diff --git a/pkg/vcs/github_client/message.go b/pkg/vcs/github_client/message.go
index f875fdd5..015eda6a 100644
--- a/pkg/vcs/github_client/message.go
+++ b/pkg/vcs/github_client/message.go
@@ -16,7 +16,75 @@ import (
-const MaxCommentLength = 64 * 1024
+const (
+ MaxCommentLength = 64 * 1024
+ // Using string concatenation for better code readability.
+ // Cannot use raw string literal (backticks) here as the separators themselves contain backticks.
+ sepStart = "Continued from previous comment.\n" +
+ "Show Output
\n\n" +
+ "```diff\n"
+ sepEnd = "\n```\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ "
\n\n" +
+ "**Warning**: Output length greater than maximum allowed comment size. Continued in next comment."
+// splitComment splits the given comment into chunks from the beginning,
+// ensuring that each decorated chunk does not exceed maxSize.
+// - The first chunk has no prefix but, if not the only chunk, is suffixed with sepEnd.
+// - Subsequent chunks are prefixed with sepStart. If they’re not final, they are also suffixed with sepEnd.
+// This forward‐splitting approach preserves the beginning of the comment.
+func splitComment(comment string, maxSize int, sepEnd string, sepStart string) []string {
+ // Guard: If the comment fits in one chunk, return it unsplit.
+ if len(comment) <= maxSize {
+ return []string{comment}
+ }
+ // Guard: if maxSize is too small to accommodate even one raw character with decorations,
+ // return the unsplit comment.
+ if maxSize < len(sepEnd)+1 || maxSize < len(sepStart)+1 {
+ return []string{comment}
+ }
+ // Check if we have capacity for subsequent chunks
+ if maxSize-len(sepStart)-len(sepEnd) <= 0 {
+ // No room for raw text if we try to use both prefix and suffix
+ // => fallback to unsplit
+ return []string{comment}
+ }
+ var parts []string
+ // Process the first chunk.
+ // For the first chunk (if a split is needed) we reserve space for sepEnd only.
+ firstRawCapacity := maxSize - len(sepEnd)
+ firstChunkRaw := comment[0:firstRawCapacity]
+ parts = append(parts, firstChunkRaw+sepEnd)
+ i := firstRawCapacity
+ // Process subsequent chunks.
+ for i < len(comment) {
+ remaining := len(comment) - i
+ // If the remaining text fits in one final chunk (with only the sepStart prefix),
+ // then create that final chunk without a trailing sepEnd.
+ if remaining <= maxSize-len(sepStart) {
+ parts = append(parts, sepStart+comment[i:])
+ break
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, for a non-final chunk, reserve space for both prefix and suffix.
+ rawCapacity := maxSize - len(sepStart) - len(sepEnd)
+ // The following slice is guaranteed to be in range because we only land here
+ // if remaining > maxSize - len(sepStart). Consequently, rawCapacity <= remaining,
+ // ensuring i+rawCapacity is within the comment's length.
+ chunk := sepStart + comment[i:i+rawCapacity] + sepEnd
+ parts = append(parts, chunk)
+ i += rawCapacity
+ }
+ }
+ return parts
func (c *Client) PostMessage(ctx context.Context, pr vcs.PullRequest, message string) (*msg.Message, error) {
_, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "PostMessageToMergeRequest")
@@ -27,6 +95,11 @@ func (c *Client) PostMessage(ctx context.Context, pr vcs.PullRequest, message st
message = message[:MaxCommentLength]
+ if err := c.deleteLatestRunningComment(ctx, pr); err != nil {
+ log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to delete latest 'kubechecks running' comment")
+ return nil, err
+ }
log.Debug().Msgf("Posting message to PR %d in repo %s", pr.CheckID, pr.FullName)
comment, _, err := c.googleClient.Issues.CreateComment(
@@ -48,30 +121,72 @@ func (c *Client) UpdateMessage(ctx context.Context, m *msg.Message, msg string)
_, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "UpdateMessage")
defer span.End()
- if len(msg) > MaxCommentLength {
- log.Warn().Int("original_length", len(msg)).Msg("trimming the comment size")
- msg = msg[:MaxCommentLength]
+ comments := splitComment(msg, MaxCommentLength, sepEnd, sepStart)
+ owner, repo, ok := strings.Cut(m.Name, "/")
+ if !ok {
+ e := fmt.Errorf("invalid GitHub repository name: no '/' in %q", m.Name)
+ telemetry.SetError(span, e, "Invalid GitHub full repository name")
+ log.Error().Err(e).Msg("invalid GitHub repository name")
+ return e
- log.Info().Msgf("Updating message for PR %d in repo %s", m.CheckID, m.Name)
+ pr := vcs.PullRequest{
+ Owner: owner,
+ Name: repo,
+ CheckID: m.CheckID,
+ FullName: m.Name,
+ }
- repoNameComponents := strings.Split(m.Name, "/")
- comment, resp, err := c.googleClient.Issues.EditComment(
- ctx,
- repoNameComponents[0],
- repoNameComponents[1],
- int64(m.NoteID),
- &github.IssueComment{Body: &msg},
- )
+ log.Debug().Msgf("Updating message in PR %d in repo %s", pr.CheckID, pr.FullName)
- if err != nil {
- telemetry.SetError(span, err, "Update Pull Request comment")
- log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not update message to PR, msg: %s, response: %+v", msg, resp)
+ if err := c.deleteLatestRunningComment(ctx, pr); err != nil {
return err
- // update note id just in case it changed
- m.NoteID = int(*comment.ID)
+ for _, comment := range comments {
+ cc, _, err := c.googleClient.Issues.CreateComment(
+ ctx, owner, repo, m.CheckID, &github.IssueComment{Body: &comment},
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ telemetry.SetError(span, err, "Update Pull Request comment")
+ log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not post updated message comment to PR")
+ return err
+ }
+ m.NoteID = int(*cc.ID)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (c *Client) deleteLatestRunningComment(ctx context.Context, pr vcs.PullRequest) error {
+ _, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "deleteLatestRunningComment")
+ defer span.End()
+ existingComments, resp, err := c.googleClient.Issues.ListComments(
+ ctx, pr.Owner, pr.Name, pr.CheckID, &github.IssueListCommentsOptions{
+ Sort: pkg.Pointer("created"),
+ Direction: pkg.Pointer("asc"),
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ telemetry.SetError(span, err, "List Pull Request comments")
+ log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not retrieve existing PR comments, response: %+v", resp)
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to list comments: %w", err)
+ }
+ // Find and delete the first running comment.
+ for _, existingComment := range existingComments {
+ if existingComment.Body != nil && strings.Contains(*existingComment.Body, ":hourglass: kubechecks running ... ") {
+ log.Debug().Msgf("Deleting 'kubechecks running' comment with ID %d", *existingComment.ID)
+ if r, e := c.googleClient.Issues.DeleteComment(ctx, pr.Owner, pr.Name, *existingComment.ID); e != nil {
+ telemetry.SetError(span, e, "Delete Pull Request comment")
+ log.Error().Err(e).Msgf("failed to delete 'kubechecks running' comment, response: %+v", r)
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete 'kubechecks running' comment: %w", e)
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
return nil
@@ -105,7 +220,7 @@ func (c *Client) hideOutdatedMessages(ctx context.Context, pr vcs.PullRequest, c
for _, comment := range comments {
if strings.EqualFold(comment.GetUser().GetLogin(), c.username) || strings.Contains(*comment.Body, fmt.Sprintf("Kubechecks %s Report", c.cfg.Identifier)) {
- // Github API does not expose minimizeComment API. IT's only available from the GraphQL API
+ // GitHub API does not expose minimizeComment API. It's only available from the GraphQL API
// https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/reference/mutations#minimizecomment
var m struct {
MinimizeComment struct {
diff --git a/pkg/vcs/github_client/nessage_test.go b/pkg/vcs/github_client/nessage_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1938e844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/vcs/github_client/nessage_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package github_client
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestSplitComment(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ thousandA := strings.Repeat("a", 1000)
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ comment string
+ maxSize int
+ sepEnd string
+ sepStart string
+ want []string
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "EmptyComment",
+ comment: "",
+ maxSize: 10,
+ sepEnd: "-E",
+ sepStart: "-S",
+ want: []string{""},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "ExactFit_NoSplit",
+ comment: "exact_fit",
+ maxSize: len("exact_fit"),
+ sepEnd: "-E",
+ sepStart: "-S",
+ want: []string{"exact_fit"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "UnderMax_NoSplit",
+ comment: "comment under max size",
+ maxSize: len("comment under max size") + 1,
+ sepEnd: "sepEnd",
+ sepStart: "sepStart",
+ want: []string{"comment under max size"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "TwoComments",
+ comment: thousandA,
+ // Force a split by choosing maxSize just under the full length.
+ // Calculation:
+ // For a 1000-character comment and maxSize = 1000 - 1 = 999:
+ // - The first chunk raw capacity = 999 - len(sepEnd).
+ // With sepEnd = "-sepEnd" (length 7), firstRawCapacity = 999 - 7 = 992.
+ // Thus, first chunk = thousandA[0:992] + "-sepEnd".
+ // - The remaining raw text is thousandA[992:1000] (8 characters).
+ // For the final chunk, we only need to add the prefix.
+ // Final chunk = sepStart + thousandA[992:].
+ maxSize: len(thousandA) - 1, // 999
+ sepEnd: "-sepEnd",
+ sepStart: "-sepStart",
+ want: func() []string {
+ firstRawCapacity := 999 - len("-sepEnd") // 999 - 7 = 992
+ firstChunk := thousandA[:firstRawCapacity] + "-sepEnd"
+ secondChunk := "-sepStart" + thousandA[firstRawCapacity:]
+ return []string{firstChunk, secondChunk}
+ }(),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "FourComments",
+ comment: thousandA,
+ sepEnd: "-sepEnd",
+ sepStart: "-sepStart",
+ // For splitting into four chunks:
+ // Set maxSize = (len(thousandA)/4) + len(sepEnd) + len(sepStart).
+ // For thousandA of length 1000, with sepEnd length 7 and sepStart length 9:
+ // maxSize = (1000/4) + 7 + 9 = 250 + 16 = 266.
+ // Then:
+ // - First chunk raw capacity = 266 - len(sepEnd) = 266 - 7 = 259.
+ // First chunk = thousandA[0:259] + "-sepEnd".
+ // - Subsequent non-final chunks have raw capacity = 266 - 9 - 7 = 250.
+ // - Second chunk = "-sepStart" + thousandA[259:259+250] + "-sepEnd".
+ // - Third chunk = "-sepStart" + thousandA[509:509+250] + "-sepEnd".
+ // - Final chunk = "-sepStart" + thousandA[759:].
+ maxSize: (1000 / 4) + 7 + 9, // 266
+ want: func() []string {
+ firstRawCapacity := 266 - 7 // 259
+ chunk1 := thousandA[:firstRawCapacity] + "-sepEnd"
+ // For subsequent chunks, raw capacity = 266 - 9 - 7 = 250.
+ rawCapacity := 266 - 9 - 7 // 250
+ chunk2 := "-sepStart" + thousandA[firstRawCapacity:firstRawCapacity+rawCapacity] + "-sepEnd"
+ chunk3 := "-sepStart" + thousandA[firstRawCapacity+rawCapacity:firstRawCapacity+2*rawCapacity] + "-sepEnd"
+ chunk4 := "-sepStart" + thousandA[firstRawCapacity+2*rawCapacity:]
+ return []string{chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, chunk4}
+ }(),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "MaxSizeTooSmall_ReturnUnsplit",
+ comment: "Hello, world!",
+ // When maxSize is too small to fit even one raw character plus the decorations,
+ // the function should return the original unsplit comment.
+ // For example, if sepEnd = "ZZ" (length 2) and sepStart = "TOP" (length 3),
+ // then we require at least maxSize >= 2+1 = 3 for first chunk
+ // and maxSize >= 3+1 = 4 for subsequent chunks.
+ // Here we set maxSize to 5 (which is borderline) and expect unsplit output.
+ maxSize: 5,
+ sepEnd: "ZZ",
+ sepStart: "TOP",
+ want: []string{"Hello, world!"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "MaxSizeTooSmall_UnsplitFallback",
+ comment: "abc",
+ // sepEnd="YYZ" => length=3 => we need at least 4 to store 1 raw char + suffix
+ // maxSize=2 => triggers the fallback to unsplit.
+ maxSize: 2,
+ sepEnd: "YYZ",
+ sepStart: "S",
+ want: []string{"abc"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "NewlinesInComment", // Test with newlines to verify they are preserved.
+ comment: "line1\nline2\nline3",
+ maxSize: 20, // Comment fits unsplit.
+ sepEnd: "--E--",
+ sepStart: "--S--",
+ want: []string{"line1\nline2\nline3"},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ got := splitComment(tt.comment, tt.maxSize, tt.sepEnd, tt.sepStart)
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
+ t.Errorf("%s:\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", tt.name, got, tt.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestSplitComment_RealSeparators uses real production separator values and maximum comment length.
+// This integration-style test verifies that with the actual production values:
+// - No chunk exceeds MaxCommentLength.
+// - The first chunk does not have the prefix (sepStart).
+// - The final chunk does not have the suffix (sepEnd).
+func TestSplitComment_RealSeparators(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a long comment that exceeds MaxCommentLength.
+ comment := strings.Repeat("a", MaxCommentLength+100)
+ got := splitComment(comment, MaxCommentLength, sepEnd, sepStart)
+ // Verify that none of the chunks exceed MaxCommentLength.
+ for i, part := range got {
+ if len(part) > MaxCommentLength {
+ t.Errorf("Chunk %d exceeds MaxCommentLength: len=%d", i, len(part))
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that the first chunk does not have the sepStart prefix.
+ if len(got) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(got[0], sepStart) {
+ t.Errorf("First chunk should not start with sepStart")
+ }
+ // Verify that the final chunk does not have the sepEnd suffix.
+ if len(got) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(got[len(got)-1], sepEnd) {
+ t.Errorf("Final chunk should not end with sepEnd")
+ }