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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in 2022 and likely many more years to come. Learn the worse part of it to become a better developer.

1. Concatenation between string and number
1 + 2 + "3"

33 . First we have 3 as the first + works as a normal mathematical operation and then 3 + "3", the second + plays the role of concatenation.

2. Concatenation between null and number
null + 0

It returns 0 because in this operation null is converted to 0.

3. array is a sub-type of object

Sure, but looping through an object is a bit different from looping through an array and in this regard [{}, {}], as you might guess, is the best way to construct a huge collection in JavaScript.

4. The rescure of operator
const array = ["hello", "World"];

You can convert an array to object using operator. The output will be :

[object Object] { 0: "hello", 1: "World" }

5. typeof might give you a surprise sometimes
const a = new Array();
console.log(typeof a) //"object"

const b = [];
console.log(typeof b) //"object"

const a = new Array();
console.log(typeof a) //"object"

const b = [];
console.log(typeof b) //"object"

The first way to initiate an array is not deemed as a best practice.

6. What's the output?
setTimeout(callback, 0)

The callback insde the function setTimeout will only be triggered AFTER all synchronous code has been executed, no matter how many mini-second you set here, meaning it does not surely run after 0 second.

7. There is no "class" at all when evaluated by typeof
class a { }
console.log(typeof a) // "function"

function b(){}
console.log(typeof b) //"function"

The long story short: There is no "class" in JavaScript if you use typeof operator. But who cares?

8. Thanos does not understand the code
Math.min(); // -> Infinity
Math.max(); // -> -Infinity
Infinity > -Infinity; // -> true

Note that Math.max() is not the same thing as Number.MAX_VALUE. And hence, as you might see, the following code returns true:

Math.min() > Math.max(); //true

9. true or false, that is the question!
1 < 2 < 3; // -> true
3 > 2 > 1; // -> false

As 1 < 2 returns true and so true < 3 also returns true. On the second line, 3 > 2 return true, but true > 1 gives us false.

10. sort() does not always sort!
let collections = [9, 13, 3, 20, 49, 10];
console.log(collections.sort()) //[10, 13, 20, 3, 49, 9]

This is not a bug. The native JavaScript method sort() converts the list of elements in the array given into strings. It then compares the UTF-16 values and sorts the list based on these UTF-16 values.You might note that the list sorted according to the first digit, so 13 is less than 9 because 1 < 9.

11. The magic does not end
console.log(true + true === 2); //true
console.log(true - true === 0); //true

Both return true.

But console.log(true === 1)// false because here both type and value are taken into account.

12. The magic does not end
console.log(true + true === 2); //true
console.log(true - true === 0); //true

You might see that the operator == only compares the value while === takes both value and type into consideration.

If you write "10" == 10, then we get true but "10" === 10 returns false.

console.log("10" == 10)//true
console.log("10" === 10)//false

13. The magic does not end with +
[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]

"1,2,34,5,6". When the plus sign (+) is used between two different features/functions in a single context, it might behave quite strangely like above. We know it (+) holds two functions: a mathematical operation and for concatenating string.

14. Comparison in JavaScript is odds
console.log(null == 0); //false
console.log(null ===0); //false
console.log(null >  0); //false
console.log(null >= 0); //true

silence is golden

Math.max() < Math.min() //true

Math.min(number1, number2) and Math.max(number1, number2) allow us to find the smallest and the largest number in a collection, let say.

But if we do not pass any parameter into the function then by default Math.min(); // -> Infinity and Math.max(); // -> -Infinity.

Math.max() < Math.min() //true

Math.min(number1, number2) and Math.max(number1, number2) allow us to find the smallest and the largest number in a collection, let say.

But if we do not pass any parameter into the function then by default Math.min(); // -> Infinity and Math.max(); // -> -Infinity.

0.1 + 0.2; // -> 0.30000000000000004
0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3; // -> false

This one is very famous and the cause rooted in the floating-point math which you might find in any other programming languages, one way or another.

So you should not blame JavaScript for this one

console.log(NaN === NaN); //false

The code returns false. So I have nothing to say, just memorize it and avoid any particular bugs caused by.

console.log(typeof NaN)//"number"

NaN means "Not a number" but its typeof is "number". Go crazy!!!

console.log(typeof []) //object

It is said that array is a sub-type of object in JS. So the code above returns "object".

FYI: console.log(typeof {})// "object"

How to fix that? Go with Array.isArray(isObjectorArray)

null is an object, "but"

Let write some more code: console.log(typeof null), // "object". console.log(typeof undefined) // "undefined".

OMG, console.log(null instanceof Object); // false

you can even declare a variable without any functional keyword such as "var", "let", or "const".

So technically there are four ways to declare a variable:

  1. no keyword,
  2. var (not recommended),
  3. const (highly recommended)
  4. let (when you want to change the value)

variable without any functional word in the beginning is terribly bad and "var" keyword is also unfortunately terrible.

Given the fact that we can re-declare a variable if it has been initially declared with "var". Say,

var x = 10;
var x = 12;
console.log(x) //12

It is therefore highly recommended not to use "var" in any case.

"b" + "a" + + "a" + "a" === "baNaNa"

The code above returns true. Yes hell! "NaN" in the right "baNaNa" simply means "Not a number".

Note that in JS, the plus sign (+) can be used as an operator (for number) and for concatenating (for string).