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Craft Poisoned Data using MetaPoison

This repository contains TensorFlow implementations for crafting poisons and victim evaluation for the paper

MetaPoison: Practical General-purpose Clean-label Data Poisoning

by W. Ronny Huang, Jonas Geiping, Liam Fowl, Gavin Taylor, Tom Goldstein.

What is MetaPoison?

MetaPoison is a method to create poisoned training data. An attacker might use this attack in the following way: Teaser The goal as the attacker is to classify some bird image (here: the parrot) as a dog. To do so, a small fraction of the training data is imperceptibly modified before training. The network is then trained from scratch with this modified dataset. After training, validation performance is normal (eagle, owl, lovebird). However, the minor modifications to the training set cause the (unaltered) target image (parrot) to be misclassified by the neural network as "dog" with high confidence.

One result of our work is a poisoned dataset that controls model behavior even on a real-world black-box system such as Google Cloud AutoML Vision. Result


This documentation contains instructions for the following tasks:

  1. Download poisoned datasets
  2. Crafting your own poisons
    1. Setup
    2. Quick Start
    3. Algorithm Overview
    4. Reproducing results from paper

Downloading poisoned datasets

To verify the toxicity of our poisoned CIFAR-10 datasets, you can download our premade datasets, train using your own codebase and check if the target examples are misclassified. You can even try training them on Google Cloud AutoML Vision by following the instructions. Download poisoned CIFAR-10 datasets crafted on ResNet20 for the poison-dog-target-bird [here] and poison-frog-target-plane scenarios [here]. Target IDs 0 and 6 are most likely to work.

The datasets are organized as follows:


poisondataset-60.pkl can be opened via pickle. It contains a dictionary storing the following numpy tensors

  • xtrain CIFAR-10 training set images with a subset of them poisoned/perturbed
  • ytrain CIFAR-10 training set labels
  • xtarget Target image
  • ytarget Target true label
  • ytargetadv Target adversarial label
  • xvalid CIFAR-10 test set images
  • yvalid CIFAR-10 test set labels

The IDs of the poisoned subset are 25000 to 25000 + num_poisons. Note that in a realistic setting, the IDs of the poisoned subset are unknown.

Crafting your own poisons


If you want to use our code to craft your own poisons, then you must first setup your environment correctly. The following libraries are required:


openmpi and mpi4py are required for parallelizing the ensembled poison crafting across multiple processes and potentially multiple GPUs. These are necessary packages even for single-GPU systems. Multiple GPUs are not required, but they do speed things up.

comet_ml is an ML monitoring and logging service (link) which is used for storing the crafted poisons on the web. The poisons are automatically downloaded when victim evaluation is run. comet_ml is also used for logging and displaying the results. To install and use comet_ml, see below

Install using Anaconda

The easiest way to have all the dependencies fulfilled is to download Anaconda3 and create a custom environment with the required libraries. For example, on linux, run these commands:

Install Anaconda3 and make new environment called metapoison.

conda create -n metapoison
conda activate metapoison

Next, install the required packages through Anaconda.

conda install -y tensorflow-gpu==1.14
conda install -y tensorflow-probability==0.7
conda install -y matplotlib
conda install -y -c conda-forge openmpi
conda install -y mpi4py
pip install comet_ml==3.0.2

The final thing to do is to create a free account at and copy both your API key and REST API key to the .comet.config file in the main directory. Fill in your comet workspace name (usually just your username) as well.

Quick Start

Let's craft a set of poisons and then evaluate it via training a victim model from scratch. As a first example we will craft 50 poison dogs to cause the target bird (the first bird in the CIFAR10 test set) to be misclassified as a dog. Run this command from the main directory. For expediency, we will use only 10% of the CIFAR10 dataset as our training set. Run the following command from the home directory.

mpirun -np 3 python 01234 \
 -nreplay=8 -victimproj=quickstart\
 -targetclass=2 -poisonclass=5 -ytargetadv=5 -targetids 0 \
 -nbatch=40 -batchsize=125 -npoison=50

Expected output

Ignore the tensorflow deprecation warnings that are displayed at the beginning. You should see a link to the newly created experiment page after 10-20 seconds. Click this link to see the poison crafting results displayed on a chart. On the terminal you should see the process of vanilla pretraining 24 models for about 3-4 minutes. The crafting process will then begin and you should see the results of each craftstep being printed, such as

craftstep 0 | elapsed 64.252 | xentT 3.19 | cwT 2.55 | ...
craftstep 1 | elapsed 16.555 | xentT 2.83 | cwT 2.16 | ...
craftstep 2 | elapsed 14.295 | xentT 2.48 | cwT 1.72 | ...

Here, cwT is the Carlini-Wagner adversarial loss averaged over all 24 surrogate models. It should go down and then plateau without necessarily going below zero. After 60 craftsteps (should take about 15 min on 4 1080Ti's), the program will launch into victim evaluation mode. A new link experiment page will be created and the link will be displayed. In the terminal, the results every 20 epochs will be printed, such as

4aa26- | trial-0 | craftstep-60 | epoch 0 | elapsed 1.61 | xentT0 1.4 | accT0 1.0 | cwT0 -0.23 | xent 1.87 | acc 0.31 | xentV 3.36 | accV 0.05
4aa26- | trial-0 | craftstep-60 | epoch 20 | elapsed 0.53 | xentT0 0.04 | accT0 1.0 | cwT0 -3.86 | xent 0.01 | acc 1.0 | xentV 1.45 | accV 0.47
4aa26- | trial-0 | craftstep-60 | epoch 40 | elapsed 0.51 | xentT0 0.06 | accT0 1.0 | cwT0 -3.05 | xent 0.0 | acc 1.0 | xentV 2.07 | accV 0.51

Here, cwT0 is the Carlini-Wagner adversarial loss of the victim model at the current epoch. It should progressively go down below zero, indicating a successful attack. accT0 also indicates whether or not the attack is successful. Also, accV is the validation accuracy. Since only 10% of CIFAR-10 is used as the training set in this particular example for speed, the validation accuracy should be much lower than typical, converging just above 50%.

What did that command do?

  • np 3 tells MPI to start 3 processes in parallel, which is about the maximum amount that will fit on a single GPU memory-wise. nreplay=8 tells each process to sequentially compute the adversarial loss from 8 different models. Therefore we are using np * nreplay = 24 surrogate models in our ensemble when crafting poisons. If you have a 4 GPU machine, things can be sped up by using np 12 and nreplay=2. The processes will always be evenly distributed across available GPUs.
  • 01234 is an example of a mandatory unique user-specified ID given to each poison crafting run. It is stored as metadata on the comet experiment associated with that run and can be invoked later when running a victim evaluation to download the crafted poisons. Unless you're debugging, we recommend you change this unique ID every time you run a new crafting experiment.
  • victimproj is the user-specified name of the comet project where individual victim training runs will be stored. They are grouped into a comet project because there may be more than one victim training run per set of poisons.
  • targetclass, poisonclass, ytargetadv are the IDs of the target, poison, and adversarial classes. See CIFAR10 classes for reference. For CIFAR10, the range is [0, 10).
  • targetids is the ID of the image in the test set to use as the target. For example if targetclass is bird, targetids 0 will assign the first bird in the test set as the target.
  • nbatch is the number of minibatches per epoch. For example, nbatch=40 batchsize=125 sets the size of the training set to be 10% of the full CIFAR10, because 40 batches of 125 equals 5000 total images. To use full CIFAR10, adjust nbatch and batchsize such that nbatch * batchsize = 50000.
  • npoison is the number of poisons to use. The first npoison images in the poisonclass will be perturbed.

Viewing results on

The crafting stage metrics, as well as the generated poisons, are stored at the comet project named craft1: The poisons are stored in the assets tab. There are also a few example poison images displayed in the graphics tab

All results from victim evaluation will be logged and displayed in at

Here's a description of the metrics logged onto

  • acc training accuracy
  • xent training cross entropy
  • accV validation accuracy
  • cwT0 Carlini-Wagner adversarial loss, defined as the carlini wagner loss of the target image with respect to the adversarial class. The lower this value, the more successful the poisoning is.
  • xentT0 Cross-entropy adversarial loss
  • accT0 adversarial success. 1 if the target is misclassified as the advesarial class, 0 otherwise.
  • cwT Carlini-Wagner adversarial loss during crafting, averaged over all surrogate models
  • xentT Cross-entropy adversarial loss during crafting, averaged over all surrogate models
  • accT adversarial success during crafting, averaged over all surrogate models
  • class-0-X cross entropy loss of the target image with respect to class X
  • Other metrics are for debugging purposes and seldom used

Algorithm overview

There are 3 phases to the experiment:

  1. Staggered pretraining: Pretrain M surrogate models. Train the m-th surrogate model to the mT/M-th epoch
  2. Craft poisons: Craft poisons using an ensemble of M surrogate models. Store poisons onto
  3. Victim evaluation: Retrieve poisons from, add poisons to a clean dataset, and train a victim model on that dataset. After training, evaluate whether or not the target is classified into the adversarial class.

Description of code files:

  • will run all 3 phases
  • will run additional victim evaluations on pre-crafted poisons, potentially with different hyperparameters, architectures, or other training configurations
  • contains a thorough list of different settings for running both and
  • All other files are helper files and should not be run independently

For example, in the Quick Start example above, first the m-th surrogate model was trained to the mT/M-th epoch (see Algorithm 1 in paper), where M and T are 24 in this example. We then moved into the poison crafting stage and poisons were crafted until the 61st craftstep, with the entire set of poisons being stored (onto comet) every 10 craftsteps. Finally victim evaluation with these poisons were automatically run using the same settings as used in the surrogate models during crafting. To train victim models on the poisoned data using different hyperparameter settings (to test robustness of the poisons), we could run with some of the X-prefixed arguments specified in

Reproducing results from paper

This subsection contains commands to craft poisons and evaluate them for the various scenarios in the paper. We encourage you to look at along with our paper for all the available settings along with descriptions, or simply run

python --help

Poisoning in the context of fine-tuning

Craft 70 poison dogs to cause a target bird to be misclassified in the context of fine-tuning. First you must pretrain your network

python 01234 \
 -justtrain=200 -batchsize=125 -nbatch=400 -net=ConvNet -weightset=pretrain

This command will spawn training and save the metadata, including the final weights, into a comet experiment under the project weightset-convnet-pretrain. Note down the comet experiment ID of this run, and then run the following.

EXPT_ID=<insert here your comet experiment id from pretraining>
mpi -np 12 python 01234 \
 -nadapt=4 -nreplay=2 -targetclass=2 -poisonclass=5 -watermark \
 -targetids 0 -nbatch=400 -batchsize=125 -npoison=70 \
 -ncraftstep=101 -net=ConvNet -victimproj=shafahicompare -weightsettrain -epscolor 0 0 0 \
 -pretrain=weightset-convnet-pretrain/$EXPT_ID \
 -lrnrate=0.01 -schedule 9999 9999 9999 -warmupperiod=0 

Try varying npoison and targetids, as well as removing -watermark. If you average the victim successes over targetids from 0-9, and try various npoison, your results should be similar to those on Fig. 3 (top)

Poisoning in the context of from-scratch training

Craft 5000 poisons using ResNet20 as a crafting (surrogate) network to cause a target bird to be misclassified as a dog in the context of training from scratch. 4 or more GPUs are required to run this command, unless you change the np and nreplay settings which change the amount of parallelization (see above). So long as their product is fixed, the results should be similar.

mpirun -np 8 python 01235 \
 -nreplay=3 -victimproj=resnetrobust -net=ResNet \
 -targetclass=2 -poisonclass=5 -targetids 0 \
 -nbatch=400 -batchsize=125 -npoison=5000

Near the end of the run, it will automatically run and train 8 randomly initialized ResNet20s from scratch on the newly generated poisoned dataset. All results will be logged to comet.

Try experimenting with -net=VGG13 or -net=ConvNetBN for different network architectures, -targetclass=0 -poisonclass=6 for the frog-plane class pair, or different targetids for different target IDs. If you average over the success of the various victim runs for any particular set of poisons, your results should be similar to those corresponding in Fig. 4.

Robustness to different victim settings

After you have run the previous command to generate 5000 poisons, now run victim training on those poisons with a different network architecture from the surrogate one used for crafting. We can also run a baseline control of the case where there are no poisons by inserting the poisons from craftstep 0 (These poisons will have no adversarial perturbation). We will run 8 trials for both craftstep 0 (unpoisoned baseline) and craftstep 60 (poisoned) to gather some statistics since each run will vary depending on the initialization.

python 01235 -craftsteps 0 60 -ntrial=8 -Xnet=VGG13

You can do the same with with fewer poisons. Here the victim will only use the first 500 out of the 5000 poisons that you generated.

python 01235 -craftsteps 0 60 -ntrial=8 -Xnet=VGG13 -Xnpoison=500

You can also try victim training with double the batchsize compared to the batchsize used during crafting.

python 01235 -craftsteps 0 60 -ntrial=8 -Xbatchsize

Or with weight decay.

python 01235 -craftsteps 0 60 -ntrial=8 -Xweightdecay

Or with data augmentation.

python 01235 -craftsteps 0 60 -ntrial=8 -Xaugment

Try experimenting with various differences in the victim settings, such as -Xnpoison, -net, -Xbatchsize, Xaugment, or Xweightdecay. Your results should look pretty similar to those in Fig. 5 if you average over the first 10 target IDs.

Self-concealment poisoning scheme

Craft poison planes to cause a target plane to be misclassified into another class. If you average over the first 5 target IDs, your results should be similar to those in Fig. 7 (left).

mpirun -np 8 python 01236 \
 -nreplay=3 -victimproj=selfconceal -objective=indis3 \
 -targetclass=0 -poisonclass=0 -targetids 0 \
 -nbatch=400 -batchsize=125 -npoison=5000 

Multiclass-poisoning scheme

Craft 5000 poisons with classes spread uniformly across the 10 classes to cause a target bird to be misclassified as a plane. If you average over the first 10 target IDs, your results should be similar to those in Fig. 7 (right).

mpirun -np 8 python 01237 \
 -nreplay=3 -multiclasspoison -victimproj=multiclass \
 -targetclass=2 -ytargetadv=0 -targetids 0 \
 -npoison=5000 -nbatch=400 -batchsize=125

Saving the poisoned dataset

You may want to save the entire training set with the poisons inserted so that you can train on them using another codebase. In this case, run as you normally would if you were to victim evaluate on a particular set of poisons located at unique ID 01234. This time, however, include the -savepoisondataset flag. The training set, training labels, target image(s), target adversarial label(s) will be saved as a dict inside the pickle file poisondataset-60.pkl inside the current directory

python 01234 -craftsteps 60 -savepoisondataset