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KFServing GCP/IAP Example

When using Kubeflow with GCP it is common to use a GCP Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) to manage client authentication to the KFServing endpoints. The proxy intercepts and authenticates users and passes identity assertion (JWT) to kubernetes service/pods. Whilst it is also possible to add access control (i.e. programmable or service mesh authorization), this is not described here.


  1. Your ~/.kube/config should point to a cluster with KFServing installed.
  2. Your gcloud config is initialised to the project containing the k8s cluster and has a service-account that can download IAP key file.
  3. You are using Knative serving v0.11.2 or v0.14.0+
  4. You are using a recent version of KFServing (v0.3+)
  5. Kubeflow 1.1+ with kfdef kfctl_anthos.yaml

Once IAP is enabled and configured, your k8s cluster should have a GCP external http loadbalancer protected by IAP.


This example shows how the sklearn iris sample can be adapted to support GCP IAP. We will use a pre-trained model that is hosted on a public gcs bucket. The model predicts a binary classificaton of iris specie using 4 numerical features.

In this example we will:

  1. Enable GCP IAP
  2. Change firewall rules (for private k8s clusters)
  3. Create the inference service
  4. Test the private predict endpoint (using port-forwarding)
  5. Expose the inference service externally using an additional Istio Virtual Service
  6. Test the external predict endpoint (using

Step 5. will become unnecessary when this kfserving issue is resolved.

Enable GCP IAP for k8s

You have followed the steps to Set up OAuth for Cloud IAP

We assume that you have created Kubeflow profiles and that GCP workload identity is configured.

This may not be essential for this example, but is recommended as it maps GCP service-accounts (understood by the IAP) to kubernetes service-accounts (understood by kubernetes and istio RBAC).

Change firewall rules (for private k8s clusters)

If you are running Kubeflow in a private GKE cluster it will be configured with a restrictive firewall.
You will need to ensure that the k8s master node(s) can talk to the following k8s worker node(s) ports:

  • 6443 (for cert-manager)
  • 8443 (for kfserving webhook)

To create these rules firewall rules, modify and run:

gcloud compute firewall-rules create kubeflow-webhook-probe --allow=tcp:8443 --target-tags kubeflow-worker --direction INGRESS --network default --priority 1000 --source-ranges

gcloud compute firewall-rules create kubeflow-cert-manager --allow=tcp:6443 --target-tags kubeflow-worker --direction INGRESS --network default --priority 1000 --source-ranges

Be careful to check whether the source-ranges, target-tags and network are suitable for your environment. e.g. it assumes your worker nodes have been tagged with kubeflow-worker tags.

Create inference service

To deploy the inference service apply the inferenceservice CRD:

kubectl apply -f sklearn-iap-no-authz.yaml

Expected Output

$ created

When the KFServing Controller detects the new InferenceService it creates a KNative Service, in turn Knative Serving creates a configuration, revision and route.

See the debug guide for inferenceservice deployment issues.

Warning: The sklearn-iap-no-authz.yaml has an annotation that prevents the istio sidecar from being injected and thus disables istio RBAC authorization. This is unlikely to be suitable for production.

We can't yet test the inferenceservice predict endpoint externally because GCP IAP only supports path-based routing but KFServing has exposed a host-based routing url.

Expose the inference service externally using an additional Istio Virtual Service

Until this Issue/824 is resolved it will be necessary to manually create an additional istio virtual-service.

The service will match on a path-based route (required by IAP) such as: https://<Ingress_DNS>/kfserving/<namespace>/sklearn-iap:predict and will forward to cluster-local-gateway whilst rewriting host and uri. The uri is then a host based route as expected by kfserving: https://sklearn-iap-predictor-default.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local/v1/models/sklearn-iap:predict

To create the Istio virtual service:

kubectl apply -f virtual-service.yaml

Expected Output

$ VirtualService/kfserving-iap created

This will be deployed to the namespace in the current kube config context.

Test the external predict endpoint (using

Perhaps the easiest way to test the inference service's external predict endpoint is by using the script described in the TensorFlow Serving documentation.

The explains some of the parameters required by

Adding Authorization

The steps above authenticate but don't authorize. You may wish to alter the inference service to enable service mesh authorization

kubectl apply -f sklearn-iap-with-authz.yaml

The inference service pod will have an additional container called istio-proxy. Making requests to the service may be blocked (403) by the new istio sidecar container until a new AuthorizationPolicy is added that allows access to this inference URI from a specified ServiceAccount or Namespace.