1.14.3 (2020-02-06)
- injector: update minified injector (58cecb4)
1.14.2 (2020-02-06)
- injector: clean ob up to the initial level (a53e34d)
1.14.1 (2020-01-21)
- amp: don't include amphtml in attachments (6c7bfac)
- images: don't store transient ids in an array (efc1406)
1.14.0 (2019-08-09)
- injector: remove window.stop and make xhr synchronous (8077358)
- readme: fixes readme (6f0d5fd)
- readme: fixes readme (2b463ca)
- all: deprecated warning message (86b0770)
1.13.5 (2019-02-08)
- versions: fixes error messages on low php and wp versions (752f5b6)
1.13.4 (2019-02-08)
- activation: prevents activation if low php or wp version (e8e5092)
- general: fix small syntax problems with PHP 5.3 (243c483)
1.13.3 (2019-02-07)
- loader: fixes loader for external injection (ae5979a)
1.13.2 (2019-02-06)
- loader: fixes loader bar (30c2274)
1.13.1 (2019-02-06)
- injector: adds version to injector url to refresh cache (6b9f412)
1.13.0 (2019-02-06)
- images: prevents data-attachment-id if src is external (d8a3c81)
- latest: fixes latest filter (64b90ad)
- injector: adds auto injector (4538e16)
1.12.1 (2019-01-30)
- update: fixes update settings (7632455)
1.12.0 (2019-01-29)
- purifier: fixes warnings when running purifier (5e8f75c)
- settings: removes api_filters from settings (b42942a)
- rest-api: adds support for excludeFields param (60d58b1)
- settings: adds injection type setting (d762327)
1.11.0 (2019-01-18)
- babel: fixes browsers support versions (7c87d93)
- dashboard: changes solution for screenshot in dashboard (15114f4)
- dashboard: maskes dashboard responsive (e943d58)
- image: fixes dashboard screenshot not found (ad405eb)
- purge-button: adds feedback to PurgeButton (b5535c0)
- purifier: fixes deprecated warnings (f4199f6)
- stores: fixes site_id validation on start (dc34bfd)
- stores: refactor and fixes saving invalid settings (fe2111b)
- styles: fixes styles to be responsive (bfc0f6e)
- styles: fixes WP padding on mobile (8913efd)
- rest-api: expose settings on the rest api (bc15236)
1.10.7 (2019-01-04)
- request-site-id: change traffic to UNKNOWN (07b553e)
1.10.6 (2019-01-02)
- request-site-id: change source to origin (da6300f)
1.10.5 (2018-12-27)
- request-demo: fix form field names (2a1d856)
1.10.4 (2018-12-24)
- update: adds github plugin uri to wp-pwa.php (bc11a34)
1.10.3 (2018-12-24)
- images: fixes image url in dashboard view (c0547f1)
- update: fixes update process (e1e0574)
- validation: fixes site id validation (fedaa5a)
1.10.2 (2018-12-24)
- amp: fixes amp url (bdcf78f)
- injector: fixes php error about sitId undefined in dev (893127c)
- validation: fixes site_id validation (2ebe7b1)
1.10.1 (2018-12-21)
- filename: renames frontity.php to wp-pwa.php to avoid conflicts (a3211f4)
1.10.0 (2018-12-21)
- dashboard: use proper form instead of only a button (53fd3f0)
- demos: show links (71c70b1)
- demos: update links with UTM campaigns (56b08e9)
- htmlpurifier: use explicit htmlpurifier text to avoid confusion (aada9af)
- injector: change settings names in injector (eb8ef92)
- injector: fixes injector not being loaded (05bd015)
- injector: use wp_pwa_path name again (66f02c9)
- settings: don't use the update plugin logic for update settings (9fd3d22)
- settings: fixes settings saved without validation (e8b157e)
- settings: move initialization and update of settings out of Class (015c2a3)
- settings: site id is no longer restricted to 17 chars (7a6e70f)
1.9.1 (2018-12-11)
- semantic-release: move to dotenv and release.scripts.js (a0d82b7)
1.9.0 (2018-12-11)
- injector: add a filter for the js injector (b6d9fd9)
1.9.0 (2018-12-11)
- injector: add a filter for the js injector (b6d9fd9)
1.8.0 (2018-11-16)
- transients: never expire them and set hit or miss when id is zero (b4095f2)
- wp-embeds: send height from wp post embeds (9e61012)
1.7.6 (2018-11-08)
- amp: fix types for custom post types in AMP (dc3c8cf)
1.7.5 (2018-11-02)
- attachment-ids: return ids with integer values and purge transients (6a25ff1)
1.7.4 (2018-10-31)
- forbidden-images: create fix_forbidden_image WIP (b390d3e)
- forbidden-images: use fix_forbidden_media when the query is true (2ca8ef9)
- purifier: do not override 'RemoveEmtpy.Predicate' default values (f80b966)
1.7.3 (2018-10-24)
- purifier: add exceptions to remove empty elements (07438e6)
1.7.2 (2018-10-24)
- injector: remove the check for the REST API base slug of cpt's (55b21d0)
- latest-link: use home link only if the custom post type is 'post' (5182bd5)
1.7.1 (2018-10-19)
- image-ids: do not treat ids equal zero as a transient cache miss (2e15a5c)
1.7.0 (2018-10-19)
- wp-pwa: add query to disable htmlPurifier (b515d51)
- wp-pwa: use transients when getting image ids from wp-query (a5bea25)
1.6.4 (2018-09-26)
- semantic-release: add github back and finish automation (825afa0)
1.6.3 (2018-09-26)
- semantic-release: add push for master as well (d223345)
- semantic-release: add rebase (4577fc8)
- semantic-release: add success cmd (2cde44e)
1.6.2 (2018-09-26)
- semantic-release: add wp-pwa.php to git assets (a86fb4d)
1.6.1 (2018-09-26)
1.6.1 (2018-09-26)
- semantic-release: fix json (af0490b)
1.6.0 (2018-09-25)
- api-fields: add option to whitelist api fields (867d759)
- api-fields: change whitelist for blacklist (a1d0811)
1.5.1 (2018-09-11)
- version: update version in php files and use trunk (150ddf6)
1.5.0 (2018-09-11)
- excludes: add excludes to AMP (b718b0e)
- general: undo manifest and service workers (448c4dd)
- html-purifier: adds support for to htmlpurifier (0261b70)
- html-purifier: install htmlpurifier-html5 library for html5 support (bd7013f)
- image-ids: support image-attributes hook (d7a7f22)
- image-ids: support image-attributes hook (635a31b)
- image-ids: support local urls of images (ecc47fe)
- image-ids: use proper attribute name (7d07089)
- injector: use array if excludes is null (0357caa)
- latest: use 'home' url if 'forceFrontPage' is enabled (a254a1a), closes #5
- latest-from-cpt: use quotes in array (820f3b0)
- purifier: add text field for title and excerpt (a01fde3), closes #10
- semantic-release: add env-cmd for environment variables (4bddc08)
- semantic-release: add github and trigger a new release (8de6f2f), closes #3
- semantic-release: change commit message to pass conventional (8042dd7)
- semantic-release: test without github (6216b4b)
- htmlpurifier: add option to purge cache (c3d6051)
- htmlpurifier: add UI button for purge (518772e)
- image-ids: add ids to gallery images using wp_get_attachment_link (145c235)
- image-ids: use classes to get ids when possible (5088f86)
1.4.12 (2018-07-11)
- semantic-release: add github and trigger a new release (8de6f2f), closes #3
- semantic-release: change commit message to pass conventional (8042dd7)
1.4.11 (2018-07-11)
- semantic-release: test without github (6216b4b)
1.4.11 (2018-07-11)
- semantic-release: test without github (6216b4b)
1.4.11 (2018-07-11)
- semantic-release: test without github (6216b4b)