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Tutorial: Online tuning the OpenMP version of XSBench with transfer learning

This tutorial describes how to autotune ECP XSBench app in online tuning settings.

We assume that you have checked out a copy of ytopt and install sdv from For guidelines on how to get ytopt and sdv set up, refer Install instructions.

Describing online tuning problem and our approach

Autotuning refers to the process of generating a search space of possible implementations/configurations of a kernel or an application and evaluating a subset of implementations/configurations on a target platform through empirical measurements to identify the high-performing implementation/configuration.

Most tuners are designed for offline tuning. However, tuning online by using the auto-tuner in production is highly needed.

In the online tuning settings, how to gather prior knowledge on search space offline and leverage this on a target task real time are the key. To this end, we introduce a generative model that learns the prior information to autotuning a target task online. Procedure of our approach is as follows:

  • Gather performances of different configurations on source tasks offline
  • Given the online targe task, use a generative model to learn prior knowledge and suggest a promising configuration in production.

In this tutorial, we present our approach to autotune ECP XSBench app <>.

XSBench is a mini-app representing a key computational kernel of the Monte Carlo neutron transport algorithm (reference). Especially, it is the continuous energy macroscopic neutron cross section lookup kernel. XSBench supports the following command line options such as -m for Simulation method, -g for the number of gridpoints per nuclide, and -m for the number of Cross-section (XS) lookups.

In this tutorual, we use different lookup sizes to define source offline and target online tasks.

  • We use the sizes of lookups of 100000, 1000000, 5000000 for offline tuning tasks and 10000000 for online tuning task.

Autotuning source tasks offline

First, we autotune source tasks offline based on ytopt bayesian optimization (BO) search with Random Forest surrogate model.

If you are not familiar with ytopt BO search. Please first follow a tutorial in

Our search space contains three parameters: 1) p0: number of threads, 2) p1: block size for openmp dynamic schedule, 3) p2: turn on/off omp parallel.

# create an object of ConfigSpace 
cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace(seed=1234)
# number of threads
p0= CSH.UniformIntegerHyperparameter(name='p0', lower=2, upper=128, default_value=128)
#block size for openmp dynamic schedule
p1= CSH.OrdinalHyperparameter(name='p1', sequence=['10','20','40','64','80','100','128','160','200'], default_value='100')
#omp parallel
p2= CSH.CategoricalHyperparameter(name='p2', choices=["#pragma omp parallel for", " "], default_value=' ')
#add parameters to search space object
cs.add_hyperparameters([p0, p1, p2])

We define a search problem for each source task:


and an evaluating method (Plopper) for code generation and compilation:


and a perl file to computes average the execution time:


We run the following command to autotune each task:

Go to where the tuning problem is located such as

  • cd ytopt/benchmark/xsbench-omp-tl/xsbench

And start search

  • python -m --evaluator ray --problem problem_s.Problem --max-evals=100 --learner RF
  • python -m --evaluator ray --problem problem_m.Problem --max-evals=100 --learner RF
  • python -m --evaluator ray --problem problem_l.Problem --max-evals=100 --learner RF

Once the search is finished, place the csv files in the same folder:

  • is the run file to do all searches.

Autotuning target task online

Now, we describe a standalone code to autotune a target task online <>

It provides options: --max-evals flag sets the maximum number of evaluations, --n_refit flag sets how often to refit the generative model, --top flag sets how many of data from source tasks to use to train the generative model.

  • Define the objective function myobj to evaluate a point in the search space.
def myobj(point: dict):
    def plopper_func(x):
        x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)  # ValueError if any NaN or Inf
        value = [point[x1[0]],point[x1[1]],point[x1[2]]]
        params = ["P0","P1","P2"]
        result = obj.findRuntime(value, params)
        return result
    x = np.array([point[f'p{i}'] for i in range(len(point))])
    results = plopper_func(x)
    return results
  • Load data from source tasks.
X_opt = []
cutoff_p = TOP
param_names = x1
n_param = len(param_names)
frames = []
input_sizes = {}
input_sizes['s']  = [100000] 
input_sizes['m']  = [1000000]
input_sizes['l']  = [5000000]
input_sizes['xl'] = [10000000]

for i_size in ['s','m','l']:
    dataframe = pd.read_csv(dir_path+"/results_rf_"+str(i_size)+"_xsbench.csv")  
    dataframe['runtime'] = np.log(dataframe['objective']) # log(run time)
    dataframe['input']   = pd.Series(input_sizes[i_size][0] for _ in range(len(dataframe.index)))
    q_10_s = np.quantile(dataframe.runtime.values, cutoff_p)
    real_df = dataframe.loc[dataframe['runtime'] <= q_10_s]
    real_data = real_df.drop(columns=['elapsed_sec'])
    real_data = real_data.drop(columns=['objective'])
real_data   = pd.concat(frames)
  • Define a generative model
constraint_input = Between(

model = GaussianCopula(
            field_names = ['input','p0','p1','p2','runtime'],    
            field_transformers = {'input': 'integer',
                                  'p0': 'categorical',
                                  'p1': 'categorical',
                                  'p2': 'categorical',
                                  'runtime': 'float'},
            min_value =None,
            max_value =None
  • Fit the generative model and suggested configurations are evaluated
Max_evals = MAX_EVALS
eval_master = 0
while eval_master < Max_evals:         
    # update model
    conditions = {'input': input_sizes[TARGET_task][0]}
    ss1 = model.sample(max(1000,Max_evals),conditions=conditions)
    ss  = ss1.sort_values(by='runtime')
    new_kde = ss[:Max_evals]
    max_evals = N_REFIT
    eval_update = 0
    stop = False
    while stop == False:
        for row in new_kde.iterrows():
            if eval_update == max_evals:
                stop = True
            sample_point_val = row[1].values[1:]
            sample_point = {x1[0]:sample_point_val[0],
            res          = myobj(sample_point)
            print (sample_point, res)
  • Start search

python --max_evals 10 --n_refit 10 --target xl --top 0.3

Look up the best configuration (found so far) and its value by inspecting the following created file: results_sdv.csv

The result shows search by and our model based online tuning. It shows tha our approach finds a high perfoming confiruation at the beginning of the search.