We will be using some of the elements of google's style guide: https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html
Header file Starting
header file for Scorpion Framework, written for Texas Instruments Launchpad devices and Arduino. This framework aims to implement machine learning on small embedded devices.This header file
See license for legal queries. , <author(s)> */
#ifndef H --> #ifndef SCORPION_CORE_OPS_H_ means SCORPION project in CORE path OPS file.
Source code starting
This source file
See license for legal queries. , <author(s)> */
Class names are to be kept in camel coded style (first letter caps) --> ThisClass Function names are to be kept in underscore style --> this_function variable and const names are to have understandable underscore names --> shape_vec global macros --> #define NUM_CORES 32
//========= Public =========//
//========= Public (if using nested class) =========//
This is all the stuff in public of any class.
//========= Private =========//
//========= Private (if using nested class) =========//
This is all the stuff in private of any class. (must come after public)