diff --git a/lib/elixir_gist_web/live/create_gist_live.html.heex b/lib/elixir_gist_web/live/create_gist_live.html.heex
index 7c3b1f5..84e494b 100644
--- a/lib/elixir_gist_web/live/create_gist_live.html.heex
+++ b/lib/elixir_gist_web/live/create_gist_live.html.heex
@@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
- Share Elixir code, notes, and snippets.
+ Instantly share Elixir code, notes, and snippets.
-<.form for={@form}>
- <.input field={@form[:description]} placeholder="Gist description..." autocomplete="off" />
- <.input field={@form[:name]} placeholder="Filename including extension.." autocomplete="off"/>
- <%=textarea(@form, :markup_text,
- class: "textarea w-full rounded-b-md",
- placeholder: "Insert Code..",
- spellcheck: "false",
- autocomplete: "off")%>
- <.button class="create_button">Create Gist
+<.form for={@form} phx-submit="create" phx-change="validate">
+ <.input
+ field={@form[:description]}
+ placeholder="Gist description.."
+ autocomplete="off"
+ phx-debounce="blur"
+ />
+ <.input
+ field={@form[:name]}
+ placeholder="Filename including extension..."
+ autocomplete="off"
+ phx-debounce="blur"
+ />
+ <%= textarea(@form, :markup_text,
+ class: "textarea w-full rounded-b-md",
+ placeholder: "Insert code...",
+ spellcheck: "false",
+ autocomplete: "off",
+ phx_debounce: "blur"
+ ) %>
+ <.button class="create_button" phx-disable-with="Creating...">Create gist
\ No newline at end of file