For compilation and usage, please follow the instructions step by step.
NOTICE: before the last two step, you should only work on master machine.
First, notify the location of the code base, for example:
export WUKONG_ROOT=$HOME/graph-query
cd deps/
tar jxvf boost_1_58_0.tar.bz2
mkdir boost_1_58_0-install
./ --prefix=../boost_1_58_0-install
add following lines in project-config.jam
using mpi ;
./b2 install
cd deps/
tar -xzf tbb44_20151115oss_src.tgz
cd tbb44_20151115oss;
cd deps/
tar -zxvf zeromq-4.0.5.tar.gz
mkdir zeromq-4.0.5-install
cd zeromq-4.0.5
./configure --prefix=${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/zeromq-4.0.5-install/
make install
cd ..
cp zmq.hpp zeromq-4.0.5-install/include/
modify CMakeLists.txt, only compile wukong_zmq
add following lines in $HOME/.bashrc or the config file of other shell you're using
export WUKONG_ROOT=$HOME/graph-query
source ${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/tbb44_20151115oss/build/linux_intel64_gcc_cc4.8_libc2.19_kernel3.18.24+_release/
export CPATH=${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/zeromq-4.0.5-install/include:$CPATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/zeromq-4.0.5-install/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/zeromq-4.0.5-install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
dictionary of tbb may need to be changed, due to different kernel version.
copy zeromq-4.0.5-install/ and tbb44_20151115oss/ to deps/ at other machines
mkdir wukong/ at all slaves
modify tools/mpd.hosts to set ip addresses of slaves
modify CMakeLists.txt to set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
compile and sync
cd tools; ./ ./
copy zeromq-4.0.5-install/ and tbb44_20151115oss/ to deps/ at slaves
scp -r ${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/zeromq-4.0.5-install/ slave1:${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/ scp -r ${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/tbb44_20151115oss/ slave1:${WUKONG_ROOT}/deps/
./ nmachine
If there is space at the raw_data, convert it to underline first
cat raw_file | sed -e 's/ /_/g’ > convert_file
use generate_data to convert raw_data into id_data .
./generate_data lubm_raw_40/ id_lubm_40/
put id_data to NFS , and set the global_input_folder at config file
use str_normal_minimal if loading str_normal causes too much time grep "" str_normal >> str_normal_minimal