- Nokia graph LCD controller integration.
Leonardo Santiago Benitez Pereira
- Neural Network acelerator.
- Added FIR filter.
[Luciano Caminha Junio](https:/ ?? )
- Added one-wire LED controller (no RISCV integration).
[Igor Godinho Debastiani](https:/ ?? )
- Added RISV integration of 16x2 LCD controller .
- Updated hardware digital filter.
- Added hardware interrupt to ADC.
- DE10 Flash memory integration (fitst attempt).
- Added step motor controller.
- Added 16x2 LCD controller (no RISCV integration).
- Implemented Local Interrupt Controller.
- Implemented new pipelined division unit.
- Integration of DE-10 Lite accelerometer unit
Vitor Faccio and Heloiza Martins Schaberle
- Watchdog Timer implementation
Leticia De Oliveira Nunes and Marieli Fernandes Matos
- New implementation of MAX10 ADC. Software and hardware.
- UART with reception ISR. ToDo: bus integration.
- Corrected, tested and validated SDRAM controller and core integration
- Nokia graph LCD controller
- Ultrassonic sensor
Hellen Avila Rosa e Ana Claudia Banderchuk
- GPIO with hardware counting debouncer
- Hardware digital filter
Diesson Stefano Allebrandt and Felipe Rodrigues Broering
- TFT diplay controller
Jhontan de Freitas Lang and Alexsandro Gehlen
- I2C master (write mode)
Diogo Tavares and Nicolau Varela
- SPI module
Joao Antonio Cardoso and Rafael Fernando Reis
- 32-bit with 6 channels timer
Ricardo Schons Cirio and Joao Vitor Bassani
- SDRAM integration (second attempt)
- UART with variable baudrate and parity bits
Bruna Martini and Maria Claudia Rosa Negri
- SRAM integration (first attempt)
- SDRAM integration (first attempt)
- VGA integration (internal SRAM)
- MAX10 ADC integration
- [M] Instructions extension.
- 9600 baudrate UART.