All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- ADDED: Localized Date lables.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Updated to Facebook API Version 7.0
- FIXED: few pages were not fetching events issue.
- FIXED: showing past events for /me page id issue.
- ADDED: Recurring Events Support
- ADDED: Accent color settings
- IMPROVEMENTS: Some Code imporvements.
- FIXED: Some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Clear Cache button for manually clear cache.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Reduced Cache TTL.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Some Code imporvements.
- FIXED: Some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Facebook Authorization for make custom Facebook widget working.
- ADDED: support for WP 5.0
- ADDED: Gutenberg Block for Facebook Events.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Add caching support for events.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Some Code imporvements.
- FIXED: Some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support for Facebook events using Page widget (Facebook's Embeddable page widget)
- ADDED: Shortcode for Facebook Page widget example: [fb_event_widget page_url="" width="340" height="500" hide_cover="false" hide_cta="true" small_header="true"]
- ADDED: WP Widget for Facebook Page widget
- FIXED: Some bug fixes.
- FIXED: Some bug fixes.
- FIXED: Wrong Time Display (Timezone Error) issue.
- Initial Version.