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seahawk1986 edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 5 revisions


yavdr-addon-pip allows to start a second vdr which can be used to display a PIP window wich can be placed freely on any available screen.


yavdr-addon-pip is available as a normal debian package. It can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt install yavdr-addon-pip

How it works

A second vdr with instance id 1 is startet within the systemd user session. By default it uses streamdev-client to connect to the main vdr and the main vdr’s channels.conf is copied to /var/lib/vdr-pip/channels.conf before the pip-vdr is started.

There are two systemd units for the user session which inherit the DISPLAY variable for the first resp. the second display. vdr-pip@.service allows to start a pip-vdr on the primary display, vdr-pip-2nd-display@.service starts a pip-vdr on the secondary display.

To allow for different window positions the name of script which moves the windows to the target positions can be specified by the instance value. The scripts are located in /etc/vdr-pip/scripts/.

Each script should provide means to handle three actions which are passed as first argument to it:

collect information and prepare configuration before the pip vdr is started
collect information and move windows after the pip vdr has been started
clean up after the pip vdr has been stopped

Functions from /etc/vdr-pip/scripts/pip-common can be used to handle the most common cases.

See /etc/vdr-pip/scripts/default for an example.

Starting VDR-PIP

Within the systemd user session a vdr-pip instance can be started with

systemctl --user start vdr-pip@default.service # primary display, small pip window
systemctl --user start vdr-pip-2nd-display@fullscreen.service # secondary display, fullscreen window

The script /etc/vdr-pip/scripts/pipswap can be used to exchange the currently tuned channel of the main vdr and the pip vdr.

A script toggle_pip can be used within vdr’s commands.conf or menuorg to easily toggle the pip vdr:

if [ -z "$1" ] || systemctl --user -q is-active 'vdr-pip@*' 'vdr-pip-2nd-display@*'; then
    systemctl --user --no-block stop 'vdr-pip@*' 'vdr-pip-2nd-display@*'
elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
    systemctl --user --no-block start "$1"


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