Releases: xorann/BigWigs
Releases · xorann/BigWigs
- Changed C'Thun module according to the server patch
- Fixed Ouro Berserk
- Changed timer like shadowflame to show the time of the finished cast instead of the beginning of the cast
- Small changes for Thekal, Arlokk, Huhuran, Shazzrah and Geddon
- Ouro submerge fix
- Changed bar message for Whirlwind on Sartura to make it clear that it is not an exact timer
- Added Warning Sign for Toxin for Viscidus
- Reduced Warning Sign duration for Blood Siphon for Hakkar
- Fixed emerge trigger for Ragnaros
- Reduced the number of messages througout all boss modules
- Added KTM Reset for Azuregos Teleport
Several improvements for 20man boss modules and new Ignite plugin
- fixed LUA Error for Thekal module
- new Ignite plugin
- added Gaze timer for Mandokir module
- fixed triggers for Totem timers for Jin'do
- fixed timers for Jeklik
- improvements for Arlokk timers. still not 100% working
- fixed Ossirian timers
- fixed Moam timers
- Common Auras Shield Wall timers now consider talents after respec
- fixed issue with druids in the proximity plugin
- added experimental timers for Rajaxx module