- Integral division
- Second largest number
- Perfect number, square or a cube
- Occurences of Maxima in a Given Sequence
- Carrot and Parsley
- Is a number symmetric?
- Next permutation
- Tower of Hanoi
- Tomorrow
- Grille Dealers
- Knight on a Rectangular Chessboard
- Copy machine for numbers
- Sorting Using Linked List
- Phonebook for Integers
- Integral division
- Occurences of Maxima in a Given Sequence
- Knight on a Rectangular Chessboard
- Find a permutation
- Evaluate the prefix notation
- Two digits
- Evaluate postfix notation
- Joseph's problem
- Check the bracketing
- Fallen subsequence
- Keys
- Wavy subsequence
- Bonds
- Drunks and Darts
- N over M
- Factor
- Wollen Sie wechseln?
- dummy
- How long I have been a Matfyz-man?