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Learn the basics of fhEVM, set it up, and make it run with ease.
## Develop a fhEVM smart contract
Start developing fhEVM smart contracts in Solidity by exploring its core features, discovering essential guides, and learning more with user-friendly tutorials.
## Explore more
Access to additional resources and join the Zama community.
+### Explanations
+Explore the technical architecture of the fhEVM protocol and the underlying cryptographic principles that power it.
+- [Architecture overview](smart_contracts/architecture_overview.md)
+- [FHE on blockchain](smart_contracts/architecture_overview/fhe-on-blockchain.md)
+- [fhEVM components](smart_contracts/architecture_overview/fhevm-components.md)
+- [Encryption, decryption re-encryption and computation](smart_contracts/d_re_ecrypt_compute.md)
### References
Refer to the API and access additional resources for in-depth explanations while working with fhEVM.
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# Table of contents
- [Welcome to fhEVM](README.md)
-- [Whitepaper](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/fhevm-whitepaper-v2.pdf)
+- [White paper](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/fhevm-whitepaper-v2.pdf)
## Getting Started
-- [Overview](getting_started/overview.md)
-- [Quick start](getting_started/quick_start/overview.md)
- - [1. Setting up Remix](getting_started/quick_start/remix.md)
- - [2. Connect your wallet to Remix](getting_started/quick_start/connect_wallet.md)
- - [3. Deploying ConfidentialERC20](getting_started/quick_start/deploying_cerc20.md)
- - [4. Interacting with the contract](getting_started/quick_start/interact.md)
+- [Overview](getting-started/overview.md)
+- [Quick Start](getting-started/overview-1/overview.md)
+ - [Remix](getting-started/overview-1/remix/README.md)
+ - [1. Setting up Remix](getting-started/overview-1/remix/remix.md)
+ - [2. Connect your wallet to Remix](getting-started/overview-1/remix/connect_wallet.md)
+ - [3. Deploying ConfidentialERC20](getting-started/overview-1/remix/deploying_cerc20.md)
+ - [4. Interacting with the contract](getting-started/overview-1/remix/interact.md)
+ - [Hardhat](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/README.md)
+ - [Prerequisites](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/prerequisites.md)
+ - [1. Setting up Hardhat](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/1.-setting-up-hardhat.md)
+ - [2. Writing contracts](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/2.-writing-contracts.md)
+ - [3. Testing in mocked mode](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/3.-testing-in-mocked-mode.md)
+ - [4. Deploying the contract](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/4.-deploying-the-contract.md)
+ - [5. Interacting with the contract](getting-started/overview-1/hardhat/5.-interacting-with-the-contract.md)
## Tutorials
-- [Tutorial: Setting up Hardhat](tutorials/hardhat.md)
- [See all tutorials](tutorials/see-all-tutorials.md)
## Smart contract
@@ -31,7 +38,7 @@
- [Decryption](smart_contracts/decryption/decrypt.md)
- [Decryption in depth](smart_contracts/decryption/decrypt_details.md)
- [Re-encryption](smart_contracts/decryption/reencryption.md)
-- [If sentances](smart_contracts/loop.md)
+- [If sentences](smart_contracts/loop.md)
- [Branching in FHE](smart_contracts/conditions.md)
- [AsEbool, asEuintXX, asEaddress and asEbytesXX operations](smart_contracts/asEXXoperators.md)
- [Generate random numbers](smart_contracts/random.md)
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+# 1. Setting up Hardhat
+This guide walks you through setting up your Hardhat environment using Zama's fhEVM Hardhat template.
+## Step 1: Clone the Hardhat template
+1. Open the repository: [Zama fhEVM Hardhat Template](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template)
+2. Click "Use this template" to create a new repository under your GitHub account.
+3. Clone the repository you have created to your local environment
+4. Copy the repository URL of your newly created repository.
+5. Open a terminal and run:
+git clone
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_1__M1Gjr6SAQuOsPyT7luekmw?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+## Step 2: Configure the environment
+1. Copy the environment configuration template:
+ ```sh
+ cp .env.example .env
+ ```
+2. Install project dependencies: Depending on your package manager, run one of the following:
+ ```sh
+ # Using npm
+ npm install
+ # Using yarn
+ yarn install
+ # Using pnpm
+ pnpm install
+ ```
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_2_Copy__dIIvxIkrTPWTMD-A9s3Twg?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+## Project structure overview
+- **`contracts/`**: Write your Solidity smart contracts here.
+- **`test/`**: Place your test scripts for smart contract testing.
+- **`deploy/`**: Deployment scripts for deploying your contracts.
+- **`hardhat.config.js`**: The pre-configured Hardhat setup file for deploying on Sepolia.
+- **`.env`:** The environment file that stores sensitive or environment-specific variables such as private keys and API keys.
+To learn more about Hardhat, refer to the [official Hardhat documentation](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/docs/getting-started#overview).
+You are now ready to start building your confidential smart contracts with fhEVM!
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+# 2. Writing contracts
+This document explains how to write confidential smart contract using fhEVM in Hardhat projects.
+## Prerequisites
+Before proceeding, ensure you have:
+- A working Hardhat environment set up (see [previous section](1.-setting-up-hardhat.md)).
+- Basic knowledge of Solidity.
+- An understanding of ERC20 tokens.
+## Understanding the example contract
+The Hardhat template includes an example contract in the `contracts/` folder - `MyConfidentialERC20.sol`. This contract enables:
+- Private ERC20 token transfers.
+- Encrypted balances.
+- Minting functionality for authorized addresses.
+Let's break down the contract.
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Contract__WHzYcFfeQp-wamyKwJVDhw?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+### Step 1. Importing required libraries and contracts.
+pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
+import "fhevm/lib/TFHE.sol";
+import "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
+import "fhevm-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ConfidentialERC20Mintable.sol";
+- **`TFHE.sol`**: The core Solidity library of Zama's fhEVM. It enables encrypted data type like `euint64`, secures encrypted operations, such as addition and comparison and allows access control.
+- **`SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig`**: A configuration contract that automatically sets up the required configurations for real-time encrypted operations on the Sepolia testnet.
+- **`ConfidentialERC20Mintable.sol`** : The confidential smart contract that allows for full ERC20 compatibility with FHE encryption.
+### Step 2. Contract construction
+contract MyConfidentialERC20 is SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig, ConfidentialERC20Mintable {
+ constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) ConfidentialERC20Mintable(name_, symbol_, msg.sender) {}
+- This contract inherits `SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig` and `ConfidentialERC20Mintable`.
+- The constructor initializes the ERC20 token with a name and symbol, setting the deployer as the initial owner.
+## Going further
+This is a simple basic contract that we will deploy and use in this tutorial. To write more complex confidential smart contracts or customize your own functions:
+- Explore the full range of fhEVM capabilities in the [**Smart Contract**](../../../smart_contracts/key_concepts.md) section.
+- Use the **`fhevm-contracts`** library and extend from the basic contract templates.
+{% hint style="info" %}
+The **fhevm-contracts** is a Solidity library designed for developers to easily develop confidential smart contracts using fhEVM. It provides:
+- **Ready-to-use confidential contracts**: Pre-built implementations of common token standards with FHE capabilities
+- **Base contracts**: Foundational building blocks for creating custom confidential smart contracts
+- **Extensions**: Additional features and utilities that can be added to base contracts
+- **Testing utilities**: Tools to help test FHE-enabled smart contracts
+See more details in [the fhEVM-contracts documentation](../../../smart_contracts/contracts.md).
+{% endhint %}
+Your contract is ready! Let's move on to testing and deployment.
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+# 3. Testing in mocked mode
+This tutorial walks you through performing tests in the **mocked** mode provided by the fhEVM Hardhat template.
+## Prerequisites
+Before proceeding, ensure you have:
+- A configured Hardhat project using the fhEVM Hardhat template. (See the [previous section](1.-setting-up-hardhat.md))
+- Basic knowledge of Solidity and Hardhat testing. (See the [Hardhat testing documentation](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/docs/guides/test-contracts))
+{% hint style="info" %}
+fhEVM provides a **mocked mode** in Hardhat that allows for:
+- Faster testing on a local Hardhat network.
+- The ability to analyze code coverage.
+- A simulated version of encrypted types (they are not truly encrypted).
+- Access to Hardhat features such as snapshots (`evm_snapshot`), time manipulation (`evm_increaseTime`), and debugging (`console.log`).
+To learn more about the fhEVM **mocked** mode, refer to the README in the [fhEVM Hardhat template repository](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template).
+{% endhint %}
+## Running your tests
+To run tests in **mocked mode**, open a terminal in your project's root directory and execute:
+# Using npm
+npm run test
+# Using yarn
+yarn test
+# Using pnpm
+pnpm test
+This command runs all tests locally in mocked mode. You should see the test results in your console.
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Test__GPNkyWV-T3Kz3wOu14xWQA?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+## Next steps
+For most development and demonstration scenarios, mocked mode is sufficient. However, for production-ready development and a real testing environment, you need to run your tests on a real network where the coprocessor is deployed for example Sepolia. Refer to the [next section](4.-deploying-the-contract.md) on how to deploy your contract on Sepolia test network.
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+# 4. Deploying the contract
+This guide walks you through deploying your Confidential ERC20 smart contract on the Sepolia test network.
+## Prerequisites
+Before proceeding, ensure you have:
+- A configured Hardhat project using the fhEVM Hardhat Template (see previous sections).
+- A crypto wallet installed (e.g., Metamask).
+- Some Sepolia ETH available for testing. If you don’t have enough ETH, use a Sepolia faucet to request free SepoliaETH for testing:
+ - [Alchemy Faucet](https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia)
+ - [QuickNode Faucet](https://faucet.quicknode.com/ethereum/sepolia)
+## Step 1. Preparing for deployment
+1. Generate a mnemonic seed for accounts using `cast`:
+ - (`cast` is a Foundry function. If you don't have Foundry installed, run `curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash` first):
+cast wallet new-mnemonic
+2. Obtain a Sepolia RPC URL:
+ - Sign up for a node provider such as Alchemy - `https://www.alchemy.com/` or Infura - `https://infura.io/`. Copy your Sepolia RPC URL.
+3. Open the `.env` file:
+ - Past your mnemonic in the code:
+ - Paste a Sepolia RPC URL:
+4. Verify generated accounts:
+npx hardhat get-accounts --num-accounts 5
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_3_Copy__EGYS53LkSP-Pr2WB7yQ1vw?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+## Step 2. Funding your wallet
+1. Open your wallet (e.g, MetaMask)
+2. Import the first 2 accounts (e.g., Alice and Bob) into your wallet with their private keys.
+3. Fund these 2 accounts with some Sepolia ETH.
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_3__2__Hbg4nSgdR3KMcCkB4aw8Jw?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+## Step 3. Deploying the contract
+In the `deploy/` directory, there is a preconfigured `deploy.ts` file that handles the deployment process. You can customize it or add your own scripts.
+To deploy the contracts to Sepolia, run:
+# Using npm
+npm run deploy-sepolia
+# Using yarn
+yarn deploy-sepolia
+# Using pnpm
+pnpm deploy-sepolia
+## Step 4. Verify the deployment
+Once deployment is successful, you should see a console output that includes the contract address such as:
+MyConfidentialERC20: 0x1234........ABCD
+You can verify this contract on [Sepolia Etherscan](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/) by searching for the deployed address.
+{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_4__b3lGkybMS3ihZa8FklQo5A?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
+Congratulations! 🎉 You have deployed your first confidential ERC20 smart contract. Let's mint a few tokens and perform some encrypted transactions!
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+# 5. Interacting with the contract
+After deploying your first **fhEVM** contract using **Hardhat**, this guide shows you how to interact with it using Hardhat tasks.
+## Prerequisites
+Before interacting with your deployed contract, ensure the following:
+- **Deployment completed**: You have successfully deployed the `MyConfidentialERC20` contract (see previous section)
+- **Contract address**: You have saved the deployed contract address
+- **Sepolia ETH**: You have some Sepolia ETH in your wallet for transaction fees
+- **Environment setup**: Your `.env` file is properly configured with your private key
+## Step 1: Mint tokens to your account
+First, let's mint some confidential tokens to your account:
+# Mint 1000 tokens to your account by replacing recipient-address with your address
+npx hardhat mint --to --amount 1000 --network sepolia
+Once successful, you'll see a transaction confirmation in the terminal that looks like this:
+Starting mint process...
+Contract address: 0x1...26
+Minting 1000 tokens to address: 0x1...26
+Transaction submitted, waiting for confirmation...
+✅ Mint transaction successful!
+Transaction hash: 0x1...26
+1000 tokens were minted to 0x1....26
+## Step 2: Verify total supply
+You can check the total supply of tokens to confirm your mint was successful:
+# Check the total supply
+npx hardhat totalSupply --network sepolia
+Once successful, you'll see a transaction confirmation in the terminal:
+✅ Retrieved total supply successfully
+Total Supply: 1000 tokens
+## Step 3: Check your balance
+To verify your account balance:
+# Check your encrypted balance by replacing with the private key of the account you want to check
+# You can get the private key by running 'npx hardhat get-accounts --num-accounts 5'
+npx hardhat balance --privatekey --network sepolia
+Note to remind yourself what was are the private keys of the accounts of the MNEMONIC SEED you can always check it by running:
+npx hardhat get-accounts --num-accounts 5
+Once successful, you'll see a transaction confirmation in the terminal.
+✅ Retrieved balance handle successfully
+Address: 0x1..59
+Balance: 1000 tokens
+## Step 4: Transfer tokens
+To transfer confidential tokens to another account:
+# Transfer tokens from your account to another address
+# Replace with the private key of the sending account
+# Replace with the destination wallet address
+# Adjust the amount (100) as needed
+npx hardhat transfer --privatekey --to --amount 100 --network sepolia
+Once successful, you'll see a transaction confirmation in the terminal.
+Starting transfer process...
+Contract address: 0x1...26
+From: 0x1...59
+To: 0xA...4D
+Amount: 100 tokens
+Encrypting and proving in 9.4s
+Verifying in 8.7s
+Submitting transfer transaction...
+Waiting for confirmation...
+✅ Transfer successful!
+Transaction hash: 0xc..13
+Transferred 100 tokens to 0xA..4D
+## Step 5: Verify updated balances
+After the transfer, you can check both accounts balances:
+# Check sender's updated balance after transfer
+# Replace with the private key of the senders account
+npx hardhat balance --privatekey --network sepolia
+# Check recipient's updated balance after receiving transfer
+# Replace with the private key of the recipient account
+npx hardhat balance --privatekey --network sepolia
+If both balances have changed accordingly the transaction was successful.
+## Available Tasks
+Here's a complete list of available Hardhat tasks for interacting with your contract:
+- `mint`: Mint new encrypted tokens
+- `transfer`: Transfer encrypted tokens to another address
+- `balance`: Check encrypted balance of an account
+- `totalSupply`: Get the total token supply
+For detailed help on any task, run:
+npx hardhat help
+## Next steps
+🎉 **Congratulations on completing this tutorial!** You’ve taken the first step in building confidential smart contracts using **fhEVM**. It's time now to take the next step and build your own confidential dApps!
+### 1. Resources
+To continue your journey and deepen your knowledge, explore the resources below.
+- [**Read the white paper**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/fhevm-whitepaper-v2.pdf): Understand the core technology behind fhEVM, including its cryptographic foundations and use cases.
+- [**See more demos and tutorials**](../../../tutorials/see-all-tutorials.md): Expand your skills with hands-on demos and tutorials crafted to guide you through various real-world scenarios.
+- [**Try out AI coding assistant**](https://chatgpt.com/g/g-67518aee3c708191b9f08d077a7d6fa1-zama-solidity-developer): If you have a ChatGPT plus account, try out our custom ChatGPT model tailored for Solidity and fhEVM developers.
+### 2. Tools
+Use out-of-box templates and frameworks designed for developers to build confidential dApps easily.
+**Smart contract development**
+- [**Hardhat Template**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template): A developer-friendly starting point for building and testing smart contracts on fhEVM.
+- [**fhEVM Contracts Library**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-contracts): Access standardized contracts for encrypted operations.
+**Frontend development**
+- [**React.js Template**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-react-template): Quickly develop FHE-compatible dApps using a clean React.js setup.
+- [**Next.js Template**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-next-template): Build scalable, server-rendered dApps with FHE integration.
+- [**Vue.js Template**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-vue-template): Develop responsive and modular dApps with FHE support in Vue.js.
+### 3. Community
+Join the community to shape the future of blockchain together with us.
+- [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/zama-ai): Join the community to get the latest update, have live discussion with fellow developers and Zama team.
+- [**Community Forum**](https://community.zama.ai/): Get support on all technical questions related to fhEVM
+- [**Zama Bounty Program**](https://github.com/zama-ai/bounty-program): Participate to tackle challenges and earn rewards in cash.
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+# Hardhat
+This tutorial covers the essential steps to quickly write and deploy a confidential ERC20 smart contract using the [fhEVM Hardhat template](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template).
+Hardhat is a flexible, extensible development environment for Ethereum, providing a robust toolkit for compiling, testing, and deploying smart contracts. With Zama’s fhEVM integration, you can develop confidential ERC20 contracts locally and then seamlessly deploy them to a real fhEVM node.
+**In this tutorial, you will learn to:**
+1. Set up a Hardhat project with the [**fhEVM Hardhat Template**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template).
+2. Write confidential contracts utilizing encrypted data types.
+3. Test your contracts in **mocked mode** (for rapid feedback and coverage).
+4. Deploy your confidential ERC20 contract to the Sepolia test network.
+5. Interact with your deployed contract, including performing encrypted transfers.
+By following these steps, you’ll get familiar with the complete development workflow using Hardhat, and be able to build, test and deploy confidential ERC20 smart contracts on Sepolia testnet.
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+# Prerequisites
+This guide will walk you through installing all necessary dependencies from scratch, preparing you for developing and deploying fhEVM smart contracts using Hardhat.
+To use Hardhat to build and deploy confidential smart contract, you need to have the following:
+- **Node.js (v20 or later)**
+- **A package manager**: `npm`, `yarn`, or `pnpm`
+- **Git** for version control
+- **Foundry** for using the command `cast`
+If you already have these installed, skip ahead to [1. Setting Up Hardhat.](1.-setting-up-hardhat.md)
+## Step 1: Open your terminal
+To run the installation commands, open a terminal:
+- Use your system's built-in terminal (e.g., Terminal on macOS, Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows, or a Linux shell).
+- Alternatively, use the integrated terminal in a IDE such as [Visual Studio Code (VS Code)](https://code.visualstudio.com/).
+{% hint style="info" %}
+VS code provide the official [Hardhat extension](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-vscode) for an enhanced development experience with Hardhat.
+{% endhint %}
+## Step 2. Install Node.js and a package manager
+Instead of installing Node.js directly, we recommend using Node Version Manager (`nvm`), which allows you to manage multiple versions of Node.js:
+1. **Install `nvm`** following the recommended tutorials:
+ - [Linux](https://tecadmin.net/how-to-install-nvm-on-ubuntu-20-04/)
+ - [Windows ](https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/blob/master/README.md#installation--upgrades)
+ - [Mac OS](https://tecadmin.net/install-nvm-macos-with-homebrew/)
+2. **Install Node.js** using nvm. This installs the latest version of Node.js:
+nvm install node
+3. **Install pnpm** (optional but recommended for better speed and efficiency). After installing Node.js, you automatically have npm, so run:
+npm install -g pnpm
+ Alternatively, you can continue using `npm` or `yarn` if you prefer.
+## Step 3. Install Git
+Git is required for managing source code, cloning repositories, and handling version control. Install Git based on your operating system:
+- **Linux**: Use your distribution's package manager (e.g., `sudo apt-get install git` on Ubuntu/Debian).
+- **Windows**: [Download Git for Windows](https://git-scm.com/download/win).
+- **macOS**: Install via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) with `brew install git` or [download Git](https://git-scm.com/download/mac).
+## Step 4. Install Foundry
+We will need the command `cast` in our tutorial. This command is available with installing Foundry.
+1. **Install Foundry** using the official installer:
+curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
+2. **Reload your terminal configuration**:
+source ~/.bashrc # Linux/WSL
+# or
+source ~/.zshrc # macOS/zsh
+3. **Run the Foundry installer**:
+This will install all Foundry components, including `cast`, `forge`, `anvil`, and `chisel`.
+To verify the installation, run:
+cast --version
+## Next Steps
+You now have all the necessary dependencies installed. Continue to [**1. Setting Up Hardhat**](1.-setting-up-hardhat.md) to begin creating and deploying your FHE smart contracts!
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+# Quick Start
+This tutorial guides you to start quickly with Zama’s **Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)** technology for building confidential smart contracts.
+## What You’ll Learn
+In about 20 minutes, you will:
+- Build your first **confidential ERC20** contract that leverages FHE.
+- Deploy the contract on the **Sepolia** Network.
+- **Mint tokens** and **perform transactions** in FHE.
+- Build a **frontend application** for your contract.
+## Prerequisite
+- A basic understanding of **Solidity** library and **Ethereum**.
+- A certain amount of **Sepolia ETH** available.
+ - If you don’t have enough ETH, use a Sepolia faucet to request free SepoliaETH for testing such as [Alchemy Faucet](https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia) or [QuickNode Faucet](https://faucet.quicknode.com/ethereum/sepolia).
+## What is Confidenetial ERC20
+The contract that you will build with this tutorial is called `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` — a privacy-preserving ERC20 implementation that leverages **FHE** to keep balances and transactions confidential. To understand this contract, let’s first introduce the foundational concepts.
+ERC20 is a widely used token standard on Ethereum that defines a set of rules for creating and managing fungible tokens. These tokens are efficient but lack privacy — balances and transactions are visible to anyone on the blockchain.
+**Confidential ERC20**
+Zama’s `ConfidentialERC20` introduces privacy to ERC20 tokens by storing balances and transactions in an encrypted format using FHE.
+The `ConfidentialERC20` contract still supports standard ERC20 functions such as `transfer`, `approve`, `transferFrom`, `balanceOf`, and `totalSupply` but ensures these operations are processed securely with encrypted data.
+To explore the implementation details of ConfidentialERC20, check out the [Zama blog post](https://www.zama.ai/post/confidential-erc-20-tokens-using-homomorphic-encryption).
+**Confidential ERC-20 Mintable**
+The contract that we will build in this tutorial is `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` . It's built on top of `ConfidentialERC20` by adding secure minting capabilities. This allows authorized accounts to create new tokens, while maintaining the privacy guarantees of encrypted balances and transactions.
+The `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` contract ensures:
+- **Enhanced privacy**: Balances are stored as encrypted values (`euint64`), preventing public inspection of account balances.
+- **Secure transactions**: Token transfers are processed securely, maintaining confidentiality of amounts.
+- **Owner visibility**: Only account owners can decrypt and view their balances.
+## Next steps
+Choose your path and get started:
+- [**Remix Guide**](remix) – Rapid in‐browser setup, great for **learning** and fast **prototyping**.
+- [**Hardhat Guide**](hardhat) – Full-fledged development environment, suitable for **production**.
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+# Remix
+This tutorial covers the essentials steps to quickly write and deploy confidential ERC20 smart contract using the Zama Plug in.
+Remix is a powerful in-browser IDE for Ethereum smart contract development. It offers a fast, intuitive way to write and deploy confidential ERC20 contracts using Zama’s fhEVM plugin—no local setup required.
+**In this tutorial, you will learn to:**
+1. Set up Remix for fhEVM development.
+2. Connect your wallet (e.g., MetaMask) to Remix.
+3. Deploy a **ConfidentialERC20** contract.
+4. Interact with your deployed contract directly in the Remix interface.
+By the end, you’ll have a working confidential ERC20 token on Sepolia network and know how to perform encrypted transactions.
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@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The **fhevm-contracts** is a Solidity library designed for developers to easily
- **Extensions**: Additional features and utilities that can be added to base contracts
- **Testing utilities**: Tools to help test FHE-enabled smart contracts
-See more details in [the fhEVM-contracts documentation](../../smart_contracts/contracts.md).
+See more details in [the fhEVM-contracts documentation](../../../smart_contracts/contracts.md).
{% endhint %}
The `fhevm-contracts` library includes the `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` contract, which is an extention of `ConfidentialERC20` with minting capabilities, providing:
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ To perform transactions directly in Remix, your contract needs to be connected t
4. Paste the contract address into the **"At address"** field under the **Deploy** section.
5. Click **At address**.
-If the address was entered correctly, the `MyConfidentialERC20.sol` contract will be displayed in the "**Deployed Contract**" inside the **Zama Plugin**.
+If the address was entered correctly, the `MyConfidentialERC20.sol` contract will be displayed in the "**Deployed Contract**" inside the **Zama Plugin**.
{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Load_MyConfidentialERC20_Contract_in_Remix__tJ1PmbA4TuGQ2fj6kMdMtQ?removeLogo=true&skipIntro=true" %}
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ From here, you can mint confidential ERC20 token to your account:
2. Inside **Zama Plugin,** click to expand the **mint** function of your contract.
3. Enter your wallet address and the amount of tokens to mint (e.g., `1000`).
4. Click `Submit`.
-5. Confirm the transaction in **MetaMask**.
+5. Confirm the transaction in **MetaMask**.
Once sccussful, you should see the message in the terminal.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Always re-encrypt to validate ciphertext transformations and confirm operations.
To continue your journey and deepen your knowledge, explore the resources below.
- [**Read the Whitepaper**](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/fhevm-whitepaper-v2.pdf): Understand the core technology behind fhEVM, including its cryptographic foundations and use cases.
-- [**See more demos and tutorials**](../../tutorials/see-all-tutorials.md): Expand your skills with hands-on demos and tutorials crafted to guide you through various real-world scenarios.
+- [**See more demos and tutorials**](../../../tutorials/see-all-tutorials.md): Expand your skills with hands-on demos and tutorials crafted to guide you through various real-world scenarios.
- [**Try out AI coding assistant**](https://chatgpt.com/g/g-67518aee3c708191b9f08d077a7d6fa1-zama-solidity-developer): If you have a chatGPT plus account, try out our custom ChatGPT model tailored for Solidity and fhEVM developers.
### 2. Tools
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+# Overview
+fhEVM is a suite of solutions that enables confidential smart contracts on the EVM using **Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)**. This document provides a high-level overview of the fhEVM suite along with onboarding guidance tailored to specific audiences.
+### For dApp developers
+The fhEVM Protocol provides a **`TFHE` Solidity library** for building confidential smart contracts, a **`fhevm.js` Javascript library** to enable front‐end FHE interactions, and a range of developer tools, examples, and templates to streamline the usage for developers.
+#### Smart contract development
A curated list by the team at Zama of blog posts, libraries, research papers, and tutorials on Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE).
+### For network builders
+To **integrate FHE at the protocol level** or operate an **FHE‐enabled network**, fhEVM offers the fhevm backend modules. These repositories include the foundational implementations that enables FHE in blockchain systems, ensuring that privacy remains at the core of your network architecture.
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-# What is fhEVM
-## Introduction
-There used to be a dilemma in blockchain: keep your application and user data on-chain, allowing everyone to see it, or keep it privately off-chain and lose contract composability.
-**fhEVM** is a technology that enables confidential smart contracts on the EVM using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE).
-Thanks to a breakthrough in FHE, Zama’s fhEVM makes it possible to run confidential smart contracts on encrypted data, guaranteeing both confidentiality and composability with:
-- **End-to-end encryption of transactions and state**: Data included in transactions is encrypted and never visible to anyone.
-- **Composability and data availability on-chain**: States are updated while remaining encrypted at all times.
-- **No impact on existing dapps and state**: Encrypted state co-exists alongside public one, and doesn't impact existing dapps.
-## Use cases
-fhEVM enables powerful privacy-preserving applications across key blockchain sectors:
-### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
-- **Private Trading & AMMs**
- - Execute trades without revealing amounts or strategies
- - Prevent front-running and MEV exploitation
- - Create dark pools with hidden order books
-- **Confidential Lending**
- - Keep collateral amounts and positions private
- - Protect borrowing history and credit scores
- - Enable private under-collateralized lending
-- **Example**: [Confidential ERC20 tutorial](../getting_started/quick_start/overview.md)
-### 2. Identity & Governance
-- **Decentralized Identity**
- - Store encrypted credentials on-chain
- - Issue private attestations
- - Verify membership without revealing identity
-- **Private Voting**
- - Cast encrypted votes without revealing choices
- - Prevent voter coercion and vote buying
- - Enable quadratic voting with private token balances
-- **Example**: [Decentralized identity](https://github.com/zama-ai/dapps/tree/main/hardhat/contracts/decIdentity)
-### 3. Enterprise Solutions
-- **Supply Chain**
- - Track sensitive business metrics privately
- - Share data selectively with partners
- - Maintain competitive advantages on-chain
-- **Data Markets**
- - Trade data while preserving confidentiality
- - Enable private computation services
- - Create subscription-based data access
-### 4. Gaming & NFTs
-- **Strategy Games**
- - Hide player moves and game state
- - Enable private bidding and trading of in-game assets
- - Implement truly random number generation
-- **NFT Privacy**
- - Conceal ownership and transfer history
- - Keep metadata and attributes private
- - Enable sealed-bid NFT auctions
-- **Example**: [FHE Wordle](https://github.com/zama-ai/dapps/tree/main/hardhat/contracts/fheWordle)
-These applications showcase how fhEVM uniquely combines the transparency and composability of blockchain with the privacy guarantees of FHE, enabling a new generation of confidential smart contracts.
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-# Quick Start
-This tutorial guides you to start quickly with Zama’s **Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)** technology for building confidential smart contracts.
-## What you'll learn
-In around 20 minutes, you will build and deploy your first confidential ERC20 contract, mint tokens and perform transactions on it.
-This tutorial will cover:
-1. **Set up Remix** development environment using the Zama Plugin.
-2. **Connect your wallet** for deployment and interaction.
-3. **Write and deploy** `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` contract on the Sepolia testnet
-4. **Interact with your contract** to mint, transfer, and manage confidential tokens.
-## What you'll build
-The contract that you will build with this tutorial is called `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` — a privacy-preserving ERC20 implementation that leverages **FHE** to keep balances and transactions confidential. To understand this contract, let’s first introduce the foundational concepts.
-{% hint style="info" %} Feel free to skip this part if you already have a basic knowledge of confidential ERC20 tokens.{% endhint %}
-ERC20 is a widely used token standard on Ethereum that defines a set of rules for creating and managing fungible tokens.
-These tokens are efficient but lack privacy — balances and transactions are visible to anyone on the blockchain.
-**Confidential ERC20**
-Zama’s `ConfidentialERC20` introduces privacy to ERC20 tokens by storing balances and transactions in an encrypted format using FHE.
-The `ConfidentialERC20` contract still supports standard ERC20 functions such as `transfer`, `approve`, `transferFrom`, `balanceOf`, and `totalSupply` but ensures these operations are processed securely with encrypted data.
-To explore the implementation details of ConfidentialERC20, check out the [Zama blog post](https://www.zama.ai/post/confidential-erc-20-tokens-using-homomorphic-encryption).
-**Confidential ERC-20 Mintable**
-The contract that we will build in this tutorial is `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` . It's built on top of `ConfidentialERC20` by adding secure minting capabilities. This allows authorized accounts to create new tokens, while maintaining the privacy guarantees of encrypted balances and transactions.
-The `ConfidentialERC20Mintable` contract ensures:
-- **Enhanced privacy**: Balances are stored as encrypted values (`euint64`), preventing public inspection of account balances.
-- **Secure transactions**: Token transfers are processed securely, maintaining confidentiality of amounts.
-- **Owner visibility**: Only account owners can decrypt and view their balances.
-Let’s get started on your journey to building confidential blockchain applications!
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-# Step 1: Setting Up Hardhat
-This guide walks you through setting up a development environment for creating **privacy-preserving smart contracts** using the Fully Homomorphic Encryption Virtual Machine (**FHEVM**) with Hardhat.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
-- **Node.js** (v20 or later)
-- A package manager: `npm`, `yarn`, or `pnpm`
-- **Git**
-## Getting Started
-Learn how to configure your Hardhat project for developing and deploying fhEVM-specific smart contracts.
-### 1. Clone the Hardhat Template
-1. Go to the [FHEVM Hardhat Template Repository](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template).
-2. Create a new repository by clicking "Use this template."
-3. Clone the repository you created:
- ```bash
- git clone
- cd
- ```
-{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_1__M1Gjr6SAQuOsPyT7luekmw?skipIntro=true&removeLogo=true" %}
-### 2. Configure Your Environment
-1. Copy the environment configuration template:
- ```bash
- cp .env.example .env
- ```
-2. Install project dependencies:
- ```bash
- # Using npm
- npm install
- # Using yarn
- yarn install
- # Using pnpm
- pnpm install
- ```
-### Development Workflow
-- Write your **smart contracts** in the `contracts/` directory.
-- Write your **tests** in the `tests/` directory.
-### 3. Testing your contracts
-Run the test suite using:
-pnpm test
-{% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_2__X1NmSAwhRiSiToABTDD31Q?skipIntro=true&removeLogo=true" %}
-## Deployment
-### 1. Prepare for Deployment
-1. Generate a mnemonic seed for accounts:
- ```bash
- cast wallet new-mnemonic
- ```
- Copy the mnemonic and paste it into the `.env` file under `MNEMONIC`.
-2. Add a **Sepolia RPC URL** from a node provider (e.g., Alchemy or Infura).
- Update your `.env` file with the RPC URL:
- - **SEPOLIA_RPC_URL**: ``
-3. Verify generated accounts:
- ```bash
- npx hardhat get-accounts --num-accounts 5
- ```
-4. Import the first two accounts (e.g., Alice and Bob) into your wallet and fund them with Sepolia ETH.
- {% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_3__Hbg4nSgdR3KMcCkB4aw8Jw?skipIntro=true&removeLogo=true" %}
-### 2. Deploy the Contracts
-1. Write your **deployments** under the `deploy/` directory.
-2. Deploy the contracts to Sepolia:
- ```bash
- pnpm deploy-sepolia
- ```
-### 3. Verify Deployment
-1. After deploying, locate the deployed contract on Sepolia Etherscan:
- {% embed url="https://scribehow.com/embed/Step_4__b3lGkybMS3ihZa8FklQo5A?skipIntro=true&removeLogo=true" %}
-With this setup, you’re ready to develop, test, and deploy privacy-preserving smart contracts using fhEVM and Hardhat. Happy coding! 🚀