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- (100%) Engage
- (100%) P1 Eye Tentacles
- (100%) P1 Dark Glare. Announces Group and plays different sounds wether your group or the group next to you is where dark glare lands (Run away) or not (Beware).
- (QA) P1 Dark Glare duration
- (100%) Transition from Eye of C'Thun to C'Thun
- (QA) P2 First and recurring Giant Claw
- (QA) P2 First and recurring Giant Eye
- (QA) P2 First and recurring Eye Tentacles
- (99%) P2 Weakened phase. There is no clear trigger for this on our server
- (QA) P2 Weakened phase ends. Check for exactly 1 damage on c'thun
- (QA) P2 All timers after weakened phase.
- (DG) Flesh Tentacles
countdown before dark glare start and end not working: weaken less than 5s before eye tentacles sometimes giant eye timer during weaken
Giant Claw - Spawn trigger: "Giant Claw Tentacle's Ground Rupture" - first spawn 25s after eye of c'thun dies - spawns every 40s - spawns 10, 11 or 14s after weakened phase
Giant Eye - Spawn trigger: "Giant Eye Tentacle begins to cast Eye Beam." - first spawn 56.154/56.391s/56.231/56.242 after eye of c'thun dies - spawns every 40.048(40.266/40.067/39.871/39.97/[42.081/]40.067) - spawns 40s after weakened phase - Eye Beam: "Giant Eye Tentacle begins to cast Eye Beam."
Eye Tentacles - spawn trigger (check only after weakened phase): "Eye Tentacle's Mind Flay was resisted" "Eye Tentacle's Mind Flay is absorbed" "hits Eye Tentacle for" "crits Eye Tentacle for" "Shadow damage from Eye Tentacle's Mind Flay" - first spawn 40.303 (40.438/40.346/40.415/40.013) after eye of c'thun dies (slight delay since there is no clear spawn trigger) - spawns every 30s - spawns 14.868/19.223s after weakened phase; 75.685/75.28s after last spawn before weakened phase
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- (100%) = it's working flawless
- (99%) = it's working as good as it can be (from my research)
- (QA) = Quality Assurance (need to test its modified state)
- (DG) = Data Gathering (need to gather more data regarding this matter)