This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add CGFs for P extensions
- Add support for P extension test generation
- Updated and added script to generate test with real world patterns.
- Fix the generation of rv32ec/cswsp test
- rvtest_data section now includes 16 bytes of rotated versions of
- Add CGFs for F&D extensions
- Add support for F & D extension test generation
- Add support for test splitting based on number of macro instances
- Add macro based signature entry sizes
- Updated logger to enable logging for API calls.
- Update instruction format of aes32 and sm4 instructions for K extensions.
- Improve the coverage of S-boxes for sm4 instructions by setting overlap = "Y" in byte_count.
- Fix sign of immediate value for branching instructions while filtering.
- Fix instruction generation while result shadowing.
- Update the sample cgf for RV32E
- fix the generation of RV32E Tests
- support for K extension and subextension instructions
- support for comments in coverpoints
- added std_op field in template.yaml to indicate is standard-instruction the pseudo op belongs to.
- added support for parsing #nosat in coverpoint which disables the solvers for the current resolution.
- added sample cgf files for rv64ik and rv32ik
- Minor code restructure to support API calls.
- Fixes to include env files in pip package.
- Added missing coverpoints for JALR
- fixed CI to run main.yml on pushes to master.
- added version check for PRs in test.yml
- Updated CI to actions
- Fixed header base_isa argument
- Change header configuration argument list
- Remove first empty line in assembler output
- Add header randomization argument
- Fixed correctval generation for existing ops.
- Fixed signedness of operand values for m ext instructions.
- Added operation strings for m and c extensions.
- Added base_isa as option in cli
- Added support for register set based on base isa.
- Reformatted output values in tests to be hex strings.
- change compliance_model to model_test
- minor doc updates
- renamed compliance_test.h to arch_test.h
- added aliasing macros for v0.1 compliance framework
- split datasets and coverpoints into multiple cgfs
- support for multiple cgf as inputs
- added support for special datasets to relevant instructions
- adding explicit entry point label to all tests
- remove x2 as coverpoint in cswsp and csdsp
- initial draft of CTG
- parallelization support added
- random solvers can be used
- support rv32/64imc instructions
- docs updated
- initial draft