The plugin uses JS Speech Recognize API
The API is currently only available in Chrome and Safari. See
This plugin is not included in the main Jodit build. It must be connected separately.
import 'jodit/build/plugins/speech-recognize/speech-recognize.js'
import 'jodit/build/plugins/speech-recognize/speech-recognize.css'
Or via CDN:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
When the button is clicked, the plugin activates the listener mode. As you type, you can see what the browser has recognized. Text commands are also available during typing. By default, there is a set of commands -
- Enterdelete|remove word|delete word
- Delete wordcomma
- Insert commaunderline
- Insert underscorehyphen
- Insert hyphenspace
- Insert spacequestion
- Insert question markdot
- Insert pointquote|quotes|open quote
- Insert single quoteheader|header h1
- Apply Formatting Heading 1select all
- Select all text
Synonymous expressions are defined through the
In the plugin settings it is presented like this
Jodit.make('#editor', {
speechRecognize: {
commands: {
'newline|enter': 'enter',
'delete|remove word|delete word': 'backspaceWordButton',
comma: 'inserthtml::,',
underline: 'inserthtml::_',
hyphen: 'inserthtml::-',
space: 'inserthtml:: ',
question: 'inserthtml::?',
dot: 'inserthtml::.',
'quote|quotes|open quote': "inserthtml::'",
'header|header h1': 'formatblock::h1',
'select all': 'selectall'
Those. the key is an expression in your language (or a set of expressions separated by |
), and the value
or just
Using this setting, you can create a command to insert some image:
Jodit.make('#editor', {
speechRecognize: {
commands: {
'insert a cat|insert cat image': 'inserthtml::<img src="cat.png">'
By default, the browser tries to recognize your voice in the language of your page. Read more However, you can choose which language you speak:
Jodit.make('#editor', {
speechRecognize: {
lang: 'en-US'
For other settings see documentation