manssh is a command line tool for managing your ssh alias config easily, inspired by storm project, powered by Go.
This project is actually a simple glue project, the most complex and core parsing ssh config file logic implements by ssh_config, I didn't do much.
At first it was just a imitation of storm, now it has become a little different.
- No dependence.
- Add, list, query, delete ssh alias record.
- Backup ssh config.
- Support Include directive.
Before 1.17
go get -u
1.17 or higher
go install
brew tap xwjdsh/tap
brew install xwjdsh/tap/manssh
alias manssh='docker run -t --rm -v ~/.ssh/config:/root/.ssh/config wendellsun/manssh'
Download it from releases, and extract it to your PATH
% manssh
manssh - Manage your ssh alias configs easily
manssh [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
add, a Add a new SSH alias record
list, l List or query SSH alias records
update, u Update SSH record by specifying alias name
delete, d Delete SSH records by specifying alias names
backup, b Backup SSH config files
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--file value, -f value (default: "/Users/wendell/.ssh/config")
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
# manssh add test2
# manssh add test1 root@ -c IdentityFile=~/.ssh/wendell
% manssh add test1 root@ -i ~/.ssh/wendell
✔ alias[test1] added successfully.
test1 -> root@
identityfile = /Users/wendell/.ssh/wendell
Username and port config is optional, the username is current login username and port is 22
by default.
Using -c
to set more config options. For convenience, -i xxx
can instead of -c identityfile=xxx
# manssh list
# manssh list "*"
# manssh list Test -ic
% manssh list test1 77
✔ Listing 1 records.
test1 -> root@
identityfile = /Users/wendell/.ssh/wendell
It will display all alias records If no params offered, or it will using params as keywords query alias records.
If there is a -it
option, it will ignore case when searching.
# manssh update test1 -r test2
# manssh update test1 root@
% manssh update test1 -i "" -r test3 -c hostname= -c port=22022
✔ alias[test3] updated successfully.
test3 -> root@
Update an existing alias record, it will replace origin user, hostname, port config's if connected string param offered.
You can use -c
to update single and extra config option, -c identityfile= -c proxycommand=
will remove identityfile
and proxycommand
For convenience, -i xxx
can instead of -c identityfile=xxx
Rename the alias specified by -r
# manssh delete test1
% manssh delete test1 test2
✔ alias[test1,test2] deleted successfully.
% manssh backup ./config_backup
✔ backup ssh config to [./config_backup] successfully.
If you use the Include
directive, there are some extra notes.
Add -p
(--path) flag for list
command to show the file path where the alias is located, it can also be set by the MANSSH_SHOW_PATH environment variable.
Set to true
to show the file path where the alias is located. Default is false
Add -ap
(--addpath) flag for add
command to specify the file path to which the alias is added, it can also be set by the MANSSH_ADD_PATH environment variable.
This file path indicates to which file to add the alias. Default is the entry config file.
For convenience, you can export these environments in your .zshrc
or .bashrc
export MANSSH_SHOW_PATH=true
export MANSSH_ADD_PATH=~/.ssh/config.d/temp