Unzip the file (wit.zip) under the current directory.
**** The resulting directory looks like
├── ./wit/
└── wit_test_set.json # The test of WIT dataset
We provide the in-context learning examples as well as the test set of XSum benchmark that are used in our experiments.
**** The directory looks like
├── ./xsum/
├── /one-shot/ # Contains the one-shot in-context examples.
├── xsum_train_one-shot-1.json # The first random one-shot in-context learning example.
├── xsum_train_one-shot-2.json # The second random one-shot in-context learning example.
└── xsum_train_one-shot-3.json # The third random one-shot in-context learning example.
├── /two-shot/ # Contains the two-shot in-context examples
├── xsum_train_two-shot-1.json # The first random two-shot in-context learning example.
├── xsum_train_two-shot-2.json # The second random two-shot in-context learning example.
└── xsum_train_two-shot-3.json # The third random two-shot in-context learning example.
└── xsum_test.json # The test set of XSum benchmark.
We provide the IWSLT14 De-En dataset that is used in our experiments.
**** After unzipping, the directory looks like
├── ./translation/iwslt14/de-to-en/
├── train.json # The training set of IWSLT14 De-En dataset.
├── validation.json # The validation set of IWSLT14 De-En dataset.
└── test.json # The test set of IWSLT14 De-En dataset.
We provide the held-out set of WebText.
**** The directory looks like
├── ./webtext/
└── webtext.test.jsonl # The held-out set of the WebText benchmark.