js testing
- https://medium.com/javascript-and-opinions/state-of-the-art-javascript-in-2016-ab67fc68eb0b
- "You can’t really go wrong with Jasmine, Mocha or Tape"
- my ideals:
- fast DOM testing without requiring real DOM
- testable in browser (best debugging experience, see DOM)
- jest
- can't run in browser jestjs/jest#139
- is automock too much magic? not sure how it interacts with various things (coffeescript classes?)
- "auto-mocking isn’t nearly as nice as it sounds, and is very slow anyway"
- jsdom
- fast
good systems blogs (that I no longer subscribe to - interest drift)
- Sutter's Mill
- LLVM blog
- LWN.net
- ACM Queue
- Schneier on Security
- A VC
- A VC
distributed tracing
- zipkin: heavyweight, uses Cassandra/Zookeeper/Finagle/Flume/Thrift
- X-Trace: unmaintained
python profilers
- statprof: sampling but only works on main thread, and no blocking IO
- lsprof/cProfile: built-in but instrumenting and no line info
chef, puppet
virtual memory
"Google generally does not use virtual memory for anything in the cloud, because it leads to unpredictable, massive delays which can cause cascading failures in services."
android internals
- apps: bundles of components
- each app in a linux process; can be killed any time
- intents: msgs, like unix signals
- Binder: RPC system that lets services talk to components & to ea other
- bionic: libc replacement
- dalvik vm, harmony class lib
- dx converts .class to .dex
- init: parses /init.rc; usu mounts FSs, starts mem mgr, starts services (incl servicemanager, which manages Binder ctxs), starts zygote
- zygote aka app_process: root java process; starts system service
- system service: process that houses everything important (battery, lights, vibrator, audio, sensors, etc), alarms, notifs, activities, windows
- toolbox: suckier busybox; freq install busybox on androids
- startup
- bootloader implements fastboot protocol; contains secure boot/recovery logic
- no FHS but no conflicts either
- ext4 for SMP and new storage devices that were more like SD cards than NAND flash; was yaffs2
android development
- paths
- Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory: /mnt/sdcard
- shared space, very user-accessible, public
- generally avoid using this
- Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory("AnyStringExceptNull"): /mnt/sdcard/AnyStringExceptNull
- shared space, very user-accessible, public
- may not exist; create with File.mkdirs()
- Context.getExternalFilesDir("blah"): /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.android.test/files/blah
- app-specific, public
- auto-creates directory
- null gives the base dir, not a subdir
- Context.getFilesDir: /data/data/com.android.test/files
- app-specific, private
- Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory: /mnt/sdcard
- paths
- ? means unknown
- mahout accepts csv-like files where ',' and ' ' are delims (it also ignores the @ lines so this way it also accepts ARFF)
linux security tools/practices
- denyhosts/fail2ban
- psad: detect intrusions from iptables
- tiger: general system audit tool
- logwatch
- chkrootkit
- ufw
- sshd_config:
PermitRootLogin no
andPasswordAuthentication no
- http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/17/securing-an-ubuntu-server/
machine learning libraries
- orange > pyml, mlpy
- rapidminer > weka
- trees
- REPTree: does reduced-error pruning; considers all attrs at each node
- RandomTree: no pruning; considers only random subset of attrs at each node
- J48: C4.5 impl
- http://mydatamining.wordpress.com/2008/04/14/decision-trees/
- dealing with dataset imbalance
- SpreadSubsample: undersampling
- SMOTE: oversampling
- CostSensitiveClassifier
- InterquartileRange: undersample (remove) outliers
- CostMatrix, Resample
- http://old.nabble.com/Unbalanced-class-problem-td29911621.html
- trees
google apps script
- run on google servers
- can customize buttons/menus
- per-document, or can be added domain-wide
- can trigger on events: open, edit, install, spreadsheet form submit, etc
- can publish into public gallery or as a private or public URL service (where it still runs as you)
- various actions: send mail, fetch URLs, manage docs, jdbc, utils
speech synthesis/TTS systems
- festival: c++/scheme; basic (diphone) voices poor; HTS/Unit Selection voices great
- flite: c
- emacspeak: dectalk 3, dectalk express, viavoice
- espeak: c
- freetts: java
- festvox: voices
- mary: sounds pretty nice, at least the online demo w cmu voices
- epos
- hts (hmm text to speech)
- mbrola: not that great
- neospeech: commercial; amazing; used in qwiki
- svox: used in google products
process monitoring/management
- supervisord
- directly monitors children; no sub-children, no forking/start cmds
- ugly configparser files
- less control than god
- only very basic monitoring controls + event-listening extension system
- online reloading (
) isn't that great- misses certain changes, e.g. to events for event listener
- changed processes are restarted on
- only one group per program
- god
- reports of problems running and memory leaks
- I also had problems with god hanging when playing with it
- unmaintained since Feb 2009
- monit
- nice but new language
- most actively maintained
- unlike god/supervisord:
- only supports running in fresh environment
- no stdout/stderr redirection
- only uses forking/start cmds; no child supervision
- advanced monitoring checks
- dependencies, but only process-based, not listening port-based
- janky; single-threaded architecture gets stuck waiting for pidfile to
appear and can't respond to control
- very slow/sluggish feeling
- can monitor process trees, unlike the others
- upstart
- designed for child supervision
- root user only; only supports running as root
- simple, restricted language
- no stdout/stderr redirection
- also actively maintained; ubuntu's "success story"
- dependencies
- details
- "stop on stopped foo" will stop this job even if foo just dies (doesn't have to be explicitly stopped)
- stopping: first sends TERM, then KILL after 5s (
kill timeout 5
)- log if exited with non-0, logged
- upstart takes care of
start on runlevel [2345]
- don't create /etc/rc?.d/ symlinks
- ubuntu has symlinks in /etc/init.d/ to upstart-job only for compat
- perhaps users or other programs expect these there
- none of them have symlinks in /etc/rc?.d/
- supervisord
- pros/features/highlights
- event processing system; events can be restarts, alerts, logging, etc.
- large ecosystem; biggest of all monitoring systems; many existing plugins
- web interface to see current status
- passive as well as active plugins; not just cron
- simple plugin API: any command line tool
- results caching, service dependencies, adaptive monitoring
- on-call notification rotations, escalations
- cons
- very easy to re-implement these checks
- yet another system to learn, with its own config labyrinth (self-advertised as complex)
- everything is periodic, has delay
- no integration with trend monitoring systems; no data accumulation
- how is it for EC2-like places where instances are expected to fail?
- polling duration can exceed period, causing problems
- details
- define hosts, cmds, services (what cmds to run on what hosts)
- external command file: where other programs send nagios internal cmds (not cmd-line cmds) to run
- active plugins: exit status 0-3 determine state
- distributed montoring: ssh/NRPE for active, NSCA for passive, SNMP
- passive plugins: checks external command file every minute by default
- can check for sufficient freshness
- both queue results; checked every 5s by default by reaper
- volatile: state-triggered (v edge-triggered)
- ndoutils: store in mysql; will probably be nagios default in future
- stalking: logging all
- often integrated with cacti/rrdtool for trend monitoring?
- pros/features/highlights
monitoring systems (2008)
- nagios: see section
- zenoss (core): zope
- web/daemon/data-tier arch; data in cmdb (cfg), rrd (hist), mysql (events)
- uses snmp (req'd), nagios plugins, zenpacks (cmds, tmpls, graphs)
- all cfg via web ui or api
- tmpls; production states for servers; alert severities; locations
- integrates events and trends; nice/confusing gui
- scalable server
- missing commercial features in zenoss enterprise
- zabbix
- lightweight agent/php/db-tier arch
- simple checks; agents; snmp; external/internal/aggregated checks
- auto discovery (agent based)
- fully integrated alerting, reporting, trending
- create own screens w tmpls; correlation of graphs
- cons: cumbersome config; reporting not great; no escalation
- hyperichq
- java; pg
- focus on app internals (mysql, pg, jboss); great for debugging
- integrated with opennms; similar frameworks; complementary
- auto-detection; best graphing; easy config; nice GUI
- not for typical lamp shop; lots of features in commercial version
- opsview enterprise
- set of nagios exts for scaling, web (catalyst), mysql
- HA/LB monitoring; multi slaves, single master
- nagvis, rrdtool for trending
- opennms: once nagios' only contender; j2ee; focus on network; snmp + nagios plugins
- groundworks: sucks
- hobbit: sucks
- from http://www.slideshare.net/tomdc/open-source-monitoring-tools-shootout
- nice feature matrix
- scikits
- openopt: bunch of optimization
- scikits
be careful, int != integer:
sqlite> create table a (a integer primary key, b integer); sqlite> insert into a (b) values (0); sqlite> select * from a; 1|0 sqlite> create table b (a int primary key, b integer); sqlite> insert into b (b) values (0); sqlite> select * from b; |0
- packages
- misc
- Rserve
- foreach
- parallel
- lubridate
- data
- RPostgreSQL
- RGoogleDocs
- sqldf: SQL on DFs
- plyr: general bulk manipulation utils
- reshape2: pivot table-like cubing/rollups
- data.table: a better data.frame
- xtc: builds on zoo; "unifies" the various time series pkgs
- model selection
- leaps: stepwise/exhaustive, AIC/BIC/R2/...
- lars: LARS, LASSO, fwd stagewise
- OLS only
- faster than glmnet for small/sparse/wide problems: http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/7057/glmnet-or-lars-for-computing-lasso-solutions
- lasso2: L1 for GLM
- clustering
- mclust: mixture modeling, model-based clustering
- modeling
- randomForest
- survival
- rjags
- mgcv: smoothers for GLMs
- caret: data splitting, preprocessing, model tuning using resampling,
variable importance estimation
- train: parallel training procedure that takes care of a lot of stuff for you
- knn
- prediction
- performance
- kernlab
- e1071: misc functions from dept stats, TU Wien
- NB, SVM, perms/combs, shortest paths, distances, LCA, lots more
- tm: term document matrices
- irlba: SVD for big data
- arm: bayesglm
- forecast: AR, ARIMA, exponential smoothing, etc. (hyndman)
- assorted
- MASS: companion to modern applied statistics with s
- rlm: robust regression
- boxcox
- stepAIC: fuller version of
- MASS: companion to modern applied statistics with s
- numeric
- quadprog
- eval
- verification: fast roc.area & other measures
- qcc: quality control charts, ROCs, etc.
- data
- discretization: mdlp same as orange.EntropyDiscretization
- viz
- ggplot2
- ggExtra:
install.packages("ggExtra", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
- rggobi
- directlabels
- lattice (splom), car (spm): scatterplot matrices (see ggplot2)
- maps, geosphere
- popbio
- logi.hist.plot: viz logistic regression results
- hexbin
- HH
- ci.plot: confidence interval plot http://princeofslides.blogspot.com/2011/02/sab-r-metrics-basic-applied-regression.html
- finance
- quantmod
- quantstrat
- BurStFin
- misc
- vocab
- modeling facilities
- expressions:
y ~ a + b + c:d + e*f - b
means interaction,e*f
meanse + f + e:f
) - linear models: lm, glm
- clustering: kmeans
- optimization: optim, nlm
- ANOVA: aov, anova
- descriptive tools: table, summary
- gbm: gradient boosting machine
- nonlinear models: loess, scatter.smooth
- model selection: step
- eval: rstandard, rstudent, AIC, BIC
- misc: predict, resid, coef, confint, cooks.distance, diffits, influence.measures
- expressions:
- stats
- cor, cov, var, mean, median
- summary, table
- system
- install.packages, update.packages
- setwd, read.csv
- options, sessionInfo
- trace, traceback, stop, stopifnot
- png, dev.off, par, dev.new
- manipulation
- transform, head, tail, subset, cbind, rbind, colnames
- abline, lines
- str, dput
- all.equal, identical
- new.env, with, within, search, ls, attach, detach, get, assign,
- sort
- na.*
- match, %in% (subset), is.element, setdiff, merge
- paste
- apply, lapply, sapply, tapply
- rbind.fill
- cut
- control
- invisible
- modeling facilities
- syntax tricks
- use backticks for non-standard names
- to run an R file from cmd line
R --vanilla "--args ${@:2}" < $1 #>/dev/null
- will be replaced with
- GUIs: RStudio beats all the rest
- pitfalls
- don't pass in logicals as
; usefactor(ifelse(x, 'pos', 'neg'))
- RF can only have categorical variables with <=32 factors http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/randomForest-can-not-handle-categorical-predictors-with-more-than-32-categories-td3036871.html
- don't pass in logicals as
- gripes
- syntax: can never tell when something will be evaluated, when i'm writing symbols or formulae or expressions, etc.
- inconsistency: packages use model formulae, vectors/matrices, and/or data.frames
- hard to find packages, determine best packages, etc.
- memory management/fragmentation
- caret
- can't dynamically choose params (eg glmnet lambda, randomForest mtry)
- packages
smart cards
- form factors: credit card, mini-SIM (most common), micro-SIM
- communication w PCs
- PC/SC (personal computer/smart card): serial protocol; in Win; PC/SC Lite for Linux
- CCID, ICCD: USB protocols
packages have debug symbols for all binaries - user adm is for viewing system logs; user admin is for sudo
- apt
- /var/run/reboot-required: presence means need to reboot
- apt
- hierarchical directory of entries of KV attr pairs (defined by schema)
- schemas define object classes; published at a base DN in subschemaSubentry operational attr (system attr)
- obj ID is distinguished name (DN)
- topmost levels usu. reflect DNS (eg
) - directory system agent (DSA): an LDAP server; default port 389
- can refer to other servers
- request types
- start TLS
- bind: authenticate w user DN and passwd, specify version (normally LDAPv3)
- search: base obj, scope, filter, deref aliases?, attrs (projection), size/time limits, types only?
- compare: check DN has attr pair
- add/delete/modify: takes DN and list of attrs
- extended ops: eg cancel, passwd modify
- abandon: abort an operation named by a msg ID; unfortunately no response, so cancel extension was introduced
- unbind: abandon ops, close conn
- hierarchical directory of entries of KV attr pairs (defined by schema)
active directory
- LDAP, modified KRB, DNS, SSO, app roaming storage, admin/policy/deploy SW/etc
- AD includes 1+ domains, each w 1+ domain controller (DC) (can scale)
- AD app mode (ADAM): lightweight impl on 2k3/XP; same but no need for domain
- primary DC, backup DC, or domain member: older NT model
- now 1+ equal peer DCs; multi-master repl (configurable sync/async/etc)
- introduced in win2k
samba: impls SMB/CIFS and domain membership; v4 can serve as AD DC (future)
- NBT, SMB/CIFS, DCE/RPC, MSRPC, network neighborhood, WINS server called NBNS, SAM, LSA, SPOOLSS, NTLM, AD logon
- paster
- main code calls
to find all paster plugins (uses entrypoints?) -
for extensibility
- pylons
loads config -
loads config and creates app -
loads config and creates server - all above take URLs like
paster setup-app development.ini
in .ini points to egg for your app ("myapp") - myapp's
entrypoint ispylons.util.PylonsInstaller
objects runsetup_app
) inwebsetup
- passes paste's
- passes paste's
paster serve development.ini
- serve command calls
uses entrypointpaste.app_factory
, points tomyapp.config.middleware
is passedglobal_conf
in .ini) andapp_conf
in .ini)- calls
: creates/returnspylons.config = pylons.configuration.PylonsConfig
- creates
as stack of middleware initialized byconfig
- calls
- the config is then registered into
(pushed onto a stacked proxy object) - config has local_conf and global_conf sub-dicts
- serve command calls
- http://pylonsbook.com/en/1.1/pylons-internal-architecture.html
- http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Pylons+Execution+Analysis+0.10
- paster
python packages/eggs
- distributed/pip: successor to setuptools/easy_install
- pkg_resources: most of the meat is in this module
- entry points: simple global registry for all modules to declare what interfaces they provide (and for others to find them by these interfaces)
- egg metadata stored in ./package.egg_info/ or site-packages/package.egg/EGG-INFO
net booting, old to new: etherboot (95), intel PXE (99, TFTP), gPXE (SAN)
- processes can be shared by multiple apps
- on backgrounding, apps are signaled to save their state
- OS will kill bg procs under pressure
- philosophy: don't distinguish btwn background/stopped apps
- broadcast receivers: given 10 seconds to handle broadcast events like alarms and arrived-at-location
- services: longer-running bg ops
email agents
- MUA: client for reading/composing messages, eg mutt
- MSA: recv from MUA, send to MTA; most MTAs also MSAs
- uses: correct errors (eg missing date/msg-id/domain), simplify MTA policies (refuse mail to non-locals, stricter spam setting)
- MTA aka relay: xfer msgs to/from this host; uses SMTP
- exim is officially supported on ubuntu; also sendmail (older, famously insecure)
- each MTA adds
hdr - major MTAs (monolithic = less secure)
- sendmail: popular, once-insecure, monolithic
- exim: monolithic, ok security record, sendmail drop-in
- postfix: modular, secure (by sec guy), performant, sendmail drop-in, easy
- qmail: secure (by djb), updated in 99, modular, weird to use
- http://shearer.org/MTA_Comparison
- MTAs have configurable policies/processing; eg postfix can spawn a cmd, pipe to a persistent cmd, etc
- port 587 used for MUA-MSA; port 25 used for MTA-MTA; most servers just use 25
- MDA: recv msgs to local user, store in inbox; eg procmail (old; most MTAs are also MDAs)
- MRA: retrieve via POP, IMAP, etc; eg fetchmail, getmail (python successor)
- outlook, thunderbird, etc: MUAs that also have some MSA, MDA, MRA
email configuration
- /etc/mailname: the domain of this machine
- eg cron jobs are from/to this domain
- this is what postfix should set as mydestination
- /etc/mailname: the domain of this machine
fail2ban: scans logs and bans IPs w too many failed attempts
- update iptables FW or tcp wrapper's hosts.deny
php -a
: if built w readline support, then behave as console
ruby web app infrastructure
- monit: monitors mongrel processes (and unicorn masters)
- mongrel: ruby web server
- unicorn: request queue for server load balancing; based on mongrel
- features 0-downtime app deployment (incremental rollout)
- stormcloud: monitors unicorn workers
- dom0: hypervisor kernel
- domU: guest kernel
- containers (sources/sinks)
- files
- SequenceFile: provides len-delimiting btwn keys/values and btwn records
- uncompressed, record-compressed, block-compressed
- built-in compression codecs: bz2, gzip, default (?)
- InputFormat: FileInputFormat:
- SequenceFileInputFormat: uses SequenceFileRecordReader
- TextInputFormat: uses LineRecordReader
- KeyValueInputFormat: tab-separated lines
- SequenceFile: provides len-delimiting btwn keys/values and btwn records
- files
- serialization
- Writable: WritableComparable:
- hadoop records aka Jute
used in RPC
primitives: byte, bool, int, long, float, double, ustring, buffer
- buffer (BytesWritable): use this for eg protobufs
composites: record, vector, map
Record: abstract; for generated classes
DDL (link.jr) to
rcc -l C++
module links { class Link { ustring URL; boolean isRelative; ustring anchorText; }; }
encodings: binary, CSV, XML
- hadoop records aka Jute
- avro
- hadoop
- used to require keys/values to be Writables, but now uses Serializers
and class factories
- there's WritableSerialization
- used to require keys/values to be Writables, but now uses Serializers
and class factories
- old
- RecordReader: also had DBRecordReader
- http://code.google.com/p/thrift-protobuf-compare/wiki/Benchmarking
- Writable: WritableComparable:
- http://archive.cloudera.com/docs/
- setup: <y_z.scripts.mit.edu/wp/2010/01/20/no-nonsense-standalone-hadoop-and-dumbo-on-ubuntu/>
- containers (sources/sinks)
- vocab
- util.control.Exception.catching
- Stream.continually
: somehow faster than simple Exceptions
- things i don't like
complexity, almost entirely in the type system which has many interacting concerns
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1715681/scala-2-8-breakout
- open questions
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5544536/type-inference-on-set-failing
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scala-user/NwhaQ6U0wy0
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448444/missing-parameter-type-in-overloaded-generic-method-taking-a-function-argument
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7830731/parameter-type-in-structural-refinement-may-not-refer-to-an-abstract-type-defin
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7829765/scala-view-bounds-that-work-with-subtypes
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6849994/understanding-the-interaction-in-scala-between-self-types-and-type-bounds
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6849137/scala-type-parameter-bound-error-in-subclass-but-not-superclass
- collections library was hard to get right (original sucked), and is hard to comprehend
- hopefully some clever and motivated minds will make things better in the future
- too hard to get started with (docs are better now)
- still too complex to understand and extend
- Mark Harrah is difficult and uncommunicative
- simple things/extensions are cumbersome:
collections branching off from TraversableOnce into Iterator and Seq
- bunch of methods missing for TraversableOnce
- methods missing unnecessarily between Iterator/Seq, e.g. distinct
need acute awareness of what we're dealing with
- python 3 gets this right: produce iterators by default, since everything else can be efficient build on top of them
- in general, self-type-returning collections are not a good default
for (x <- xs) ...
may or may not produce an intermediate list, depending on the type ofxs
; better remember to always use.iterator
- see also the need for
- used to be a die-hard user of Streams, but now almost never use them
for comprehensions and lack of generators:
def splitBy(f: (A,A) => Boolean) = { var ys = mut.BufferA for { Seq(Some(a),b) <- padIter(xs) sliding 2 if { ys += a; b == None || f(a,b.get) } } yield { val oldYs = ys ys = mut.BufferA oldYs }
group = [] for a,b in sliding(xs, 2): group.append(a) if a != b yield group group = []
- for comprehensions vs python generators/yield
- for comprehension syntax is its own little world
at the end of an operator method meansthis
is the RHS - why aren't all functions curried? why does currying need to be specified in advance?
- abuse of operators:
is unnecessary - why both classes and case classes? either new Foo or Foo? just have one.
- needs to decide whether it wants to integrate with java or not. (don't!)
syntax - singleton objects are promoted everywhere and are also the main way a lot of tricks in scala are pulled off.
- why are
, etc. special in the language? ideally should be implemented in the language. - breakOut
- List.map returns List instead of iterator? (cf. Python)
- language is too expansive
- Option and null?
- XML literals, yet no string interpolation
more serious
- too many choices all the time: do I want a function, a view method, etc.
- libraries aren't as mature (complete, battle tested, documented)
- lots of compat breaks
- IDE is a WIP
- syntax just doesn't flow very smoothly
- the infix operator syntax always needs to be wrapped in parens if you then want to apply a unary postfix method, discouraging its use if you want to avoid having to jump around to place parens
- the no-() method invocation fails when you want to call an apply on the returned result but the orig method has an implicit param that gets in the way
longer term
- no javascript backend
- no native backend
- no
will come close but not entirely and it's not here yet
- vocab
- link rel canonical: the canonical URL for this page; useful for eg search engines, sharing, bookmarking, etc
- buffering: fully buffered (default), line buffered (tty), unbuffered
- see
- see
- buffering: fully buffered (default), line buffered (tty), unbuffered
- sector: 512 B
- partition: physical region on disk; serves as a storage container
- windows PC: first partition starts at sector 63
- volume: OS abstraction for storage container
- usu just a single partition
- logical volume managers (LVMs) can create virtual volumes; eg concat or stripe partitions
- features: live PV adds/removes; resize partitions; snapshots; span many disks; RAID0/1
- physical volumes (PVs) are real partitions or whole disks
- volume groups (VGs) of PVs are logical disks
- logical volumes (LVs) are partitions of VGs
- can resize LVs; just first resize FS to be same/smaller
- reiserfs has fast resizing, unlike ext3
- lvm2: read-write snapshots; fragile, don't be too fancy
- default extent ('chunk') size 4MB
- keeps metadata header at start of each PV; each PV has UUID
- complete copy of entire VG layout, incl other PV UUIDs
- LVM implemented in terms of the device mapper; simplifies LVM code; all in user space
- /boot can't be in LVM; / not recommended
- recommend LVM above RAID
- http://www.ntlug.org/Articles/LVM
- mostly implemented using ptrace
: the web server group
random vocab
- ILP32: int, long, ptr are 32 bits
- LP64: long, ptr are 64 bits
other RDBMSs
- main-memory hsqldb: only
read uncommitted
- main-memory hsqldb: only
innodb stores data in PK order
- select types
- simple: no union or subqueries
- primary: outermost select
- subquery
- dependent subquery: correlated subquery
- derived: subquery in
- uncacheable subquery: must re-evaluate for each outer tuple
- join/access types, best to worst
const: index lookup yielding exactly 1 row; can turn the result of this index lookup into constant
SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE primary_key=1;
SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE primary_key_part1=1 AND primary_key_part2=2;
eq_ref: ref where the inner table yields exactly 1 row
SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column=other_table.column;
SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column_part1=other_table.column AND ref_table.key_column_part2=1;
ref: index join
SELECT * FROM ref_table WHERE key_column=expr;
SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column=other_table.column;
SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column_part1=other_table.column AND ref_table.key_column_part2=1;
index_merge: use multiple indexes
unique_subquery: non-dependent (non-correlated) subquery using unique index; turn index lookups into constants
index_subquery: non-correlated subquery using non-unique index; turn index lookups into constants
range: use index to select a range;
index: index scan (per outer row); only if predicate and selected columns are covered by index
all: full table scan (per outer row)
- columns
- key: the key used by this join/access type
- ref: which outer columns are compared against
- select types
- perf
- trx_commit, binlog, sync_bin http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2010/02/28/maximal-write-througput-in-mysql/
- implements MVCC; has true serializability bc of shared index locks,
unlike PG (and future locks or gap locks can be taken on these)
- each row has 3 new fields
- 7-byte ID of last updating (or deleting) txn
- 7-byte ptr to undo log record (undo log is called the rollback segment)
- 6-byte monotonically increasing row ID
- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/innodb-multi-versioning.html
- each row has 3 new fields
- storage format
- if table has int primary key, use that as tuple id; otherwise add tuple id for each tuple
- var-len cols
- compact/redundant ("antelope"): up to 768B in record (for prefix
indexes), rest in overflow page
- at least 2 rows + some metadata must fit in each 16KB page, so limit for whole row is ~8KB
- dynamic/compressed ("barracuda"): 20B ptr whenever not fit; prefix index can be built separately
- each value has exclusive overflow pages; no sharing
- compact/redundant ("antelope"): up to 768B in record (for prefix
indexes), rest in overflow page
- perf
show engine innodb status
show processlist
kill 3
kills process 3 in processlist
- built-in async stmt-/row-based replication
- ship stmts/rows/mixed via binary log
- log after update completion but before lock release/commit to ensure log is in execution order
- mixed: rows automatically used when non-deterministic queries executed
- single thread on slave replays log updates
- only innodb synchronizes w the binary log
- row-based supported by innodb in some cases
- auto-inc fields lock table for non-simple inserts
- setup/resync of slave is a bit complicated
- manual monitoring/failover with
stop slave; reset master
on promotee andchange master to
on new slaves - first, wait for
stop slave io_thread; show processlist
to say "Has read all relay log" - more details: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/replication-solutions-switch.html
- manual monitoring/failover with
- ship stmts/rows/mixed via binary log
- google's 5.5 patches add semisync replication
- master confirms receipt & logging of update by at least one slave
- only adds wait after commit completes; since commit actually happened, master & slave are actually out of sync (eg if crash during wait, committed txn may not have made it to slave)
- mysql cluster: ndb with mysql
- ndb is also some sort of standalone clustering solution
- ndb supports scalable sync replication & partitioning using 2PC
- in-mem; async disk log of redo records and chkpts (2s log write period)
- much slower than standard replication
- can replicate btwn ndb clusters or btwn ndb & other engines via standard replication
- tungsten replicator
- simple setup, stmt-based, sync, global txids, cross-dbms
- supports mysql, oracle, jdbc; future: postgresql, others
- http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/MySQL_vs_PostgreSQL#Replication_and_High_Availability
- built-in async stmt-/row-based replication
examples of why postgresql > sql server
examples of why mysql blows vs postgresql
ref: http://now.eloqua.com/e/er.aspx?s=400&lid=235&elq=008b3ac42ba641fb851200ffd6633d90
"InnoDB is still broken...Just last week we had to drop/re-create an InnoDB-table in one project because it would not allow to add an index anymore, no matter what we tried...
Mysql::Error: Incorrect key file for table 'foo'; try to repair it: CREATE INDEX [...]
" -
pg now has async replication; that was mysql's only strong pt against pg
- neither has synchronous replication, but pg's is coming
- semisync still unsafe; master waits after actually committing locally, instead of blocking the commit (as it should)
- recovery is complex
no group commit http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2011/07/13/testing-the-group-commit-fix/
crappy concurrency, >3 sucks vs pg http://spyced.blogspot.com/2006/12/benchmark-postgresql-beats-stuffing.html
multiple storage engines has always restricted progress: http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2010/05/08/the-doom-of-multiple-storage-engines/
postgresql also supported multiple storage engines in 80s; concentrated on one
- mysql's engine arch is poor; bad to opt/plan/tune
only recently
- per-stmt triggers
- procedural lang support
only own internal auth system; pg supports a wide array
no referential integrity
no constraints (
) -
no sort merge join (certainly no map-reduce contender), let alone hash-join
postgresql has more supple
alter table
impl -
mysql doesn't support ASC/DESC clauses for indexes http://explainextended.com/2010/11/02/mixed-ascdesc-sorting-in-mysql/
optimizer only recently started working properly with certain subqueries
auto_increment jumps up to next power of 2 but inconsistently across versions (platforms?); this is undocumented
crappy errors: "Incorrect key file for table 'stock'; try to repair it" on "alter table stock add constraint pk_stock primary key (s_w_id, s_i_id);" where
is in InnoDB (which has no "repair table") means I have no/tmp
space (no Google answers) -
crappy EXPLAIN output
innodb auto-extends ibdata1 file; only way to trim (garbage collect) is dumping and loading
scoping is broken
mysql> create table t(a int, b int); Query OK, 0 rows affected (3.30 sec) mysql> select a, (select count(*) from (select b from t where a = u.a group by b) v) from t u; ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'u.a' in 'where clause'
optimizer sucks
mysql> SELECT distinct t1.tableid FROM transactionlog t1 JOIN transactionlog t2 ON t1.tableid=t2.tableid AND t1.tupleid=t2.tupleid AND t1.partition!=t2.partition LIMIT 100; +-----------+ | tableid | +-----------+ | warehouse | | district | +-----------+ 2 rows in set (48 min 15.52 sec)
mysql> SELECT distinct tableid FROM transactionlog GROUP BY tableid,tupleid HAVING count(distinct partition)>1; +-----------+ | tableid | +-----------+ | district | | warehouse | +-----------+ 2 rows in set (36.33 sec)
set global general_log = 'ON'
set session sql_log_off = 1
load data infile
20x fasterinsert
; else, use txns,insert delayed
, multi-valuedinsert
: guard against mass deletes/updates that are missingwhere
grant tables: user, db, host, tables_priv, columns_priv
- created by mysql_upgrade and mysql_install_db
"engine" is newer term for "type"
create table t (i int) engine=innodb
- built-ins
- myisam: non-txn'l; default; fast
- memory: non-txn'l; non-persistent
- merge: non-txn'l; read-only
- merges identical myisam's into 1 logical table
- insert into physical table; query from merged
- innodb: txn'l; foreign key integrity
- bdb: txn'l; removed in 5.1
- ndbcluster: for mysql cluster; partitioned tables
- archive: large data, no indexes, small footprint (compressed)
- example: stub dev reference
- csv: dev example
- blackhole: takes writes but reads are empty
DB tools
- mysql2pgsql: pretty good
- EnterpriseDB Migration Wizard: migrates mysql to postgresql
failed to handle basic
typeSource database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:mysql://wrench.csail.mit.edu:3307/tpcc user =remotecarlo password=****** Target database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5432/tpcc user =yang password=****** Importing mysql schema... Dropping Schema: tpcc Creating Schema...tpcc
Migrating Tables for Schema tpcc: 'metarelcloud_transactionlog','metarelcloud_graph','metarelcloud_graphsupport' The data type enum is not handled in Column querytype of Table metarelcloud_transactionlog Creating Tables... Creating Table: tpcc.metarelcloud_transactionlog Error Creating Table metarelcloud_transactionlog:ERROR: type "enum" does not exist Creating Table: tpcc.metarelcloud_graph Creating Table: tpcc.metarelcloud_graphsupport Created 2 tables. Loading Table Data in 8 MB batches... Loading Table: metarelcloud_graph ... Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.014 Total Rows: 0 Loading Table: metarelcloud_graphsupport ... Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.008 Total Rows: 0 Data Load Summary: Total Time (sec): 0.022 Total Rows: 0 Total Size(MB): 0.0 Creating Constraint: PRIMARY Error Creating Constraint PRIMARY Creating Constraint: PRIMARY Creating Constraint: PRIMARY Creating Index: transactionid Error Creating Index transactionid: ERROR: relation "metarelcloud_transactionlog" does not exist Creating Index: tableid Error Creating Index tableid: ERROR: relation "metarelcloud_transactionlog" does not exist Creating Index: nodeid Error Creating Index nodeid: ERROR: relation "metarelcloud_transactionlog" does not exist One or more schema objects could not be imported during the migration process. Please review the migration output for more details.
- PG8.3 added spread chkpts; fsync at end
- limitations/annoyances
- count(*) always scans all rows
- indexed fields have ~2.5K size limit
- clustering
- built-in async streaming record-based replication in 9.0; sync in 9.1
- warm standby: can't be queried; hot standby: can be queried (limited)
- manual failover
- manual recovery
- has had async WAL-shipping replication, but this ships WAL segments
instead of records
- only ships archived WAL segments; controlled with eg
- lag is on order of minutes; uses commands like
- only ships archived WAL segments; controlled with eg
- to check for stale reads, can compare
- slony: built by jan weick, postgresql core team member; main option
- much slower/uses more resources than mysql built-in replication
$O(n^2)$ communication costs - sql-/trigger-based replication
- auto failover
- 2PC:
prepare transaction
,commit prepared
,rollback prepared
- pgpool-II
- synchronous replication, auto failover, connection pooling/load balancing, online recovery
- sync replication: 30% write overhead, avoid non-pure queries
- 9.0 async replication: provides auto failover, conn pooling, load bal, etc.
- pgbouncer: simple, lightweight connection and transaction pooling
- skytools
- pgq: efficient transactional queue
- londiste: async replication via pgq; cross-version support
- plproxy: partitioning/rpc
- built-in async streaming record-based replication in 9.0; sync in 9.1
- segments are separate 16MB files
- checkpoints taken by default every 3 WAL segments or 5m
- has async api
- monitoring/introspection
select * from pg_stat_activity
: see current queries/activity -
select * from pg_locks where not granted
: see locks
- rules: query rewriting, eg let you insert/update a view and redirect to underlying table(s)
- triggers: executed in-transaction
- notify/listen: messaging to clients
- sent only after commit
- received only when not in txn
- like unix signals, many redundant signals can be reduced to one, and can't carry extra data
- can use rules to generate
- on EBS, run
CREATE TABLESPACE ephemeral LOCATION '/mnt/postgresql_tmp';
and configtemp_tablespaces = 'ephemeral'
- unwind tables
: table is exact at each instr boundary, so can be used to unwind from async events (debugger, GC)- even when
- put in ELF section
; used by gdb,backtrace()
(even though docs say-fomit-frame-pointer
breaks it) - not stripped; not a normal debug section, but an allocated data section
- even when
- must have accurate tables through 100% of binaries, eg libc
- http://www.yosefk.com/blog/getting-the-call-stack-without-a-frame-pointer.html
- unwind tables
- level3 ns server
quilt: manage stack of patches outside of a VCS; these just "hover around"; mq in hg, stgit in git; git rebase is superior; workflow: update to new package then reapply patch stack, resolving conflicts 1-by-1
cd some_existing_hg_repository
setup the patch queue directory (Deprecated in 1.5)
hg qinit
create a new patch named firstpatch
hg qnew firstpatch
edit some files
vi filename
update the patch to contain your changes
hg qrefresh
vi .hg/patches/firstpatch to see the result
print the current patch to the screen
hg qdiff
make some more changes
vi filename
see the differences not yet stored in the patch
hg diff
update the patch
hg qrefresh
create another patch
hg qnew secondpatch
Make more changes, and update the new patch
vi filename hg qrefresh
Look at the patches you have applied
Look at all the patches in the queue
hg qapplied hg qseries
remove the top patch
hg qpop
apply the patch again
hg qpush
remove all patches
hg qpop -a
apply all patches
hg qpush -a
push your new locally created branch to remote
git push origin origin:refs/heads/new_feature_name
git branch -r
publish history to svn (note the
dir)svn mkdir protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT/trunk -m 'importing git' git svn init protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT -s git svn fetch git rebase trunk git svn dcommit
equivalent to svn export
git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else/ git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/destination/path/
bundle up a whole repo (for sending)
git bundle create repo.bundle master
clone from bundle (rather than server)
git clone repo.bundle -b master repo
bundle up some commits
git bundle create commits.bundle master ^9a466c5
fetch from bundle (rather than server)
git fetch ../commits.bundle master:other-master
revert a file
git checkout FILE git checkout -- FILE # if FILE has same name as branch
replace one commit in your hist
git replace 81a708d c6e1e95
add another origin
git remote add origin ssh://...
undo last commit (implies --soft)
git reset HEAD^
change the last commit; also: git reset --soft HEAD^, ..., git commit -c ORIG_HEAD
git commit --amend
choose which commits to amend and then replay (step through) them
git rebase -i
force origin to accept your rebased changes
git push -f
fetch into new branch on the fly
git fetch file://another/repo +master:temprepo/master
just mirror another repo, discarding all your current changes
git reset --hard temprepo/master
split subdir into new repo without losing history
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter SUBDIR master
stash away current changes and then retrieve them
git stash git stash apply
make named stash, view stashes, and apply last one
git stash save 'Description of my changes' git stash list git stash pop
create a new branch NEWBRANCH (based on SOURCEBRANCH)
create an archive of the repo from tree 'COMMIT'
git archive --format=tar --prefix=foo-1.1/ COMMIT | gzip > foo-1.1.tgz
- in merge,
git show :1:file
selects ancestor,:2:
selects ours,:3:
selects theirs - porcelains: easygit, yap, pyrite (hg-like)
- GCs after 1 month
- working with multiple projects
submodule: foreign repo (fixed commit) embedded in a dedicated subdir
- like svn externals, but can't track HEAD; must explicitly update
- the tracked versions is a data file that itself is tracked in the master git repo, so concurrent changes to it result in conflicts
- subtree merge: actually merge in another proj but isolated in its own subdir
- repo: google's tool; works with gerrit; expects workflow of creating topic branches and code reviews
- braid
- http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/148034
submodule: foreign repo (fixed commit) embedded in a dedicated subdir
- in merge,
name resolution on linux
- /etc/nssswitch.conf indicates what /lib/libnss* to use for resolving certain classes of names
- libnss_compat: uses NIS/NIS+, DNS, files (/etc/{hosts,networks})
- linux has no resolver daemon or kernel code for resolving names (i.e. no caching); all in lib
.NET 4
- BCL: code contracts, parallelism, tuples, better fire IO
- mscorlib: main .NET runtime lib (.NET used to be called Common Object Runtime)
common C defines
#ifdef _WIN32 windows dependant code or header filess ... #endif #ifdef _WINAPI windows API dependant code or header files ... #endif #ifdef _ISAPI windows Internet Server API code or header files ... #endif #define __cplusplus c++ specific code #ifdef _ cplusplus extern "C" { // ((Start all the declarations for "C" s/w ...)) #endif #ifdef _ cplusplus } // ((End all the declarations for "C" s/w ...)) #endif #undef __cplusplus c++ specific code #define EC_SUCCESS 0 maps unix error code to NT version ... #define EC_ACCESS EACCES maps unix error code to NT version ... #define _Win_DLL dll object needed only by windows NT apps #undef _Win_DLL dll object needed only by windows NT apps #endif #ifdef _Win_DLL dll objects not needed for unix programs ... #endif #ifdef KERNEL_PROVIDED_DLL // kernel exports dll's for application
define _ KERNEL DLLSPEC __declspec(dllexport) // kernel code exports dll's
define _ KERNEL DLLSPEC __declspec(dllimport) // applications import dll's
#endif // KERNEL_PROVIDED_DLL Other recommended define usage include machine/compiler : _MSDOC, _MACOS, _HP, _SUN, _LINUX, _SOLARIS, etc ... inorder to make the same source as portable as possible Avoid using COM/DCOM use CORBA or even better SOAP & XML to do distributed objects & marshalling
- Unicode
- 1.0: 1991; 16 bits; UCS-1, UCS-2, UCS-4
- 2.0: 1996; 21 bits; UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32
- Unicode is basically identical to Universal Multi-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS or ISO/IEC 10646)
- but UCS goes up to 31 bits instead of 20.1
- the two standards weren’t always the same — in the 90s, there was a lot of disagreement between the computer companies who backed Unicode and proposed a simple 16-bit character set, and the standards mavens behind UCS, who wanted to accommodate more languages than 65,536 characters would allow. The two sides eventually compromised on the current 20.1-bit character set, but some historical differences still linger between the two “official” specifications
- http://blog.ksplice.com/2010/03/longest-tweet/
- ASCII: 7 bits
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 aka Latin-1: superset of ASCII; 191 chars
- ISO-8859-1: superset of ISO/IECS 8859-1
- combines with ISO 6429 control chars ("C0 and C1 control chars")
- assigns control chars to 00-1F, 7F, 80-9F
- Windows-1252: superset of ISO/IEC 8859-1
- uses 8 bits; assigns 80-9F displayable chars (not control chars)
- UTF-7: for encoding unicode in ascii, eg in email; security issues
- UTF-8: superset of ASCII; everything else -> multibyte
- 00-7F (7 bits): 0_______
- 0080-07FF (11 bits): 110_____ 10______
- 0800-FFFF (16 bits): 1110____ 10______ 10______
- 010000-10FFFF (21 bits): 11110___ 10______ 10______ 10______
- because "continuation bytes" are 10______, easy to start reading from middle of a file by looking for next non-continuation byte
- http://research.swtch.com/2010/03/utf-8-bits-bytes-and-benefits.html
- http://intertwingly.net/stories/2004/04/14/i18n.html
- UTF-16: still multi-byte ("surrogate pairs"); requires BOM
- Unicode
x86 calling conventions
- http://unixwiz.net/techtips/win32-callconv.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions
- windows and non-windows
- cdecl/intel ABI
- args pushed in right-to-left order
- return values in eax
- eax, ecx, edx avail for use within function
- stack cleaned up by caller (esp incremented by caller)
- MS compilers prefix these function names with underscore
- this is the default for MS compilers
- main/wmain, variadic (even if declared otherwise), higher-order functions
- cdecl/intel ABI
- windows
- stdcall
- stack cleaned up by callee; no need to add cleanup to every callsite
- windows api uses this; see WINAPI macro
- can't handle variadic functions like printf
- MS compilers prefix these function names with underscore and suffix
them with
and number of bytes of params - WinMain
- (MS) fastcall
- uses registers
- MS compilers prefix these with
, suffix with@
and param byte count
- stdcall
- non-windows
- syscall
- eax, ecx, edx not preserved
- size of param list passed in %al
- caller cleanup
- optlink: TODO
- MS x64: uses R registers; supercedes all 32-bit conventions
- amd64 ABI: uses R registers
- syscall
uuid/guid (syn): based on mac (ieee 802) addr, so can get unique numbers without any communication
mocks vs stubs (vs fakes)
- all called test doubles
- fake: working implementations, but have shortcuts that make them unsuitable for production (e.g. in-memory database)
- stub: provide canned answers to calls made during test; may also record info
- mock: objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive
- linux doesn't have a dns cache by default; need to install nsc for that
linux power mgmt
- acpid: delivers ACPI events; see /etc/acpi/
- put to sleep: echo -n mem > /sys/power/state
xdr vs. asn.1
- abstract syntax notation (ASN.1): ITU
- packed encoding rules (PER): more compact than BER
- basic encoding rules (BER)
- abstract syntax notation (ASN.1): ITU
- SIP: extensible; won VOIP wars; IETF std; builds on other standards
- H.323: always back-compat; ITU standard; ASN.1 PER
net lib
- getsockname getpeername
- inet_ntoa inet_aton
even-lesser-known Linux syscalls
- splice
- tee
- vmsplice
lesser-known Linux syscalls
- mprotect
- mmap
- shmat shmget shm...
exceptions much faster than on CLR: http://weblog.ikvm.net/PermaLink.aspx?guid=c84a5b22-d633-4eeb-a8e1-244ff66161a2
object layouts
- objects 64-bit aligned, have 2-word header (word = native ptr size); other VMs may have 3
- fields word-aligned
- headers
- objs: class ptr, flags
- arrays: class ptr, flags, size
- flags: incl hash, GC
- http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Networking/HotSpot/
useful flags
: many 64-bit refs now 32-bit; usable below 32GB max heap; enabled by default below 30GB max heap -
: stack size; useful for many threads (1024KB on 64-bit Linux)
From http://java.sun.com/products/hotspot/whitepaper.html
In the Java HotSpot VM, no handles are used by Java code. Object references are implemented as direct pointers. This provides C-speed access to instance variables. When an object is relocated during memory reclamation, the garbage collector is responsible for finding and updating all references to the object in place.
raw pointers not too bad to update since you must traverse all objects anyway
- they probably use the mark word to redirect to the new location
objects copied in DFS; this clusters related objects together
- ordinary object pointer (OOP)
compressed OOPs: in Java 7; 32-bit ptrs
wide_oop = narrow_oop == 0 ? 0 : (narrow_oop << 3) + base
- allows up to 4B objs/32GB
Each object has special first word for synchronization, marking, hashing
First word of each object is the mark word
Used for synchronization and GC
Also caches hashcode, if previously computed
from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-benchmark1.html
- blocks need to execute 1500 (client) or 10000 (server) times before
they're JITed
- compile whole method
- on-stack replacement: can replace with compiled method in middle of a
call to it (eg if loops in main)
- however, code quality suboptimal: can't do loop-hoisting, array-bounds check elimination, or loop unrolling
- only way to defeat this: move tight loops into their own methods
- code can be deoptimized if assumptions made during JIT no longer hold
- eg class loading that invalidates monomorphic call transformations
- eg uncommon traps: only the most common code path is compiled (like in tracing JIT?), but turns out to be uncommon
- dead code elimination
- memory optimizations
- hoisting heap values into registers
- stack allocation
- object eplosion
- blocks need to execute 1500 (client) or 10000 (server) times before
they're JITed
- throughput collector: generational, parallel, compacting
- parallel GC: actually stop-the-world on “young generation”
- “parallel” means implemented w threads for better speed
- ConcurrentMarkSweep (CMS) GC = “Full GC”
- apart from initial mark and final cleanup phase, it is really concurrent, meaning that it runs in parallel to the normal process
- short incremental parallel STW pauses
- doesn't compact, prone to frag/STW pauses
- G1: like CMS, try to avoid STW pauses w short incremental parallel STW pauses, but does compact to avoid frag
- adaptive sizing policy: self-tuning
- eg
- eg
- throughput collector: generational, parallel, compacting
monitoring, management, instrumentation
no startup flags: no cpu sampling possible
remote apps: no mem sampling possible
startup flags (default JDWP port 1044):
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044
startup flags (default JMX port is 9090):
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=3000 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
jdb uses ?
- MBeans
- http://blogs.oracle.com/jmxetc/entry/simple_is_not_easy
architectural map: http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/
- tomcat: servelt, JSP
- full JEE app servers: jboss, websphere, glassfish
: useful for aligning to cache line sizes
- on linux, default: SO_RCVBUF = 87380, SO_SNDBUF = 16384
non-blocking IO quirks
sockets that are accepted from a non-blocking listener are blocking
From select(2):
Under Linux, select() may report a socket file descriptor as "ready for reading", while nevertheless a subsequent read blocks. This could for example happen when data has arrived but upon exam‐ ination has wrong checksum and is discarded. There may be other circumstances in which a file descriptor is spuriously reported as ready. Thus it may be safer to use O_NONBLOCK on sockets that should not block.
From section 13.2 of the manual:
Normally, when no input is immediately available, read waits for some input. But if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set for the file (see File Status Flags), read returns immediately without reading any data, and reports this error.
listen actually accepts connections (based on the backlog argument)
- accept just takes one of the already-accepted connections
inotify: Linux's filesystem change notification facility
- obsoletes dnotify
- difficult for efficient (real-time) detection due to coarse granularity (directory level)
tcp wrapper (TCP_WRAPPERS)
- libwrap: just the library
- openssh's sshd uses libwrap
/dev/shm/: tmpfs (in-memory)
strace more comprehensive than ltrace
Collada DAE files: standard 3D model interchange format established by the Khronos group (established at SIGGRAPH 06 to maintain OpenGL)
status of AIO
From http://davmac.org/davpage/linux/async-io.html:
A more subtle problem with non-blocking I/O is that it generally doesn't work with regular files (this is true on linux, even when files are opened with O_DIRECT; possibly not on other operating systems). That is, opening a regular file in non-blocking mode has no effect for regular files: a read will always actually read some of the file, even if the program blocks in order to do so. In some cases this may not be important, seeing as file I/O is generally fast enough so as to not cause long blocking periods (so long as the file is local and not on a network, or a slow medium). However, it is a general weakness of the technique.
The select() function is documented in the libc manual. As noted, a file descriptor for a regular file is considered ready for reading if it's not at end-of-file and is always considered ready for writing (the man page for select in the Linux manpages neglects to mention both these facts). As with non-blocking I/O, select is no solution for regular files (which may be on a network or slow media).
From http://www.mail-archive.com/libevent-users@monkey.org/msg01226.html:
I wouldn't expect AIO to knock your socks off on Linux (and certainly not *BSDs). Kernel support doesn't exist for AIO operating through the disk buffer cache. Linux only supports AIO for direct I/O, which is extremely sensitive to myriad system and usage scenarios. Otherwise, it's still emulated w/ threads (in glibc, I think).
From Linux System Programming:
Linux only supports aio on files opened with the O_DIRECT flag.
- new way of sharing doesn't modify /etc/samba/... but instead modifies
- shares are in /var/lib/samba/usershares/
- can either use smbpasswd to maintain a set of users, or uncomment the
security = user
line in smb.conf - smbd can be controlled using e.g.
smbcontrol smbd [reload-conf | shutdown | ...]
- in recent ubuntu, nautilus has gui for sharing
- new way of sharing doesn't modify /etc/samba/... but instead modifies
posix asynchronous i/o (AIO) different from non-blocking IO (NBIO)
- NBIO can be done on network conns
- AIO can be done on disk files, but only reads and writes
- see also: LAIO
Duff's device: a way to unroll loop
- idea be used to implement (very limited) coroutines
Functional Pearl: Power Series, Power Serious
- power series for math (
$e^x$ ,$\sin x$ ,$\cos x$ , derivatives, integrals, and more)
- power series for math (
An Efficient Representation for Sparse Sets
- maintain a packed list of members and a sparse indexing array
- sparse array does not need to initialize memory
byte ordering
cooperative threading and coroutines for c/c++
- st http://state-threads.sourceforge.net/
- high performance
- uses longjmp/setjmp
- no extraneous features
- timeouts on IO
- no pthread interop
- verified that it works with gprof, gdb; doesn't work with valgrind
- Pth
- compat with pthreads
- uses longjmp/setjmp
- TODO pthread interop?
- libtask
- no users, sparse documentation
- no timeouts on IO
- small and simple
- uses getcontext/setcontext
- no pthread interop
- tame
- each tamed function call results in a malloc to save state
- nice in the sense that you can compose multiple events
- pthread interop
- boost.coroutine
- TODO pthread interop?
- glitchy, not ready
- uses longjmp/setjmp
- does not hide asio behind a synchronous interface, but instead TODO
- has a wait() that can wait for multiple tasks, but there is a note that
this is not a general-purpose demuxer, and is only suitable for things
like setting timeouts on an asio operation
- TODO understand the above better
- capriccio
- st http://state-threads.sourceforge.net/
- macros
- uint_least*_t
- uint_fast*_t
: ANSI C or C++ (vs. K&R C) -
: C++
- reference rules
- const T&: binds to anything
- T&: binds to non-const lvalues
- const T&&: binds to anything
- T&&: binds to non-const lvalues and rvalues
- lvalues: addressable/reference-able; named; can be modified
- rvalues: const-reference-able; moveable in c++0x
- volatile vs. atomic
- src: http://www.ddj.com/hpc-high-performance-computing/212701484
- volatile: unoptimized; "unusual memory"
- not atomic
- ordinary memory optimizations: some: loads may still be reordered across volatile load/store
- special operation optimizations: none
- atomic: "ordered atomic"
- all-or-nothing stores (
in Java/.NET) - ordinary memory optimizations: some: loads can be moved down across an atomic load or up across an atomic store
- special operation optimizations: some, eg combining adjacent stores to same location
- all-or-nothing stores (
- macros: http://bytes.com/forum/thread521533.html
- lvalues and rvalues: http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/5696
sizeof wchar_t == 4
- no way to use anything but default ctor in array
- i.e., none of this: new vector(256)[10];
- "Each name that contains a double underscore (_ _) or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter (2.11) is reserved to the implementation for any use." ref
- all *_t type names are reserved by posix; ref
- stateful allocators are not allowed by the standard (which seems to make them useless), but most impls waive this part ref
- lexical cast: to/from strings
- dtors reverse order of ctors
- casting through unions gets around strict aliasing
- macros
- precedence:
for (int i = 0; i < multimode ? nnodes : 1; i++)
- precedence:
javascript implementations
- started evaluating the engines in trying to run the JS beautifier
- tamarin
- JIT engine donated by Adobe to Mozilla
- used in Flash 9
- written in C++
- separate compiler (
) and executor (avmplus
) - the
module contains a number of system/IO facilities (toplevel.as
) - "Tamarin was designed to do better with type annotations than without. This is why SpiderMonkey actually wins some of those benchmarks against Tamarin on untyped code. Our work with SpiderMonkey and Tamarin now in the ActionMonkey project aims to make it fast for untyped code as well."
- rhino
- written in Java
- spidermonkey
- written in C++
includes javascript files -
doesn't really work that great, since it -
for command-line args
- es4
- reference implementation of ECMAScript 4 (Javascript 2)
- written in SML
- very slow; it actually times out when running the beautifier (I get "Alarm Clock")
c++ utility library documentation
- libstd: algorithm, dynamic_bitset
- http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/latest-doxygen/
ptrs, concepts, optional, variant, any, io, format, date time, utility (noncopyable, base_from_member), format, range
sys: fs, threads, asio, program_options, system (errors)
lesser: spirit (safe_bool), tribool, value_init
range ex
typedef iterator_range<list::const_iterator> range_t; range_t it = make_iterator_range(xs) BOOST_FOREACH (range_t::reference s, it) ...
build on win:
bjam --build-type=complete --with-program_options toolset=msvc-10.0
- ByteOrder, UnicodeConverter
- sys: DNS
- forest, move, COW, table index, adam/even gui
- http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/
- http://api.kde.org/
- http://wxwidgets.org/
- http://dclib.sourceforge.net/
- http://www.uplinklabs.net/?page=crisscross/index
- http://www.gnutelephony.org/doxy/bayonne2/
- http://libutl.sourceforge.net/
C utility library documentation
#define public private
trick may allow you to access private variables -
extern "C"
: preserves C calling convetions and name (non-)manging - streams: clog = cerr
- iostream synced w cstdio; see sync_with_stdio()
- rdbuf gets underlying streambuf
- ranges
- advantages of ranges over iterators
- iterator_range<iter_type>(begin, end): iter -> range
- iterator_traits<range_type>::type: range -> iter
- begin(), end()
- transform
- make_filtered_range, make_transformed_range; or, input_range | transformed(f) | filtered(f)
- iterators
- make_filter_iterator, make_transform_iterator
- transform
- pains
- C++ is not CFG
- "most vexing parse": coined by scott meyers in "effective stl"
S s(S());
is interpreted as fn decl not var copy-ctor decl- a function that takes (a function that takes 0 args and returns S)
- also,
S s();
is a fn decl
- verbosity:
vector<string> xs; f(xs, ...)
vs.vector<string> xs = f(...)
- idioms/patterns
- Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
- optimizations
- return value optimization (RVO)
- named RVO (NRVO)
- empty base optimization (EBO)
- is an upgrade to tr1
- shared_ptr
- hash_map
- tuple
- concurrency
- memory model
- static init
- async: futures, promises
- atomic
- auto
- rvalue refs: moves, forwards
- variadic templates
- lambdas
- uniform init syntax, init lists
- regex, regex literals
- dropped: concepts, GC
- is an upgrade to tr1
- warnings
-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Woverloaded-virtual -Wconversion -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast
: This warns when you hide a variable by defining one in a narrower scope. -
: This warns about things found in the "Effective C++" books. Some are useful, but many are not.
- warnings
- gold: new gnu linker that is parallelizable
- COMDATs: for vague linkage
- constructs that don't clearly live in a single place have vague linkage
- eg for C++ constructs: header inlines, vtables, typeinfos
- there must be only one in the final linked program, so that you can take its addr consistently
- COMDAT sections: each has special string; linker keeps only one of each string
- http://www.airs.com/blog/archives/52
- visualvm: sampling profiler in 1.2+
- jstack: print thread stacks of a running process or core file
- interface fields are all static
- initial heap size = 1/64 phy, max heap size = 1/4 phy (cap 1gb)
- System.out, System.err are PrintStreams that by default auto-flush; they don't use C standard streams
- unsigned comparison: (i < j) ^ (i < 0) ^ (j < 0)
- annotations
- GuardedBy("this"): document thread-safety
- TODO: does volatile make guarantees about the atomicity of say 64-bit wide values?
- volatile: ordered atomic types
- like c++0x atomic
- commonly used for flags
- also more efficient than AtomicReference when instantiating many of something; use in conjunction with Atomic*FieldUpdater
- accessing these creates a memory barrier, effectively synchronizing all cached copies of variables with main memory
- enables correct double-checked locking
- these are atomics; from
When a double or long in Java is volatile, §17.7 of the Java Language Specification requires that they are read and written atomically. When they are not volatile, they can be written in multiple operations. This can result, for example, in the upper 32 bits of a long containing a new value, while the lower 32 bits still contain the old value.
- atomic field updaters
- aka "purity"; output depends only on inputs (and static constants); no static state is changed (no side effects)
- an interrupt handler is reentrant if it reenables interrupts early on
- implies thread safety
thread safety
- ways to realize:
- reentrancy: state is private per caller (eg on stack)
- mutual exclusion: can update static state, but serialize accesses
- thread-local storage: each thread has private copy of statics
- atomic operations: using special atomic machine instructions; lock-free
- aka linearizability
- ways to realize:
c/c++ libs
- raise
- sigaction
- backtrace
- backtrace_symbols_fd
- the declaration
is not the same as the declaration and prototypef(void)
- printf flags
- %td: ptrdiff_t
- %zd: size_t
is "supposed to be more random" thanrand()
(though mostly the same these days)
- the declaration
c/c++ tools
- lzz
- doxygen can't parse (eg) lazy classes
- lzz can't copy comments into gen files
- lzz
- recursive queries are not in pgsql, are in db2, maybe sql server
- on the roadmap for pgsql: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2007-11/msg01083.php
- select into is dead; long live create table as
- recursive queries are not in pgsql, are in db2, maybe sql server
- .text
- .plt: stub code that helps to resolve absolute function addrs
- .gotplt: absolute function addresses; used by .plt entries
- .debug_info
- .gnu_debuglink: checksum and filename for debug info
- .dynsym: maps exported symbol names to offsets
- .dynstr: stores exported symbol name strings
- .symtab: maps symbol names to offsets
- .strtab: symbol name strings
-march, -mtune, -mcpu:
On x86 and x86-64 CPUs, -march will generate code specifically for that CPU using all its available instruction sets and the correct ABI; it will have no backwards compatibility for older/different CPUs. If you don't need to execute code on anything other than the system you're running Gentoo on, continue to use -march. You should only consider using -mtune when you need to generate code for older CPUs such as i386 and i486. -mtune produces more generic code than -march; though it will tune code for a certain CPU, it doesn't take into account available instruction sets and ABI. Don't use -mcpu on x86 or x86-64 systems, as it is deprecated for those arches.
: new option since gcc at least 4.3.2 -
attribute: general metadata attached to funcs, vars, etc.
__attribute__ ((constructor))
: have a function get run beforemain
inline: force inline
- XXX: same as always_inline?
static __inline __attribute__((always_inline, no_instrument_function))
global offset table (GOT): in PIC, constants are accessed via this; resolves the GOT entries by OS's dynamic loader
procedure lookup table (PLT): used to resolve procedure call relocation placeholders; used alongside GOT in ELF
symbol visibility
- default visibility: importing exe can override functions referenced by lib; useful for eg changing behavior of malloc
- hidden/internal visibility: not visible to outside
- protected visibility: visible to outside, but internal references use
lib's def'n
- slower at link time due to C requirement that ptrs to same function must be equal
order matters: dependents before dependencies (e.g.-l
should follow sources)
- multilibs: multiple versions of libraries for different target options (for
same general architecture)
- eg: -m32, -msoft-float
gcc -print-multi-lib
- multilibs: multiple versions of libraries for different target options (for
same general architecture)
- useful vectorization idioms
- repmat(reshape())
- useful vectorization idioms
means immediate expansion;=
is like function definition - automatically removes intermediate files at the end
- eg, I had:
%.cpp: %.lzz
; make removed the cpp - more info
- eg, I had:
image conversions
- convert doesn't deal well with svg
- svg to *: inkscape
- multiple authors must be joined with "and": "Yang Zhang and Sam Madden"
- {} serves many purposes
- outer structure (obvious)
- quotes around attribute values, same as ""
- grouping within attributes, eg "John {von Neumann}"
- \gdef: \global \def
- how do labels work?
- how do def/let/setbox compare?
- when can i use = sign?
- fonts
- taxonomy
- bitmap fonts
- type 3: eg, dvips converts to type 3 the metafont bitmaps of knuth's original "computer modern"
- outline fonts: chars are sets of bezier curves
- type 1 (postscript)
- defined using actual postscript, but a restricted subset
- most modern tex systems default to type 1 (source)
- examples
- orig. adobe fonts: times, palatino
- type 1 computer modern, avail. in the BaKoMa font collection
- more exotic: sabon
- truetype
- opentype
- marriage of type 1 and truetype
- advanced typographic features
- supports unicode
- type 1 (postscript)
- bitmap fonts
- both pdf and ps can embed type 3
- some sources say tex uses type 3 (bmp) fonts by default; others say recent latex don't default to type-3
- TODO difference btwn fonts, font encodings, etc.
: original LaTeX font encoding- defaults to CM font
: new LaTeX font encoding- defaults to EC font (same as CM but with more glyphs)
- use
((source)[http://dsanta.users.ch/resources/type1.html]) -
auto-sets fontenc to T1 - force usage of type 1/truetype (scalable) fonts
- to use Computer Modern (CM)/Extended Encoding (EC), add:: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ae,aecompl} ::
- to use standard PS fonts:: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pslatex} ::
- taxonomy
- quirks
- verbatim doesn't work within... (source)
- latex new font selection system (NFSS)
- primitives: fontencoding, fontfamily, fontseries, fontshape, fontsize, selectfont
- attributes
- series: textmd, textbf
- family: textrm, textsf, texttt
- texttt: only hyphenated where allowed with -
- shape: textup, textit, textsl, textsc, textnormal
- mathrm: upright font, math spacing
- source
- modes
- paragraph: wrapping
- math
- left-to-right (LR): no wrapping
- boxes
- mbox: LR mode; auto width
- vs \text in math: \text sizes better (eg if your text is subscript, \text will be smaller, \mbox will be inflated)
- \text provided by amsmath
- fbox: mbox + frame
- makebox: mbox + specify width, text placement
- parbox
- others: sbox, framebox, dashbox, hbox
- mbox: LR mode; auto width
- general programming
- dtx files: literate sources; stripped before deployment
- def: late expansion (function definition)
- newcommand: safe def (no clobbering)
- let: immediate expansion; no args
- dimensions
- use setlength on eg baselineskip, parindent, etc
- skips (baselineskip, parskip) consist of 3 numbers: amount, shrinkability, stretchability
- use renewcommand for baselinestretch; can't use setlength because it's not a dimensional quantity
- relax: stop consuming into an expression (eg don't consume following plus or minus)
- may need to manually activate modules eg
-m bibtex
, if (say) somewhere before that the scanner encounters\end{document}
wrapped in a never-satisfied\if
- may need to manually activate modules eg
- math
gives the right superscript/subscript behavior-
is the anonymous version of this
- graphics
: superset ofgraphicx
- source
- layout
: float across columns -
: simple way to use full page layout (instead of the highly narrow default)
- text formatting/layout
env \hfill
- references: algorithm2e.pdf geometry.pdf source2e.pdf algorithmicx.pdf grfguide.pdf texbook.pdf algorithms.pdf impatient.pdf texbytopic-letter.pdf amsldoc.pdf listings.pdf usrguide.pdf fancyvrb.pdf lshort.pdf visualFAQ.pdf
- conversion to pdf
(texlive) -
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress
: a bundle of settings that optimize for publishing (i.e., highest-quality); eg embed fonts, prevent downsampling of EPS images-
sets a setting to a value,-s
sets to a string - alternatively, specify these options in
; this is useful whenps2pdf
is indirectly invoked, e.g. viarubber
- other settings include
(low-res), and/printer
- conversion to ps
(gs): ignores the PDF MediaBox and finds tightest BoundingBox -
(imagemagick): identical (by default) to pdf2ps, since im uses gs -
(xpdf): seems to yield higher quality by default, but not sure why, or whether it's perfect
- misc tools
- Document Structuring Conventions (DSC): all those standard comments you see are part of this thing, established by Adobe
- conversion to pdf
- profiling and threading not support
- for profiling, need to specify ghc-opts: -auto-all (or else specify your
own "cost-centers" using those
annotations) - TODO space leaks
cabal install --global
- gprof can handle multi-threaded apps, but doesn't play well with
- gprof requires
to be sent to both linker and compiler - TODO: how does gprof work, exactly? it seems to have a sampling part for profiling (finding where % time is spent), but also an instrumenting part for setting up the stack traces for profiling and for counts
- google perftools cpu profiler does not like x86_64 (google for issues)
- gprof can handle multi-threaded apps, but doesn't play well with
- FS
- atime: originally when file was last read-accessed; now either disabled (noatime) or only updated if atime<mtime (relatime) for tools that need to know if file was accessed since modification
- mtime: when data was changed
- ctime: when data or metadata was changed
- IEEE Std 1003.1 aka POSIX.1
- daemonizing
- signals
- synchronous: SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, ...
- asynchronous: SIGUSR1, ...
- processes
- a process that has exited, but whose parent has not called
on it, is a zombie- unless the parent explicitly ignores
- unless the parent explicitly ignores
- pid's can be reused, but running and zombie pid's are unique (
's semantics demand it) - pid 0: idle task, never exits; pid 1:
task (callswait
periodically to sweep up zombies) -
orphan processes are adopted by
- a process that has exited, but whose parent has not called
- process groups
- used to control signal distribution
session: group of groups; procs can't join/create groups in other
- used to implement login sessions
- session leader: proc that interacts with the controlling terminal (shell); terminates procs on hang-up
- exit codes
- mod 256
- convention: 0 = success, 1 = failure, >=128 = subprocess failure
- 139 = seg fault = 128 + (11=sigsegv); however, bash's "Segmentation fault" is not determined by this
- wait(2) gives you other info, eg whether program crashed (presumably bash uses that)
- no way to capture shell's "Segmentation fault" message to a file, AFAIK
- time
, 32-bit seconds since 1/1/70 UTC
- tricks
- zygote process: a technique for being able to exec the same program
later, even if binaries are replaced on disk
- do this by keeping a prototype process around since startup and forking it when needed
- http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxZygote
- zygote process: a technique for being able to exec the same program
later, even if binaries are replaced on disk
- FS
- hierarchy: each process in one process group; each group in one session
- each session may have one controlling terminal
- processes may open/talk to any number of terminals, but special behaviors for job control and access control apply only to controlling term
- generally, all processes in a single login session or a single terminal emulator session are in the same session
- each terminal has exactly 1 foreground process group; others are background
- termios is the name of the system; while bash uses libreadline, termios
provides the (much poorer) line editing facilities when using (eg)
- http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/index.php
- http://blog.nelhage.com/2010/01/a-brief-introduction-to-termios-signaling-and-job-control/
order matters
- PIC, ranlib, shared+static, convenience libs
- should always use libtool/
build systems
- autotools
- the king; should try to at least get a taste of this
- ultra-portable: essentially contains a DB of platform APIs and known incompatibilities (eg autoscan will warn about utime() usage)
- total nightmare, esp. ultimately requiring you to write portable shell scripts (for autoconf)
- ideally, a higher level tool can generate autotools inputs
- build site has minimal requirements (vs. cmake which requires cmake, etc.)
- cmake
- many capabilities
- butt-ugly
- used by KDE; won over scons
- boost.build
- C++ only, its own scripting language (jam)
- simple usage has pleasant, minimal syntax
- seems to have good design
- clear semantics/language concepts
- scons
- the simple glue approach
- waf
- a step backwards
- redo
- separate .do file for each target file, or a default.o.do
- first line calls
redo-ifchange DEPS...
- can't handle steps producing multiple target files
- hash file contents; stored in .redo db
- memoize.py, fabricate
- just write a build script; tool will strace to determine dependencies (.deps)
- can't handle variations on the build
- no parallelism
- tup
- like memoize/fabricate but uses LD_PRELOAD not strace
- autotools
- wyneken
- simple tool for writing notes in latex extended with bbcode tags
- extracts tags, flags
- article
- wyneken
website analytics
- performancing metrics
- basic (free) package has lots of overlap with google analytics
- action-tracking (of individual users)
- quantcast: not sure, but i recall stats aren't so interesting
- performancing metrics
stacked bar charts:
set boxwidth 0.75 set datafile missing '-' set style data histogram set style fill solid set style histogram rowstacked plot 'data2' using 2:xtic(1), '' using 3
"hello there" 5 3 goodbye 2 9 wowza 4 4
must exit or
set output ...
orunset output
to flush incomplete output files (eg pdfs may be incomplete) -
set term ... size SIZE
to set the canvas size (seehelp canvas
) -
linetypes TODO
downloading media
- google: intitle:"index of" [whatever you're looking for]
web serving architecture
- nginx: web server, caching reverse proxy, round-robin http load balancer
- epoll-based fork of apache 1.3; supports fastcgi; modules for eg WSGI
- as with any async IO system, good for many concurrent (low-activity) connections (eg comet)
- easier to config than apache; stable; scalable; has features
- used by lots of high-profile sites
- filters: gzip, ranges, chunked responses, xslt, ssi, img resizing
- parallel ssi
- architecture: NBIO, AIO, ...
- master process: respawns workers, handles signals, notifies workers
- worker: process conns
- signals/socketpairs, shared mem
- internals
- graceful restarts/upgrades w zero downtime: fork & hand off sockets
- graceful restarts/upgrades w zero downtime: fork & hand off sockets
- mongrel: ruby web server by zed shaw
- god: monitors mongrel
- unicorn: mongrel core + pull balancing (unlike load balancers)
- all forked workers listen on same socket; leads to 'thundering herd' of all waking up, but a problem only when idle
- gunicorn: Python greenlet unicorn
- HAProxy: tcp/http load balancer; very configurable; can do smart load
balancing; recommend in front of nginx
- ssl, keep-alive are WIP
- varnish: caching reverse proxy, http load balancer
- faster than nginx?
- uses (tons of) threads (and large addr space; designed for 64-bit)
- already tuned by default
- nginx: web server, caching reverse proxy, round-robin http load balancer
web serving advice
- setups
- ldirectord -> varnishes -> haproxy -> nginxes
- nginx -> haproxy -> caching -> haproxy -> app
- use 'real' web server like nginx in front of your app servers bc it's better w slower conns, static files, more...
- setups
web serving case studies
- github
- originally: nginx -> haproxy -> mongrel threads/processes
- now: nginx -> shared unix socket -> unicorn processes
- github
message queues
- starling: ruby mq; no durability
- kestrel: starling in scala
- AMQP: standard protocol for reliable MQs; requires intermediate brokers
- 1.0 supports 2PC
- rabbitmq: reliable erlang AMQP; anecdotally unstable
- activemq: not a serious AMQP impl, more of a sandbox
- zeromq: fast; TODO http://nichol.as/zeromq-an-introduction
- qpid: TODO
- hedwig: reliable non-standard MQ; declarative, non-standard; used in pnuts; research focus on wide-area topology
python web serving
- WSGI: either in-proc or out-of-proc
- passenger: supports wsgi as well as ruby/rails
- paste: elastic thread pool
- tornado: fast but not fastest
- fapws3: fastest wsgi, no HTTP/1.1
- uwsgi: fastest wsgi; has nginx modules
- gevent: fastest wsgi
- flup: obsoletes fcgi; a threaded fastcgi-to-wsgi server
- http://nichol.as/benchmark-of-python-web-servers
ldirectord: TCP load balancer; used by linux-ha
linux virtual server: lots of software
- IPVS: tcp/udp load balancer
- KTCPVS: app-level load balancing
- linux-ha heartbeat: monitors & informs (on failure) 2-node clusters
- heartbeat: clustering and communication layer
- heartbeat 1: simple 2-node clustering system; manage resources running on either node
- heartbeat 2: monolithic
- heartbeat 3: just cluster membership; refactored cluster resource mgmt into pacemaker
- backed by linbit; halted dev, maintenance mode now
- pacemaker: cluster resource mgmt
- engine is either heartbeat or corosync; corosync recommended
- engine provides: reliable inter-node msging, consistent membership set and notifications
- uses resource agents
- LSB RAs: just LSB init scripts
- OCF RAs: extensions of LSB RAs (eg:
, much more) - legacy heartbeat RAs: same as LSB RAs but with odd
- openais whitetank: infrastructure + impl of SA Forum APIs (AIS standards)
- openais wilson: SA Forum APIs only; refactored infrastructure into corosync
- corosync: infrastructure refactored from openais, eg IPC/networking
- pacemaker's preferred engine
- also manages GFS, OCFS2 partitions
- backed by RH, novell
- ipvs
- cman: redhat's clustering system; cman 1 sucked, entirely replaced by cman 2
- cman's distributed locking implemented in-kernel; fragile
- clvm: shares single disk among multiple boxes
- supported clustering systems: cman, openais, corosync, gulm
- prone to deadlocks
- keepalived: monitoring
- refs
- tons of crap
- objects aren't maps: http://www.devthought.com/2012/01/18/an-object-is-not-a-hash/
- can use
to create an "unpolluted" map
- can use
- things i want in py3k
- resumable pdb ctrl-c: http://bugs.python.org/issue7245
- iterator versions of built-in functions/methods
- cleaner syntax
- exception tracebacks are traceback properties: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3109/
- better concurrent.futures
- stricter unicode/str distinguishing
- greenlets
- stackless spinoff
- each switch = 2x memcpy, realloc, free (copying 20-100+K of mem)
- eventlet, gevent built on this
- doesn't work w C extensions; relies on monkey-patching
- can't switch greenlets from C: event-loop/coroutine scheduler must be Python
- violates amd64 abi
- doesn't correctly maintain PyThreadState per greenlet, so can eg drop exceptions
- coev
- uses ucontext.h; works w C extensions; GIL = incr/decr
- can switch from C extensions
- based on CGI; agnostic as to whether persistent/fastcgi-like or CGI-like invocations
- synchronous; not designed for event-based IO
- uWSGI: looks janky?
- uGreens: ucontext.h
- mem mgmt
- ref-counted + cycle GC;
module triggers cycle - all objs (incl. ints) are heap objs; ints -1..99 are lazily interned
- ref-counted + cycle GC;
- things i want in py3k
- MPMs
- prefork: multi-process, single-threaded; default on *x
- worker: multi-process, multi-threaded; added in apache2
- .htaccess
- reloaded on each access, which is bad for perf
- generally not so bad for security
- AllowOverride Options doesn't actually enable everything
- eg "Option SymLinksIfOwnerMatch not allowed here"
- authentication types: basic (base64) and digest (MD5)
- most advanced authentication backends plug into basic (pam, external)
- basic should be used only behind SSL
- external: uses any executable; use pwauth for crypt/pam
- mod_authnz_external easier than mod_auth_pam, works with new apache arch, actively maintained, and doesn't need apache to have read access to /etc/shadow
- MPMs
- must require 'rubygems' first
- #ruby-talk better than #ruby
- binary format is quite verbose, has a lot of boilerplate overhead
- serializing a single int takes 43 bytes; long long takes 47
- still can't wrap my head around the "stream error" exceptions it throws
- tricky to use stringbuf, stringstream, etc. properly
- issues: ios_base::binary? can't work with stringstream(string(...))?
- binary format is quite verbose, has a lot of boilerplate overhead
- you need to include
- you need to include
mime types
- RFC 2045, RFC 2046, RFC 2047, RFC 4288, RFC 4289 and RFC 2049
- rfc1524: A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information
- xdg-utils, like xdg-open
luajit: tracing vm for lua
- LJ1: faster than V8 by quite a bit, and smaller to boot
- LJ2: approaches C speeds
- <40 bytes per closure (determined by experimentation)
freedesktop: formerly known as the x desktop group (XDG)
- kqueue/kevent: handles signals, FS (vnode) changes, AIO, monitoring processes
- dirty_ratio, dirty_background_ratio: control % RAM allowed to be dirty
- more aggressive writing happens when crossed
- pre-2.6.22: 10%/40% RAM thresholds
- post-2.6.22: 5%/10% are defaults
- threading
- NTPL: modern threading system for Linux
- LinuxThreads: separate processes per thread; doesn't follow POSIX semantics in various ways (eg signals)
- aio: TODO
: TODO -
futex: fast user-space mutex
- single atomic instr (eg CAS)
- kernel involved only on contention
- TODO is this used anywhere?
: shows 100% per core; procs exceeding this only show up as 99.9 as there's only so much char space - use
make V=1
to see the gcc commands (verbose) - interesting things in /proc:
- PID/stack: stack trace
- PID/pagemap: virtual to physical page mapping
- PID/status: lots of interesting bits of info
- interrupts: IRQ to CPU map
- irq/NUMBER/smp_affinity: set individual IRQs
- sys/kernel/core_pattern: where to output core dumps (or pipe to command)
- sys/fs/binfmt_misc: register different ways to run different binary formats
- PID/fdinfo/FD: includes pos in file
- PID/maps: what files (usu. libs) the process has mapped, and where; useful for debugging env/LD_* issues
- http://blog.ksplice.com/2011/01/solving-problems-with-proc/
can only lower not raise for non-root; root can raise;/etc/security/limits.conf
can set global cap for non-roots - scheduler works on threads
- huge pages
- oldest/simplest huge-page interface: shmget() with SHM_HUGETLB and
huge-page-aligned size; see hugetlbpage.txt
- uses default Hugepagesize in /proc/meminfo (default_hugepagesz kernel param)
- limited to shmmax sysctl param
- HugeTLBFS: RAM-based FS; access w mmap/read; libhugetlbfs simplifies use
mount -t hugetlbfs none /mnt/hugetlbfs -o pagesize=64K,size=32G
- anon mmap() w
- libhugetlbfs also provides
- libhugetlbfs also auto-backs some region types when pre-linked/pre-loaded
- if
then allshmget()
requests - if
then all malloc (__morecore
hugectl --heap ./target-application
orhugectl --heap=64k ./target-application
- text/data: must relink with
-Wl --hugetlbfs-align
- then
hugectl --text --data --bss ./target-application
- then
- if
- nothing for stack
- oldest/simplest huge-page interface: shmget() with SHM_HUGETLB and
huge-page-aligned size; see hugetlbpage.txt
- tmpfs/ramfs
- tmpfs: fixed size, may swap
- ramfs: dynamic size (may have cap, or kernel will stall if OOM), no swap
- syscalls
- eclone: extended clone
- madvise: how to handle paging
- MADV_RANDOM, MADV_SEQUENTIAL, MADV_WILLNEED (expect access again soon), MADV_DONTNEED (expect no access; free up cache)
- fadvise: how to handle file IO
- for reading, madvise to create a shared buffer w system file cache is preferable to having reading privately with O_DIRECT, but (blind) writes are faster w O_DIRECT (no need to read), and also more control over writeback (instead of playing w mlock/munlock) http://kerneltrap.org/node/7563
- open
- O_DIRECT: bypass cache; doesn't imply O_SYNC
- default stack size: 32K
- dirty_ratio, dirty_background_ratio: control % RAM allowed to be dirty
linux kernel
kprobes: get runtime info of any kernel routine; used by systemtap
systemtap: kernel instrumentation with awk-like scripts (handlers attached to events, eg function return)
perfcounters: rich abstraction over hardware counters
- perf: user program to work with perfcounters
kevent/eventfs: WIP; merges socket io, network AIO, poll, inotify, timers
FSs: ext?, btrfs, logfs, ceph
kvm: great linux success story; uses qemu
cpuidle: governs when system enters which C states
set timer interrupt frequency
connector kernel module is useful for process monitoring; when procs die, kernel notifies you; you can restart, recover, etc.
intel xeons can offload network data coying to DMA engine with intel I/OAT DMA engine; see also DCA
- if a library contains an _init symbol or function marked with attribute((constructor)), it will be immediately when loaded. There's no way to "pause" the library loading, switch seccomp on, and then allow the library loading to continue. (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1019707/sandboxing-in-linux)
type coercion: implicit type conversion
dwarf: the debug info format used by gcc/gdb/etc
- You have to mkdir ~/zlog first; barnowl will not create the directory for you.
- .anyone is your buddy list.
- .zephyr.subs is your class/instance subscription list.
tells you who on your buddy list is online- if this gives you "znol: No such file or directory while getting
WindowGram port" then try
zwgc -ttymode
- if this gives you "znol: No such file or directory while getting
WindowGram port" then try
lets you send messages - when starting to send a message you'll get a ping from that person (this doesn't seem to show up in barnowl by default)
- HTTP: for web traffic; analyzes headers to determine dst; eg squid
- SOCKS: general TCP/UDP proxy
- tun-based VPN: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN
- ProxyCommand: the command to use to connect to the remote sshd (instead of
plain ssh)
- example given in man page is nc to connect via an http proxy
- see also
which enables connecting via http proxy- not yet sure what corkscrew's value-add is
shell scripting
: Linux-specific; usepgrep
amazon ec2
ec2-describe-images -o self -o amazon
: list AMIs owned by me or amazon -
ec2-add-keypair <pairname>
: create a keypair named<pairname>
(amazon registers this); stored the key into a file so that you can use it fromssh
ec2-run-instances <ami> -k <pairname> -t m1.large
: start a large instance using the AMI<ami>
and the keypair<pairname>
ec2-describe-instances <inst>
: show status -
ec2-authorize default -p 22
: open port 22 ec2-get-console-output <inst>
scp -i ... <pk> <cert> <inst>:/mnt
ec2-bundle-vol -d /mnt -k /mnt/<pk> -c /mnt/<cert> -u <acct> -r [i386|x86_64] -p sampleimage
: run on remote host; outputs to/mnt/
ec2-upload-bundle -b <bucket> -m /mnt/<manifest> -a <access> -s <secret>
ec2-register <bucket>/<manifest>
: returns AMI ID -
ec2-register <ami>
: returns AMI IDec2-register -a x86_64 -n $NAME
-b /dev/sda1=snap-$SNAP::false
-b /dev/sdb=ephemeral0
-b /dev/sdc=ephemeral1
-b /dev/sdf=snap-$SNAP::false
--kernel aki-$KERNEL --root-device-name /dev/sda1
- multi-az replication: synchronous to inaccessible failover; probably DRBD
- read replicas: async replication; probably built-in mysql replication
- max 100 EBS vols, max 20TB
- no device write caching (see
hdparm -W
); all fsync's are durable
- max 5 ELBs
- requires you to point to it via CNAME, hence root domains must eg http-redirect to a www subdomain that CNAMEs to it; that's a SPOF
- only provides DNS; can't map an (elastic) IP to an ELB
- each inst has 2 interfaces, public and internal
- max 20 running; max overall = 4 * max running
- can lock inst to prevent termination via mgmt console or api, only via cmd line
elastic IPs
- takes minutes for assignment to propagate
- only 1:1 public/elastic:private NATings
- max 5 without appeal;
$.01/h for unmapped; $ .01/GB for mapped; $.10/remap if >100 remaps that month - reverse DNS can be applied for
- ~$10/mo/inst
- monitors cpu, disk, network
- autoscale
- launch configuration: img, inst type
- auto scaling group: launch config, AZs, min size, max size
- trigger: measure (cpu), stat (avg), period, lo/hi thresh & scale increments
- backed by ebs or s3; public/private/shared (ACL)/paid
- ebs: <=1TB, <1m boot, can stop, costs more to run
- can change kernel/ramdisk/inst-type/data when stopped
- single command/call to create
- snapshots stored in s3, confusingly; new ebs vol created from root snapshot on boot
- by default, vols that ami boots with have DeleteOnTermination=true
- stopping loses elastic ip
- s3 aka instance store: <=10GB, <5m boot, can't "stop", costs less to run
- can't change kernel/ramdisk; no 'stopping'
- requires ami tools to create; involes "bundling"
- creation/registration are separate steps
: halt, snapshot all vols, create/reg the ami, reboot - kernels (aki's): only amazon/selected vendors can create
- user selectable kernels useful for keeping inst up to date w security fixes & updates
ebs-optimized, provisioned IOPS
PIOPS is for good, predictable random access
from https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=369668:
At a certain point, bandwidth will become the bottleneck between your volumes and EC2 instance. EBS-Optimized instances, depending on the instance type used, deliver additional network throughput dedicated to EBS, with options between 500 Mbps and 1000 Mbps.
Assuming a 16K block size and 1000 IOPS volumes, we recommend scaling to:
- 7 volumes: m2.4xlarge, c1.4xlarge, m1.xlarge, CC instances (total of 7000 IOPS or 875 Mbps)
- 3 volumes: m2.2xlarge, m1.large (total of 3000 IOPS or 375 Mbps)
- 1 volume: m2.xlarge, c1.med (total of 1000 IOPS or 125 Mbps)
: foreign repo (fixed commit or HEAD-tracking) linked to from a dedicated subdir - vendor branches: usu. in
; a way to track external software- import files from vendor releases to its own dir, tagging the versions
- then merge diff btwn versions into current project trunk:
svn merge https://repo/vendors/foo/1.{0,1}
svn log -rHEAD:1 ...
: really show all log entries; default range is BASE:1, which means since last svn update -
svn cat -r 1 https://project.com/file.txt@HEAD
: cat the file that is currently named/file.txt
, but as of revision 1 (regardless of whatever name it had back then). 1 is the operative revision, andHEAD
is thepeg revision
. -
: the revision of the working copy (local copy without modification); cannot be used on URLs -
: the last revision in which the given item changed; cannot be used on URLs -
- mb()/barrier() in Linux kernel
- WOFF: repackaging of old sfnt/TrueType/OpenType format
- gzipped TTF file + opt'l sections for XML and 'private data'
- no need for WOFF to exist
- TrueType has tables; opt'l sections could've been tables
- HTTP already uses gzip
- but having this was how the industry was able to get type foundries and
MS on board
- didn't want ppl using, even though trivial to convert to TTF
- http://www.imperialviolet.org/2010/05/03/woff.html
- WOFF: repackaging of old sfnt/TrueType/OpenType format
inline-block better than float: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15172520/drawback-of-css-displayinline-block-vs-floatleft
designed for horizontal layout/flow layout, not vertical
specificity: id = 100, class = 10, else = 1; add up
@ rules: import, media, charset, font-face (custom fonts), page
cross-browser gradient
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#cccccc', endColorstr='#000000'); /* for IE / background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ccc), to(#000)); / for webkit browsers / background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ccc, #000); / for firefox 3.6+ */
- border-radius, border-image, box-shadow/text-shadow, rgba()/opacity, @font-face, attribute selectors, sibling combinator, pseudoclasses, columns, multiple backgrounds, word-wrap, box-sizing, media queries
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/01/08/push-your-web-design-into-the-future-with-css3/
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/06/15/take-your-design-to-the-next-level-with-css3/
- http://sixrevisions.com/css/css3-techniques-you-should-know/
box-sizing: border-box
) -
word-wrap: break-word
) -
columns: column-count, column-gap, column-rule, column-span, ...
media queries:
@media all and (max-width:480px) {...}
: view narrower than 480px; no longer need JS adaptive fluid layout -
@media screen and (color) {...}
: color screens
- descendant:
h1 em
;div * p
must be grandchild or further) - child:
body > p
- adjacent sibling:
math + p
- general sibling:
div ~ img
- descendant:
attribute selectors:
a[title$="tweetCC"] {...}
border-image: url(/images/border-image.png) 5 repeat
box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #ccc
(xoff yoff blur color) -
text-shadow: rgba(...) 0 1px 0
(color xoff yoff blur) -
rgba(100, 100, 155, 0.2)
example@font-face { font-family: 'Anivers'; src: url('/images/Anivers.otf') format('opentype'); }
horizontal align: make margin-left, margin-right
make elt screen-height:
height: 100%
height, line-height, top/bottom margins, width (default 100%) can be set only for block elts
min-width, min-height
display: none
takes up no space;visibility: hidden
still takes space -
- use single colons (
) -
: link, visited, hover, active -
: the firstp
instance (ignorechild
) -
p > i:first-child
: the firsti
in anyp
: a norwegion quote (<q lang="no">
) - css3:
- use single colons (
generated content: counter-reset, counter-increment, counter(), counters() for nested counters (1.1.1)
body { counter-reset: chapter; } h1:before { content: "Chapter " counter(chapter) ". "; counter-increment: chapter; } h1 { counter-reset: section; } ...
- use double colons (
) -
: insert something before/after, eg.x:before { content: "prefix: " }
or.x::after { content: url(...png); }
- css3:
- use double colons (
CSS expressions: IE-only reactive property-setting
inheritance: eg
is inherited (setting onbody
will color everything) -
can't vertical-align block elements like divs, floats
- vertical-align only applies to inline elts & table cells (diff meanings)
- until css3 advanced layout: http://www.css3.info/advanced-layout-module-gets-a-refresh/
- workarounds:
- http://csscreator.com/node/30624
- http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/86031
: height of line box (note: can't be of inline box)- values:
, %, float, and absolute unit measure - % and float are ratios of the font size
- %: inheritance propagates calculated value, not orig %
- float: inheritance propagates orig float, not calculated value
- values:
box model: blocks contain lines contain inlines
- containing/block-level boxes: top-level
- line boxes: height is that of tallest contained inline box
- inline boxes: eg inline elts; everything else are anonymous inline boxes
- content area aka em-boxes: tightly surrounds the text; set by font-size
- leading: line-height - font-size
- content area is middle-aligned in (in)line box
- content area can be smaller than actual font size if constrained by containing line-height
- http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/
- http://www.slideshare.net/maxdesign/line-height
- http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/inline-format.html
pre-IE6 quirks mode aka box model hack: border/padding included in width/height; unfortunately, this is arguably more intuitive, hence reintroduced in
: tells browser to behave like IE6
: the default absolute
makes all children that haveposition: absolute
actually framed in this elt's coords (origin) -
fixes something in place regardless of scroll pos
background images:
background: url(widget-image.gif) no-repeat
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
nice header style:
h1 { font-family: arial; /* or sans-serif */ font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: -3px; text-transform: uppercase; }
posix calls
- difftime
windows usage
- networking
- lmhosts, hosts, etc. all in \system32\drivers\etc
- ipconfig /flushdns
- networking
windows usage
shutdown -a
: abort shutdown - windows steadystate aka pc safeguard: sandboxing system for a whole user
- useful for trying out software
- TODO how secure is it?
- group policy: control reg, NTFS, audit/security policy, installs,
- eg block taskmgr, some fs access, downloading exe's
- group policy object (GPO): periodically pulled by clients from active directory
- offline files: caching of remote files; many changes in vista
- on reconnect, handles to open files are auto redirected to remote vers
- efficient bitmap differential transfer protocol
- distributed file system (DFS): merge many SMB shares; in win server
- folder redirection: a user GPO; can specify
; useful for network roaming; similar tomount --bind
- roaming profile: requires domain controller
: low-integrity apps like IE addons
windows app dev
- wow64
- FS redir: %windir%/system32 reserved for 64-bit bins, so redir to
%windir% to %windir/syswow64
- disable on per-thread basis
- %windir%/sysnative for raw access (doesn't exist outside 32-bit apps)
- FS redir: %windir%/system32 reserved for 64-bit bins, so redir to
%windir% to %windir/syswow64
- security zone tainting
- foo.ps1:Zone.Identifier
- resources
- compile resource script .rc with rc.exe and link in resulting .res
- strings
- linking
- std libs
for static,/MD
for shared (DLL),/M[TD]d
for debug -
for generating DLLs - .libs: archives of .obj's
- import libs are thin wrappers for shared libs
- can specify
#pragma comment(lib, "PocoXXXmt.lib)
to automatically pull in libs
- DLLs
: per-DLL optimization- otherwise windows calls into DLL on ea thread create/destroy
- useful for DLLs that maintain per-thread state, eg CRT or winsock
- http://blogs.msdn.com/larryosterman/archive/2004/06/03/147736.aspx
- VirtualProtect: changes protection on region of committed pages in VA space
- modes: x, rx, rwx, rx+cow, none, r, rw, cow
- conditional options: guard, uncached, write-combined (for devices?)
- UNC paths: C:\blah, \host\blah, and \?\C:\blah or \?\UNC\host\blah
- command line
- compiler:
- just produce obj:
cl /c app.cpp
: no C runtime (CRT) library (eg libcmt.lib, libcpmtd.lib, etc.)
- just produce obj:
- linker:
- eg
link app.obj ws2_32.lib
- if no CRT, must specify WinMain-like function with
- eg
- CRT vs Windows API
- main vs WinMain
- compiler intrinsics: eg abs, memset are compiler-produced with pragma
- `#pragma intrinsic(abs, memset)
: useful disassembler and pecoff parser
- compiler:
- dll search order: depends on whether safe dll search mode is enabled
- enabled: $(dirname $0):system32:windows:.:PATH
- disabled: $(dirname $0):.:system32:windows:PATH
- unicode
: for windows functions -
: for CRT functions (_tcslen
) -
(ANSI/UTF-8 to UTF-16) andWideCharToMultiByte
is used for non-translatable chars - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc500316.aspx
- atomics
- functions
: egInterlockedIncrement64
- functions
- cross-platform
- mingw: set of headers written to be used by gnu toolchain to produce
windows binaries
- for use on either posix or windows
- packages
- mingw-runtime: default CRT (msvcrt) headers and import libs
- w32api: windows api headers and import libs
- windows-native apps: gcc, gdb, make, binutils, misc utils
- msys: windows-native sh
- mingw: set of headers written to be used by gnu toolchain to produce
windows binaries
- portabel executable (PE) format
- based on unix COFF
- .NET exe's extend PE's
- have just one instance of program running at a time by trying to create a named Monitor either under Local\ or Global\
- can have 0-thread procs
- processes/threads
- priority is inherited iff parent is < normal class (below normal/idle)
- groups: used by
(kinda like posix signals) - default stacks on 32-, 64-bit: commit 4KB, reserve 1MB
- stack guard pages trigger commits on reserved stack space
- limited by virt mem on 32-bit OS, commit on 64-bit OS
- 200 KB min working set size (code + data)
- NUMA support: processor groups
- threads assigned to groups; processes can straddle n groups
Windows on Windows 64 (WOW64): runs 32-bit app on 64-bit OS
- 64-bit process executes 64-bit code on behalf of 32-bit threads
- threads starts in 64-bit mode
- stack
: obtains a stack trace
- wow64
windows kernel dev
- data execution prevention (DEP): TODO
- memory
- virt mem: reserved or committed, private or pagefile-backed (shared)
- commit charge: system-wide total commit
- commit limit: approx. phys + swap; swap can grow
- PF-backed must be allocated by opening handle to a Section object
- only private can be accounted to processes
- upper 1GB or 2GB of 4GB virt addr space is kernel
- virt mem: reserved or committed, private or pagefile-backed (shared)
- memory manager
- PFN database: array of 28-byte structs, one per page; tracks assignments to addr spaces
- devices are mapped into phys and virt addr space; eg gfx card can take up a lot on 32-bit systems
- crash dumps
- mini (64K), kernel (XP produces ~60M on 256M), full
- system service dispatches (syscalls)
all go through
for kernel,Nt*
for user -
many undocumented
trap into
ZwCreateFile: mov eax, SERVICEINDEX lea edx, [esp+4] int 2eh # sysenter on xp ret 2ch
: global syscall tables- KSDT is exported by ntoskrnl.exe, but not KSDTS
syscall nums are OS version-dependent
DWORD * addr = (DWORD *) (1+(DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"), "NtCreateSection"));
kernel finds target addr in thread environment block (TEB)
- TEB contains regs, pri, process ptr, service descriptor table (SDT) ptr, more
- ie, there's a per-thread syscall table
- SDT contains ntoskrnl and win32k system service tables (SSTs)
SST contains
- system service dispatch table (SSDT): array of fn ptrs
- always-0 field
- number of entries in SSDT/SSPT
- system service parameter table (SSPT): array of byte counts
for win32k syscall numbers, subtract 0x1000 to get offset
bits 12, 13 specify which of the four possible SDTs to look in
SDT ptr offset in TEB is also OS version-dependent
struct SYS_SERVICE_TABLE { void **ServiceTable; unsigned long CounterTable; unsigned long ServiceLimit; void **ArgumentsTable; };
when changing, either disable write protection in cr0, or map the SSDT's phys addr into a new virt addr and access via that
- "rootkit arsenal: escape and evasion"
- russinovich. nt syscall hooking
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/soviet_protector.aspx
- http://www.volynkin.com/sdts.htm
- http://www.osronline.com/showthread.cfm?link=93915
- http://forum.sysinternals.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=3758
- http://unlmtd.wordpress.com/2007/07/29/hooking-nt-functions/
- hooks
- user level injection
: only certain uninteresting hooks- window msgs, debugging, foreground thread going idle, kbd/mouse, shell
- browser helper object (BHO): COM DLL for IE hookig
- Office add-ins
CreateRemoteThread(targetProc, ..., &LoadLibrary, "C:\\my.dll")
: only works ifkernel32.dll!LoadLibrary
is always mapped to same loc- reqs monitoring running procs; call
yourself or usePsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine
- reqs monitoring running procs; call
- kernel level interception
- NT syscall hooking
- user level interception
- proxy DLLs: share same name and exports as established DLL
- easy with function forwarders:
#pragma comment(linker, "/expo.rt:DoSomething=DllImpl.ActuallyDoSomething")
- easy with function forwarders:
- binary rewriting
- detours: injects trampolines in-mem
- debugger spying
- import address table (IAT): change addr in
in PE
- proxy DLLs: share same name and exports as established DLL
- refs
- user level injection
- debugging
virtual pc: use the virtual com port
run this on the target machine in an admin cmd;
is a program that edits boot settings, which in older systems was specified in a fileboot.ini
:bcdedit -debug on bcdedit -dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200
in the vm settings, configure the com port to map to named pipe
\\.\pipe\<pipe name>
reboot the target
prepare the environment variables for windbg to be able to automatically fetch symbols and sources (not sure what the syntax here means but
is a microsoft-internal symbol server)set _NT_SOURCE_PATH=SRV*; set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srvc:\syms\symbols\symbols
connect to vm on a remote machine (same as args to kd; if local machine use
):windbg -k com:port=\<vpc_host_machine>\pipe<pipe name>,pipe,resets=0,reconnect
: required for VPC; use2
for a competing VM product -
: does 2 things- if named pipe is not found on target, wait for it
- if pipe disconnects, wait for reconnect
windbg: gui
- used to be for user mode only while kd for kernel; now all unified into windbg
- hit ctrl-break to break the target
- commands/examples
bp nt!NtReadFile
: set a breakpoint in driverNtReadFile
of drivernt
: continue -
: evaluate a (C++) expression
ntsd: cui
- kd: doesn't exist anymore; used to be kernel debugger
KD_DEBUGGER_ENABLED: whether system was booted with /debug
- see also:
- see also:
KD_DEBUGGER_NOT_PRESENT: whether debugger is attached
- debug printing
: same asDbgPrintEx(component=DPFLTR_DEFAULT_ID, level=DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, ...)
- get a component mask (dword) via windbg:
(default 0) - set the level to accept info:
- http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/win/misc/writing_devicedriver.html
- development models
- windows driver model (WDM)
- windows driver foundation (WDF)
- kernel mode driver foundation (KMDF)
- user mode driver foundation (UMDF)
- required functions
- DriverEntry
- AddDevice
- Dispatch* (eg DispatchCreate)
- Unload
- build
CONTAINING_RECORD(addr, type, field)
: contains the addr, type, and field- useful for
- useful for
: an entry in a doubly linked list- use this by including it into your struct, e.g.:
- use
to get the containing struct given a list entry
- use this by including it into your struct, e.g.:
- lookaside lists: adaptive memory pool for allocating/freeing fixed size
- if can't alloc from/free into the pool, go through normal heap mgr
- pool grows/shrinks adaptively
- communicating with user mode: IRP, local sockets, ETW providers
- oacr/prefast
- experience:
- Misuse of length parameter in call to 'strncat'. Pass the number of remaining characters, not the buffer size of 'metaLabel'.
- experience:
- threads/processes
- thread: unit of scheduling; has regs, IP, SP
- process: >=1 thread; has handles, sec token, AS
- threads
- each has 2 stacks: 1 user, 1 kernel (1:1 scheduling)
- priorities
- 1-15: dynamic priorities; kernel can boost/drop this temporarily to
increase system tput (but never boosted to real-time)
- boosted when it completes an IO req, waits for event/semaphore, or starves; also, some situations when threads in GUI or foreground
- drivers can specify boost in
- 16-31: real-time priorities; never changes
- base priority: inherited from process's base priority
- current priority: priority at any given time
- kernel-mode driver running in context of user thread: base pri = pri of user process
- 1-15: dynamic priorities; kernel can boost/drop this temporarily to
increase system tput (but never boosted to real-time)
- contexts
- permissions: eg driver routine called from user mode context can call
routine in kernel context - for driver routines, context depends on device type, driver position in device stack, and other activities in system
- eg dispatch routines run in context of requesting thread, but might queue IO op for processing by lower level drivers
- some routines run in system thread context; have addr space of system process and security rights of OS itself
- permissions: eg driver routine called from user mode context can call
- instead of calling
, borrow a system thread from pool shared by all driversIoQueueWorkItem(...IO_WORKITEM...)
- 3 queues: delayed, critical, hypercritical
- run at
- using up too much time or too many workers can deadlock the system
- refs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810029.aspx
- interrupt request level (IRQL): distinct from x86 IRQLs
- low to high: passive, apc, dispatch, cmc, device interrupt (dirql), pc profile, synch, clock, clock2, IPI, power, high
- all threads run at IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL
- thread scheduler itself ("dispatcher") runs at DISPATCH_LEVEL
- hence any thread running at/above DISPATCH_LEVEL has exclusive use of cpu
- DISPATCH_LEVEL interrupts are masked off on the cpu, so thread scheduler
is disabled / cannot schedule any other thread
- using this you can run uninterrupted but cannot incur page faults (bc doing so requires suspending thread until swapped)
- ISRs, DPCs run here
- for shared memory synchronization, drivers should use a lock that raises
the IRQL to the highest level at which any code that accesses the data
can run
- eg use spin lock to protect data that can be accessed at IRQL=DISPATCH_LEVEL
- cpu-specific IRQLs
- thread-specific IRQLs
- PASSIVE_LEVEL: normal operating state; use thread scheduling pris
- all user code; only kernel can elevate
- threads are both preemptible and interruptible
- PASSIVE_LEVEL in critical region:
- use
- use
- APC_LEVEL: most commonly associated with paging IO
- PASSIVE_LEVEL: normal operating state; use thread scheduling pris
- only IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL can use paged pool
- refs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810029.aspx
- asynchronous procedure calls (APCs)
- software interrupts targeted at a specific thread
- system uses APCs to perform work in context of a particular thread, eg writing back the status of an IO operation to the requesting app
- how a target thread responds to APCs depends on the thread's state and the type of APC
- driver installation
- INFs: jcondit says these are evil and that osrloader is much nicer to deal with
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms878125.aspx
- http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/documents/irql.htm
- devices
- have a number of entry point routines that a driver can set
- a driver can own many devices; usu. create one device obj for each device
- device extensions: main storage space for device state
- objects & object manager
- objs are ref-counted
- a process can own 16M handles
- kernel objects: accessible only to rest of kernel
- eg physical devices, certain synchronization services
- executive objects: accessible to all; apps can wrap objects too
- conf mgr: reg key
- executive: sem, mutex, event
- IO mgr: file
- proc mgr: process, thread
- mem mgr: section
- object types
- proc, thread, job, file, file mapping, access token, event, sem/mutex, timer, key, desktop, clipboard, windowstation, symbolic link
- objects: header (used by obj mgr) and body
- named and unnamed
- user-accessible named objects are under
- by default, creating an object creates it under
which maps to globalSession\n\BaseNamedObjects
- if want to reference global
: IOCTL, i.e. direct user-to-kernel-driver interface -
: get ptr to an object given a handle to it- increments ref count
- TODO file names: "\?\GLOBALROOT", "Global??"
- handles: managed in per-process tables
- handle entry: pointer + 32 permission bits (8 B on 32-bit, aligned 16 B on 64-bit)
- 3 levels of tables; upper indirect table is just pointers to lower tables
- tables allocated from paged pool
macro -
: http://winprogger.com/?p=1156 - overlapped IO: TODO
IoCallDriver transfers IRP ownership down
IoCompleteRequest transfers IRP ownership up
IoMarkIrpPending holds the request (for async processing)
Unless an IRP's dispatch routine completes the IRP (by calling IoCompleteRequest) or passes the IRP on to lower drivers, it must call IoMarkIrpPending with the IRP. Otherwise, the I/O Manager attempts to complete the IRP as soon as the dispatch routine returns control. "
IO mgr creates an array of IO stack locations for each IRP
- each driver owns one IO stack location; get with IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation
- each driver responsible for calling IoGetNextIrpStackLocation to set up next-lower driver's IO stack location (if not passing new IRP altogether)
IoAllocateIrp creates a new IRP
- eg used by driver to break IRP up into sub-IRPs (maybe to multiple other drivers)
- alternative: reuse IRP by setting up next driver's IO stack location
- completion routine
lowest level driver sets result status on IRP
- on device interrupt, interrupt service routine (ISR) does min work:
- stops device from interrupting
- saves necessary context about operation
- calls IoRequestDpc to queue a deferred procedure call (DPC) that completes the requested op at a lower hw pri
- calls IoStartNextPacket to start processing of next packet
- sets IRP status and calls IoCompleteRequest
- on device interrupt, interrupt service routine (ISR) does min work:
- symbols
- public symbols: basic syms like functions and globals; needed for even rudimentary debugging
- private symbols: data structures, locals, line numbers
- full symbol file: contains both public and private; confidential
- stripped symbol file: contains public only; avail on internet symbol server
- user-kernel comm
- events: simplest
- best approach: named event, created by user
- passing names vs passing handles: handles are per-proc
- user- vs kernel-created: IoCreateNotificationEvent uses security attrib of current thread, so if created from system thread, then need to be Admin user process to access
- passing data: TODO
- best approach: named event, created by user
- inverted call: uses pended IRPs
- refs
WDK sample - Sharing is Caring
- Calling User Mode---Using the Inverted Call Model
- events: simplest
- wfp callouts
- arbitration
- if FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE set in classifyOut->rights, then it's soft permit/block; allow override
- else, it's hard permit/block; overrides count as vetoes (audit logged)
- callout types
- modify vs inspect: block orig then reinject; callouts are TERMINATING
- out-of-band vs inline: pend/block-with-absorb orig then reinject
- arbitration
- pnp: characteristic of bus/device spec that facilitates auto discovery
- industry standard architecture (ISA): early PC bus standard; superseded by PCI
- applies across various buses: ISA, PCI, USB, PCMCIA, etc.
- upnp: totally different; for networks
- driver memory management
- dynamic address space layout
- http://www.nynaeve.net/?p=261
- paged vs non-paged pool, system cache size, etc.
- regions used to be fixed at boot
- resident available mem: phys mem for kernel stacks, nonpaged pool, certain kernel code/data
- paged/non-paged pools
- pools: the kernel's heap; eg nonpaged pool is not all non-pageable code/data
- control pageability via compiler pragmas (text/data sections only) or via runtime functions
- specify to heap allocator
- the more pageable, the better
- nonpaged
- procs, threads, mutexes, sems, events, files, IRPs
- limited by phys mem
- takes from resident available mem
- paged
- registry, sections, handle tables
- limited by addr space, commit size
- memory descriptor list (MDL): maps VM to PM; opaque struct
- PTEs for VM->PM; MDL for buffers associated with DMAs
- for pageable mem: correspondence is temporary
- IRPs can be associated with MDLs
- MDL has pointer to IRP
- IRP has pointer to first MDL in a chain of zero or more MDLs (MDLs linked by next pointers)
- memory registers
- drivers have full access to virt addr space, but not devices
- devices need to use HAL map registers
- globals, device extensions are in non-paged pool
: map phys addrs (ie bus-relative IO addrs) to virt addrs
- dynamic address space layout
- ndis
- net buffer lists can be chained together
- net buffer lists can net buffers chained together
- NBL has pointer to head NB
- NB has pointer to next NB
- NB has MDL chain of packet buffers
- synchronization
- can wait on event, mutex, sem, thread, timer
- some of these have diff meetings; eg thread means thread terminated
- events have state (set or unset)
- timing
- KeDelayExecutionThread: sleep current thread
- TerminateThread can still kill, even if alert=0
- KeQueryPerformanceCounter: finest grained running count
- "KeQueryPerformanceCounter is intended for time-stamping packets or for computing performance and capacity measurements. It is not intended for measuring elapsed time, for computing stalls or waits, or for iterations."
- "Use this routine as infrequently as possible. Depending on the platform, KeQueryPerformanceCounter can disable system-wide interrupts for a minimal interval. Consequently, calling this routine frequently, such as in an iteration, defeats its purpose of returning very fine-grained, running time-stamp information. Calling this routine too frequently can degrade I/O performance for the calling driver and for the system as a whole."
- KeQuerySystemTime: returns count of 100-nanosecond intervals since
January 1, 1601; updated approx every 10 ms; computed for GMT
- ExSystemTimeToLocalTime
- KeQueryTickCount: returns a count of the interval timer interrupts that have occurred since the system was booted
- KeQueryTimeIncrement: returns the number of 100-nanosecond units that are added to the system time each time the interval clock interrupts
- KeDelayExecutionThread: sleep current thread
- sharing mem btwn user and kern
- METHOD_BUFFERED: all in/out data copied to temp intermediate buffer; safest but slowest
- METHOD_{IN,OUT}_DIRECT: in is buffered access; out has MDL; more details
- METHOD_NEITHER: direct access to user memory
- need to use
- need to use
- languages
- c++ is totally usable in kernel! but not stl
useful windows cmd commands
where tlist
why google presentations sucks
- can't change master slide formatting
- no anti-aliasing
- no keyboard friendliness
- can't group objects together
- ugly default themes
- no image editing capabilities, e.g. cropping
- rudimentary drawing tools
- no animations
- no paste special
- stability issues: fatal errors
user_bootstrap either loads a user program ELF in load_elf()
or, if the embedded binary's name ends with .img
, a kernel image in load_img()
has a ps_mode
specifying whether it is a VM. If it is, then processor_arch_run()
(which is called by processor_run()
) enters svm_run()
VMs are logically stored in vmprocessor
structs, which in turn contain a VMCB. The initialization of these things occurs in svm_vector()
via processor_vector()
The global interrupt flag (GIF) is a bit that controls whether interrupts and other events can be taken by the processor; it's set and cleared by stgi
and clgi
hsave: host save state npage: nested page