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Docker Build Steps

Make sure docker is installed on your system. This guide will not go over setting up docker and assumes it has been setup with non-root access. Run commands as root if any command needs it.

Before you build, customize the build.yaml and fuzz_config.yaml to add, remove, or modify the fuzz targets.

The requirements to build docker container are:

  • (Included) Fuzzing seeds for all benchmarks. unzip before building the docker image.

  • (Included) afl-dyninst.patch: Build patch for afl-dyninst

  • (Included) afl-2.52b-patched.tar.gz: Patched version of AFL

  • (Required) clang-built.tar.gz: Prebuilt clang-8.0 binaries, required for afl-clang-fast (there seems to be a bug with afl-clang-fast and Ubuntu included clang. It is recommended to compile LLVM yourself as release version for Ubuntu does not seem to work).

    • To build clang, follow the official build steps In the build step, configure clang to install to a local directory.
    • Create a tar of the install directory
  • (Required) retrowrite.bundle: Bundled version of retrowrite. Created using git bundle create retrowrite.bundle --all

  • (Required) : LAVA-M/ directory of lava_corpus, download, extract and rename the directory to LAVA-M

Once these files are in the docker directory, build using: docker build -t retrowrite-docker .

To run the container: docker run --privileged --network="host" -it retrowrite-docker:latest

Analyzing and Reproducing Results

The retrowrite docker / fuzz infrastructure is designed to run on multiple systems by coordinating jobs through beanstalk.

Note: Configure fuzz_config.yaml to point to the correct beanstalk queue to pull fuzz jobs from.


  1. Beanstalk. Refer to beanstalk manual for install.
  2. Start beanstalkd.

From within the container, load the jobs into the beanstalk queue:

  • python --load fuzz_config.yaml fuzz.yaml

Start fuzzing from a single or multiple machines using the command:

  • python --fuzz fuzz_config.yaml fuzz.yaml

Fuzzers terminate after running for some time as defined in fuzz_config.yaml. All results can be found inside /results inside the docker container. To make it easier to save results to host, mount a local directory to /results while starting up the docker contianer using:

docker run --privileged --network="host" -v <local_dir>:/results -it retrowrite-docker:latest

Post run, the result files can be analyzed using scripts from evaluation/.