The following is a tutorial for training a new model.
Setup a directory for predictions:
$ TARGET_PATH_NAME=/tmp/massspec_predictions
To convert an sdf file into a TFRecord and make the training and test splits:
$ python --main_sdf_name=testdata/test_14_mend.sdf
--replicates_sdf_name=testdata/test_2_mend.sdf \\ \
To train a model:
--train_steps=1000 \\ \
--model_dir=$TARGET_PATH_NAME/models/output --hparams=make_spectra_plots=True
The aggregate training results will be logged to stdout. The final library matching results can also be found in $TARGET_PATH_NAME/models/output/predictions. These results report the query inchikey, the matched inchikey, and the rank asigned to the true spectra.
It is also possible to view these results in tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log-directory
To predict spectra for new data given a model, run:
python \
--input_file=testdata/test_14_record.gz \
--output_file=$TARGET_PATH_NAME/models/output_predictions \
--model_checkpoint_path=$TARGET_PATH_NAME/models/output/ \
--hparams=eval_batch_size=16 \