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Z Cam Mock Server

If you don’t have access to a Z Cam, you can run this script …


… which will start both 1) the mock zcam server code, and 2) a mock RTSP live stream generated with ffmpeg.

To run it, you'll need to create files that represent an example take, like:

./tmp/media/ (take)
./tmp/media/take.jpg ("screennail")

… and create a file for the RTSP live stream, like:

./tmp/media/stream.mp4 (RTSP stream)

The (1) mock zcam server code can be run independently:

TAKE_MOV=./tmp/media/ node ./lib/zcam/mock-server/index.js

A (2) mock RTSP live stream with ffmpeg can also be run independently. It is described further below.

Environment vars:

  • TAKE_MOV, path to example take MOV downloaded from Z Cam. default is null, and no video will be served. If a JPG of the same basename exists, it will be served for thumbnail requests.
  • DEBUG: configure debug logging
  • PORT, HTTP port, default :80

When the mock server is running, pass ZCAM= to shot core server:

DEBUG=shotcore:* ZCAM= node ./server

Mock Z Cam RTSP live stream

The mock server runs an RTSP server for clients on :554. You can stream into it via ffmpeg, which the mock server will then distribute to connected clients.

Given a 5 second test file, e.g.:

ffmpeg \
  -f lavfi \
  -i testsrc2=size=1920x1080:rate=ntsc-film \
  -an \
  -vcodec h264 \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \
  -f mp4 \
  -t 5 \

Can stream to the mock server, e.g.:

ffmpeg \
  -re \
  -stream_loop -1 \
  -i tmp/stream.mp4 \
  -c:v copy \
  -f rtsp \

Test the RTSP server with ncat (press ENTER twice after typing):

ncat --crlf 554
DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2


ffplay rtsp://


Testing HTTP:

Testing the client against the mock z cam server:

node test/zcam-http-client.test.js

Can check HTTP with curl and streams with ffplay, e.g.:

ffplay -f mjpeg
ffplay rtsp://

Testing WebSockets:

Globally install wscat from npm, e.g.:

npm install -g wscat

Logging Websocket Messages Received From The Mock Server

wscat -P -c ws://