- [Intro to ggplot](./how-to/Intro to ggplot.ipynb)
- Gallery
- [Annotating Plots - Titles and Labels](./how-to/Annotating Plots - Titles and Labels.ipynb)
- [Building Faceted (or Trellised) Plots](./how-to/Building Faceted (or Trellised) Plots.ipynb)
- [Color Swatches](./how-to/Color Swatches.ipynb)
- [Customizing Colors](./how-to/Customizing Colors.ipynb)
- [Customizing your x and y axis - Scaling and Coordinates](./how-to/Customizing your x and y axis - Scaling and Coordinates.ipynb)
- [How to Make a Histogram](./how-to/How to Make a Histogram.ipynb)
- [How to make xkcd style graphs](./how-to/How to make xkcd style graphs.ipynb)
- [Layering Plots](./how-to/Layering Plots.ipynb)
- [Look and Feel - Themes](./how-to/Look and Feel - Themes.ipynb)
- [Making Multiple Plots](./how-to/Making Multiple Plots.ipynb)
- [Making a Scatter Plot](./how-to/Making a Scatter Plot.ipynb)
- [Plotting two variables as lines on the same graph](./how-to/Plotting two variables as lines on the same graph.ipynb)
- [Saving Plots to a File](./how-to/Saving Plots to a File.ipynb)
- [Visualizing Distributions](./how-to/Visualizing Distributions.ipynb)
- geom_abline
- geom_area
- geom_bar
- geom_bin2d
- geom_blank
- geom_boxplot
- geom_density
- geom_histogram
- geom_hline
- geom_jitter
- geom_line
- geom_point
- geom_rect
- geom_ribbon
- geom_step
- geom_text
- geom_tile
- geom_vline
- scale_alpha_identity
- scale_color_brewer
- scale_color_crayon
- scale_color_funfetti
- scale_color_gradient
- scale_color_identity
- scale_color_manual
- scale_fill_identity
- scale_linetype_identity
- scale_x_continuous
- scale_x_date
- scale_x_discrete
- scale_x_log
- scale_x_reverse
- scale_y_continuous
- scale_y_log
- scale_y_reverse