- System Overview
- Core Components
- Training Pipeline
- Model Management System
- Cache System Architecture
- Resource Management
- System Integration
- Development Workflow
- Security Architecture
- Performance Optimization
- Directory Structure
- Configuration Management
- Testing Strategy
- Future Extensibility
LlamaHome is a comprehensive training and inference pipeline for LLM models with efficient resource management and monitoring. The system is designed with modularity and extensibility in mind, focusing on efficient training, smart caching, and robust monitoring.
LlamaHome is designed as a modular, extensible system for training and deploying large language models. The architecture follows clean code principles with clear separation of concerns, dependency injection, and comprehensive configuration management.
graph TB
CLI[CLI Interface] --> Core[Core System]
GUI[GUI Interface] --> Core
Core --> Training[Training Pipeline]
Core --> ModelMgmt[Model Management]
Core --> Cache[Cache System]
Core --> Config[Config Management]
subgraph Training Pipeline
Training --> DataMgmt[Data Management]
Training --> ResourceMgmt[Resource Management]
Training --> Monitor[Monitoring]
Training --> Optimize[Optimization]
subgraph Model Management
ModelMgmt --> Download[Download Manager]
ModelMgmt --> Version[Version Control]
ModelMgmt --> Storage[Storage Manager]
subgraph Cache System
Cache --> MemCache[Memory Cache]
Cache --> DiskCache[Disk Cache]
Cache --> Invalidation[Cache Invalidation]
subgraph Config Management
Config --> YAMLConfig[YAML Configs]
Config --> EnvConfig[Environment]
Config --> RuntimeConfig[Runtime Params]
The training pipeline consists of the following key components:
graph TB
Data[Data Management] --> Training[Training Pipeline]
Training --> Monitor[Monitoring]
Training --> Cache[Cache System]
Training --> Checkpoint[Checkpoint Management]
subgraph Data Management
subgraph Training Pipeline
Forward[Forward Pass]
Backward[Backward Pass]
Resource[Resource Management]
subgraph Monitoring
Metrics[Metrics Collection]
Logger[Logging System]
The data management system includes:
- DatasetProcessor: Handles data preprocessing and validation
- DatasetCache: Manages efficient data caching and retrieval
- BatchGenerator: Implements dynamic batch generation and padding
- DataAugmenter: Provides data augmentation capabilities
Directory Structure:
├── training/
│ ├── data.py # Dataset processing
│ ├── cache.py # Caching system
│ ├── batch.py # Batch generation
│ ├── augmentation.py # Data augmentation
│ └── pipeline.py # Training pipeline
The caching system implements:
graph LR
Cache[CacheManager] --> Policy[Cache Policy]
Policy --> Store[Cache Store]
Store --> Memory[Memory Cache]
Store --> Disk[Disk Cache]
subgraph Cache Policies
LRU[LRU Policy]
Size[Size Policy]
Key features:
- Configurable cache policies
- Memory and disk backends
- Automatic cache invalidation
- Resource-aware caching
The checkpoint system provides:
graph TB
Checkpoint[CheckpointManager] --> Save[Save Checkpoint]
Checkpoint --> Load[Load Checkpoint]
Checkpoint --> Track[Track Best]
subgraph Checkpoint Features
Model[Model State]
Optimizer[Optimizer State]
Scheduler[Scheduler State]
Metrics[Training Metrics]
- Configurable save intervals
- Best checkpoint tracking
- Automatic cleanup
- Safe file operations
Configuration is handled through:
- Environment variables (.env)
- YAML/TOML configuration files
- Command-line arguments
Example configuration structure:
batch_size = 32
learning_rate = 1e-4
gradient_accumulation_steps = 4
memory_size = "4GB"
disk_size = "100GB"
policy = "lru"
save_steps = 1000
keep_last_n = 5
save_best = true
The testing suite includes:
Unit Tests
- Component-level testing
- Mocked dependencies
- Fast execution
Integration Tests
- End-to-end workflows
- Real data processing
- Resource management
Performance Tests
- Memory usage
- Training speed
- Cache efficiency
Directory Structure:
├── unit/
│ ├── training/
│ ├── data/
│ └── cache/
├── integration/
└── performance/
Data Protection
- Secure data handling
- Token management
- Access control
Resource Protection
- Memory limits
- Disk usage limits
- Process isolation
The system is designed for easy extension of:
Training Features
- New optimizers
- Custom schedulers
- Advanced monitoring
Data Processing
- Custom augmentations
- New batch strategies
- Additional cache backends
Model Support
- New architectures
- Custom attention mechanisms
- Specialized optimizations