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Angular 2 Localization

Build Status npm version

An Angular 2 library to translate messages, dates and numbers.

This library is developed using TypeScript and Angular 2 for i18n and l10n of Angular 2 apps written in TypeScript, ES5 or ES6. It allows, in addition to translation, to localize numbers and dates of your app, adding language code, country code, and optionally script code, numbering system and calendar, through Internationalization API. It also implements the validation of numbers by locales.

Sample app built with Angular 2 Material, AoT compilation & webpack, and its source code.

Get the changelog by releases.

Angular version: ^2.1.0

Angular 2 i18n solutions

Feature Angular 2 Native ng2-translate External library angular2localization External library
Messages Html attribute, Message ID impure pipe pure pipe
No bootstrap (when language changes) no yes yes
Getting the translation in component class ? yes yes
Numbers pure pipe via Intl - pure pipe via Intl
Dates pure pipe via Intl - pure pipe via Intl
Validation - - numbers validation


You can add angular2localization to your project using npm:

npm install --save angular2localization


Using SystemJS configuration

        paths: {
            'npm:': 'node_modules/'
        map: {
            app: 'app',
            // angular bundles
            // other libraries
            'rxjs': 'npm:rxjs',
            'angular2localization': 'npm:angular2localization/bundles/angular2localization.umd.min.js'
        packages: {
            app: {
                format: 'cjs',
                main: './main.js',
                defaultExtension: 'js'
            rxjs: {
                defaultExtension: 'js'


No need to set up anything, just import it in your code.

Tree shaking via rollup or webpack

No need to set up anything, just import it in your code.

Ionic 2

Using Ionic 2 with this library.

Plain JavaScript

If you build apps in Angular 2 using ES5, you can include the umd bundle in your index.html:

<script src="node_modules/angular2localization/bundles/angular2localization.umd.min.js"></script>

and using global ng.angular2localization namespace. For a basic usage, see this ES5 example.

AoT compilation

This library is compatible with AoT compilation, just import it in your code.


See quick start and library specification.

Related projects

Angular 2 Localization with an ASP.NET CORE MVC Service @damienbod


In order to build the library if you want to contribute to it:

npm install

npm test

npm run build

To test locally the npm package:

npm pack ./dist

Then you can install it in your app to test it:

npm install [path]angular2localization-[version].tgz

##License MIT