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Documentation for multipanda_ros2

multipanda_ros2 is a ros2_control-based framework for the popular, now unsupported, Franka Emika Robot (Panda). It is built on ROS2 Humble, and as a consequence, Ubuntu 22.04. Support for newer versions will be released as they come. It is capable of controlling an arbitrary number of locally connected FCI-enabled robots accessible via their IP addresses. The primary features of the framework include:

  • ROS2 compatibility (naturally)
  • 1khz access to robot data, i.e. the state and model
  • All control modes offered by libfranka, i.e. torque, joint position/velocity, Cartesian position/velocity (only for real robots), regardless of how many robots are being controlled
  • Franka Hand gripper integration
  • Integrated MuJoCo simulation

In each of the following sections, in-depth details about the various parts of the framework are introduced. The aim of the documentation is to make the package more understandable and easily customizable for your own uses.

Installation guide

(Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, ROS2 Humble, Panda 4.2.2 & 4.2.1, libfranka 0.9.2 and MuJoCo 3.1.3) On a computer running Ubuntu 22.04 and real-time kernel (if you wish to use it with a real robot), do the following:

  1. Build libfranka 0.9.2 from source by following the instructions.
  2. Build MuJoCo from source by following the instructions (tested with 3.1.3).
  3. Install library dependencies:
    • Install GLFW with sudo apt-get install libglfw3;sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
    • Install Eigen 3.3.9. Remove Eigen 3.4.0 if that was installed from following the libfranka steps.
      • Some functions will break if you use Eigen 3.4.0, and will fail to compile.
    • Install dq-robotics C++ version
  4. Install ROS2 Humble by following their instructions and create a workspace.
  5. Clone this repository (i.e. the multipanda) into your workspace's src folder.
  6. Install the dependencies by running this rosdep command from the workspace root: rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
  7. Adjust the path to mujoco in franka_hardware package's CMakeLists.txt.
  8. Source the workspace, then in your workspace root, call: colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=/path/to/libfranka/build
  9. Add the build path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{path to libfranka}/build:{path to mujoco's install}/lib
    • The MuJoCo path is the INSTALLED folder's directory. The lib folder should only have the two .so files, and a folder called cmake.
    • Likewise, the libfranka path should contain the .so files.
  10. To run:
    • Single arm:
      1. with real robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip:=<fci-ip>.
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip:=<fci-ip>.
        • arm_id is fixed to panda.
      2. with sim robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • arm_id is fixed to panda.
        • Currently, only the robot with gripper attachment is available.
    • Dual arm:
      1. with real robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip_1:=<robot-1-fci-ip> robot_ip_2:=<robot-2-fci-ip> arm_id_1=<robot-1-name> arm_id_2=<robot-2-name>.
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip_1:=<robot-1-fci-ip> robot_ip_2:=<robot-2-fci-ip> arm_id_1=<robot-1-name> arm_id_2=<robot-2-name>.
        • There is no default arm_id.
        • Grippers are set to true by default; add hand_n=false to disable this.
      2. with sim robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • arm_id_1=mj_left and arm_id_2=mj_right by default.

In-depth documentation

The franka_bringup package contains all the launch files that are used to start the framework.

The franka_description package is where the robot URDF, ros2-control configuration, and MuJoCo xml files are stored.

The franka_hardware package is the core of multipanda_ros2. This is where the bulk of the code for interfacing with both the real and simulated robots is. Information on how to use the default Franka Hand grippers is also described here.

The multimode_controller is a standard ros2-control controller, but uses its own controller implementation format, called controllets. It is designed to reduce the amount of programming overhead, and to allow extremely fast switching between different controllers within the same control mode.

Other packages


A ros2-control node copied from the original repo. All the launch files execute this particular version, instead of the one installed using apt install, for better transparency.


A series of example controllers for both one-arm and two-arm cases, some written by Franka Emika, some by me. It is intended to be used as a starting point for writing a new controller. Please see the example controllers (I recommend cartesian_impedance_example_controller.cpp/hpp) on how to structure your own one. Generally, you should keep in mind the following checklist:

  • Make sure to export your controller as a plugin at the end of the .cpp file, like:
#include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp"
  • Add the controller to CMakeLists.txt under add_library section,
  • Update the franka_example_controllers.xml file with the new controller so that your controller can be found,
  • Add your new controller (make sure the names all match) to the .yaml config file in franka_bringup.

You can of course create your own controller package by following this structure.


Franka Hand action server written by Franka Emika, copied from their repository.


A package that contains the moveit configuration files, along with example launch files.


All custom messages/services/actions are included here, except for the ones used by the multi-mode controller.


This implements two broadcasters that publishes the robot model and state data at a lower frequency as a ROS2 topic. It interfaces with franka_semantic_components.


A SemanticComponentInterface wrapper for processing the robot model and state data that is updated at 1khz from the main franka_hardware package. This provides the interfaces for those data that you can use in your ros2-control controllers.