Deeplinks are big part of telegram infrastructure: with them you can login via
qr code, start any bot, get post link, etc. With deep links you can even join
hidden chats! But dealing with tg:// links pretty hard, so this is why
package exist. Are you required to use it? Hell no, in most of cases
you don't need resolving, parsing, or do anything with these links, so, have
some problem with them? Use this package.
is working?
This is really PainInTheAss problem: telegram docs don't describe this feature
AT ALL. The first one (and the last one, unfortunately) doc page which is
describing deeplinking system is
tiny part of bots api. But did
you know, that you can set your language to english
with tg://setlanguage
href? No? That's
the problem.
So, here is a few sources, where we get all these references: Deep Link telegram channel, telegram desktop source code, telegram android (creepiest spaghetti code i've ever seen, honestly), this and this files from telegram ios client. Maybe there is more good implementations? If yes, please add issue with feature request.
It's way more better to use tg://
instead http(s)://
for two main reasons:
first is that MOST OF web browsers, android/ios apps, windows/macos and linux
apps. Don't believe me? Okay, just try to paste this command in your terminal:
xdg-open 'tg://resolve?domain=xelaj_developers'
(note that xdg-open
only on linux). See? If telegram desktop installed on your computer, you can
contemplate our beautiful amazing xelaj developers chat!
So, Why you don't want to use only tg://
links? Sometimes, maybe a few editors
doesn't support it, so in that situations it's better to use https. Note that
only a few deeplinks can be converted to https.
package for decoding queries in
links. But define this dependency to all mtproto
package is really
overheading. We think that most of time you don't need parsing deeplinks, so if
you don't want to, you can just don't depend on schema