Algorithm and Data Structures/Honors Project: Created by Dr. Alxendra Stefan
This program implements Graham's scan for convex hall of a set of points. Given a set of points-Q, the convex hall of Q is a polygon 'P' such that any point from Q is either on P or inside it.
- Implements Graham's scan to compute convex hall - convex_hull_graham_scan.c.
- The program gets the input data from a file random.txt generated by random.c.
- It can either read from the file, or can read from the keyboard combined with redirection of input.
- Generates random points as directed by the user - random.c.
- Time complexity formula for all methods in the code is mentioned in the comments.
- Vertices of the convex hall are plotted in the microsoft excel sheet using input_points.txt and convex_hull_points.txt.
- input_points.txt contains all the input points and convex_hull_points.txt contains all the vertices of the convex hull points, both generated by convex_hull_graham_scan.c.
Convex hull implementation using excel sheet:
The application is built in an omega server at UTA.
To generate the random coordinate points with size of 100 and of range(0 - 1000), in terminal:
gcc -o rand random.c
rand 100 1000
To compute the convex hall by reading in the from the file random.txt, in terminal:
gcc convex_hull_graham_scan.c
./a.out < random.txt
To compute the convex hall by redirection of input from the keyboard, in terminal:
gcc convex_hull_graham_scan.c
To check for memory leaks and error, in terminal:
gcc convex_hull_graham_scan.c
valgrind --leak-check=full ./a.out < random.txt
Yunika Upadhayaya - Student ID: 1001631183