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Maxim Prokhorov edited this page Feb 9, 2022 · 42 revisions

Over-the-air updates

ESPurna offers several ways to upgrade an ESPurna device over-the-air:

NOTICE: Current development builds are built using Arduino Core 2.7.4

NOTICE: Starting with ESPurna version 1.14.1 and when building with Arduino Core 2.7.4+, it is possible to upload .bin file compressed with gzip

NOTICE: Make sure to only perform OTA upgrade with a properly powered device. Attempting to flash and / or use an normally AC powered device (like a Sonoff) instead powered through 3v3 may result in unexpected issues with the firmware.

Web interface updates

You can directly upload the firmware file (.bin extension) to the device using the "Upgrade" option in the "Admin" tab of the web interface. You can find the latest firmware images for your device in the releases page.

Updating via HTTP

You can use the "/upgrade" endpoint to automate upgrades via HTTP using cURL or similar tools. This is the same endpoint that uses the web interface upgrade utility so you will need a device with ESPurna compiled with WEB_SUPPORT (this is the default).

$ curl -XPOST --digest -uadmin:<password> \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "filename=@<path_to_binary>" \

You will have to replace <password>, <path_to_binary> and <ip_device> with proper values for your device. For instance:

$ curl -XPOST --digest -uadmin:fibonacci \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "filename=@.pio/build/esp8266-1m-base/firmware.bin" \

Please note the '@' before the path to the binary file. The path can be relative to the current directory. The backslashes in a bash console mean that the command continues in the next line, you can write the full curl command in a single line if you want.

Thanks to FlorianSW for this tip, check the #745 for the original suggestion.


If platformio was used at least once to build and upload ESPurna, can be found inside .platformio packages directory:


It is also can be found inside Arduino framework directory:


or latest OTA script version can be fetched directly.

It does require existing firmware .bin file. Example using file from Releases:

$ python --progress --ip --auth fibonacci --file espurna-<version>-itead-sonoff-basic.bin

Updating from the Terminal

Since version 1.12.4, ESPurna includes an 'ota' command in the terminal that allows you to update the firmware in the device passing the URL of a binary as an argument. The URL can be in the local network or the internet, but the device has to have direct access to that resource (no redirects). HTTPS is not supported at the moment.

Simply open a telnet session to the device and request an OTA update passing the URL:

$ telnet
[038771] +OK
[038771] [OTA] Downloading from ''
[053298] [OTA] Done, restarting...

Using generic environments

platformio.ini file defines following environments for custom builds, including support for OTA updates:

  • esp8266-1m-base
  • esp8266-2m-base
  • esp8266-4m-base

To build with the most recent PlatformIO release:

  • esp8266-{1,2,4}m-latest-base

Also, to build with the current ESP8266 Arduino Core git master version:

  • esp8266-{1,2,4}m-git-base

NOTE: before the version 1.15.0, named: esp8266-1m-ota, esp8266-2m-ota and esp8266-4m-ota

And example of use is:

$ export ESPURNA_IP=
$ export ESPURNA_AUTH=somepassword
$ pio run -t upload -e esp8266-1m-base

You can also prepend envirionment variables instead of exporting them:

$ env ESPURNA_IP= ESPURNA_AUTH=somepassword ESPURNA_FLAGS="-DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC -DDHT_SUPPORT=1" pio run -t upload -e esp8266-1m-base

NOTE: $ESPURNA_AUTH will be expanded by shell, unless it is properly quoted. See
export ESPURNA_AUTH='123456x$@' => export ESPURNA_AUTH=\''password$@'\'

See code/espurna/config/hardware.h for possible -D<BOARD> values.


Sometimes OTA updates fail. It happens. It's not a problem since the firmware does not get overwritten if the upload fails. But if you cannot update the device firmware even after several attempts, you might try to check if you have a firewall and disable it.

Automatic OTA updates

You can also use the automatic OTA update feature. Check the NoFUSS library for more info.

This options is disabled by default. Enable it in your firmware setting NOFUSS_SUPPORT=1 in code/espurna/config/general.h or via additional build flag (-DNOFUSS_SUPPORT=1)

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