A simple solution to the player blocking problem. Press your +USE key to swap places with players, or +RELOAD key to swap with friendly monsters.
Problems this solves:
- Player blocking a ladder/vent/doorway by refusing to move.
- Player standing at the bottom of long vertical drops, gibbing anyone who falls on them.
- Player preventing rotating doors from opening by standing on the opposite side.
- Monster blocking a doorway by getting stuck.
as_command antiblock.disabled
disables the plugin
as_command antiblock.cooldown
controls how long swappers have to wait to swap again (or to be swapped with). The default is 0.6 seconds.
as_command antiblock.stomp
controls player stomping logic (falling on top of a player):
- 0 = disabled
- 1 = split damage evenly across all players involved (default)
- 2 = split damage across only the players that got stomped on
- 3 = apply full damage to all players involved