The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed issue where dependencies contained @-sign, which is not allowed. Replaced these with an underscore.
- Fixed incorrect dependency naming for AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Fixed incorrect conversion to string instead of array of dependencies
- Corrected dependency naming from AAD to AzureAD
- Added possibility to add multiple dependencies.
- Added dependency on AADGroups and AADUsers for AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Fixed issue where dependencies were not determined properly when the data did not contain the resource it depended on.
- Fixed an issue where PSCredential objects in an embedded property were not processed correctly, resulting in an empty hashtable in the example data file.
- Added support for the new workloads to the AppCredentials parameter
- Added the SettingDefinitionId parameter to the mergeable parameters, so that UniqueId is not required in those instances.
- Added support for the new Azure, Azure DevOps and Defender workloads
- Added support for the new Sentinel workload
- Added support for the new Fabric workload
- Fixed issue were the new Workloads section was not created correctly
- Added the UsedWorkloads section to the Environments section in the Example Data File
- Added a dependency to the SCSensitivityLabel resources for SCAutoSensitivityLabelPolicy
- Fixed issue were an array was not correctly created where this was required
- Updated StringArray data type into an actual array with string values in the ExampleDataFile
- Changed the MaxDepth from 5 to 8, so resources are generated on a lower level
- Added CICD parameter under the Environment branch in the Example data
- Fixed issue where the UniqueId parameter was added incorrectly for resources that had the IsSingleInstance parameter
- Added parameter description to the example datafile generation.
- Updated the NonNodeData\AppCredentials and Environment values to type definitions, in order to allow validation code to work consistently.
- Fixed RuleEvaluation filter bug that added incorrect data to the example datafile.
- Removed DscBuildHelpers module from ExternalModuleDependencies parameter in the module manifest
- Changed AAD resource name to AzureAD
- Fixed type in module manifest generation that resulted in an invalid manifest
- Fixed bug in example database generation that was caused by new versioning convention of the Composite Resources module
- Fixed bug in module generation that was caused by new versioning convention of the Composite Resources module
- Fixed bug in unit test that was caused by new versioning convention of the Composite Resources module
- Added summary of encountered issues during compilation
- Removed detection and installation of M365DSC, has to be done before running the task
- Updated logic to incorporate new version convention of the Composite Resources module
- Added check if the required Microsoft365DSC version is already installed, before trying to install it.
- Added documentation to the Readme
- Extended the module manifest with the additional information
- Moved the example data file inside the module folder, so it will be ioported with the module
- Added Composite Resource generator code
- Added Sampler task, to use the CRG in a pipeline