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⚠️ Edgeml has been deprecated, please used the renamed lib: agentlace ⚠️

A simple framework for distributed machine learning applications with edge devices. Given the limitations of GPU compute for many edge devices, EdgeML facilitates a distributed data stream between edge devices and a remote GPU server. Built on a client-server architecture, EdgeML efficiently manages the transport layer for multiple clients and a central server. Moreover, Edgeml also enables async operations and inter-processes communications between different processes on a single machine.


pip install -e .

For ReplayBuffer datastore functionality, install jax.

Quick Start

  1. Video streamer example
python3 examples/ --server

On a different terminal, you can also run it on a different machine and provide custom ip address and port number. e.g. --ip

python3 examples/ --client
  1. Datastore example
python3 examples/

## then try out --server and --client mode on 2 separate terminals
  1. Async learner-actor with Gym RL env (requires jaxrl_m, mujuco-py as dependency)
# Indicate --learner or --actor mode, no tag means async multithreaded mode
# provide --ip for remote connection, default is localhost
python3 examples/

More option flags:

  • --env: gym env name, default is HalfCheetah-v4
  • --learner: run learner mode
  • --actor: run actor mode
  • --ip: ip address of the remote server
  • --render: render the gym env
  • --use_traj_buffer: use trajectory buffer instead of replay buffer
  • --rlds_log_dir: directory to save the tfrecords for RLDS

NOTE: rlds logger requires installation of oxe_envlogger


There are three types of server-client main types of classes for user to use, according to their application. Functional programming is mainly used as the API design. User can define their own callback function to process the data. There are 3 primary modes: action, inference, trainer.

  1. Action service (edge device) as server: edgeml.ActionServer and edgeml.ActionClient
    • ActionServer provides observation to client
    • ActionClient can provide further action to server (Optional)

For a Reinforcement learning setting, this action server can be considered as a EnvServer, which takes in action and return obs. The term of ActionServer is to make it more general for other applications other than RL.

Multi-clients can connect to a edge server. client can call obs, act impl, and server can call publish_obs method. The method is shown in the diagram below.

graph LR
A[Clients] -- "obs()" --> B((Action Server))
A -- "act()" --> B
B -- "publish_obs()" --> A
  1. Inference compute as server: edgeml.InferenceServer and edgeml.InferenceClient
    • InferenceClient provides observation to server and gets prediction

Multi-client to call inference compute. client can call the call method

graph LR
A[Client 1] -- "call()" --> B((Inference Server))
C[Client 2] -- "call()" --> B
  1. Trainer compute as server: edgeml.TrainerServer and edgeml.TrainerClient
    • TrainerClient provides consistent datastore update to server and gets new network

This supports distributed datastore, and enable multiple clients to send data to server. The server can then publish the new network to all clients.

Clients can keep their own instance of their datastore, can call the update() method to provide the latest datastore update to the trainer server. Trainer can have its own instance of the datastore, retrieve the data and provide the trained network to client via publish_network() method

graph LR
A[ClientA] -- "update()" --> B((Trainer Server))
B -- "publish_network()" --> A
A -- "send_request()" --> B
C[DatastoreA] <--> A
B <--> E["Datastore(s)"]
F[DatastoreB] <--> G[ClientB]
G <--> B

Example Usage

For more examples, please refer to the test scripts in edgeml/tests/ and examples.

  1. A RL Env as Action Server

The environment can send observations to a remote client. The client, in turn, can provide actions to the environment server. This uses the edgeml.ActionServer and edgeml.ActionClient classes.

GPU Compute as client

model = load_model()
agent = edgeml.ActionClient('localhost', 6379, task_id='mnist', config=agent_config)

for _ in range(100):
    observation = agent.obs()
    prediction = model.predict(observation)
    agent.act("send", prediction)

Edge device as server

def action_callback(key, action):
    # TODO: process action here
    return {"status": "received"}

def observation_callback(keys):
    # TODO: return the desired observations here
    return {"cam1": "some_value"}

config = edgeml.ActionConfig(port_number=6379, action_keys=['move'], observation_keys=['cam1'])
agent_server = edgeml.ActionServer(config, observation_callback, action_callback)
  1. Agent as client and inference as server

This uses the edgeml.InferenceServer and edgeml.InferenceClient classes. This is useful for low power edge devices that cannot run inference locally.

Inference server

def predict(payload):
    # TODO: do some prediction based on payload
    return {"prediction": "some_value"}

inference_server = edgeml.InferenceServer(port_num=6379)
inference_server.register_interface("voice_reg", predict)
inference_server.register_interface("face_reg", predict)


client = edgeml.InferenceClient('localhost', 6379)
res ="voice_reg", {"audio": "serialized_audio"})
  1. Remote Training Example for an RL Application

A remote trainer can access the datastore updated by edge devices (Agents) and sends updated network back. The Agent then updates its model with these new network. This uses the edgeml.TrainerServer and edgeml.TrainerClient classes.


env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
observation = env.reset()

# create data store and register to trainer client
data_store =
trainer_client = edgeml.TrainerClient(
    "agent1", 'localhost', TrainerConfig(), data_store)

agent = make_agent()  # Arbitrary RL agent

# register callback function to receive new weights
def _recv_weights(new_weights):
    nonlocal agent


# automatically update datastore every 10 seconds

# Run training steps
while True:
    action = agent.get_action(observation)
    _data_point = env.step(action)

Trainer (Remote compute)

trainer_server = edgeml.TrainerServer(edgeml.TrainerConfig())

# create datastore in server
data_store =
trainer_server.register_data_store("agent1", data_store)


while True:
    time.sleep(10) # every 10 seconds
    _data = data_store.sample(...) # sample data from datastore
    new_weights = AGENT.train(_data)

Additional Notes

  • Run test cases to make sure everything is working as expected.
python3 edgeml/tests/
python3 edgeml/tests/
python3 edgeml/tests/
python3 edgeml/tests/

# Run all tests
python3 edgeml/tests/

# Run specific test
pytest-3 edgeml/tests/
  • The current implementation mainly uses zeromq as communication protocol, it should be easy to extend it to support other protocols such as grpc. (TODO: impl abstract function when there is a need)