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A Qt-based integration between chrome/chromium and the plasma desktop (as well as rofi)


This is a work-in-progress. It is constantly being rewritten on a day-by-day basis.

Browser support

  • Chrome and Chromium
  • Theoretically, any browser which implements WebExtensions with Chrome-compatible API:s. Opera and Firefox may work, but it is not tested nor maintained.


  • Qt (5.5)
  • CMake (build dependency)
  • qmake (build dependency)


First, cd into and build /plasmium with qmake . ; make && sudo make install

Then (if you want plasma krunner integration) cd into and build /plasmiumrunner with cmake . ; make ; make install

Then (if you want rofi integration) cd into and build /plasmiumrofimodi with qmake . ; make && sudo make install

Then finally:

  • install /plasmiumextension/org.kde.plasmium.json into either /etc/chromium/native-messaging-hosts or /etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts depending on your browser.
  • open chrome://extensions, tick the Developer mode checkbox, press Load unpacked extension... and browse to the location of plasmiumextension and load.

Rofi usage

Start rofi with the following parameters:

-show chrome -modi run,chrome:/usr/bin/plasmiumrofimodi,ssh

Or if you want to combine several modis into one entry (please note, this disables opening urls not specifically in the chrome.topsites):

-show combi -modi combi -combi-modi chrome:/usr/bin/plasmiumrofimodi,run,window,ssh

What is working now

  • There is a dbus interface with working implementations to:
  • mute all tabs
  • mute all background tabs
  • unmute all tabs
  • unmute the current tab
  • Get a list of top sites from the browser
  • Get a list of open tabs and windows
  • Open a new tab with a specified URI
  • Switch to a specific tab and bring its window to the front
  • Get a list of all windows currently playing audio
  • There is a rofi modi (a plugin for rofi, you will need to add it to your rofi setup/config yourself) which can open a new tab in your browser using a supplied uri, with rofi completion from the list of top sites, as well as switch active tab in the browser
  • There is a non-working krunner plugin which will be able to switch between tabs in the browser


Yes, please! That's a very good idea!


  • Collect underpants
  • Set up keybindings for plasma, gnome and xbindkeys
  • Package chrome extension
  • Use actual debugging instead of writing to a file
  • Export bookmarks from the browser
  • Export the browser history API
  • Open a new window in the browser
  • a taskbar plasmoid integration, which only paints the plasma 5.9 audio icons on chrome windows which actually plays sound
  • a working krunner plugin to switch between tabs in the browser
  • extend the rofi plugin to also complete based on browser bookmarks, the history API
  • --Build a second rofi plugin which switches tabs in browser, just like the krunner plugin is supposed to do-- (Done!)
  • bind the XInput media keys to playing media objects in the browser, such as youtube, spotify or google play music.
  • ????
  • Profit!

Other possibilities: (not sure if these are worth-while)

  • It is possible to open chrome settings directly via a simple dbus message (newTab: chrome://settings/). Subsections of the chrome settings are also possible to open, such as chrome://settings/passwords. This could be utilized in e.g. a kcm_chrome module for systemsettings or from rofi/krunner.