os-tests is a lightweight, portable and customer focused test collection for Linux OS.
# pip install os-tests
Note: please install paramiko if run os-tests in server-client mode.
There is a known pynacl issue while installing paramiko on RHEL-8.6. Please install earlier pynacl version (1.4.0) instead.
# pip install git+https://github.com/virt-s1/os-tests.git@master
# git clone https://github.com/virt-s1/os-tests.git
# cd os-tests
# python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
# pip install -U dist/os_tests-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
note: the default bin path is "/usr/local/bin" if not in virtual environment.
Public new wheels on pypi (maintainer use only)
# python3 -m twine upload dist/*
Install and run tests inside the RHEL system directly, fewer cases than Mode 2 and 3, lacking the tests requiring reboot system and instance control access.
# os-tests
Require ssh user, key/password and IP to access existing RHEL system, all tests are done remotely, can do lifecyle, kdump test, but without device hotplug capability and other tests require instance access.
# os-tests --host <remote_node> --user <remote_user> --keyfile <remote_keyfile> --result <result_dir> -p <cases>
Require cloud/platform account to provision remote system self, can do full test with control of instance. Eg. device hotplug, snapshot creation, send nmi events......
Note: supports alicloud, aws, azure, gcp, openstack, libvirt, nutanix, openshift, openstack for now. Other platforms are in todo list. The config template is under cfg dir.
# os-tests -p cloudinit --user ec2-user --keyfile /home/virtqe_s1.pem --platform_profile aws_env.yaml
More options - advanced tips
# os-tests -l
# os-tests -l -p ltp,virtwhat
# os-tests -l -p ltp -s test_ltp_ipsec_icmp
# os-tests -p test_general_check
# os-tests -p test_change_clocksource
You can list all installed files via pip show -f os-tests
├── cfg ->configration files
├── data ->data files for log checking
├── libs ->libs including resource(vm, disk, network)/func definenation
├── templates ->template for generating html,xml report
├── tests ->all tests files location
└── utils ->3rd party utils, ltp, blktests and others
os-tests will try to install required pkgs from default repo during run, but it would be better to have them if no repo is provided. List RHEL only because CentOS Stream and Fedora usually have public repo available.
RHEL-9: make,automake,autoconf,sysstat,gcc,unzip,wget,quota,bzip2,iperf3,pciutils,fio,psmisc,expect,perf,nvme-cli,pciutils,fio,libaio-devel,blktrace,fio,nvme-cli,git,tar,nfs-utils,libvirt,qemu-kvm,python3,dracut-fips,kernel-debug,python3-pip,hostname,podman,xdp-tools,openssl-devel,glibc-all-langpacks,strace,sos,acpid,mokutil,kernel-modules-extra,iproute-tc,wireshark-cli,tcpdump,nmap-ncat
RHEL-8: make,automake,autoconf,sysstat,gcc,unzip,wget,quota,bzip2,iperf3,pciutils,fio,psmisc,expect,perf,nvme-cli,pciutils,fio,php-cli,php-xml,php-json,libaio-devel,blktrace,fio,nvme-cli,git,tar,nfs-utils,libvirt,qemu-kvm,kernel-debug,python3,dracut-fips,podman,xdp-tools,openssl-devel,strace,sos,acpid,mokutil,kernel-modules-extra,iproute-tc,wireshark-cli,tcpdump,nmap-ncat
RHEL-7: install,automake,autoconf,sysstat,gcc,unzip,wget,quota,bzip2,iperf3,pciutils,fio,psmisc,expect,ntpdate,perf,nvme-cli,pciutils,fio,git,tar,nfs-utils,libvirt,qemu-kvm,kernel-debug,python3,dracut-fips,podman,strace,sos
The suite saves the summary to sum.html and sum.log under "/tmp/os_tests_result/" by default. The test debug log files are saved in "/tmp/os_tests_result/attachments" following case name. You can change "results_dir" in "cfg/os-tests.yaml" to save log to other place or pass as command option.
Below is an example:
# os-tests -p test_change_clocksource
Run in mode: is_listcase:False pattern: test_change_clocksource
test_change_clocksource (os_tests.tests.test_general_test.TestGeneralTest) ... ok
summary in html: /tmp/os_tests_result/sum.html
summary in text: /tmp/os_tests_result/sum.log
Ran 1 test in 0.383s
# ls -l /tmp/os_tests_result/debug/
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5472 Mar 30 16:44 os_tests.tests.test_general_test.TestGeneralTest.test_change_clocksource.debug
- run in normal kernel, it is the most used scenario
- run in debug kernel with 'kmemleak=on'(docs)
- run in fips enabled kernel (docs)
- run in remote-client mode to cover lifecycle cases
Pre-compiled tools are shipped under 'utils' directory with os-tests because not all systems can reach github.
- ltp x86_64: https://github.com/liangxiao1/rpmbuild_specs/releases/latest/download/ltp-master.x86_64.rpm
- ltp aarch64: https://github.com/liangxiao1/rpmbuild_specs/releases/latest/download/ltp-master.aarch64.rpm
- blktests x86_64: https://github.com/liangxiao1/rpmbuild_specs/releases/latest/download/blktests-master.x86_64.rpm
- blktests aarch64:https://github.com/liangxiao1/rpmbuild_specs/releases/latest/download/blktests-master.aarch64.rpm
You are welcome to create pull request or raise issue. New case from real customer scenario or rhbz is preferred.
Developing tool VS code is recommended with refnow plugin which ships the newest case doc template.
If adding case, please verify case doc before pushing.
$ os-tests --verifydoc -p <casename>
To dump cases doc to yaml file.
$ os-tests -p <casename> --dumpdoc /tmp/cases.yaml