This guide demonstrates single machine setup of nbase-arc cluster. Please refer to Admin Guide for how to install multi-machine, fault-tolerant cluster.
Install these dependencies prior to building nbase-arc.
- JAVA JDK 1.7 or 1.8
- Apache Maven :
# Change directory to your workspace.
$ git clone
$ cd nbase-arc
# Build nbase-arc release binaries.
$ make release
# ... ...
# Copy release binaries to $HOME directory.
$ cp -r release/nbase-arc $HOME
Install & Run Apache Zookeeper 3.4.5 or 3.4.6
Set properties of Configuration Master
- In properties, do not use
{machine IP}
as "localhost" or "". Instead, use machine's actual IP.
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/confmaster
# Open file and modify following properties
confmaster.ip={machine IP}
confmaster.zookeeper.address={zookeeper address}
Run Configuration master
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/confamster
$ ./confmaster-<version>.sh
# Send cm_start command to Configuration master
$ echo cm_start | nc {machine IP} 1122
Install Python & Fabric library
- Python 2.7 :
- Fabric 1.10 :
Set properties of mgmt tool
- In properties, do not use
{machine IP}
as "localhost" or "". Instead, use machine's actual IP. {username}
is an account where your cluster will be installed. For quick start, use current user.
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/mgmt/config
# Open file and modify following properties
CONF_MASTER_IP = "{machine IP}"
USERNAME = "{username}"
Specify deploy binaries
- Nbase-arc's binaries are postfixed with version, like
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/mgmt/config
# Open file and modify following properties
REDIS_VERSION = "<version>"
GW_VERSION = "<version>"
SMR_VERSION = "<version>"
- Mgmt tool deploys clusters via SSH. For convenience, you can set up ssh authorization by public key.
# Generate SSH key if it doesn't exist already.
$ ssh-keygen
# ... ...
# Append generated public key to SSH's authorized_keys file
$ cat $HOME/.ssh/ >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Execute mgmt tool
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/mgmt
$ fab main
1. Show cluster information
2. Upgrade PGS
3. Upgrade GW
4. Install Cluster
5. Install PGS
6. Install GW
7. Uninstall Cluster
8. Uninstall PGS
9. Uninstall GW
10. Add replication
11. Leave replication
12. Migration
13. Repair Cluster (Cluster already installed)
14. Deploy bash_profile
x. Exit
# Select "Deploy bash_profile". Then, input machine's actual IP >> 14 PM information('ip list' or all) {machine IP} ... ...
- PGS Physical Machine list is list of replica groups where a replica group is list of machines. Since we use only one machine in this guide, input format is like [["{machine name} {machine ip}"]].
Ex) [["machine1"]]
- Gateway Physical Machine list is list of machines where gateway will be installed. Usually, Gateway and PGS share same machine. In this guide, input format is like ["{machine name} {machine ip}"].
Ex) ["machine1"]
# Select "Install Cluster". >> 4 Cluster name : test_cluster PG count : 4 Replication number : 1 PGS Physical Machine list([["PM_NAME PM_IP", "PM_NAME PM_IP"], ["PM_NAME PM_IP", "PM_NAME PM_IP"], ...]) [["{machine name} {machine IP}"]] Gateway Physical Machine list([PM_NAME PM_IP, PM_NAME PM_IP, ...]) ["{machine name} {machine IP}"] Cronsave number 1 Print script? [Y/n] Y Print configuration? [Y/n] Y Create PGS, Continue? [Y/n] Y Confirm Mode? [Y/n] n ... ...
$ cd $HOME/nbase-arc/bin
$ ./arc-cli-<version> -z {zookeeper address} -c test_cluster
_ ______ ___ _____ ______ ___ ____ ______ ________ ____
/ | / / __ )/ | / ___// ____/ / | / __ \/ ____/ / ____/ / / _/
/ |/ / __ / /| | \__ \/ __/ / /| | / /_/ / / / / / / / /
/ /| / /_/ / ___ |___/ / /___ / ___ |/ _, _/ /___ / /___/ /____/ /
/_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/____/_____/ /_/ |_/_/ |_|\____/ \____/_____/___/
test_cluster> set test_key test_val
test_cluster> get test_key