#my_element'], 'data-something', 'the value')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for
-- name of the attribute.content(str)
-- value of the attribute.
Evaluate a Jinja2 template string and set the el.innerHTML of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_html_templ(
'<div>{{ content }}</div>',
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing a Jinja2 template.
Directly set the el.innerHTML of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_html_unsafe(['#my_element'], '<div>Stuff</div>')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing html.
Set a property on on one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_style(['#my_element'], 'backgroundColor', 'lightgray')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for
-- name of the style attribute (camelCase).content(str)
-- value of the attribute.
Directly set the el.innerText of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_text(['#my_element'], 'Hello there')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing raw text.
Set the el.value of one or more targets. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.el_set_value(['#my_input'], 'Hello')
-- querySelectorAll selectors for targeting.content(str)
-- a string containing any text.
Eval a js string on the frontend. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.pg_eval('call_some_javascript()')
-- the js string
Set the title of the page dynamically. Affects all connected instances.
await wui.pg_set_title('A New Title')
-- the page title
Run the BrutalPyWebUI app at host on port.
await"localhost", port=7865)
-- hostname.port(int)
-- port number.
Send an event to your event_handler
on the backend.
_wuiEvent('my_event', ['some', 'data'])
-- name of your eventdata(any)
-- json-compatible object to send with your event
Returns el.value
of an element.
-- querySelector selector
Returns el.checked
of an element.
-- querySelector selector
Returns el.selected
of an element.
-- querySelector selector