mini.snippets completion source for nvim-cmp
Installation, using lazy.nvim
lazy = false,
dependencies = {
version = false,
config = function()
local gen_loader = require("mini.snippets").gen_loader
snippets = {
gen_loader.from_lang(), -- This includes those defined by friendly-snippets.
config = function(_, opts)
snippet = {
-- Snippets from lsp, you should set this even you don't use this plugin.
expand = function(args)
local insert = MiniSnippets.config.expand.insert or MiniSnippets.default_insert
insert({ body = args.body })
sources = require("cmp").config.sources({
-- Snippets from mini.snippets, to make them appear at completion list.
{ name = "mini.snippets" },
}, {}),
sources = {
name = 'mini.snippets',
option = {
use_minisnippets_match_rule = false,
only_show_in_line_start = false
By default, use_minisnippets_match_rule
is false, which means it will feed nvim-cmp all the
avalible snippets and let cmp do the fuzzy match job.
However, mini.snippets has its own matching rule,
set to true to use mini.snippets rule in every keystroke.
For example:
local my_m = function(snippet, pos)
-- With this match rule and `use_minisnippets_match_rule=true`,
-- this plugin won't feed cmp items unless the match is exact.
return MiniSnippets.default_match(snippet, { pattern_fuzzy = "" })
-- Note that even if you don’t have any custom match rules set up,
-- it’s not guaranteed that mini.snippets will respond whenever
-- cmp requests new snippets, as it may not always consider it the right time,
-- in the case of `use_minisnippets_match_rule=true`.
expand = {
match = my_m,
When only_show_in_line_start
is set to true, the completion source will only
show snippets if the line before cursor (excluding prefix) are all spaces/tabs.
This option is more similar to how lsp handles snippets, as they are smart enough
to know you won't need to expand a for loop inside a function signature.
I personally set this to true.
Note when you manually invoke this source, don't set this option, eg:
vim.keymap.set("i", "<c-x><c-s>", function()
local cmp = require("cmp")
if cmp.visible() then
require("cmp").complete({ config = { sources = { { name = "mini.snippets" } } } })