(module (type $0 (func (param i32 i64 i32))) (type $1 (func (param i32 i64 i64))) (type $2 (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32))) (type $3 (func (param i32 i64 i64 i32 i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32 i32 i32))) (type $5 (func )) (type $6 (func (param i64 i64))) (type $7 (func (param i64))) (type $8 (func (param i32 i32))) (type $9 (func (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (type $10 (func (result i64))) (type $11 (func (param i64 i64 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $12 (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $13 (func (param i64) (result i32))) (type $14 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $15 (func (result i32))) (type $16 (func (param i32))) (type $17 (func (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64))) (type $18 (func (param i64 i64) (result i32))) (type $19 (func (param i32 f64))) (type $20 (func (param i32 f32))) (type $21 (func (param i64 i64) (result f64))) (type $22 (func (param i64 i64) (result f32))) (type $23 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $24 (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32))) (type $25 (func (param i32 i64 i32 i64))) (type $26 (func (param i64 i64 i32 i32))) (type $27 (func (param i32 i64 i32) (result i32))) (type $28 (func (param i64 i64 i64))) (import "env" "require_auth2" (func $34 (param i64 i64))) (import "env" "require_auth" (func $35 (param i64))) (import "env" "eosio_assert" (func $36 (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "db_find_i64" (func $37 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "current_receiver" (func $38 (result i64))) (import "env" "db_store_i64" (func $39 (param i64 i64 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "db_update_i64" (func $40 (param i32 i64 i32 i32))) (import "env" "memcpy" (func $41 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "is_account" (func $42 (param i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "require_recipient" (func $43 (param i64))) (import "env" "has_auth" (func $44 (param i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "db_next_i64" (func $45 (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "action_data_size" (func $46 (result i32))) (import "env" "read_action_data" (func $47 (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "db_get_i64" (func $48 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "send_inline" (func $49 (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "db_remove_i64" (func $50 (param i32))) (import "env" "abort" (func $51 )) (import "env" "memset" (func $52 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memmove" (func $53 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "__unordtf2" (func $54 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__eqtf2" (func $55 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__multf3" (func $56 (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64))) (import "env" "__addtf3" (func $57 (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64))) (import "env" "__subtf3" (func $58 (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64))) (import "env" "__netf2" (func $59 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__fixunstfsi" (func $60 (param i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__floatunsitf" (func $61 (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "__fixtfsi" (func $62 (param i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__floatsitf" (func $63 (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "__extenddftf2" (func $64 (param i32 f64))) (import "env" "__extendsftf2" (func $65 (param i32 f32))) (import "env" "__divtf3" (func $66 (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64))) (import "env" "__letf2" (func $67 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__trunctfdf2" (func $68 (param i64 i64) (result f64))) (import "env" "__getf2" (func $69 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32))) (import "env" "__trunctfsf2" (func $70 (param i64 i64) (result f32))) (import "env" "set_blockchain_parameters_packed" (func $71 (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "get_blockchain_parameters_packed" (func $72 (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "current_time" (func $73 (result i64))) (export "memory" (memory $30)) (export "__heap_base" (global $32)) (export "__data_end" (global $33)) (export "apply" (func $92)) (export "_Znwj" (func $111)) (export "_ZdlPv" (func $113)) (export "_Znaj" (func $112)) (export "_ZdaPv" (func $114)) (memory $30 1) (table $29 6 6 anyfunc) (global $31 (mut i32) (i32.const 8192)) (global $32 i32 (i32.const 9980)) (global $33 i32 (i32.const 9980)) (elem $29 (i32.const 1) $75 $88 $90 $80 $85) (data $30 (i32.const 8192) "invalid symbol name\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8212) "invalid supply\00malloc_from_freed was designed to only be called " "after _heap was completely allocated\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8313) "max-supply must be positive\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8341) "token with symbol already exists\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8374) "memo has more than 256 bytes\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8403) "token with symbol does not exist, create token before issue\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8463) "invalid quantity\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8480) "must issue positive quantity\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8509) "symbol precision mismatch\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8535) "quantity exceeds available supply\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8569) "token with symbol does not exist\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8602) "must retire positive quantity\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8632) "cannot transfer to self\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8656) "to account does not exist\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8682) "unable to find key\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8701) "must transfer positive quantity\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8733) "no balance object found\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8757) "overdrawn balance\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8775) "Balance row already deleted or never existed. Action won't have " "any effect.\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8851) "Cannot close because the balance is not zero.\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8897) "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account\00") (data $30 (i32.const 8961) "object passed to iterator_to is not in multi_index\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9012) "error reading iterator\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9035) "magnitude of asset amount must be less than 2^62\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9084) "read\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9089) "cannot create objects in table of another contract\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9140) "write\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9146) "object passed to modify is not in multi_index\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9192) "cannot modify objects in table of another contract\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9243) "updater cannot change primary key when modifying an object\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9302) "attempt to add asset with different symbol\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9345) "addition underflow\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9364) "addition overflow\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9382) "attempt to subtract asset with different symbol\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9430) "subtraction underflow\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9452) "subtraction overflow\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9473) "cannot pass end iterator to modify\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9508) "cannot pass end iterator to erase\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9542) "cannot increment end iterator\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9572) "object passed to erase is not in multi_index\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9617) "cannot erase objects in table of another contract\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9667) "attempt to remove object that was not in multi_index\00") (data $30 (i32.const 9720) "get\00") (func $74 ) (func $75 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) (local $8 i64) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 128 i32.sub tee_local $3 set_global $31 get_local $0 i64.load call $35 i32.const 0 set_local $4 get_local $2 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $5 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $6 set_local $7 block $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $7 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block1 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 block $block2 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block2 get_local $8 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $4 tee_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $8 set_local $7 loop $loop1 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 get_local $4 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $10 set_local $4 get_local $9 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 set_local $9 end ;; $block get_local $9 i32.const 8192 call $36 i32.const 0 set_local $9 block $block3 get_local $2 i64.load tee_local $11 i64.const 4611686018427387903 i64.add i64.const 9223372036854775806 i64.gt_u br_if $block3 i32.const 0 set_local $4 get_local $6 set_local $7 block $block4 loop $loop2 get_local $7 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block4 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 block $block5 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $8 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $4 tee_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $8 set_local $7 loop $loop3 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 get_local $4 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $10 set_local $4 get_local $9 br_if $loop3 end ;; $loop3 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block3 end ;; $loop2 end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 set_local $9 end ;; $block3 get_local $9 i32.const 8212 call $36 get_local $11 i64.const 0 i64.gt_s i32.const 8313 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=24 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $0 i64.load tee_local $7 i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 get_local $6 i64.store offset=16 block $block6 block $block7 get_local $7 get_local $6 i64.const -4157508551318700032 get_local $6 call $37 tee_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $4 call $76 i32.load offset=40 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 i32.const 0 set_local $4 br $block6 end ;; $block7 i32.const 1 set_local $4 end ;; $block6 get_local $4 i32.const 8341 call $36 get_local $0 i64.load set_local $8 get_local $3 i64.load offset=8 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9089 call $36 i32.const 56 call $111 tee_local $4 call $77 drop get_local $4 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=40 get_local $4 get_local $5 i64.store offset=8 get_local $4 get_local $1 i64.store offset=32 get_local $4 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store offset=16 get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add i32.store offset=96 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.store offset=92 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.store offset=88 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add i32.store offset=104 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=116 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=112 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.store offset=120 get_local $3 i32.const 112 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 104 i32.add call $78 get_local $4 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.const -4157508551318700032 get_local $8 get_local $4 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $7 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 40 call $39 tee_local $10 i32.store offset=44 block $block8 get_local $7 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $9 i64.load i64.lt_u br_if $block8 get_local $9 get_local $7 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store end ;; $block8 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=112 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $7 i64.store offset=48 get_local $3 get_local $10 i32.store offset=88 block $block9 block $block10 block $block11 get_local $3 i32.const 36 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load tee_local $9 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.load i32.ge_u br_if $block11 get_local $9 get_local $7 i64.store offset=8 get_local $9 get_local $10 i32.store offset=16 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=112 get_local $9 get_local $4 i32.store get_local $2 get_local $9 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.store get_local $3 i32.load offset=112 set_local $4 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=112 get_local $4 br_if $block10 br $block9 end ;; $block11 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 112 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add call $79 get_local $3 i32.load offset=112 set_local $4 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=112 get_local $4 i32.eqz br_if $block9 end ;; $block10 get_local $4 call $113 end ;; $block9 block $block12 get_local $3 i32.load offset=32 tee_local $10 i32.eqz br_if $block12 block $block13 block $block14 get_local $3 i32.const 36 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load tee_local $4 get_local $10 i32.eq br_if $block14 loop $loop4 get_local $4 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block15 get_local $9 i32.eqz br_if $block15 get_local $9 call $113 end ;; $block15 get_local $10 get_local $4 i32.ne br_if $loop4 end ;; $loop4 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load set_local $4 br $block13 end ;; $block14 get_local $10 set_local $4 end ;; $block13 get_local $2 get_local $10 i32.store get_local $4 call $113 end ;; $block12 get_local $3 i32.const 128 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $76 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 48 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_local $3 get_local $2 set_global $31 block $block get_local $0 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add i32.load tee_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $5 i32.const -8 i32.add i32.load get_local $1 i32.eq br_if $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $5 return end ;; $block get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.const 0 call $48 tee_local $5 i32.const 31 i32.shr_u i32.const 1 i32.xor i32.const 9012 call $36 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block3 get_local $5 call $120 set_local $4 br $block2 end ;; $block3 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 end ;; $block2 get_local $1 get_local $4 get_local $5 call $48 drop get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=12 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=8 get_local $3 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.add i32.store offset=16 block $block4 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block4 get_local $4 call $123 end ;; $block4 i32.const 56 call $111 tee_local $5 call $77 drop get_local $5 get_local $0 i32.store offset=40 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=24 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=36 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.store offset=40 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add call $103 get_local $5 get_local $1 i32.store offset=44 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.store offset=24 get_local $3 get_local $5 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $6 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $1 i32.store offset=4 block $block5 block $block6 block $block7 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load tee_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load i32.ge_u br_if $block7 get_local $4 get_local $6 i64.store offset=8 get_local $4 get_local $1 i32.store offset=16 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.store get_local $2 get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.store get_local $3 i32.load offset=24 set_local $1 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $1 br_if $block6 br $block5 end ;; $block7 get_local $0 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 4 i32.add call $79 get_local $3 i32.load offset=24 set_local $1 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block5 end ;; $block6 get_local $1 call $113 end ;; $block5 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $5 ) (func $77 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i64) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i64) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) get_local $0 i64.const 1397703940 i64.store offset=8 get_local $0 i64.const 0 i64.store i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 get_local $0 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $2 block $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $1 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block1 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $3 block $block2 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block2 get_local $3 set_local $1 i32.const 1 set_local $4 get_local $2 tee_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $3 set_local $1 loop $loop1 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $5 set_local $2 get_local $4 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 set_local $4 end ;; $block get_local $4 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 24 i32.add tee_local $2 i64.const 1397703940 i64.store get_local $0 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=16 i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 get_local $2 i64.load i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $2 block $block3 block $block4 loop $loop2 get_local $1 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block3 block $block5 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $3 block $block6 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block6 get_local $3 set_local $1 i32.const 1 set_local $6 get_local $2 tee_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $2 get_local $4 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block5 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 set_local $1 loop $loop3 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $5 set_local $2 get_local $4 br_if $loop3 end ;; $loop3 i32.const 1 set_local $6 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 end ;; $block5 end ;; $loop2 get_local $6 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $0 return end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $0 return end ;; $block3 i32.const 0 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $0 ) (func $78 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 set_local $0 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 ) (func $79 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) block $block block $block1 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 24 i32.div_s tee_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.const 178956971 i32.ge_u br_if $block1 i32.const 178956970 set_local $7 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 24 i32.div_s tee_local $4 i32.const 89478484 i32.gt_u br_if $block3 get_local $6 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shl tee_local $7 get_local $7 get_local $6 i32.lt_u select tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block2 end ;; $block3 get_local $7 i32.const 24 i32.mul call $111 set_local $4 br $block end ;; $block2 i32.const 0 set_local $7 i32.const 0 set_local $4 br $block end ;; $block1 get_local $0 call $118 unreachable end ;; $block get_local $1 i32.load set_local $6 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.mul tee_local $8 i32.add tee_local $1 get_local $6 i32.store get_local $1 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store offset=8 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.load i32.store offset=16 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.const 24 i32.mul i32.add set_local $5 get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $6 block $block4 block $block5 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load tee_local $2 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $7 i32.eq br_if $block5 get_local $4 get_local $8 i32.add i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $1 loop $loop get_local $2 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load set_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.store get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const -8 i32.add i32.load i32.store get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const -16 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $1 i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $4 set_local $2 get_local $7 get_local $4 i32.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load set_local $7 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 br $block4 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $2 end ;; $block4 get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add get_local $6 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $5 i32.store block $block6 get_local $7 get_local $2 i32.eq br_if $block6 loop $loop1 get_local $7 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $7 i32.load set_local $1 get_local $7 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block7 get_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $1 call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $2 get_local $7 i32.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 end ;; $block6 block $block8 get_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block8 get_local $2 call $113 end ;; $block8 ) (func $80 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) (local $8 i64) (local $9 i64) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i32) (local $12 i32) (local $13 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 224 i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 i32.const 0 set_local $5 get_local $2 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $7 set_local $8 block $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $8 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block1 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $9 block $block2 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block2 get_local $9 set_local $8 i32.const 1 set_local $10 get_local $5 tee_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $11 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $9 set_local $8 loop $loop1 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $10 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $11 set_local $5 get_local $10 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $10 get_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $11 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 set_local $10 end ;; $block get_local $10 i32.const 8192 call $36 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $3 i32.load8_u tee_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block4 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u set_local $5 br $block3 end ;; $block4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 set_local $5 end ;; $block3 get_local $5 i32.const 257 i32.lt_u i32.const 8374 call $36 i32.const 0 set_local $10 get_local $4 i32.const 88 i32.add i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=104 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=112 get_local $4 get_local $0 i64.load tee_local $8 i64.store offset=88 get_local $4 get_local $7 i64.store offset=96 i32.const 0 set_local $11 block $block5 get_local $8 get_local $7 i64.const -4157508551318700032 get_local $7 call $37 tee_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block5 get_local $4 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $5 call $76 tee_local $11 i32.load offset=40 get_local $4 i32.const 88 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 end ;; $block5 get_local $11 i32.const 0 i32.ne i32.const 8403 call $36 get_local $11 i64.load offset=32 call $35 get_local $11 i32.const 32 i32.add set_local $12 block $block6 get_local $2 i64.load tee_local $8 i64.const 4611686018427387903 i64.add i64.const 9223372036854775806 i64.gt_u br_if $block6 i32.const 0 set_local $5 block $block7 loop $loop2 get_local $7 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block7 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $9 block $block8 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block8 get_local $9 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $10 get_local $5 tee_local $13 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $13 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block6 end ;; $block8 get_local $9 set_local $7 loop $loop3 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block7 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $10 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $13 set_local $5 get_local $10 br_if $loop3 end ;; $loop3 i32.const 1 set_local $10 get_local $13 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $13 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block6 end ;; $loop2 end ;; $block7 i32.const 0 set_local $10 end ;; $block6 get_local $10 i32.const 8463 call $36 get_local $8 i64.const 0 i64.gt_s i32.const 8480 call $36 get_local $6 get_local $11 i64.load offset=8 i64.eq i32.const 8509 call $36 get_local $8 get_local $11 i64.load offset=16 get_local $11 i64.load i64.sub i64.le_s i32.const 8535 call $36 get_local $11 i32.load offset=40 get_local $4 i32.const 88 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 9146 call $36 get_local $4 i64.load offset=88 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9192 call $36 get_local $6 get_local $11 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $7 i64.eq i32.const 9302 call $36 get_local $11 get_local $11 i64.load get_local $8 i64.add tee_local $8 i64.store get_local $8 i64.const -4611686018427387904 i64.gt_s i32.const 9345 call $36 get_local $11 i64.load i64.const 4611686018427387904 i64.lt_s i32.const 9364 call $36 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $8 get_local $11 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u i64.eq i32.const 9243 call $36 get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add i32.store offset=192 get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.store offset=188 get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.store offset=184 get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.const 184 i32.add i32.store offset=200 get_local $4 get_local $11 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=212 get_local $4 get_local $11 i32.store offset=208 get_local $4 get_local $12 i32.store offset=216 get_local $4 i32.const 208 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 200 i32.add call $78 get_local $11 i32.load offset=44 i64.const 0 get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.const 40 call $40 block $block9 get_local $8 get_local $4 i32.const 88 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $5 i64.load i64.lt_u br_if $block9 get_local $5 get_local $8 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store end ;; $block9 get_local $4 i32.const 72 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load tee_local $9 i64.store get_local $12 i64.load set_local $8 get_local $2 i64.load set_local $7 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $9 i64.store get_local $4 get_local $7 i64.store offset=72 get_local $4 get_local $7 i64.store offset=8 get_local $0 get_local $8 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $8 call $81 block $block10 get_local $12 i64.load tee_local $7 get_local $1 i64.eq br_if $block10 get_local $0 i64.load set_local $9 i64.const 6 set_local $8 loop $loop4 get_local $8 i64.const 1 i64.add tee_local $8 i64.const 13 i64.ne br_if $loop4 end ;; $loop4 get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 24 i32.add tee_local $10 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $4 get_local $1 i64.store offset=32 get_local $4 get_local $7 i64.store offset=24 get_local $4 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store offset=40 get_local $4 i32.const 56 i32.add get_local $3 call $116 drop i32.const 16 call $111 tee_local $5 get_local $7 i64.store get_local $5 i64.const 3617214756542218240 i64.store offset=8 get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $10 i64.load i64.store get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add tee_local $11 get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add tee_local $10 i32.load i32.store get_local $10 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.store offset=208 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.store offset=216 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.store offset=212 get_local $4 get_local $4 i64.load offset=24 i64.store offset=128 get_local $4 get_local $4 i64.load offset=32 i64.store offset=136 get_local $4 get_local $4 i64.load offset=40 i64.store offset=144 get_local $4 get_local $4 i64.load offset=56 i64.store offset=160 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=56 get_local $9 i64.const -3617168760277827584 get_local $4 i32.const 208 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 128 i32.add call $82 block $block11 get_local $4 i32.load8_u offset=160 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block11 get_local $11 i32.load call $113 end ;; $block11 block $block12 get_local $4 i32.load offset=208 tee_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block12 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.store offset=212 get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block12 get_local $4 i32.const 56 i32.add i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block10 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.load call $113 end ;; $block10 block $block13 get_local $4 i32.load offset=112 tee_local $11 i32.eqz br_if $block13 block $block14 block $block15 get_local $4 i32.const 116 i32.add tee_local $13 i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $11 i32.eq br_if $block15 loop $loop5 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load set_local $10 get_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block16 get_local $10 i32.eqz br_if $block16 get_local $10 call $113 end ;; $block16 get_local $11 get_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop5 end ;; $loop5 get_local $4 i32.const 112 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 br $block14 end ;; $block15 get_local $11 set_local $5 end ;; $block14 get_local $13 get_local $11 i32.store get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block13 get_local $4 i32.const 224 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $81 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i64) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 80 i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 i32.const 0 set_local $5 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=24 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $4 get_local $0 i64.load tee_local $6 i64.store offset=8 get_local $2 i64.load offset=8 set_local $7 get_local $4 get_local $1 i64.store offset=16 block $block block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $6 get_local $1 i64.const 3607749779137757184 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u call $37 tee_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block3 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $0 call $83 tee_local $5 i32.load offset=16 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 i32.const 1 i32.const 9473 call $36 get_local $5 i32.load offset=16 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 9146 call $36 get_local $4 i64.load offset=8 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9192 call $36 get_local $7 get_local $5 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $1 i64.eq i32.const 9302 call $36 get_local $5 get_local $5 i64.load get_local $2 i64.load i64.add tee_local $7 i64.store get_local $7 i64.const -4611686018427387904 i64.gt_s i32.const 9345 call $36 get_local $5 i64.load i64.const 4611686018427387904 i64.lt_s i32.const 9364 call $36 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $1 get_local $5 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u i64.eq i32.const 9243 call $36 i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $5 i32.const 8 call $41 drop i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.or get_local $5 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $5 i32.load offset=20 i64.const 0 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 16 call $40 get_local $1 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $5 i64.load i64.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $5 get_local $1 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store get_local $4 i32.load offset=32 tee_local $8 br_if $block1 br $block end ;; $block3 get_local $6 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9089 call $36 i32.const 32 call $111 tee_local $9 i64.const 1397703940 i64.store offset=8 get_local $9 i64.const 0 i64.store i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 get_local $9 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $10 i64.const 5459781 set_local $1 block $block4 loop $loop i32.const 0 set_local $11 get_local $1 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block4 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $7 set_local $1 i32.const 1 set_local $11 get_local $5 tee_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block4 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $1 loop $loop1 get_local $1 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $1 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $1 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $0 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $8 set_local $5 get_local $0 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $11 get_local $8 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $8 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop end ;; $loop end ;; $block4 get_local $11 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=16 get_local $9 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $9 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $9 i32.const 8 call $41 drop i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.or get_local $10 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.const 3607749779137757184 get_local $3 get_local $5 i64.load i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $1 get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 16 call $39 tee_local $0 i32.store offset=20 block $block6 get_local $1 get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $8 i64.load i64.lt_u br_if $block6 get_local $8 get_local $1 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store end ;; $block6 get_local $4 get_local $9 i32.store offset=56 get_local $4 get_local $5 i64.load i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $1 i64.store offset=64 get_local $4 get_local $0 i32.store offset=52 block $block7 block $block8 get_local $4 i32.const 36 i32.add tee_local $8 i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $4 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.load i32.ge_u br_if $block8 get_local $5 get_local $1 i64.store offset=8 get_local $5 get_local $0 i32.store offset=16 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=56 get_local $5 get_local $9 i32.store get_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.store get_local $4 i32.load offset=56 set_local $5 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=56 get_local $5 br_if $block7 br $block2 end ;; $block8 get_local $4 i32.const 32 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 56 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 52 i32.add call $84 get_local $4 i32.load offset=56 set_local $5 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=56 get_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block2 end ;; $block7 get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block2 get_local $4 i32.load offset=32 tee_local $8 i32.eqz br_if $block end ;; $block1 block $block9 block $block10 get_local $4 i32.const 36 i32.add tee_local $9 i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $8 i32.eq br_if $block10 loop $loop2 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load set_local $0 get_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block11 get_local $0 i32.eqz br_if $block11 get_local $0 call $113 end ;; $block11 get_local $8 get_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 get_local $4 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 br $block9 end ;; $block10 get_local $8 set_local $5 end ;; $block9 get_local $9 get_local $8 i32.store get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block get_local $4 i32.const 80 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $82 (param $0 i64) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=16 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=8 i32.const 0 set_local $5 i32.const 0 set_local $6 i32.const 0 set_local $7 block $block block $block1 get_local $2 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.load i32.sub tee_local $8 i32.eqz br_if $block1 get_local $8 i32.const 4 i32.shr_s tee_local $5 i32.const 268435456 i32.ge_u br_if $block get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $8 call $111 tee_local $7 get_local $5 i32.const 4 i32.shl i32.add tee_local $5 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=8 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=12 block $block2 get_local $2 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load get_local $2 i32.load tee_local $6 i32.sub tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.lt_s br_if $block2 get_local $7 get_local $6 get_local $2 call $41 drop get_local $4 get_local $7 get_local $2 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.store offset=12 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $7 set_local $6 end ;; $block1 get_local $4 i32.const 44 i32.add get_local $6 i32.store get_local $4 i32.const 48 i32.add get_local $5 i32.store get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 36 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $1 i64.store offset=32 get_local $4 get_local $0 i64.store offset=24 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=40 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=8 get_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=52 align=4 get_local $3 i32.const 36 i32.add i32.load get_local $3 i32.load8_u offset=32 tee_local $7 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u get_local $7 i32.const 1 i32.and select tee_local $2 i32.const 32 i32.add set_local $7 get_local $2 i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 52 i32.add set_local $2 loop $loop get_local $7 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $7 get_local $0 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $0 i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block3 block $block4 get_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block4 get_local $2 get_local $7 call $104 get_local $4 i32.const 56 i32.add i32.load set_local $2 get_local $4 i32.const 52 i32.add i32.load set_local $7 br $block3 end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 set_local $2 i32.const 0 set_local $7 end ;; $block3 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=84 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=80 get_local $4 get_local $2 i32.store offset=88 get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.store offset=64 get_local $4 get_local $3 i32.store offset=72 get_local $4 i32.const 72 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 64 i32.add call $105 get_local $4 i32.const 80 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add call $106 get_local $4 i32.load offset=80 tee_local $7 get_local $4 i32.load offset=84 get_local $7 i32.sub call $49 block $block5 get_local $4 i32.load offset=80 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block5 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=84 get_local $7 call $113 end ;; $block5 block $block6 get_local $4 i32.load offset=52 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block6 get_local $4 i32.const 56 i32.add get_local $7 i32.store get_local $7 call $113 end ;; $block6 block $block7 get_local $4 i32.load offset=40 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $4 i32.const 44 i32.add get_local $7 i32.store get_local $7 call $113 end ;; $block7 block $block8 get_local $4 i32.load offset=8 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block8 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.store offset=12 get_local $7 call $113 end ;; $block8 get_local $4 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 return end ;; $block get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add call $118 unreachable ) (func $83 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i64) (local $12 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 32 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_local $3 get_local $2 set_global $31 block $block get_local $0 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add i32.load tee_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $5 i32.const -8 i32.add i32.load get_local $1 i32.eq br_if $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $5 return end ;; $block get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.const 0 call $48 tee_local $6 i32.const 31 i32.shr_u i32.const 1 i32.xor i32.const 9012 call $36 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $6 i32.const 512 i32.le_u br_if $block3 get_local $1 get_local $6 call $120 tee_local $7 get_local $6 call $48 drop get_local $7 call $123 br $block2 end ;; $block3 get_local $2 get_local $6 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $7 set_global $31 get_local $1 get_local $7 get_local $6 call $48 drop end ;; $block2 get_local $0 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $8 i32.const 32 call $111 tee_local $9 i64.const 1397703940 i64.store offset=8 get_local $9 i64.const 0 i64.store i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 get_local $9 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $10 i64.const 5459781 set_local $11 i32.const 0 set_local $5 block $block4 block $block5 loop $loop1 get_local $11 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block5 get_local $11 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $12 block $block6 get_local $11 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block6 get_local $12 set_local $11 i32.const 1 set_local $4 get_local $5 tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop1 br $block4 end ;; $block6 get_local $12 set_local $11 loop $loop2 get_local $11 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block5 get_local $11 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $11 get_local $5 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 set_local $5 get_local $4 br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 i32.const 1 set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop1 br $block4 end ;; $loop1 end ;; $block5 i32.const 0 set_local $4 end ;; $block4 get_local $4 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $9 get_local $0 i32.store offset=16 get_local $6 i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $9 get_local $7 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $6 i32.const -8 i32.and i32.const 8 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $10 get_local $7 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $9 get_local $1 i32.store offset=20 get_local $3 get_local $9 i32.store offset=24 get_local $3 get_local $9 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $11 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 get_local $1 i32.store offset=12 block $block7 block $block8 block $block9 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load i32.ge_u br_if $block9 get_local $5 get_local $11 i64.store offset=8 get_local $5 get_local $1 i32.store offset=16 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $5 get_local $9 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.store get_local $3 i32.load offset=24 set_local $5 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $5 br_if $block8 br $block7 end ;; $block9 get_local $8 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 12 i32.add call $84 get_local $3 i32.load offset=24 set_local $5 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block7 end ;; $block8 get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $9 ) (func $84 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) block $block block $block1 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 24 i32.div_s tee_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.const 178956971 i32.ge_u br_if $block1 i32.const 178956970 set_local $7 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 24 i32.div_s tee_local $4 i32.const 89478484 i32.gt_u br_if $block3 get_local $6 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shl tee_local $7 get_local $7 get_local $6 i32.lt_u select tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block2 end ;; $block3 get_local $7 i32.const 24 i32.mul call $111 set_local $4 br $block end ;; $block2 i32.const 0 set_local $7 i32.const 0 set_local $4 br $block end ;; $block1 get_local $0 call $118 unreachable end ;; $block get_local $1 i32.load set_local $6 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.mul tee_local $8 i32.add tee_local $1 get_local $6 i32.store get_local $1 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store offset=8 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.load i32.store offset=16 get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.const 24 i32.mul i32.add set_local $5 get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $6 block $block4 block $block5 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load tee_local $2 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $7 i32.eq br_if $block5 get_local $4 get_local $8 i32.add i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $1 loop $loop get_local $2 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load set_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.store get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const -8 i32.add i32.load i32.store get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const -16 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $1 i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $4 set_local $2 get_local $7 get_local $4 i32.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load set_local $7 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 br $block4 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $2 end ;; $block4 get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add get_local $6 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $5 i32.store block $block6 get_local $7 get_local $2 i32.eq br_if $block6 loop $loop1 get_local $7 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $7 i32.load set_local $1 get_local $7 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block7 get_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $1 call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $2 get_local $7 i32.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 end ;; $block6 block $block8 get_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block8 get_local $2 call $113 end ;; $block8 ) (func $85 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) (local $8 i64) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 160 i32.sub tee_local $3 set_global $31 i32.const 0 set_local $4 get_local $1 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $5 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $6 set_local $7 block $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $7 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block1 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 block $block2 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block2 get_local $8 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $4 tee_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $8 set_local $7 loop $loop1 get_local $7 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 get_local $4 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $10 set_local $4 get_local $9 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $10 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $10 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 set_local $9 end ;; $block get_local $9 i32.const 8192 call $36 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $2 i32.load8_u tee_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block4 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u set_local $4 br $block3 end ;; $block4 get_local $2 i32.load offset=4 set_local $4 end ;; $block3 get_local $4 i32.const 257 i32.lt_u i32.const 8374 call $36 i32.const 0 set_local $9 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=56 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=64 get_local $3 get_local $0 i64.load tee_local $7 i64.store offset=40 get_local $3 get_local $6 i64.store offset=48 i32.const 0 set_local $10 block $block5 get_local $7 get_local $6 i64.const -4157508551318700032 get_local $6 call $37 tee_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block5 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add get_local $4 call $76 tee_local $10 i32.load offset=40 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 end ;; $block5 get_local $10 i32.const 0 i32.ne i32.const 8569 call $36 get_local $10 i64.load offset=32 call $35 get_local $10 i32.const 32 i32.add set_local $11 block $block6 get_local $1 i64.load tee_local $8 i64.const 4611686018427387903 i64.add i64.const 9223372036854775806 i64.gt_u br_if $block6 i32.const 0 set_local $4 block $block7 loop $loop2 get_local $6 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block7 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 block $block8 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block8 get_local $7 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $4 tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block6 end ;; $block8 get_local $7 set_local $6 loop $loop3 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block7 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $6 get_local $4 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 set_local $4 get_local $9 br_if $loop3 end ;; $loop3 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop2 br $block6 end ;; $loop2 end ;; $block7 i32.const 0 set_local $9 end ;; $block6 get_local $9 i32.const 8463 call $36 get_local $8 i64.const 0 i64.gt_s i32.const 8602 call $36 get_local $5 get_local $10 i64.load offset=8 i64.eq i32.const 8509 call $36 get_local $10 i32.load offset=40 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 9146 call $36 get_local $3 i64.load offset=40 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9192 call $36 get_local $5 get_local $10 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $7 i64.eq i32.const 9382 call $36 get_local $10 get_local $10 i64.load get_local $8 i64.sub tee_local $6 i64.store get_local $6 i64.const -4611686018427387904 i64.gt_s i32.const 9430 call $36 get_local $10 i64.load i64.const 4611686018427387904 i64.lt_s i32.const 9452 call $36 get_local $7 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $7 get_local $10 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u i64.eq i32.const 9243 call $36 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add i32.store offset=128 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.store offset=124 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.store offset=120 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 120 i32.add i32.store offset=136 get_local $3 get_local $10 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=148 get_local $3 get_local $10 i32.store offset=144 get_local $3 get_local $11 i32.store offset=152 get_local $3 i32.const 144 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 136 i32.add call $78 get_local $10 i32.load offset=44 i64.const 0 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 40 call $40 block $block9 get_local $7 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $4 i64.load i64.lt_u br_if $block9 get_local $4 get_local $7 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store end ;; $block9 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load tee_local $6 i64.store get_local $11 i64.load set_local $8 get_local $1 i64.load set_local $7 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $6 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $7 i64.store offset=24 get_local $3 get_local $7 i64.store offset=8 get_local $0 get_local $8 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add call $86 block $block10 get_local $3 i32.load offset=64 tee_local $10 i32.eqz br_if $block10 block $block11 block $block12 get_local $3 i32.const 68 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load tee_local $4 get_local $10 i32.eq br_if $block12 loop $loop4 get_local $4 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load set_local $9 get_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block13 get_local $9 i32.eqz br_if $block13 get_local $9 call $113 end ;; $block13 get_local $10 get_local $4 i32.ne br_if $loop4 end ;; $loop4 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.load set_local $4 br $block11 end ;; $block12 get_local $10 set_local $4 end ;; $block11 get_local $2 get_local $10 i32.store get_local $4 call $113 end ;; $block10 get_local $3 i32.const 160 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $86 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 64 i32.sub tee_local $3 set_global $31 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=24 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $0 i64.load i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $4 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u i32.const 8733 call $87 tee_local $0 i64.load get_local $2 i64.load tee_local $5 i64.ge_s i32.const 8757 call $36 get_local $0 i32.load offset=16 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.eq i32.const 9146 call $36 get_local $3 i64.load offset=8 call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9192 call $36 get_local $4 get_local $0 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $6 i64.eq i32.const 9382 call $36 get_local $0 get_local $0 i64.load get_local $5 i64.sub tee_local $4 i64.store get_local $4 i64.const -4611686018427387904 i64.gt_s i32.const 9430 call $36 get_local $0 i64.load i64.const 4611686018427387904 i64.lt_s i32.const 9452 call $36 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $4 get_local $0 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u i64.eq i32.const 9243 call $36 i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add get_local $0 i32.const 8 call $41 drop i32.const 1 i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.or get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $0 i32.load offset=20 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 16 call $40 block $block get_local $4 get_local $3 i64.load offset=24 i64.lt_u br_if $block get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $4 i64.const 1 i64.add i64.store end ;; $block block $block1 get_local $3 i32.load offset=32 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $3 i32.const 36 i32.add tee_local $8 i32.load tee_local $0 get_local $7 i32.eq br_if $block3 loop $loop get_local $0 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block4 get_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block4 get_local $2 call $113 end ;; $block4 get_local $7 get_local $0 i32.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load set_local $0 br $block2 end ;; $block3 get_local $7 set_local $0 end ;; $block2 get_local $8 get_local $7 i32.store get_local $0 call $113 end ;; $block1 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $87 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) block $block get_local $0 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $3 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add i32.load tee_local $4 i32.eq br_if $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $4 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load tee_local $6 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u get_local $1 i64.eq br_if $block1 get_local $5 set_local $4 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $6 i32.load offset=16 get_local $0 i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 get_local $6 i32.const 0 i32.ne get_local $2 call $36 get_local $6 return end ;; $block i32.const 0 set_local $5 block $block2 get_local $0 i64.load get_local $0 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 3607749779137757184 get_local $1 call $37 tee_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block2 get_local $0 get_local $4 call $83 tee_local $5 i32.load offset=16 get_local $0 i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 end ;; $block2 get_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.ne get_local $2 call $36 get_local $5 ) (func $88 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i64) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i64) (local $11 i32) (local $12 i64) (local $13 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 112 i32.sub tee_local $5 set_global $31 get_local $1 get_local $2 i64.ne i32.const 8632 call $36 get_local $1 call $35 get_local $2 call $42 i32.const 8656 call $36 get_local $3 i64.load offset=8 set_local $6 i32.const 0 set_local $7 get_local $5 i32.const 104 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $5 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u tee_local $8 i64.store offset=80 get_local $5 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=88 get_local $5 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=96 get_local $5 get_local $0 i64.load i64.store offset=72 get_local $5 i32.const 72 i32.add get_local $8 i32.const 8682 call $89 set_local $9 get_local $1 call $43 get_local $2 call $43 block $block get_local $3 i64.load tee_local $10 i64.const 4611686018427387903 i64.add i64.const 9223372036854775806 i64.gt_u br_if $block i32.const 0 set_local $11 block $block1 loop $loop get_local $8 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block1 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $12 block $block2 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block2 get_local $12 set_local $8 i32.const 1 set_local $7 get_local $11 tee_local $13 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $11 get_local $13 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $12 set_local $8 loop $loop1 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 get_local $11 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $7 get_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $13 set_local $11 get_local $7 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $7 get_local $13 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $11 get_local $13 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 set_local $7 end ;; $block get_local $7 i32.const 8463 call $36 get_local $10 i64.const 0 i64.gt_s i32.const 8701 call $36 get_local $6 get_local $9 i64.load offset=8 i64.eq i32.const 8509 call $36 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $4 i32.load8_u tee_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block4 get_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u set_local $11 br $block3 end ;; $block4 get_local $4 i32.load offset=4 set_local $11 end ;; $block3 get_local $11 i32.const 257 i32.lt_u i32.const 8374 call $36 get_local $2 call $44 set_local $11 get_local $5 i32.const 56 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $7 i64.load tee_local $12 i64.store get_local $3 i64.load set_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $12 i64.store get_local $5 get_local $8 i64.store offset=24 get_local $5 get_local $8 i64.store offset=56 get_local $0 get_local $1 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.add call $86 get_local $5 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $7 i64.load tee_local $12 i64.store get_local $3 i64.load set_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $12 i64.store get_local $5 get_local $8 i64.store offset=8 get_local $5 get_local $8 i64.store offset=40 get_local $0 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 get_local $1 get_local $11 select call $81 block $block5 get_local $5 i32.load offset=96 tee_local $13 i32.eqz br_if $block5 block $block6 block $block7 get_local $5 i32.const 100 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.load tee_local $11 get_local $13 i32.eq br_if $block7 loop $loop2 get_local $11 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $11 i32.load set_local $7 get_local $11 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block8 get_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block8 get_local $7 call $113 end ;; $block8 get_local $13 get_local $11 i32.ne br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 get_local $5 i32.const 96 i32.add i32.load set_local $11 br $block6 end ;; $block7 get_local $13 set_local $11 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 get_local $13 i32.store get_local $11 call $113 end ;; $block5 get_local $5 i32.const 112 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $89 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) block $block get_local $0 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $3 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add i32.load tee_local $4 i32.eq br_if $block block $block1 loop $loop get_local $4 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load tee_local $6 i64.load offset=8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u get_local $1 i64.eq br_if $block1 get_local $5 set_local $4 get_local $3 get_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $6 i32.load offset=40 get_local $0 i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 get_local $6 i32.const 0 i32.ne get_local $2 call $36 get_local $6 return end ;; $block i32.const 0 set_local $5 block $block2 get_local $0 i64.load get_local $0 i64.load offset=8 i64.const -4157508551318700032 get_local $1 call $37 tee_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block2 get_local $0 get_local $4 call $76 tee_local $5 i32.load offset=40 get_local $0 i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 end ;; $block2 get_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.ne get_local $2 call $36 get_local $5 ) (func $90 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i64) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 48 i32.sub tee_local $3 set_global $31 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const -1 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=24 get_local $3 get_local $0 i64.load tee_local $4 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.store offset=8 i32.const 0 set_local $0 block $block get_local $4 get_local $1 i64.const 3607749779137757184 get_local $2 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u call $37 tee_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block get_local $3 get_local $5 call $83 tee_local $0 i32.load offset=16 get_local $3 i32.eq i32.const 8961 call $36 end ;; $block get_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.ne tee_local $5 i32.const 8775 call $36 get_local $0 i64.load i64.eqz i32.const 8851 call $36 get_local $5 i32.const 9508 call $36 get_local $5 i32.const 9542 call $36 block $block1 get_local $0 i32.load offset=20 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add call $45 tee_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block1 get_local $3 get_local $5 call $83 drop end ;; $block1 get_local $3 get_local $0 call $91 block $block2 get_local $3 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $6 i32.eqz br_if $block2 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $3 i32.const 28 i32.add tee_local $7 i32.load tee_local $0 get_local $6 i32.eq br_if $block4 loop $loop get_local $0 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $0 i32.load set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block5 get_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block5 get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block5 get_local $6 get_local $0 i32.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.load set_local $0 br $block3 end ;; $block4 get_local $6 set_local $0 end ;; $block3 get_local $7 get_local $6 i32.store get_local $0 call $113 end ;; $block2 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $91 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_local $1 i32.load offset=16 get_local $0 i32.eq i32.const 9572 call $36 get_local $0 i64.load call $38 i64.eq i32.const 9617 call $36 get_local $0 i32.load offset=24 tee_local $2 set_local $3 block $block get_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load tee_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block block $block1 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add i32.load i64.load offset=8 get_local $1 i64.load offset=8 tee_local $6 i64.xor i64.const 256 i64.ge_u br_if $block1 get_local $5 set_local $3 br $block end ;; $block1 get_local $2 i32.const 24 i32.add set_local $7 block $block2 loop $loop get_local $7 get_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block2 get_local $5 i32.const -48 i32.add set_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $3 set_local $5 get_local $8 i32.load i64.load offset=8 get_local $6 i64.xor i64.const 256 i64.ge_u br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block2 get_local $2 set_local $3 end ;; $block get_local $3 get_local $2 i32.ne i32.const 9667 call $36 block $block3 block $block4 block $block5 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.load tee_local $2 i32.eq br_if $block5 get_local $3 set_local $5 loop $loop1 get_local $5 i32.load set_local $8 get_local $5 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $7 i32.load set_local $3 get_local $7 get_local $8 i32.store block $block6 get_local $3 i32.eqz br_if $block6 get_local $3 call $113 end ;; $block6 get_local $5 i32.const -8 i32.add get_local $5 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.load i32.store get_local $5 i32.const -16 i32.add get_local $5 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 24 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 get_local $5 i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $8 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add i32.load tee_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $5 i32.ne br_if $block4 br $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $3 i32.const -24 i32.add set_local $8 end ;; $block4 loop $loop2 get_local $3 i32.const -24 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.load set_local $5 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block7 get_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $5 call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $8 get_local $3 i32.ne br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 end ;; $block3 get_local $0 i32.const 28 i32.add get_local $8 i32.store get_local $1 i32.load offset=20 call $50 ) (func $92 (param $0 i64) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i64) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $3 set_global $31 call $74 i64.const 7 set_local $4 loop $loop get_local $4 i64.const 1 i64.add tee_local $4 i64.const 13 i64.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block i64.const -6569208335818555392 get_local $2 i64.ne br_if $block i64.const 5 set_local $4 loop $loop1 get_local $4 i64.const 1 i64.add tee_local $4 i64.const 13 i64.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i64.const 6138663577826885632 get_local $1 i64.eq i32.const 8897 call $36 end ;; $block block $block1 block $block2 get_local $1 get_local $0 i64.eq br_if $block2 i64.const 7 set_local $4 loop $loop2 get_local $4 i64.const 1 i64.add tee_local $4 i64.const 13 i64.ne br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 i64.const -6569208335818555392 get_local $2 i64.ne br_if $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $3 get_local $0 i64.store offset=88 block $block3 block $block4 block $block5 block $block6 get_local $2 i64.const 4929617502180212735 i64.le_s br_if $block6 get_local $2 i64.const 4929617502180212736 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $2 i64.const 8516769789752901632 i64.eq br_if $block4 get_local $2 i64.const 5031766152489992192 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=84 get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.store offset=80 get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=80 i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add call $93 drop br $block1 end ;; $block6 get_local $2 i64.const -4993669930013425664 i64.eq br_if $block3 get_local $2 i64.const -3617168760277827584 i64.ne br_if $block1 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=68 get_local $3 i32.const 2 i32.store offset=64 get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=64 i64.store offset=24 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add call $94 drop br $block1 end ;; $block5 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=60 get_local $3 i32.const 3 i32.store offset=56 get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=56 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add call $95 drop br $block1 end ;; $block4 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=76 get_local $3 i32.const 4 i32.store offset=72 get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=72 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.add call $96 drop br $block1 end ;; $block3 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=52 get_local $3 i32.const 5 i32.store offset=48 get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=48 i64.store offset=40 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add call $97 drop end ;; $block1 i32.const 0 call $119 get_local $3 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $93 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i64) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i64) (local $11 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_local $3 get_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 set_local $4 get_local $1 i32.load set_local $5 i32.const 0 set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $6 block $block call $46 tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block block $block1 block $block2 get_local $7 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $7 call $120 set_local $6 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $2 get_local $7 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $6 set_global $31 end ;; $block1 get_local $6 get_local $7 call $47 drop end ;; $block get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i64.const 1397703940 i64.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=24 i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 i64.const 5459781 set_local $8 block $block3 loop $loop i32.const 0 set_local $9 get_local $8 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block3 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $10 block $block4 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block4 get_local $10 set_local $8 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $1 tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $block4 get_local $10 set_local $8 loop $loop1 get_local $8 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block3 get_local $8 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $8 get_local $1 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $11 set_local $1 get_local $2 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $9 get_local $11 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $11 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop end ;; $loop end ;; $block3 get_local $9 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $7 i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $6 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $7 i32.const -8 i32.and tee_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $1 get_local $6 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $6 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop block $block5 get_local $7 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block5 get_local $6 call $123 end ;; $block5 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.load i64.store offset=48 get_local $3 i64.load offset=24 set_local $8 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i64.load i64.store get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=48 i64.store offset=64 get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shr_s i32.add set_local $1 block $block6 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block6 get_local $1 i32.load get_local $5 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load tee_local $10 i64.store get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $10 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $3 i64.load offset=64 tee_local $10 i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 get_local $10 i64.store offset=80 get_local $1 get_local $8 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $5 call_indirect $0 get_local $3 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 i32.const 1 ) (func $94 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 tee_local $3 get_local $0 i32.store offset=60 get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.load align=4 i64.store offset=48 i32.const 0 set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $4 block $block call $46 tee_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block block $block1 block $block2 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $5 call $120 set_local $4 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 end ;; $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 call $47 drop end ;; $block get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i64.const 1397703940 i64.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=16 i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 i64.const 5459781 set_local $6 block $block3 block $block4 loop $loop get_local $6 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $1 tee_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 loop $loop1 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $6 get_local $1 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $0 set_local $1 get_local $2 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $loop end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 set_local $2 end ;; $block3 get_local $2 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=68 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=64 get_local $3 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.add i32.store offset=72 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add i32.store offset=80 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.store offset=88 get_local $3 i32.const 88 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add call $100 block $block6 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block6 get_local $4 call $123 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.store offset=68 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 60 i32.add i32.store offset=64 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $3 call $101 block $block7 get_local $3 i32.load8_u offset=32 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.load call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 i32.const 1 ) (func $95 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 16 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_local $3 get_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 set_local $4 get_local $1 i32.load set_local $5 block $block block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 call $46 tee_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block3 get_local $1 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $1 call $120 set_local $2 br $block1 end ;; $block3 i32.const 0 set_local $2 br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 end ;; $block1 get_local $2 get_local $1 call $47 drop end ;; $block get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store get_local $1 i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 get_local $2 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $1 i32.const -8 i32.and i32.const 8 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop block $block4 get_local $1 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block4 get_local $2 call $123 end ;; $block4 get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shr_s i32.add set_local $1 get_local $3 i64.load offset=8 set_local $6 get_local $3 i64.load set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block5 get_local $1 i32.load get_local $5 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 end ;; $block5 get_local $1 get_local $7 get_local $6 get_local $5 call_indirect $1 get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.add set_global $31 i32.const 1 ) (func $96 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 80 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 tee_local $3 get_local $0 i32.store offset=60 get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.load align=4 i64.store offset=48 i32.const 0 set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $4 block $block call $46 tee_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block block $block1 block $block2 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $5 call $120 set_local $4 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 end ;; $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 call $47 drop end ;; $block get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i64.const 1397703940 i64.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=8 i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 i64.const 5459781 set_local $6 block $block3 block $block4 loop $loop get_local $6 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $1 tee_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 loop $loop1 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $6 get_local $1 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $0 set_local $1 get_local $2 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $loop end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 set_local $2 end ;; $block3 get_local $2 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=32 get_local $3 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.add i32.store offset=72 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=64 get_local $5 i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $5 i32.const -8 i32.and tee_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.store offset=68 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 24 i32.add call $98 drop block $block6 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block6 get_local $4 call $123 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.store offset=68 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 60 i32.add i32.store offset=64 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add call $99 block $block7 get_local $3 i32.load8_u offset=32 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 40 i32.add i32.load call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 80 i32.add set_global $31 i32.const 1 ) (func $97 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i64) (local $7 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 64 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 tee_local $3 get_local $0 i32.store offset=44 get_local $3 get_local $1 i64.load align=4 i64.store offset=32 i32.const 0 set_local $1 i32.const 0 set_local $4 block $block call $46 tee_local $5 i32.eqz br_if $block block $block1 block $block2 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block2 get_local $5 call $120 set_local $4 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.sub tee_local $4 set_global $31 end ;; $block1 get_local $4 get_local $5 call $47 drop end ;; $block get_local $3 i64.const 1397703940 i64.store offset=8 get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store i32.const 1 i32.const 9035 call $36 i64.const 5459781 set_local $6 block $block3 block $block4 loop $loop get_local $6 i32.wrap/i64 i32.const 24 i32.shl i32.const -1073741825 i32.add i32.const 452984830 i32.gt_u br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.eq br_if $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $1 tee_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 set_local $6 loop $loop1 get_local $6 i64.const 65280 i64.and i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $block4 get_local $6 i64.const 8 i64.shr_u set_local $6 get_local $1 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $0 set_local $1 get_local $2 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 1 set_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.const 6 i32.lt_s br_if $loop br $block3 end ;; $loop end ;; $block4 i32.const 0 set_local $2 end ;; $block3 get_local $2 i32.const 8192 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=16 get_local $3 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.add i32.store offset=56 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.store offset=48 get_local $5 i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $5 i32.const -8 i32.and i32.const 8 i32.ne i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=52 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.add call $98 drop block $block6 get_local $5 i32.const 513 i32.lt_u br_if $block6 get_local $4 call $123 end ;; $block6 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.store offset=52 get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.const 44 i32.add i32.store offset=48 get_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add get_local $3 call $102 block $block7 get_local $3 i32.load8_u offset=16 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.load call $113 end ;; $block7 get_local $3 i32.const 64 i32.add set_global $31 i32.const 1 ) (func $98 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 32 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=24 get_local $2 i64.const 0 i64.store offset=16 get_local $0 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add call $110 drop block $block block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 block $block4 block $block5 block $block6 block $block7 get_local $2 i32.load offset=20 get_local $2 i32.load offset=16 tee_local $3 i32.sub tee_local $4 i32.eqz br_if $block7 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $2 i64.const 0 i64.store get_local $4 i32.const -16 i32.ge_u br_if $block2 get_local $4 i32.const 10 i32.gt_u br_if $block6 get_local $2 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shl i32.store8 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.or set_local $5 br $block5 end ;; $block7 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block4 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store16 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $3 br $block3 end ;; $block6 get_local $4 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and tee_local $6 call $111 set_local $5 get_local $2 get_local $6 i32.const 1 i32.or i32.store get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.store offset=8 get_local $2 get_local $4 i32.store offset=4 end ;; $block5 get_local $4 set_local $7 get_local $5 set_local $6 loop $loop get_local $6 get_local $3 i32.load8_u i32.store8 get_local $6 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $6 get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $3 get_local $7 i32.const -1 i32.add tee_local $7 br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $5 get_local $4 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store8 block $block8 block $block9 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block9 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store16 br $block8 end ;; $block9 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=4 end ;; $block8 get_local $1 i32.const 0 call $117 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.load i32.store get_local $1 get_local $2 i64.load i64.store align=4 get_local $2 i32.load offset=16 tee_local $3 i32.eqz br_if $block br $block1 end ;; $block4 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $1 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=4 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $3 end ;; $block3 get_local $1 i32.const 0 call $117 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store get_local $1 i64.const 0 i64.store align=4 get_local $2 i32.load offset=16 tee_local $3 br_if $block1 br $block end ;; $block2 get_local $2 call $115 unreachable end ;; $block1 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.store offset=20 get_local $3 call $113 end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 32 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $0 ) (func $99 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $1 i64.load offset=8 i64.store offset=32 get_local $1 i64.load set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add call $116 set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=32 i64.store offset=48 get_local $0 i32.load i32.load get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.shr_s i32.add set_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $0 block $block get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $3 i32.load get_local $0 i32.add i32.load set_local $0 end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $6 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=48 i64.store offset=80 get_local $2 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $1 call $116 set_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $6 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=80 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $4 get_local $2 get_local $5 get_local $0 call_indirect $2 block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $2 i32.load8_u offset=64 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block3 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block2 br $block1 end ;; $block3 get_local $5 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 return end ;; $block1 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $100 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $0 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $2 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 24 i32.add get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load get_local $0 i32.const 32 i32.add call $98 drop ) (func $101 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 24 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $1 i64.load offset=16 i64.store offset=32 get_local $1 i64.load offset=8 set_local $4 get_local $1 i64.load set_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 32 i32.add call $116 set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=32 i64.store offset=48 get_local $0 i32.load i32.load get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $6 i32.const 1 i32.shr_s i32.add set_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $0 block $block get_local $6 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $3 i32.load get_local $0 i32.add i32.load set_local $0 end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $7 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=48 i64.store offset=80 get_local $2 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $1 call $116 set_local $6 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $7 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=80 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $5 get_local $4 get_local $2 get_local $6 get_local $0 call_indirect $3 block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $2 i32.load8_u offset=64 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block3 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block2 br $block1 end ;; $block3 get_local $6 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 return end ;; $block1 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $102 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 96 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $2 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $1 i64.load i64.store offset=32 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add call $116 set_local $1 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=32 i64.store offset=48 get_local $0 i32.load i32.load get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.shr_s i32.add set_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $0 block $block get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $3 i32.load get_local $0 i32.add i32.load set_local $0 end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 80 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $5 get_local $2 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.const 8 i32.add i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=48 i64.store offset=80 get_local $2 i32.const 64 i32.add get_local $1 call $116 set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $5 i64.load i64.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i64.load offset=80 i64.store get_local $3 get_local $2 get_local $4 get_local $0 call_indirect $4 block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $2 i32.load8_u offset=64 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block3 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block2 br $block1 end ;; $block3 get_local $4 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 call $113 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 return end ;; $block1 get_local $2 i32.const 96 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $103 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $2 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 set_local $0 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $0 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 ) (func $104 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) block $block block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 tee_local $2 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $3 i32.sub get_local $1 i32.ge_u br_if $block4 get_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $4 i32.sub tee_local $5 get_local $1 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.const -1 i32.le_s br_if $block2 i32.const 2147483647 set_local $7 block $block5 get_local $2 get_local $4 i32.sub tee_local $2 i32.const 1073741822 i32.gt_u br_if $block5 get_local $6 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.shl tee_local $2 get_local $2 get_local $6 i32.lt_u select tee_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block3 end ;; $block5 get_local $7 call $111 set_local $2 br $block1 end ;; $block4 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $0 loop $loop get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $0 get_local $0 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.store get_local $1 i32.const -1 i32.add tee_local $1 br_if $loop br $block end ;; $loop end ;; $block3 i32.const 0 set_local $7 i32.const 0 set_local $2 br $block1 end ;; $block2 get_local $0 call $118 unreachable end ;; $block1 get_local $2 get_local $7 i32.add set_local $7 get_local $3 get_local $1 i32.add get_local $4 i32.sub set_local $4 get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.add tee_local $5 set_local $3 loop $loop1 get_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const -1 i32.add tee_local $1 br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 get_local $2 get_local $4 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.load get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $1 i32.sub tee_local $3 i32.sub set_local $2 block $block6 get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.lt_s br_if $block6 get_local $2 get_local $1 get_local $3 call $41 drop get_local $0 i32.load set_local $1 end ;; $block6 get_local $0 get_local $2 i32.store get_local $6 get_local $4 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $7 i32.store get_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $1 call $113 return end ;; $block ) (func $105 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) get_local $0 i32.load set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $0 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.store offset=4 get_local $3 i32.load offset=8 get_local $2 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 get_local $0 i32.const 24 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load get_local $0 i32.const 32 i32.add call $107 drop ) (func $106 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i64) get_global $31 i32.const 16 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.store offset=8 get_local $0 i64.const 0 i64.store align=4 i32.const 16 set_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $1 i32.const 20 i32.add i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $1 i32.load offset=16 tee_local $6 i32.sub tee_local $7 i32.const 4 i32.shr_s i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $8 loop $loop get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $3 get_local $8 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $8 i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block get_local $6 get_local $5 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $7 i32.const -16 i32.and get_local $3 i32.add set_local $3 end ;; $block get_local $1 i32.load offset=28 tee_local $5 get_local $3 i32.sub get_local $1 i32.const 32 i32.add i32.load tee_local $6 i32.sub set_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 28 i32.add set_local $7 get_local $6 get_local $5 i32.sub i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $8 loop $loop1 get_local $3 i32.const -1 i32.add set_local $3 get_local $8 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $8 i64.const 0 i64.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 i32.const 0 set_local $5 block $block1 block $block2 get_local $3 i32.eqz br_if $block2 get_local $0 i32.const 0 get_local $3 i32.sub call $104 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.load set_local $3 br $block1 end ;; $block2 i32.const 0 set_local $3 end ;; $block1 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.store get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.store offset=8 get_local $5 get_local $3 i32.sub tee_local $0 i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 get_local $1 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $0 i32.const -8 i32.add i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.store offset=4 get_local $2 get_local $4 call $108 get_local $7 call $109 drop get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add set_global $31 ) (func $107 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 16 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load8_u tee_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.and select i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $6 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $3 loop $loop get_local $4 i32.wrap/i64 set_local $7 get_local $2 get_local $4 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $4 i64.const 0 i64.ne tee_local $8 i32.const 7 i32.shl get_local $7 i32.const 127 i32.and i32.or i32.store8 offset=15 get_local $6 i32.load get_local $5 i32.sub i32.const 0 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $3 i32.load get_local $2 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const 1 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.store get_local $8 br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load get_local $1 i32.load8_u tee_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.and tee_local $7 select tee_local $3 i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 set_local $8 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.load get_local $5 i32.sub get_local $3 i32.ge_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load get_local $8 get_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.add get_local $7 select get_local $3 call $41 drop get_local $5 get_local $5 i32.load get_local $3 i32.add i32.store end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $0 ) (func $108 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i64) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 16 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load i32.sub i32.const 4 i32.shr_s i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $5 loop $loop get_local $3 i32.wrap/i64 set_local $6 get_local $2 get_local $3 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.ne tee_local $7 i32.const 7 i32.shl get_local $6 i32.const 127 i32.and i32.or i32.store8 offset=15 get_local $5 i32.load get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 0 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $6 i32.load get_local $2 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const 1 call $41 drop get_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store get_local $7 br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $7 get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load tee_local $1 i32.eq br_if $block get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $6 loop $loop1 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $5 i32.load get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $6 i32.load get_local $7 i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store get_local $5 i32.load get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 7 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $6 i32.load get_local $7 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.const 8 call $41 drop get_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store get_local $7 i32.const 16 i32.add tee_local $7 get_local $1 i32.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 end ;; $block get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $0 ) (func $109 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i64) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_global $31 i32.const 16 i32.sub tee_local $2 set_global $31 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 get_local $1 i32.load i32.sub i64.extend_u/i32 set_local $3 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $6 loop $loop get_local $3 i32.wrap/i64 set_local $7 get_local $2 get_local $3 i64.const 7 i64.shr_u tee_local $3 i64.const 0 i64.ne tee_local $8 i32.const 7 i32.shl get_local $7 i32.const 127 i32.and i32.or i32.store8 offset=15 get_local $5 i32.load get_local $4 i32.sub i32.const 0 i32.gt_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $6 i32.load get_local $2 i32.const 15 i32.add i32.const 1 call $41 drop get_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store get_local $8 br_if $loop end ;; $loop get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.load get_local $4 i32.sub get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $7 i32.sub tee_local $6 i32.ge_s i32.const 9140 call $36 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.load get_local $7 get_local $6 call $41 drop get_local $4 get_local $4 i32.load get_local $6 i32.add i32.store get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add set_global $31 get_local $0 ) (func $110 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i64) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $2 i32.const 0 set_local $3 i64.const 0 set_local $4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $6 loop $loop get_local $2 get_local $5 i32.load i32.lt_u i32.const 9720 call $36 get_local $6 i32.load tee_local $2 i32.load8_u set_local $7 get_local $6 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.store get_local $4 get_local $7 i32.const 127 i32.and get_local $3 i32.const 255 i32.and tee_local $3 i32.shl i64.extend_u/i32 i64.or set_local $4 get_local $3 i32.const 7 i32.add set_local $3 get_local $7 i32.const 128 i32.and br_if $loop end ;; $loop block $block block $block1 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $3 get_local $1 i32.load tee_local $7 i32.sub tee_local $5 get_local $4 i32.wrap/i64 tee_local $6 i32.ge_u br_if $block1 get_local $1 get_local $6 get_local $5 i32.sub call $104 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load set_local $3 get_local $1 i32.load set_local $7 br $block end ;; $block1 get_local $5 get_local $6 i32.le_u br_if $block get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add get_local $7 get_local $6 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.store end ;; $block get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.load get_local $2 i32.sub get_local $3 get_local $7 i32.sub tee_local $2 i32.ge_u i32.const 9084 call $36 get_local $7 get_local $0 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.load get_local $2 call $41 drop get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load get_local $2 i32.add i32.store get_local $0 ) (func $111 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) block $block get_local $0 i32.const 1 get_local $0 select tee_local $1 call $120 tee_local $0 br_if $block loop $loop i32.const 0 set_local $0 i32.const 0 i32.load offset=9724 tee_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $2 call_indirect $5 get_local $1 call $120 tee_local $0 i32.eqz br_if $loop end ;; $loop end ;; $block get_local $0 ) (func $112 (param $0 i32) (result i32) get_local $0 call $111 ) (func $113 (param $0 i32) block $block get_local $0 i32.eqz br_if $block get_local $0 call $123 end ;; $block ) (func $114 (param $0 i32) get_local $0 call $113 ) (func $115 (param $0 i32) call $51 unreachable ) (func $116 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) get_local $0 i64.const 0 i64.store align=4 get_local $0 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.const 0 i32.store block $block get_local $1 i32.load8_u i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block get_local $0 get_local $1 i64.load align=4 i64.store align=4 get_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add i32.load i32.store get_local $0 return end ;; $block block $block1 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 tee_local $2 i32.const -16 i32.ge_u br_if $block1 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 set_local $3 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $2 i32.const 11 i32.ge_u br_if $block3 get_local $0 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.shl i32.store8 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $2 br_if $block2 get_local $1 get_local $2 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $0 return end ;; $block3 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and tee_local $4 call $111 set_local $1 get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 1 i32.or i32.store get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.store offset=8 get_local $0 get_local $2 i32.store offset=4 end ;; $block2 get_local $1 get_local $3 get_local $2 call $41 drop get_local $1 get_local $2 i32.add i32.const 0 i32.store8 get_local $0 return end ;; $block1 call $51 unreachable ) (func $117 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) block $block block $block1 block $block2 block $block3 get_local $1 i32.const -16 i32.ge_u br_if $block3 block $block4 block $block5 get_local $0 i32.load8_u tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block5 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.shr_u set_local $3 i32.const 10 set_local $4 br $block4 end ;; $block5 get_local $0 i32.load tee_local $2 i32.const -2 i32.and i32.const -1 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 set_local $3 end ;; $block4 i32.const 10 set_local $5 block $block6 get_local $3 get_local $1 get_local $3 get_local $1 i32.gt_u select tee_local $1 i32.const 11 i32.lt_u br_if $block6 get_local $1 i32.const 16 i32.add i32.const -16 i32.and i32.const -1 i32.add set_local $5 end ;; $block6 block $block7 block $block8 block $block9 get_local $5 get_local $4 i32.eq br_if $block9 block $block10 get_local $5 i32.const 10 i32.ne br_if $block10 i32.const 1 set_local $6 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $1 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 set_local $4 i32.const 0 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $8 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block7 br $block2 end ;; $block10 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add call $111 set_local $1 get_local $5 get_local $4 i32.gt_u br_if $block8 get_local $1 br_if $block8 end ;; $block9 return end ;; $block8 block $block11 get_local $0 i32.load8_u tee_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.and br_if $block11 i32.const 1 set_local $7 get_local $0 i32.const 1 i32.add set_local $4 i32.const 0 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $8 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block2 br $block7 end ;; $block11 get_local $0 i32.load offset=8 set_local $4 i32.const 1 set_local $6 i32.const 1 set_local $7 i32.const 1 set_local $8 get_local $2 i32.const 1 i32.and i32.eqz br_if $block2 end ;; $block7 get_local $0 i32.load offset=4 i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block br $block1 end ;; $block3 call $51 unreachable end ;; $block2 get_local $2 i32.const 254 i32.and get_local $8 i32.shr_u i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.eqz br_if $block end ;; $block1 get_local $1 get_local $4 get_local $2 call $41 drop end ;; $block block $block12 get_local $6 i32.eqz br_if $block12 get_local $4 call $113 end ;; $block12 block $block13 get_local $7 i32.eqz br_if $block13 get_local $0 get_local $3 i32.store offset=4 get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.store offset=8 get_local $0 get_local $5 i32.const 1 i32.add i32.const 1 i32.or i32.store return end ;; $block13 get_local $0 get_local $3 i32.const 1 i32.shl i32.store8 ) (func $118 (param $0 i32) call $51 unreachable ) (func $119 (param $0 i32) ) (func $120 (param $0 i32) (result i32) i32.const 9736 get_local $0 call $121 ) (func $121 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) (local $11 i32) (local $12 i32) (local $13 i32) block $block get_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block block $block1 get_local $0 i32.load offset=232 tee_local $2 br_if $block1 i32.const 16 set_local $2 get_local $0 i32.const 232 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.store end ;; $block1 get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.const 7 i32.and tee_local $3 i32.sub get_local $1 get_local $3 select set_local $3 block $block2 block $block3 block $block4 get_local $0 i32.load offset=236 tee_local $4 get_local $2 i32.ge_u br_if $block4 get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.add i32.const 40 i32.add set_local $1 block $block5 get_local $4 br_if $block5 get_local $0 i32.const 44 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load br_if $block5 get_local $1 i32.const 40 i32.store get_local $2 get_local $0 i32.store end ;; $block5 get_local $3 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $4 loop $loop block $block6 get_local $1 i32.load offset=8 tee_local $2 get_local $4 i32.add get_local $1 i32.load i32.gt_u br_if $block6 get_local $1 i32.load offset=4 get_local $2 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $2 i32.load i32.const -2147483648 i32.and get_local $3 i32.or i32.store get_local $1 i32.const 8 i32.add tee_local $1 get_local $1 i32.load get_local $4 i32.add i32.store get_local $2 get_local $2 i32.load i32.const -2147483648 i32.or i32.store get_local $2 i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $1 br_if $block3 end ;; $block6 get_local $0 call $122 tee_local $1 br_if $loop end ;; $loop end ;; $block4 i32.const 2147483644 get_local $3 i32.sub set_local $5 get_local $0 i32.const 240 i32.add set_local $6 get_local $0 i32.const 232 i32.add set_local $7 get_local $0 i32.load offset=240 tee_local $8 set_local $2 loop $loop1 get_local $0 get_local $2 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.add tee_local $1 i32.const 48 i32.add i32.load get_local $1 i32.const 40 i32.add tee_local $9 i32.load i32.eq i32.const 8227 call $36 get_local $1 i32.const 44 i32.add i32.load tee_local $10 i32.const 4 i32.add set_local $2 loop $loop2 get_local $10 get_local $9 i32.load i32.add set_local $11 get_local $2 i32.const -4 i32.add tee_local $12 i32.load tee_local $13 i32.const 2147483647 i32.and set_local $1 block $block7 get_local $13 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block7 block $block8 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.ge_u br_if $block8 loop $loop3 get_local $2 get_local $1 i32.add tee_local $4 get_local $11 i32.ge_u br_if $block8 get_local $4 i32.load tee_local $4 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block8 get_local $1 get_local $4 i32.const 2147483647 i32.and i32.add i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $1 get_local $3 i32.lt_u br_if $loop3 end ;; $loop3 end ;; $block8 get_local $12 get_local $1 get_local $3 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.lt_u select get_local $13 i32.const -2147483648 i32.and i32.or i32.store block $block9 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.le_u br_if $block9 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.add get_local $5 get_local $1 i32.add i32.const 2147483647 i32.and i32.store end ;; $block9 get_local $1 get_local $3 i32.ge_u br_if $block2 end ;; $block7 get_local $2 get_local $1 i32.add i32.const 4 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $11 i32.lt_u br_if $loop2 end ;; $loop2 i32.const 0 set_local $1 get_local $6 i32.const 0 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $2 get_local $7 i32.load i32.eq select tee_local $2 i32.store get_local $2 get_local $8 i32.ne br_if $loop1 end ;; $loop1 end ;; $block3 get_local $1 return end ;; $block2 get_local $12 get_local $12 i32.load i32.const -2147483648 i32.or i32.store get_local $2 return end ;; $block i32.const 0 ) (func $122 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) get_local $0 i32.load offset=236 set_local $1 block $block block $block1 i32.const 0 i32.load8_u offset=9728 i32.eqz br_if $block1 i32.const 0 i32.load offset=9732 set_local $2 br $block end ;; $block1 current_memory set_local $2 i32.const 0 i32.const 1 i32.store8 offset=9728 i32.const 0 get_local $2 i32.const 16 i32.shl tee_local $2 i32.store offset=9732 end ;; $block get_local $2 set_local $3 block $block2 block $block3 block $block4 block $block5 get_local $2 i32.const 65535 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.shr_u tee_local $4 current_memory tee_local $5 i32.le_u br_if $block5 get_local $4 get_local $5 i32.sub grow_memory drop i32.const 0 set_local $5 get_local $4 current_memory i32.ne br_if $block4 i32.const 0 i32.load offset=9732 set_local $3 end ;; $block5 i32.const 0 set_local $5 i32.const 0 get_local $3 i32.store offset=9732 get_local $2 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block4 get_local $1 i32.const 12 i32.mul set_local $4 block $block6 block $block7 get_local $2 i32.const 65535 i32.and tee_local $5 i32.const 64512 i32.gt_u br_if $block7 get_local $2 i32.const 65536 i32.add get_local $5 i32.sub set_local $5 br $block6 end ;; $block7 get_local $2 i32.const 131072 i32.add get_local $2 i32.const 131071 i32.and i32.sub set_local $5 end ;; $block6 get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $5 get_local $2 i32.sub set_local $2 block $block8 i32.const 0 i32.load8_u offset=9728 br_if $block8 current_memory set_local $3 i32.const 0 i32.const 1 i32.store8 offset=9728 i32.const 0 get_local $3 i32.const 16 i32.shl tee_local $3 i32.store offset=9732 end ;; $block8 get_local $4 i32.const 40 i32.add set_local $4 get_local $2 i32.const 0 i32.lt_s br_if $block3 get_local $3 set_local $6 block $block9 get_local $2 i32.const 7 i32.add i32.const -8 i32.and tee_local $7 get_local $3 i32.add i32.const 65535 i32.add i32.const 16 i32.shr_u tee_local $5 current_memory tee_local $8 i32.le_u br_if $block9 get_local $5 get_local $8 i32.sub grow_memory drop get_local $5 current_memory i32.ne br_if $block3 i32.const 0 i32.load offset=9732 set_local $6 end ;; $block9 i32.const 0 get_local $6 get_local $7 i32.add i32.store offset=9732 get_local $3 i32.const -1 i32.eq br_if $block3 get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.add tee_local $1 i32.const 44 i32.add i32.load tee_local $6 get_local $4 i32.load tee_local $5 i32.add get_local $3 i32.eq br_if $block2 block $block10 get_local $5 get_local $1 i32.const 48 i32.add tee_local $7 i32.load tee_local $1 i32.eq br_if $block10 get_local $6 get_local $1 i32.add tee_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const -2147483648 i32.and i32.const -4 get_local $1 i32.sub get_local $5 i32.add i32.or i32.store get_local $7 get_local $4 i32.load i32.store get_local $6 get_local $6 i32.load i32.const 2147483647 i32.and i32.store end ;; $block10 get_local $0 i32.const 236 i32.add tee_local $4 get_local $4 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $4 i32.store get_local $0 get_local $4 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.add tee_local $0 i32.const 40 i32.add tee_local $5 get_local $2 i32.store get_local $0 i32.const 44 i32.add get_local $3 i32.store end ;; $block4 get_local $5 return end ;; $block3 block $block11 get_local $4 i32.load tee_local $5 get_local $0 get_local $1 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.add tee_local $3 i32.const 48 i32.add tee_local $1 i32.load tee_local $2 i32.eq br_if $block11 get_local $3 i32.const 44 i32.add i32.load get_local $2 i32.add tee_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load i32.const -2147483648 i32.and i32.const -4 get_local $2 i32.sub get_local $5 i32.add i32.or i32.store get_local $1 get_local $4 i32.load i32.store get_local $3 get_local $3 i32.load i32.const 2147483647 i32.and i32.store end ;; $block11 get_local $0 get_local $0 i32.const 236 i32.add tee_local $2 i32.load i32.const 1 i32.add tee_local $3 i32.store offset=232 get_local $2 get_local $3 i32.store i32.const 0 return end ;; $block2 get_local $4 get_local $5 get_local $2 i32.add i32.store get_local $4 ) (func $123 (param $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) block $block block $block1 get_local $0 i32.eqz br_if $block1 i32.const 0 i32.load offset=9968 tee_local $1 i32.const 1 i32.lt_s br_if $block1 i32.const 9776 set_local $2 get_local $1 i32.const 12 i32.mul i32.const 9776 i32.add set_local $3 loop $loop get_local $2 i32.const 4 i32.add i32.load tee_local $1 i32.eqz br_if $block1 block $block2 get_local $1 i32.const 4 i32.add get_local $0 i32.gt_u br_if $block2 get_local $1 get_local $2 i32.load i32.add get_local $0 i32.gt_u br_if $block end ;; $block2 get_local $2 i32.const 12 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $3 i32.lt_u br_if $loop end ;; $loop end ;; $block1 return end ;; $block get_local $0 i32.const -4 i32.add tee_local $2 get_local $2 i32.load i32.const 2147483647 i32.and i32.store ))