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{"reviews": {"39246293": {"recommendationid": "39246293", "author": {"steamid": "76561198316426206", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 79, "last_played": 1515369513}, "language": "spanish", "review": "YS: The oath in felghana es un juego muy entretenido y SUPER desafiante en sus dificultades regulares y muy altas.\nA simple vista parece que no le he invertido muchas horas, pero en su lanzamiento original de la PSP, ahi tuve la oportunidad de conseguirlo y terminarme el juego en 11 hrs aproxidamente, puesto que la historia no es del todo original y tiene uno o varios cliches, puedo asegurarles que la jugabilidad recompensa la narrativa. No me gusta comparar juegos entre juegos, pero para ser mas claro que tipo de juego es, digamos que es una mezcla de \" The Legend of Zelda \" y \" Tales of ( Saga ) \", hasta puedo decir que un poco de \" Secret of mana \". Vale mucho la pena este juego de verdad y les puedo asegurar que el Soundtrack no es para NADA MALO, principalmente el del overworld. \n\nJuegazo 10/10.", "timestamp_created": 1515639023, "timestamp_updated": 1515639023, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39202621": {"recommendationid": "39202621", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043646212", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 984, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 73, "last_played": 1515486585}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4eca\u5929\u7d42\u65bc\u901a\u95dc\u4e86\u3002\u4f5c\u70ba\u6211\u5165\u5751\u4f0a\u8607\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u90e8\u4f5c\u54c1\uff0c\u7576\u5e74\u5728\u5546\u5834\u8ce369\u4e00\u500b\uff0c\u6211\u60f3\u4e86\u5f88\u4e45\u5f88\u4e45\u624d\u8cb7\u7684\u4e00\u6b3e\u4f5c\u54c1\u3002\u7576\u6642\u5728\u8cb7\u4e86\u4e4b\u5f8c\u770b\u8457\u5305\u88dd\u88e1\u9762\u7684\u8a2d\u5b9a\u96c6\u554a\u4ec0\u9ebc\u7684\u611f\u89ba\u5341\u5206\u5438\u5f15\u3002\u5f88\u53ef\u60dc\u7684\u662f\u73fe\u5728\u9019\u500b\u904a\u6232\u7684\u76d2\u5b50\uff0c\u789f\u548c\u8a2d\u5b9a\u96c6\u5168\u90e8\u90fd\u4e0d\u898b\u4e86\u3002\u7576\u7136\u7576\u5e74\u7684\u6211\u4e5f\u6c92\u6709\u901a\u95dc\uff0c\u5f8c\u4f86\u5728\u7db2\u4e0a\u4e0b\u4e86\u76dc\u7248\u901a\u95dc\u4e86normal\u548chard\u3002\u4e5f\u66ab\u6642\u653e\u4e0b\u4e86\u3002\u4e5f\u662f\u56e0\u70ba\u9019\u500b\u4f0a\u8607F\u8b93\u6211\u63a5\u89f8\u4e86\u4f0a\u8607\u7cfb\u5217\uff0c2 F 6 origin 7\u90fd\u9678\u7e8c\u901a\u95dc\u4e86\u3002\u9019\u662f\u9019\u500b\u904a\u6232\u8b93\u6211\u767c\u73fe\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u771f\u611b\u9084\u662fARPG\u3002\u96a8\u4fbf\u5beb\u4e86\u9ede\u6292\u767c\u4e00\u4e0b\u5c0d\u9019\u500b\u904a\u6232\u7684\u611f\u60c5\u3002\u70ba\u7ae5\u5e74\u56de\u61b6\u9ede\u8b9a\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1515487033, "timestamp_updated": 1515487056, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39064738": {"recommendationid": "39064738", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134811561", "num_games_owned": 261, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 600, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 343, "last_played": 1515521928}, "language": "english", "review": "There need to be more games like this. \n+Great Soundtrack(Nothing like symphonic rock blastin' while you're slaying baddies)\n+Very fluid and solid combat(Fast-paced even compared to modern action games)\n+Story is really good so far(Relatable characters)\n+Overall pacing is just right, not too slow and gets right into the action\n+Plenty of save points \n+Not only do you get swordplay, you also have magic attacks that recharge over time\n+Upgradable weapons and armor to suit most playstyles\n+Big bosses and plenty of them\n\n-No cons I can think of. Pretty flawless action rpg. This is the game I think of when someone \nasks me what an action rpg is.", "timestamp_created": 1515104381, "timestamp_updated": 1515105145, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525862", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39058943": {"recommendationid": "39058943", "author": {"steamid": "76561198256470130", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515090920}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Assim como os outros jogos da franquia Ys: The Oath in Felghana \u00e9 \u00f3timo pra quem busca um RPG divertido, simples e ao mesmo tempo desafiador, mesmo na dificuldade normal o jogo nao vai te dar folga com seus v\u00e1rios bosses cheios de padr\u00f5es de ataque. Vale ressaltar tamb\u00e9m dos NPCs que diferente de muitos outros RPGs tem um destaque a mais, e da trilha sonora que \u00e9 fant\u00e1stica.", "timestamp_created": 1515092793, "timestamp_updated": 1515092920, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39002076": {"recommendationid": "39002076", "author": {"steamid": "76561198267642476", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 1736, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1, "last_played": 1515450811}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ubb34\uc2a8 \ub9d0\uc774 \ud544\uc694\ud55c\uac00!\n\uc5ed\uc2dc\ub098 \uc774\ubc88\uc5d0\ub3c4 3\uc0ac\uc774\uc988 \uce21\uc815\uc774 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ub9c8\uc744 \uc55e \uc138\uc774\ube0c \ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0b4\uc0b4 \ubc00\uc5b4\ub123\uc5b4\uc11c \uce21\uc815 \ud558\uc2dc\uba74 \ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n(\uc774\ubc88\uc5d4 \uc0ac\uc774\uc988\ub294 \uc9c1\uc811\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc548\ub098\uc624\ub098 \ubcf4\ub354\uad70\uc694 \u3160\u3160)\n\ub364\uc73c\ub85c \ud638\uc704 \uc784\ubb34\uac00 \ub450\uac1c\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uc5ed\uc2dc\ub098 \ucd5c\ub300\ud55c \ub530\ub3cc\ub9ac\uace0 \ub3cc\uc544\uac00\uc11c \ub04c\uace0 \uc624\ub294 \uac83\uc744 \ucd94\ucc9c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \ub300\ub9dd\uc758 \ubcf4\uc2a4\ub7ec\uc26c \ucd5c\uc885\ubcf4\uc2a4\ub294 \uc090\uae4c\ub4dc!\n(\uc778\ud398\ub974\ub178 \ud06c\ub808\ub527 \uc774\ud6c4\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc5bc\ud0c0\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc694 \uc800\ucc98\ub7fc \u3160)\n\uc0b4\uc778\uc801\uc778 \uadc0\uc5ec\uc6c0\uc744 \ub290\ub084 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. (\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubaa8\ub85c...)\n\ubcf4\uc2a4\ub7ec\uc26c \ub098\uc774\ud2b8\uba54\uc5b4\ub97c \uae68\uc2dc\uba74 \ucd94\uac00 \uc2a4\ud14c\uc774\uc9c0\uac00 \ub098\uc635\ub2c8\ub2e4. (\ubca0\ub974\ud560\ud2b8 \ud560\ubc30...)\n\uadf8\uac78 \uae68\uba74 \ub514\ubc84\uadf8\ubaa8\ub4dc(\ub77c\uace0 \uc4f0\uace0 \uce58\ud2b8\ubaa8\ub4dc)\uac00 \ud65c\uc131\ud654\ub418\uc694!\n\nP.S. \uadf8\ub098\uc800\ub098 8\uc740 \uc608\uad6c \uac78\uc5b4\ub193\uace0 \uc815\uc8fc\ud589 \ub2e4 \ud558\ub294\ub370 \uc5b8\uc81c \ub098\uc624\ub294\uaca8... PS4 \uc0ac\uc57c\ud558\ub098!\n\uc544. \uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \uc5ed\uc2dc\ub098 \ud328\ub4dc\ubcf4\ub2e8 \ud0a4\ubcf4\ub4dc\ub97c \ucd94\ucc9c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ud328\ub4dc\ub294 \ub9c8\ubc95 \ubaa8\uc544\uc11c \uc810\ud504\ud558\uae30 \ud798\ub4e4\uc5b4\uc694.", "timestamp_created": 1514964079, "timestamp_updated": 1514987200, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38963426": {"recommendationid": "38963426", "author": {"steamid": "76561198319051742", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514870330}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8865\u7968\uff0c\u4e0d\u59826\u597d\u73a9", "timestamp_created": 1514874581, "timestamp_updated": 1514874581, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38946618": {"recommendationid": "38946618", "author": {"steamid": "76561198090930437", "num_games_owned": 529, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 1215, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514665575}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is one of the best action RPG series and Oath in Felghana is my favorite Ys so far. As usual the Gameplay is amazing. The story and characters are good too. My favorite part though is easily the soundtrack. Like Falcom sound team jdk really outdid themselves. the music is 10/10.\n\n9/10 Overall. Go for it if you want a good challenging action RPG with great music.", "timestamp_created": 1514833037, "timestamp_updated": 1514833037, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.590664", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38913413": {"recommendationid": "38913413", "author": {"steamid": "76561198165315684", "num_games_owned": 229, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 6274, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514749601}, "language": "english", "review": "Ok after essentially bleeding out my eyes for this game, I believe I'm at a position to give a review. It is an enhancement of the Napishtim engine, gameplay is solid, story is good. Hard mode and below can be accomplished without issues. It is as good as any introduction to the series though I recommend playing Ys VI first. Nightmare difficulty and above? You're in for hell. It can be as rewarding as it is frustrating. If you're looking for a hack'n'slash where you spend hours against bosses learning them to finally kill them off, this game provides. Probably better then any Ys game, if not, on a par with Ys Origin. \n\nOverall 9/10 game.", "timestamp_created": 1514751121, "timestamp_updated": 1514751121, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.549155", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38786971": {"recommendationid": "38786971", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093040150", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 2270, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505539539}, "language": "english", "review": "+++++", "timestamp_created": 1514480568, "timestamp_updated": 1514480568, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38747756": {"recommendationid": "38747756", "author": {"steamid": "76561198398728611", "num_games_owned": 14, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 532, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500167148}, "language": "koreana", "review": "6 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ubd80\ud130 \uc774\ub7f0\uc2dd\uc73c\ub85c \ub9ac\uba54\uc774\ud06c\ub97c \ud588\ub2e4\ub294 \uc0ac\uc2e4\uc744 \uc774\uc81c\uc57c \uc54c\uc558\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4\n6 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ubcf4\ub2e4 \ud55c\uce35 \ub354 \uac15\ud654\ub41c \uc804\ud22c \uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c\ubd80\ud130\n\uc7a5\ube44 \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc5d0 \ub530\ub77c \uc678\ud615\uc774 \ubcc0\uacbd\ub418\ub294 \uac83\n\uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \uc624\ub79c\ub9cc\uc5d0 \uc990\uae30\ub294 \ud398\ub974\uac00\ub098\n\uc5ed\uc2dc\ub098 \uc88b\uc740 \uc0ac\uc6b4\ub4dc~!!\n\n\uc5ed\uc2dc \uc774\uc2a4 \uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4 ^^\n\ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc \ud070 \ubcc0\ud654\ub294 \ubaa8\ub974\uaca0\ub124\uc694", "timestamp_created": 1514398261, "timestamp_updated": 1514398261, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38726570": {"recommendationid": "38726570", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043566132", "num_games_owned": 265, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 802, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514356393}, "language": "english", "review": "great gameplay great story great gramphics 5/5", "timestamp_created": 1514356530, "timestamp_updated": 1514356530, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38724458": {"recommendationid": "38724458", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110722702", "num_games_owned": 101, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 18023, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 351, "last_played": 1516424332}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u521d\u4e8c\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c69\u5757\u94b1\u4e70\u7684\u6b63\u7248\u5149\u76d8\uff0c\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u7684\u7eb8\u76d2\u5b50\uff0c\u91cc\u9762\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u5168\u5f69\u624b\u518c\u3002 \u901a\u5173\u4e0d\u4e0b\u4e94\u904d\uff0c\u90a3\u65f6\u5019\u6211\u5bb6\u7684\u7535\u8111\u662f02\u5e74\u7684\uff0c\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u662f\u5f53\u65f6\u7535\u8111\u80fd\u5e26\u7684\u52a8\u5f97\u6700\u9ad8\u914d\u7f6e\u3002\u73a9\u5b8c\u4e86\u501f\u7ed9\u9662\u5b50\u91cc\u7684\u5c0f\u5b69\u5b50\u4e00\u8d77\u73a9\u3002\u5f53\u65f6\u6211\u6bd4\u4ed6\u4eec\u90fd\u5927\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u4e00\u8d77\u73a9\u90a3\u79cd\u5706\u5706\u7684\u5361\uff0c\u6211\u7684\u5361\u591a\uff0c\u73a9\u5b8c\u4e86\u5c31\u7d22\u6027\u9001\u7ed9\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e86\u3002\u540e\u6765\u4e0a\u4e86\u9ad8\u4e2d\uff0c\u9662\u5b50\u91cc\u7684\u5c0f\u5b69\u8981\u4e48\u642c\u8d70\u4e86\uff0c\u8981\u4e48\u90fd\u4e0d\u51fa\u6765\u73a9\u4e86\u3002\u6211\u628a\u81ea\u5df1\u6700\u540e\u7684\u60a0\u60a0\u7403\u9001\u7ed9\u9662\u5b50\u91cc\u8ba4\u8bc6\u7684\u8fd8\u6ca1\u642c\u8d70\u7684\u5c0f\u5b69\u3002\u5373\u4f7f\u9662\u5b50\u91cc\u5b89\u88c5\u4e86\u65b0\u7684\u5065\u8eab\u5668\u68b0\uff0c\u6709\u4e86\u624b\u673a\uff0c\u4e5f\u6ca1\u4ec0\u4e48\u4eba\u4e0b\u697c\u73a9\u4e86\u3002\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6e38\u620f\u7684\u5149\u76d8\u6700\u540e\u6c38\u8fdc\u7684\u7559\u5728\u9648\u6668\u5bb6\uff0c\u540e\u6765\u542c\u8bf4\u4ed6\u642c\u8d70\u4e86\uff0c\u6211\u4e5f\u6765\u5230\u4e86\u56fd\u5916\u3002\u518d\u56de\u53bb\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u9662\u5b50\u90fd\u7269\u662f\u4eba\u975e\u4e86\u3002\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u4e5f\u627f\u8f7d\u4e86\u6211\u5728\u697c\u4e0b\u9662\u5b50\u91cc\u548c\u4ed6\u4eec\u73a9\u800d\u7684\u5168\u90e8\u8bb0\u5fc6\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1514351151, "timestamp_updated": 1514351453, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38608214": {"recommendationid": "38608214", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047819928", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1742, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 76, "last_played": 1515458276}, "language": "english", "review": "I have I have fond memories of Ys on the Turbografx, so once in awhile I go on a nostalgia kick and check out the current state of Ys. Found this again, having started a campaign a few years ago, and this time finished in 3-4 days, sharing the action with my 5 year old son who LOVED going on this adventure with me. We both couldn't wait to finish dinner and go play this every night!\n\nHighlights:\nAmazingly fun and satisfying combat.\nChallenging but fair boss battles\nSome of the best music in video games\nSimple but good story\nNo busy work...you only deal in items you need\nSome enjoyable platforming\nWell done graphics, regardless of era.\n\nAll in all, these days it takes ALOT to keep me coming back for more with any non-driving game. I'm 40 years old. But this had me hooked. Just finished on easy. Downloading ys 1 and 2 now to start a new campaign with my son. Quality time!", "timestamp_created": 1514094064, "timestamp_updated": 1514094104, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.530387", "comment_count": "5", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38559823": {"recommendationid": "38559823", "author": {"steamid": "76561198255058562", "num_games_owned": 66, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1585, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 12, "last_played": 1515310725}, "language": "english", "review": "According to the in-game save, I have spent 3 hours on my very first run so far (on nightmare). I think that says a lot, if you notice the hours spent according to Steam (over 21 hours).\nI just defeated Guilen (the 4th boss, while there seems to be 15 of them in total) yesterday.\nI, have a dream, that I can finish my first playthrough in, like, 100 hours XD", "timestamp_created": 1514000980, "timestamp_updated": 1514469985, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38409313": {"recommendationid": "38409313", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992117106", "num_games_owned": 162, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 409, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443389623}, "language": "english", "review": "Enjoyed this Ys 3 remake, lines up with the series in action, music, story. Have fun!", "timestamp_created": 1513637116, "timestamp_updated": 1513637116, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.476485", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38358098": {"recommendationid": "38358098", "author": {"steamid": "76561198130928731", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 844, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513521686}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6e38\u620f\u662f\u597d\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u8fd8\u662f\u4f0a\u82cf\u90a3\u4e2a\u5473\u9053\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u8ba9\u6211\u78b0\u5230\u5341\u5206\u6076\u6027\u7684bug\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u96ea\u5c71\u60ac\u5d16\u8fb9\u90a3\u4e2a\u5b58\u6863\u70b9\u6211\u8df3\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u591a\u5c0f\u65f6\u90fd\u6ca1\u8df3\u4e0a\u53bb\uff01\uff01\u6211\u7684\u5185\u5fc3\u662f\u5d29\u6e83\u7684\u3002\u7f51\u4e0a\u641c\u4e86\u4e0b\u4e5f\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u9047\u5230\u8fd9\u4e2abug\uff0cf\u793e\u8fd9\u662f\u903c\u4eba\u7c89\u8f6c\u9ed1\uff1f", "timestamp_created": 1513451923, "timestamp_updated": 1513451923, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.588235", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38294504": {"recommendationid": "38294504", "author": {"steamid": "76561198144710712", "num_games_owned": 299, "num_reviews": 147, "playtime_forever": 12120, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1, "last_played": 1515932022}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ud560\uc778 \ud558\uba74 - \uc88b\uc740 \uac8c\uc784 ~ !", "timestamp_created": 1513227338, "timestamp_updated": 1513227338, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.476190", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38155378": {"recommendationid": "38155378", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116379121", "num_games_owned": 730, "num_reviews": 260, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512745237}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6e38\u620f\u6545\u4e8b\u53d9\u8ff0\u4e3b\u89d2\u4e9a\u7279\u5c14\u4e0e\u597d\u53cb\u591a\u5947\u542c\u95fb\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u5a1c\u4e0d\u4f46\u6709\u602a\u7269\u5f00\u59cb\u51fa\u6ca1\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u706b\u5c71\u4e5f\u518d\u5ea6\u55b7\u53d1\uff0c\u5404\u79cd\u602a\u5f02\u7684\u5f81\u5146\u4e00\u4e00\u51fa\u73b0\u3002\u4e24\u4eba\u4e8e\u662f\u7ed3\u4f34\u6765\u5230\u591a\u5947\u7684\u6545\u4e61\uff0c\u4f4d\u4e8e\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u5a1c\u7684\u96f7\u5f97\u8499\u591a\u5e02\u8857\uff0c\u4e0e\u591a\u5947\u5e7c\u5e74\u719f\u8bc6\u7684\u597d\u53cb\u53f8\u591a\u8fbe\u6258\u5144\u59b9\u7b49\u4eba\u76f8\u9022\uff0c\u5e76\u5377\u5165\u58ee\u4e3d\u7684\u5df4\u8fde\u65af\u5766\u57ce\u4e2d\u8822\u52a8\u7684\u9634\u8c0b\u4e4b\u4e2d\uff0c\u63a2\u7a76\u81ea\u53e4\u6d41\u4f20\u5728\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u5a1c\u7684\u7cbe\u7075\u4e0e\u52c7\u8005\u4f20\u8bf4\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u652f\u914d\u4e86\u53e4\u4ee3\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u5a1c\u7684\u795e\u79d8\u90aa\u795e\u4f20\u627f", "timestamp_created": 1512746241, "timestamp_updated": 1512746241, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38047071": {"recommendationid": "38047071", "author": {"steamid": "76561198283280239", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 966, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515080692}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "J\u00e1 tinha jogado este jogo em um emulador de PSP eu gostei muito, agora n\u00e3o est\u00e1 sendo diferente, \u00e9 muito bom.\nJogo cl\u00e1ssico de RPG, explora\u00e7\u00e3o e aventura, com uma hist\u00f3ria empolgante.", "timestamp_created": 1512349355, "timestamp_updated": 1512349355, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38031351": {"recommendationid": "38031351", "author": {"steamid": "76561198297296547", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 543, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512916452}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u9996\u5148\u8981\u8bf4\u7684\u662f\u6211\u5e76\u4e0d\u662f\u8865\u7968\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5f53\u5e74Falcom\u5728\u4e2d\u56fd\u4ee3\u7406\u53d1\u552e\u7684\u5b98\u4e2d\u6211\u5c31\u6709\u8d2d\u4e70\uff0c\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u7eb3\uff0c\u7eb3\u6bd4\u65af\u6c40\uff0c\u8d77\u6e90\uff0c\u5305\u62ec2\u4e2a\u53cc\u661f\u7269\u8bed\u548c\u8ff7\u57ce\u7684\u56fd\u5ea6\uff0c\u81f3\u4eca\u6e38\u620f\u789f\u548c\u8bf4\u660e\u4e66\u4ec0\u4e48\u7684\u90fd\u8fd8\u80fd\u8fd0\u884c\uff0c[spoiler]\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6b63\u7248\u6e38\u620f\u6ca1\u6709\u789f\u662f\u8fd0\u884c\u4e0d\u4e86\u7684\u3002\t[/spoiler]\u6709\u4eba\u80af\u5b9a\u5c31\u95ee\u4e86\u4f60\u8bf4\u90a3\u4e48\u591a\u5e72\u4ec0\u4e48\u70ab\u8000\u5417\uff1f[spoiler]\u662f\u6709\u4e00\u70b9\u70b9\u5566[/spoiler] \u987a\u5e26\u4e00\u63d0STEAM\u7684\u5b9a\u4ef7\u548c\u5f53\u5e74\u6e38\u620f\u76d2\u4e0a\u6807\u7684\u4ef7\u683c\u662f\u4e00\u6837\u7684\n\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u8981\u4e70\u5462\uff1f\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd9\u662f\u7edd\u5bf9\u7684\u5b98\u6b63\uff0c\u867d\u7136\u6ca1\u6709\u4ee3\u7406\u7684\u6c49\u5316\uff0c\u4f46\u6211\u4f9d\u7136\u8fd8\u662f\u60f3\u4e70\uff0c[spoiler]\u56e0\u4e3a\u6253\u6298\u4e863\u6298\u5462[/spoiler] \n \n\u60f3\u8981\u6c49\u5316\u7684\u8bc4\u6d4b\u5c31\u6709\uff0c\u5b8c\u7f8e\u8fd0\u884c\u3002\u4f46\u4e0d\u77e5\u4e3a\u4f55\u6253\u4e86\u6c49\u5316\u5c31\u4e0d\u80fd\u8df3\u6210\u5c31\u4e86\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u66f4\u65b0\u7684\u7f18\u6545\u3002[spoiler] \u5e78\u597d\u6709\u901a\u5173\u8fc7\u4e0d\u5728\u610f\u6c49\u5316\uff0c\u5237\u5237\u5237\u5c31\u901a\u5173\u4e86\uff0c\u6210\u5c31\u91cd\u8981[/spoiler] \n\nBOSS\u6218\u4f9d\u65e7\u60ca\u9669\u523a\u6fc0\uff0c\u97f3\u4e50\u6263\u4eba\u5fc3\u5f26\uff0c\u8ba9\u4eba\u4e0d\u7531\u81ea\u4e3b\u5c31\u6740\u7ea2\u773c\uff0c\u6b7b\u4e86\u518d\u6218\uff0c[spoiler] \u7ad9\u8d77\u518d\u6b7b\u3002[/spoiler] \n[spoiler] \u5207\u65af\u7279\u771f\u5e05[/spoiler] \n\n\u52a0\u7684\u4e00\u4e9b\u6210\u5c31\u5f88\u9ebb\u70e6\uff0c6\u79cd\u96be\u5ea6\u90fd\u8981\u6253\u4e00\u904d\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4f0a\u82cf\u7cfb\u5217\u597d\u8bc4\u5c31\u5bf9\u4e86\uff0c\u8d5e\u5c31\u5bf9\u4e86", "timestamp_created": 1512303336, "timestamp_updated": 1512304795, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37968026": {"recommendationid": "37968026", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093726039", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 166, "playtime_forever": 1312, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512137151}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ud50c\ub808\uc774 \ud0c0\uc784\uc740 \uc9e7\ub2e4. \ubaa8\ub4e0 \uac70 \ub2e4 \ucc59\uaca8\uac00\uba74\uc11c \ud574\ub3c4 7\uc2dc\uac04 \uc815\ub3c4. \n\n\uc5c5\uc801\uc740 \uc9dc\uc99d\ub09c\ub2e4. \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4 \uc5c5\uc801\uc740 \ubb50 \uadf8\ub7f4 \uc218 \uc788\ub2e4\uace0 \uc0dd\uac01 \ud568. \uadfc\ub370 \ud638\uc704 \uc774\ubca4\ud2b8? \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574\uc11c \ud638\uc704 \uc774\ubca4\ud2b8\ub97c \ubd10\uc57c\ub3fc\uc11c 6\ubc88\uc774\ub098 \uac19\uc740 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\ub97c \ud574\uc57c\ud55c\ub2e4. \uc544\ubb34\ub9ac \uce58\ud2b8\ub3c4 \ub418\uace0 \uc911\ubc18\uae4c\uc9c0\ub9cc \uac00\ub3c4 \ub41c\ub2e4\uace0 \ud574\ub3c4 \uc601 \ub9d8\uc5d0 \uc548 \ub4dc\ub294 \ubd80\ubd84.\n\n\ub098\uba38\uc9c0\ub294 \uc0dd\uac01\ubcf4\ub2e4 \ub298\uc5b4\ub098\ub294 \ud604\uc0c1\uc774 \ubcc4\ub85c \uc5c6\ub2e4\ub294 \uc810\uc740 \uad73. \ub3d9\ub8cc\uac00 \uc5c6\uc774 \uc544\ub3cc\ub85c\ub9cc \uacc4\uc18d \ud50c\ub808\uc774\ud574\uc57c \ub418\ub294 \uc810\uc740 \uc544\uc26c\uc6e0\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1512101368, "timestamp_updated": 1512101368, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37770294": {"recommendationid": "37770294", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072390738", "num_games_owned": 163, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1270, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511782364}, "language": "italian", "review": "PRO:\n+Tanto difficile, poco frustrante\n+Level design pi\u00f9 che buono\n+Boss Fight parecchio impegnative\n+Miglior colonna sonora per un JRPG\n\nCONTRO:\n-Poca variet\u00e0 di armi/armature/accessori\n-Met\u00e0 degli achievement sono inutili", "timestamp_created": 1511781559, "timestamp_updated": 1511781559, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37753806": {"recommendationid": "37753806", "author": {"steamid": "76561198074406393", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 608, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506830977}, "language": "schinese", "review": "20\u591a\u5e74\u7684\u4f0a\u82cf\u73a9\u5bb6\n\u5386\u4ee3\u90fd\u634b\u4e86\u4e03\u516b\u904d\n\u6700\u559c\u6b22\u7684\u5c31\u662fysf\n\u8bf4\u4e0d\u51fa\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u2026\u2026", "timestamp_created": 1511764567, "timestamp_updated": 1511764567, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37670761": {"recommendationid": "37670761", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990614757", "num_games_owned": 286, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 3553, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1360224000}, "language": "english", "review": "The most golden game of Falcom's golden age, nearly flawless.", "timestamp_created": 1511704097, "timestamp_updated": 1511704097, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503393", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37601955": {"recommendationid": "37601955", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005820918", "num_games_owned": 1037, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 173, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511656913}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Jogo muito bom, dei final no psp, e pretendo dar tbm no pc", "timestamp_created": 1511656861, "timestamp_updated": 1511656861, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37573946": {"recommendationid": "37573946", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030376136", "num_games_owned": 220, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 842, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511645296}, "language": "english", "review": "A great Remake of a Classic SNES game. I really hope to see even more of the YS Series getting remakes like this!", "timestamp_created": 1511638603, "timestamp_updated": 1511638603, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37459528": {"recommendationid": "37459528", "author": {"steamid": "76561198185398998", "num_games_owned": 50, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1060, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512059570}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "YS: The Oath in Felghana\n\nEsse \u00e9 um \u00f3timo jogo Hack n Slash, com alguns elementos de RPG e outros, pois bem, falando sobre o jogo, podemos come\u00e7ar com sua hist\u00f3ria, jogabilidade, suas musicas e sua arte.\n\nHist\u00f3ria: Oath in Felghana \u00e9 nada mais e nada menos que um ReWork de Ys III onde foi re-adaptado de uma forma incr\u00edvel e que o fez ser \u00fanico, tivemos novos eventos adicionados a hist\u00f3ria o tornando um jogo mais completo, com um vil\u00e3o oculto, a mocinha para ser salva, o seu rival, seu melhor amigo e claro, voc\u00ea (o jogador). Que v\u00e3o para novas terras fazer uma pausa/visita, mas aparentemente essas terras foram tocadas pelos monstros, ent\u00e3o cabe ao nosso protagonista Adol derrotar o mal mais uma vez e ajeitar a bagun\u00e7a do mundo.\n\nJogabilidade: Ys passou a ser mais lembrado pela sua jogabilidade Hack n Slash do que as primeiras existentes, o jogo \u00e9 bem consistente e suave no estilo de combate, os comandos que voc\u00ea d\u00e1 n\u00e3o s\u00e3o travados, tudo \u00e9 suave e incr\u00edvel na hora de se aplicar, morrer aqui neste jogo pode ser mais culpa sua por falta de pr\u00e1tica, fora todo o combate corpo a corpo, tamb\u00e9m temos as magias que nesse jogo foram bem colocadas, tendo os 3 elementos que se tornam fundamentais usa-los ao longo de sua jornada.\n\nMusicas: Meus amigos, falar de Ys sem lembrar de suas musicas \u00e9 um pecado, este \u00e9 um jogo com uma Sound Track incr\u00edvel, cada musica \u00e9 especial, para cada ambiente e momento, todas elas passam algo \u00fanico, e claro ainda assim fazendo com que a sensa\u00e7\u00e3o de aventura permane\u00e7a sobre o ar do game.\n\nArte: Este game tem uma arte visual muito boa, at\u00e9 poderia ser melhor se a empresa buscasse re-trabalhar as texturas, mas quem sou eu para julgar seus trabalhos? O jogo ainda assim \u00e9 muito bonito seguindo a sua linha de um pixel art muito bem detalhado.", "timestamp_created": 1511583280, "timestamp_updated": 1511583280, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37383490": {"recommendationid": "37383490", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042449359", "num_games_owned": 487, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1431, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511545417}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun with lots of replayability, great story and great music. \n", "timestamp_created": 1511545342, "timestamp_updated": 1511545342, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37378386": {"recommendationid": "37378386", "author": {"steamid": "76561198320268805", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 319, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512999177}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6c49\u5316\u8865\u4e01\u6253\u4e86\uff0csteam\u793e\u533a\u5c31\u8fdb\u4e0d\u53bb\u4e86\uff08\u5207\u51fa\u6765\u770b\u4e5f\u6ca1\u663e\u793a\u6e38\u620f\u4e2d\uff09\uff0c\u6362\u53e5\u8bdd\u8bf4\u5c31\u662f\u6210\u5c31\u7cfb\u7edf\u6ca1\u7528\u4e86\uff0c\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u6e38\u620f\u8ddf\u65b0\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u8fd8\u6709\u5176\u4ed6\u4eba\u9047\u5230\u8fd9\u79cd\u60c5\u51b5\u5417\u6c42\u544a\u77e5 ps\u8865\u7968", "timestamp_created": 1511543700, "timestamp_updated": 1511543700, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37329952": {"recommendationid": "37329952", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077242165", "num_games_owned": 123, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 679, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506613110}, "language": "english", "review": "Adol in his third adventure, and for the first time boats do their job.\nThank god.\nAlso awesome music and gameplay.", "timestamp_created": 1511529196, "timestamp_updated": 1511529196, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37314176": {"recommendationid": "37314176", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100880560", "num_games_owned": 43, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 704, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511523628}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8001\u73a9\u5bb6\u8865\u7968.", "timestamp_created": 1511523434, "timestamp_updated": 1511523558, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37259368": {"recommendationid": "37259368", "author": {"steamid": "76561198199753398", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 110, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511500360}, "language": "english", "review": "There's something oddly satisfying about the contrast of being able to splatter normal monsters while running circles around them, and having to carefully manage your every movement in order to overcome a powerful boss, making it feel like a real life or death duel. The Ys series just seems to scratch that itch *really* well.", "timestamp_created": 1511496075, "timestamp_updated": 1511496075, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37207757": {"recommendationid": "37207757", "author": {"steamid": "76561198349647448", "num_games_owned": 29, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1286, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512860310}, "language": "spanish", "review": "La verdad es que si eres de los seguidores y amantes de esta saga Ys, ver\u00e1s que esta entrega tampoco te dejar\u00e1 con mal sabor. Tiene lo que cualquier otro Ys te da para que sea agradable. Puedes mejorar tu equipamento, subir de nivel, etc. Y no sin poder faltar, una buena banda sonora como es de esperar de esta saga. Solo que a mi gusto, su mundo abierto es muy reducido, para poder acceder a otra parte del mapa debes tener cierto item. Es decir, avanzas de manera muy lineal, no puedes ir a explorar o hacerte la vida dificil con un buen leveo en zonas m\u00e1s altas, adem\u00e1s de que el mapa de por si es un poco peque\u00f1o. Es rescatable cuando diferencias esto con la dificultad de los dungeons y los bosses, no son sencillos, pero tampoco son descabellados. No creo que valga el precio original que mantiene, pero si lo tomas en rebaja, lo vale.", "timestamp_created": 1511472059, "timestamp_updated": 1511472059, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36950316": {"recommendationid": "36950316", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966988204", "num_games_owned": 900, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 2589, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512892124}, "language": "english", "review": "Easily the best Ys game. Best music, best combat, not overly long and keeps you addicted from start to finish. If you play one Ys game make it this one.", "timestamp_created": 1511416682, "timestamp_updated": 1511416682, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36938366": {"recommendationid": "36938366", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073574040", "num_games_owned": 801, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1471, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507858748}, "language": "english", "review": "fun game one of those game that will hook you in with the challenging battles and interesting story", "timestamp_created": 1511413485, "timestamp_updated": 1511413485, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36848006": {"recommendationid": "36848006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013887412", "num_games_owned": 233, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511792980}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty good action JRPG.\n\nLarge focus on difficult boss battles. Can't kill the boss? Go grind a couple of levels more and try again :)\nItems and gear are not as important as skill and levels are.\n\nGood gameplay, good music and good boss battles.\n\nBuy it if you don't mind being stuck on a boss for quite a while.", "timestamp_created": 1511391779, "timestamp_updated": 1511391779, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36816991": {"recommendationid": "36816991", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000687763", "num_games_owned": 376, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 4274, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511386236}, "language": "english", "review": "Pros:\nBig bosses\nFast action combat\nAwesome rock music wherever you go\nTight controls\nFluid animations\n\nNeutral:\nAnime style\nChibi style\n\nCons:\nThe beginning takes forever to get through", "timestamp_created": 1511386387, "timestamp_updated": 1511386387, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36730643": {"recommendationid": "36730643", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046887723", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 4417, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 37, "last_played": 1515363951}, "language": "english", "review": "Only one boss, I truly felt was unfair. Gyalva on nightmare difficulty is more a fight against bad luck than it is against the boss. Otherwise, this game is great and should only be considered by the most determined gamer.", "timestamp_created": 1511376913, "timestamp_updated": 1511376913, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36726430": {"recommendationid": "36726430", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098767369", "num_games_owned": 32, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 957, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511901237}, "language": "english", "review": "sick game", "timestamp_created": 1511376616, "timestamp_updated": 1511376616, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36698212": {"recommendationid": "36698212", "author": {"steamid": "76561198104186778", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1249, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511358588}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f18\u79c0\u7684\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u80ae\u810f\u7684\u4fee\u6539\u3002\n\u5f3a\u884c\u63d0\u9ad8\u96be\u5ea6\uff0c\u628a\u6b66\u5668\uff0c\u76fe\u724c\uff0c\u76d4\u7532\u7684\u5f3a\u5316\u7b49\u7ea7\u964d\u4e3alv2\u3002boss\u7684\u5f3a\u5ea6\u5e94\u8be5\u4e5f\u6709\u5f3a\u884c\u63d0\u9ad8\u4f24\u5bb3\u7684\u53ef\u80fd\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1511358817, "timestamp_updated": 1511358817, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36412991": {"recommendationid": "36412991", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054561699", "num_games_owned": 255, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 1774, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482551313}, "language": "english", "review": "A brutal and fun action RPG featuring a number of tricky boss fights. RPG elements are kind of minimal, it's all about hacking and slashing here.", "timestamp_created": 1510297440, "timestamp_updated": 1510297440, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36271073": {"recommendationid": "36271073", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005792259", "num_games_owned": 29, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 984, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505762822}, "language": "french", "review": "Trop bien", "timestamp_created": 1509805242, "timestamp_updated": 1509805242, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36178577": {"recommendationid": "36178577", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063009919", "num_games_owned": 533, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1613, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509931889}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u0438 \u043a\u0440\u0443\u0442\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0441\u0441\u044b", "timestamp_created": 1509492597, "timestamp_updated": 1509492597, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.481283", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36175193": {"recommendationid": "36175193", "author": {"steamid": "76561198328520483", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 1803, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509648032}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\u2605\ud314\ucf64\ube60\n\n\uc544\ub8e8\uc628 \uc2dc\uc808\uc758 \uc774\uc2a4, \uc9c0\uae08\uc758 \uc774\uc2a48 \uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \ud604\uc7ac\uc758 \ud398\ub974\uac00\ub098\n\n\ucd5c\uadfc \uc624\ub9ac\uc9c4,\ud398\ub974\uac00\ub098\ub97c \ub2e4\uc2dc\ud558\uba74\uc11c \ub290\ub07c\uc9c0\ub9cc \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \ud50c\ub798\uc2dc \uac00\ub4dc/\ubb34\ube0c\uac00 \uc0dd\uae30\uba74\uc11c \uc190\ub9db\uc774 \uc88b\uc544\uc9c0\uae34 \ud588\uc9c0\ub9cc\n\n\ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \ub5a8\uc5b4\uc9c4 \ub290\ub08c\uc774 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \ub09c\ub2e4. \uc138\uc6d4\ud0d3\uc778\uac00 \ud588\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc774\uc2a48\uc744 \ub2e4\uae6c\uc9c0 1\ub144\ub3c4 \ucc44 \ub418\uc9c0\uc54a\uc558\ub2e4.(\uac08\ubc14\ub780 \uc65c\uc774\ub807\uac8c \uc5b4\ub835;)\n\n\n\ud314\ucf64\ud558\uba74 \ube0c\uae08.. \uc544\ub8e8\uc628\ub54c\ub098 \uc88b\uc558\uc9c0 \uc9c0\uae08\ub4e4\uc5b4\ubcf4\ub2c8 \uadf8\ub0e5 \ud3c9\ud0c0\uce58\ub294 \uc218\uc900\uc778 \ub4ef\ud558\ub2e4. \ubb3c\ub860 \uc801\ub2f9\ud788 \ubaa8\ud5d8\uc2ec\uc744 \uc790\uadf9\ud558\ub294 \ub290\ub08c\uc774\ub77c \ub9cc\uc871\uc2a4\ub7fd\uae30\ub294 \ub9c8\ucc2c\uac00\uc9c0\n\n\ud50c\ub798\uc2dc \uac00\ub4dc/\ubb34\ube0c \uc788\ub2e4\uac00 \uc5c6\uc73c\ub2c8 \uc804\ud22c\uac00 \uc0c1\ub300\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc9c0\ub8e8\ud55c \uac10\uc774 \uc5c6\uc9c0\uc54a\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc774 \uc2dc\uae30\uc758 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988 \ud2b9\uc720\uc758 \ud654,\ud48d,\uc9c0\ub97c \uc774\uc6a9\ud55c \uc804\ud22c\ubc29\uc2dd, \ud37c\uc990? \ub610\ud55c \uc9c0\uae08\ud574\ub3c4\ub098\uc058\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc558\ub2e4.\n\n\uc9c0\uae08 \ub2e4\uc2dc\ud574\ub3c4 \uac8c\uc784\ub0b4\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uba87\uac00\uc9c0\ub97c \uc81c\uc678\ud558\uace0\ub294 \ud06c\uac8c \uae54\uac74 \uc5c6\ub294\ub370..(\uc5d8\ub808\ub098\uc758 \uc606\ubaa8\uc2b5\uc774\ub77c\ub358\uc9c0..\uc606\ubaa8\uc2b5\uc774\ub77c\ub358\uc9c0..)\n\n\ub3c4\uc804\uacfc\uc81c \uc911\uc5d0 \uc880 \uc8fc\uc625\uac19\uc740\uac8c \uba87\uac1c \ubcf4\uc778\ub2e4. \uc624\ub9ac\uc9c4\ub3c4 \uadf8\ub807\uc9c0\ub9cc \uac15\uc81c 6\ud68c\ucc28\ub77c\ub2c8.. \uc2a4\ud300\uc774\ub2c8\uae4c \ub3c4\uc804\uacfc\uc81c \ub178\uc0c1\uad00 :-)\n\n----\uc720\uc800\ud55c\uae00\ud328\uce58 \uc801\uc6a9\uc2dc \uc77c\ubd80 \ub3c4\uc804\uacfc\uc81c\uac00 \uc801\uc6a9\uc548\ub418\ub294 \uc624\ub958\uac00 \uc788\uc74c", "timestamp_created": 1509480462, "timestamp_updated": 1509483621, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497942", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36114428": {"recommendationid": "36114428", "author": {"steamid": "76561198145527633", "num_games_owned": 796, "num_reviews": 92, "playtime_forever": 1432, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509280292}, "language": "english", "review": "Hard game, even first boss is hard @_@\nPpl on y**tube make it looks easy XD\n(I've played on normal, achievement for lower difficulty also unlocked)\n\nNo recovery items (there's a one time revive item)\nNo bad status (yayy)\nNormal enemy drop timed items (like bonus str, def) and instant recovery\nHave some hard jumping stage\nHave teleport mechanic to save monument so not much backtracking\nNeed to grind if you're bad at dodging boss attack (like me)\n\nStory is ok, this series is excel on boss fight and nice music ^^", "timestamp_created": 1509289841, "timestamp_updated": 1509289841, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.624095", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35909153": {"recommendationid": "35909153", "author": {"steamid": "76561198373773992", "num_games_owned": 9, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 697, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508642081}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f0a\u82cf\u7cfb\u5217\u4e2d\u6700\u559c\u6b22\u7684\u4e00\u4f5c\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1508643686, "timestamp_updated": 1508643686, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35732554": {"recommendationid": "35732554", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960271217", "num_games_owned": 349, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 2131, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509781084}, "language": "english", "review": "Game really brings you back to the original Ys 3 on SNES. Music is redone, levels redone, and most importantly - the gameplay. It feels so smooth and plays extremely well.", "timestamp_created": 1508025612, "timestamp_updated": 1508025612, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35587002": {"recommendationid": "35587002", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983384690", "num_games_owned": 275, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 954, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508734201}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is what Dark Souls is supposed to be\nCan't recommend it for casual players though, because the game is very boring at lower difficulty levels.\nFor those looking for a challenge, it's very hard to find better designed boss battles on the Nightmare and above difficulties.", "timestamp_created": 1507514373, "timestamp_updated": 1507514373, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35573840": {"recommendationid": "35573840", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085162990", "num_games_owned": 165, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2568, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507471446}, "language": "spanish", "review": "La primera vez que juago a un juego de la saga Ys\nY vaya pedazo de trozo de cacho de juego\nMe lo puse en Pesadilla siendo mi primera partida porque soy subnormal\nCada boss era una maquina de matar,y el jefe final me ha costado 2 semanas pasarmelo,pero el sentimiento que he tenido al terminarlo a sido increible\nMerece la pena,no se si es el mejor de la saga para empezar,pero estoy seguro que jugare a los demas", "timestamp_created": 1507471631, "timestamp_updated": 1507471631, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35552209": {"recommendationid": "35552209", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116100475", "num_games_owned": 1529, "num_reviews": 195, "playtime_forever": 357, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507225171}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1] If you're not into Grinding and want the typical YS Experience, select a lower difficulty - lower than Normal [/h1]\n\nI've played this Game on normal and had to grind a little bit per level but all in all a positive Experience. I already played this Game outside of Steam and that's why it only took like 6 Hours to complete for me because I really \"Speedrunned\" through it.\n\nBut that doesn't make the Game any worse or \"bad\". It's the Typical YS Game and I LOVE IT! Beautiful Music, Artstyle and Gameplay. I'm a huge JRPG Fan and the Story is really pretty.\n\nYS is a Game you can't hate.", "timestamp_created": 1507401778, "timestamp_updated": 1507401778, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 23, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.681035", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35548700": {"recommendationid": "35548700", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986543956", "num_games_owned": 327, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 826, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510439694}, "language": "english", "review": "For the very first time I am playing all Ys games. Until very recently I have never played nor seen anyone play any of the Ys games. Around Sept/20 2017 I started with Ys I, then Ys II, followed by Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim, Ys: The Oath in Felghana, Ys Orgin then I just beat Ys Seven. Finally Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana is all that is left. With a early 2018 expected release date for PC. Below is how I rank the games I have played and beat so far from best to worst. I will edit this review as I play and beat more Ys games. \n\n<Best>\nYs Seven\nYs: The Oath in Felghana\nYs: Origin\nYs II \nYs VI: The Ark of Napishtim \nYs I\n<Worst>\n\nStill Left to Play...\nYs VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana\n\nWhat I thought of \"YS: The Oath in Felghana\"\nThis game is one of my favorite Ys Game. The attack controls are very fluid and feel very natural. The best yet out of the Ys titles I have played I think. Normal enemies are not as tough to take down as in other Ys titles. But bosses as well as level design are top notch. The boss fights are very challenging! The game is not the longest in length of the YS Games I have played. I had a lot of fun with the level layouts. You need to grind but you don't need to over grind endlessly. No major issues I have with the game. As in many Ys Games the controls and combat may take a little to get used too. This was my favorite until I completed Ys Seven.", "timestamp_created": 1507392768, "timestamp_updated": 1510364447, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.596750", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35450694": {"recommendationid": "35450694", "author": {"steamid": "76561198081951932", "num_games_owned": 205, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 1049, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505766894}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Para uma primeira vez no universo do YS, n\u00e3o esperava um jogo t\u00e3o dif\u00edcil. Por\u00e9m, n\u00e3o tem nada melhor do que derrotar um boss desafiante, principalmente o segundo boss do jogo, depois de dar game over 500 milh\u00f5es de vezes.\nA trilha sonora \u00e9 fant\u00e1stica, e apesar de ter um pouco de grinding de vez em quando, \u00e9 um \u00f3timo jogo.", "timestamp_created": 1507046735, "timestamp_updated": 1507046735, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.509552", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35397940": {"recommendationid": "35397940", "author": {"steamid": "76561198255905725", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 3443, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506886969}, "language": "english", "review": "[B]Pros[/B]\n+ Challenging boss battles: One of the trade marks of the Ys series. Especially on higher difficulties it can take a lot of time to beat a boss. On the highest difficulty even normal monsters can seriously hurt you.\n+ You can directly restart the boss battle if you lose.\n+ Good music (like always)\n+ Good controls: The character is moving exactly the way I want it to (tip: rebind your magic key to one of your shoulder buttons, if you are playing with a controller)\n+ I was not ready for that extra boss.\n\n[B]Contras[/B]\n- Some unnecassary achievements: For instance, you have to fulfill a certain mission on EVERY difficulty (six in total, but \"luckily\" you don't have to play the whole game six times). \n- If you get hurt before a boss battle you will not get fully healed even after retrying a boss battle. \n\n[B]Remarks[/B]\nI've played this game three times fully + four times partially to obtain every achievement. \nSome a grindy but nothing too bad.\nA skip dialogue function/button would have been nice.\n\nConclusion? I want to play the next installment.", "timestamp_created": 1506896193, "timestamp_updated": 1506896193, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.543568", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35355466": {"recommendationid": "35355466", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988244668", "num_games_owned": 24, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 113, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506808424}, "language": "english", "review": "It is a good game, but it is not very fun at time. It is too \"grindy\". Grind more levels to beat a boss.", "timestamp_created": 1506808491, "timestamp_updated": 1506808491, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.261492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35086847": {"recommendationid": "35086847", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995152301", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1599, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492317974}, "language": "english", "review": "These are the notes I took in the middle of the night while wrapping up my first playthrough of this amazing game a few months ago:\n\n\n- Combat feels like hitting a packets of crisps with a metal bat (unlike Kingdom Hearts, where combat feels like hitting a shallow pool with a fish). \n\n- You know it's an an action game when you have to rebind your keys. You ever had to rebind your keys for a JRPG? I rest my case. \n\n- Played [the last boss] all night, in a romantically obsessive sort of way. Then I see it getting light again outside, and it stops being romantic and starts being sad. But soon, at about 5:30am, I beat him. \n\n- My heart hasn't been beating that hard in... [?]\n\n- Maybe sleep deprivation is affecting my judgement here, but it seems like that was pretty much the most incredible boss fight I have ever played. I'm comparing it to Megaman Zero and ZX, Iga Castlevania, God of War... I guess Megaman ZX comes closes, but so much of the excitement in those games is beating the boss guantlet, committing all that time before you even get to the actual last boss. Oath's last boss is self contained. You die, you start again at the beginning of the fight \u2014 and after, what, 4 hours, it was still incredible fun. \n\n\nI can't wait to play Origins.", "timestamp_created": 1505922731, "timestamp_updated": 1506954013, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.591718", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35028821": {"recommendationid": "35028821", "author": {"steamid": "76561198074690200", "num_games_owned": 422, "num_reviews": 93, "playtime_forever": 1369, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500414716}, "language": "english", "review": "I was very hesitant about buying this game at first because of all the Reviews complaining about artificial difficulty, which badly reminded me of Dark Souls II and it's horrible \"LOL U DIED PRAISE THE SON XD SO HARD\"-marketing campaign. Luckily I can say that this game is nothing like Dark Souls II (except for the marketing campaign which thinks that difficulty is a good selling point and a \"consult and FAQ already XDDD\" achievement are funny) and I really cannot understand all the reviews complaining about this game being unnecessarily hard. I played on normal, which I think is the intended difficulty and I never had a problem with artifical difficulty the only thing that I can think of that comes close, is that the hitbox of one of the 2nd boss' attacks is b\u00fcllshit when he's in his last phase. The dungeons themselves are pretty easy, thanks to the carefully placed save points, but the Bosses are the real challenge. The Bossfights are hard but always fair. This game really forces you to learn all the patterns of every boss in and out. If you don't know how to deal with an attack of a boss, you're dead. That's it. You can't afford to not know how to deal with all of the enemies attacks, as this game has no healing during bossfights, meaning that if you take damage, you will have to continue with your reduced health for the rest of the fight. One thing that always annoyed me about Dark Souls (even though I really like Dark Souls, or at least the first half of it) is that you always had to make a \"corpse run\" from the last bonfire to a boss and while this mechanic is okay the first few times, after a while it gets really tedious and loses its point of making you learn the level. This game doesn't have that, you restart the fight instantly and can die as many times as you want without any penalty or downside. You can learn the boss' patterns as long as it takes you, even if it takes you 100 tries. This game doesn't really put an emphasis on this but you really, really need to carefully scan your environments for loot because having the best possible equipment at all times is key to victory. This also means that you should constantly keep your equipment upgraded to max. Regarding the story, it's about as cliche as it get's and while all the characters are likeable, they have about as much depth as a puddle. But still, the story does it's job and doesn't get in the way of the gameplay. The soundtrack however is an absolute masterpiece, it fits all the situations perfectly, gets you pumped up and just sounds great. As for the controls, I strongly encourage setting the magic button to one of the shoulder buttons as that way it's much easier to charge magic and use your sword at the same time. Otherwise they're perfectly fine, every button is rebindable and you can chose which connected controller you want to use. The graphics are dated but the pre-rendered sprites look great and allow for some detailed enemy designs, also this probably runs on a toaster.\n\nOverall I would give this game a solid 8.5 out of 10", "timestamp_created": 1505668931, "timestamp_updated": 1505669251, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.528671", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34963846": {"recommendationid": "34963846", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991157647", "num_games_owned": 270, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 5579, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478746174}, "language": "english", "review": "I gotta admit, this is a game I grew up playing on the SNES, although at the time I believe it was called Wanderer's of YS 3 and not Oath of Felghana. I always worry whenever a game gets switched to an isometric or 3d playstyle from a 2d side scroller but this one was perfectly executed. They captured the same challenges as the first game, the movement and combat are fluid even jumping around. I do admit that the ring system on the SNES version gave you a few more abilities you could use opposed to what we have now but I also understand their design decision because they were going for a more action packed, fast to play game style.\n\nIt all worked well. I mean I admit my first playthrough picking hard difficulty may not have been the best choice. I raged, oh boy did I rage LOL. But I won! That satisfying feeling of winning something really difficult can't be beat. That is what the developers did right with this remake. They captured that satisfying feeling of victory with fast, action packed gameplay that didn't depend on game design that punishes you for 'dying' by making you waste time backtracking. You die? Jump right back in and try again gives it that arcade feeling where you get addicted and just keep putting in those quarters until you finally win and shout YES! WOOHOO! I'M AWESOME!\n\nI have absolutely no complaints about the gameplay at all. If you don't like your games to be difficult, this isn't the game for you. If you appreciate a challenge and feel the victory of overcoming such challenges is a sweet reward, you will love this.\n\nAs far as the story goes? Well I had to install some mod to get the voice acting from the PSP working here. I really liked the voice acting and the story overall is pretty good. It's really your stereotypical hero who conquors evil with some really nice twists. I can't call it the most riveting story ever told but it is absolutely enjoyable, at least to me.\n\nAlso the music... wow. The composer did a fantastic job with the music score in this game. It's so blood pumping and at times emotional and makes up some of the best music I've heard in the industry actually. \n\nThe Art style? Well it's an isometric 2d style, top down camera, pixel art and level design giving the illusion of 3d but I can really appreciate this style it's colorful and creative.\n\nLastly, the level design. Many of it feels maze-like with some hidden secrets. They did a pretty good job capturing that old school level design we appreciated on the SNES game. But it isn't so maze-like that you can find yourself lost and going around in circles constantly.\n\nYs: The Oath of Felghana is a masterful recreation of the SNES game Wanderer's of YS 3 and i've enjoyed every minute I spent in this game thoroughly and will continue to support Xseed's future YS projects.", "timestamp_created": 1505449773, "timestamp_updated": 1505449773, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499550", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34913602": {"recommendationid": "34913602", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970513770", "num_games_owned": 1190, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 45, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505279351}, "language": "english", "review": "Review is listed here. Positive!! http://www.caltrops.com/2017/09/08/ys-the-oath-in-felghana-pc/", "timestamp_created": 1505279841, "timestamp_updated": 1505279841, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495868", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34911243": {"recommendationid": "34911243", "author": {"steamid": "76561198160868511", "num_games_owned": 573, "num_reviews": 357, "playtime_forever": 422, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505265519}, "language": "english", "review": "Without a doubt a worthy remake of the original action JRPG masterpiece Ys III: Wanderers From Ys.", "timestamp_created": 1505264945, "timestamp_updated": 1505264945, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.513897", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34109752": {"recommendationid": "34109752", "author": {"steamid": "76561198107779127", "num_games_owned": 354, "num_reviews": 97, "playtime_forever": 794, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502216070}, "language": "english", "review": "very good game", "timestamp_created": 1502218559, "timestamp_updated": 1502218559, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.440414", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34057164": {"recommendationid": "34057164", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026769505", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 424, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452171984}, "language": "english", "review": "A fine story as an RPG, but the gameplay ruins it.\nSince I am a fan of similar hack-and-slash/JRPGs like PS1's Alundra, I was expecting a similar satisfaction from this game. Sadly the Hack-and-slash combat felt clunky at best, I could never move as smoothly as I wanted, levelling and character progression was meaningless outside of the main story abilities, and the only reason I kept playing after the 1st boss was that I could swap my buttons layout through my controller drivers (cause there's no keymapping in this game...) when I had to spam X and B at the same time to jump and attack at the same time because the devs forgot to test how playable the controls were.\nI am glad to see Nihon Falcom, or anyone else, port their games to PC, but I hope they do a better work with newer releases cause I want to become a fan of their other games but not if they are like this.", "timestamp_created": 1502015471, "timestamp_updated": 1502015471, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.230371", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34008058": {"recommendationid": "34008058", "author": {"steamid": "76561198029751280", "num_games_owned": 361, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 898, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391655434}, "language": "english", "review": "i liked it", "timestamp_created": 1501821582, "timestamp_updated": 1501821582, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.425195", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33994818": {"recommendationid": "33994818", "author": {"steamid": "76561198140118640", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 592, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501772797}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6700\u4f4e\u96be\u5ea6\u90fd\u633a\u96be\u7684", "timestamp_created": 1501772965, "timestamp_updated": 1501772965, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33883622": {"recommendationid": "33883622", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077655402", "num_games_owned": 83, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 1248, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501338461}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Oath in Felghana \u00e9 possivelmente o \u201cmagnum opus\u201d dos jogos da s\u00e9rie \u201cYs\u201d.\n\nRemake de \u201cYs III - Wanderers of Ys\u201d, cronologicamente ele se passa entre \u201cMemories of Celceta\u201d e \u201cKefin, The Lost City of Sand\u201d, assim sendo a terceira aventura de Adol \u201cthe Red\u201d Christin, o her\u00f3i e protagonista da s\u00e9rie.\n\nEmbora o jogo seja relativamente antigo, graficamente Oath in Felghana continua bel\u00edssimo, mesclando com sutileza gr\u00e1ficos 3d com 2d no design das dungeons, monstros, e demais personagens.\n\nYs contem uma historia bastante simples, entretanto com um roteiro muito bem escrito, o jogo possui um argumento convincente, recheado de personagens com personalidade pr\u00f3pria - dialogar com os NPCs \u00e9 uma grata surpresa. Por sua vez, a trilha sonora matem a qualidade padr\u00e3o dos jogos da Falcom, simplesmente maravilhosa. \n\nContudo, o grande destaque do jogo fica definitivamente com seu gameplay que \u00e9 absurdamente divertido. \u00c1gil, desafiador, e intenso, o gameplay vai melhorando cada vez mais \u00e0 medida que o jogador vai progredido durante o jogo. Evidenciando o combate e velocidade, de modo que quanto mais inimigos o personagem derrotar num intervalo de tempo menor, mais o personagem se fortalece \u2013 ganhando mais for\u00e7a, defesa, velocidade, mana, e experi\u00eancia. \n\nEm suma, \u201cYs - The Oath in Felghana\u201d envelheceu muito bem, estando longe de ser considerado datado. O jogo vem com v\u00e1rios n\u00edveis de dificuldade, sendo pr\u00f3prio tanto para os jogadores mais casuais quanto para quem procura um grande desafio.\n", "timestamp_created": 1501343003, "timestamp_updated": 1501343003, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33752339": {"recommendationid": "33752339", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981543135", "num_games_owned": 865, "num_reviews": 98, "playtime_forever": 1088, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500803011}, "language": "french", "review": "Un des meilleur Ys sur PC avec Origins, on retrouve toujours une BO au top (la musique de \"Valestein Castle\" est \u00e9norme).\n Le syst\u00e8me de combat est celui d'un beat'em all dynamique avec divers coups possibles qui varie surtout selon si on saute ou non et avec 3 magie bien diff\u00e9rentes qu'on changera selon les ennemis.\n On a un syst\u00e8me a la \"metroid-vania\" ou il faudra d\u00e9bloquer des pouvoirs pour acc\u00e8der a divers endroits et revisiter d'autres endroits pour en d\u00e9couvrir quelques passages secrets. On a aussi quelques phases de plateformes qui restent plutot accessibles hormis a certains endroits ou on a du mal a voir la profondeur (axe z). A noter qu'il y a plusieurs choix de difficult\u00e9s ce qui est appr\u00e9ciable dans ce genre de jeu.\n\nComme dans tout les Ys il y aura toujours un peu de grind a chaque nouvelle zone mais celui ci n'est pas trop contraignant , 20min par zone en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, avec la musique et le dynamisme des combats sa n'est pas du tout chiant. Il faut aussi pensez a am\u00e9liorer son \u00e9quipement d\u00e8s que possible pour limiter les d\u00e9gats et se defaire plus rapidement des ennemis.\n\nIl n'y a pas besoin d'avoir fait les jeux pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents, chaqu'uns \u00e9tant ind\u00e9pendant les uns des autres hormis Ys 1 et 2. Il y a parfois quelques clins d'oeil aux autres jeux mais rien d'importants. A noter que les jeux ne sont qu'en Anglais mais ne demande qu'un niveau moyen.\n\nPoints positifs :\n-Des musiques toujours aussi prenantes.\n-Combats dynamiques bas\u00e9 sur 3 magies bien diff\u00e9rentes.\n-Combats de Boss vari\u00e9s et demandant un peu de strat\u00e9gie et pas mal de r\u00e9flexes.\n-Un sc\u00e9nario classique mais efficace avec des personange attachants.\n\nNeutres : \n-Dur\u00e9e de vie un peu courte, 8h. Mais le jeu n'a quasiment aucun temps morts que sa n'est pas tr\u00e8s grave.\n-Le grind bien que l\u00e9ger (20-30min par zone) est quasiment n\u00e9cessaire a chaque nouvelle zone sous peine de mourrir rapidement.\n\nPoints n\u00e9gatifs :\n-La zone de la montagne un peu p\u00e9nible, assez labyrinthique et avec des monstres assez chiant au d\u00e9but.\n-Quelques phases de sauts p\u00e9nibles.\n-Boutons de la manette Xbox One non reconnus pour reconfigurer, oblig\u00e9 de passer par un logiciel.", "timestamp_created": 1500841834, "timestamp_updated": 1500972048, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33621434": {"recommendationid": "33621434", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091699313", "num_games_owned": 122, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 23, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500516447}, "language": "english", "review": "Do your research kids. I was't aware this game was on PC before is was on PSP and was expecting the voice acting. It's still a great game, but I really wish someone had mentioned the lack of voice acting in the reviews I'd read.", "timestamp_created": 1500347855, "timestamp_updated": 1500347855, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.498492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33592113": {"recommendationid": "33592113", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142581322", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 4161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502145258}, "language": "english", "review": "pretty good", "timestamp_created": 1500232726, "timestamp_updated": 1500232726, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496004", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33455663": {"recommendationid": "33455663", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994000906", "num_games_owned": 627, "num_reviews": 358, "playtime_forever": 732, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499778513}, "language": "english", "review": "Listen. The music from Ys plays in my head at least once a week. But I'd never played a Ys game until now. So I had some high expectations for the gameplay to match that music.\n\n\n...I fucking love this game. Shame about the story though.", "timestamp_created": 1499778798, "timestamp_updated": 1499778798, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33437346": {"recommendationid": "33437346", "author": {"steamid": "76561198356141989", "num_games_owned": 785, "num_reviews": 270, "playtime_forever": 3135, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501673484}, "language": "english", "review": "I just love the Ys series, the ports are awesome and this game in particular over other titles (as Ys VI) has perfect controls and great music. The storyline is as always not that complicated, but you have still the same pattern with your only hero, his three different magics, lots of puzzles and so on.\nThe main problem is that the Ys series has silly achievements. But this game is crazy. You have to play the whole game at least six (6) times in order to get the different achievements. I mean, you must finish it both on very easy and on easy..\nAnd you also must finish it in less than 5 hours, for another achievement.. Plus, you must beat the whole bossh rush on different difficulties..\nSo, if you're an achievement hunter, expect this game to take many hours from your weeks.. :) Even because some puzzles are not frustrating, they're easy, but they're very long and six times is really something unbelievable..\nBut the game is great, graphics are awesome and even if the lovely bump battle system has been dropped since the first episodes this is a hack n' slash action jrpg that will not disappoint even those who like me love turn-based systems.\nAs any other Ys game, it's short (of course, there's an achievement that requires you beat it in less than 5 hours!! on very easy difficulty obviously).. but enjoyable like the rest of the series, even though Ys 1 and 2 are still better to me :)", "timestamp_created": 1499710890, "timestamp_updated": 1499713112, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.606972", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33415523": {"recommendationid": "33415523", "author": {"steamid": "76561198162355494", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 578, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499640156}, "language": "english", "review": "Good story, nice gameplay and ofcourse challenging! It's perfect for who love RPG game with hack and slash mode! RECOMMENDED!", "timestamp_created": 1499636071, "timestamp_updated": 1499636071, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33374097": {"recommendationid": "33374097", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072740801", "num_games_owned": 98, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 911, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499520097}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac\ub294 \uadf8\ub0e5\uc800\ub0e5 \ubb34\ub09c\ud558\uace0 \uc0ac\uc6b4\ub4dc\ub294 \uc88b\uc558\uc74c\n\ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \uc870\uae08 \uc788\ub294\ud3b8 \ud574\ubcfc\ub9cc\ud55c \uac8c\uc784\uc774\uae34 \ud55c\ub370\n\uaf2d\ud574\ubcfc \ud544\uc694\ub294 \uc5c6\ub294\uac83 \uac19\uc74c..\uc57d\uac04 \uc720\uce58\ud558\ub2e4\uace0 \ud574\uc57c\ub418\ub098\n\ud50c\ud0d0\uc740 20\uc2dc\uac04 \uc815\ub3c4 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4 \uae4c\uc9c0 \ud574\uc11c \ucd1d\uc810\uc740 7/10", "timestamp_created": 1499520340, "timestamp_updated": 1499520340, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33315550": {"recommendationid": "33315550", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134367565", "num_games_owned": 200, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 380, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499356036}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4e3a\u5f53\u5e74\u8865\u7968\n\u76f8\u5f53\u4e0d\u9519\u7684\u65e5\u5f0fRPG\u6e38\u620f\n\u64cd\u4f5c\u548c\u5730\u56fe\u96be\u5ea6\u57286\u3001F\u3001\u8d77\u6e90\u4e2d\u662f\u9002\u4e2d\u7684\n\n\u8bdd\u8bf4\u82f1\u6587\u7248\u4f3c\u4e4e\u6bd4\u5f53\u521d\u7684\u65e5\u6587\u7248\u7b80\u5355\u5f88\u591a", "timestamp_created": 1499356164, "timestamp_updated": 1499356164, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33294312": {"recommendationid": "33294312", "author": {"steamid": "76561198144207727", "num_games_owned": 77, "num_reviews": 61, "playtime_forever": 212, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510531960}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "\u00c9 um Ys, n\u00e3o tem muito o que dizer, \u00e9 muito bom! Eu n\u00e3o joguei os cl\u00e1ssicos, s\u00f3 o s\u00e9timo jogo, de PSP. A diferen\u00e7a de dificuldade \u00e9 muito grande, mas n\u00e3o deixa de ter ambientes bonitos e trilha sonora excelente.", "timestamp_created": 1499296118, "timestamp_updated": 1499296118, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33141572": {"recommendationid": "33141572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198120206602", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 1461, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498986983}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ub178\ub9d0\uc774 \ub178\ub9d0\ud558\uc9c0 \uc544\ub2c8\ud558\ub2e4.\n\uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \ud0a4\ubcf4\ub4dc\ub85c\ub294 \ubd88\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc744 \uc870\uc900\ud558\uae30 \uc5b4\ub824\uc6b0\ubbc0\ub85c, \ud3c9\ud0c0\uac00 \ud1b5\ud55c\ub2e4\uba74 \ubd88\uc2a4\ud0ac\ubcf4\ub2e8 \ud3c9\ud0c0\ub85c \ub54c\ub9ac\ub294\uac8c \ub0ab\ub2e4.\n\uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \ubd88\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc740 \uac00\uae09\uc801 \ubaa8\uc544\uc11c \uc4f0\uc9c0\uc54a\ub294\uac8c \ud6a8\uc728\uc801\uc774\ub2e4.\n\uacf5\uc911\uc5d0 \ub3cc\uc544\ub2e4\ub2c8\ub294 \ub9c8\ubb3c\uc740 \ub300\ubd80\ubd84 \ubc14\ub78c\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc758 \uc5f0\ud0c0\uc5d0 \uc57d\ud558\ub2e4. \ubab0\uc774\uc0ac\ub0e5\ub3c4 \ubc14\ub78c\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc774 \uc720\uc6a9\ud558\ub2e4.\n\ub545\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc744 \ubaa8\uc544\uc11c \uc4f0\uba74, \ub530\ub2e5(2\ud68c \uc5f0\uc18d \ud53c\ud574)\uc744 \uac00\ub4dc\ud560\uc218 \uc788\ub2e4. \uc548\ubaa8\uc73c\uace0 \uc4f0\uba74 \ud55c\ubc88\ub9cc \uac00\ub4dc\ud55c\ub2e4.\n\ub545\uc2a4\ud0ac\uc740 \ubcf4\uc2a4\uc804\uc5d0 \uad49\uc7a5\ud788 \uc720\uc6a9\ud558\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1499016080, "timestamp_updated": 1499016080, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33079517": {"recommendationid": "33079517", "author": {"steamid": "76561198210221317", "num_games_owned": 99, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1619, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498663406}, "language": "schinese", "review": "F\u793e\u7684\u6e38\u620f\u7528\u8fd9\u79cd\u4e8c\u5934\u8eab\u52a0\u8001\u6389\u7259\u7684\u6545\u4e8b\u786c\u751f\u751f\u505a\u4e866\u90e8\u4f0a\u82cf\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u65e5\u5382\u667a\u969c\u7684\u4ee3\u8868\u3002\u963f\u8c46\u4e00\u5982\u65e2\u5f80\u7684\u8d70\u7740\u628a\u59b9\u62ef\u6551\u4e16\u754c\u7684\u9053\u8def\uff0c\u6e38\u620f\u672c\u8eab\u96be\u5ea6\u4e0d\u9ad8\uff0c\u5f53\u7136\u4ec5\u9650\u4e8e\u613f\u610f\u5237\u4e00\u5b9a\u7b49\u7ea7\uff0c\u53e6\u5916\u9ad8\u96be\u5ea6\uff0c\u8fd8\u662f\u624b\u6b8b\u6740\u624b\u7684\u3002\n\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u4f0a\u82cff\u7684boss\u6218\uff0c\u8fd8\u662f\u7ecf\u5178\u7684\u9700\u8981\u80cc\u677f\uff0c\u867d\u7136\u6709\u7684boss\u8bbe\u8ba1\u771f\u7684\u662f\u65e0\u529b\u5410\u69fd\uff0c\u6bd4\u5982\u67d0\u4e2a\u9700\u8981\u6253\u4e52\u4e53\u7403\u7684\u6700\u7ec8boss\u3002\n\u5267\u60c5\u672c\u8eab\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u4f20\u627f\u4e86\u5404\u4ee3\u4f0a\u82cf\u7684\u7279\u70b9\uff0c\u4e00\u4e2a\u201c\u6361\u5230\u201d\u963f\u8c46\u5e76\u4e14\u7231\u4e0a\u963f\u8c46\u7684\u5973\u4e3b\u89d2\uff0c\u4e00\u4e2a\u4f60\u201c\u60f3\u4e0d\u5230\u201d\u7684\u5e55\u540e\u9ed1\u624b\uff0c\u548c\u4e00\u4e2a\u9700\u8981\u6536\u96c6\u4e09\u79cd\u5143\u7d20\u624d\u80fd\u5e72\u6b7b\u7684\u6e38\u620f\u6d41\u7a0b\n\u5982\u679c\u80fd\u591f\u63a5\u53d7\u8fd9\u79cd\u8fc7\u65f6\u753b\u98ce\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u559c\u6b222d\u52a8\u4f5crpg\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u559c\u6b22\u65e5\u5f0f\u5947\u5e7b\u548c\u7565\u5e26\u81ea\u8650\u7684\u4eba\uff0c\u63a8\u8350", "timestamp_created": 1498908261, "timestamp_updated": 1498908261, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33045572": {"recommendationid": "33045572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075501018", "num_games_owned": 124, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510485242}, "language": "turkish", "review": "Arkada\u015flar selamlar \u00f6ncelikle oyun \u00e7ok g\u00fczel.Combatlar olsun ewt zor ama very easy oynarsan\u0131z eminim rahat\u00e7a ge\u00e7ebilirsiniz.Ben Normalde oynuyorum sadece bosslarda zorland\u0131m :D oyunda heryere git olay\u0131 var.\u00c7ok g\u00fczel oyun bence.Biraz oynad\u0131m sonra farkettim ki ba\u015fka oyunlar\u0131da varm\u0131\u015f ve ilkide bu de\u011filmi\u015f. :D \u0130lki olmay\u0131 b\u0131rak\u0131n ba\u015fka oyunu yok san\u0131yodum.\u0130lki 2.'si ve origin diye bi oyunu varm\u0131\u015f ve ys seven ve ps vitada olan\u0131 varm\u0131\u015f.ps vitada olan\u0131n\u0131da al\u0131cam :) Seven\u0131da bi \u015fekilde bulucam. :D Asl\u0131nda ben 3,4 ve 5'i ar\u0131yorum :) onlar\u0131da bulursam seriyi tamaml\u0131yabilirim 3,4 ve 5'i nerden bulabilice\u011fimi s\u00f6ylermisiniz? Ben 6'y\u0131 b\u0131rakt\u0131m 1'e ba\u015flad\u0131m. San\u0131r\u0131m ilk 1'i bitiricem :D", "timestamp_created": 1498840014, "timestamp_updated": 1498840014, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32968202": {"recommendationid": "32968202", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972447869", "num_games_owned": 1316, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1033, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438824044}, "language": "portuguese", "review": "Jogo muito dif\u00edcil no hard, mas muito bom.", "timestamp_created": 1498700970, "timestamp_updated": 1498700970, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32953191": {"recommendationid": "32953191", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048051084", "num_games_owned": 172, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 614, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498592208}, "language": "german", "review": "Ys (gesprochen Is) ist eine Reihe von japnischen Action-Rollenspielen mit starker Betonung auf \"Action\", zumindest was diesen Ableger der Reihe angeht. Die aktuell auf Steam verf\u00fcgbaren Spiele k\u00f6nnen in beliebiger Reihe gespielt werden, Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.\n\nYs Oath in Felghana ist ein Remake von Ys III, welches in einer mittelalterlichen Fantasywelt spielt. Der reisende Abenteurer Adol kommt in Felghana an, w\u00e4hrend sich gerade eine neue Krise in diesem kleinen Reich anbahnt. Und so muss er (fast) im Alleingang dieses Reich retten.\nFokus des Spiels sind Dungeons mit schnellen K\u00e4mpfe und harten Bossk\u00e4mpfen, die nur wenige Fehler verzeihen. Aber auch Story, einfache R\u00e4tsel und Sprungpassagen bietet das Spiel. \n\nWas gef\u00e4llt mir an dem Spiel:\n- Actionreihe, gegnergef\u00fcllte Dungeons voller Action\n- Optionale Sch\u00e4tze und versteckte Sidequests\n- Actionreiche mitreisende Musik\n- Jump and Run Passagen, welche zum Teil an Sidescroller anlehnt sind.\n- Fordernde Bossek\u00e4mpfe, welche \u00dcbung,Reaktionsschnelligkeit und Vorbereitung verlangen.\n- Man muss wenig grinden, sofern man alle Gegner die man sieht niederm\u00e4ht. Das Spiel l\u00e4sst sich in weniger als 10 Stunden durchspielen. Muss man doch mal f\u00fcr einen Bosskampf kurz grinden, ist das in 10 Minuten erledigt.\n- Gelungenes Magiesystem mit 3 Elementen, welche alle Ihre Verwendung finden.\n- Gute Geschichte, gibt aber nicht mit Final Fantasy X oder Trails in the Sky zu vergleichen\n\nWas gef\u00e4llt mir weniger:\n- Die Grafik ist etwas altbacken, Die Artworks sind zwar nicht pixelg, k\u00f6nnten aber eine noch h\u00f6here Aufl\u00f6sung vertragen.\n- Die Nebencharactere bleiben eher blass, sind aber auch nicht der Fokus des Spiels.\n\nFalls man noch nie Ys gespielt hat, sollte man auf maximal auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad Normal anfangen. Wer sich unsicher ist, kann auch Easy w\u00e4hlen. Wenn man Ys schon kennt, wei\u00df man jedenfalls bereits was einen erwartet. Ein Gamepad ist empfehlenswert. \n\nFazit: Wer eine schnelle actionreiche Herausforderung sucht ist bei diesem Spiel genau richtig. Meiner Meinung nach ist es einer besten Titel der Reihe.", "timestamp_created": 1498677420, "timestamp_updated": 1498677600, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32927023": {"recommendationid": "32927023", "author": {"steamid": "76561198181328795", "num_games_owned": 58, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 926, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498852411}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty decent for a jrpg game released in 2012. It's probably the hardest and most challenging among the Ys series in pc.\nGameplay: 7.5/10 (typical hacknslash with magic)\nStory: 8/10 (good plot-twist, didn't expect the last part)\nDifficulty: Compared to other jrpg's, the normal mode in this game is probably the hard mode on others. I suggest you start on easy mode, familiarize with the game then do another run on higher difficulty to do the achievements.\nThe only bad thing I would say about this game is the clocktower. It's so freaking hard and would test your patience but once you overcome it, it's really satisfying.\nI just finished it but would do another run on a higher difficulty. \n", "timestamp_created": 1498647121, "timestamp_updated": 1498647121, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519231", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32885050": {"recommendationid": "32885050", "author": {"steamid": "76561198147789412", "num_games_owned": 368, "num_reviews": 145, "playtime_forever": 46, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483244693}, "language": "english", "review": "not one of the best but still really good", "timestamp_created": 1498594882, "timestamp_updated": 1498594882, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.438144", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32863350": {"recommendationid": "32863350", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037749164", "num_games_owned": 821, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1110, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491143479}, "language": "english", "review": "Very difficult. VERY satisfying. \nFinish the game once, start time attack or higher difficulty.\nEven more difficult, EVEN MORE SATISFYING.", "timestamp_created": 1498583292, "timestamp_updated": 1498583292, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.592475", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32807763": {"recommendationid": "32807763", "author": {"steamid": "76561198191338545", "num_games_owned": 1054, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 239, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480399961}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6cd5\u8001\u63a7\u7ecf\u5178\u6e38\u620f\u300a\u4f0a\u82cf\uff1a\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u7eb3\u7684\u8a93\u7ea6\u300b\uff0c\u5404\u79cdBOSS\u6218\u662f\u771f\u523a\u6fc0\uff01\u5c24\u5176\u6700\u7ec8BOSS\u6218\u8d85\u7ea7\u96be\u6253\uff0c\u6211\u8bb0\u5f97\u4f0a\u82cf\u662f\u6ca1\u56de\u8840\u8fd9\u79cd\u8bbe\u5b9a\u7684\u5427\uff1f\u75af\u72c2\u5347\u7ea7\u4e4b\u524d\u6b7b\u4e86\u65e0\u6570\u6b21OTZ...BGM\u8d85\u7ea7\u597d\u542c\u554a~\u6700\u559c\u6b22\u7684\u5c31\u662f\u4ece\u57ce\u95e8\u51fa\u6765\u65f6\u653e\u7684\u90a3\u9996\u2014\u2014\u300a\u7ffc\u3092\u6301\u3063\u305f\u5c11\u5e74\u300b\u5728\u53cc\u661f\u7269\u8bed2\u91cc\u62ff\u5230CD\u673a\u5c31\u653e\u8fd9\u9996\u5f53\u80cc\u666f\u97f3\u4e50\uff0c\u6253\u602a\u8d3c\u6fc0\u60c5\u3002\u54ce~\u8bf4\u5f97\u6211\u90fd\u60f3\u518d\u73a9\u4e00\u904d\u4f0a\u82cf\u4e86\u3002\u3002\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1498469862, "timestamp_updated": 1498473190, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519841", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32795128": {"recommendationid": "32795128", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971481674", "num_games_owned": 120, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 72, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456064477}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game.", "timestamp_created": 1498439378, "timestamp_updated": 1498439378, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32773651": {"recommendationid": "32773651", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084742591", "num_games_owned": 332, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 627, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513355200}, "language": "russian", "review": "10/10", "timestamp_created": 1498400235, "timestamp_updated": 1498400235, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458448", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32713829": {"recommendationid": "32713829", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044496587", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497685611}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u7ea2\u53d1\u8272\u9b54\u4e9a\u9c81\u7279\u7684\u6ce1\u59b9\u4e4b\u65c5", "timestamp_created": 1498286068, "timestamp_updated": 1498286068, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32684856": {"recommendationid": "32684856", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116356628", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 16, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498225293}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game when it lets you run around, jump and hack and slash monsters. It is like a step up in graphics and feel to the old super nintendo zelda.The only thing i really hate about this game is all of the dialogue. There is way too much of it to have to click through.", "timestamp_created": 1498230445, "timestamp_updated": 1498230445, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.549976", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32508079": {"recommendationid": "32508079", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071867519", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1526, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497712115}, "language": "english", "review": "Honestly I don't really have a lot of bad things to say about this game. After forgetting I have it from playing other games like Fire Emblem and Zelda it is really easy to get back into. The combat is nice and simple, magic isn't too over the top or over powered at times and the pacing is good. I love the boss fights and how all of them or different, though some simliarites shine through. It wasn't hard but it could be difficult when it wanted to be. Adapting to the sitiuation is always a fun mechanic in games. Also the soundtack is so fucking good. Just grinding for levels and having the awesome music playing in the background was a plus. And that's the only bad thing I've come across for this game, sometimes it requires a bit of grinding. Got sick of being thrashed by a certain boss that I over leveled myself and thrashed that boss, or maybe I just suck. All and all I'd say it was worth the buy and the hours put into it. Get it if you love a bit of hack and slash and a light hearted yet dark story.", "timestamp_created": 1497712959, "timestamp_updated": 1497712959, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32382406": {"recommendationid": "32382406", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103916275", "num_games_owned": 1114, "num_reviews": 104, "playtime_forever": 1606, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497206050}, "language": "german", "review": "Vollprofis werden es lieben und alle Anderen insgeheim verfluchen\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana konnte mich leider nicht so richtig \u00fcberzeugen. Schuld daran ist in erster Linie der kaputte Schwierigkeitsgrad, der sich eindeutig an Hardcore-Spieler richtet. Selbst auf \u201eEasy\u201c sind einige der sp\u00e4teren Bosse eine echte Qual und der sogenannte \u201eNormal\u201c-Schwierigkeitsgrad w\u00e4re in jedem anderen Ys-Spiel in die \u201eHard\u201c-Kategorie gefallen.\nDar\u00fcber hinaus nervt das Spiel mit \u00f6dem Schlauchleveldesign und einer arg kurzen Spieldauer. Da haben die anderen Serienableger einfach wesentlich mehr zu bieten als dieses Remake zu Ys III. Nichtsdestotrotz bietet auch dieser Ableger schnelle, actionreiche und angenehm unterhaltsame K\u00e4mpfe gegen Trash-Mobs, sowie epische Bossgegner, die zwar viele Nerven kosten, aber daf\u00fcr auch ein tolles Erfolgserlebnis gew\u00e4hren, sobald man sie nach einigen Grinding-Orgien doch noch bezwingt. The Oath in Felghana ist sicherlich nicht das Highlight der Serie (auch wenn das Hardcore-Spieler anders sehen werden), aber dennoch einen Blick wert, wenn man ein gro\u00dfer Fan der Reihe ist und eine Herausforderung nicht scheut.\n\n\nPro und Kontra:\n\nPro:\n- Es ist besser als das lahme \u201eYs III: Wanderers from Ys\u201c\n- spielt sich gewohnt schnell und actionreich\n- Handlung und Charaktere wurden im Vergleich zum Original stark verbessert\n- der \u00e4tzende Weitsprung aus Ys VI wurde rausgekickt (gibt jetzt stattdessen einen Doppelsprung)\n\nNeutral:\n- gewohnte Falcom-Qualit\u00e4t im audiovisuellen Bereich, aber nichts wirklich besonderes\n\nKontra:\n- stellenweise kaputter Schwierigkeitsgrad, das Spiel wirkt in erster Linie f\u00fcr Hardcore-Spieler konzipiert, was andere Gruppen ausschlie\u00dft\n- ausgiebiges Grinding ist auch im Remake Pflicht um voranzukommen\n- langweilige, lineare Oberwelt und Dungeons (Schlauchleveldesign)\n- das Spiel ist etwas arg kurz f\u00fcr sein Genre (ca. 5-10 Stunden Spielzeit)", "timestamp_created": 1497337569, "timestamp_updated": 1497337569, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32374101": {"recommendationid": "32374101", "author": {"steamid": "76561198168977854", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 5710, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497301057}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Si te gustan los juegos de aventura con un poquito de plataformas deberias de darle una oportunidad a este juego, niveles de dificultad nightmare e Inferno solo para los mas hardcore players.\n\nLamentablemente solo esta en ingles pero vale por mucho la pena el juego", "timestamp_created": 1497301311, "timestamp_updated": 1497301311, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32286234": {"recommendationid": "32286234", "author": {"steamid": "76561198183357375", "num_games_owned": 454, "num_reviews": 60, "playtime_forever": 600, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479131275}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "\u8fd8\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u6bd4\u300a\u4f0a\u82cf\uff1a\u83f2\u5c14\u76d6\u7eb3\u4e4b\u8a93\u7ea6\u300b\u66f4\u80fd\u4ee3\u8868JRPG\u7684ARPG\u5462\uff1f", "timestamp_created": 1496996229, "timestamp_updated": 1496996229, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.653465", "comment_count": "5", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32096909": {"recommendationid": "32096909", "author": {"steamid": "76561198195848267", "num_games_owned": 301, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467875894}, "language": "english", "review": "If you're used to play this kind of games; I'm 100% sure that you'll find this game in that collection list of yours. For me; I don't care much about the graphics; they are fine and it's not just a 2D blocks all the way.. Even though the difficulty settings aren't like other games which is my drive mechanism. The story line might not be what you expected but I love the grind part after you finished the story which there's quite a few things you might actually want to find out about the game. I'm pretty sure anybody would enjoy. ^_^", "timestamp_created": 1496275419, "timestamp_updated": 1496275419, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.464427", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32027010": {"recommendationid": "32027010", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004529716", "num_games_owned": 254, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 85, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495991765}, "language": "english", "review": "This is actually 2 kinds of games in 1: a hack-and-slash action game, and a quick-time-event-like game. Make sure you enjoy both types of gameplay before jumping in.\n\nThe majority of the dungeons is the hack-and-slash RPG type. You can kite enemies, make big long chain combos, with plenty of non-stop action until everything is dead.\n\nThen the boss fights are more like quicktime events. While it's not exactly the same a QTE, it might as well be. There's no more continuous action, no chaining combos. 90% of boss fights are learning the timing of the boss's attacks and jumping dodge at the right time - i.e. press X to not die right now.\n\nThe difficulty is not an issue, as the game has multiple difficulty levels from very easy to ridiculously hard. However, the sudden change in gameplay style remains regardless of difficulty level.\n\nAs for the story and characters, I didn't get through the whole thing obviously, but it seems to be a pretty generic JRPG style of story. Not much to say there.\n\nMe personally, I don't like the dodge-forever and wait for the chance to land 1 hit style of gameplay, which made the boss fights annoying and boring enough that I ended up putting the game down.", "timestamp_created": 1495998843, "timestamp_updated": 1495998901, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.320647", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31929554": {"recommendationid": "31929554", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032310380", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 659, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495436884}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u5e0c\u671b \u4f0a\u82cf7\u548c\u4f0a\u82cf\uff1a\u6811\u6d77 \u80fd\u591f\u6709\u826f\u5fc3\u5b98\u65b9PC\u79fb\u690d \u5e76\u767b\u5f55STEAM\u5e73\u53f0 \u8c22\u8c22\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1495605192, "timestamp_updated": 1495605192, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.630872", "comment_count": "8", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31870385": {"recommendationid": "31870385", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103473713", "num_games_owned": 213, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1459, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495318487}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice series. This game is quite good if not for some UNBELIEVABLY AGGRAVATING machanics/desings.\n\nI usually don't write reviews, but after I RAGE-QUIT this game (my very 1st rage-quit, yayy!), I deleted it completely.\nMy sanity is more important.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1495318747, "timestamp_updated": 1495318747, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.289603", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31841253": {"recommendationid": "31841253", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033674928", "num_games_owned": 1007, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 288, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466952933}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4e00\u76f4\u89c9\u5f97\uff0c\u8a93\u7ea6\u7684\u6700\u7ec8BOSS\u6218\u81f3\u4eca\u4ecd\u7136\u662f\u7cfb\u5217\u6700\u71c3", "timestamp_created": 1495203968, "timestamp_updated": 1495204157, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31777366": {"recommendationid": "31777366", "author": {"steamid": "76561197962872327", "num_games_owned": 1541, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 4191, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494885037}, "language": "english", "review": "Another great game. Very well paced, and some really great boss fights. Does not require too much grinding, and gear makes a significant difference. Equipping different gear sets changes the visual appearnce to Adol as well. Very pleased so far with this addition to the series. Get it if you want an awesome experience.", "timestamp_created": 1494886435, "timestamp_updated": 1494886435, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.474453", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31692184": {"recommendationid": "31692184", "author": {"steamid": "76561198298803327", "num_games_owned": 69, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 3706, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502429930}, "language": "english", "review": "A criminally underrated game that's well worth the purchase for anyone who enjoys a fair bit of difficulty. The music is top-notch, the combat is fast-paced, and the level design is enjoyably creative. The boss fights also don't disappoint: they really encourage you to master different abilities acquired throughout the game. Since I hadn't heard of this series and went in with low expectations, I was blown away by how much fun I was having right from the start. An easy 8/10.", "timestamp_created": 1494545582, "timestamp_updated": 1495932496, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31643244": {"recommendationid": "31643244", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045345033", "num_games_owned": 263, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1873, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511646344}, "language": "english", "review": "Incredibly fun and challenging game. Offers lots of replayability, a ton of great bosses that just feel amazing to conquer, incredible music that goes well with the game, and serves as a great remake for a game from the 90s. They also decided to be nice with the difficulty and give you a retry button for boss battles. You'll spend a lot of time clicking it.", "timestamp_created": 1494324609, "timestamp_updated": 1494324609, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.611878", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31596924": {"recommendationid": "31596924", "author": {"steamid": "76561198289207735", "num_games_owned": 48, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 572, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477367237}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc6d0\uc791\uc5d0\uc11c \ubd88\ub9cc\uc774\uc5c8\ub358\uc810\uc774 \uc644\ubcbd\ud558\uac8c \uac1c\uc120\ub41c \uc810\uc774 \uc88b\uc558\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1494136577, "timestamp_updated": 1494136626, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31444868": {"recommendationid": "31444868", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005396957", "num_games_owned": 286, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 568, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494364010}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is extremely fucking hard. Granted, I'm playing with wasd. A controller would probably be much easier.", "timestamp_created": 1493486218, "timestamp_updated": 1493486218, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31093772": {"recommendationid": "31093772", "author": {"steamid": "76561198113309032", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 23, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491968240}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u5145\u503c\u4fe1\u4ef0\uff01\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1491989672, "timestamp_updated": 1491989672, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31075585": {"recommendationid": "31075585", "author": {"steamid": "76561198316469101", "num_games_owned": 95, "num_reviews": 48, "playtime_forever": 104, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510501146}, "language": "english", "review": "I was gifted this game by a friend, and I've been enjoying it so far. Which is weird, considering the fact that I f*cking detest JRPGs.\n\nBut this combines Hack and Slash (I LOVE that genre) with JRPG, and somehow, it works.\nI don't know how, but these two clashing gameplay styles go almost pefectly together.\n\nYou don't have to wait through poorly designed menus, just to land an attack. You press a dedicated button, the character swings his sword, the hit connects, DONE. That's how I like my RPGs.\n\nIt's probably because I'm not cut out for strategy, but Oath in Felghana is good and XSEED/Falcom should feel good.\n\n[spoiler] I VEHEMENTLY REFUSE TO REFER TO THIS GAME AS \"YS\". AT LEAST I CAN PRONOUNCE FELGHANA. [/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1491906212, "timestamp_updated": 1491906212, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30977390": {"recommendationid": "30977390", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046773100", "num_games_owned": 184, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3004, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500901564}, "language": "english", "review": "My friends thought it was good but then laughed and walked away when I tried to tell them what the game was called.", "timestamp_created": 1491479280, "timestamp_updated": 1491479280, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.252178", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30972674": {"recommendationid": "30972674", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980479892", "num_games_owned": 342, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 68, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486682678}, "language": "english", "review": "I agree with the guy who mentioned the artificial difficulty level during boss fights. Difficult is fine as long as it doesn't ruin the fun, but this is not fun.", "timestamp_created": 1491450209, "timestamp_updated": 1491450209, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.408736", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30970651": {"recommendationid": "30970651", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999604938", "num_games_owned": 369, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 13841, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427309089}, "language": "english", "review": "Adol topples a foreign government.", "timestamp_created": 1491437587, "timestamp_updated": 1491437587, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 9, "weighted_vote_score": "0.556428", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30802749": {"recommendationid": "30802749", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963047901", "num_games_owned": 413, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 5573, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491611727}, "language": "english", "review": "I've held off reviewing this one because I really wanted to find ways around its most cataclysmic flaw, but after so long trying I've got to conclude that I just can't.\n\nThe platforming, theming and level design are all interesting and fun. The music is awesome and memorable. Bosses, however, single-handedly put all that is good about the game to waste.\n\nI certainly don't mind hard games, but too often it is artificial, particularly on the higher difficulty levels. To set the tone: Bosses generally kill you in 2-4 hits with spammy attacks that are very difficult to dodge, have a lot of health and provide VERY limited (and generally dangerous) vulnerability windows. Most of this is fine, though their health can get absurdly excessive at times and certain attacks have questionable hit boxes.\n\nThe problem is that some boss' attacks are decided by RNG and can become impossible (in the literal rather than exaggerating sense) to survive. If Gyalva wants to turn the arena into spikes forever and shoot you when you can't dodge, or if Istersiva wants to repeatedly spit out three laser-crystals until they fill the screen, there's genuinely no chance to win.\n\nThese are not controlled in any way; apparently the developers' idea of justifying this is the accessibility of the Retry button that appears when you die.\n\nThe need to compensate for often unavoidable damage means that, with rare exception on the highest difficulties, bosses become an aggravating marathon of perfection-demanding frustration that you would expect to see in a badly-balanced bullet hell. It is no small irony that the reliance on scripted attacks makes what is meant to be a tough final boss one of the easiest in the game.\n\nThe alternative is to spend an hour (again, not an exaggeration) before many bosses to grind a couple of levels extra, which dramatically reduces the damage you receive and makes them pitifully easy. To sum up the choices, you can beat your head against a wall or you can bore yourself to tears. Both options can only be considered anti-fun.\n\nA far less critical issue is the controls: 3 buttons switch between and use magic, but there are only 3 different magics so they could have just got a button each. XInput support is lacking; controllers work but cannot be remapped. Xbox controllers access the menu with the right stick, while magic use (X) and jump (B) make life awkward as they are often needed together. There are also multiple complaints that jump button presses sometimes fail to register.\n\nBut this is a minor flaw compared to the boss problem, which could have been prevented. This is a Steam re-release of the original 2005 PC version. In 2010, the game received a PSP port which made a considerate reworking of bosses and provided a double-boost ability. None of that made it into the Steam release in 2012, and an otherwise great game suffers irredeemably for it.", "timestamp_created": 1490739741, "timestamp_updated": 1491529697, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 20, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.483944", "comment_count": "19", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30793344": {"recommendationid": "30793344", "author": {"steamid": "76561198260262238", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 427, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493464586}, "language": "schinese", "review": "boss\u6218\u597d\u6076\u5fc3", "timestamp_created": 1490708975, "timestamp_updated": 1490708975, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30694267": {"recommendationid": "30694267", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043214842", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 4852, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500839756}, "language": "english", "review": "By far one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. And as a big fan of Ys in general, I consider this to be the best of the series. As with the rest of the Ys series, the world is built wonderfully. Every area in the game feels very unique and interesting. Every character in the game also has their own name, portrait, and a bit of personal character to them, no matter how insignificant their role is. I've always found this to be a wonderful attribute to the Ys series, and makes character interactions feel more intimate and special than what you get in many RPGs.\n\nThe gameplay is also top notch in Felghana. Each area is laid out very well and presents a challenge to overcome. The bosses are also incredibly well designed, and some of the best I've seen in any game. Boss battles are fast-paced and challenging, and despite the high difficulty, everything feels completely fair. Every single attack is avoidable through practice, skill, and reflexes, no matter how ridiculous they may seem at first, which is something I absolutely love to see in my games. While I highly recommend playing on the highest difficulty for Ys games to really get your blood pumping, there are also several easier settings for more casual players who aren't as good at fast paced action games, offering something for everyone.\n\nGraphically, the game looks great. Despite being pretty old (original Japanese PC release in 2005), the visual design and artstyle were done very well. The colors, lighting, animations, models, and so on all just look fantastic, and I feel they'll hold up well forever. Falcom just did a great job there.\n\nThe music is wonderful too. Falcom games always have top notch music, and Felghana is no different. They really did a good job with the soundtrack. Unfortunately, unlike the PSP release, the Steam release doesn't have the option to change to the alternate soundtracks from the PC88 or X68000 versions of Wanderers of Ys, but this is a minor complaint that shouldn't matter much except to enthusiasts of the sound from those old machines. The Windows soundtrack is phenominal to be sure.\n\nThis game is just so good and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes fun.", "timestamp_created": 1490308799, "timestamp_updated": 1490308799, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30645793": {"recommendationid": "30645793", "author": {"steamid": "76561198050349684", "num_games_owned": 145, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1042, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489454434}, "language": "english", "review": "My Z key hates this game, poor guy dindt make it", "timestamp_created": 1490067095, "timestamp_updated": 1490067095, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500390", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30629120": {"recommendationid": "30629120", "author": {"steamid": "76561198186450505", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1381, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489358773}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc5d8\ub808\ub098\ucc21\uc774 \ub108\ubb34 \uc774\ubed0\uc11c 1\ub530\ubd09", "timestamp_created": 1489981432, "timestamp_updated": 1489981432, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30616098": {"recommendationid": "30616098", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974301588", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 244, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496404563}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a43\ub97c \ub9ac\uba54\uc774\ud06c\ud55c \ud6cc\ub96d\ud55c \uc791\ud488\uc774\ub2e4.\n\uc815\uc2dd\ud55c\uae00\ud654\uac00 \uc548\ub41c\uac8c \uc544\uc27d\uae30\ub294 \ud558\ub098 \ud55c\uae00\ud328\uce58\ub3c4 \uc874\uc7ac\ud558\uc5ec \ud070 \uc7a5\uc560\uac00 \ub418\uc9c0\ub294 \uc54a\ub294\ub2e4.\n\uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac \ub3c4 \ud6cc\ub96d\ud558\uace0 \uadf8\ub798\ud53d\ub3c4 \uad1c\ucc2e\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1489932098, "timestamp_updated": 1489932098, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30533955": {"recommendationid": "30533955", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119660771", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 2102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 531, "last_played": 1515371659}, "language": "english", "review": "I didn't think too much about it when people said this game was difficult, therefore setting the difficulty high seemed okay. The game then proceeded to repeatedly kick my ass\n\nI do believe I deserve that", "timestamp_created": 1489623175, "timestamp_updated": 1489623610, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503970", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30472271": {"recommendationid": "30472271", "author": {"steamid": "76561198150098043", "num_games_owned": 351, "num_reviews": 194, "playtime_forever": 390, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509567581}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0414\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0436\u0430\u043d\u0440 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u044f, \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d \u0432\u043e \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u0441\u043c\u044b\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0445, \u0434\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0439\u043d, \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0430\u0447\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u043b\u0435\u044f...", "timestamp_created": 1489330035, "timestamp_updated": 1489330035, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30459317": {"recommendationid": "30459317", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100491251", "num_games_owned": 84, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 487, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490492043}, "language": "german", "review": "Unskipable cutscenes", "timestamp_created": 1489278338, "timestamp_updated": 1489278338, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.484966", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30158564": {"recommendationid": "30158564", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035185044", "num_games_owned": 380, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 605, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1350284400}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is a fantastic series of action RPGs. The 16bit graphics are great and really evoke a retro feel. If you grew up on the Ys games, the nostalgia factor alone makes this worth playing. If you didn't, you can rely on the smooth controls and great gameplay to satsify you.\n\nIf you like action RPGs and appreciate retro graphcis you can't go wrong with this game or Origins.", "timestamp_created": 1488001227, "timestamp_updated": 1488001227, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.524895", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30059076": {"recommendationid": "30059076", "author": {"steamid": "76561198153472492", "num_games_owned": 43, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1504, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492564001}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome RPG game with the perfect mix of puzzles, combat, and story. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1487602928, "timestamp_updated": 1487602928, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500390", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30035190": {"recommendationid": "30035190", "author": {"steamid": "76561198166605923", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2818, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487566115}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u7ecf\u5178\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u6cd5\u8001\u63a7\u6e38\u620f\u5927\u7231\uff0c\u6210\u5c31\u5f88\u86cb\u75bc\uff0cboss\u6253\u7684\u6211\u66f4\u662f\u813e\u6c14\u90fd\u6ca1\u6709\u4e86\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1487512039, "timestamp_updated": 1487512039, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.599757", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30025827": {"recommendationid": "30025827", "author": {"steamid": "76561198132233832", "num_games_owned": 286, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 186, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498913324}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u7edd\u5bf9\u7684\u597d\u8bc4\u52a0\u63a8\u8350\uff01\uff01\uff01\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1487480753, "timestamp_updated": 1487480753, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29962142": {"recommendationid": "29962142", "author": {"steamid": "76561198136097602", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 441, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500594425}, "language": "english", "review": "Great ys game would highly recommend getting, nihon falcom, Xseed has pretty good pc ports better then capcom or squreenix, the control can be a issue sometimes, but you can use a program called x360ce to fix that.", "timestamp_created": 1487251110, "timestamp_updated": 1487251110, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500390", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29863623": {"recommendationid": "29863623", "author": {"steamid": "76561198152467105", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475964747}, "language": "english", "review": "Nothing else needs to be said about this game. It is a great game and one of the best in the Ys Series. I hope that The PSP and Vita installments will eventually come to Steam as well. This game is one of the most fun I've had with games in a long time. I have fully played this game all the way to the end and repeated playthroughs beating Nightmare mode. This of course is on the PSP version as I have played it to death. It is a fun experience that everyone should try. This is an action RPG that will remind many people of Zelda except with a heavier emphasize on combat. This game excels in the combat. It will appear basic at first but as you progress, you get more moves, magic and other abilities that will effect the way you play and approach fighting certain enemies. Bosses all test your ability to the fullest in memorizing patterns, utilizing your new magic, and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The music like anything JDK Falcom composes is beyond words. Often times this soundtrack is regarded as the best in the series while I personally feel like Chronicles is the best for me. As for the story, the game is pretty basic with its plot however, it has a lot of world building for both the previous and newer installments. These are nods to those that have played the other games of the series and nothing major is revealed with these events. It is a self contained story like most of the series except Ys I+II Chronicles, so you don't need to play the previous games to understand the story. A few tips for those that will be playing this game for the first time. Note that this game is a lot harder than most entries in the series. Normal mode will be more difficult than you are used to. Do not be discouraged. As I had played other games in the series I thought that I would start in Hard Mode and got my ass kicked. You can beat it through trial and error and grinding until you can beat the boss, Other than that, I highly reccomend the game for its fast pace, fun combat and soundtrack. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1486871209, "timestamp_updated": 1486871209, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500390", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29767700": {"recommendationid": "29767700", "author": {"steamid": "76561198172838537", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 54671, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 19, "last_played": 1516388721}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u5165\u308c\u3066\u307b\u3057\u3044\u306b\uff11\u7968\u6295\u3058\u308b\u3064\u3082\u308a\u3067\u30d0\u30c3\u30c9\u8a55\u4fa1\n\u7e4a\u7d30\u306a\u64cd\u4f5c\u3092\u8981\u6c42\u3055\u308c\u307e\u3059\u304c\u3001\u30ec\u30d9\u30eb\u3068\u88c5\u5099\u3092\u9069\u6b63\u306b\u3059\u308c\u3070\u826f\u3044\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u30d0\u30e9\u30f3\u30b9\nBGM\u304c\u30b7\u30fc\u30f3\u306b\u826f\u304f\u3042\u3063\u3066\u307e\u3059\u3000\u30dc\u30b9\u30e9\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5\u3082\u9762\u767d\u3044", "timestamp_created": 1486495089, "timestamp_updated": 1493686510, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 28, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.724470", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29737535": {"recommendationid": "29737535", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119556391", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 942, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489786934}, "language": "french", "review": "Comporte, certes, quelques bugs de textures mais reste un excellent jeu digne de la franchise Ys !\n", "timestamp_created": 1486371554, "timestamp_updated": 1486371554, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29580888": {"recommendationid": "29580888", "author": {"steamid": "76561198197819217", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1233, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 878, "last_played": 1516447884}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6ca1\u4e24\u628a\u5237\u5b50\u7684\u73a9\u5bb6\u5343\u4e07\u4e0d\u8981\u5c1d\u8bd5nightmare\u3002\u3002\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1485762243, "timestamp_updated": 1485762243, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29525627": {"recommendationid": "29525627", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997022811", "num_games_owned": 157, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 195, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485540612}, "language": "english", "review": "The dungeon exploring side of the game is kind of fun, but the bosses at the end of them just make this game a drag.", "timestamp_created": 1485542040, "timestamp_updated": 1485542040, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.325978", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29424964": {"recommendationid": "29424964", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097218349", "num_games_owned": 172, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 1169, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485226239}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6700\u6709\u9b42\u5473\u7684\u4f0a\u82cf\u6ca1\u6709\u4e4b\u4e00,BOSS\u6218\u57fa\u672c\u65e0\u6cd5\u65e0\u4f24,\u4eba\u7269\u653b\u51fb\u65f6\u6beb\u65e0\u6293\u529b\u5bb9\u6613\u4e22\u5931\u76ee\u6807,BOSS\u591a\u7684\u4f60\u65e0\u6cd5\u60f3\u8c61,\u5730\u56fe\u63a2\u7d22\u5ea6\u4f4e,\u6210\u5c31\u89e3\u9501\u96be\u5ea6\u6781\u9ad8,\u5267\u60c5\u72d7\u8840\u3002\n\u867d\u7136\u5982\u6b64,\u4f46\u662f\u8fd8\u662fPC\u4e0a\u4f0a\u82cf\u4e09\u5de8\u5934\u4e4b\u4e00\u6ca1\u8bdd\u8bf4,\u53d8\u6001\u662f\u53d8\u6001\u4e86\u70b9,\u4f46\u662f\u8fd8\u662f\u73a9\u7684\u5f88\u8fc7\u763e,\u8fd8\u662f\u90a3\u4e2a\u719f\u6089\u7684\u4f0a\u82cf,\u8d77\u7801\u4e0d\u50cf\u540e\u9762\u76847\u548c\u6811\u6d77(\n\n\u5982\u679c\u8981\u5165\u5751\u4f0a\u82cf\u7cfb\u5217,\u52a1\u5fc5\u628a\u8fd9\u4f5c\u653e\u5230\u6700\u540e,\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd9\u4f5c\u5b9e\u5728\u4e0d\u9002\u5408arpg\u65b0\u624b.", "timestamp_created": 1485100635, "timestamp_updated": 1485100635, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29415708": {"recommendationid": "29415708", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013414625", "num_games_owned": 1288, "num_reviews": 135, "playtime_forever": 1786, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485039005}, "language": "english", "review": "Great remake of Ys 3. This is easily one of the best in the series.", "timestamp_created": 1485070297, "timestamp_updated": 1485070297, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.587440", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29412104": {"recommendationid": "29412104", "author": {"steamid": "76561198173665898", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 893, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485011212}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4 \uc774\ud130\ub110 1, 2\uc5d0\uc11c \ucc44\uc6a9\ud558\ub358 \ubab8\ud1b5 \ubc15\uce58\uae30\uac00 \uc544\ub2cc \ubc84\ud2bc\uc73c\ub85c \uac80\uc9c8\ud558\ub294 \uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c\uc73c\ub85c \ubcc0\uacbd.\n\ub300\uc0ac\uc5c6\ub294 \uc544\ub3cc\uc740 \uc5ec\uc804\ud558\uace0, \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub3c4 \uc801\ub2f9\ud558\ub2e4 \uc0dd\uac01.(normal \uae30\uc900)\n\ud314\ucf64\ub2f5\uac8c BGM\uc740 \uc88b\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uc774\uc2a4 \uc88b\uc544\ud55c\ub2e4\uba74 \ubc14\ub85c \ub2e4\uc6b4! (\ud560\uc778 \ub54c\uba74 \ub354 \uc88b\uace0..)", "timestamp_created": 1485051657, "timestamp_updated": 1485051657, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29409582": {"recommendationid": "29409582", "author": {"steamid": "76561198353635037", "num_games_owned": 2, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488674184}, "language": "english", "review": "I like the interface alot, and the graphics and gameplay are very well done. It's definitely a lot of fun to be able to run around and play. The bosses, however, are a huge drawback. I have no idea what they were thinking when designing them, but they are probably the most anti-fun, redundant and repetitive bosses I've ever played against since the original Nintendo. They aren't difficult to fight against, but they always have some stupid gimick to work around, like having a shield you have to wait out, or literally spending 90% of the fight outside of the map shooting at you from where you can't even fight back. Another massive drawback to the boss fights is how often you can count on getting hit by an attack that has clearly missed, or getting hit by an attack even after its animation has ended. I wish it were as simple as \"git gud\", but you're fighting against the game's design more than you are actual the actual bosses, in battles. Ys Origin is much better, I'd recommend that one over Felghana.", "timestamp_created": 1485040467, "timestamp_updated": 1485040467, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.415197", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29291601": {"recommendationid": "29291601", "author": {"steamid": "76561198201837847", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479425845}, "language": "italian", "review": "Cambio di direzione dai primi due. Un titolo pi\u00f9 action e linearissimo, senza possibilit\u00e0 di perdersi.\nDivertente e tostissimo (ma tanto), colonna sonora grandiosa. Non c'\u00e8 molto da dire, giocateci se volete distruggere tanti mostri ed impegnarvi duramente coi Boss, con in sottofondo della musica pazzesca.", "timestamp_created": 1484554118, "timestamp_updated": 1484554118, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29291310": {"recommendationid": "29291310", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044422242", "num_games_owned": 378, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 994, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484551321}, "language": "english", "review": "While this game was released before Ys 6 on Steam, it was actually released after Ys 6 initially. So you can tell there are some refinements.\n\nFirst, instead of 3 different swords, you get the traditional weapon system from Ys 1 and 2, and the elemental attacks are replaced with three different magic rings. Fire Magic works pretty much the same as Ys 2, while the added Earth Magic and Wind Magic add another layer to your combat. Ys 6 lacked distance attacks and good way to mob enemies, while this provides just that. Earth Magic can be used to charge towards or away from enemies, which also provides another layer to combat. Overall, unlike Ys 6 where Brillante was pretty much the only sword you ever used, here, you find yourself using the three magics more or less balanced. There are also a lot of enemies that behave differently, especially the jumpers who make it harder to spam down stab like you always did in Ys 6, and some enemies requiring a specific magic to get through them easily, so the combat is overall an improvement, probably more than it initialy seems. The bosses are pretty fun too, though Ys 6 had good ones as well. As far as the final boss goes, this one trumps Ys 6's big time. Main combo being 6 hits instead of 3 also helps.\n\nThe dungeon design is, because Ys 3 was originally a sidescroller, flat, but in a good way. This makes the design a lot more comprehensible, and added with MUCH better platforming mechanic (no dash jumps, but also very forgiving gliding technic), it makes the dungeon design just much better. Of course, it's no Zelda, but then again, Zelda is built around dungen puzzles, while this game is about hacking away at your enemies, so it's not a fair comparison.\n\nThe problem is then the scale. There is only one village, and 32 NPCs. There are 6 dungeons, which I think is actually the same number as Ys 6, but it's overworld (if you can call it that) is pitifully small. As in, smaller than Ys 1. So if you are expecting Ys 2-esque, legit RPG with lots of characters to interact with, you are not going to get it here. Kinda sad, considering Falcom is usually really good at this stuff if you look at Trails series.", "timestamp_created": 1484552662, "timestamp_updated": 1484552853, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.513269", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29141792": {"recommendationid": "29141792", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096046302", "num_games_owned": 982, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 650, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483881530}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u723d\u5feb\u7684\u6218\u6597,\u6807\u51c6\u7684\u65e5\u5f0fRPG\u6d41\u7a0b\u3002\u62ff\u8d77\u4f60\u7684\u5200\u5251\u780d\u780d\u780d\u5427\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1483971399, "timestamp_updated": 1483971399, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29129776": {"recommendationid": "29129776", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985486156", "num_games_owned": 330, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 713, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483918211}, "language": "english", "review": "After playing origins, ys 1 and 2 in that order then this I can't recommend it, the controls are ok until you get into air mobs/tactics, then it just gets irritating, for example, bosses that need you to aim the fireball at them, trying to aim \"forward\" without moving too much is much much harder than you can imagine. Since air combat seems to be quite heavy in this I had to put the game down a few times. \n\nIf you're a die hard ys fan then sure go play it, its still got the fun elements to it, but otherwise I would suggest origins for a similar but better game", "timestamp_created": 1483918476, "timestamp_updated": 1483918476, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.416910", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29062022": {"recommendationid": "29062022", "author": {"steamid": "76561198309624012", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1751, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502811462}, "language": "schinese", "review": "[b]\u603b\u7b97\u5982\u613f\u8fd8\u6cd5\u8001\u63a7\u4e00\u4efd\u6e38\u620f\u94b1[/b]", "timestamp_created": 1483715176, "timestamp_updated": 1483715176, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29006588": {"recommendationid": "29006588", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033153908", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 557, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332918000}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is just epic. Great soundtrack, the playthrough is a unique experience. It's a must have to everyone who likes realtime fast paced Jrpg.", "timestamp_created": 1483537312, "timestamp_updated": 1483537312, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28966458": {"recommendationid": "28966458", "author": {"steamid": "76561198328929971", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 364, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483488326}, "language": "english", "review": "So far the game is pretty good for your average Zelda clone, the only major problem is that the boss fights drag on way too long.", "timestamp_created": 1483420507, "timestamp_updated": 1483420507, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.488599", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28917572": {"recommendationid": "28917572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198050666569", "num_games_owned": 87, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 676, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483114158}, "language": "english", "review": "I loved the story and the gameplay, but I was disapointed of the ending.", "timestamp_created": 1483306490, "timestamp_updated": 1483306490, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28776340": {"recommendationid": "28776340", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000959917", "num_games_owned": 378, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 707, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482981508}, "language": "english", "review": "Bought on sale, 11 hours of satisfaction.", "timestamp_created": 1482982064, "timestamp_updated": 1482987491, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503817", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28661006": {"recommendationid": "28661006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161965761", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1429, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 96, "last_played": 1515910227}, "language": "english", "review": "Hands down, best Ys game! :D", "timestamp_created": 1482734062, "timestamp_updated": 1482734062, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503817", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28612969": {"recommendationid": "28612969", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979799988", "num_games_owned": 204, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482241136}, "language": "english", "review": "Sound Team JDK does it again, you don't even notice when you have to grind for a few minutes to beat the next boss because the soundtrack is so mesmerizing. The boss fights, the other star of the game, are epic and not to be missed.", "timestamp_created": 1482620639, "timestamp_updated": 1482620639, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28352657": {"recommendationid": "28352657", "author": {"steamid": "76561198128740955", "num_games_owned": 32, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1045, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481739256}, "language": "french", "review": "Un bon jeu old school, un m\u00e9lange de zelda et de dark soul avec un pattern pour chaque boss, l'histoire est en anglais mais pas difficile \u00e0 comprendre, juste une chose, je conseil de jouer en easy car la difficult\u00e9 du mode normal est mal dos\u00e9e, du moins au d\u00e9but.", "timestamp_created": 1481676490, "timestamp_updated": 1481676490, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28300713": {"recommendationid": "28300713", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032137848", "num_games_owned": 1300, "num_reviews": 443, "playtime_forever": 603, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511400189}, "language": "english", "review": "\nFirst of all, this game has a phenomenal, captivating and rocking Soundtrack, which energizes you to plow through the game's enemies. In general, the Ys games which I played all had pretty good soundtracks.\n\nSecondly, the bosses are challenging. Adol died a thousand deaths until I could beat them all. The resulting satisfaction by even beating only one boss was big for me until I had all the different patterns memorized.\n\nFinally, the story is rich and the characters can be stereotypical at times, except Adol, because he is the usual silent protagonist.\n\nTo conclude, if you seek a challenge, you can pick up this game and have some fun beating it", "timestamp_created": 1481421222, "timestamp_updated": 1481421222, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.395868", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28292870": {"recommendationid": "28292870", "author": {"steamid": "76561198133213470", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 649, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465564116}, "language": "english", "review": "Addictive gameplay \ngood story\n8/10", "timestamp_created": 1481390586, "timestamp_updated": 1481390600, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458253", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28292383": {"recommendationid": "28292383", "author": {"steamid": "76561198126661223", "num_games_owned": 207, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 535, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481374523}, "language": "thai", "review": "\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e01\u0e25\u0e31\u0e1a\u0e21\u0e32\u0e2d\u0e35\u0e01\u0e04\u0e23\u0e31\u0e49\u0e07\u0e02\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e2b\u0e19\u0e38\u0e48\u0e21\u0e19\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e22 \u0e2d\u0e14\u0e2d\u0e25 \u0e04\u0e23\u0e34\u0e2a\u0e15\u0e34\u0e19 \u0e2b\u0e31\u0e27\u0e41\u0e14\u0e07 \u0e02\u0e35\u0e49\u0e40\u0e2a\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e01\u0e40\u0e23\u0e37\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e0a\u0e32\u0e27\u0e1a\u0e49\u0e32\u0e19 \u0e08\u0e35\u0e1a\u0e40\u0e17\u0e1e\u0e1e\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e08\u0e49\u0e32\u0e44\u0e14\u0e49\u0e2b\u0e19\u0e36\u0e48\u0e07\u0e15\u0e19 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(\u0e04\u0e27\u0e32\u0e21\u0e2b\u0e21\u0e32\u0e22\u0e01\u0e47\u0e04\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e20\u0e32\u0e04\u0e41\u0e23\u0e01\u0e22\u0e32\u0e01\u0e01\u0e27\u0e48\u0e32\u0e19\u0e30 \u0e04\u0e07\u0e40\u0e02\u0e49\u0e32\u0e43\u0e08\u0e25\u0e30\u0e21\u0e31\u0e49\u0e07\u0e19\u0e30 \u0e25\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e44\u0e1b\u0e40\u0e25\u0e48\u0e19\u0e14\u0e39\u0e25\u0e30\u0e01\u0e31\u0e19) \u0e08\u0e1a\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e23\u0e32\u0e22\u0e07\u0e32\u0e19\u0e40\u0e23\u0e37\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e07 \u0e2d\u0e14\u0e2d\u0e25\u0e2b\u0e19\u0e38\u0e48\u0e21\u0e19\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e22\u0e02\u0e35\u0e49\u0e40\u0e2a\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e01 \u0e13 \u0e2d\u0e13\u0e32\u0e08\u0e31\u0e01\u0e23 Felghana", "timestamp_created": 1481388820, "timestamp_updated": 1481388820, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28250164": {"recommendationid": "28250164", "author": {"steamid": "76561198146904722", "num_games_owned": 197, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 554, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481190290}, "language": "french", "review": "J'en ai marre de tomber!", "timestamp_created": 1481190354, "timestamp_updated": 1481190354, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.400000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28003670": {"recommendationid": "28003670", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006088412", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2208, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468800518}, "language": "english", "review": "This Action-JRPG is simply great. \nEven though the game is pretty linear and can be grindy at some times, the pros outweight these cons.\n\nFirst of all, this game has a phenomenal, captivating and rocking Soundtrack, which energizes you to plow through the game's enemies. In general, the Ys games which I played all had pretty good soundtracks.\n\nSecondly, the bosses are challenging. Adol died a thousand deaths until I could beat them all. The resulting satisfaction by even beating only one boss was big for me until I had all the different patterns memorized.\n\nFinally, the story is rich and the characters can be stereotypical at times, except Adol, because he is the usual silent protagonist.\n\nTo conclude, if you seek a challenge, you can pick up this game and have some fun beating it", "timestamp_created": 1480375129, "timestamp_updated": 1480375129, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.485628", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27876162": {"recommendationid": "27876162", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980052725", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1606, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503270477}, "language": "spanish", "review": "La saga Ys en general es una maravilla, pero este es uno de los mejores de la saga.\n\nPros:\nTodo, pero sobretodo quiero destacar su banda sonora que es jodidamente epica!\n\nContras:\nEl idioma, traducci\u00f3n urgente al espa\u00f1ol YA!!", "timestamp_created": 1480275967, "timestamp_updated": 1480275967, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501636", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27875756": {"recommendationid": "27875756", "author": {"steamid": "76561198092467499", "num_games_owned": 156, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1109, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487049235}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ub098\uc5d0\uac90 \uc5b8\uc81c\ub098 \uc644\ubcbd\ud588\ub358 \uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988", "timestamp_created": 1480275756, "timestamp_updated": 1480275756, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27772439": {"recommendationid": "27772439", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009139303", "num_games_owned": 131, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 3239, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434144785}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is an amazing remaster of the SNES/PC-88/Genesis/Turbo Grafix Ys III. With great graphics, awesome difficulty, and an intriguing story this is probably the best of the Ys games, either originals or remasters. Playing this on Nightmare is a wonderful challenge.", "timestamp_created": 1480221365, "timestamp_updated": 1480221499, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27771805": {"recommendationid": "27771805", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062722704", "num_games_owned": 3265, "num_reviews": 68, "playtime_forever": 1265, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480219773}, "language": "schinese", "review": "F\u662f\u6211\u6700\u559c\u6b22\u7684YS\u7cfb\u5217\u4e4b\u4e00\uff0c\u6d41\u7a0b\u7b80\u5355\uff0c\u6218\u6597\u723d\uff0c\u97f3\u4e50\u71c3\uff0c\u5149\u662f\u542c\u5230\u5df4\u96f7\u65af\u7279\u57ce\u7684BGM\u5c31\u80fd\u8ba9\u6211\u9ad8\u6f6e\u3002\n\u4f46\u662f\u6211\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5237\u4e8615\u591a\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u6210\u5c31\u515a\uff0c\u5fc5\u987b\u8981\u7ed9\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6e38\u620f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5dee\u8bc4\uff0c\u8fd9\u6b3e\u6e38\u620f\u6210\u5c31\u8bbe\u8ba1\u7684\u975e\u5e38\u53cd\u4eba\u7c7b\u3002\n\n1\u3001\u6e38\u620f\u8981\u5168\u6210\u5c31\u9700\u8981\u901a\u5173Inforno\u96be\u5ea6\uff0c\u4f46\u662fInforno\u96be\u5ea6\uff0c\u4e00\u5f00\u59cb\u65b0\u6e38\u620f\u65e0\u6cd5\u9009\u62e9\uff0c\u53ea\u4f1a\u5728\u4efb\u610f\u96be\u5ea6\u901a\u5173\u540e\u624d\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\uff0c\u8fd9\u5c31\u610f\u5473\u7740\u5168\u6210\u5c31\u9700\u8981\u81f3\u5c11\u901a\u5173\u4e24\u904d\uff1b\n2\u3001\u6e38\u620f\u6709\u4e24\u4e2a\u62a4\u9001\u4efb\u52a1\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u5230\u6e38\u620f\u4e2d\u671f\u624d\u80fd\u5b8c\u6210\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u6210\u5c31\u7684\u8981\u6c42\u662f6\u4e2a\u96be\u5ea6\u90fd\u8981\u505a\uff0cWTF\uff01\u4e0d\u7b971\u4e2d\u4f60\u9700\u8981\u901a\u5173\u7684\u4e24\u904d\uff0c\u4f60\u8fd8\u9700\u8981\u91cd\u65b0\u5f00\u542f\u65b0\u6e38\u620f4\u904d\uff0c\u628a\u8fd94\u4e2a\u96be\u5ea6\u90fd\u6253\u5230\u6e38\u620f\u4e2d\u671f\uff0c\u5b8c\u6210\u62a4\u9001\u4efb\u52a1\u624d\u80fd\u591f\u5b8c\u6210\uff01\uff01\uff01\n\n\u6210\u5c31\u7684\u8bbe\u8ba1\uff0c\u6211\u89c9\u5f97\u6700\u597d\u662f\u8ba9\u5927\u5bb6\u6311\u6218\u66f4\u9ad8\u96be\u5ea6\u3001\u53d1\u73b0\u9690\u85cf\u8981\u7d20\uff0c\u800c\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6210\u5c31\u8bbe\u8ba1\u51fa\u6765\u5c31\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u6076\u5fc3\u73a9\u5bb6\uff0c\u771f\u7684\u503c\u5f97\u5546\u69b7\u3002\n\n\u53e6\u5916\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6e38\u620f\u5f53\u65f6\u56fd\u5185\u5a31\u4e50\u901a\u4ee3\u7406\u8fc7\uff0c\u4f46\u662fSteam\u7684\u7248\u672c\u5e76\u6ca1\u6709\u4e2d\u6587\u3002\n\u5168\u6210\u5c31\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u7eaa\u5ff5\u4e00\u4e0b\u6211139\u5143\u4e70\u7684\u8c6a\u534e\u7248\uff0c\u8fd9\u94b1\u6ca1\uff01\u767d\uff01\u82b1\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1480220852, "timestamp_updated": 1480220852, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.577228", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27642451": {"recommendationid": "27642451", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997770758", "num_games_owned": 234, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2867, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498410468}, "language": "english", "review": "Incredible action game play, many enjoyable moments and great story", "timestamp_created": 1480159677, "timestamp_updated": 1480159677, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27560505": {"recommendationid": "27560505", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984780283", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1949, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422826431}, "language": "french", "review": "Fun, rapide , musique excellente.", "timestamp_created": 1480113478, "timestamp_updated": 1480113478, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27544523": {"recommendationid": "27544523", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994019018", "num_games_owned": 857, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1476, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421304149}, "language": "french", "review": "Un jeu fun et d\u00e9foulant. La musique est juste excellente.", "timestamp_created": 1480107198, "timestamp_updated": 1480107198, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27476546": {"recommendationid": "27476546", "author": {"steamid": "76561198339610520", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 290, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497942593}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u8bcd\u6c47\u80fd\u5f62\u5bb9\u4f0a\u82cf\u7684\u597d\n\u4e70\u4ed6\u5988\u7684\uff0c\u8d5e\u4ed6\u5988\u7684", "timestamp_created": 1480087263, "timestamp_updated": 1480087263, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27430506": {"recommendationid": "27430506", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032477656", "num_games_owned": 705, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 3503, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431894792}, "language": "english", "review": "Great soundtrack.\nDifficult but not cheap.\nGreat gameplay.\nOk story.\n", "timestamp_created": 1480073077, "timestamp_updated": 1480073077, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27416836": {"recommendationid": "27416836", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997753928", "num_games_owned": 213, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 3655, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480063449}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys Book I&II was keen on glorifying the boss battle. This game, which is actually a reimagined Ys III, starts simple with its combat, but later in the game OiF rivals Darksouls in my opinion in regards to sheer creativity and challenge implemented with its boss battles. \n\nAs far as 'hard' difficulty goes, I cant say Im up to the task. Just too much grind involved. Though, to eliminate any need for grinding and still enjoy a healthy challenging experiance, just play it on 'Easy' and rush through avoiding grinding completely. The bosses will get tough fairly rapidly.\n\nI'd certainly recommend it for 5 bucks.", "timestamp_created": 1480067496, "timestamp_updated": 1480068178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27375610": {"recommendationid": "27375610", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091202491", "num_games_owned": 723, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 597, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467074728}, "language": "english", "review": "Underrated game with good action & story that needs to let more people to know\n\nPros\n- Rich story\n- Good action\n- Great JRPG\n- Rich emotions\n\n\nCons\n- Little grind", "timestamp_created": 1480046027, "timestamp_updated": 1480046027, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27315406": {"recommendationid": "27315406", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086878894", "num_games_owned": 226, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1525, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489335713}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Esse jogo \u00e9, sem d\u00favida nenhuma, BRU-TAL!\n\u00c9 excelente, muito bem feito e digo mais, um exemplo perfeito daqueles jogos que joguei na inf\u00e2ncia (199X). Dificil, mas n\u00e3o imposs\u00edvel (A menos que voc\u00ea seja idiota como eu e comece no Hard). As dificuldades s\u00e3o muito definidas, come\u00e7ar uma campanha no modo Normal, na maioria dos jogos, \u00e9 dificil somente no come\u00e7o, mas depois de um ou dois macetes, a coisa muda de figura. Em Ys, voc\u00ea vai SEMPRE estar na corda bamba, no limiar da insanidade, raiva e press\u00e3o a cada curva. Em contra-partida, cada vit\u00f3ria far\u00e1 uma diferen\u00e7a gritante para o jogador e para o personagem, porque cada artefato novo, cada item, cada upgrade, pode ser a diferen\u00e7a entre uma vit\u00f3ria suada e merecida, ou uma derrota humilhante e pat\u00e9tica.\nA s\u00e9rie Ys \u00e9 cheia de hist\u00f3rias excelentes, personagens cativantes e cen\u00e1rios muito bons, rivalizando com jogos de renome como a s\u00e9rie Final Fantasy Tactics, por exemplo.\n\nD\u00ea a si mesmo um desafio, Jogue Ys: The Oath in Felghana.", "timestamp_created": 1480020924, "timestamp_updated": 1480020924, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506267", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27105121": {"recommendationid": "27105121", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048976133", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1364, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479985279}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Un juego de los que ya hoy no se hacen. \u00bfPuede un un action RPG ser vertiginoso, bonito, tener una m\u00fasica espectacular y adem\u00e1s ser terriblemente dif\u00edcil y adictivo? Definitivamente s\u00ed, e Ys es una prueba de ello.", "timestamp_created": 1479983265, "timestamp_updated": 1479983265, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27072155": {"recommendationid": "27072155", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967737832", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 938, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498791316}, "language": "english", "review": "A challenging Action RPG with a sprinkling of bullet hell in the mix.\n\nI've been a fan of this game since I'd played one of its original incarnations on the Sega Genesis. This is one of the few games that I can confidently say is a re-imagining of an already awesome title into something even more incredible.", "timestamp_created": 1479975543, "timestamp_updated": 1479975543, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27024656": {"recommendationid": "27024656", "author": {"steamid": "76561198257802765", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 349, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489048754}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u73a9\u4e86\u4f0a\u82cf8\u540e\u6253\u7b97\u628a\u524d\u51e0\u4f5c\u90fd\u8865\u4e00\u4e0b\u4e86(\u4e0d\u8fc7\u771f\u7684\u597d\u96be\u554a)", "timestamp_created": 1479962839, "timestamp_updated": 1479962839, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26990638": {"recommendationid": "26990638", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084080280", "num_games_owned": 339, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 944, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485399272}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Se voc\u00ea um amante de Action RPG mas n\u00e3o dispensa uma bom enredo, Ys: The Oath in Felghana com certeza ir\u00e1 lhe agradar. N\u00e3o importa se voc\u00ea est\u00e1 conhecendo a s\u00e9rie agora ou se jogou o seu original Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, o game VAI te prender do inicio ao fim com seu gameplay din\u00e2mico, trilha sonora marcante, uma dificuldade amarga mas sem ser injusta e uma historia envolvente t\u00edpica de um J-RPG. \n\nQuando comprei o game n\u00e3o dava muito por ele pois achava que era s\u00f3 mais um Action RPG que vc enjooa depois de um tempo mas fui viciando cada vez mais e mais e acabei ficando decepcionado quando acabou... N\u00e3o pelo game em si, mas sim por n\u00e3o te-lo conhecido antes. xD", "timestamp_created": 1479954220, "timestamp_updated": 1479954220, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.549407", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26986952": {"recommendationid": "26986952", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988441507", "num_games_owned": 244, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 97, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473955874}, "language": "english", "review": "My absolute favourite game of all time, and the best of all the Ys games, in my opinion.\n\nTons of fun for action RPG fans, with amazing music to keep you pumped all the way to the end!\n\nIf you've played other Ys games and liked them, buying this one is a no-brainer!", "timestamp_created": 1479953316, "timestamp_updated": 1479953316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26980076": {"recommendationid": "26980076", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035732202", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 664, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388034263}, "language": "english", "review": "Definitely a good purchase if you like fairly challenging bosses, fast-paced and tight action gameplay, with a hot-blooded soundtrack that REALLY makes you want to headbang. It's quite underrated.", "timestamp_created": 1479951654, "timestamp_updated": 1479951654, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26962365": {"recommendationid": "26962365", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047376394", "num_games_owned": 96, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1507, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 9, "last_played": 1515593180}, "language": "english", "review": "this game is fucking brutal I love it", "timestamp_created": 1479947613, "timestamp_updated": 1479947613, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26956908": {"recommendationid": "26956908", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035766225", "num_games_owned": 432, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1432, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1442615319}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice Arts, Music and Gameplay.\nVery hard but not unfair Bossfights.\n\nBuy it!", "timestamp_created": 1479946410, "timestamp_updated": 1479946410, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26926941": {"recommendationid": "26926941", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034113099", "num_games_owned": 864, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2928, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500908583}, "language": "french", "review": "L'un des meilleurs jeu 2d qui existe au monde (Digne successeur de secret of mana avec des musique de fou et un gameplay renversant)", "timestamp_created": 1479940854, "timestamp_updated": 1479940854, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26894017": {"recommendationid": "26894017", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065295126", "num_games_owned": 279, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 953, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451581125}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Epicness, brutal saga", "timestamp_created": 1479936402, "timestamp_updated": 1479936402, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26850335": {"recommendationid": "26850335", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970313982", "num_games_owned": 367, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 845, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481933894}, "language": "english", "review": "Summary: \n\nFantastic action story-light JRPG that plays well and is challenging, but never to the point of frustration.\n\nPositives:\n\nDifficult - Not *too* hard, just hard enough to require your attention (played on normal)\nGreat feel - A hard thing to quantify, but movement and attacking are very responsive and just feel good\nJust enough story to engage - Enough story to drive you forwards, but not too much to distract from the action\n\nNegatives:\n\nVisually dated - Doesn't look terrible, but clearly an old engine/game", "timestamp_created": 1479931954, "timestamp_updated": 1479931954, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26835927": {"recommendationid": "26835927", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043019089", "num_games_owned": 301, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 1378, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479930670}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Un aut\u00e9ntico juegazo como Ys Origins.", "timestamp_created": 1479930740, "timestamp_updated": 1479930740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.299905", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26799325": {"recommendationid": "26799325", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011845242", "num_games_owned": 1850, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479927385}, "language": "english", "review": "Kickass soundtrack, Simple yet satisfying combat inspired by Hokuto no Ken (Sword of the North Star) and awesome boss fights, fast paced Action RPGs don't get any better than this.\nOne of Falcom's great and a must for anyone who enjoys Action RPGs and awesome soundtrack in their games.\nGrinding isn't an issue either as it can be done pretty fast and give you a small tiny edge against bosses (mainly you don't get killed as fast).", "timestamp_created": 1479927702, "timestamp_updated": 1479927702, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.600443", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26715855": {"recommendationid": "26715855", "author": {"steamid": "76561198179112425", "num_games_owned": 291, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 583, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473785502}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u7cfb\u7edf\u57286\u7684\u57fa\u7840\u4e0a\u66f4\u52a0\u5b8c\u5584\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u96be\u5ea6\u52a0\u5927\u4e86\u4e0d\u5c11\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1479657647, "timestamp_updated": 1479657647, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26611932": {"recommendationid": "26611932", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996155532", "num_games_owned": 232, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 4463, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479193909}, "language": "english", "review": "Very nice game. Combat is fluid and challenging, boss fights tough and engaging, story is adequate, and NPCs have personality and react to plot developments. If you've played Ys 1 and 2 and enjoyed them as I did, know that this third entry in the series is actually better in every way. Newcomers can feel free to start here because it's a standalone adventure.\n\nThe hero, Adol, is a swordsman who lives for the thrill of exploring new lands. In each game, he arrives at a new place, meets lots of people, earns their admiration for solving their problems and saving their lives, gets a girl to fall in love with him, and then leaves it all behind at the end to travel somewhere else. In terms of gameplay, Felghana has you platforming and hacking and slashing your way through varied environments (dungeons) filled with monsters, while trying to find treasure chests on your way to the next save point, after which there is a boss fight. It follows this formula all throughout -- simple and it works. You also have to keep an eye out for a few secret passages and a couple side quests if you want to get all the unique items in this game, some of which are incredibly useful in avoiding headaches later on. The soundtrack, as always in this series, is very good.\n\nThe main draw here is definitely the hectic combat, and the satisfying difficulty of the bosses is the height of what the game has to offer. The dungeon chests add an enjoyable exploration element, the story does a good job giving meaning to what you're doing, and the personable and reactive NPCs make you care about what's happening. Overall, Felghana is a very well put together package and a polished experience. Easy recommendation for anyone who likes what they see in the gameplay videos.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1479196920, "timestamp_updated": 1479196920, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26583876": {"recommendationid": "26583876", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011552262", "num_games_owned": 426, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 5792, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 5, "last_played": 1515548636}, "language": "english", "review": "Buy this if you REALLY hate walls~\n\nOne of the best games in the entire Ys series, stay away from the garbage Vita sequels.", "timestamp_created": 1479053115, "timestamp_updated": 1479053115, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503876", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26468402": {"recommendationid": "26468402", "author": {"steamid": "76561198200702853", "num_games_owned": 386, "num_reviews": 84, "playtime_forever": 232, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478470457}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u66fe\u73a9\u8fc7\u7684\u8001\u73a9\u5bb6\uff0c\u70b9\u8d5e\u5c31\u884c\u4e86\u3002\n\u6ca1\u73a9\u8fc7\u7684\u65b0\u73a9\u5bb6\uff0c\u4e70\u4e86\u5c31\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1478486891, "timestamp_updated": 1478486891, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 129, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.913195", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26413231": {"recommendationid": "26413231", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049428677", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1897, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509543616}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041d\u0435\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0445\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0448\u043a\u0430 , \u0434\u043e\u043b\u0433\u043e \u043a \u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0448\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u044b\u043a\u0430\u0442\u044c. \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0434\u0436\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a \u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430 . \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0436\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0434\u0435\u0448\u044c . \n\nhttps://youtu.be/C8BWDZ10Oto", "timestamp_created": 1478252408, "timestamp_updated": 1478252408, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26354057": {"recommendationid": "26354057", "author": {"steamid": "76561198159683761", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 251, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504991169}, "language": "english", "review": "I enjoy the Ys series and Ys III: Wonders from Ys or rather in this case Oath in Felghana is one of my favorites in the Ys series.This version is similar to the version on the Playstation Vita or PSP with only on minor differance....No voice acting! This is a con for me as the actors in the Playstation Vita/PSP version where fine other then that the game is pretty much what I remembered.\n\n4.5/5 Rating.", "timestamp_created": 1478005277, "timestamp_updated": 1478005277, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26150220": {"recommendationid": "26150220", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982739582", "num_games_owned": 274, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 732, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477361876}, "language": "english", "review": "Oath of Felghana is a lightning-fast action RPG with intense and difficult boss battles and great music. Highly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1477075894, "timestamp_updated": 1477075894, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26021836": {"recommendationid": "26021836", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028321269", "num_games_owned": 1091, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 1431, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476407680}, "language": "dutch", "review": "\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591\n\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2591\u2588\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2591\u2588\u2591", "timestamp_created": 1476407922, "timestamp_updated": 1476407922, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502297", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25972695": {"recommendationid": "25972695", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019840178", "num_games_owned": 300, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 1049, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436126809}, "language": "english", "review": "Return of the \"measurement\" ( \u0361\u00b0 \u035c\u0296 \u0361\u00b0)", "timestamp_created": 1476132811, "timestamp_updated": 1476132811, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25864269": {"recommendationid": "25864269", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981087823", "num_games_owned": 390, "num_reviews": 90, "playtime_forever": 512, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475641315}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like fast paced action games, you'll probably enjoy this. I'd say this game is more action than RPG. It has elements of SHMUPs. It even has some light platforming elements.\n\nPros:\n+ Very responsive controls and movement. There's no sense of sluggishness when you move, jump, and attack.\n+ Fast paced action, favoring execution, reaction, and enemy pattern recognition over grinding and slower-paced strategic / tactical decisions. More like a SHMUP than a strategic action RPG.\n+ aforementioned reaction-based elements are actually possible (at least for me in my late-20s). I've played games that have patterns that require unfeasible reaction speeds. So the patterns end up being, effectively, random amounts of damage because there's no reasonable way to avoid them (like the last boss in YS 1).\n+ The way you get good at fighting the enemies and bosses in this game is by learning their patterns. As far as I can tell, there are very few situations where your ability to win or lose is based on randomness. There are some games where there's really difficult patterns or challenges that are so difficult that you won't be able to reasonably overcome them without spending a lot of time practicing. Take some of the bosses in the souls series - the process of learning each boss's moves can take quite awhile because they have a varied moveset, and there's often complications like cluttered level design and certain patterns that can't consistently be parried or dodged or predicted. That sort of stuff really frustrates me, especially when it takes awhile to get back to the boss. This game doesn't really have anything like that. You can pretty much learn the correct thing to do in any given situation in a reasonable amount of time, and it's very consistent. And, when you fail a boss, you can restart right at it without having to make your way back from a save point. To sum it up, I think that you can feasibly learn to fight every boss without taking any damage.\n+ Difficulty options! Easy mode felt fun and not all that challenging for me. If you really want to play more you can replay on harder difficulty modes.\n+ awesome music. Energetic, electric guitar, drums, + symphonic instruments. I believe the tracks use actual recordings and not samples.\n+ World building. As you return to town during your adventures, the characters in town always have different things to say. It's nice when games don't have voice acting because it lets writers write a lot more stuff, and they've definitely taken advantage of that fact here.\n\nThings I didn't like:\n- towards the end, it seems there's a bit of an expectation that you grind to get more money and EXP so you can upgrade your gear, increase your max HP, and increase your stats. If you think that's okay, ask yourself if running back and forth between the same rooms doing the same repetitive task just to make some numbers go up is a really meaningful way to spend your life. Ask yourself if you'd go to bed feeling good about how you spent your day, having spent hours of it doing the same stupid task over and over again.\n- overall, the grinding for EXP, money, and upgrade mats I think needlessly lengthens the game and gets in the way of the action-oriented gameplay. I hardly had to spend much time grinding, but I wonder what including stats and levels and stuff really achieves, from the perspective of just making the game fun. I think it hurts the fun.\n- Partial controller support. You cannot map the menu button to a button on your controller. You have to have your keyboard there in front of you or you have to use an external tool to map your start button to ESC.\n\nIn short, there's not much I didn't like about this game. It's a nice, fast-paced action game with some JRPG elements. Although, I can't help but wonder what a game like this has to offer over actual \"action-first\" action games like Bayonetta, DMC, SHMUPs, etc...I feel like the thing that makes this game unique is its inclusion of JRPG elements, but I also feel like the game may have been more fun if it had just focused all on the action. The primary gameplay of this game is action-oriented, but if that's what you really want out of a game you have much better options elsewhere. The action in this game isn't as great as the action in other highly-polished action games. So why not just play those instead?\n\nSo, if you have no shortage of top-tier action games that you still enjoy (like Platinum games that you haven't yet 100%'d), I don't know that this game is worth getting. But if you're looking for something new and different, definitely check this one out.", "timestamp_created": 1475642812, "timestamp_updated": 1475643600, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.557024", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25853588": {"recommendationid": "25853588", "author": {"steamid": "76561198125719175", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 1850, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472776791}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice classic game! Very hard but also very rewarding once you master the mechanics. Be warned that it is VERY addicting, Just like the other games from the series.", "timestamp_created": 1475585970, "timestamp_updated": 1475585970, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25578234": {"recommendationid": "25578234", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972358369", "num_games_owned": 516, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 1884, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474234081}, "language": "english", "review": "Haven't felt challenged by a game like this in a long time.\n\nWhat fantastic boss design.", "timestamp_created": 1474234212, "timestamp_updated": 1474234212, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25467857": {"recommendationid": "25467857", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134851025", "num_games_owned": 844, "num_reviews": 268, "playtime_forever": 440, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515201480}, "language": "schinese", "review": "PC\u4e09\u4f5c3D\u573a\u666f\u7684\u4f0a\u82cf\u624d\u662f\u7cfb\u5217\u6700\u9ad8\u6c34\u51c6\uff0c7\u4ee5\u540e\u7684\u90fd\u7279\u4e48\u6210RPG\u751a\u81f3\u8f68\u8ff9\u4e86\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\n\n\u6240\u4ee5\u76ee\u524d\u6700\u68d2\u7684Steam\u7248\uff0c\u4e0d\u90fd\u6765\u4e00\u4efd\u4e48\uff1f\n\n\u6c49\u5316\u8865\u4e01\uff1a https://steamcn.com/t346419-1-1\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u6c49\u5316\uff1a\u5148\u89e3\u538b\u6c49\u5316\uff0c\u53bb\u6389\u6c49\u5316\u5305\u91cc\u7684\u8fd0\u884c\u6587\u4ef6\uff0c\u6c49\u5316\u5305\u91cc\u7684\u8bbe\u7f6e\u7a0b\u5e8f\u6539\u540d\u4e3aconfig_dx9.exe\uff0c\u518d\u5c06ysf_cn_test.7z\u91cc\u7684ysf_win_dx9_cn.exe\u3001ysfcn.text\u3001ysfcn.dll\u3001font.ttf\u8fd9\u51e0\u4e2a\u6587\u4ef6\u590d\u5236\u5230\u89e3\u538b\u540e\u7684\u6c49\u5316\u6587\u4ef6\u91cc\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u628aysf_win_dx9_cn.exe\u6539\u540d\u4e3aysf_win_dx9.exe\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u5c06\u5168\u90e8\u5904\u7406\u597d\u7684\u6c49\u5316\u6587\u4ef6\u590d\u5236\u5230\u6e38\u620f\u76ee\u5f55\n\n\u5982\u679c\u4e0d\u8fd9\u4e48\u505a\u7684\u8bdd\uff0c\u963f\u8c46\u8ddf\u5207\u54e5\u7b2c\u4e00\u6218\u963f\u8c46\u843d\u4e0b\u60ac\u5d16\u540e\u5fc5\u5b9a\u62a5\u9519\uff0c\u8865\u4e01\u4f5c\u8005\u4fee\u6b63\u4e86\u4f46\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u6574\u5408\u8fdb\u6c49\u5316\u8865\u4e01\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u624b\u52a8\u6574\u5408", "timestamp_created": 1473618929, "timestamp_updated": 1516362599, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 99, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.864488", "comment_count": "11", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25437635": {"recommendationid": "25437635", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013779354", "num_games_owned": 137, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1850, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490674858}, "language": "english", "review": "Wonderful game. By far the most difficult game I've ever played though but I think I had fun the entire time I wasn't yelling. Combat is fast and exciting and the music is good. Just great overall.", "timestamp_created": 1473485843, "timestamp_updated": 1473485843, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25363068": {"recommendationid": "25363068", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031497401", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 838, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475142916}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac13\uac9c....", "timestamp_created": 1473078468, "timestamp_updated": 1473078468, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25295887": {"recommendationid": "25295887", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047427978", "num_games_owned": 229, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 1990, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514002873}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys III was a weird game. It was the first in the series to swap from the top-down bump system to a 2D platformer. It was also outsourced to many, many different devs and systems. The series later swapped back to their original system for Ys IV (And presumably V) and then started using a 3D platformer engine for VI and beyond.\n\nYet this is my favorite in the series.\nOath in Felghana is a 1st-party remake of the original. With remixed music, completely redone areas, and superior gameplay. I would honestly list this among my top 5 RPGs of all time.\n\n[b]GAMEPLAY[/b]\nYs TOiF is an Action RPG/Hack&Slash 3D platformer. You have four main abilities. Obviously: Attack combo, Jump, and Magic. But you also have a boost, which charges over time, gives you a quicker, stronger combo, and halves all damage taken. (In the PSP version you get a second boost which also gives HP Regen.) There are plenty of moves, like plunging attacks, rising blades, and such. The gameplay is generally very fast-paced. Grinding is made easier with a combo system that awards an XP multiplier based on how long you can keep a combo going.\nThis game is VERY hard. You shouldn't have too much trouble beating it on normal, but I'm currently in the midst of an Inferno mode playthrough. Dodging attacks is very necessary, though you get an ability later that negates all damage and serves as a guard.\nOne of the game's strong points is it's boss fights. All challenging, tense, and require a dedication of learning patterns and when to attack (Especially in higher difficulties). You really feel accomplished when you beat them.\n\n[b]MUSIC[/b]\nOooohhhmygodthisgamehasamazingmusic.\nFalcom loves putting metal remixes of the original songs in their games. I'm serious when I say that literally every song on this soundtrack is amazing. Please just give it a listen even if you don't want to play the game. It always fits with the area perfectly.\n\n[b]STORY[/b]\nThis game picks up a few years after Ys II leaves off. Monsters are still rapant even though demons and magic have been eradicated. And a small trading town is hurt severely by the rule of a tyrant noble. It's a pretty decent story, and the intended emotions towards all of the characters get carried over very well.\n\nOverall, I love this game. It's one of my favorites of all time, and likely the best in the series.\n9.5/10", "timestamp_created": 1472775233, "timestamp_updated": 1472775233, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545455", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25279227": {"recommendationid": "25279227", "author": {"steamid": "76561198107182741", "num_games_owned": 64, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1597, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494343763}, "language": "english", "review": "If you're looking for a starightforward action RPG with amazing music, tight controls, and satisfying combat (especially bosses), this should be a go-to.\n\nThere really aren't very many flaws in the game, aside from the game not looking amazing and some weak plot here and there.\n\nBut this can be pretty easily overlooked with how fun the hack-and slash combat is. The music is some of Falcom's best, so try to play with headphones. Also, this game can be kinda tough, especially on the harder difficulties. The bosses will prove that pretty quickly, since it's likely you'll die the first time or two trying to figure out patterns and weaknesses. But after that it'll either be a cakewalk or a satisfying triumph.\n\nOverall, I'd give this an 8/10", "timestamp_created": 1472698732, "timestamp_updated": 1472698732, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25213030": {"recommendationid": "25213030", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087664668", "num_games_owned": 41, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 628, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472410550}, "language": "english", "review": "easy mode hehe", "timestamp_created": 1472410740, "timestamp_updated": 1472410740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.449173", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25070244": {"recommendationid": "25070244", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048686465", "num_games_owned": 94, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 832, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472002932}, "language": "english", "review": "After months of wondering if I'd lost interest in video games, this one got me hooked from beginning to end. As a long time gamer, I enjoyed Y's 3 back in the day on the SNES. This is a great example of a re-imagining done right. The people who worked on this game seem to have a deep understanding of good game design and know what keeps a player interested without adding any fluff. There is plenty of new content that wasn't in the original, and all of it improves upon the old foundation.\n\nIf I had to suggest improvements, I'd ask that the easy mode was a little bit less easy (maybe 2/3rds damage instead of half damage from enemies. There is an included \"Very Easy\" mode after all.) Normal mode required a bit more dying, grinding, or perfect pattern memorization than I'd prefer, and bosses often had a few moves that seemed to be unavoidable. It would have been great if the original soundtrack was included as well, but I wouldn't hold that against the game.\n \nI'd love to see more games like this in the future. 9/10.", "timestamp_created": 1471859962, "timestamp_updated": 1471859962, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.563492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25067237": {"recommendationid": "25067237", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043770931", "num_games_owned": 141, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1657, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484034207}, "language": "english", "review": "I now have a crippling fear of ice dragons.\nAnd I refuse to lower the difficulty.", "timestamp_created": 1471844365, "timestamp_updated": 1471844365, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25005690": {"recommendationid": "25005690", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033364511", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1082, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471550612}, "language": "english", "review": "The Oath in Felghana improves on its original incarnation (Ys III: Wanderers from Ys) in every conceivable way. Combat is more involved and exciting, bosses more varied, and of course the graphics are much improved. Experimenting with side scrolling wasn't a terrible idea for Falcom at the time and it might have worked, but it ended up being a failed experiment. The Oath in Felghana rectifies that mistake admirably. An extensive analysis video of The Oath in Felghana and comparison to its original version can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXFnDiSn06k", "timestamp_created": 1471582245, "timestamp_updated": 1471582245, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24932240": {"recommendationid": "24932240", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001862976", "num_games_owned": 660, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 504, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471260564}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this right after Ys 6 and I have to say, it's just so much better in every aspect (except the plot maybe). Great soundtrack, challenging boss fights and very smooth gameplay. Totally recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1471260817, "timestamp_updated": 1471260817, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.469667", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24712631": {"recommendationid": "24712631", "author": {"steamid": "76561198082932159", "num_games_owned": 30, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1414, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472202711}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc804\ud615\uc801\uc778 \uc77c\ubcf8 rpg \uc2a4\ud0c0\uc77c\uc758 \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ucc38\uc2e0\ud568\uc774\ub780 \ub208\uaf3d\ub9cc\ud07c\ub3c4 \ucc3e\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc5b4\uc11c\uc778\uc9c0, \ubcf4\uc2a4 \ud328\ud134\uc774 \ub2e8\uc21c\ud574\uc11c\uc778\uc9c0\n\uc774\uc2a4 \uba85\uc131\uc5d0 \ube44\ud574 \uba54\ud0c0\uc2a4\ucf54\uc5b4\uac00 \ub0ae\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub3c4 \uadf8\ub807\uace0, \ub808\ubca8 \ubc38\ub7f0\uc2a4\ub3c4 \uadf8\ub807\uace0\n\uc0c1\ub2f9\ud788 \uc798 \ub2e4\ub4ec\uc5b4\uc9c4 \uac8c\uc784\uc774\ub77c \uc0dd\uac01\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4,\n\n\ub2e8\uc810\uc774\ub77c\uba74\n\uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac\uac00 \uc9c4\ubd80\ud558\ub2e4 \ubabb \ud574 \uc720\uce58\ud55c \uac10\uc774 \uc788\ub2e4\ub294 \uc810.\n\ud50c\ub808\uc774\ud0c0\uc784\ub3c4 \uc0b4\uc9dd \uc544\uc26c\uc6b4 \ud3b8\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. normal \ub3cc\ub9ac\uba74 \ubcf4\ud1b5 6~10\uc2dc\uac04.\n\n\n\uac00\uc7a5 \uc911\uc694\ud55c \uac8c \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4 \uac19\uc740\ub370, \ub9d0\ud588\ub4ef\uc774 \ubcf4\uc2a4\uac00 \uaf64\ub098 \uc27d\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uac9c \uc798\ud558\ub294 \ubd84\ub4e4\uc5d0\uac90 \uae40 \ube60\uc9c8 \ub9cc\ud55c \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4.\n\n\ub2e8, hard \ub370\ubbf8\uc9c0\ub97c \uacbd\ud5d8\ud574\ubcf8 \uacb0\uacfc\n\ubcf4\ud1b5 \uc77c\ubc18 \ubab9\ud55c\ud14c 3, 4\ub300 \ub9de\uc73c\uba74 \uace8\ub85c \uac00\ub354\uad70\uc694. (\ud2b9\ubcc4\ud55c \uac15\ud654/\ub808\ubca8 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4 \uc5c6\uc774)\n\n\uadf8\ub798\ub3c4 normal~hard\uae4c\uc9c0\uac00 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4\ub85c \ucee4\ubc84\uce60 \uc218 \uc788\ub294 \ucee4\ud2b8\ub77c\uc778\uc778\uac00 \ubd05\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uacbd\ud5d8 \uc0c1, normal\ub3c4 \uc77c\ubc18 \ubab9\uc5d0\uac8c 4, 5\ub300\uba74 \uc8fd\ub354\ub77c\uad6c\uc694.\n\n\ud55c \ub54c \ud314\ucf64\uc758 \ub300\ud45c\uc791\uc774\uc5c8\ub358 \ub9cc\ud07c, \uba54\ud0c0\uc2a4\ucf54\uc5b4 \uc774\uc0c1\uc73c\ub85c \ubbff\uc744 \ub9cc\ud55c \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uc81c \uae30\uc900\uc73c\ub85c \uc2a4\ucf54\uc5b4 80\uc815\ub3c4??", "timestamp_created": 1470336800, "timestamp_updated": 1471177127, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24694021": {"recommendationid": "24694021", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042369831", "num_games_owned": 422, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 83, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470245910}, "language": "english", "review": "Regular enemies pose no threat whatsoever. Bosses have very simple attack patterns that you must dodge for what feels like hours, then you get hit and die because you practically fell asleep watching their million hp go down so slowly. It's the worst kind of difficulty, completely artificial, just boring. I don't ever wanna git gud at this game", "timestamp_created": 1470246962, "timestamp_updated": 1470246962, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.351930", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24681328": {"recommendationid": "24681328", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999162473", "num_games_owned": 313, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470189289}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is a remake of a classic RPG that has been around for for almost three decades. It is one of your more standard JPRGs. There's a lot of grinding involved and a lot of back tracking as well. Ys is one of those RPGs that don't always tell you where you need to go or what to do. Most of the game's story progress is based on in game events, so you may find yourself wandering around and then having to back track in order to actually get anywhere.\n\nAs a standard JRPG there isn't anything too bad about it, the graphics are good, for it's age, it has a decent sound track and there's some very nice hand drawn animation as well. One of the bigger problems with Ys is the fact that while it's a standard action-rpg, it incorporates platforming elements that can be tedious at best, infuriating at worst. There's been several times I have actually had to quit playing the game due to this issue. \n\nIf you are a fan of difficult JRPGs, then Ys will do fine by you, if you aren't a huge fan of massive grinding or back tracking, this won't be your cup of tea. People who want to play RPGs \"for the story\" are going to find they are going to have to slog their way through Ys difficulty and BS in order to get to the meat of the story.", "timestamp_created": 1470187849, "timestamp_updated": 1470187849, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.434337", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24663267": {"recommendationid": "24663267", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040343125", "num_games_owned": 104, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 2458, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 56, "last_played": 1516389219}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana.\nAfter playing all Ys games available on Steam, my journey ends with this. Ys: The Oath in Felghana is my favourite Ys so far.\nTo make it short: It was an awesome and epic experience. If you played Ys Origin, you will love this game. The same fast, simple but fun gameplay. \nFor those of you who like simple, fun but really challenging games, I recommend this. The game is really hard, but awesomely fun! The boss fights are extra awesomely fun!\nARPG fans will also love this. And Touhou fans. Touhou fans should play this on Nightmare, or even Inferno of course.\n\nAnd, as always with Falcom games, the OST is amazing.\n\nEven though my Steam Ys journey has ended, I will return to you some day, Ys. For that is my Oath. My Oath in Felghana.", "timestamp_created": 1470106771, "timestamp_updated": 1470107152, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24382352": {"recommendationid": "24382352", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084763151", "num_games_owned": 516, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 1591, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467009393}, "language": "english", "review": "Super Fun, Retro Feeling\nwhoever this company is, I hope they bring more releases on PC or Steam. \n10 out of 10 (Under-rated)", "timestamp_created": 1468805894, "timestamp_updated": 1468805894, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24312257": {"recommendationid": "24312257", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154610598", "num_games_owned": 1453, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 829, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468492270}, "language": "koreana", "review": "so so", "timestamp_created": 1468492651, "timestamp_updated": 1468492651, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24304516": {"recommendationid": "24304516", "author": {"steamid": "76561198286493925", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 12, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467042120}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f0a\u82cf\u4e0d\u591a\u8bf4\u7ecf\u5178\u4e2d\u7684\u7ecf\u5178", "timestamp_created": 1468449320, "timestamp_updated": 1468449320, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24271991": {"recommendationid": "24271991", "author": {"steamid": "76561198295351823", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1370, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469052681}, "language": "english", "review": "I played the obscure Turbografx-16 Ys3 Wanderers from Ys and the PSP Ys Oath in Felghana, so I am a fan of the different versions of this game. Its difficult to say which version is my personal fav, they are all good. This version is much like the PSP version of the same name, old school overhead Action-RPG type of game similar to many Zelda games, but unlike Zelda there really aren't complex puzzles or an open world type approach. It is very linear, focused on action, simple, and a lot of fun. \n\n Sountrack like every Ys game is about as good as you will find in an original game sountrack. I have to admit I like the TG-16 sountrack better to these tracks, but that is not a knock on this game's amazing soundtrack, just a preference in which version I like more. Gameplay is simple, but fun and addicting. You will grind like in RPG's, but will have some platforming too. My biggest gripe is the grinding, its a bit tedious, but small nitpick for an otherwise good game.\n\n Good game worth getting and a good entry point for those that never played an Ys game before.", "timestamp_created": 1468320508, "timestamp_updated": 1468877012, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24246116": {"recommendationid": "24246116", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041513091", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 757, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468209800}, "language": "english", "review": "After playing and beating Furi (a game that came out recently which has a similar vein of difficult), I didn't think this game would be that bad. Then I played, and got wrecked. But I love overcoming reasonable challenges.\n\nAll the Ys games I've played so far (I - IV) have been stellar, and Oath in Felghana is no different. The gameplay is simple but fun. Boss fights are challenging and sometimes you might think it's impossible. However there is just one mechanic to utilize that is difficult to find, and that goes for all bosses. Finding the mechanic to beat the boss is as enjoyable as beating the boss itself.\n\nI'd recommend this for anyone wanting a good challenge and knows they like JRPGs. Don't let the fact that this is the \"fourth\" entry deterr you from playing - all Ys games are fine starting points.", "timestamp_created": 1468210195, "timestamp_updated": 1468210195, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24235501": {"recommendationid": "24235501", "author": {"steamid": "76561198095504640", "num_games_owned": 83, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1077, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468018834}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a game I have had on PSP and loved it so much that I HAD to get it for Steam. So yes, I paid money that I didn't need to pay JUST to play this game on my PC. If you're into JRPG's, there's no better starting point than here and that's not a clich\u00e9! \n\nDo you like running around with a sword and shield and kicking butt? Do you like an absolutely phenomenol musical soundtrack? Dude. Buy it. :p The series is fantastic! \n\nRPG-ing at it's best!\n\nThe only downside to the game is the voice acting that was excluded in the steam version, however, that is not a reason to not buy this game!", "timestamp_created": 1468169953, "timestamp_updated": 1468170410, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24223048": {"recommendationid": "24223048", "author": {"steamid": "76561198123326722", "num_games_owned": 56, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 1156, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467599053}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u96be\u5ea6\u9002\u4e2d\uff0c\u624b\u6b8b\u4e5f\u80fd\u901a\u5173\uff0c\u6ca1\u6709YS1,2\u7684\u4e27\u5fc3\u75c5\u72c2\u5f39\u5e55\u653b\u51fb\uff0c\u6ca1\u6709YS6\u7684\u96be\u5ea6\u7a81\u7136\u63d0\u5347\uff0c\u4e5f\u6ca1\u6709YSO\u7684\u8d85\u539a\u8840\u91cfBOSS\u3002\u5982\u679c\u8981\u5165\u57517\u4ee5\u524d\u7684\u4f0a\u82cf\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u4eceYSF\u5f00\u59cb\u6bd4\u8f83\u8f7b\u677e\u6109\u60a6\u3002\n[spoiler] \u7136\u800c\u6211\u6ca1\u6253\u8d62\u8fc7\u9690\u85cfboss\t[/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1468124109, "timestamp_updated": 1468124109, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24211445": {"recommendationid": "24211445", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091076616", "num_games_owned": 273, "num_reviews": 146, "playtime_forever": 255, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468090750}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u043e\u043a\u0443\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0432 \u0430\u0442\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0444\u0435\u0440\u0443 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0436\u0440\u043f\u0433 - \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0435 \u043e\u043d\u043e. \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u0435\u0442 \u0430\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 - \u044d\u0442\u043e \u043d\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0438\u0437\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0447. \u0441\u043b\u0435\u0448\u0435\u0440, \u043c\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0447\u0438\u043c, \u043e\u0442\u0437\u044b\u0432\u0447\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u0438 \u0443\u0434\u043e\u0431\u043d\u044b\u0439 - \u0447\u0442\u043e \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0432\u0430\u0436\u043d\u043e. \u0412\u043a\u0443\u043f\u0435 \u0441 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439 - \u0441\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0439\u0442\u044b \u043d\u0430 3\u0434 \u0444\u043e\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u0438\u044f\u0445, \u0441\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043c, \u043f\u0441 1 - \u0432\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435 \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043e \u0432\u044b\u0433\u043b\u044f\u0434\u0438\u0442. \u042d\u0442\u043e \u044f \u043b\u044e\u0431\u043b\u044e. \u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043c\u0438\u043b\u043e \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e, \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0438\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0441\u0441\u044b \u043a \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u043c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430, \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f, \u043c\u0430\u0433\u0438\u044f, \u0440\u0435\u0441\u043f \u043c\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0432 - \u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431 \u0433\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0442\u044c, \u0432\u0441\u044f\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e \u043e\u0431\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u043d\u043f\u0441, \u0442\u0438\u043f\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0444\u043e\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0435 - \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0435\u0442.\n\n\u0438\u0437 \u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0441\u043e\u0432: \n-\u0431\u043e\u043b\u0442\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u044f - \u0431\u0438\u0447 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u0440\u043f\u0433, \u043a\u0430\u0436\u0434\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0439 \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432 \u043f\u0438\u0437-\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044c \u043f\u043e 2 \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430 (\u043e\u0442\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u0436\u0443\u0440\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u043a\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0432 - \u0437\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u043b\u044f\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u043e \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u043f\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0438 \u0432\u0433\u043b\u044f\u0434\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0432\u043e \u0432\u0441\u044f\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f ,\u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431\u044b \u043f\u043e\u043d\u044f\u0442\u044c ,\u0447\u0442\u043e \u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0434\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435, \u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u0431\u0435\u0433\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u043e)\n- \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c - \u0442\u043e, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f \"\u0432\u044d\u0440\u0438 \u0438\u0437\u0438\" \u0434\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \"\u0438\u0437\u0438\" - \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043d\u043e. \u043f\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e. \u0431\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0433\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043f\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0446\u044b \u0438 \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u0433\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u0430\u0434.\n\n\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u043d\u0435 \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0430 1 \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043d\u044f\u044f \u0440\u043f\u0433, \u0430 \u0435\u0449\u0435 \u0432\u044b \u043d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0440 (\u0444\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0442 \u043e\u043d\u044f\u043c\u0435) \u0442\u043e \u0431\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c, \u043d\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044f\u044f\u0441\u044c!\n8 \u0438\u0437 10", "timestamp_created": 1468083377, "timestamp_updated": 1468083450, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502211", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24145194": {"recommendationid": "24145194", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978422124", "num_games_owned": 252, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 945, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480901669}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is so damn good. I have the attention span of a goldfish and this game kept me playing till the end. Did it without looking anything up like the good old days and had an absolute blast. There are a couple of story triggers you have to pop or you end up wondering wtf you are supposed to do. Ended up so overleveled on that mountain before I realized I needed to escort Elena that the 'Furies' only hit for a few damage. The combat is simple yet fast and fun. The boss fights were unique and challenging, and that final fight was just plain awesome. I swear I remember playing this as a side scroller. The soundtrack is boss. It's so good I'm going to have to do it all over on hard. And hopefully not cry. Much. Highly recommend this game.", "timestamp_created": 1467845485, "timestamp_updated": 1467845884, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.510302", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24046929": {"recommendationid": "24046929", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036386837", "num_games_owned": 167, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 3686, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505592162}, "language": "english", "review": "I got kicked into a pit and then got eaten by cockroaches", "timestamp_created": 1467548737, "timestamp_updated": 1467548737, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24007704": {"recommendationid": "24007704", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046782692", "num_games_owned": 231, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 372, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467058050}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "\u7ae5\u5e74\u56de\u61b6\n\u7d05\u9aee\u8272\u9b54\u7cfb\u5217\uff0c\u5fc5\u6557\uff01\n\n10/10 \n\nP.S \u6c92\u6709\u4e2d\u6587\u7248 \u5f97\u81ea\u5df1\u53bbsteamcn\u627e\u6f22\u5316\u5305", "timestamp_created": 1467442634, "timestamp_updated": 1467442634, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23771456": {"recommendationid": "23771456", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968331161", "num_games_owned": 255, "num_reviews": 138, "playtime_forever": 213, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433397613}, "language": "english", "review": "I found the controls for this wonky, so much so I never really got into the game. Sadly I purchased this before the recent addition of a sane refund policy.", "timestamp_created": 1466807010, "timestamp_updated": 1466818873, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.284884", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23658625": {"recommendationid": "23658625", "author": {"steamid": "76561198255595397", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 686, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1, "last_played": 1515808457}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good! The areas, bosses, and combat is fun.", "timestamp_created": 1466369234, "timestamp_updated": 1466369234, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490471", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23354726": {"recommendationid": "23354726", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966882693", "num_games_owned": 2259, "num_reviews": 144, "playtime_forever": 575, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444619252}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a remake of a remake, with the original being Ys III: Wanderers from Ys from the 16 bit console era. Instead of the old sidescrolling gameplay, this game has updated top down hack and slash gameplay with an updated and expanded story, all new art, and basically just more of everything. It's a great update to a great game and any fan of the series should play this one, as it's one of the best.", "timestamp_created": 1464921609, "timestamp_updated": 1464921609, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521494", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23317632": {"recommendationid": "23317632", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024521506", "num_games_owned": 888, "num_reviews": 70, "playtime_forever": 4036, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1461610853}, "language": "english", "review": "Remake of THIRD entry in the YS series.\n\nMuch better than original and have many,many,hours of FUN=)\n\nPROS\n+Battle system from YS VI which was improved in many good ways\n+No HP potions.You can only heal from level ups and randomly droped herbs\n+Epic boss battles\n+Amazing music,which was written for this game!\n+Nice story with many twists\n\nCONS\n-Not much side quests\n\nI completed game on NIGHTMARE difficulty and this was very fun!I didn't saw major cons in this game.\nI will recommend it for both NEWcomers and FANS=))", "timestamp_created": 1464736012, "timestamp_updated": 1464736228, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 13, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.682887", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22824635": {"recommendationid": "22824635", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096966148", "num_games_owned": 211, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 319, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469900797}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u53ef\u60dc\u672c\u4f5c\u6ca1\u6709\u7231\u857e\u5a1c\u7684\u9a91\u58eb\u670d", "timestamp_created": 1462532636, "timestamp_updated": 1462532939, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22489759": {"recommendationid": "22489759", "author": {"steamid": "76561198131252964", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1937, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1462677474}, "language": "english", "review": "What an absolutely wonderful game! This is the game that proves that you dont need high end graphics to make one heck of a game! Characters are unforgatable, the gameplay keeps you at the edge of your seat, and the story is thick and juicy! This is all the elements i love about video games. FPS are so overated! oh and the soundtrack! OMG THE SOUNDTRACK!! who plays that violin!?", "timestamp_created": 1460937233, "timestamp_updated": 1460937233, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.542926", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22487769": {"recommendationid": "22487769", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998099551", "num_games_owned": 864, "num_reviews": 55, "playtime_forever": 920, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421173911}, "language": "english", "review": "Falcom makes really good games and this is no exception.", "timestamp_created": 1460929172, "timestamp_updated": 1460929172, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495675", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22473921": {"recommendationid": "22473921", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018784621", "num_games_owned": 197, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 3850, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506763640}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u0430\u043c\u0430\u044f \u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0438\u0437 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0438 Ys \u043d\u0430 \u0434\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442. \u0412 \u043e\u0441\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0438\u0437-\u0437\u0430 \u0445\u0438\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0441\u044e\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0430, \u043d\u0443 \u0438 \u0433\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0439 \u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u043e \u0441\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044f\u043c\u0438. \u041e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0432\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0437\u0430\u0441\u043b\u0443\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f, \u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0435 \u0438\u0437 \u043d\u0438\u0445 \u043d\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043a-\u0442\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c. \u0412 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043c, \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0443\u044e \u0432\u0441\u044e \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0438\u044e, \u043d\u043e \u044d\u0442\u0443 \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e.)", "timestamp_created": 1460887974, "timestamp_updated": 1460887974, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496503", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22227709": {"recommendationid": "22227709", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052817358", "num_games_owned": 86, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 851, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1459643030}, "language": "french", "review": "De tous les Ys qu'il y a sur Steam, celui-ci est mon pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9. \n\nLes points positifs\n\n- L'histoire est quand m\u00eame bonne\n- Les environnements sont int\u00e9ressants \u00e0 explorer\n- La difficult\u00e9 tr\u00e8s facile, qui permet aux joueurs de ne pas se casser la t\u00eate avec le grinding\n- Les graphiques sont jolis\n- La bande de son est tr\u00e8s bien\n\nLes points n\u00e9gatifs\n\n- Sur mon ordinateur, le jeu a plant\u00e9 \u00e0 trois reprises quand je faisais l'\u00e9preuve de l'extermination d'insectes\n- Le monde \u00e0 explorer est un peu petit\n\nJe donne \u00e0 ce jeu une note de 8 sur 10.", "timestamp_created": 1459724425, "timestamp_updated": 1459724425, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502465", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22198430": {"recommendationid": "22198430", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142656523", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1001, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473938352}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc0ac\ub193\uace0 \uac00\ub054 \uc0dd\uac01\ub0a0 \ub54c\ub9c8\ub2e4 \ud558\ub294\ub370 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\ud0c0\uc784\uc774 \uadf8\ub807\uac8c \uc548 \uae38\uc5b4\uc11c \ucf20\uae40\uc5d0 \uc655\uae4c\uc9c0 \ud558\uae30 \uc88b\uc740 \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4\n\ube0c\uae08\ub3c4 \uc5ed\uc2dc \ud314\ucf64\uc5d0\uc11c \ub9cc\ub4e0 \uac8c\uc784\uc774\ub77c \uc88b\uad6c\uc694 \uc61c\ub0a0 \uac8c\uc784\uc774\uae34 \ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc \uac00\uaca9\uac12\uc740 \ud558\ub294 \uac8c\uc784\uc774\ub77c\uace0 \uc0dd\uac01\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "timestamp_created": 1459606746, "timestamp_updated": 1459606746, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22141141": {"recommendationid": "22141141", "author": {"steamid": "76561198176240571", "num_games_owned": 285, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 986, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482902768}, "language": "english", "review": ":D", "timestamp_created": 1459341382, "timestamp_updated": 1459341382, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.446097", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21824592": {"recommendationid": "21824592", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012736376", "num_games_owned": 1337, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1352, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457905262}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a very challenging action-RPG game. While the story and RPG elements are quite basic, everything else is just great. Fast, action oriented gameplay with fluid controls along with epic soundtrack makes you feel like a badass while fighting through numerous monsters and unique boss fights. The bosses are varied and there are lots of them. Learning their patterns and patience is key to success here. After you beat certain difficult boss and your heart is still beating like crazy, you get that same great feeling like beating a boss in Dark Souls. Make sure you also try Time Attack mode after you finish the game!\n\nThis was my first YS game and I played through it on Normal difficulty and had a tough time in certain parts of the game. If you are newcomer to the series I recommend starting with either Very Easy or Easy difficulty. Overall I had a blast with this and will definately give other games in the series a try.\n\nHighly recommended!", "timestamp_created": 1457907310, "timestamp_updated": 1457907498, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.569966", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21739926": {"recommendationid": "21739926", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098683023", "num_games_owned": 235, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 1053, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477491450}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f9d\u65e7\u662f\u7ea2\u53d1", "timestamp_created": 1457576782, "timestamp_updated": 1457576782, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21580894": {"recommendationid": "21580894", "author": {"steamid": "76561198177983790", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1657, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456236086}, "language": "dutch", "review": "What a great game. \nThis game is indeed a challenge on normal but it is still fun to play. \n\nI highly recommend this game to everyone who likes Action RPG. \n\nI hope that Falcom brings Ys 7 and Memories of Celceta to steam\n\nOverall 9/10\n", "timestamp_created": 1456913000, "timestamp_updated": 1456913000, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21564536": {"recommendationid": "21564536", "author": {"steamid": "76561198108632372", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 960, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456830665}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc5d8\ub808\ub098 \uadc0\uc5ec\uc6cc\uc694", "timestamp_created": 1456839826, "timestamp_updated": 1456839826, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21510296": {"recommendationid": "21510296", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072096778", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 647, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457207482}, "language": "french", "review": "Jeu tr\u00e8s sympa, le gameplay est rapide et nerveux. J'ai enfin pu me venger tous ces jeux o\u00f9 les monstres vous \u00e9jectent et \u00e0 peine vous avez r\u00e9cup\u00e9r\u00e9 qu'ils vous baladent \u00e0 nouveau de l'autre c\u00f4t\u00e9 de la pi\u00e8ce, dans ce jeu c'est l'inverse. La difficult\u00e9 est assez bien g\u00e9r\u00e9e, en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral on meurt parce qu'on s'est plant\u00e9 ou qu'on a voulu en faire trop. Les boss sont tr\u00e8s int\u00e9ressants dans leur gameplay et ont tendance changer radicalement de l'un \u00e0 l'autre (bon c'est un lieu commun, mais c'est toujours appr\u00e9ciable). Les musiques sont top et accompagnent bien le joueur et l'ambiance des niveaux.", "timestamp_created": 1456612859, "timestamp_updated": 1456612859, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21470167": {"recommendationid": "21470167", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049688197", "num_games_owned": 136, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 813, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457051151}, "language": "english", "review": "Bosses are stupidly hard. Game is a fun challange leading up to the boss where you fight all the small enemies, then you have to back track and grind for another 5 levels to even hope to beat the boss once in 50 tries.", "timestamp_created": 1456472897, "timestamp_updated": 1456472897, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.379820", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21381284": {"recommendationid": "21381284", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093959227", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 387, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481124278}, "language": "schinese", "review": "YS8\u53d1\u552e\u4e5f\u8fd1\u5728\u773c\u524d\u4e86\uff0c\u7ea2\u6bdb\u4e5f\u53d8\u6210\u5927\u9f84\u9752\u5e74\u4e86 \uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u53c8\u56de\u6765\u56de\u5473\u4e00\u4e0bq\u7248\u4eba\u8bbe\u7684ys\u3002\u6ca1\u9519\uff0c\u6211\u5c31\u662f\u6765\u542cbgm\u770bop\u7684\uff0c\u54c8\u54c8\uff01\u597d\u6e38\u620f\uff0cys\u7edd\u5bf9\u63a8\u8350\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1456125774, "timestamp_updated": 1456125774, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21335798": {"recommendationid": "21335798", "author": {"steamid": "76561197973453210", "num_games_owned": 288, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 728, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1365577200}, "language": "english", "review": "The difficulty settings should read more like:\n\nEasy\nAre you tryin' to say you're better than me?\nNo\nKnow your limits, man. ><\nDead where you sit\n\nKinda cute.", "timestamp_created": 1455960660, "timestamp_updated": 1484929206, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.494003", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21319114": {"recommendationid": "21319114", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097648329", "num_games_owned": 486, "num_reviews": 216, "playtime_forever": 1117, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455893446}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ube68\uac04 \uba38\ub9ac \uc8fc\uc778\uacf5\uc758 \ubaa8\ud5d8\uc744 \uadf8\ub9b0 \uc561\uc158 RPG\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\n\uadf8\ub798\ud53d\uc740 \uc88b\ub2e4\uace0 \ubcf4\uae34 \uc5b4\ub835\uc9c0\ub9cc \uae54\ub054\ud55c \ud3b8\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac\ub294 \uc870\uae08\uc740 \ud754\ud55c \uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac\uc5d0 \ubd84\ub7c9 \uc790\uccb4\uac00 \ud070 \ud3b8\uc740 \uc544\ub2c8\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc804\uac1c\uac00 \uad1c\ucc2e\uc740 \ud3b8\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\ub9f5\uc758 \uad6c\uc870\ub098 \uac8c\uc784\uc758 \uc9c4\ud589, \ubcf4\uc2a4\uc804\uc758 \ud328\ud134 \uac19\uc740 \ubd80\ubd84\uc5d0 \uc788\uc5b4\uc11c\ub294 \uac1c\uc778\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uad1c\ucc2e\uc558\uace0 \uc7ac\ubbf8\ub97c \ub290\uaf08\uc9c0\ub9cc\n\n\uac8c\uc784\uc758 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \uc880 \uc788\ub294 \ud3b8\uc774\uace0 \uace0\uc804 \uc77c\ubcf8 RPG\uc758 \ub808\ubca8 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4\uc640 \ubcf5\uc7a1\ud55c \uae38\ucc3e\uae30\uac00 \uc874\uc7ac\ud574\uc11c\n\n\uc0ac\ub78c\uc5d0 \ub530\ub77c \ud638\ubd88\ud638\uac00 \uac08\ub9b4 \uac83 \uac19\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1455895165, "timestamp_updated": 1455895165, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.508514", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21288534": {"recommendationid": "21288534", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060872886", "num_games_owned": 24, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1184, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455770283}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is ridiculously hard. I had to pay my 50 year old butler to grind my level to 60 for the final boss. God bless America.", "timestamp_created": 1455767513, "timestamp_updated": 1455767513, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 14, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503876", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21265979": {"recommendationid": "21265979", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966398800", "num_games_owned": 158, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 322, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455566281}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is great except for the boss fights, and the fact that at certain points you will be unable to go back and grind for better gear. \n\nEvery single boss fight has at least one attack that can kill you in 1-3 hits so be prepared to practice.", "timestamp_created": 1455677039, "timestamp_updated": 1455677039, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.492890", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21227932": {"recommendationid": "21227932", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998932812", "num_games_owned": 607, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 1619, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503958034}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a very well made part of the Ys-series. Inspired by \"Ys: Ark of naptism\", the combat system developed to an very well made gameplay-style. \nThe story and the character are also very interesting and well made.\nA big plus goes to the music which always keeps the tension up when slashing through monster hordes.\n\nPretty much the perfection in the development of the Ys remakes, which differ very much in playstyle/ graphics etc.\nRecommend this even for full price.", "timestamp_created": 1455534858, "timestamp_updated": 1455534858, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21179577": {"recommendationid": "21179577", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046041310", "num_games_owned": 53, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1321, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455375532}, "language": "english", "review": "Would give this game a 10/10 if the Boss fights were no complete shitfests...", "timestamp_created": 1455372613, "timestamp_updated": 1455372613, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493730", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21041627": {"recommendationid": "21041627", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018799277", "num_games_owned": 654, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1381, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448569549}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a fun game, a really fun one, so much so that you can even overlook its storytelling flaws, those moments Nihon Falcom dropped the pen. The music will have you humming and nodding to the beats.\n\nYou can read the full review on The Mental Attic: http://thementalattic.com/2015/12/02/review-ys-the-oath-in-felghana/", "timestamp_created": 1454895126, "timestamp_updated": 1454895126, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20996842": {"recommendationid": "20996842", "author": {"steamid": "76561198204690079", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 1517, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491645545}, "language": "english", "review": "This game broke me\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1454767391, "timestamp_updated": 1454767391, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20790434": {"recommendationid": "20790434", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056264254", "num_games_owned": 557, "num_reviews": 137, "playtime_forever": 1737, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501092763}, "language": "english", "review": "While the main character quickly falls to the wayside and they focus more on his cute red-haired boyfriend, this game is still a very fun, fast-paced entry in the Magnificent Adventures of Dogi franchise with Falcom's renowned JDK band providing more kickin' rad musical arrangements. We can only hope Dogi gets more screen time in the newer upcoming titles in the series.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhueKrgu8b0", "timestamp_created": 1453919553, "timestamp_updated": 1453919739, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.568375", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20762887": {"recommendationid": "20762887", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008101589", "num_games_owned": 519, "num_reviews": 63, "playtime_forever": 2114, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468713863}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "A\u00e7\u00e3o pra caramba com uma trilha sonora rock n' roll de arrepiar. O lado RPG do jogo \u00e9 bem light, ent\u00e3o at\u00e9 quem n\u00e3o \u00e9 f\u00e3 do g\u00eanero pode cair dentro.", "timestamp_created": 1453802187, "timestamp_updated": 1453802187, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.629788", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20609382": {"recommendationid": "20609382", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087071371", "num_games_owned": 15, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2182, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490471967}, "language": "english", "review": "No nonsense ARPG. This is what all RPGs should strive to be. No melodrama. No sissy boy main characters. No overly dramatic crap. No desire to be a movie masquerading as a barely playable game. No \"OMG look at these graphics\" to distract you from how much crap the rest of the game is. Here it is the rest of the game that wows you.\n\nThe plot is simple and I like that. It doesn't take itself seriously. What this game does take seriously is the gameplay. The combat is fun. You can avoid enemies. No random encounters. No crap loot either. Everything has a purpose. You don't need to waste your time doing inventory management. No useless items. No useless spells. It is a finely balanced game. \n\nAfter playing this game, I wonder, why the hell are all other games not like this.\n\nWhere other games randomly generate crap loot for you to search through. This game has a very very limited inventory, all useful during the time they are available to you. You don't need to manage inventory, wondering if you need to drop X to make room for Y. \n\nWhere other games randomly generate dungeons for you. This game gives you hand crafted dungeons that require some good platforming to get hidden treasure.\n\nWhere other games throw a million abilities and spells at you; half of which are useless against the majority of enemies, this game gives you 4 abilities. All of them useful.\n\nThis game is a masterpiece. You cannot take away anything from it without totally ruining. And if you were to add anything you would probably just ruin the precise balance of it.\n\nIf you enjoyed Dark Souls/Demon Souls. These games are a level of precision above those.", "timestamp_created": 1453140356, "timestamp_updated": 1453140461, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 21, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.654451", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20604493": {"recommendationid": "20604493", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994528184", "num_games_owned": 328, "num_reviews": 85, "playtime_forever": 1118, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484010089}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ubd80\ub4e4\ubd80\ub4e4..\n\ub2e4\ud06c\uc18c\uc6b8 2D\ud310..", "timestamp_created": 1453122930, "timestamp_updated": 1453122930, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20601567": {"recommendationid": "20601567", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035797343", "num_games_owned": 99, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 775, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470217474}, "language": "schinese", "review": "boss rush \u6392\u884c\u699c\u4e2d2\u5206\u949f\u5b8c\u6210\u7684\u80af\u5b9a\u662fcheat(#\u00b0\u0414\u00b0)", "timestamp_created": 1453107035, "timestamp_updated": 1453107035, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20442975": {"recommendationid": "20442975", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096804214", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 551, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460871028}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8fd9\u6b3e\u4f0a\u82cf\u6211\u89c9\u5f97boss\u8bbe\u7f6e\u5341\u5206\u5dee\u52b2\uff0c\u73a9\u5bb6\u662f\u60f3\u53bb\u201c\u6253\u201dboss\u800c\u4e0d\u662f\u5f53BOSS\u7684\u9776\u5b50", "timestamp_created": 1452418969, "timestamp_updated": 1452418969, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.292699", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20418364": {"recommendationid": "20418364", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994595953", "num_games_owned": 236, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1390, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452662792}, "language": "german", "review": "Habs auf \"Easy\" geschafft, juhuu!!\n", "timestamp_created": 1452338200, "timestamp_updated": 1452338200, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20402195": {"recommendationid": "20402195", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031239041", "num_games_owned": 231, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 997, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452267606}, "language": "english", "review": "Spoiler Free Review\n\nI played Ys: The Ark of Naphitism years ago on PSP but i never finished it and i actually don't remember anythign about it so playing Ys: The Oath in Felghana was like playing Ys games for the first time.\n\nwhen i bought the game i didn't know what to expect i usually drop single players games when i play on pc after a couple of hours because i'm lazy and i prefer play online\n\nHowever for this game was an other story, i Loved every single moment of it, the gameplay is fun the artworks are great and the music is Amazing, some parts of the story were predictable but towards the end there's some surprises\n\nThe gameplay is pretty simple you can walk, run, jump freely in the world and there's no random encounter, the enemies wander around the map/dungeouns and you hit him with your sword or magic, that's it, for some people it may feel like a 2d Dark Souls because most of the enemies are tough if you do not have the right equipment and of course if your Lv is low, some of them requires to learn a specific pattern or you'll get countered easily.\nFor last you should never get surrounded by enemies because there's no invincibiliy or recovery time after you get hit (unless you get Knocked down) again, it reminded me the previous mentioned dark souls just a bit\n\nThe Boss fights are tough too and some of them are hard even if you memorized the boss patters because there's so much stuff going when fighting, some felt impossible at first but after levelling 2-3 more levels you'll notice that it'll get WAY more easier than it used to be at lower level\n\ni kept gong back to this game everytime i would until i beated it, it was a fun experience and super addicting to me plus that Sountrack is so good that you'll keep revisiting previous zones just for listen to them\n\nOverall the game was amazing and i think everyoen should give it a chance, and if you do not like it there's always a refund option.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1452276899, "timestamp_updated": 1452276899, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504728", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20396977": {"recommendationid": "20396977", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097223967", "num_games_owned": 160, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 576, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1411731313}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988 \uc911\uc5d0\uc11c BGM\ub9cc\ud07c\uc740 \ud398\ub974\uac00\ub098\uc758 \ub9f9\uc138\uac00 \uac00\uc7a5 \ub9c8\uc74c\uc5d0 \ub4e0\ub2e4.\n\n\uc0dd\uac01\ud560\uc218\ub85d \ub5a0\uc624\ub974\ub294\ub370 \ud314\ucf64\uc740 \uacfc\uac70\uc758 \uc601\uad11\ub9cc \ub108\ubb34 \ucc3e\ub294\uac83 \uac19\ub2e4 \uc65c \uadf8\ub9ac \ud50c\uc2a4\ub9cc \uace0\uc9d1\ud558\ub294\uac74\uc9c0.", "timestamp_created": 1452260965, "timestamp_updated": 1452260965, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20395474": {"recommendationid": "20395474", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077377720", "num_games_owned": 537, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 789, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452959075}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc138\uc774\ube0c\ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8\uac00 \uac70\uc758 \uc785\uad6c\ub791 \ubcf4\uc2a4 \uc55e \ubc16\uc5d0 \uc5c6\uc5b4\uc11c\n\n\ud544\ub4dc\uc5d0\uc11c \uc800\uc7a5 \ubabb\ud558\uace0 \uc554\uac78\ub9ac\ub294 \uc0c1\ud669\uc774 \uaf64 \ub9ce\uc74c\n\n\uc815\uc2e0\uac74\uac15\uc744 \uc704\ud574 \uae38\ucc3e\uc744\ub550 \ubab9\uc740 \uac74\ub108\ub6f0\uace0 \uc138\uc774\ube0c\ubd80\ud130 \ud558\ub3c4\ub85d \ud558\uc790.", "timestamp_created": 1452255857, "timestamp_updated": 1452255857, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.543568", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20388917": {"recommendationid": "20388917", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076503938", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 534, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457232644}, "language": "english", "review": "This game feel great!\nYou go along just button mashing through regular enemies thinking ok this is kinda easy, then you meet a boss and he or she hands your ass to you, again, and again, and again, until you finally beat them with only a pixel of health left. \nThis is not a friendly game totally an understatement, but I keep wanting to come back to it after I pick up the controller I threw across the room. I could not recommend this more.\nCons\n-Punishing!\nPros\n-you feel so good when you finally beat that dang boss! everytime!", "timestamp_created": 1452222829, "timestamp_updated": 1452222829, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20368091": {"recommendationid": "20368091", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025496589", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 769, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452544507}, "language": "english", "review": "For people who likes retro rpg games :)", "timestamp_created": 1452145898, "timestamp_updated": 1452145898, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20367444": {"recommendationid": "20367444", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100735679", "num_games_owned": 395, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 936, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489971231}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "A s\u00e9rie Ys s\u00e3o jogos q vc sente vontade de pegar um controle, deitar no sof\u00e1, pegar uma cerveja e jogar dia todo sem se preocupar se ta jogando bem ou mal, apenas jogar. \n\nCom certeza recomendo.", "timestamp_created": 1452142231, "timestamp_updated": 1452142231, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502262", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20311943": {"recommendationid": "20311943", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047022161", "num_games_owned": 326, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 818, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452406461}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6700\u4f18\u79c0\u7684A.RPG\u4e4b\u4e00", "timestamp_created": 1451961711, "timestamp_updated": 1451961711, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20310120": {"recommendationid": "20310120", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040413771", "num_games_owned": 1073, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 994, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454172896}, "language": "english", "review": "STOP LOOKING HERE AND START GRABBING THIS GAME. \n\nWell, ok, if you want my two cents about it... One of the Best ARPG/HacknSlash games there is, FALCOM is really known as a company that goes beyond the tropes and thorws in some hard difficulty on the bosses and on the gameplay that will really grind your gears. (specially on harder difficulties =z) The Original Soundtrack is terrific, the boss battles are insanely fun (and soul crushing), the story is great and the level design is blissfully awesome! Seriously, Ys is an excellent series and Oath In Felghana is definently one of the best of the series!", "timestamp_created": 1451955955, "timestamp_updated": 1453771488, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20288245": {"recommendationid": "20288245", "author": {"steamid": "76561198106086379", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2346, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 12, "last_played": 1514999806}, "language": "hungarian", "review": "Aj\u00e1nlom mindenkinek aki kedveli ezt a st\u00edlust, nem hiszem hogy csalodna benne :)", "timestamp_created": 1451907980, "timestamp_updated": 1451907980, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20220349": {"recommendationid": "20220349", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069532432", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3050, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505679893}, "language": "french", "review": "J'ai ador\u00e9 ce jeu mon initiation \u00e0 Ys un jeu d'action rapide avec une difficult\u00e9 tr\u00e8s vari\u00e9e pour un style de jeu pour tous. J'ai jou\u00e9 clavier cela peut sembler dur au d\u00e9part pour les magies, mais il existe toujours l'option manette si vous voulez. Un must pour les JRPG.", "timestamp_created": 1451749008, "timestamp_updated": 1505676619, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20207009": {"recommendationid": "20207009", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988486869", "num_games_owned": 317, "num_reviews": 87, "playtime_forever": 819, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451718150}, "language": "koreana", "review": "8.5/10", "timestamp_created": 1451718167, "timestamp_updated": 1451718167, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20176399": {"recommendationid": "20176399", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993201495", "num_games_owned": 287, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 63, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451559351}, "language": "english", "review": "Not really enjoyable for me, despite the improved combat system (compared to standard JRPGs).", "timestamp_created": 1451648613, "timestamp_updated": 1451648613, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.421094", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20158272": {"recommendationid": "20158272", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043793250", "num_games_owned": 549, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 272, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491465265}, "language": "english", "review": "9.9/10\n\nit has adol the red and dogi in it.", "timestamp_created": 1451590713, "timestamp_updated": 1451590713, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20118962": {"recommendationid": "20118962", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012696893", "num_games_owned": 336, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 843, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1441745340}, "language": "italian", "review": "Remake di \"Ys III Wanderers of Ys\" realizzato con il motore grafico 3D isometrico implementato in Ys VI. In questo capitolo Adol accompagner\u00e0 il suo amico Dogi nella sua terra natale a Felghana, dove una tirannia opprime la popolazione e mostri vagano per la terra indisturbati. Adol da eore qual'\u00e8 non si lascer\u00e0 scappare l'occasione per aiutare la gente di Felghana e scoprire i segreti di questa nuova terra. Nihon Falcom decise di reinventare totalmente questo titolo ed evolvere tutto ci\u00f2 che gi\u00e0 funzionava nel gameplay di Ys VI. Abbiamo armi ed armature che possono essere temprate per maggiore efficacia, abbiamo anelli magici che potremo potenziare con le giuste gemme e una boost mode che aumenta la nostra velocit\u00e0, difesa e attacco per breve tempo. Una cosa in cui scarseggia questo titolo \u00e8 la selezione di accessori, molto pochi e necessari semplicemente per attraversare determinate zone pi\u00f9 facilmente. Il gioco \u00e8 un action RPG isometrico molto frenetico, con elementi di platforming e un personaggio molto abile e versatile nel combattimento. Di tutti i capitoli che ho giocato finora questo \u00e8 sicuramente il pi\u00f9 equilibrato dal punto di vista della difficolt\u00e0. Anche a livello normale questo gioco sa essere brutale, specialmente i boss vi metteranno alla prova duramente, analizzare i pattern \u00e8 la chiave per vincere, sfruttando tutti i tuoi attacchi e le tue magie per evitare danni il pi\u00f9 possibile, in quanto non \u00e8 possibile curarsi durante le boss fight. Come sempre il grinding pu\u00f2 aiutare, ma in questo gioco la curva di sviluppo \u00e8 molto controllata, costringendovi a tentare il tutto e per tutto contro un boss al livello consigliato piuttosto che spendere ore e ore per salire di livello. Non \u00e8 grave perch\u00e8 anche il pi\u00f9 piccolo numero in questo gioco pu\u00f2 fare la differenza: un livello, una magia pi\u00f9 potente, un armatura o un arma con un po di tempra in pi\u00f9 e la battaglia pu\u00f2 cambiare radicalmente. Ad lenire la frustrazione ci pensa soprattutto la meravigliosa soundtrack, molto trascinante e memorabile, un inno che vi rimarr\u00e0 impresso per tutta la vostra avventura. Se siete in cerca di una sfida, questo \u00e8 il titolo perfetto per voi, \u00e8 molto veloce sulla durata delle 10 ore e la storia per quanto semplice \u00e8 molto ben narrata e i personaggi sanno lasciare il segno", "timestamp_created": 1451492482, "timestamp_updated": 1451492482, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504951", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20098530": {"recommendationid": "20098530", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963392663", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 837, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451437238}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice action RPG. Has a lot going for it but you'll mainly be staying for the combat. Fights can be challenging but fair. The bosses all have a pattern you can pick up on after a couple or so deaths. Yes ... expect to die :D", "timestamp_created": 1451437900, "timestamp_updated": 1451437900, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20073316": {"recommendationid": "20073316", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064252115", "num_games_owned": 188, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 885, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451486282}, "language": "french", "review": "Fun, action intense non-stop. J'ai attendu longtemps avant de me lancer dans cette s\u00e9rie, mais je me suis lanc\u00e9 et j'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 plus que surpris. C'est du gaming \u00e0 l'\u00e9tat pur - un exemple de gameplay addictif. Je suis devenu fan en quelques heures \u00e0 peine et je dois dire que je ne m'\u00e9tais pas \u00e9clat\u00e9 dans un jeu \u00e0 ce point depuis longtemps. \"No healing items - no problems!\" et c'est bien vrai! On fonce \u00e0 toute vitesse... et on ne s'arr\u00eate qu'une fois la fin du jeu atteinte!\n\nUn sacr\u00e9 bon d\u00e9fouloir, voil\u00e0 ce que c'est. C'est comme si Secret of Mana, Sonic the Hedgedog et d'une fa\u00e7on moindre Dark Souls, avaient \u00e9t\u00e9 combin\u00e9s et qu'on avait donn\u00e9 du speed au r\u00e9sultat du croisement. Tout simplement: j'adore. Et si vous cherchez un bon d\u00e9fouloir, dites vous que celui-l\u00e0 bat \u00e0 plate couture bien des titres 3D actuels qui, bien que souvent plus complets \u00e0 certains niveaux, ne parviennent pas \u00e0 susciter autant de passion, de fun et d'adr\u00e9naline. On joue \u00e0 des jeux pour quoi au fond? Si aimez les d\u00e9fis \u00e0 l'ancienne avec suffisament de modernit\u00e9 pour rendre le tout attrayant, foncez, vous ne serez pas d\u00e9\u00e7us.", "timestamp_created": 1451406626, "timestamp_updated": 1451406654, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20072812": {"recommendationid": "20072812", "author": {"steamid": "76561198105826093", "num_games_owned": 120, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 479, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451477537}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u80fd\u591f\u723d\u5feb\u7684\u5207\u5207\u5207\u7684\u6e38\u620f\u3002\u53ef\u4ee5\u63a5\u53d7\u7684\u753b\u9762\uff0c\u76f8\u5f53\u4e0d\u9519\u7684\u97f3\u4e50 \u3002\u5bf9\u4e8e\u624b\u6b8b\u515a\u6709\u76f8\u5f53\u6311\u6218\u6027\u7684\u673a\u5173\uff0c\u7565\u9690\u853d\u7684\u6536\u96c6\u8981\u7d20\u3002\u5267\u60c5\u6734\u5b9e\uff1a\u7ea2\u53d1\u8272\u9b54\u53c8\u53bb\u52fe\u5f15\u59b9\u5b50\u4e86\u3002\u4e2a\u4eba\u5efa\u8bae\u5728\u7b2c\u4e00\u6b21\u51fa\u95e8\u5148\u6512\u591f\u94b1\u628a\u76d4\u7532\u6362\u6389\u3002\u56e0\u4e3a\u53d7\u5230\u7684\u4f24\u5bb3\u4e0e\u9632\u5fa1\u6302\u94a9\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u6253\u4e0d\u52a8\u7684BOSS\u591a\u5237\u51e0\u7ea7\u5c31\u662f\u4e86\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1451405673, "timestamp_updated": 1451405673, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.516193", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20034143": {"recommendationid": "20034143", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091818919", "num_games_owned": 787, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 709, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451385263}, "language": "schinese", "review": "FUCK,\u6253\u5230\u57ce\u5821\u8fc7\u4e0d\u53bb\u4e86\uff0c\u96be\u5ea6\u7a81\u7136\u53d8\u5f97\u597d\u9ad8\u6beb\u65e0\u5f81\u5146", "timestamp_created": 1451311769, "timestamp_updated": 1451311769, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.587087", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19974047": {"recommendationid": "19974047", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035346531", "num_games_owned": 304, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 12, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451148145}, "language": "english", "review": "No controller support. No support for widescreen aspect ratios, so it looks funny and stretched out. I loved Ys III on SNES way back when, so I was looking forward to playing this, but couldn't get past the poor controls and lack of video options. To folks who don't mind the stretched out graphics and poor control scheme the game itself may be fine for all I know, but there are just too many great games out there for me to spend time on one that wasn't put together properly for PC release.", "timestamp_created": 1451164095, "timestamp_updated": 1451164095, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.356533", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19973203": {"recommendationid": "19973203", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048842415", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1129, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1459579280}, "language": "english", "review": "Bullet hell Zelda with rockin' chunes.", "timestamp_created": 1451162522, "timestamp_updated": 1451162522, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19913126": {"recommendationid": "19913126", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968572630", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 731, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451691402}, "language": "english", "review": "\"People think this game is hard? This is easy... probably just a grind fest\" \n\n*Get to first boss fight* \n\n\"WHAT THE, WHO THE, HOW THE, **** DO YOU THIS\"\n\n*Gets first acheivement, Is game telling me to go look at the FAQ because i'm so bad* \n\n*Beat boss, get first real upgrade* \n\n*Screen filled with fireballs. Feel like a god* \n\n----------------------\n\n-Has good \"control feel\" buttons easily remap to any config you want. Controls are extremely responsive. \n\n-Visually appealing. Settings are colourful, colours are very rich. \n\n-wicked soundtrack. Game doesn't spam one genre of music at you, \n\n-Wide array of difficulty settings. General combat isn't easy, but is fun and enjoyable, and avoidable. Bosses are difficult, but relatively pattern based. (This is based on fighting two bosses so far... fyi) \n\n-------------\n\n-You probably NEED a game pad. I'm a keyboard and mouse person and I need a gamepad for this. I'm sure it can be done though ;) \n\n-A tad grindy at first glance, but enemies respawn when you move into a new area, areas load quick, and you can find sweet farming spots. \n\n", "timestamp_created": 1450976754, "timestamp_updated": 1450976754, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.517326", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19876010": {"recommendationid": "19876010", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119464225", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 257, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450846952}, "language": "english", "review": "Great gameplay, perfect soundtrack for the game, and storyline is one of the finest.", "timestamp_created": 1450883462, "timestamp_updated": 1450883462, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19817778": {"recommendationid": "19817778", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116882625", "num_games_owned": 256, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 960, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450758572}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "It was fun to speedrun this right from start, since I already played wanderer version on nintendo, but some parts still surprised me a lot. lol Quite enjoyable with the new gameplay and viewpoint and the challenge on higher difficulties was really entertaining (didn't finished them yet, just tested 1 by 1 to speed up on a specific achievement, but as always I'll jump to the hardest on second gameplay lol). This one take a bit more of effort to master all achievement, in special the boss specific ones on higher difficulty modes or maybe not based on the skill of the player, just practice on each difficulty if it's your first time on an Ys game.", "timestamp_created": 1450672561, "timestamp_updated": 1450672561, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19770974": {"recommendationid": "19770974", "author": {"steamid": "76561198219755656", "num_games_owned": 264, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1948, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454446012}, "language": "english", "review": "Brilliant little Hack N Slash/RPG hybrid. The gameplay feels fun, fresh and visceral, the story is charming and everything just feels perfectly crafted. Also, the OST is really brilliant, and warrants a listen to even if you don't intend to buy the game. Near perfection for what it is trying to do.", "timestamp_created": 1450479320, "timestamp_updated": 1450616316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19696236": {"recommendationid": "19696236", "author": {"steamid": "76561198262389321", "num_games_owned": 80, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1000, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1463444016}, "language": "english", "review": "Have you ever thought Zelda was too easy?\n\nHave you ever thought that Dark Souls was too easy?\n\nThen this is the game for you!", "timestamp_created": 1450110358, "timestamp_updated": 1450110358, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 8, "weighted_vote_score": "0.542881", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19691872": {"recommendationid": "19691872", "author": {"steamid": "76561198050310401", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 425, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455242777}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u91cd\u6e29\u4e86\u4e00\u904dYSF\u611f\u89c9\u4f9d\u65e7\u90a3\u4e48\u597d\u73a9~\u6bd4\u4e4b\u540e\u7684\u51e0\u4f5c\u6709\u610f\u601d\u591a\u4e86,\u4e0d\u8fc7\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u624b\u67c4\u4e0d\u7136\u6709\u70b9\u86cb\u75bc~", "timestamp_created": 1450089524, "timestamp_updated": 1450089524, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19645238": {"recommendationid": "19645238", "author": {"steamid": "76561198105909546", "num_games_owned": 77, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 396, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450181376}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Avante Adol the Red!!! <3\n", "timestamp_created": 1449900105, "timestamp_updated": 1449900105, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19589396": {"recommendationid": "19589396", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981347649", "num_games_owned": 753, "num_reviews": 40, "playtime_forever": 902, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449663113}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "YS : The Oath in Felghana \u83f2\u723e\u4f73\u5a1c\u4e4b\u8a93\n\u70baYS III (\u4f0a\u8607\u6b78\u4f86\u7684\u6f02\u6cca\u8005) [\u6a6b\u5411\u6372\u8ef8] \u7684 3D\u91cd\u88fd\u7248\u7248\u672c, \n(YSIII \u4e0d\u540c 1+2\u7684\u6a21\u5f0f,\u6539\u70ba\u6a6b\u5411\u6372\u8ef8, \u73a9\u5bb6\u53cd\u61c9\u6c92\u524d\u5169\u4f5c\u592f.)\n\n\u958b\u5834:\nAdol\u4e9e\u7279\u9b6f\u8207\u5925\u4f34Dogi\u591a\u5947\u5728\u65c5\u9014\u4e2d\u5de7\u9047\u4e00\u4f4d\u5360\u535c\u5e2b\u3002\n\u5360\u535c\u5e2b\u537b\u9810\u8a00\u4e86\u591a\u5947\u7684\u6545\u9109\u5c07\u8fce\u4f86\u4e00\u5834\u524d\u6240\u672a\u6709\u7684\u6d69\u52ab\u3002\n\u65bc\u662f\u4e9e\u7279\u9b6f\u4fbf\u966a\u540c\u64d4\u6182\u8457\u6545\u9109\u7684\u591a\u5947\u4e00\u540c\u56de\u5230\u4e86\u4ed6\u591a\u5e74\u672a\u6b78\u7684\u6545\u9109\u2014\u2014\u83f2\u723e\u4f73\u5a1c\u3002\n\n\u540c\u6a23,\n1.Ys\u4e0d\u7528\u5728\u4e4e\u6bcf\u4ee3\u9806\u5e8f.\u53cd\u6b63\u90fd\u662f\u6b77\u96aa.\u4e3b\u89d2\u90fd\u662f\u5f9e0\u958b\u59cb..\n2.\u4e0d\u61c2\u82f1\u6587\u5287\u60c5\u7684. \n\u4ee5\u4e0a\u90fd\u8acb\u53bb google & wiki & \u653b\u7565\u7db2 \u8166\u88dc\u4e00\u4e0b. \n\n\u9019\u6b3e\u7834\u53f0\u6bd4\u8f03\u65e9,\u592a\u591a\u7684\u7d30\u7bc0\u5df2\u7d93\u5fd8\u8a18..\n\n---\n\u53cd\u6b63..\nYS \u65b0\u7248\u7cfb\u5217, \u6d41\u884c\u7684\u8da8\u52e2 \u5c31\u5982\u8ca9\u552e\u9801 \u5f71\u7247\u90a3\u822c..\n\u780d\u780d\u602a \u6253boss\n\u7167\u5287\u60c5\u53d6\u5f972~3\u7a2e\u7279\u6b8a\u80fd\u529b,\u5916\u52a0\u6536\u96c6\u4e00\u4e9b\u7279\u6b8a\u9053\u5177...\u7834\u95dc!!\n\u4e0d\u6703\u592a\u96e3,\u9664\u975e\u81ea\u8b14 \u6311\u9ad8\u96e3\u5ea6..\n\n\u9019\u6a23\u5c31\u5f88\u597d\u73a9\u4e86 ..... 0.0+\n.", "timestamp_created": 1449694294, "timestamp_updated": 1449695438, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.646113", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19519270": {"recommendationid": "19519270", "author": {"steamid": "76561198165687859", "num_games_owned": 1089, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 887, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449649562}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u4e00\u70b9\u4f53\u4f1a\uff0c\u6211\u653e\u524d\u9762\uff0c\u51fa\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u9547\u5b50\u7684\u5927\u5730\u56feBGM\u6211\u76f4\u63a5\u9ad8\u6f6e\u4e86\u3002\u9996\u5148\u6211\u60f3\u8bf4\u7684\u4e00\u70b9\u5c31\u662f\u968f\u7740\u6e38\u620f\u60c5\u8282\u7684\u63a8\u52a8\uff0c\u6751\u5b50\u91cc\u7684\u4eba\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\u548c\u5bf9\u8bdd\u90fd\u4f1a\u4ea7\u751f\u53d8\u5316\uff0c\u521a\u5f00\u59cb\u90fd\u4e0d\u8ba4\u8bc6\u4e3b\u89d2\uff0c\u540e\u6765\u8def\u4e0a\u7684\u5c0f\u5b69\u5b50\u4f1a\u627e\u4f60\u73a9\u6e38\u620f\u4ec0\u4e48\u7684\uff0c\u6211\u89c9\u5f97\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7ec6\u8282\u505a\u5f97\u633a\u597d\u7684\u3002Ys\u4e00\u76f4\u90fd\u6709\u5f88\u4e30\u6ee1\u7684\u5267\u60c5\uff0c\u8ba9\u6e38\u620f\u4e0d\u60f3\u666e\u901a\u7684\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u8fd8\u5e26\u4e86\u70b9\u89c6\u89c9\u5c0f\u8bf4\u7684\u611f\u89c9\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u4e00\u70b9\u4e5f\u9650\u5236\u4e86\u6e38\u620f\u672c\u8eab\u7684\u81ea\u7531\u5ea6\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u6211\u8fd8\u662f\u633a\u559c\u6b22\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6e38\u620f\u3002\u5176\u5b9e\u6211\u4e00\u76f4\u60f3\u73a9\u52c7\u8005\u6597\u6076\u9f991\uff0c2\uff0c3\u90a3\u4e2a\u65f6\u5019\u7684\u90a3\u79cd\u81ea\u7531\u5ea6\uff0c\u62ff\u5230\u8239\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u968f\u4fbf\u6d6a\uff0c\u76f4\u63a5\u5f00\u542f\u5927\u822a\u6d77\u65f6\u4ee3\uff0c\u4f46Ys\u53d7\u5230\u5927\u6846\u67b6\u7684\u9650\u5236\uff0c\u81ea\u7531\u5ea6\u5c31\u4e0d\u662f\u5f88\u9ad8\u4e86\u3002\u4ee5\u4e0a\u662f\u6211\u4e2a\u4eba\u7684\u770b\u6cd5\uff0c\u968f\u4fbf\u8bf4\u8bf4 \uff0c\u5207\u52ff\u5f53\u771f\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1449384898, "timestamp_updated": 1449550968, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19492994": {"recommendationid": "19492994", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024613027", "num_games_owned": 15, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 693, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449294542}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "muito boa gameplay", "timestamp_created": 1449292500, "timestamp_updated": 1449292500, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19418187": {"recommendationid": "19418187", "author": {"steamid": "76561197961780979", "num_games_owned": 1328, "num_reviews": 162, "playtime_forever": 1977, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449076971}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "\u666e\u901a\u6a21\u5f0f \u5404\u7a2e\u5c0d\u8a71 \u901a\u95dc\u7d0412\u5c0f\u6642\u591a \u901a\u95dc\u7b49\u7d1a50\n\n\u7cfb\u7d71\u8ddf\u516d\u4ee3\u6709\u4e9b\u4e0d\u540c\n\nBOSS\u4e5f\u6bd4\u8f03\u96e3\u4e9b \u4f46\u4ecd\u7136\u4e0d\u662f\u4e3b\u89d2\u7684\u5c0d\u624b\n\n\u597d\u73a9\u8d95\u7dca\u8cb7 \u4e5f\u6709\u6f22\u5316\n\n\u70ba\u4f55\u4e3b\u89d2\u5230\u54ea\u90fd\u6703\u6709\u59b9\u5b50\u54620.0", "timestamp_created": 1448993161, "timestamp_updated": 1448993161, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.580891", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19377876": {"recommendationid": "19377876", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085654204", "num_games_owned": 19, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1954, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509357645}, "language": "english", "review": "really hard and skill developing game", "timestamp_created": 1448841755, "timestamp_updated": 1448841755, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19369507": {"recommendationid": "19369507", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054980465", "num_games_owned": 252, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 461, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448819168}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ub77c\ub294 \uac83\ub9cc\uc73c\ub85c\ub3c4 \ucd94\ucc9c\ud558\uae30\ub294 \ud558\ub294\ub370... \uc774\uac8c \ucc38 \ubbf8\ubb18\ud558\ub2e8 \ub9d0\uc774\uc8e0. \ucd94\uc5b5\ud314\uc774\ub9cc\uc73c\ub85c \uac8c\uc784\uc131\uc744 \ud3c9\uac00\ud560 \uc218\ub294 \uc5c6\uc73c\ub2c8\uae4c\uc694. \ub531 \uace0\ub9cc\uace0\ub9cc\ud55c \ucd94\uc5b5\ud314\uc774\uc6a9 \uac8c\uc784. \ub098\uc628 \uc2dc\uae30\ub97c \uc0dd\uac01\ud558\uba74 \ub2f9\uc5f0.", "timestamp_created": 1448819280, "timestamp_updated": 1448819280, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19348845": {"recommendationid": "19348845", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062003310", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 910, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457854635}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "um bom jogo com boa trilha sonora desafiador vale 100% ser comprado", "timestamp_created": 1448753208, "timestamp_updated": 1448753208, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19327097": {"recommendationid": "19327097", "author": {"steamid": "76561198123689976", "num_games_owned": 66, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 27, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471099902}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6ca1\u6709\u56de\u590d\u9053\u5177\n\u6ca1\u6709\u56de\u8840\u65f6\u95f4\n\u6ca1\u6709\u961f\u53cb\n\u8fd9\u4e9b\u90fd\u4e0d\u662f\u4e8b\uff01\n\u2026\u2026\n\n\u867d\u7136\u4f60\u8bf4\u7684\u5f88\u5bf9\uff0c\u4f46\u4f60\u4e5f\u4e0d\u8981\u8fd9\u4e48\u8c10\u554a\u5582\uff01\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1448691631, "timestamp_updated": 1448691631, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19321722": {"recommendationid": "19321722", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037871007", "num_games_owned": 1170, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 179, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473603534}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a game where you swing a sword and things die while you collect coin and xp while exploring places that look different from each other.\n\nThen you fight a challenging boss.\n\nNot exactly groundbreaking or \"chinematick\" as the kids like their games nowadays, but if you want to play FUN, CHALLENGING video game with a rad soundtrack, this is very fun.\n\nMaybe one of the funnest in the land.", "timestamp_created": 1448669246, "timestamp_updated": 1448669246, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 15, "votes_funny": 11, "weighted_vote_score": "0.653343", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19301882": {"recommendationid": "19301882", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022553070", "num_games_owned": 308, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2684, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494757655}, "language": "english", "review": "Arguably the greatest game in the Ys series.\n\nYs takes nearly all the extraneous elements of RPGs and tosses them all out in favour of a super streamlined action battle system with some of the greatest bosses gaming has ever seen. I'm not exagerating here, Ys really does have some of gaming's greatest bosses. \n\nThere were 3 ys games to use this style of engine. The ark of Napishtim (which was the first), The oath in Felghana and finally Origins.\n\nFelghana has the greatest soundtrack of them all and arguably the second strongest soundtrack in the entire series (In a series famous for it's soundtracks (look for a psp or psvita for Ys 7 if you want the best soundtrack)).\n\nFelghana, on it's hardest difficulty has some spectacular bosses. However the game doesn't put it's best foot forward at the start. Initial bosses are pretty simple and hardly inspiring, which is unfortunate because the later bosses are absolutely spectacular. Thematically unique bosses all with their own interesting quirks and unique mechanics make each big baddy feel wholly unique and incredibly satisfying to down.\nIn fact Felghana and Origins are spectacular examples of good boss design (with a few very obnoxious exceptions).\n\nThere's also a bit of exploration and secret discovering involved in Ys, and because a number of your abilities give both combat and traversal options there is some fun platforming to be performed in the game.\n\nSo this all sounds super positive, are there any negatives then? Actually yeah, quite a few.\n\nThis game isn't pretty, I mean let's be fair it's old (2005) but that's gonna be a turn off for some people.\n\nThen there's the plot, Ys' localization is about as good as it can get (Xseed is really good at that) but this isn't a plot that's likely to do anything for you, and not much time is spent on either it or its characters.\n\nThe game is also very grind heavy, especially on it's higher difficulties. Levels and weapon upgrades in Ys make a huge difference, to the point where a single level can make your attacks do almost twice the damage and can turn some boss fights from cruel jokes into fun encounters. but there are humungous experience penalties once you start over levelling, and even then you're going to have to farm normal mooks just to avoid being underlevelled, which may have been alright except for the game's final weakness, fights that aren't bosses.\n\nYs's combat is simple, but the way it blends with each bosses unique mechanics make it incredibly satisfying. This doesn't occur with normal enemies though, which means for many, normal combat in Ys isn't very satisfying, which is unfortunate because you'll need to do a fair amount of farming basic enemies to be able to afford upgrades and avoid\nbeing underleveled.\n\nSo to sum up:\n+ Awesome soundtrack\n+ Awesome bosses after the first couple of dungeons\n\n- Not very pretty\n- Grindy on higher diffculties\n- Fighting basic enemies isn't that fun\n- Playing on easier difficulties wont let you appreciate it's great bosses properly\n\nYs will appeal extremely strongly to a certain crowd, and that crowd absolutely SHOULD play it, because it's one of the best examples of it's genre. But most other people will likely find the game to be more trouble than it's worth.", "timestamp_created": 1448603119, "timestamp_updated": 1448603446, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504257", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19278015": {"recommendationid": "19278015", "author": {"steamid": "76561197973085265", "num_games_owned": 419, "num_reviews": 260, "playtime_forever": 367, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475158426}, "language": "english", "review": "amazing game on psp and ten times better,cleaner looking on pc.so worth every penny. great story,ultra fun and you can never go wrong with y's", "timestamp_created": 1448506847, "timestamp_updated": 1448506847, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19273805": {"recommendationid": "19273805", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013968945", "num_games_owned": 740, "num_reviews": 77, "playtime_forever": 638, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504957734}, "language": "turkish", "review": "\u00d6zellikle neogafda \u00e7ok yo\u011fun fanatiklerini g\u00f6r\u00fcnce merakla giri\u015ftim oyunlar\u0131na.\nOyun t\u00fcr\u00fc olara Zelda-Vari diyebilirim.\nCombat e\u011flenceli ve zorlay\u0131c\u0131 olmu\u015f.\nGrafikler yeterli.\nOynan\u0131\u015f e\u011flenceli bir noktaya kadar\nAma e\u011fer Zelda-vari bir oynan\u0131\u015f size gelmiyorsa benim gibi (Hi\u00e7bir Zelda oyununu bitiremedim) belli bir s\u00fcre sonra veya birka\u00e7 defa ayn\u0131 boss da tak\u0131l\u0131nca b\u0131rak\u0131yorsunuz .\nBen ilerleyecek yer bulamay\u0131nca (tamamen benim tembelli\u011fim) oynamay\u0131 b\u0131rakt\u0131m. \nT\u00fcr\u00fc sevenler d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcnmeden yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131rs\u0131n", "timestamp_created": 1448488740, "timestamp_updated": 1448488740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.671931", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19002469": {"recommendationid": "19002469", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045303131", "num_games_owned": 156, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 657, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452517238}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc61b\ub0a0 \uac8c\uc784\uc774\ub77c \uadf8\ub7f0\uc9c0 \ub108\ubb34 \uc5b4\ub835\ub2e4. \uc61b\ub0a0 \uc774\uc2a41\uc744 \uc7ac\ubbf8\uc788\uac8c \ud588\ub358 \ucd94\uc5b5\uc774 \uc788\uc5b4 \uad6c\ub9e4\ub97c \ud558\uc600\uc9c0\ub9cc, \uac8c\uc784\uc774 \ub108\ubb34 \uc5b4\ub835\ub2e4.\n\ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc, \uc774\uc2a4 \ud2b9\uc720\uc758 \uac8c\uc784 \uc74c\uc545\uc740 \uadc0\ub97c \uc990\uac81\uac8c \ud55c\ub2e4. \uc2dc\uac04\uc774 \ub098\uba74 \uac8c\uc784 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub97c \uc774\uc9c0\ub85c \ud558\uc5ec \ub2e4\uc2dc \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud574 \ubcf4\uaca0\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1447206175, "timestamp_updated": 1447206175, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.637363", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19001075": {"recommendationid": "19001075", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035898682", "num_games_owned": 153, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 1333, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447199768}, "language": "english", "review": "I will start this by saying that I was introduced to the Ys series via Falcom's other main series \"The Legend of Heroes\"; that being said, this is a complete change of pace, so if you are expecting something along similar veins, just know that it's different, good, but different.\nThe next thing to note is that the game's bosses can be balls-to-the-walls difficult. Perhaps I'm just a casual, and I probably am, but some of those fights took a good hour or more to finally beat. I consider Ys to be the \"Dark Souls of JRPGs.\"\nAll in all, it's a fun, about 20hr game, but insanely difficult, so if you're not into the challenge, then maybe play on one of the easy difficulties.", "timestamp_created": 1447200260, "timestamp_updated": 1447200260, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.548975", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18972875": {"recommendationid": "18972875", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978674491", "num_games_owned": 202, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 1326, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508956975}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys games are all action RPGs where you control one character (usually Adol, though Origins has no Adol and I think Seven has multiple character options?) against the world in a story-moderate environment. (moderate compared to Falcom's other RPG series, Legend of Heroes) Grinding is generally expected to some extent, but that'll only ease the pain so far -- especially as you get to the end bosses. They're also known for their amazing rock/metal soundtracks.\n\nAs for this particular Ys game...one word: Brutal.\n\nI've played Origin, I & II, and VI on Steam and this one still annihilates me...on NORMAL. What separates most of the difficulties is simply damage caused by enemies and enemy health, and the enemy patterns can be difficult to make out after your first 10 or so attempts at a particular boss. Just a fair warning -- you need to be in the zone while playing to stand a chance...or you just need to be better than this reviewer.\n\nAside from that, it's a loose remake of Ys III, the one \"platformer\" of the series and as such, this one has a lot of platforming elements. Thanks to the fixed camera, though, the 3d platforming is pretty simple and straightforward.\n\nOne disappointment worth noting: Some PSP features like New Game+ (which itself was very minor) and refining gear up to level 9 are gone from this port. Seems strange, especially since the achievements beg \"replay\", but it's not anywhere near a deal breaker.", "timestamp_created": 1447086739, "timestamp_updated": 1447086998, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 29, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.747753", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18944419": {"recommendationid": "18944419", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051051596", "num_games_owned": 152, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1451, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448731364}, "language": "english", "review": "9.5/10\nThe story is okey, but the gameplay (think The Legend Of Zelda sped up) and music are fantastic.\n\none word of advice, play with a controller if you plan on dodging anything.", "timestamp_created": 1446952435, "timestamp_updated": 1446952435, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18882357": {"recommendationid": "18882357", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102020074", "num_games_owned": 191, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 4092, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458610960}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Como dicen los ingleses \"An oldie but a goodie\" \n\nDespu\u00e9s de estar cerca del final del juego en la dificultad m\u00e1s alta, he de decir que este juego tiene un set de jefes de lo mejor que he visto : todos son feroces, creativos o satisfactorios de vencer. A diferencia de otros Ys, este marc\u00f3 una f\u00f3rmula m\u00e1s \u00e1gil y directa que todos sus sucesores siguieron. \n\nLo malo es que los niveles normales pueden hacerse pesadillos, y que el juego es un poco lineal (con tareas secundarias espor\u00e1dicas) pero la experiencia es muy gratificante. \n", "timestamp_created": 1446677598, "timestamp_updated": 1446677598, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18867656": {"recommendationid": "18867656", "author": {"steamid": "76561198205555737", "num_games_owned": 69, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 390, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448495101}, "language": "english", "review": "I've never been so happy to have an attack button.", "timestamp_created": 1446606173, "timestamp_updated": 1446606173, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18795069": {"recommendationid": "18795069", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061380512", "num_games_owned": 382, "num_reviews": 55, "playtime_forever": 2292, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438476123}, "language": "english", "review": "yeah love this ys series great game ^_^", "timestamp_created": 1446307104, "timestamp_updated": 1446307104, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496894", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18785465": {"recommendationid": "18785465", "author": {"steamid": "76561198080413311", "num_games_owned": 291, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 285, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446725970}, "language": "english", "review": "Music, story, atmosphere, everything on top level. You will be in for a fast paced action RPG with challenging giant bosses, interesting characters and difficulty levels from challenging to super hard.\nIn my opinion the best remake of YsIII: Wanderer's from Ys and one of the best in the Ys Series!\n", "timestamp_created": 1446275314, "timestamp_updated": 1446275314, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18753548": {"recommendationid": "18753548", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079737439", "num_games_owned": 403, "num_reviews": 228, "playtime_forever": 21, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446167861}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Excelente Jogo!", "timestamp_created": 1446167882, "timestamp_updated": 1446167882, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18700739": {"recommendationid": "18700739", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071998760", "num_games_owned": 773, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 13351, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511380753}, "language": "russian", "review": "", "timestamp_created": 1445890600, "timestamp_updated": 1445890600, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.456432", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18684598": {"recommendationid": "18684598", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097533004", "num_games_owned": 165, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 395, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445804817}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc801\uc808\ud55c \uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac \uc61b\ub0a0\uc791\ud488\uce58\uace4 \uc7ac\ubbf8\uc788\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4 \n\ud544\ub4dc\ub9f5\uc744 \uc804\ubd80\ub3cc\uace0\uac00\uc57c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.. \ucc98\uc6c0\ubd80\ud130 \ubcf4\uc2a4\uc5d0 1\uc9c1\uc120 \ubcf4\uc2a4\ubc29\uc5d0 \uac08\uacbd\uc6b0.. \uc7a1\uc744\ubc29\ubc95\uc774\uc5c6\uac70\ub098.. \ud558\ub124\uc5ec..\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9\ubcf4\uc2a4\uac00 \uac00\uc7a5\uc624\ub798\uac78\ub837\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.. \uccb4\ub8251000 \uacf5\uaca9\uc870\uac74\uc774 \uadf8\uac70\ub77c\ub2c8.. \ud53c\ud558\ub294\uac74\uc904..\uc138\uc77c\ud560\ub54c \uc0ac\ub294\uac78\ucd94\ucc9c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4 \uc801\ub2f9\ud788 \uc990\uae40.. \uc81c\uc77c\uc26c\uc6b4\ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub85c \ud50c\ub808\uc774\ud588\uc9c0\ub9cc.. \uac00\uc7a5\uc5b4\ub824\uc6b4\ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub85c \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uba74 \uc5b4\ucf00\ub420\uc9c0 \uc870\uae08 \ub450\ub835\ub2e4", "timestamp_created": 1445805013, "timestamp_updated": 1445805013, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18648385": {"recommendationid": "18648385", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076179267", "num_games_owned": 62, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 680, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506133613}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Perfeito como todos os outros da franquia.", "timestamp_created": 1445645852, "timestamp_updated": 1445645852, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.563712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18565582": {"recommendationid": "18565582", "author": {"steamid": "76561198166807011", "num_games_owned": 137, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 1502, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446094859}, "language": "english", "review": "This is my first Ys game.\n\nWhile it isn't in \"order\" nothing will seem out of place or not make sense if you play this.\nVery fun combat.\nVery challenging bosses.\nYou need to level up, upgrade equipment, and learn patterns.\nThere's a bit of luck to it too.\nBut beating a boss will feel satisfying when you manage to pull it off.\n", "timestamp_created": 1445252199, "timestamp_updated": 1445252199, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18302309": {"recommendationid": "18302309", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038694968", "num_games_owned": 70, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1333, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443836667}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the only Y's in the series I've experienced and the last time I played this was on the SNES about 15 years ago and it was quite memorable because of it's amazing sound track and the story was interesting enough. I had been meaning to give this a go on steam for some time and I'm glad I finally got around to it. This game is beautifully updated, especially the bosses. It's a fairly short hack 'n slash platformer that' I'd recommend to anyone. I'll be checking out other instalments of the series soon, I'm curious to experience the \"bump\" system on the earlier games.", "timestamp_created": 1443853086, "timestamp_updated": 1443853086, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18242016": {"recommendationid": "18242016", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998775097", "num_games_owned": 295, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 1053, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444344586}, "language": "english", "review": "Can't pause durning boss battles.\nAutomatic deal breaker.\n\nSpikes don't hurt enemies, even if you push them into it. But they'll hurt you...um why?\n\nPoor hit detection on most bosses (I got hit but nothing was there).\n\nNo camera angle control for a lot of areas that really need it.\n\nLONG check points until you get the next save point.\n\nGood music.\nTight control\n\nthat's about it.", "timestamp_created": 1443478972, "timestamp_updated": 1443656998, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.475734", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18177796": {"recommendationid": "18177796", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061299226", "num_games_owned": 28, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2235, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1362297600}, "language": "english", "review": "bueno", "timestamp_created": 1443131885, "timestamp_updated": 1443131885, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.498008", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18025527": {"recommendationid": "18025527", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011713676", "num_games_owned": 175, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1673, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1376372669}, "language": "english", "review": "This game was okay but I liked Ys: Origin a lot better. I found Origin felt better and more fun to play than Oath overall. Oath is still a good game though with solid combat mechanics.", "timestamp_created": 1442198195, "timestamp_updated": 1442198195, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17996974": {"recommendationid": "17996974", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023175868", "num_games_owned": 179, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 2737, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510626971}, "language": "english", "review": "It's not as good as Ys: Origins but it's still a very solid game, with lots of good music and a fun hack and slash adventure that will keep you coming back.", "timestamp_created": 1442057351, "timestamp_updated": 1442057351, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.494242", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17878991": {"recommendationid": "17878991", "author": {"steamid": "76561198166973133", "num_games_owned": 183, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 717, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439299318}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Una vuelta a los cl\u00e1sicos JRPG. Muy recomendable para los amantes de los juegos de 'vieja escuela' como Secret of Mana o The Legend of Zelda. Aunque el juego no sea nuevo, proporciona grandes dosis de retos y una calidad musical impecable. Un RPG sublime para los nost\u00e1lgicos.", "timestamp_created": 1441383712, "timestamp_updated": 1441383712, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17803354": {"recommendationid": "17803354", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025683801", "num_games_owned": 499, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 717, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440975537}, "language": "english", "review": "Rarely does a game get so many things right: Art, Music, Story, Mechanics, Polish... Not only did I have a lot of fun throughout the experience, the ending truly left me inspired! \n\nI don't want to nitpick an otherwise great game, so there: 9.8/10", "timestamp_created": 1440976586, "timestamp_updated": 1440976586, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 25, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.698949", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17777519": {"recommendationid": "17777519", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061063257", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 155, "playtime_forever": 26, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387575920}, "language": "japanese", "review": 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"timestamp_created": 1440871235, "timestamp_updated": 1486440321, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 25, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.530286", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17732340": {"recommendationid": "17732340", "author": {"steamid": "76561198070945092", "num_games_owned": 1298, "num_reviews": 129, "playtime_forever": 2953, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440640758}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4 \ub9cc\uc758 \uc804\ud22c\ub294 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc7ac\ubbf8\uc788\ub2e4\uace0 \ubd05\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub9cc\uc57d \ud558\ub4dc\ucf54\uc5b4\ud55c\uac78 \uc88b\uc544\ud558\ub294 \ubd84\uc774\ub77c\uba74 \ub098\uc774\ud2b8\ub9e4\uc5b4 \uc774\uc0c1\uc744 \ub3c4\uc804\ud574\ubcf4\uba74 \ub9e4\uc6b0 \uc7ac\ubc0c\uac8c \ud558\uc2e4\uc218 \uc788\uc744\uac81\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac \uc790\uccb4\ub294 JRPG\uc758 \ud754\ud55c \uc601\uc6c5\uc804\uc124\uc774\uc9c0\ub9cc \uadf8\ub798\ub3c4 \uc9dc\uc784\uc0c8 \uc788\uac8c \ub9cc\ub4e4\uc5b4\uc838 \ub098\uc058\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ubc30\uacbd\uc74c\uc545 \ub610\ud55c \uac8c\uc784\uc2dc\uc5d0 \uc990\uae38\uc218 \uc788\uac8c \uc11c\ud3ec\ud130\ub97c \uc81c\ub300\ub85c \ud574\uc90d\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub098\uc774\ud2b8\ub9e4\uc5b4\uc2dc... \uba87\uba87 \ubcf4\uc2a4\uc5d0\uc11c \ub9e8\ubd95 \ud560\uc218 \uc788\uc73c\ub2c8 \uc54c\ub9de\ub294 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uc5d0 \ud558\ub294\uac78 \ucd94\ucc9c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1440641161, "timestamp_updated": 1440641161, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17686000": {"recommendationid": "17686000", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034379590", "num_games_owned": 311, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 352, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440373546}, "language": "english", "review": "Running around in circles with shitty platforming is really a good use of 2-3 hours of my time. This game's not even that fun, it's more aggrevating than anything. The story is short, the pacing is shit, and apparently there are spots where you can't pause. Not being able to pause the game's a mortal sin in game development and they committed it. 2/10", "timestamp_created": 1440373660, "timestamp_updated": 1440373660, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.407987", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17668624": {"recommendationid": "17668624", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064190013", "num_games_owned": 77, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1063, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440426089}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Joguei todos at\u00e9 agora, s\u00f3 falta o Ys: The Ark of Napishtim.\nO que tenho a dizer desse jogo e de todos os outros que voc\u00ea encontra aqui na Steam \u00e9 que ele \u00e9 simplesmente genial, envolvente e os personagens bastante carism\u00e1ticos.\n\nSobre o gameplay:\nTem horas que voc\u00ea pode passar raiva por exemplo, cair de um lugar e ter que escalar tudo de volta atrav\u00e9s de obst\u00e1culos. Tem alguns Bosses que meu Deus... pense nums bixo ruim de matar.... mas quando mata a satisfa\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 enorme\nA trilha sonora tamb\u00e9m \u00e9 maravilhosa.\n\nUma dica se voc\u00ea ta em d\u00favida:\nCOMPRE!!!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1440285771, "timestamp_updated": 1440285771, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17602971": {"recommendationid": "17602971", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032774762", "num_games_owned": 193, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 4698, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445791220}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1][list]\n [*]Note 1: This is currently being played on Nightmare difficulty. That being said, your mileage may vary on how these games compare (how easy is is to make money, gain exp, etc.)\n\n [*]Note 2: I will be comparing this to Origin's gameplay. Spoilers for both games will be unmarked, so please read at your discretion. \n[/list][/h1]\n\n This is a review of the game from a technical/gameplay standpoint [b] not [/b] a review regarding the storyline, graphics, etc. I am writing this review for those that wish to play the Ys games in chronological order. \n\n For those of you that didn't know, Origin, Oath in Felghana, and Ark of Napishtim use the same engine. However, OiF and Origin were released after Ark of Napishtim, in that order, and thus were \"tweaked\" or \"improved,\" rather, in terms of combat, stat growth, and money gain. Playing in chronological order means playing Origin, then Oif, then Ark, and getting used to things that might be missing, as you go through the series. \n\n Now, I've played Origin all the way through on all characters on Nightmare difficulty, and the first thing to compare between Origin and Oif, is that Yunica and Adol play similarly to each other, without being exactly the same. For example, while Yunica and Adol's fire spells function identically, Yunica gets her fire magic from a sword, which does slightly more damage than her normal weapon, but swings slower. Other than that, their attack patterns are pretty similar, with Adol doing more thrusting as opposed to Yunica swinging her axe about (which makes sense, considering you don't stab with it). \n\n In Origin, your dash attack has a chance of lowering the enemy's defence, including bosses. This is incredibly helpful as it can be chained into your normal combo. In OiF, you still have a dash attack, however, instead of lowering the enemy's defence, it is a quick 3-hits, that can be chained into your normal combo. That being said, in Origin, it's imperative to learn how to effectively use your dash attack, where as in OiF, you can almost completely disregard it, and get by just fine. \n\n The second thing to note, OiF and Origin have a thing called Boost, which functions similar to a Limit Break, if you will; while it's active, movement and attack speed is increased, while damage is greatly reduced. However, Origin added an additional power to that, called Burst, a special attack that, when activated, will use the remaining time on your Boost. The attack varies for each character, but is nice to have, as it's essentially a panic button, to go along with your Limit Break. You don't [i] need [/i] it, but it's nice to have, in the situations where you are surrounded by enemies with 3 HP, and no way out. \n\n Regarding the difficulty as a whole, of both games, Nightmare is incredibly hard, even frustrating at times, in both Origin and OiF. The difference, however, is that OiF has boss fights that are much more demanding in terms of snap decisions, timing, and reflexes, whereas the dungeons leading up to said fights, are a fun challange. Not particularly terrifying or anything. The first boss, Ellefale, is both a perfect representation of what to expect later on, as well as being a nice throwback to Ys 2, where everything died by fire. If you try to dodge her attacks too early, they will chace after you, and you'll get hit, and likewise, dodge too late, and you get hit. For a first boss, having to learn the timing right then and there is incredibly demanding, especially when you die in 2 or 3 hits. Boss fights like Gyalva and Gildias very much felt the same way, requiring precise timing, quick thinking, and not using every tool in your arsenal will cost you your life. \n\n On the other hand, Origin had much harder dungeons, yet had less demanding boss fights (not to say that they aren't exactly \"harder\"). I found myself dying quite a bit, as trash mobs used their numbers and large attack power to hit for all I'm worth. The Water Prison has you fighting enemies that can only be destroyed with your earth power, while trying to navigate underwater, looking for more oxygen. The Silent Desert has enemies that, when you first get there, can't be permanantly killed, all the while traversing quicksand, while they come from the ground and dance around you. At times, I felt myself traversing these dungeons with a sense of caution, as the next batch of enemies, and a wrong move would be the end of me. While poor planning will also get you killed in dungeons in OiF, it felt a lot more frequent in Origin. \n\n Boss fights, however, were a lot more fair. The dodging you had to do from enemy's attacks would prepare you for this moment, because a lot of the bosses have projectiles, or attacks that reach large sections of the field. Jenocres' attacks feel very much like playing a shoot 'em up, for example. Which leads to one of the more noticible changes between Origin and OiF; You see the entire battlefield, and always have eyes on the boss, at all times. During the course of the fight, lightning strikes will come down in the area where you are standing, indicated by circles on the ground. You have to keep running, until the lightning is finished chasing you. Being able to see where Jenocres is, as well as the entire arena, while dodging attacks that reach every corner of the screen is keeps you from running into another attack, after dodging the last one. \n\n This, cannot be said for OiF. With the exception of Gildias and Ellefale, you do not normally have constant sight on the boss, the entire arena, and Adol, at the same time, without keeping within a certain distance of the boss. The arena in which you fight is about the same average size as the ones in Origin, however, the camera is focused on Adol, zoomed out for the boss fight. What this means is that to see all of the boss's tells and attacks before they happen, you must keep within a certain proximity. However, the result of that is a smaller margin of error for dodging and reacting to attacks. \n\n To compensate for the lack of traditional shops, Origin has a system implemented where you can buy powers, named Blessings, which allow your character active passives such as boosted ailment resistance, reduced damage from terrain, or things such as increased item drop rate. However, on Nightmare, all SP (the currency of the game) is worth 1 SP. With the occasional treasure chest giving SP, you will have just enough SP throughout the game to increase the defence on your armour, and obtain 1 to 2 extra skills, depending on what you get, and assuming you are leveling normally. The lack of shops also means that you will find all of your weapons and armour, and any items you obtain must either be found, or otherwise obtained from the story. OiF does not suffer from this, as it does use the traditional shop. You do still find weapons and armour during your escapades, however, you can also buy weapons, armour, and expendable items. Thankfully, unlike in Origin, currency in the land of Felghana is a lot easier to come by, so there is no worrying about saving for just the right moment. \n\n Upgrading weapons and armour requires two things: money, and Cleria Ore. In OiF, ore comes in abundance, dropped by enemies, along with gold. Every weapon and piece of armour requires both gold, and ore to level up (stat increase), with better equipment being more expensive. Origin has simplified this process, in accordance with the shop system and/or money drop rates. Weapons are upgraded specifically with Cleria Ore, however, they are scattered throughout the game, and power up your weapon enough to last you until the next upgrade, and armour is upgraded by spending SP.", "timestamp_created": 1439924609, "timestamp_updated": 1454248753, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504257", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17587380": {"recommendationid": "17587380", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014899047", "num_games_owned": 543, "num_reviews": 81, "playtime_forever": 962, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439837309}, "language": "english", "review": "It's pretty hard, but that's what makes it fun.", "timestamp_created": 1439837529, "timestamp_updated": 1439837529, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.498008", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17552303": {"recommendationid": "17552303", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003029471", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502557590}, "language": "english", "review": "- Play the game.\n- Die a lot.\n- New game.\n- \"More like Adol the Yellow.\"\n- Cry", "timestamp_created": 1439652687, "timestamp_updated": 1439652687, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17513205": {"recommendationid": "17513205", "author": {"steamid": "76561198111882045", "num_games_owned": 466, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1966, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478750004}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a blast! I played the SNES version of this game soooo much as a kid. It was great stumbling across this version and seeing the vast improvements. It is very reminiscent of Zelda games, but much faster pace. I'd recommend this to anyone who likes Zelda and action RPGs. It can be quite tough, some level grinding is required; but if you're up for a challenge, then definitely pick this game up", "timestamp_created": 1439426828, "timestamp_updated": 1439426828, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504257", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17499740": {"recommendationid": "17499740", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023558657", "num_games_owned": 277, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 430, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1340434800}, "language": "english", "review": "shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt", "timestamp_created": 1439359546, "timestamp_updated": 1439359546, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.335982", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17404038": {"recommendationid": "17404038", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985179247", "num_games_owned": 433, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 1145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438532652}, "language": "english", "review": "It's an amazing linear action-platformer. Very tight controls, so if you get hit by anything, it's your own fault. Can be a bit grindy at times, but it's not too bad unless you're going for max level cap or something (which is unnecessary to beat the game)", "timestamp_created": 1438804709, "timestamp_updated": 1438804709, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504257", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17332538": {"recommendationid": "17332538", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122961852", "num_games_owned": 193, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 1449, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438789622}, "language": "english", "review": "Another challenging and great Ys game.", "timestamp_created": 1438432447, "timestamp_updated": 1438432447, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.536674", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17318000": {"recommendationid": "17318000", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079637106", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 619, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453054309}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action rpg game! True remake from YS 3 on SNES. The soundtrack is amazing !", "timestamp_created": 1438359588, "timestamp_updated": 1438359588, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526120", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17275444": {"recommendationid": "17275444", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056287290", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1839, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1442435611}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is good.", "timestamp_created": 1438135615, "timestamp_updated": 1438135615, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17274245": {"recommendationid": "17274245", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025116904", "num_games_owned": 1410, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 204, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499895600}, "language": "german", "review": "Excellent game.\nUnfortunately this version has no voice acting like the PSP-Version.\nI recommend the PSP-Version over this one.", "timestamp_created": 1438127775, "timestamp_updated": 1438127775, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.355527", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17081531": {"recommendationid": "17081531", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989202420", "num_games_owned": 803, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 942, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1384029742}, "language": "english", "review": "Simple, short, fast and fun; it\u2019s got all the things that make this series great.", "timestamp_created": 1437077658, "timestamp_updated": 1437077658, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17053172": {"recommendationid": "17053172", "author": {"steamid": "76561198016188693", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1095, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486450797}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc194\uc9c1\ud788 \ubc1c\ub808\uc2a4\ud0c0\uc778 \uc131\uc758 \ud14c\ub9c8\ub294 \ub450\uace0\ub450\uace0 \ub0a8\uc744 \uba85\uace1\uc778\ub4ef.\n\uc2dc\uacc4\ud0d1\uc5d0 \uac00\uba74\uc11c \ubc1c\ub808\uc2a4\ud0c0\uc778 \uc131\uc758 \ud14c\ub9c8\uac00 \ub354 \uc774\uc0c1 \uc548\ub098\uc624\ub294\uac8c \uadf8\ub9ac\ub3c4 \uc544\uc27d\ub354\ub77c.\n\n\uc74c\ubc18\uc744 \uc0ac\uba74 \uac8c\uc784\uc774 \ub538\ub824\uc624\ub294 \ud314\ucf64\uc0ac", "timestamp_created": 1436921544, "timestamp_updated": 1436921619, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17010509": {"recommendationid": "17010509", "author": {"steamid": "76561198135282170", "num_games_owned": 83, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 903, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436653143}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "", "timestamp_created": 1436711738, "timestamp_updated": 1436711738, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16947635": {"recommendationid": "16947635", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970942245", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1555, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436303467}, "language": "english", "review": "I just finished this game and had a great feeling of satisfaction at the end. I enjoyed the entire experience. (I should add that I'm a huge Ys fan!)\n\nGreat fun to play and very accessible due to it's wide range of difficulty settings.\nThe gameplay is quick and fun hacking and slashing.\nThe boss battles are challenging and working out a strategy to beat them is very rewarding.\nThe music and artwork is excellent.\n\nIf you're an Ys fan, this game is definitely for you.\nIf you've played Wanderers from Ys (Ys 3), this game is a great retelling of the same story, but with plenty of extras to make it a new experience.\n\nIf you're new to Ys, go to Youtube and listen to some of the music. As simple as these games are, the love that goes into the music and artwork makes them stand out. If you like what you see and hear, you'll enjoy the game.", "timestamp_created": 1436385330, "timestamp_updated": 1436385515, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16890513": {"recommendationid": "16890513", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972391438", "num_games_owned": 396, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 413, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482907953}, "language": "english", "review": "Another great entry for the Ys franchise! They changed the bump system to a more familiar hack n' slash but still retains all the difficulty that the previous games offered. This is a no brainer for die hard fans and newcomers alike.\n\n*Despite having only played 5 hours on Steam, I've actually played this game several times on a DRM-free version I bought some years ago.", "timestamp_created": 1436085584, "timestamp_updated": 1436088129, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493401", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16886019": {"recommendationid": "16886019", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100856137", "num_games_owned": 373, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 729, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436052002}, "language": "english", "review": "TL;DR: I wish there was a middle rating for recommendation because I don't think the game is bad enough to be a Thumbs Down but not good enough for a Thumbs Up either. I would recommend this to any Ys fans but personally I was kind of underwhelmed. I'm not even sure what it was that underwhelmed me but I liked Ys Origins a lot more. Maybe it's because it feels like you only need to beat it once and then move on to another game. Save the other Ys games for after you've beaten this one for a more rewarding experience.\n\n[Difficulty - good]: As with the other Ys games, you have difficulties for everyone to be able to enjoy the game although there are at least 2 bosses that are annoying no matter what you choose.\n\n[Story - average]: Pretty standard stuff but I liked the little touches here and there to make the story more than just a standard issue \"Evil being awakens and you happen to be nearby to slay/seal it for the villagers\" story. I don't know if Ys Ark of Nepishtim would explain why Adol and Dogi are traveling together but not being able to own and play it may explain why I feel so disconnected from Felghana.\n\n[Characters - good]: As with all the other Falcom games Steam has, the attention to details about every character's personality and lives is always a pleasure to read about. The merchant trying to get fame and fortune, the hardworking townspeople and a surprisingly kind countess are just a few to name in adding layers to the otherwise cookie-cutter plot.\n\n[Graphics - average]: It's a matter of personal tastes on this one. The characters look great to me since I prefer the 2D anime style over full 3D characters. The cinematics are as lovely as I've come to expect from any Falcom game as well.\n\n[Music - excellent]: One thing this game has no problems with is the music, my favorites would definitely be the world map and clock tower music. Not to say the rest wasn't memorable though.\n\n[Combat - good]: It uses the same combat and magic system as Origins which makes playing one then the other very easy to transition into.\n\n[Length - average]: It may be a good length for people who prefer short games but as for someone with tons of spare time and expectations of RPGs to have decent length and content in them...it was disappointing how quickly I chewed through it. That disappointment also leads to my rating for...\n\n[Replayability - bad]: Unfortunately there is almost no reason to replay this game except to get Steam achievements. The version we Steam players got is lacking all the extras the PSP version players get for beating the game and time attack mode.", "timestamp_created": 1436054880, "timestamp_updated": 1436056101, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 18, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555976", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16884905": {"recommendationid": "16884905", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047895475", "num_games_owned": 121, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 271, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436048429}, "language": "english", "review": "Couldn't finish the game on the \"Hard\" difficulty. There are multiple difficulties beyond that... Ragequit and went back to cheerfully playing Dark Souls. Basilisks are a privilege, now.\n8/10.", "timestamp_created": 1436048605, "timestamp_updated": 1436048605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16800854": {"recommendationid": "16800854", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122377961", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 1063, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435533989}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty damn fun game.\nThe grinding you need to do to progress makes it artificially longer than it actually is, but if you can deal with that, it's worth a buy.", "timestamp_created": 1435629780, "timestamp_updated": 1435629780, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.489529", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16768863": {"recommendationid": "16768863", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967686701", "num_games_owned": 309, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1362, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511660753}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action game with a little of platforming and metroidvenia elements to it. If you like games that are \"nintendo hard\" you will love this one.", "timestamp_created": 1435527756, "timestamp_updated": 1435527756, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16764838": {"recommendationid": "16764838", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114226859", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 522, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435859855}, "language": "english", "review": "Well at first it looked great and the gameplay got me into it quite easily and quick.\nThen i got to the first boss and I thought: I gotta be doing something wrong, but then I read the various faqs online and realize it's just that. After the first mission (which is pretty enjoiable, despite the bosses) the game turns mofo mode and it gets harder and harder and the checkpoints become too distant one another.\nI'd not reccomend this, unless you are the most patient gamer on earth.", "timestamp_created": 1435514647, "timestamp_updated": 1435514647, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.431129", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16764133": {"recommendationid": "16764133", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031490701", "num_games_owned": 739, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2325, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389857573}, "language": "english", "review": "Great gameplay, great music, haaaaaate that dragon boss on nightmare though...", "timestamp_created": 1435512331, "timestamp_updated": 1435512331, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16751736": {"recommendationid": "16751736", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038209491", "num_games_owned": 351, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 672, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500171947}, "language": "english", "review": "great game. challenging bosses. fast action. no block button. 5/5", "timestamp_created": 1435456172, "timestamp_updated": 1435456172, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16644668": {"recommendationid": "16644668", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110195196", "num_games_owned": 288, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438082469}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac8c\uc784\uc740 \uc7ac\ubc0c\ub2e4. \ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc2a4\ud2b8\ub808\uc2a4\ub97c \ubc1b\uc9c0 \uc54a\uace0 \uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac\ub9cc \ubcf4\uace0 \uc2f6\ub2e4\uba74 \uc774\uc9c0\ubaa8\ub4dc\ub85c \ud558\uc790. \ub178\ub9d0 \ubd80\ud130\ub294 \ub808\ubca8\ub178\uac00\ub2e4\uac00 \uc870\uae08 \ud544\uc694\ud574\uc11c \uc2dc\uac04\uc774 \uc624\ub798 \uac78\ub9b0\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1435057249, "timestamp_updated": 1435057249, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16606342": {"recommendationid": "16606342", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979261360", "num_games_owned": 2027, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 848, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436103164}, "language": "french", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana est, grosso modo, un remake de Ys III remani\u00e9 avec le moteur de Ys VI. Contrairement aux premiers \u00e9pisodes, il n'est pas question de \"foncer\" dans les ennemis (bump system) mais de donner de \"vrais\" coups d'\u00e9p\u00e9e. Bien qu'un peu court, il propose un challenge vraiment int\u00e9ressant avec des monstres plus ou moins r\u00e9sistants \u00e0 certains types d'attaque. Son style graphique m\u00e9lange des sprites en 2D proprement liss\u00e9s sur des d\u00e9cors mod\u00e9lis\u00e9s en 3D, tout \u00e7a en 1080p. Les musiques, comment dire... Ys, \"best music in existence\", pour reprendre une formule c\u00e9l\u00e8bre :-) ! Oh, sinon, je vous invite \u00e0 remapper les touches dans les options car elles sont tr\u00e8s mal plac\u00e9es sur le pad 360 / Xbox One. Bref, un must-have.", "timestamp_created": 1434925835, "timestamp_updated": 1434925835, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.557971", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16591037": {"recommendationid": "16591037", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069327194", "num_games_owned": 201, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 113, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434640632}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0412\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043c-\u0442\u043e, \u0434\u0430. \u0424\u0430\u0431\u0443\u043b\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0430, \u0437\u0430\u0432\u044f\u0437\u043a\u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430, \u0434\u0435-\u0444\u0430\u043a\u0442\u043e \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0430\u044f \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0437\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u044f\u0432\u043b\u044f\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u044d\u043a\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0435\u0439. \u041a\u0443\u043b\u044c\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0430 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0443\u0435\u043c\u0430, \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0433\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c\u044e \u043e\u0442\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0442. \u0410\u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0443 \u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435 \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u0432\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0432\u044b\u0448\u0435\u0443\u043f\u043e\u043c\u044f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044b\u043c \u043e\u0440\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u043c.", "timestamp_created": 1434911453, "timestamp_updated": 1434911453, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.397901", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16590106": {"recommendationid": "16590106", "author": {"steamid": "76561198191258090", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 910, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433194525}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice action RPG with great music. Doesn't wear out it's welcome since it moves at a brisk pace and can be completed in around 10 hours the first time around. A lot of replay value given that you like the action gameplay and want to master the touger difficulties.\n\n+ Great music\n+ Story is effective and simple. \n+ Combat is satisfactory with a number of special moves and items.\n+ Epic boss fights\n\n- The camera can be a bit troublesome when battling some of the bigger bosses\n- Leveling can be very important, a single level can make a huge difference in boss fights.", "timestamp_created": 1434909517, "timestamp_updated": 1434909517, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16508362": {"recommendationid": "16508362", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064005907", "num_games_owned": 64, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 694, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457766524}, "language": "english", "review": "In some ways, this game reminds me Crash Bandicoot 3. Double jump, whirlwind, vertical stab and dash-run, as well as ice-ground levels haha.", "timestamp_created": 1434661379, "timestamp_updated": 1434661379, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16490277": {"recommendationid": "16490277", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986178774", "num_games_owned": 230, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453448187}, "language": "english", "review": "fuck a shit fuck a duck 8/10", "timestamp_created": 1434606679, "timestamp_updated": 1434606679, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16484762": {"recommendationid": "16484762", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041993447", "num_games_owned": 137, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1826, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434338900}, "language": "english", "review": "Extremely fun and fast paced Action-RPG with a great story and amazing soundtrack.", "timestamp_created": 1434583727, "timestamp_updated": 1434583727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16424667": {"recommendationid": "16424667", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047011537", "num_games_owned": 157, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1765, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1437491848}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10 would suffer again.", "timestamp_created": 1434394019, "timestamp_updated": 1434394019, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16419017": {"recommendationid": "16419017", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970438115", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 596, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445046545}, "language": "english", "review": "For fans of the original game (Wanderers from Ys), The Oath of Felghana is an excellent retelling of the story. There are changes in some of the details, but the locations, characters, and monsters are largely faithful. For those new to the series, the game is a very fun action RPG with platforming elements. Be aware of missable quest items!", "timestamp_created": 1434380302, "timestamp_updated": 1434380302, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16415250": {"recommendationid": "16415250", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037726349", "num_games_owned": 24, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1239, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1378834287}, "language": "german", "review": "Ein Wirklich sch\u00f6nes und gelungendes spiel hier und da ein wenig knifflig aber trotzdem ein tolles spiel.\nEins mu\u00df f\u00fcr jeden der die YS reihe mag \n\nMFG ThundermasterLP", "timestamp_created": 1434370477, "timestamp_updated": 1434370477, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16347411": {"recommendationid": "16347411", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013446543", "num_games_owned": 145, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 791, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435026024}, "language": "english", "review": "Like the console zelda games but actually good.\n", "timestamp_created": 1434172116, "timestamp_updated": 1434172116, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496780", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16342194": {"recommendationid": "16342194", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971500794", "num_games_owned": 198, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 918, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434664789}, "language": "english", "review": "Another great YS game, which, if you didnt know, is zelda'ish but with its own charm and style- a bit more story focused etc.\n\n8/10 rpg game, if you love zelda and action-rgps with fantasy settings, maybe even a 9.", "timestamp_created": 1434151569, "timestamp_updated": 1434151569, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.442190", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16339759": {"recommendationid": "16339759", "author": {"steamid": "76561198146394884", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3468, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485961508}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "O jogo \u00e9 simples com uma hist\u00f3ria decente mas \u00e9 muito curto,esse jogo \u00e9 feito para os jogadores hardcore tanto para os casuais e esse jogo tem essa de voc\u00ea explorar cada detalhe \u00e9 bem recompensado(nem tanto). O jogo tamb\u00e9m tem um sistema de combate bem viciante e uma boa musica.Recomendo para os amantes de RPG", "timestamp_created": 1434144600, "timestamp_updated": 1434144600, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16338658": {"recommendationid": "16338658", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056269780", "num_games_owned": 111, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 1081, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470939732}, "language": "english", "review": "I die here more than I do in Dark Souls \n\nI love it", "timestamp_created": 1434141574, "timestamp_updated": 1434141574, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 18, "weighted_vote_score": "0.534433", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16322701": {"recommendationid": "16322701", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017661452", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 227, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433654881}, "language": "english", "review": "p good aye", "timestamp_created": 1434092248, "timestamp_updated": 1434092248, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16242770": {"recommendationid": "16242770", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004353520", "num_games_owned": 2732, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 698, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433686912}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc5ed\uc2dc \uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ub77c \ud560\uae4c\n\ube0c\uae08 \uc88b\uace0 \uc2a4\ud1a0\ub9ac \uc88b\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub098 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4\ub294 \uc801\ub2f9\uc774 \uc788\ub294\ud3b8\uc774\uace0 \nX\ub098\uac8c \uc81c\ubbf8\uc788\ub2e4!! \uac00 \uacb0\ub860\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4\n9/10", "timestamp_created": 1433687168, "timestamp_updated": 1433687168, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.582900", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16142142": {"recommendationid": "16142142", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025980821", "num_games_owned": 392, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 1337, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433277786}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana or also know as a reimagining of Ys III.\n\nPlayers take on the role of Adol Christin as his adventure takes him to the region of Felghana, as he arrives, it gets infested with monsters and its up to him to save the day.\n\nThe \"bump\" system of the previous 2 games has been replaced with a more hack and slash style of play but it still tough as nails, more so in boss fights. A +1 of stats can make all the difference.\n\n[b] Pros [/b]\nGood combat system\nTought as nail boss fights (more so at higher difficulty levels)\nGreat soundtrack\nGreat PSP port\n\n[b] Cons [/b]\nDoes not include English or Japanese VO in the download (but can be easily found in the forums)\nCutscene Dialogs can't be skipped (not that long but still)\n\nHighly recommended to play this game with a controler.\n\n8.9/10", "timestamp_created": 1433279394, "timestamp_updated": 1433279394, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.688057", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16036484": {"recommendationid": "16036484", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995657955", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 527, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436253356}, "language": "english", "review": "Having loved the first two Ys games, I felt compelled to play this one, it IS the third Ys game in the series completely re-done.\n\nFantastic scenery, great action and most of all one of the best soundtracks ever keep this hack and slash RPG going strong.", "timestamp_created": 1432805101, "timestamp_updated": 1432805101, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15988779": {"recommendationid": "15988779", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034093619", "num_games_owned": 987, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1245, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432415806}, "language": "english", "review": "The first 3D Y\u00b4s game I played, enjoyed it the whole way through. Some boss-designs I\u00b4m not fond of but as a whole the game is amazing!", "timestamp_created": 1432499070, "timestamp_updated": 1432499070, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.475157", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15920535": {"recommendationid": "15920535", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019461224", "num_games_owned": 707, "num_reviews": 114, "playtime_forever": 2531, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484998976}, "language": "english", "review": "\"Logan's favorite YS game\" - Logan", "timestamp_created": 1432162224, "timestamp_updated": 1432162224, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.454718", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15891865": {"recommendationid": "15891865", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098278522", "num_games_owned": 133, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1080, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492752204}, "language": "english", "review": "-Great gameplay, although it could be hard at times\n-Kickass music\n-Cute waifus\n\n-Story is lackluster and generic, although that's to be expected of an Ys game\n-Graphics aren't anything to boast about, but that's expected of an old game", "timestamp_created": 1431988728, "timestamp_updated": 1431989083, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15843211": {"recommendationid": "15843211", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980804932", "num_games_owned": 515, "num_reviews": 88, "playtime_forever": 1488, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434478444}, "language": "french", "review": "17/20", "timestamp_created": 1431718064, "timestamp_updated": 1431718064, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15796815": {"recommendationid": "15796815", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023237811", "num_games_owned": 1148, "num_reviews": 96, "playtime_forever": 1468, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453529697}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0415\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0443\n\n10 \u0438\u0437 10", "timestamp_created": 1431415728, "timestamp_updated": 1431417234, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.450372", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15735095": {"recommendationid": "15735095", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030748605", "num_games_owned": 264, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 3390, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458444181}, "language": "english", "review": "Amazing soundtrack and gameplay, always play on Nightmare for the best first playthrough.\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1431053985, "timestamp_updated": 1439855920, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15715968": {"recommendationid": "15715968", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963641038", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 4556, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466046619}, "language": "english", "review": "", "timestamp_created": 1430935606, "timestamp_updated": 1430935606, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15663382": {"recommendationid": "15663382", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042383734", "num_games_owned": 67, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 488, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467662995}, "language": "english", "review": "A game that starts off easy and really picks up in difficultly, I reccomend if you're looking for a challenge.", "timestamp_created": 1430622271, "timestamp_updated": 1430622271, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.468672", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15657828": {"recommendationid": "15657828", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017074932", "num_games_owned": 282, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 847, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389106192}, "language": "english", "review": "5/5", "timestamp_created": 1430592663, "timestamp_updated": 1430592663, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15609956": {"recommendationid": "15609956", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999372875", "num_games_owned": 572, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 999, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388216973}, "language": "thai", "review": "\u0e1a\u0e2d\u0e01\u0e44\u0e14\u0e49\u0e04\u0e33\u0e40\u0e14\u0e35\u0e22\u0e27\u0e2a\u0e31\u0e49\u0e19 \u0e46 \u0e27\u0e48\u0e32 \"\u0e0b\u0e37\u0e49\u0e2d\" \u0e41\u0e25\u0e49\u0e27\u0e04\u0e38\u0e13\u0e08\u0e30\u0e44\u0e21\u0e48\u0e1c\u0e34\u0e14\u0e2b\u0e27\u0e31\u0e07 (\u0e41\u0e15\u0e48\u0e23\u0e2d\u0e25\u0e14\u0e01\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e08\u0e30\u0e41\u0e2b\u0e25\u0e48\u0e21\u0e21\u0e32\u0e01)", "timestamp_created": 1430314379, "timestamp_updated": 1430314379, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15599973": {"recommendationid": "15599973", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967924425", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 425, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430324450}, "language": "french", "review": "My Dark souls can't be this cute.", "timestamp_created": 1430244662, "timestamp_updated": 1430244662, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504951", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15475305": {"recommendationid": "15475305", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994372073", "num_games_owned": 595, "num_reviews": 337, "playtime_forever": 153, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429619227}, "language": "english", "review": "Just like every single videogame to encorporate rpg elements and an exp bar, the diffiiculty stems from you not being at the proper level when fighting. \n\nGee it sure is fun to fight the same mobs for hours on end so that I get enough money to buy the armor-of-not-getting-oneshotted-by-everything and the sword-of-better-than-a-dildo. \n\nFake progression can go fuck itself.", "timestamp_created": 1429616955, "timestamp_updated": 1429616955, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.384973", "comment_count": "10", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15439725": {"recommendationid": "15439725", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968078605", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 28, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426126633}, "language": "english", "review": "For first time players, who did not play the PSP/Vita release, it's a worth picking up. Released way back on various consoles and computers as, \"Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys\", it was brutally hard and I'm sure led to many a controller tossed in frustration. Back then it was only a 2-D side scrolling platformer, though in this go-around it has been given a massive facelift and brought into the 3rd dimension. There are lots of pretty visuals, excellent music, and the game play can be tailored in difficulty for the meek or the seasoned. It's got a good storyline, a lot of content, and great graphics.\n\nNow, for those of us who DID play the PSP or Vita download versions of this game: they cut out a lot of content. Not game or quest-wise, but you'll notice that the people of this Redmont have a lot less to verbally say than their PSP counterparts. There is no way to program your controller to your liking, and the special bonus pictures and such you could earn throughout the game are gone. If you already own this and are thinking of getting it for the updated visuals and such, know they're NOT widescreen, and honestly, they don't look much better than the PSP in my own opinion. \n\nSo, if you don't have a PSP or Playstation system you can play it on, it's worth getting. Especially on sale. If you have the PSP version, stick with that one, you're not missing anything really.", "timestamp_created": 1429399563, "timestamp_updated": 1429399563, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15345394": {"recommendationid": "15345394", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071881835", "num_games_owned": 113, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1089, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428978113}, "language": "english", "review": "Falcom makes another great action rpg. As usual features great gameplay, nice artstyle and incredible music. The story is ok, works for what it is.\n\nA great game that you should play if you enjoy aRPGs and dungeon crawlers.", "timestamp_created": 1428978728, "timestamp_updated": 1428978728, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15307284": {"recommendationid": "15307284", "author": {"steamid": "76561198190245337", "num_games_owned": 2, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 335, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428999888}, "language": "english", "review": "I love it so much !", "timestamp_created": 1428763977, "timestamp_updated": 1428763977, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15270497": {"recommendationid": "15270497", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086782359", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2922, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448920166}, "language": "english", "review": "Possibly the best battle system ever... So satisfying I'm still grinning ear to ear after attempting a boss over and over non-stop for 3 hours (~5mins per attempt). Worth the purchase many times over.", "timestamp_created": 1428531995, "timestamp_updated": 1428531995, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15213960": {"recommendationid": "15213960", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118163664", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 190, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434288119}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u672c\u4eba\u73a9\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u6b3e\u4f0a\u82cf\u4f5c\u54c1\u3002\u5f53\u5e74\u8fd8\u662f\u6253\u5b8c\u4e86\u7a7a\u8f68\u4e09\u90e8\u66f2\u95f2\u7740\u6ca1\u4e8b\u5e72\uff0c\u770b\u5230\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u753b\u98ce\u548c\u7a7a\u8f68\u5f88\u50cf\u624d\u4e0b\u7684\u3002\u90a3\u65f6\u73a9\u60ef\u4e86\u8f68\u8ff9\u7684\u56de\u5408\u5236\uff0c\u5f53\u7b2c\u4e00\u6b21\u4e0e\u767d\u9a91\u58eb\u5355\u6311\u65f6\u7684\u90a3\u79cd\u6fc0\u70c8\u4e0e\u723d\u5feb\u81f3\u4eca\u96be\u5fd8\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1428212425, "timestamp_updated": 1428212425, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.470588", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15201775": {"recommendationid": "15201775", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045294967", "num_games_owned": 157, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 935, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428378395}, "language": "english", "review": "Seriously, Great Game!", "timestamp_created": 1428152330, "timestamp_updated": 1428152330, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15183987": {"recommendationid": "15183987", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049015550", "num_games_owned": 29, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 824, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430621313}, "language": "english", "review": "Went into this game with extremely high expectations based on the comments on this site. I should have looked elsewhere. The controls are clunky for a 3D-ish game - you'll find yourself having to mash jump multiple times when your jumps matter, i.e. crossing platforms, etc., and your character will go off missing constantly due to the horrible control. There is very little forgiveness when it comes to progression. You have to grind to get your level to the appropriate point for each different area, and then return to the save at the start of the area incase something stupid happens, or else you waste an hour of your time and have to do it all again. This game boils down to \"Make sure you are the max level for the area you're in, or you will die, over and over.\" There's no rushing, and no amount of skill of dodging/countering will compensate for being 2 levels shy of what you \"should be\".\n\nImo, skip this one.", "timestamp_created": 1428062463, "timestamp_updated": 1428062463, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.448718", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15148567": {"recommendationid": "15148567", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014446223", "num_games_owned": 827, "num_reviews": 186, "playtime_forever": 2993, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511572693}, "language": "english", "review": "Damn difficult JRPG, sequel to Ys I & II.", "timestamp_created": 1427848557, "timestamp_updated": 1427848557, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15135657": {"recommendationid": "15135657", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137096530", "num_games_owned": 392, "num_reviews": 123, "playtime_forever": 1041, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427777526}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Mais um jogo da s\u00e9rie Ys, que se passa alguns anos depois de Ys I e II. Aqui, Adol vai com seu amigo Dogi visitar a terra natal deste \u00faltimo, e se depara com uma situa\u00e7\u00e3o ca\u00f3tica: um conde corrupto louco por poder, e uma terra antes t\u00e3o calma agora infestada de monstros!\nO que Adol far\u00e1?\n\nCertamente, quem est\u00e1 jogando Felghana, j\u00e1 deve conhecer a hist\u00f3ria original, e n\u00e3o vai se decepcionar nem um pouco.\nSe, por acaso, algu\u00e9m est\u00e1 come\u00e7ando a conhecer Ys por esta hist\u00f3ria, tamb\u00e9m n\u00e3o perder\u00e1 nada, e vai querer comprar os outros jogos no mesmo momento!\n\nRecomendado!", "timestamp_created": 1427777744, "timestamp_updated": 1427778258, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.662373", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15132643": {"recommendationid": "15132643", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017902285", "num_games_owned": 110, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 2708, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439607876}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys 3 becomes Zelda 3! While the original Ys 3 was a side-scrolling game, OiF brings the Ys 3 storyline into a \"classic Zelda\" perspective. The story, atmosphere, and gameplay are all solid. The characters are all very likeable, and even the minor characters have enough lines where you actually get to know them quite well. Multiple difficulty levels add to the replay value of this game. A dream come true for fans of the original Ys games who wished for an attack button (as opposed to their classic \"jousting\" style of combat).", "timestamp_created": 1427758556, "timestamp_updated": 1427758556, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14973320": {"recommendationid": "14973320", "author": {"steamid": "76561198094091306", "num_games_owned": 231, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 1041, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435234810}, "language": "english", "review": "this game made you think 10 damage taken is a really fucking big damage", "timestamp_created": 1426864470, "timestamp_updated": 1426864470, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497840", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14920164": {"recommendationid": "14920164", "author": {"steamid": "76561198213028824", "num_games_owned": 407, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 4699, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 2818, "last_played": 1516038007}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "\u73a9\u904e\u4e00\u4ee3\u548c\u4e8c\u4ee3\uff0c\u904a\u6232\u975e\u5e38\u6709\u8da3\uff0c\u64cd\u4f5c\u7c21\u55ae\u537b\u4e5f\u5f88\u6709\u8da3\u5473\uff0c\u5287\u60c5\u4e5f\u5f88\u5438\u5f15\u4eba\uff0c\n\u53e6\u5916\u7f8e\u8853\u8ddf\u97f3\u6a02\u66f4\u662f\u4e00\u5927\u4eae\u9ede\u3002\n\u4e00\u4ee3\u548c\u4e8c\u4ee3\u662f\u7f8e\u597d\u7684\u56de\u61b6\uff0c\u80fd\u5920\u4e00\u76f4\u8ddf\u96a8\u8457\u4e9e\u591a\u9b6f\u5192\u96aa\u771f\u662f\u611f\u52d5\u963f\uff01\n\u5e0c\u671b\u4e4b\u5f8c\u80fd\u5920\u51fa\u4e2d\u6587\u7248\uff01\u62dc\u8a17\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1426518089, "timestamp_updated": 1426518089, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14892618": {"recommendationid": "14892618", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078478145", "num_games_owned": 146, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 1420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1407177022}, "language": "english", "review": "awesome game. a great remake too.\n\ncombat is fun, music is good and the story is pretty solid", "timestamp_created": 1426376947, "timestamp_updated": 1426376947, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14720128": {"recommendationid": "14720128", "author": {"steamid": "76561198174162666", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2774, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1461297523}, "language": "english", "review": "I would toootally recommend this! I feel a little empty now that it's done, but luckily there are more y's games to play. I did find a little glitch that's probably not even worth mentioning... towards the end of the game when Adol was sent back to Redmont, I decided to try and find the last hidden ore, and got stuck in the chicken coop in Elena's house- jumped through the window onto the beam and got stuck. But that's nbd, cause one can just beam Adol out of the situation. Anyways, fabulous music, really fun to play, the bosses are a bit of a challenge making them hella satifying to beat. And the language is smart but not too juvenile. SPOILER ALERT: Chester punches Elena in the stomache towards the end (in context it's emotional) but being a sister, I laughed.", "timestamp_created": 1425269758, "timestamp_updated": 1425270213, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14701933": {"recommendationid": "14701933", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045453791", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1911, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430357702}, "language": "english", "review": "Out of the Ys games on Steam, this one has the best music. That's saying something. The soundtrack is pretty awesome. \n\nThe rest of the game is outstanding too -- lots of fast paced action, and there's more room exploration than the other Ys games available on Steam. And it's plenty challenging too (and I haven't gone through a Nightmare run yet). Controls are tight.\n\nReally, I think the only downside is that a game with this much Dogi should involve more wall breaking than it actually does.", "timestamp_created": 1425174041, "timestamp_updated": 1425174041, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14639057": {"recommendationid": "14639057", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990832597", "num_games_owned": 236, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 573, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1414809123}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Great classic", "timestamp_created": 1424811911, "timestamp_updated": 1424811911, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14551809": {"recommendationid": "14551809", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979421022", "num_games_owned": 484, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 913, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1346482800}, "language": "english", "review": "Overall: Excellent Hack-and-Slash-and-Jump adventure that sets the standard for the genre. A SNES cult classic enhanced every way for the PSP before being flawlessly ported over to the PC.\n\nPros: Strong story with plenty of characters while maintaining a narrow focus that keeps the pacing tight. Colorful graphics and entertaining sondtrack (which can be switched out for the SNES version if the guitars get old after awhile). \n\nCons: Controls can be a little loose for the platforming from time to time, and the existence of only one town and a half-dozen other locations are unfortunate carry-overs from its SNES origins.\n\nRating: ****1/2 / *****", "timestamp_created": 1424389747, "timestamp_updated": 1424390827, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14457520": {"recommendationid": "14457520", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077059261", "num_games_owned": 399, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 1560, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430312919}, "language": "english", "review": "HARD AS HELL!!!\n\nBut still makes you feel like a Badass when your cleaveing through enemies who were once difficult, like a hot knife through butter, The bosses are the true challenge of the game, and they WILL beat your sorry hide to the ground until you learn its attack patterns and gimmicks, then you will beat THEIR hide down, and you will feel like a boss.\n\nBosses start off frustrating, but with rapid reloads after dying you eventually learn their attacks.", "timestamp_created": 1423887685, "timestamp_updated": 1423887685, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14442469": {"recommendationid": "14442469", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966385727", "num_games_owned": 333, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 251, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510023505}, "language": "english", "review": "I beat the Japanese version of this game with a fan translation weeks before this was announced to get an official translated release on Steam, so please disregard the hours here - I have absolutely 100% this game in the past.\n\nAn amazing game that has some core issues that prevent it from realizing its full potential:\n\n1. The levelup system is a waste of time. When played on the default difficulty (which is what I encourage, otherwise the game is so easy its boring or so difficult it's unrewarding), you gain XP from monsters until you're on par with their level, at which point killing them becomes completely pointless. This means that you have to grind each zone just to make your character be able to survive that stage, because of this I feel pacing would've been better if you could just play from start to finish with *no* leveling system because in its current state, it does nothing but pad out game length.\n\n2. The backtracking is annoying. I enjoy the Metroid aspect when it's done well, but in this case, most of the things you backtrack for aren't even optional unlockables for boosts, they're story-related items that you need to find in order to progress. It just feels like another way to pad game length, by making you redo areas you've already seen in order to get to the next one.\n\n3. Bosses battles are really well designed, but insanely punishing. Whether this is an issue or not is really up to taste. You don't get to use any recovery items, when you're on-par with the level of the boss (which is only whatever's possible on the default difficulty, since \"grinding\" only gets you to \"par\"), it only takes a few hits to die. Some boss fights can go on for upwards of 5 minutes, even if you know what you're doing, and if you get hit a few times, you die, and have to start the fight from the beginning. Some of the fights are really interesting from start-to-finish, others start repeating mechanics really quickly, which makes them get boring very fast, as they become battles of tedious endurance as opposed to interesting battles.\n\n4. There's almost too much dialogue in a game that seems to be focused on being an ARPG, and really, I didn't find myself liking any of the characters.\n\nHowever, the soundtrack is absolutely stellar, is is most of the stage design. It's really just some of the old-school mechanics being too old-school for their own good, but considering this is a remake of a game that came out in the 80s (Ys 3 - 1989), that kind of explains itself, and as far as remakes go, this is one of the best that's ever been done (not as good as Resident Evil 1 on the Gamecube, however) - it took the game from 2D to pseudo-3D with much better boss encounters and stage design.\n\nIt still plays like an old PC game though, and I wouldn't recommend checking this out unless you have the time on your hands to dig through some RPG history. If nothing else, you should check out the soundtrack. This has some of the best tracks you'll find in any RPG.", "timestamp_created": 1423806605, "timestamp_updated": 1511027919, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14210704": {"recommendationid": "14210704", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990978121", "num_games_owned": 563, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 1139, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422462031}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good game. Loved the boss batlles, they are super challenging.\n\nLovely story and Adol Christin!", "timestamp_created": 1422462231, "timestamp_updated": 1422462231, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14200388": {"recommendationid": "14200388", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001167280", "num_games_owned": 419, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 1291, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422146997}, "language": "english", "review": "Really fun action-RPG, pretty difficult, lots of bossfights, awesome soundtrack. Controls well with mouse and keyboard.", "timestamp_created": 1422403290, "timestamp_updated": 1422403290, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14112997": {"recommendationid": "14112997", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073008866", "num_games_owned": 171, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 10863, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432703596}, "language": "english", "review": "My personal favortie of all the Ys games (and thats saying a lot) \nI highly reccomend anyone on the fence about this to take the plunge and try it out.", "timestamp_created": 1421945444, "timestamp_updated": 1421945444, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14076346": {"recommendationid": "14076346", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004743178", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 558, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422321281}, "language": "english", "review": "solid game, hard as fuck", "timestamp_created": 1421722061, "timestamp_updated": 1421722061, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14018989": {"recommendationid": "14018989", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053371003", "num_games_owned": 169, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 962, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426505974}, "language": "english", "review": "good game", "timestamp_created": 1421444548, "timestamp_updated": 1421444548, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14005411": {"recommendationid": "14005411", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022107690", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 108, "playtime_forever": 693, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425703294}, "language": "english", "review": "Did you enjoy the original Ys and YsII? Then get this, no questions or doubts about it. It's a new game, starring the same lovable Adol Christin, in a new world, with a completely revamped combat system, a stellar story which even the worst of grumps will be glad to go through, a rockin OST, and graphics that, though they've shown their age (and some areas have weird missing backdrop issues) they stand the test of time with beautifully crafted sprites and animations. This game lasted me as long as both Ys and YsII combined, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Please, if you have the money and time, don't pass up on this classic.", "timestamp_created": 1421379469, "timestamp_updated": 1421379469, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496511", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13970395": {"recommendationid": "13970395", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084258338", "num_games_owned": 228, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1247, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421311317}, "language": "english", "review": "I dont know how to kill the bosses, they are too hard, even in normal mode.\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1421161763, "timestamp_updated": 1421161763, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.529412", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13942858": {"recommendationid": "13942858", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093086739", "num_games_owned": 193, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 366, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457778176}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys series? on steam? Buy and play it.", "timestamp_created": 1420987626, "timestamp_updated": 1420987626, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13930250": {"recommendationid": "13930250", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100598153", "num_games_owned": 237, "num_reviews": 93, "playtime_forever": 880, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452154110}, "language": "english", "review": "XSEED4EVER", "timestamp_created": 1420921321, "timestamp_updated": 1420921321, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13918215": {"recommendationid": "13918215", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038284321", "num_games_owned": 48, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1048, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1352098800}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome Ys game as usual. You play as Asbel yet again in his adventure to distant relms to explore ruins, fight monsters, and save hot girls.\n\n If you havent played a Y's game before they tend to be a bit challenging, with later bosses requiring a lot of attack patern memorization in order to beat them on even normal difficulty. Overall its pretty fun, and definatly worth the purchase!", "timestamp_created": 1420858633, "timestamp_updated": 1420858633, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13860092": {"recommendationid": "13860092", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014619382", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 967, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419202862}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a very hard game but it can be mastered. \nBeautiful, one of my favorite games.", "timestamp_created": 1420524235, "timestamp_updated": 1420524235, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13822067": {"recommendationid": "13822067", "author": {"steamid": "76561198170971527", "num_games_owned": 3, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 6531, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422471624}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u7248\u3068\u306e\u9055\u3044\n\n\u25cf\u30c7\u30e5\u30e9\u30fc\u30f3\uff11\uff0c\uff12\u306e\u653b\u6483\u901f\u5ea6\n\u30c7\u30e5\u30e9\u30fc\u30f3\uff11\uff0c\uff12\u306e\u653b\u6483\u304c\uff12\u30bf\u30fc\u30f3\u76ee\u304b\u3089\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u7248\u306e\uff28\uff30\u534a\u6e1b\u72b6\u614b\u306e\u653b\u6483\u901f\u5ea6\u306b\u306a\u308b\uff08TA\u3067HP\u3092\u6c17\u306b\u3057\u306a\u304f\u3066\u3044\u3044\u306e\u3067\u697d\uff09\n\n\u25cf\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30e9\u30eb\u9023\u6483\u306e\u4ed5\u69d8\u306e\u5909\u66f4\n\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\u9023\u6483\u306e\u4e09\u6bb5\u76ee\u3092\u65b9\u5411\u30ad\u30fc\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30e9\u30eb\u306b\u3057\u3066\u51fa\u3059\u3068\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\u9023\u6483\u304c\u5909\u5316\u3057\u307e\u3059\u304c\nSteam\u7248\u306f\u591a\u5206PSP\u7248\u306e\u4ed5\u69d8\u306b\u8fd1\u3044\uff1f\n\n\u4e09\u6bb5\u76ee\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30e9\u30eb\u3067\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30e9\u30eb\u65ac\u308a\u304c\u51fa\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u5909\u66f4\u3057\u305f\u5f0a\u5bb3\u3068\u3057\u3066\n\u4e09\u6bb5\u76ee\u306b\u5c11\u3057\u5165\u529b\u306e\u6e9c\u3081\u3092\u5165\u308c\u306a\u3044\u3068\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\uff15\u9023\u304c\u51fa\u306a\u3044\u306e\u3067\u82e5\u5e72\u64cd\u4f5c\u611f\u304c\u3082\u305f\u3064\u304f\u3088\u3046\u306b\u611f\u3058\u308b\n\u3053\u308c\u306f\u500b\u4eba\u7684\u306b\u306f\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u6539\u60aa\u8981\u7d20\n\u305f\u3060\u30d6\u30fc\u30b9\u30c8\u7121\u3057\u306e\u4e09\u6bb5\u76ee\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30e9\u30eb\u65ac\u308a\u304c\u975e\u5e38\u306b\u51fa\u3057\u3084\u3059\u304f\u306a\u3063\u305f\u306e\u306f\u7d50\u69cb\u697d\u3057\u3044\n\n\n\u3068\u308a\u3042\u3048\u305a\u6c17\u3065\u3044\u305f\u306e\u306f\u3053\u306e\u8fba\u308a\n\u5168\u7de8\u82f1\u8a9e\u3067\u3059\u304c\u6c17\u306b\u306a\u3089\u306a\u3044\u4eba\u306b\u306f\u30aa\u30b9\u30b9\u30e1\u3060\u3068\u601d\u3044\u307e\u3059", "timestamp_created": 1420343613, "timestamp_updated": 1420345847, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.570513", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13761064": {"recommendationid": "13761064", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026885765", "num_games_owned": 415, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 277, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1386132564}, "language": "english", "review": "Bosses are a very hard challenge should you set the difficulty high up, so if you enjoy a challenge, go for it.", "timestamp_created": 1420125175, "timestamp_updated": 1420125175, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13726716": {"recommendationid": "13726716", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045055038", "num_games_owned": 145, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 6642, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421450897}, "language": "english", "review": "If you are familiar with Ys Origin, this game is no different; The game plays pretty much the same. The combat is fun, the music is upbeat, and the game is challenging as always.\n\nDepending at the difficult you play on, the bosses can be either pretty hard or pretty easy, so knowing what is ahead of you is the key to victory at higher difficulties. And speaking of difficulty, some bosses can be pretty unfair at Nightmare and Inferno, like Gyalva and Chester, but those are the only two frustrating bosses of the game.\n\nThe areas are colorful, varied and memorable. Overall, a really fun and easy game to pick and play!", "timestamp_created": 1419987524, "timestamp_updated": 1419987524, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13673454": {"recommendationid": "13673454", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019909245", "num_games_owned": 143, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 563, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420167578}, "language": "english", "review": "Super fun and really difficult on hard/nightmare the kind of challenge that you want to finish and not just give up on", "timestamp_created": 1419801354, "timestamp_updated": 1419801354, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.542235", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13670563": {"recommendationid": "13670563", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046357919", "num_games_owned": 2006, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 9651, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421162560}, "language": "english", "review": "One of my all time favorites and the game that got me into the Ys series which I criminally ignored until a couple of years ago. Great hack and slash game with tight controls and high replayability. You're definitely going to play this more than once.\n\nBe advised though, this game is HARD. As in, don't start it on the hardest difficulty if this is your first time playing as this game is actually an old game, not something that was made in the last 3 years. This means this game was developed back when \"hard mode\" actually meant HARD MODE and not just a slightly harder normal mode where you still pretty much streamroll through the game. I cannot put enough emphasis on this, this game is HARD and you're going to die over and over and over until you finally learn to get good at it.\n\nFor people who hate JRPGS and whatnot don't worry, this game, much like most of the Ys series games, is anti grind so you'll never be underleveled. You also don't have to fiddle around with a bloated inventory or anything like that as your character's progression is pretty straightforward (You don't get different type of swords with different properties, just better swords with more attack power so you can just ignore your old gear).\n\nThe soundtrack is easily one of the highlights of this game. It's probably one of the, if not THE game with the best soundtrack in the entire Ys series and a pretty close contender for game with the best soundtrack ever.\n\nGetting 100% completion is something only the most hardcore players will be able to achieve due to how insanely hard the last difficulties are, so be ready to invest a huge amount of time on that task dying over and over.\n\nSpecial note: Don't pay attention to the store images, the game actually has full widescreen support which was added shortly after the game came out so it won't look as bad as in those screenshots, don't worry.\n\n\nBad stuff:\n\n* Cutscenes. You can't fully skip them, you have to hold a button to autoskip every bit of dialogue and waste tons of minutes doing nothing. This is especially aggravating when you're on your 3rd playthrough or so.\n\n* Xbox 360 controller support: Game has no native xinput support so your left and right triggers wont work. Easily fixable by using joy2key or something but to be honest you don't even need those buttons to begin with.", "timestamp_created": 1419794186, "timestamp_updated": 1468428047, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.430491", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13668590": {"recommendationid": "13668590", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054841422", "num_games_owned": 2138, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 298, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388082430}, "language": "english", "review": "more Ys goodness! recommend! when is Ys Ark Of Nephtism coming to pc? soon i hope!", "timestamp_created": 1419789658, "timestamp_updated": 1419789658, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13612941": {"recommendationid": "13612941", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995807288", "num_games_owned": 95, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1126, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455480667}, "language": "english", "review": "Not as good as Ys Origin. The difficulty is uneven. There is a lot of rooms to get through from one checkpoint to another. I had to use some weird strategies, like grinding mobs for a little before returning to the checkpoint, doing it over and over a few times, and then rushing through the level avoiding the fight to get to the next checkpoint. A few tweaks on the checkpoints placement and on mobs strenght would have make the experience far more enjoyable.\nAt least you got some epic boss fights, but navigation is quite painful.", "timestamp_created": 1419606723, "timestamp_updated": 1419606723, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.586179", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13592494": {"recommendationid": "13592494", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027577744", "num_games_owned": 237, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 373, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342940400}, "language": "english", "review": "Y's is just awesome!", "timestamp_created": 1419529333, "timestamp_updated": 1419529333, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13425794": {"recommendationid": "13425794", "author": {"steamid": "76561198111826314", "num_games_owned": 296, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 9351, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501366665}, "language": "english", "review": "Oath in Felghana is a phenomenal action RPG. It is the third game in the Ys series, and a remake of the original Ys III. While the original Ys III was a good game in its own right, it was also a flawed game in many ways (don't take that to mean it wasn't a heck of a lot of fun). Oath in Felghana not only rectifies every flaw of the original, it also improves upon Ys III in every way, all while remaining faithful to the core essence of what made Ys III such a fun and memorable game.\n\nPros:\n- Phenomenal soundtrack\n- Great battle mechanics\n- Unique boss fights\n- One of the best Ys stories\n\nCons:\n- The beginning feels a bit slow\n- (No Volcano)\n- No easy way to access bonus bosses (even if you beat them)\n\nA distinguishing feature of all Ys games is outstanding music, and this is true even for the original Ys III. In Oath in Felghana, the music has been upgraded to entirely new levels of awesome. If the soundtrack was the only good thing about this game, I'd still recommend it at full price. Fortunately for us, the music comes with an awesome game as well.\n\nThe gameplay mechanics of Felghana are some of the best, with controls that are tight and very refined. There are difficulty settings for every kind of player, be they casual or hardcore. Regardless of setting, the game is very encouraging of exploration, but for any difficulty above easy, it's loaded with intense action. Even some strategy comes into play concerning certain enemies and scenarios. Boss fights are varied and unique, and each boss requires a different method in order to defeat them. At higher difficulty levels, boss fights can be very challenging. While there is a random luck factor, for the most part, beating the bosses is a little bit of know-how accompanied by pure mad-skills (and it's very satisfying once you beat them).\n\nOath in Felghana is a bit of an oddball in regards to story. Most Ys games begin with Adol washed ashore after some great struggle. Here, Adol leisurely sails into Felghana with his long-time friend Dogi. Most Ys games feel epic and grand from the get-go. Oath in Felghana feels like a sidestory you could skip over (you\u2019ll regret it if you do though).\n\nThe story has a pace that is uniquely its own, and VERY different from any other Ys game (that I\u2019ve played at least). It ends on a powerful note, but it takes its time getting there (despite being a surprisingly short game). Even though it feels slow, there is always a driving energy that pushes the story forward; you can always feel the hidden danger, even if you don\u2019t fully understand it. And when the story finally hits the turning point, everything comes together perfectly, leading to one of the most powerful moments in any Ys game.\n\nYs stories have depth, but they go by so fast that you may miss some of the more thought provoking themes and ideas being explored. Oath in Felghana, in particular, is an exploration of human weakness. The theme is explored through several characters, all of them strong individuals. And all of them having fallen to human weakness. That said, it is not just the strengths or failures of these characters that make them, in particular, so interesting.\n\nLike the game itself, the story doesn\u2019t give any answers; it shows you what you need to know, and leaves the rest to you.\n\nWhile the slow pace of the game is one of its good points (it matches perfectly with Dogi returning home to family), it has the consequence of making the beginning feel too slow. This is because the beginning isn't interactive enough to offset the slow pace. More interaction means more immersion; experiencing rather than watching.\n\nIf you've had the opportunity to play the original Ys III, then you might remember the Volcano in the background of the Illburns Ruins. And it was AWESOME! I know this isn't really a 'negative' per say, and the Felghana version of the Illburns Ruins is clearly amazing without it. But... this should have made it into Felghana because it was just that cool.\n\nWhile more of an annoyance than anything, there is no easy way to access the bonus bosses, even if you've beaten them before. It would be nice to have a means by which to easily access the two bosses once you've unlocked them. What makes this more annoying is that the bosses are quite fun and challenging, and not deserving of such obscurity.\n\nOath in Felghana is available for both the PC and the PSP. The PC version is, decidedly, visually superior to the PSP version. However, the PSP version has some exclusive content that should not be overlooked.\n\nPSP Exclusives:\n- Voice Acting: While mediocre (sometimes hilarious), it definitely has its own unique charm. And for the most part, I liked it. Unfortunately, the voice acting choices made for the final boss destroyed the atmosphere; it gave the boss more \u2018human\u2019 qualities (made it less monstrous) when it should have done the opposite.\n- PSP Version is More Forgiving: Double Boost (regenerates health after boost), Room Retry (retry in the room you died in), Retry Boss at a Lower Difficulty.\n- Selectable Soundtrack: You can choose between the Oath in Felghana Soundtrack or the Original Ys III Soundtrack.\n- Inferno Time Attack: With double boost, this is probably about the equivalent of Nightmare Time Attack for the PC version. By the way, am I the only one who things Inferno Time Attack should be added to the PC version?\n- Easier Access to Bonus Bosses: (Random Eye Twitch).\n- Museum: This is a collection of unlockable art for the game (not unlike the Ys VI Materials Collection).\n- Prologue Novella: As it turns out, the manuals for the Ys games included a Prologue to the main story. I actually think the Ys prologues should be included with their respective games is all cases (even if it\u2019s as a PDF in the game folder) since they are a part of Ys lore.\n\nWhile the PSP version decidedly has some nice exclusives, I don\u2019t believe it has anything that makes it \u2018superior\u2019 to the PC edition. Both is an excellent choice (I might be evil).\n\nOath in Felghana is a phenomenal game. It is so polished and well executed that it is easilly one of the best action RPGs on Steam.", "timestamp_created": 1418878521, "timestamp_updated": 1455333844, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 16, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.659844", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13419054": {"recommendationid": "13419054", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998995635", "num_games_owned": 375, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 4017, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509552174}, "language": "english", "review": "Ah, The Oath in Felghana... \n\nMany people like to say that the Resident Evil Remake is the best video game remake of all time. I disagree. While that game is amazing in its own right, the original Resident Evil was already a good game to begin with. Oath in Felghana, however, took an irredeemable pile of dogpoop and turned it into a masterpiece. \n\nBack when I first played this in late 2006 I generally had reservations about it, since my experience with the original Wanderers from Ys was not a very good one (read I threw both cartridges I owned out the window, I'm dead serious), however after finishing it I was so satisfied with it that it instantly became my second favorite Ys game of all time and it still is (I & II will always hold top place in my heart for as long as I live).\n\nIt is generally agreed among the fans that Ys: The Oath in Felghana is, in terms of quality, the best game in the entire saga and for very good reasons (Originbabbies need not apply here, your game is good but it has far too many flaws to be called best of anything. I'll talk about it some other time and incur your wrath then). \n\nNow let me tell you why you really should play this game even if you aren't an Ys fan.\n\n[h1] STORY [/h1] \n\nAround a year after the events of Memories of Celceta legendary adventurer Adol Christin and his longtime companion Dogi the Wall-Crusher are traveling around mainland Europe when they hear rumors that Dogi's homeland, Felghana (located somewhere around real world northern Germany) has fallen on hard times. After a young fortune teller from a passing gypsy caravan confirms their suspicions, they both decide to head to Felghana and investigate. Arriving by boat they soon discover that the land is overrun by monsters and so begins their next adventure...\n\nCompared to the legendary Ys I & II, which had an amazing story, the original Ys III (which wasn't even developed as an Ys game to begin with, but that's another topic) barely had a coherent story to it. Like, it had something similar to a story, but it was all very flat and underdeveloped in comparison to its predecessors. The localised versions we got here didn't help either, all of them, to put it simple, were terribad, which was a huge step down after the extremely high quality PC-Engine localization of Ys I & II.\n\nOath in Felghana, thankfully, fixed all that. The story has been vastly expanded from barely being there, to a very enjoyable one, even if it won't break any grounds in video game writing. The amazing world-building autism that was born with Ys ETERNAL is once again present although not to such extremes as the above-mentioned game. In typical Falcom fashion every single NPC in the game gets new lines of dialogue as the story progresses, so if you want that extra bit of immersion while playing you should take the time to go back speak to everyone every now and then.\n\n[h1] muh grafix [/h1] \n\nFelghana uses the same engine as Ys VI, so from a technical side it doesn't really look much different from it. The sprites and models are of higher quality this time around, but the game won't break any graphical records. Fancy graphics has never been Falcom's goal and I'm thankful for that. XSEED added native widescreen support with the Steam release, but be advised the game was never designed for widescreen monitors, so there will be some small oddities if you do decide to play in widescreen. I originally played it in 640x480 on a virus-ridden Windows XP piece of scrap, so 4:3 doesn't bother me.\n\nPerformance-wise the game will run perfectly even on a toaster, so you shouldn't have any concerns about that. And as usual it runs at 60FPS.\n\n[h1] MUSIC [/h1] \n\nThe only saving grace of the original Wanderers from Ys was its soundtrack. It's amazing and for a long time was considered to be the best Ys soundtrack of all time. This also applied to most of its ports (aside from the NES and SNES ones, if you thought those sounded good you're clearly deaf). The PC-Engine version in particular was so amazingly amazing I feel all warm and tingly inside every time I hear it. \n\nFelghana, however, managed to not only match the PC-Engine soundtrack, but outright surpass it (though this can be debated). In both musical quality and technical quality, Felghana's soundtrack is godly. While both Ark and Origin suffered from the use of lower quality synths, Felghana completely lacks this problem. I've heard that Sound Team J.D.K. used live instruments for this one instead of synths, but even if it was synths they are extremely high quality.\n\nIn short: Oath in Felghana's soundtrack is simply perfect. It does its job perfectly in-game and 11 years later I'm still actively listening to it even outside of the game.\n\n[h1] GAMEPLAY [/h1] \n\nWhile Ys I & II were unique in their own right (I'm gonna punch the next person who calls them Zelda-likes, go do some actual research) Wanderers from Ys was nothing but a bad Zelda II clone. And being a bad clone was the least of its problems. The whole game was a mess especially when you started comparing all the different ports it had. It was so bad Ys IV went back to the style of I & II to prevent fans from burning down Falcom HQ.\n\nFor Oath in Felghana Falcom went and rebuilt everything from scratch. While all the areas of the original game are present here, everything has been vastly expanded and infinitely improved. Ys VI was used as a base for the gameplay and in the process they ironed out all the flaws Napishtim had and perfected it. The combat system is simple, but effective. The gimmicky dash jump is gone and Adol controls extremely tight and responsive.\n\nThe main complaint I hear from people who diss Felghana is the difficulty. \n\nI won't sugarcoat it, this game is brutal. Even on normal difficulty it can destroy you if you aren't careful (for reference I have nightmared every single Ys game that has nightmare difficulty aside from Felghana, I've only made it up to hard.) HOWEVER this game is completely and utterly fair. There are no bullsh*t ways to die, every death will be your own fault. \n\nThe boss battles are the highlight of the game. I consider Ys VI's bosses to be extremely easy (not Ys V levels of easy, but close), but here it's the polar opposite. The battles are very intense, you'll need to learn how every boss works to survive and utilize your whole arsenal to achieve victory, especially once you move past normal difficulty. For people coming from the Souls series (because they are mainly the ones who brag about difficulty these days): forget everything you know, you'll need every bit of GIT GUD you can get to survive here. There's no hiding to take a sippie or summoning NPCs to help you, you get one life bar and that's it. You die: you start over.\n\n[h1] TL;DR [/h1] \n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana is an amazingly fun game and the perfect example of how a video game remake should be done. The only really bad thing about it is that it's also responsible for ruining the Ys fanbase by giving birth to the Felghana purists and later the Originbabbies (I'm not dissing Origin fans, only the fanboys who praise it as the second coming and sh*t on everything else).\n\nIt has an enjoyable story, good world-building, an amazing soundtrack and despite its difficulty it has addictive gameplay with god-tier boss battles. The amount of love put into this remake is outstanding and I highly recommend it to anyone who is truly passionate about video games.\n\n[h1] A side note [/h1] \n\nThere is also a PSP port of this game, but unless you really want to play it on the go I suggest you stick to PC. It does have some extras like NG+, a prologue novella, an extra opening cutscene, voice acting which ranges from good to awful and was also localized by an idiot who completely ruined the final boss (hope they got fired). However the difficulty was considerably lowered due to the ability to heal during bosses, it runs at 30FPS and generally looks and feels worse than the PC version.", "timestamp_created": 1418838775, "timestamp_updated": 1494370432, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.612175", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13351420": {"recommendationid": "13351420", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013888613", "num_games_owned": 240, "num_reviews": 82, "playtime_forever": 894, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345446000}, "language": "french", "review": "Un bon action RPG, manga, et un monde sublime :)", "timestamp_created": 1418504027, "timestamp_updated": 1418504027, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13308881": {"recommendationid": "13308881", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032998559", "num_games_owned": 528, "num_reviews": 146, "playtime_forever": 318, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418589331}, "language": "english", "review": "Fucking terrible. Requires way too much grinding and the bosses are overpowered.", "timestamp_created": 1418240234, "timestamp_updated": 1418240234, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.242129", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13287760": {"recommendationid": "13287760", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048173172", "num_games_owned": 207, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 351, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443170535}, "language": "english", "review": "I started the Y's series on PS2/PSP with Ark of Nephistam and this series is high action RPG to the max. The boss fights are awesome but also challenging.", "timestamp_created": 1418079358, "timestamp_updated": 1418079358, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13199719": {"recommendationid": "13199719", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117168886", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 312, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419800849}, "language": "english", "review": "This is my first Ys game, and I can say is it is a pretty awesome game. If you played other Ys games you know how it will feel, story is nice, graphics and music are amazing, If you are new to the Series, I tell you now, normal and up, You Will Die A Lot. At first you think it will be a simple button smash game, Literally up to the first mini boss, I thought so too. The enemies slightly dropped like flies they were not a heavy challenge.\n\nThen it hits the big guns, in the first mini boss fight, the difficulty scale skyrockets. You start having to use your mind with Timing reflexes and have some good luck. By the time you hit the first main boss it turns into a game of muscle memory. In every every boss fight after this is how it feels. With no potion healing and stuff in boss fights you have to manage your health, have to memorize patterns and keep your reflexes up.\n\nIt can be just frustrating and satisfying at the same time", "timestamp_created": 1417539178, "timestamp_updated": 1417539178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13171853": {"recommendationid": "13171853", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984950214", "num_games_owned": 1024, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1936, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443865068}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana (technically Ys III) is arguably the best Ys game in the series with a fantastic rearranged soundtrack by the Falcom sound team and exciting boss fights that require skill and tactics to overcome. It can't get much better for a hack 'n' slash/platform/adventure title.\n\n10/10, would \"measure\" Elena again.", "timestamp_created": 1417386398, "timestamp_updated": 1417386398, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13103007": {"recommendationid": "13103007", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979479197", "num_games_owned": 681, "num_reviews": 281, "playtime_forever": 188, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424345983}, "language": "english", "review": "get it", "timestamp_created": 1417084756, "timestamp_updated": 1417084756, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13085075": {"recommendationid": "13085075", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134645380", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 553, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423695254}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the first Ys game i have ever played, and i do not regret bying it at all, the graphics are good and the music is phanamonal i deffenitly recommend it if your like me and havent played a Ys game yet i say pick this up and give it a try i garentee you wont regret it.", "timestamp_created": 1416970702, "timestamp_updated": 1416970702, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503585", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13037881": {"recommendationid": "13037881", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000360035", "num_games_owned": 254, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405011489}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u65e5\u672c\u306e\u30e1\u30fc\u30ab\u30fc\u306a\u306e\u306b\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u3092\u524a\u9664\u3059\u308b\u306a\u3093\u3066\u8a00\u8a9e\u9053\u65ad\u3002\u30e6\u30fc\u30b6\u30fc\u3092\u30d0\u30ab\u306b\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308b\u884c\u70ba\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1416650039, "timestamp_updated": 1416650039, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 244, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.829026", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12985014": {"recommendationid": "12985014", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069271703", "num_games_owned": 3357, "num_reviews": 180, "playtime_forever": 4481, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473715629}, "language": "english", "review": "Adol Christin has wandered back into our living rooms with a familiar tale: The Oath in Felghana is a full-fledged remake of Wanderers From Ys. And, when I say \"full-fledged,\" I really mean it. From the storyline, sound, gameplay and graphics, every aspect of the original game has been completely enhanced. The result is an experience far more ambitious than Wanderers From Ys, the most commonly criticized installment of the series, would have ever dreamed of becoming.\n\nIn terms of storyline, Wanderers From Ys was relatively simple and straight-forward. After the complete liberation of Esteria and Ys (as observed in Ys Books I and II), Adol and Dogi decide to visit the Town of Redmont, Dogi\u2019s hometown. Upon their arrival, they realize that, gasp, the land has been overrun by monsters. The two heroes meet up with Elena Stoddart, a childhood friend, who eagerly explains the recent events. To further complicate the situation, the local mayor has been kidnapped, and Elena\u2019s brother, Chester Stoddart, has abandoned the town. Since becoming knighted in the service of King McGuire and Valestine Castle, his demeanor has changed, and the general public suspects that he\u2019s become involved in something sinister. And, naturally, what could be more sinister than the resurrection of an ancient god of destruction? Thankfully, The Oath in Felghana completely expands upon this old storyline, fleshing out each of the classic characters, adding new ones, and seamlessly weaving each into the tale.\n\nAs expected, The Oath in Felghana shines in the gameplay department. Those who have played Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim will easily recognize similarities. Adol hacks and slashes a bloody swath through countless monsters, always with speed and precision. Oath, however, introduces a new 'combo meter' which serves as an experience multiplier; for each successful hit, the meter rises and an experience bonus is granted. This bonus can climb as high as 1.99x the original experience granted from defeating an enemy, resulting in nearly double experience. If the chain breaks, however, the bonus is reset to 1.00x. Interestingly, Adol is no longer able to use/stock healing items; rather, enemies drop them in battle and provide instant recovery. In addition to healing items, enemies also drop Strength, Defense, and Magic Potions which provide temporary enhancements to the respective traits. Similar to the combo meter, these have a timer attached, so defeating enemies quickly is the key to maximizing their benefits. Adol also has a \"Boost\" feature at his disposal; after having dispatched a certain number of enemies, he will be granted the ability to Boost, which provides a temporary increase in attack speed. As you can see, speed and accuracy are the keys to success.\n\nAside from combat, Wanderers From Ys' equipment system has been subject to revisions as well. The infamous 'Five Magic Rings' have been replaced with 'Three Magic Bracelets.' Each bracelet grants an elemental power, one of Fire, Wind, or Earth. In addition to being useful in battle, utilizing the power of these bracelets becomes simply indispensable when searching for many of the game\u2019s secrets. The Fire Bracelet allows our hero to light torches and melt ice. The Wind Bracelet allows him to whirlwind over large gaps, and otherwise impossible jumps. The Earth Bracelet allows him to break walls and other natural barriers. You can also switch between these abilities on the fly; it becomes an essential element of success in many of the game\u2019s more challenging boss battles. Aside from bracelets, Adol is also able to purchase new swords, armors, and shields. These can be statistically enhanced by delivering them to Adonis, the town blacksmith, who will customize them using rare crystals known as Ravals. Early in the game, Ravals are fairly hard to come by, but enemies drop them semi-frequently in the last two dungeons.\n\nBut, does it have replay value? Tons of it. How about two unlockable difficulty modes, Hard and Nightmare? How about Boss Rush? Those who have completed Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim will be quite familiar with this time attack mode, which allows the player to consecutively battle against all of the game's bosses. And how about the countless side quests and hidden items, such as the War God\u2019s Talisman and the Augite Brooch? There\u2019s always something to do, especially for completionists, who will be hard-pressed to unearth every secret on their first time through.\n\nFinally, in case it wasn\u2019t obvious: Sound - 100%. That\u2019s right, absolute perfection. Ys: The Oath in Felghana has, quite possibly, the most amazing soundtrack in the history of video games. There are no audio issues or \u2018filler tracks\u2019 to speak of. They\u2019ve managed to take an already superb soundtrack and make it even more awesome. Each track, exceptionally remixed from the original compositions in Wanderers From Ys, simply rocks. In particular, \"Valestine Castle\" stands out among the crowd. In true Soundteam JDK fashion, it is exceptionally heavy on the electric guitars and more-than-competently weave in the perfect amount of synth. Speaking directly to fellow fans of their music, I never would have thought that any version of Valestine Castle could overcome/surpass JDK Band 1... I was sorely mistaken. In fact, it\u2019s difficult for me to navigate through the castle at times; when the solo at 2:02 kicks in, I can\u2019t seem to avoid setting the controller down, closing my eyes, and allowing myself to become entranced by the music. It\u2019s that good.\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana is a remarkable remake which never cuts corners. It\u2019s the best remake ever produced. It\u2019s (debatably) the best installment of the Ys Series ever produced. And it receives my absolute highest recommendation.\n\n[h1][b]Highly Recommended[/b][/h1]", "timestamp_created": 1416253032, "timestamp_updated": 1485061731, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 34, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.674716", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12883288": {"recommendationid": "12883288", "author": {"steamid": "76561198081808353", "num_games_owned": 459, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1995, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1379554401}, "language": "spanish", "review": "excelente juego, los boss no los encontre facil lo cual me gusto, aunque igual se me hizo corto el jjuego", "timestamp_created": 1415679658, "timestamp_updated": 1480042033, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12879790": {"recommendationid": "12879790", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986566078", "num_games_owned": 210, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 1695, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421512537}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys Felghana plays very similarly to Ys Origin, so if you played and enjoyed that already you're sure to like this one too. If not, you're looking at a solid, fast-paced (but always manageable) 8-12 hour action RPG, perhaps most easily compared to games like Kingdom Hearts. \n\nAlthough Oath is technically the third game in the Ys series, newcomers can feel comfortable jumping at this point- the game barely references the previous games at all, in fact the only carryover are the two protagonists and all you need to know about them is readily apparent. The story won't shake your world but it's serviceable enough to give Adol an excuse to rampage through the world destroying the entire population of monsters in fluid and satisfying melee combat. \n\nIt's an Ys game, so of course the soundtrack is superb. Lots of noisy high-tempo epic-metal to roll around to, but it never gets obnoxious. Personal favourite is the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXHtkHlLcxQ]Valestine Castle theme[/url].\n\nSpeaking personally I preferred Ys Origin and would recommend that one above this, but the truth is they're both solidly built games and it probably just comes down to which you play first is the one you prefer. Many who played both feel Origin bogs itself down with story while Oath is a lot less story-centric and thus more replayable. It depends what you want from your RPG, but you can't go wrong with any of XSEED's superb localisations of Falcom's Ys titles.", "timestamp_created": 1415654724, "timestamp_updated": 1415654741, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 13, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.644296", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12830134": {"recommendationid": "12830134", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084185020", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 25, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1414926116}, "language": "english", "review": "As a sequel for YS I&II Chronicles, a great game. A little changed artsyle and play style in general has changed, so it looks a little bit more like modern Final Fantasys than original Zelda games. Still, worth of it's price.", "timestamp_created": 1415374616, "timestamp_updated": 1415374616, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500307", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12804574": {"recommendationid": "12804574", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044720557", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1138, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439455190}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4\ub97c \uc774\uc791\uc73c\ub85c \ucc98\uc74c \uc811\ud558\uc2e0\ub2e4\uba74 \uc774\uc9c0\ubaa8\ub4dc \ucd94\ucc9c\ub4dc\ub9bd\ub2c8\ub2e4 \ub178\uba40\ub3c4 \uc0c1\ub2f9\ud788 \uc5b4\ub835\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\ud328\ud134\uc740 \ub208\uc5d0\uc775\uae30 \uc26c\uc6b0\ub098 \uacf5\uaca9\uc774\ub098 \uc810\ud504\uc2dc \uc57d\uac04\uc758 \uc120\ub51c\uc5d0 \uc775\uc219\ud574\uc9c0\ub294\uac8c \ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1415206485, "timestamp_updated": 1415206485, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12769006": {"recommendationid": "12769006", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985704187", "num_games_owned": 721, "num_reviews": 184, "playtime_forever": 835, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419278485}, "language": "english", "review": "YEEZUS PRESENTS: CRUEL FELGHANAN SUMMER", "timestamp_created": 1415054144, "timestamp_updated": 1415054144, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.439998", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12765273": {"recommendationid": "12765273", "author": {"steamid": "76561198080418166", "num_games_owned": 564, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 1219, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1410599459}, "language": "russian", "review": "[b]\u041b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u043c Ys \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0443\u044e[/b]\n\n\u0421\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0438. \u041e\u0434\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e, \u0447\u0435\u043c-\u0442\u043e \u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u043c \u043d\u0435 \u0432\u044b\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f.\n\n\u041d\u0430 \u041f\u041a \u044f \u0431\u044b \u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0443 Origin (\u043d\u0430 \u0434\u0432\u0438\u0436\u043a\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0434\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0439\u043a) - \u0442\u0430\u043c \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435, \u0430 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u044d\u0442\u0443.", "timestamp_created": 1415037871, "timestamp_updated": 1415037871, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12492440": {"recommendationid": "12492440", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043049777", "num_games_owned": 1521, "num_reviews": 1218, "playtime_forever": 3451, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513232650}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Melhor Action-RPG no steam.", "timestamp_created": 1413319471, "timestamp_updated": 1413319471, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506024", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12458426": {"recommendationid": "12458426", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013588050", "num_games_owned": 81, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 400, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1413085460}, "language": "english", "review": "Beware, the game contains a lot extremely frustrating platforming sequences (think of the meat circus in psychonauts): 1) The controls are not sensitive. 2) There are many pixel perfect jumps, doubly jumps, etc. 3) Some of them take place on ice: even with antislippery shoes, you still slip a little. So good luck. 4) You can only save at checkpoints, but the checkpoints are few and far between. Did you just happen to die after that platforming sequence? Do it all over again.", "timestamp_created": 1413086325, "timestamp_updated": 1413086325, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.364912", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12382955": {"recommendationid": "12382955", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968514637", "num_games_owned": 520, "num_reviews": 112, "playtime_forever": 1089, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1412524389}, "language": "english", "review": "3rd game in a series of 4. I did not know this so i started with the 3rd one. I hear it's not much of a continuation from the other 2, so it's fine to start on this one. \n\nPro:\nHack and Slash with a few rpg elements with armor and upgrading. Enjoyable\nMusic is pretty good. It just reminds me of the JRPGs i played long ago. \n\nCon:\n-Some frustrating bosses. The game itself is pretty easy to handle if geared. The bosses are tricky though and some compare it to Dark Souls. Once the pattern is figured out, it's pretty awesome beating them. It's a nice acomplishment.\n-Some grindy elements. If you're underleveled and having issues, you'll have to grind out some levels and then it gets easier. \n\nGame length can vary. There's an achievement for under 5 hours and one for over 10 hours. It took me a little over 10.", "timestamp_created": 1412552398, "timestamp_updated": 1412552398, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12380927": {"recommendationid": "12380927", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071909379", "num_games_owned": 95, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1556, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1442342503}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is my kind of game, it doesn't cater to the casuals and doesn't make it easy for you (and reward you for doing practically nothing like a king).\n\nNot even 20 minutes in the game I am faced by the first boss and BAM, I'm stuck for longer than it took me to get there.\nThis is A-MA-ZING, it tries to give you a hard time whenever it can, although I do admit some of the later bosses are pretty easy.\n\nIf you're in for a game that is genuinely hard and has a nice combat system, then this is a game for you.\nIf you're a fan of the dark souls series, then this is also a game for you.", "timestamp_created": 1412540267, "timestamp_updated": 1412540267, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12373015": {"recommendationid": "12373015", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035548829", "num_games_owned": 518, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 752, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504572672}, "language": "english", "review": "Soundtrack is unreal, spent 3+ hours looking for the sheet music to the first song.", "timestamp_created": 1412499370, "timestamp_updated": 1412499370, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519312", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12339708": {"recommendationid": "12339708", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995089520", "num_games_owned": 397, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 1823, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439460952}, "language": "english", "review": "PLAY IT", "timestamp_created": 1412354840, "timestamp_updated": 1412354840, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.465166", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12285368": {"recommendationid": "12285368", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061647423", "num_games_owned": 148, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 5016, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421364026}, "language": "english", "review": "An excellent action-RPG that will grind the meat off your bones make you love every moment of it.\n\nThis game is a remake and expansion of the Sega Master System's Ys III: Wanderers from Ys. Combat is fast-paced and difficult, and boss fights are complex and brutally unforgiving -- but in (almost) every case it's readily apparent what you're doing wrong, and you feel like such a badass when you eventually make that one clean run and come out on top.\n\nThere are a few notable flaws, mostly on the highest difficulties. Certain boss mechanics (Chester's teleport spam, or Gyalva's tile flipping on Nightmare) can randomly screw you and there's not always any clear difference between a failed run and a flawless one. These are very rare, however, and a solid battle plan and execution will get you through almost everything all the way through the highest difficulties.\n\nFor those less adept at the genre, don't be afraid to start out on Easy. Ys is a series rooted in the 8-bit era of difficulty, and this game's idea of Easy is right about where most other franchises would place Normal.", "timestamp_created": 1411961269, "timestamp_updated": 1411961269, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.605095", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12282812": {"recommendationid": "12282812", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025867767", "num_games_owned": 253, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1106, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495290605}, "language": "spanish", "review": "[h1]Personalmente, mi juego preferido dentro de la saga Ys[/h1]\n\nDescubr\u00ed la saga Ys en PSP hace unos a\u00f1os y cada juego de la saga se puede resumir en la siguiente l\u00ednea: Action-RPG con un gameplay divertid\u00edsimo y desafiante (es curioso ver como te sientes el rey del barrio matando a los bichitos que hay en tu camino, hasta que llegas al jefe de la mazmorra y te mete una manta de palos bestial XD) y con una OST que es una delicia para tus o\u00eddos que van desde el precioso tema principal (con ese magn\u00edfico piano) hasta las guitarras de \"Valestein Castle\" rugiendo (AKA el tema del anuncio de la tienda de Steam) parida por los genios de la Falcom JDK Band.\n\nEn cuanto a la historia, sin ser nada del otro mundo, te mete en la situaci\u00f3n que se est\u00e1 viviendo en Felghana y consigue entretener. Una de las cosas buenas que tienen los juegos de la saga Ys es que no necesitas haber jugado al anterior para poder enterarte del siguiente juego, cada juego es una nueva aventura de nuestro pelirrojo protagonista y es autoconclusiva.\n\nEn resumen, jugadlo y dejad que vuestros o\u00eddos disfruten de la gran OST mientras recorr\u00e9is las tierras de Felghana.\n\nP.D: De regalo, mi tema favorito del juego\n\nhttp://youtu.be/3DqFMWCzYbE", "timestamp_created": 1411942808, "timestamp_updated": 1411942808, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12205864": {"recommendationid": "12205864", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978607315", "num_games_owned": 422, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 97, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344150000}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a decent action game with absolutely lovely music. Do note that on the hardest difficulty you're forced to do some grinding or you'll experience some damn tough bosses.\n\nI played this game before it came out to Steam too.", "timestamp_created": 1411495809, "timestamp_updated": 1411495809, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.262514", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12192557": {"recommendationid": "12192557", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968366432", "num_games_owned": 392, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 401, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492353771}, "language": "english", "review": "Seen an action-RPG lately that features a combo meter for experience points? Welcome to Adol Christin\u2019s world. The long running Ys (\u201cEEEs\u201d) RPG dynasty has not been well-known outside Japan until recent years. Plucky import specialist XSEED is changing that by bringing the original PC games to the west.\n\nA remake of the 16-bit era Ys III: Wanderers From Ys, Oath in Felghana is as close to a 16-bit action adventure game in 3D as you\u2019re going to get. While humble in technology, Oath nails the character of a Mega Drive game to the wall. Wandering hero-dude Adol lives only to find new lands, people in trouble, and murder what\u2019s troubling them. It\u2019s pretty much expected of him. Here, he glides through hoards of monsters and demons, leaving a literal shower of fragments in his wake. Experience racks up, multiplied by keeping your kill count up. Dungeons are simplistic until the last third of the game, but offer satisfying platforming action to offset the killing. Bosses are huge, with patterns right out of an old school arcade game.\n\nSharp controls and a driving electronic orchestra finishes off the package. It acts as both nostalgic trip, and introduction to a simply satisfying franchise that\u2019s been pushed by fans for a reason. But a quality gamepad is prerequisite - you are warned.", "timestamp_created": 1411432253, "timestamp_updated": 1411432253, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.556668", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12121802": {"recommendationid": "12121802", "author": {"steamid": "76561198126789840", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471571903}, "language": "english", "review": "Substantially more lengthy of a game than the original TG-16CD version, differences in a lot of major plot points (Dogi's master not giving you a sword in the new version) and missible side quests pissed me off a bit, but regardless, check it out. Pretty tough on Normal, so you're getting your money's worth!", "timestamp_created": 1410896133, "timestamp_updated": 1410896133, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12106548": {"recommendationid": "12106548", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979920013", "num_games_owned": 170, "num_reviews": 97, "playtime_forever": 194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345878000}, "language": "english", "review": "Okay, so,\n\n\nThere's this kid, right.\n\nI don't know if he's a kid or not but he looks like it, unless it's the rendition of him on that horrible boxart from some localized Ys game where he looks like a poor man's Conan.\n\nHe runs around and kicks the spines out of his enemies. Crushes them. Devestates them. He can jump like a running African and the world around him is full of giant monsters that sit there and wait, their whole life, for this kid to show up. Then they try to kill him and fail, because he's a badass.\n\nThen there's this guy named Chester, right.\n\nHe's a negative point on the metaphorical IGN review.\n\nHe spits acid and breathes fire.\n\nAdol has to do destroy him and trek all the way across the land, from the hangar, through the nuclear plant and command control, stop at central processing - it's a mess. All with no food. Then, he has to travel on foot to Installation 00 so he can activate the Halo Array.\n\nStop and think about that: that's 262,144 LIGHT YEARS on FOOT. \n\nThe bosses at the first gas station stop on the way range from mildly amusing. The wolf with the sword is way too easy, the convicts in the humvee are overly difficult considering Adol doesn't obtain a firearm until level 28, they could at least have included a save point so you don't have to spend 37 hours (in real time, not game time) doing it again.\n\nFinal boss is a pushover. The minigame where you have to hide behind the curtains while his minions look for you at the top of his tower is MORE INTERESTING than the boss himself. After he dies, Great Fox picks you up, Adol returns to the Liberl Kingdom where some white haired jerkass going under the name of Morpheus gives him two handguns named Ebony & Ivory. It's pointless because you cannot use them as there are no more enemies to fight. There you are free to roam about on your Big Wheel obtained after the first third of the game located in Boletaria. \n\nThis is where a lot of issues start coming in, because NG+ doesn't support vehicle upgrades. This effectively forces you to walk through each area and run into far too many random encounters with wild animals.\n\nI mean, look,\n\nIt's a 6/10 game.\n\nBut it's a 9/10 EXPERIENCE. \n\nEither go with this or Artificial Academy. Crash Bandicoot is another great Falcom game as well, but it lacks the optimization that this does.\n\nI'm done now. Too much for one day. Stick upside down.", "timestamp_created": 1410773545, "timestamp_updated": 1410773545, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 6, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502271", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12101633": {"recommendationid": "12101633", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079104810", "num_games_owned": 251, "num_reviews": 61, "playtime_forever": 266, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505247479}, "language": "english", "review": "While I enjoyed IS Origin I got bored with this one after the lava boss. The dynamic are similar but the story is less interesting and it is what brought me to finish the other one.", "timestamp_created": 1410723621, "timestamp_updated": 1410723621, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.354503", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12067336": {"recommendationid": "12067336", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097382921", "num_games_owned": 67, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 2149, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481732394}, "language": "danish", "review": "It's a Remake of Wanderes from Y's (Y's III) \nOne of my fave games of all time as a remake\nbeautifull music and still as epic as in the good old days\nthe melodies is the same as that on the Sega genesis \nhowever in this version it is Orchestrated \nalso the Graphics has got a makeover and i like it. \nThe game is very addiciting and fun \nA must have even if you never played the old version before \nthis game is one of the best ever :)", "timestamp_created": 1410482239, "timestamp_updated": 1410482239, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12031254": {"recommendationid": "12031254", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990268182", "num_games_owned": 941, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 2369, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422086211}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ucd9c\uc2dc\ud55c\uc9c0 \uaf64 \uc138\uc6d4\uc774 \uc9c0\ub0ac\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc9c0\uae08\ud574\ub3c4 \uc561\uc158\uc774\ub098 \ud0c0\uaca9\uac10\uc774 \uc88b\uc544 \ucda9\ubd84\ud788 \uc7ac\ubc0c\uac8c \uc990\uae38 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ubcf4\uc2a4\uc804\uc774 \uc880 \uc5b4\ub835\uae34 \ud558\uc9c0\ub9cc \ub808\ubca8 \ub178\uac00\ub2e4\ub3c4 \uadf8\ub807\uac8c \uc2ec\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\ub2e4\ub294 \uc810\uc774 \uc88b\ub124\uc694.\n\n\ub2e4\ub9cc \ud55c\uac00\uc9c0 \uc544\uc26c\uc6b4 \uc810\uc740 \uac8c\uc784 \uc2dc\uc791 \uc2dc \ud45c\uc2dc\ub418\ub294 \uc5d8\ub808\ub098\uc758 \ub9ac\uc561\uc158\uc774 \ubd80\uc871\ud558\ub2e4\ub294 \uac74\ub370 \uc608\uc804 \ub098\ub2c8\uce74\n\ud504\ub85c\uadf8\ub7a8\ucc98\ub7fc \ud65c\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc5c8\ub2e4\uba74 \uc815\ub9d0 \uc88b\uc558\uc744 \uac83 \uac19\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1410238979, "timestamp_updated": 1410238979, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11994661": {"recommendationid": "11994661", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047419584", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1404, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1410667737}, "language": "english", "review": "Better than Dark Souls", "timestamp_created": 1409975737, "timestamp_updated": 1409975737, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.559747", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11987409": {"recommendationid": "11987409", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046963172", "num_games_owned": 103, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 892, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388098244}, "language": "italian", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana, remake del terzo capitolo della celebra saga di Ys edito per la prima volta in occidente per PSP e Steam.\nCome gli altri capitoli si tratta di un action-jrpg molto frenetico che punta tutto nel gameplay.\nDifficolt\u00e0 elevata, tante combo, oggetti e boss.\nDa giocare se si \u00e8 amanti del genere.", "timestamp_created": 1409925136, "timestamp_updated": 1409925136, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11919579": {"recommendationid": "11919579", "author": {"steamid": "76561198128646836", "num_games_owned": 28, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1207, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455362214}, "language": "english", "review": "A simple, fast paced and adrenaline fuelled game, with great music and extremely satisfying boss fights, it is very hard to not recommend. Although the mouse controls are perfectly serviceable, they are very hard to get used to (even by the end of the game I was still having issues) and especially since it only has 8-directional movement the game plays best when controlled with a D-pad.", "timestamp_created": 1409395126, "timestamp_updated": 1409395126, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11874096": {"recommendationid": "11874096", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000262690", "num_games_owned": 1603, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 577, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421193310}, "language": "english", "review": "Full review here: http://somecrapgamer.blogspot.com/2014/08/a-headbang-worthy-rpg-ys-oath-in.html\n\nTL;DR version? A Challenge version that whiel short, doesn't waste your time with useless padding. also: A soundtrack that will leave you headbanging for hours. you have been warned.", "timestamp_created": 1409067295, "timestamp_updated": 1409067295, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11857495": {"recommendationid": "11857495", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986154565", "num_games_owned": 409, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 1886, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417041654}, "language": "english", "review": "YEAH\nFUCK YEAH", "timestamp_created": 1408955010, "timestamp_updated": 1408955010, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496942", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11840795": {"recommendationid": "11840795", "author": {"steamid": "76561198108639090", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 50, "playtime_forever": 1399, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457278208}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Um bom rpg-a\u00e7\u00e3o. Bem desafiador para fazer todos os achivements.", "timestamp_created": 1408844122, "timestamp_updated": 1408844122, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11818157": {"recommendationid": "11818157", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996059085", "num_games_owned": 589, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 1581, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421180089}, "language": "english", "review": "Best adaptation of A Fistful of Dollars I've ever played.", "timestamp_created": 1408706468, "timestamp_updated": 1408706468, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.474502", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11788661": {"recommendationid": "11788661", "author": {"steamid": "76561198029192555", "num_games_owned": 192, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 2122, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 51, "last_played": 1515580086}, "language": "english", "review": "i still have the original cartridge for the SNES version of Wanderers from Ys 3. this remake is as amazing as the original, and if I had to recommend it, I would recommend you play it before you get prison raped.", "timestamp_created": 1408504089, "timestamp_updated": 1408504089, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11762809": {"recommendationid": "11762809", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044208947", "num_games_owned": 202, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 963, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422964015}, "language": "english", "review": "Generic plot, modest graphics, but solid gameplay.", "timestamp_created": 1408341777, "timestamp_updated": 1408341777, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.498747", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11610508": {"recommendationid": "11610508", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995246632", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 246, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343458800}, "language": "english", "review": "fast button masher zelda-esque action rpg game. good", "timestamp_created": 1407561478, "timestamp_updated": 1407561478, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11540461": {"recommendationid": "11540461", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970422151", "num_games_owned": 1868, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 1283, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1407104670}, "language": "english", "review": "A great challenging JRPG. The music is excellent, and I hope Falcom will release every Ys game on Steam. This is a remake of Ys 3 that was originally on the Snes.", "timestamp_created": 1407104871, "timestamp_updated": 1407104871, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11536299": {"recommendationid": "11536299", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004842640", "num_games_owned": 872, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 1938, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1407852917}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Se voc\u00ea \u00e9 da gera\u00e7\u00e3o de \"gamers\" acostumada a vida f\u00e1cil, que come\u00e7a a espernear toda vez que acha alguma dificuldade em um jogo, fique longe. Este jogo (como todos os Ys que joguei, ali\u00e1s - mas este mais ainda, arriscaria dizer que \u00e9 o mais dif\u00edcil de todos) \u00e9 para os fortes. Mesmo na dificuldade Normal.\n\nMas se voc\u00ea \u00e9 do tipo que gosta de RPG de a\u00e7\u00e3o E de desafios, compre. TODOS os bosses, desde o primeiro, te desafiar\u00e3o. Te frustrar\u00e3o. E exatamente por isso o sentimento de supera\u00e7\u00e3o, satisfa\u00e7\u00e3o ap\u00f3s derrubar cada um deles \u00e9 muito maior que em outros jogos do g\u00eanero. Uma dose de cortisol e adrenalina seguida de uma dose gigantesca de dopamina. Quem precisa de drogas com um jogo maravilhoso como este?\n\nYs nunca primou por uma trama complexa, cheia de reviravoltas geniais, convenhamos. O foco sempre \u00e9 a jogabilidade e The Oath in Felghana n\u00e3o \u00e9 exce\u00e7\u00e3o, apresentando excel\u00eancia nesse aspecto. A hist\u00f3ria \u00e9 bem simples mas cumpre seu papel. O visual \u00e9 bem simples, por\u00e9m bonito, bem acabado. A trilha sonora, como sempre, \u00e9 um destaque \u00e0 parte. \n\nResumindo, n\u00e3o \u00e9 um jogo para jogadores mimados, que na primeira dificuldade socam a mesa e desinstalam o jogo. \u00c9 para aqueles que enxergam os obst\u00e1culos como parte do entretenimento. Para esses, TOiF \u00e9 um must buy.\n\n\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1407082650, "timestamp_updated": 1407082650, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 26, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.744867", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11532459": {"recommendationid": "11532459", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068467000", "num_games_owned": 1420, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 576, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1409495221}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6ee1\u6ee1\u7684\u90fd\u662f\u7ae5\u5e74\u7684\u56de\u5fc6~\uff01\u4f0a\u82cf3\uff0c88\u5e74\uff0c\u521a\u597d\u662f\u6211\u51fa\u751f\u7684\u90a3\u5e74\uff0c\u800c\u4f5c\u4e3a\u4f0a\u82cf3\u7684\u590d\u523b\u7248\u7684\u4f0a\u82cfF\uff0c\u5230\u540e\u6765\u521d\u73a9PC\u7248\u7684\u6700\u9ad8\u96be\u5ea6\u5bf9\u6211\u6765\u8bf4\u7b80\u76f4\u5c31\u662f\u5669\u68a6\u822c\u7684\u5b58\u5728\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u6211\u73a9\u4f0a\u82cf\u7cfb\u5217\u552f\u4e00\u4e00\u4e2a\u6700\u9ad8\u96be\u5ea6\u6ca1\u6709\u7834\u5173\u7684\u4e00\u90e8\u3002PSP\u7248\u76f8\u8f83\u4e8ePC\u7684\u66f4\u591a\u8ffd\u52a0\u5c31\u65e0\u987b\u8d58\u8ff0\u4e86\uff0c\u5f53\u6770\u8bfa\u65af\u5c9b\u5f7b\u5e95\u6d88\u5931\uff0c\u4e9a\u7279\u9c81\u51c6\u5907\u7ee7\u7eed\u4ed6\u7684\u5192\u9669\u4e4b\u65c5\uff0c\u7231\u857e\u5a1c\u95ed\u95e8\u4e0d\u80af\u76f8\u89c1\uff0c\u800c\u591a\u5947\u51b3\u5b9a\u7559\u4e0b\u6765\u91cd\u5efa\u6545\u4e61....\u6751\u5916\u6808\u6865\uff0c\u4e9a\u7279\u9c81\u72ec\u81ea\u4e0a\u8def\uff0c\u7231\u857e\u5a1c\u7ec8\u4e8e\u9f13\u8d77\u52c7\u6c14\u8ffd\u4e0a\u4e9a\u7279\u9c81\u5411\u4ed6\u544a\u767d....\u4e0d\uff0c\u662f\u544a\u522b....", "timestamp_created": 1407061506, "timestamp_updated": 1407061506, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.613932", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11518050": {"recommendationid": "11518050", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043519978", "num_games_owned": 221, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 279, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1407233588}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ud558\uba74 \ud560\uc218\ub85d \ube60\uc838\ub4e0\ub2e4 \ub09c \uace0\uc804rpg\uac00 \uc7bc\uc788\ub4dc\ub791", "timestamp_created": 1406970714, "timestamp_updated": 1406970714, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11409114": {"recommendationid": "11409114", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032067409", "num_games_owned": 246, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 940, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406319598}, "language": "english", "review": "The Good: The MUSIC, the art style, the gameplay/combat, old school hardcore difficulty.\n\nThe Bad: Somewhat Meh story, somewhat grind heavy, easily missed sidequests.\n\nThe Bottom Line: If you're a fan of old school hack and slash RPGs, this is a must play game. If you're on the fence wait for a sale. Also, the first boss is a downright murderer. If you can make it past him you'll likely enjoy the rest of the game.", "timestamp_created": 1406320021, "timestamp_updated": 1406320021, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11370320": {"recommendationid": "11370320", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045231715", "num_games_owned": 824, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 536, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425508713}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like Japanese RPG games, you should play this game. This is one of the best action RPG game ever.", "timestamp_created": 1406086419, "timestamp_updated": 1406086419, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11365491": {"recommendationid": "11365491", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047128726", "num_games_owned": 73, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 114, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1407074400}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Excelente, simples e divertido. Um rpg nos mesmos padr\u00f5es de Brave Fencer Musashi de PSX, mas sem aqueles gr\u00e1ficos de pol\u00edgonos. Os gr\u00e1ficos deste aqui s\u00e3o bem bonitos. O jogo \u00e9 relativamente curto (cerca de 10h meu primeiro gameplay) mas vale bastante a pena.", "timestamp_created": 1406058406, "timestamp_updated": 1406058406, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11358754": {"recommendationid": "11358754", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014874617", "num_games_owned": 349, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1729, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438838531}, "language": "english", "review": "Has some of the most well done boss fights I've ever played. Gameplay is straightforward and satisfying. The soundtrack is one of the kickassest I've ever heard. THIS GAME ROCKS, THEN KNOCKS, YOUR SOCKS OFF AND TELLS THE BULL_SHIT TO KEEP BACK 500 FT.", "timestamp_created": 1406023279, "timestamp_updated": 1406023389, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11324929": {"recommendationid": "11324929", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027145408", "num_games_owned": 278, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1122, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423338258}, "language": "english", "review": "goddamn this game is hard\n\nI LOVE IT", "timestamp_created": 1405812370, "timestamp_updated": 1405812370, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.510390", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11314419": {"recommendationid": "11314419", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965186284", "num_games_owned": 719, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1041, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406434768}, "language": "english", "review": "Wow, what a game! As much my thirteen year old self would hate to hear this, I'm not the gamer that I used to be. Fifteen years later, now an adult with a full time job, I don't have the devotion for gaming as much as I used to have. This game though allowed me to relive my experience of those days where I would stay up to the early hours of the morning, not at all concerned with sleep or the work that I had to be at in a few hours time.\n\nI had recently picked this up on a sale. As it looked intriguing and was 75% off, I figured that I would give it a go. Going from its Metacritic store, I figured that it would be a 'Meh' kind of game. How wrong was I. This was easily the most enjoyment I've gotten out of a game this year.\n\nEnough rambling, on with the review.\n\nThis is an action-RPG with a very satisfying combat system. Within minutes of starting, you're quickly thrown into it. Although the game has a story, a fairly good one at that, you won't be clicking through endless amounts of dull dialogue before you get to the action.\n\nIt's great fun as you run from screen to screen cutting down the monsters that face you. Although there is no way to heal on demand, when I first started playing, I didn't find this to be very challenging even on the normal difficulty, but it was still very satisfying.\n\nWhen I reached the game's first boss, I got my arse handed to me, several times over. Here I initially thought that the game wasn't balanced properly. After a character level and learning the boss's patterns, I was finally able to get pass it, barely.\n\nThis is where that game's core challenge comes from; boss battles. Difficult but I wouldn't call them unfair. Once you're able to defeat them, you're bound to be able to repeat it. The game doesn't factor in luck much. It's a very rewarding experience to get through them.\n\nIn terms of playtime, it took me a little under 14.5 hours. I'm a gamer who tries to I try to find everything I can so it could probably be finished a lot quicker. In fact, there's an achievement to finish it in five hours or less. Could be completed over a weekend, or two in my case. To me, the length was just right, not too long nor too short.\n\nOnce completed, a boss battle mode is unlocked, and the game has five difficulty levels so it has some replayability. There's a number of side quests as well, some of which I somehow had missed so I'll be replaying it.\n\nThe game has a great soundtrack. Normally I'm not one to even notice this unless it's really good which I'm pleased to state is the case here.\n\nI found the story to be better then the average JRPG. This is helped greatly with the range of characters, none of which are nameless or a palette swap of another, which are great contrasts to each other. The weakest would be protagonist who doesn't utter a word, with only a narrator describing his actions.\n\nIt's worth mentioning that for those who buy this, take a look at the forums as someone was able to extract the voices, which are only found in the PSP version of the game, working on this version which greatly adds to the game's atmosphere. It would be good if they're included by default though. Hopefully they'll be patched in in future.\n\nWith all the praise, it's not without its flaws though. This may not apply to the easy difficulty levels but I did spend a bit of time grinding. While cutting down monsters is fun, much more then a turn based RPG, when your EXP bar is rising very slowly, it can become repetitive.\n\nYou're bound to die a number of times on bosses. Mostly while trying to figure out their patterns and then some more after that. At times, I needed to take a break from this as it was becoming frustrating. On the other hand though, once you do get through them, it's very gratifying.\n\nIt's flaws are minor compared to the overall enjoyment I got from it though. I highly recommend this game.", "timestamp_created": 1405753996, "timestamp_updated": 1405753996, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.517609", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11305519": {"recommendationid": "11305519", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963492856", "num_games_owned": 159, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1585, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405312995}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is excellent, the first game that has really inspired me to post a steam review. I picked it up on a whim when it was on sale two weeks ago. At first I thought it would get boring fast with routine hack and slash mechanics. But lo and behold, you gain skills very quickly that constantly changes the way you engage with enemies. Tons of fun. \n\nAnd then you find a save point outside of a big door. You've been cruising through the game, destroying little baddies and leveling up. Boss fight, no big deal right? WRONG. I played through on normal, and every boss took me about 20-30 minutes to master and defeat (on NORMAL). I realized this cartoony JRPG is just as hard as Demon/Dark Souls when it comes to boss fights. But let me tell you, nothing is as satisfying as beating those bosses after you learn their every move. \n\nI've also played all the way through Ys Origin and loved that as well. However, I think Oath is a better game when it comes to the boss fights. Sure you get frustrated when the boss beats you for the fifth time and he only has 100 HP left, but its awesome when he goes down because you executed with almost no mistakes after learning everything he's going to do.\n\nAwesomely fun game, highly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1405700762, "timestamp_updated": 1405700762, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11290393": {"recommendationid": "11290393", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007046819", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1478, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1461893331}, "language": "english", "review": "Harder than getting 4k mmr at dota2.", "timestamp_created": 1405614065, "timestamp_updated": 1405614065, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11241013": {"recommendationid": "11241013", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011510313", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 616, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405236259}, "language": "english", "review": "It's Ys. What more do you want?", "timestamp_created": 1405392870, "timestamp_updated": 1405392870, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11240893": {"recommendationid": "11240893", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023275958", "num_games_owned": 107, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 945, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405391809}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc5b4\ub9b4\ub54c \uc811\ud588\ub358 \uc774\uc2a41 \uc774\ud130\ub110\uc744 \uc81c\uc678\ud558\uace0 \uba87\uc2ed\ub144\ub9cc\uc5d0 \uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ub97c \uc811\ud558\uac8c \ub42c\ub2e4.\n\uc774\ub7f0\uc7a5\ub974\uc758 \uac8c\uc784\uc740 \ubb38\uc678\ud55c\uc774\uace0 \uac8c\uc784\ud50c\ub808\uc774 \ud2b9\uc131\uc0c1 \u3147\ubc1c\uc554\uc548\ub418\uae30\uc704\ud574\uc11c \uc774\uc9c0\ud50c\ub808\uc774\ub97c \ud588\ub294\ub370 \uc0dd\uac01\ubcf4\ub2e4 \uc804\ud22c\uc2e0\uc774 \ud138\ud138\ud558\uace0 \ud765\ubbf8\ub85c\uc6e0\ub2e4\n2005\ub144\ub3c4 \uc791\ud488\uc774\ub77c \uae30\ub300\uc54a\ud588\ub294\ub370 ost \ubc0f \uc544\ub984\ub2e4\uc6b4 \ubc30\uacbd\uc774 \uac10\ub3d9\uc801\uc774\uc600\ub2e4.\n\n\uadf8\ub0e5 \ub2e5\uce58\uace0 \uc5d8\ub808\ub098 \uc9f1\uc774 \uc88b\uc544", "timestamp_created": 1405392144, "timestamp_updated": 1405392144, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.558394", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11237392": {"recommendationid": "11237392", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036279582", "num_games_owned": 1415, "num_reviews": 105, "playtime_forever": 1068, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 234, "last_played": 1515278707}, "language": "english", "review": "I played Ys: Origin before playing Oath in Felghana and I have to say I was much more impressed with the characterization and gameplay of the previous title than I was with this one. I'd still recommend it, as it's still a nice game; however, if you're going to pick one Ys game (or are picking between Oath and Origin), I'd definitely recommend Origin over this title. \n\nThe boss battles weren't as epic in scale, grinding to progress felt more necessary, the music in Oath was better (although still repetetive); basically everything that was good about Oath in Felghana is in Origin, but there's a lot missing.\n\nIt isn't a bad game by any means (hence the recommendation), but I still feel if you're picking one title to play, go for Ys: Origin over Ys: Oath. You won't regret it. The only significant improvement over the previous title is the soundtrack, everything else falls just a little shorter.", "timestamp_created": 1405371825, "timestamp_updated": 1405371825, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11234184": {"recommendationid": "11234184", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977718788", "num_games_owned": 158, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 787, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405354238}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Es divertido, engancha much\u00edsimo y ya en dificultad normal es dif\u00edcil pero sin llegar a desesperar (subir de nivel marca mucho la diferencia), en especial con unos jefes finales que son todo un reto. No es particularmente largo, pero no hay relleno ni tonter\u00edas. Por tanto, si buscas un juego de rol y acci\u00f3n que vaya al grano te va a dar justamente eso. Mejor con mando.", "timestamp_created": 1405357502, "timestamp_updated": 1405357809, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11230643": {"recommendationid": "11230643", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002010196", "num_games_owned": 878, "num_reviews": 107, "playtime_forever": 389, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446019563}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ub098\ub294 \ub098\ub984 \uc774\uc2a4 \uc62c\ub4dc\ube44\ub2c8\uae50 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\ub294 \ud560\ub4dc\ub85c \ud558\uc790 \ud560\ub4dc\n\n\uadf8\ub798\uc11c \uc9c0\uae08 \ud560\ub4dc\ud558\uac8c \ud138\ub9ac\ub294 \uc911\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4\n\n\ubcf4\uc2a4 \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \uad34\ub784\ud558\ub124\uc694\n\n\ud558\uae34 \ube61\uccd0\uc11c \ud0a4\ubcf4\ub4dc \ud55c\ub450 \uac1c\ucbe4\uc740 \ubfcc\uac1c\ubd10\uc57c\n\n\uc544 \ub0b4\uac00 \uc774\uc2a4\ub97c \ud558\uace0 \uc788\uad6c\ub098 \ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uaca0\uc5b4\uc694?", "timestamp_created": 1405339667, "timestamp_updated": 1405656815, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.511775", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11228360": {"recommendationid": "11228360", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010680530", "num_games_owned": 272, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 812, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1411693019}, "language": "english", "review": "I hate video games and I still play this.", "timestamp_created": 1405325285, "timestamp_updated": 1405325285, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523978", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11219418": {"recommendationid": "11219418", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118076149", "num_games_owned": 252, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2026, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405391716}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Se voc\u00ea procura um Action RPG com uma boa hist\u00f3ria, personagens marcantes e jogabilidade foda. Ys \u00e9 o jogo! O daora tbm que n\u00e3o \u00e9 vc s\u00f3 ir direto pra cima dos chef\u00f5es, e sim ter uma estrat\u00e9gia, e sempre dar um contra-ataque! E n\u00e3o \u00e9 fac\u00edl ja aviso xD", "timestamp_created": 1405272837, "timestamp_updated": 1405272837, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11219141": {"recommendationid": "11219141", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997698947", "num_games_owned": 164, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 725, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426282249}, "language": "english", "review": "Died ten times trying to proceed through the first section of the second dungeon on hard and ragequit 10/10 will play again", "timestamp_created": 1405271649, "timestamp_updated": 1405273731, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.508348", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11211638": {"recommendationid": "11211638", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052067628", "num_games_owned": 235, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424517289}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac4d \uc5ec\uae30 \uc62c\ub77c\uc628 \uac83 \ud558\ub098\ub9cc\uc73c\ub85c \ub9cc\uc871\ud55c\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1405233182, "timestamp_updated": 1405233182, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11202518": {"recommendationid": "11202518", "author": {"steamid": "76561198138106870", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 945, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1411470126}, "language": "english", "review": "spam your z key like you are going to die", "timestamp_created": 1405185116, "timestamp_updated": 1405185116, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11197445": {"recommendationid": "11197445", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049872406", "num_games_owned": 362, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 1494, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452775854}, "language": "english", "review": "It's like Dark Souls had a child with his Cute Anime senpai.", "timestamp_created": 1405161163, "timestamp_updated": 1405161217, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 27, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.576647", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11194074": {"recommendationid": "11194074", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982899736", "num_games_owned": 321, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 949, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405705197}, "language": "english", "review": "Game Mechanics: 8/10\nStory: 7/10\nArt: 8/10\n\nI'd recommend this game if you enjoyed [b]Bastion, Torchlight, Transistor[/b]. It's a fast paced hack n' slash with various magical abilities. The game in its self (even on normal mode) is quite hard when it comes to bosses. Precise timing and dodging is required or you'll get rekt. Armor & Weapons are purchasable & upgradable via blacksmith in town. Story is compelling and the characters are well developed. From my understanding there is meant to be voice acting, but for some reason the devs have decided to leave it out of the PC version.\n\nHit by enemy into lava 10/10 would get hit again", "timestamp_created": 1405141153, "timestamp_updated": 1405141153, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11192004": {"recommendationid": "11192004", "author": {"steamid": "76561198120732576", "num_games_owned": 378, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 1226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405127592}, "language": "english", "review": "after finish this game, I found this one is very challenging even I play in normal mode. who like to play old style rpg would love this", "timestamp_created": 1405127823, "timestamp_updated": 1405128127, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11188570": {"recommendationid": "11188570", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033644722", "num_games_owned": 168, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 92, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446233059}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "muito bom jogo recomendo", "timestamp_created": 1405110875, "timestamp_updated": 1405110875, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11178819": {"recommendationid": "11178819", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002644022", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507941426}, "language": "english", "review": "Tips for Ys: The Oath in Felghana:\n\n- Play on Nightmare\n- Git gud\n\nRepeat until climax.", "timestamp_created": 1405063001, "timestamp_updated": 1405063047, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496480", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11175898": {"recommendationid": "11175898", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030574713", "num_games_owned": 440, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 622, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405562822}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Confiram minha an\u00e1lise e gameplay do game em PT-BR:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex976eC2WGw", "timestamp_created": 1405043302, "timestamp_updated": 1405043302, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493835", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11174291": {"recommendationid": "11174291", "author": {"steamid": "76561198144233648", "num_games_owned": 17, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1664, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1410932098}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u5f88\u4e0d\u597d\u73a9", "timestamp_created": 1405034178, "timestamp_updated": 1412430976, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.198367", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11172721": {"recommendationid": "11172721", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995896743", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2405, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1392859426}, "language": "english", "review": "I first played this game on SNES back in the day. It was hard then and it's hard now, I love it. Nothing like the feeling of finally beating a boss that has been giving you a hard ass time. Most games nowadays you can beat in one sitting, not the case with Y's : The Oath in Felghana. I put 40 hours in it so far and I'm still not done the game, the story is pretty straight foward like most old titles ( it actually seems to be the very same story that it had on SNES ) but more than makes up for with awesome gameplay. Maybe not as important to some gamers out there but the soundtrack is absolutely amazing too!! Controls are a little frustrating when using mouse//keyboard but once I plugged in my XbaX controller the game played very smoothly, I'd actually recommend using a gamepad for this game over keyb//mouse. I'd give this title a 9/10, a must have for any JRPG fan! ( -1 for pretty much NEEDING a controller. )", "timestamp_created": 1405027170, "timestamp_updated": 1405027170, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.955446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11170076": {"recommendationid": "11170076", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980741187", "num_games_owned": 283, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 111, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332313200}, "language": "french", "review": "Une b\u00e9ta voir m\u00e9me une alpha.\n\nC'est l'impression que ma laiss\u00e9 ce jeu , une seule petite ville , peu d'int\u00e9raction, pas de skin d'armure !!?? 3 \u00e9p\u00e9es ...\nLes niveaux/donjons c'est le vide astral.\nLes dialogues pour enfant de 5 ans.\nEt la difficult\u00e9 mal dos\u00e9.\n\nSeul la maniabilit\u00e9 est correct.\n\nDans un genre similaire j'ai pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9 : Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale", "timestamp_created": 1405016034, "timestamp_updated": 1405016034, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.239614", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11167292": {"recommendationid": "11167292", "author": {"steamid": "76561198127725682", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 567, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406135805}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game. Support Xseed on steam so we can get even more games!! \n\n\nMAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO FOR IT!!\nhttp://steamcommunity.com/app/207320/discussions/0/846944689792535521/#p3", "timestamp_created": 1405004204, "timestamp_updated": 1405004204, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503054", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11166390": {"recommendationid": "11166390", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978789781", "num_games_owned": 669, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 170, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405766376}, "language": "english", "review": "You get an achievment for raping an underage girl. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1404999898, "timestamp_updated": 1404999898, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497484", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11162066": {"recommendationid": "11162066", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982890459", "num_games_owned": 475, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 894, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343199600}, "language": "french", "review": "Petit jeux a ne pas manquer sur steam si vous aimer les vieux jeux rpg ce jeux est pour vous ^^. Se petit jeux ne devrais parcontre pas \u00eatre aussi cher je le recommande seulement a 66% et plus", "timestamp_created": 1404973173, "timestamp_updated": 1404973173, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11157484": {"recommendationid": "11157484", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027904080", "num_games_owned": 897, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 117, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424472026}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f0a\u82cf\u7cfb\u5217\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70\u4e70", "timestamp_created": 1404945193, "timestamp_updated": 1404945193, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 39, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.776970", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11111304": {"recommendationid": "11111304", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970034213", "num_games_owned": 502, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1774, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403747342}, "language": "english", "review": "I absolutely love the Ys games. I've played all the ones that are on Steam, and this is my favorite. Not by much, though, because they are ALL good! The music is fantastic, the story is always interesting and the action is great. It is extremely difficult at times, which makes it that much more rewarding when you finally kill the boss that took you out 10 times in a row. I really hope more of this amazing series is released on Steam.", "timestamp_created": 1404701232, "timestamp_updated": 1404701232, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11057696": {"recommendationid": "11057696", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024523999", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1722, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419455926}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is very fun. The story is really not all that exciting but that really isn't the main focus of the game anyways. It is very challenging so if you don't have the patience then this game won't be for you.", "timestamp_created": 1404425116, "timestamp_updated": 1404425116, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10971825": {"recommendationid": "10971825", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003070666", "num_games_owned": 454, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1753, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421201970}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc778\ud398\ub974\ub178 \ud558\uc9c0\ub9c8", "timestamp_created": 1404128568, "timestamp_updated": 1404128568, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500589", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10886926": {"recommendationid": "10886926", "author": {"steamid": "76561198081575436", "num_games_owned": 61, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 585, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403702451}, "language": "koreana", "review": "In my lib, this game is the best.", "timestamp_created": 1403908893, "timestamp_updated": 1403908893, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10875100": {"recommendationid": "10875100", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012954495", "num_games_owned": 101, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 903, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417566052}, "language": "english", "review": "The game is VERY challenging during boss fights but once you die a couple of times and learn how the bosses work, just take your time and it will be fun!", "timestamp_created": 1403886365, "timestamp_updated": 1403886365, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10859645": {"recommendationid": "10859645", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026673593", "num_games_owned": 301, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 2091, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488072844}, "language": "english", "review": "It's an excellent remake of a weird entry in the Ys series, with fast, blistering fights and an outstanding revamped soundtrack. Buy it already before Dogi busts your damned walls. \n\nThat said, the one thing that strikes me as weird is the \"rebalance\" of the boss fights; certain fights that I remember as bastard-hard in the original Ys III are actually manageable now, while some formerly forgettable minibosses got jacked up into diesel-powered ass destroyers (looking at you, Death Fallion).", "timestamp_created": 1403847152, "timestamp_updated": 1403847152, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10784985": {"recommendationid": "10784985", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041446473", "num_games_owned": 60, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1175, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423534462}, "language": "english", "review": "Hi. Have fun trying to not die 50+ times. :D", "timestamp_created": 1403679107, "timestamp_updated": 1403679107, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10763788": {"recommendationid": "10763788", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024479106", "num_games_owned": 311, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 650, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397420592}, "language": "english", "review": "Just a well-done hack and slash game. It's difficult as all hell but it's pretty satisfying to finally beat that boss that keeps destroying you.", "timestamp_created": 1403633379, "timestamp_updated": 1403633379, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.541284", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10699372": {"recommendationid": "10699372", "author": {"steamid": "76561198106218821", "num_games_owned": 100, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 96, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1404932600}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ud314\ucf64\ud558\uba74 \ubbff\uc744\uc218 \uc788\ub2e4\n\n\uc601\uc6c5\uc804\uc124\uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988 \uc548\ub4e4\uc5b4\uc624\ub098..", "timestamp_created": 1403507509, "timestamp_updated": 1403507509, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10674072": {"recommendationid": "10674072", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056651324", "num_games_owned": 182, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 6644, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 151, "last_played": 1516291163}, "language": "english", "review": "Best in the series. An excellent game where it's polished for the highest difficulty. Nothing is as satisfying as struggling through this game on Hard, then coming back to play on Inferno and see that everything has become harder (while not being unfair) but so did I, and it was manageable. There are more than a dozen bosses in the game and there's like 1-2 bosses that's actually feel obnoxious. Also the kickass music, great level design and a lot of other things just flow so well together.\n\nIf you want to choose between this and Ys: Origin, I'd recommend this. Origin has more things (3 characters) and more stuff to do with, but some of its bosses have healing abilities and pretty much you to mash buttons constantly. It's still an excellent game, so buy both.", "timestamp_created": 1403459005, "timestamp_updated": 1403459005, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 36, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.762716", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10646713": {"recommendationid": "10646713", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983942100", "num_games_owned": 279, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1876, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501901825}, "language": "english", "review": "If you intend to get 100% achievements prepare for one of the worst experiences I've ever had with an action rpg. Specifically to get max level achievement you can spend literal hours grinding the same enemies for 1 exp each or do nightmare boss rush which is the game making you do all the bosses while underleveled so they take twice the time they would normally in the actual game; where you can just spend 2 minutes grinding one more level.\n\nWithout being able to grind you get to see the actual difficulty of bosses which is just fatigue. It's not difficult to dodge most bosses in the game once you know what to expect, but with how slowly you're allowed to wittle them down you take hits from just trying to end the fight faster. The 4th and 3rd last fights of the game being the worst offenders of this where you're only allowed to him them 3-4 times max before they teleport away or start to counter.", "timestamp_created": 1403409569, "timestamp_updated": 1501910943, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10644388": {"recommendationid": "10644388", "author": {"steamid": "76561198082384768", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3889, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444450097}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is really fun, with a great soundtrack and nice levels. The combat is interesting and the bosses are fair but a little difficult at times. It's a solid game with a lot of replayability", "timestamp_created": 1403404307, "timestamp_updated": 1403404307, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.538934", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10630814": {"recommendationid": "10630814", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001675013", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1378176353}, "language": "english", "review": "Excellent game, fast paced 3D action. It is in fact a remake of the great Ys 3, available in multiple platforms (I remember liking the SNES one very much). Great difficulty balance. Replayability is okay.", "timestamp_created": 1403380270, "timestamp_updated": 1403380270, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497092", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10629453": {"recommendationid": "10629453", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047090623", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 937, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499649410}, "language": "english", "review": "Great Adventure/RPG game. It has a simple gameplay which can get really frenetic as you go on in the game, a good quantity of enemies and bosses, and pretty likeable chaacters. if you want to get a good action RPG game, this is a must-buy.\nYs Oath in Felghana is probably the best game of a series that still is unknown between the game community.", "timestamp_created": 1403378102, "timestamp_updated": 1403378102, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502262", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10617421": {"recommendationid": "10617421", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055478317", "num_games_owned": 109, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 354, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434935867}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Joga\u00e7o!", "timestamp_created": 1403362397, "timestamp_updated": 1403362397, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10592229": {"recommendationid": "10592229", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060680916", "num_games_owned": 275, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 9, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342767600}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a great old school action rpg with a fantastic story and lots of content", "timestamp_created": 1403316973, "timestamp_updated": 1403316973, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10553541": {"recommendationid": "10553541", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039650062", "num_games_owned": 225, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 1321, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433830805}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is really good.\n\nIt's a remake of an older game which I did rent when I was younger but didn't really care for because the original was a bit too stiff of a challenge, especially when I was only 7 or so. Though the remake is very much a better game, even at the start and even though is a bit dated, the art style is beautiful and it does have great enhancements compared to the original.\n\nThe story is pretty basic but it was entertaining. It had a pretty good story to it and the characters were interesting. The main antagonist was pretty interesting in his own right even if he wasn't the final boss he still was a good adversary and he was obviously strong through the entire story and had his own motives. The story by todays standards might seem like nothing special but it does tell an old game plot pretty well with enough spice to make it interesting. There are many interesting characters in the narrative and the ending was probably one of the better endings in recent memory. It left an impression.\n\nThe music is fantastic. Everything is wonderful in the soundtrack and the sound effects are really good. Nothing to complain about here.\n\nThe gameplay is awesome. It's very fast paced with enough depth to keep someone interested. Though I do love Action RPGs but this game is pretty challenging on Normal. Probably one the hardest Action RPG's with the exception of DarK Souls. It's not as insane as Dark Souls but it does have quite a bit of frustrating moments. At moments it does require the player to grind to get through the tough boss battles. The boss battles are intense but do give a sense of reward after they are defeated. The good thing about the gameplay is that if you die at a boss battle you don't have to go to your last check point but at the boss fight itself. Once you nab the pattern down for the bosses they are much easier but they do require a bit of skill and luck to defeat, including the final boss which when I saw it fall gave a huge sense of satisfaction.\n\nIf you're not really good at these kinds of games, I would reccomend playing on Easy instead of Normal. I did complete the game on Normal but the challenge was almost to the point where it started to interfiere with how fun the game was. Though it does give a great sense of satisfaction, so if you like challening Action RPG's, this one should fit the bill. Even if Normal is too easy for you there are other difficulities which I will personally never try but they're there for those who are into that.\n\nThe game doesn't have much replayability but I think that I'll defintly play it again down the road. Doesn't have a new game + that the PSP version has but that's fine, it's fine how it is.\n\nStory: 8/10\nGraphics: 8/10\nSound: 10/10\nGameplay: 9/10\n\nFINAL SCORE: 8.5/10\n\nI fully reccomend this game especially for the price point. Can't go wrong.\n", "timestamp_created": 1403247800, "timestamp_updated": 1403247800, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10542892": {"recommendationid": "10542892", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969918459", "num_games_owned": 862, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 995, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450555365}, "language": "english", "review": "Hit all the guys. Cut through enemies like a hot knife through butter that's been sitting out way to long on a hot summer day. Also there's some anime but whatever its an action game. Just make sure to set your magic button to something you can hold while hitting all the guys...", "timestamp_created": 1403222354, "timestamp_updated": 1403222354, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10494150": {"recommendationid": "10494150", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110853619", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1530, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403383520}, "language": "english", "review": "I would have spent twice as much to get this game, it has been an absolute joy to play. The controls are tight, the graphics are crisp (ran flawlessly on my average lap top) and overall the game is highly polished. Highly recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed other games in the Ys series or is looking for a fast-paced, button mashing dungeon crawler. It can get very difficult, especially the boss battles, and thats even on the normal difficulty setting, so if you are prone to flipping out and punching tv screens I would either play this on easy or pass on it.", "timestamp_created": 1402934478, "timestamp_updated": 1402934478, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10385112": {"recommendationid": "10385112", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067585484", "num_games_owned": 1175, "num_reviews": 114, "playtime_forever": 770, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421258638}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc5d4\ub529\n\ud328\ub4dc\ub85c\ud558\uba74 \ubc84\ud2bc\uc5ec\ub7ec\uac1c\ub97c \ub204\ub974\uae30\uac00 \uc880 \ud798\ub4e4\uc5b4\uc11c \uc870\uae08 \ub354 \ube61\uc394\n\ub9ac\ub354\ub294 \ubb35\uc9c1\ud574\uc57c \ud55c\ub2e4\ub294 \ubaa8 \ucd95\uad6c\uc120\uc218\uc758 \ub9d0\ucc98\ub7fc \uc544\ub3cc\uc758 \ubb35\uc9c1\ud568\uc740 \uc138\uacc4\uc81c\uc77c\uc774\ub77c \uc5ec\uc790\ub97c \uc798\ud6c4\ub9ac\uace0 \uc138\uacc4\ub3c4 \uc798 \uad6c\ud568", "timestamp_created": 1402169664, "timestamp_updated": 1402169664, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.600185", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10377925": {"recommendationid": "10377925", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097276608", "num_games_owned": 53, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 722, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426023213}, "language": "english", "review": "This is my first Ys game. I have to say, it is AMAZING. The combat system is absolutely addicting. The game has challenging bosses. But I wouldn't recommend that people that are new to the game to start on normal. Lastly, I want to say the game has kind of a Zelda feel to it, but that's probably just me. Overall, this game is amazing. And just some helpful information to those wondering, the level cap is 60.", "timestamp_created": 1402128962, "timestamp_updated": 1402128962, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10313739": {"recommendationid": "10313739", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038922945", "num_games_owned": 822, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 2348, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502508441}, "language": "english", "review": "Probably the best Japanese game on Steam that isn't Resident Evil 4. Tight controls, fun boss fights, and great music. XSeed said they would publish more Ys games onto Steam, but they got higher aspirations at some point. Boob Ninja Strip Cooking for the Playstation Vita.", "timestamp_created": 1401640577, "timestamp_updated": 1401640577, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.535465", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10270540": {"recommendationid": "10270540", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048788919", "num_games_owned": 561, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 1197, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486538131}, "language": "english", "review": "Great remake of the original ones. Get the chick and save Felghana. The usual stuff. Controller recommended as usual for action-rpgs.", "timestamp_created": 1401328657, "timestamp_updated": 1401328657, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504358", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10173278": {"recommendationid": "10173278", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997819503", "num_games_owned": 1093, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1842, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1411320829}, "language": "english", "review": "I'm going to echo other reviews here:\n\nYs game, buy it. \n\nBut seriously, this is a great game, with a Fantastic (I can't emphasize this enough - turn it up!) soundtrack, a tough as nails oldschool feel, and really fun game mechanics. And it all flows at a breakneck pace. Sound familiar? If you've played Ys, it should. But then again, you'd already own this game, because once you play one Ys game, you buy them all at once...\n\nYs is a hidden gem. Please, buy, play, and spread the word. This game may just be one of the best.\n\nEnjoy!", "timestamp_created": 1400533416, "timestamp_updated": 1400533416, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10143961": {"recommendationid": "10143961", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028637888", "num_games_owned": 560, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1275, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1400298178}, "language": "english", "review": "Harder than Dark Souls.", "timestamp_created": 1400299217, "timestamp_updated": 1400299217, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 107, "votes_funny": 19, "weighted_vote_score": "0.616328", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10136629": {"recommendationid": "10136629", "author": {"steamid": "76561198029554617", "num_games_owned": 198, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 779, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389527723}, "language": "english", "review": "There are rather few JRPGs on PC, and also few console action titles where the mouse&keyboard controls are actually quite good. Ys: Oath in Felghana is both of these things, and it is a fantastic game on top of that, with nicely balanced (read: consistently tough) gameplay, extremely fun bosses and an amazing soundtrack. It is intense and just the right length so it does not overstay its welcome.\n\nThis was my first Ys game and I'm definitely going to play more of these games eventually, because it really scratches that tight action game itch that PC gamers in particular rarely get to scratch.", "timestamp_created": 1400241822, "timestamp_updated": 1400241873, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10113318": {"recommendationid": "10113318", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060924868", "num_games_owned": 471, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 60, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1400099021}, "language": "english", "review": "its a great jrpg for ssp when you have to much time and no ones online", "timestamp_created": 1400099574, "timestamp_updated": 1400099574, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10058065": {"recommendationid": "10058065", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997914541", "num_games_owned": 426, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1460, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429688037}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the third Ys game I have played up to this point and its definitely my favorite one so far. I haven't played Ys origin yet or any of the PSP ones but this one is the best combat of the Ys games IMO. While my knowledge is only from ys 1 and 2, I think oath in felghana has a better combat system due to the fact it has an actual combat system.\n\nWhile it centers around one area only they're still things to do even after you complete a certain dungeon. The main reason for return to each area as you progress through the game is the metroidvania like system that's implemented. As you gain new powers new areas that may have been inaccessible open up (Like a higher platform) and most of them have really cool treasure locked away.\n\nMain story features Adol the Red and Doji returning to Doji's homeland and things soon get out of hand for the Duo (Like usual). Adol is seemingly stripped of everything at the start yet again, but from a gameplay perspective I understand why. I would have liked if they featured his last games armor and weapons as the basic starter items though.\n\nThe combat system is miles ahead of what ys 1 and 2 had with a combo system, magic built in, multiple magic moves that have charging attacks as well, can jump in the air and do air combos and downward slamming attacks.\n\nA lot of the enemies in the game have some strong defenses in one category but may be extremely weak to another category (Strong vs attacks, weak vs magic). Once you figure out each enemies weakness they become slighty easier to kill off.\n\nBosses are really awesome in this game and most of them feel bullet-hellish (To a minor degree, nothing insane) and require you to learn the bosses patterns to beat them effectively. Some bosses do become pushovers if you overlevel an area via grinding.\n\nMusic is badass like usual with electric guitar and electronica sounds mixed into the game for a bunch of memorable tunes. Also another nice feature is no more grinding an enemy over and over again for its bestiary (Only have to beat it once for it information).\n\nPositive:\n\nGreat combat system\nInteresting combos both in the air and ground\nMultiple magic charging attacks\nReally interesting boss mechanics\nNegative:\n\nStripped of everything at the start\nNo voice over", "timestamp_created": 1399602535, "timestamp_updated": 1399602535, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10022121": {"recommendationid": "10022121", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970731100", "num_games_owned": 219, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 2264, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421378472}, "language": "english", "review": "This is my personal favorite game in the Ys series. It has my favorite combat system and Adol is your playable character for this Ys game. I love a good challenge and this is the most challenging game in the Ys series. Many people won't ever complete it on Normal difficulty (you can choose an easier difficulty though). The boss battles in this game are extremely challenging, yet not cheap in the slightest. You need to learn how to dodge all enemy attacks and you will feel great about doing it with this fantastic combat system. \n\nTheres nothing special about the storyline or graphics in this game, its obvious that everything was spent on developing the combat system and boss battles. You have a main town that you visit for supplies and forging new equipment, while traveling the world for new dungeons to explore. Theres lots of secrets, upgrades and new abilities to find throughout the game. Theres also some small sidequests you can complete for achievements and other rewards.\n\nThe game will last you around 15 hours and you unlock a Boss Rush aftering completing the game. If you like action RPGs, this is a must buy.", "timestamp_created": 1399243348, "timestamp_updated": 1399243348, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 76, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.867765", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10002054": {"recommendationid": "10002054", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071551358", "num_games_owned": 26, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 519, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1399082446}, "language": "english", "review": "I haven't played a Ys: game since the PS2 ver. I always heard about this game from friends and word of mouth when the psp version came out. So I decided to get the steam version and mos def a great purchase. Like others have said it's a great game zelda meets metroidvania and fast paced gameplay, and it's a hard game which is perfect for me the type of games I love. I can't believe i waited this long to play this game. After I'm done with this game i will start playing catch up with the other Ys: games that i haven't played, including the Ys: games that are on steam and the other Ys: games on the psp that i missed out on. If you are a fan of ARPGs, Zelda, Alundra, Metroid, 2d castlevanias or anything similar you will love this game.", "timestamp_created": 1399075425, "timestamp_updated": 1399075425, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9918168": {"recommendationid": "9918168", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063211653", "num_games_owned": 168, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 696, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431839636}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action RPG with badass music and a simple but engaging plot. Doesn't outstay it's welcome either.", "timestamp_created": 1398342855, "timestamp_updated": 1398342855, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9915652": {"recommendationid": "9915652", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023144084", "num_games_owned": 233, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1087, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439215172}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun game. The story is a bit boring but the gameplay itself more than makes up for it. The final boss made me break a sweat.", "timestamp_created": 1398314046, "timestamp_updated": 1398314046, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9896476": {"recommendationid": "9896476", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010245468", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 5110, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503375942}, "language": "english", "review": "This game has amazing boss fights and incredible music. If you like action games, you have to buy this.", "timestamp_created": 1398130985, "timestamp_updated": 1398130985, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9876604": {"recommendationid": "9876604", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087392544", "num_games_owned": 58, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 373, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1402851726}, "language": "english", "review": "Lengthy and hard just like an old school rpg should be.", "timestamp_created": 1397957890, "timestamp_updated": 1397957890, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9870324": {"recommendationid": "9870324", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054641803", "num_games_owned": 44, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 444, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397194583}, "language": "japanese", "review": "PSP\u7248\u306e\u65b9\u304c\u30b3\u30f3\u30dc\u6570\u306e\u8868\u793a\u306e\u4ed5\u65b9\u3084\u30c0\u30d6\u30eb\u30d6\u30fc\u30b9\u30c8\u306e\u8ffd\u52a0\u306a\u3069\u306e\u70b9\u3067\u723d\u5feb\u611f\u304c\u9ad8\u3044\u3067\u3059.\n\u643a\u5e2f\u6a5f\u3067\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u3092\u904a\u3076\u4e8b\u306b\u7279\u306b\u554f\u984c\u3092\u611f\u3058\u306a\u3051\u308c\u3070,\u308f\u3056\u308f\u3056Steam\u7248\u3092\u8cb7\u3046\u7406\u7531\u306f\u306a\u3044\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046.\n\u3082\u3061\u308d\u3093\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u3082\u5165\u3063\u3066\u306a\u3044\u3067\u3059.\n\u82f1\u8a9e\u3060\u3068\u53f0\u8a5e\u306b\u3082\u3069\u3053\u304b\u9055\u548c\u611f\u304c\u304c\u304c\u304c\u304c\uff47\u2026\u2026\n\u307e\u3042,\u666e\u901a\u306b\u904a\u3079\u308b\u3057\u305d\u3093\u306a\u306b\u60aa\u304f\u306f\u306a\u3044\u3067\u3059\u3088.", "timestamp_created": 1397910733, "timestamp_updated": 1397911254, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9808662": {"recommendationid": "9808662", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007503338", "num_games_owned": 480, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 1298, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1415173966}, "language": "english", "review": "ys more like cheese", "timestamp_created": 1397408196, "timestamp_updated": 1397408196, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9803983": {"recommendationid": "9803983", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018560281", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 2077, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443316559}, "language": "english", "review": "While Not As Good As Ys Origin, This Game Is Still Great For All The Same Reasons As Origin.", "timestamp_created": 1397372404, "timestamp_updated": 1397372404, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9767352": {"recommendationid": "9767352", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981180553", "num_games_owned": 801, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 516, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502038409}, "language": "english", "review": "Five hours in, and I can't get enough of this game.\n\nIf you like isometric hack and slash rpgs, and a decent challenge, this is the game for you. The gameplay's tight, and requires a certain level of skill so that you don't get wrecked, even on normal. The visuals are decent for the type of game it is, and for when it came out, but aren't going to win any awards. The main strengths of this game come in the boss fights, which are varied and unique, and will destroy you the first few attempts. The level design is also standout, and makes exploring for equipment and items more interesting.\n\nThe story's pretty weak, and really just serves to move your character from area to area, but the dialogue is cheesy enough to make up for it. And the music, while mostly being decent, never really does anything spectacular, and can, though rarely, be grating.\n\nAll in all, for the first game in a long running series to try something new, it really comes together as more than the sum of it's parts, and what it lacks in polish, it makes up for in charm.", "timestamp_created": 1397005914, "timestamp_updated": 1397005914, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.448700", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9619780": {"recommendationid": "9619780", "author": {"steamid": "76561197973663176", "num_games_owned": 578, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 295, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1393705892}, "language": "english", "review": "fucking awesome game, buy it", "timestamp_created": 1395679202, "timestamp_updated": 1395679202, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9375835": {"recommendationid": "9375835", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026317882", "num_games_owned": 438, "num_reviews": 102, "playtime_forever": 2484, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1396039413}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is absolutely phenomenal !\n\nNot because of a story, which is barebone and extremely cliche, but for the action and gameplay. Ys is of course from a long line of older ARPG, but if you would like to compare it to a modern game, that would be Super Meat Boy or Dark Souls. All 3 of theses games share the same philosophy. They are tough as nails, but they are fair.\n\nYs is all about skill. You discover new enemies, new bosses, and at the beginning it seems completely impossible, all the odds are stacked against you. Then you start noticing the attack patterns of the enemies. Then you start countering them and damaging them. Then you start feeling in control. But suddenly, with the boss at mid health, it is now using new patterns, and killing you fast ! But then you start noticing patterns again...and the circle can continue again...\n\nYou will die in Ys. You will die a lot in Ys. You will despair, you will rage against the game. But in your heart, you know the game is fair, it is just asking you to hone your skills to prove worthy of victory. And when finally, after countless retries you will manage to defeat that boss you've been stuck on forver, all your previous despair will turn into pure joy, and a feeling of true accomplishment.\n\nAll of that will also be amplified by the beauty of this game. Even though it's obviously dated, the rich environements and superb boss attacks will make you wonder how modern games can look so boring. There are some attack patterns and bosses that just look fantastic, original, and never before seen. That truely makes the game unique.", "timestamp_created": 1394222827, "timestamp_updated": 1411581215, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9161910": {"recommendationid": "9161910", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027929653", "num_games_owned": 426, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 446, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1392673668}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana reminds me of Secret of Mana or The Soul Blazer series. It's a hack and slash rpg where you slay monsters and kill tough bosses to progress through the entire game. I liked Oath in Felghana because after playing Ys Chronicles, the game remains true to the series even if you can't bump into enemies anymore. So what did I think about it? Lets see...\n\nGraphics: This game is a port from the PSP version that was released a few years ago. I liked how Oath of Felghana now has 3d backgrounds or monsters but still maintains a 2d layout. The sprites look nice if you set your graphics to the highest, but I personally think they are simple. I still find the game to great, even with it's cutscenes which look decent but could be better.\n\nSound: I really thought the sound department went forth and had fun making the music. There are good songs, but I just don't find myself to play over and over again. Sound effects are pretty basic, but I don't think that matters. There was never a moment where I just wanted to put my own music to the game which is a plus in my own opinion.\n\nGameplay: If you played Ys Chronicles, you realize that you can't bump into enemies like you used to for exp. There's now an attack button which can be used to string combos to gain exp. What I find the most rewarding is the three magics you obtain in the game. My favorite is probably the wind power since you use it to get to treasures and to another section of the level. If there is one thing I really enjoyed the most are the bosses. Playing on past normal is a challenge as it requires you to be quick about your actions and for you to time your attacks. The game is hard if you're not leveled correctly but it doesn't take you long to be strong enough to take on a boss. \n\nOverall: I consider Ys: The Oath in Felghana a great purchase if you enjoy J-rpgs that aren't complex, yet easy to play but difficult to master. I think falcom did great with this remake because it adds a new chapter in the Ys storyline for American audiences and it is faithful to the first two Ys games in the series.", "timestamp_created": 1392682394, "timestamp_updated": 1392682394, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 16, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.578934", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9095204": {"recommendationid": "9095204", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062232960", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 177, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448001833}, "language": "english", "review": "Another story where Adol get shipREKTed\n\n6/10 Graphic\n7/10 Gameplay\n5/10 StoreyLane\n11/10 Falcom JDK Sound Team\n\nReplay value : 0", "timestamp_created": 1392345019, "timestamp_updated": 1404949627, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9078783": {"recommendationid": "9078783", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984071091", "num_games_owned": 412, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1730, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391928001}, "language": "english", "review": "FIRE BALLS,LASERS,AND SWORDS JUST SOME OF THE MANY THINGS THAT WILL KILL YOU IN THIS GAME", "timestamp_created": 1392281136, "timestamp_updated": 1392281206, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.456771", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8827975": {"recommendationid": "8827975", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021309089", "num_games_owned": 57, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2425, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430110409}, "language": "english", "review": "Well, it's an action/adventure-RPG. You could go wrong, but you won't with this one.", "timestamp_created": 1390558185, "timestamp_updated": 1390558185, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.472637", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8827050": {"recommendationid": "8827050", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088387297", "num_games_owned": 661, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1390769165}, "language": "english", "review": "Old school action JRPG with awesome soundtrack and one of the best boss fighting moments i have ever seen in video games. WARNING: You will ragequit on higher difficulty.", "timestamp_created": 1390546843, "timestamp_updated": 1390546843, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8803357": {"recommendationid": "8803357", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980037702", "num_games_owned": 583, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1434, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423788583}, "language": "english", "review": "This is not the type of game I normally would enjoy, but I feel this game does so many things right. \n1. This game is tough, even on the normal difficulty level. It is not unfair, just tough. \n2. There is a level mechanic, but the game relies more on skill and perseverance.\n3. The music, which is stereotypical Japanese power metal, still manages to be perfect for the setting and helps to add energy.\n4. There is a story, but it is more about playing the game then watching cut-scenes, instead of the other way around.\n5. Has some of the most insanely-fun boss battles in recent memory. (Which the game knows as there is a boss rush mode).\n\nI don't know what else to say. Great game that takes around 20 hours to complete on normal. This is the game that started my long sordid love affair with Ys Games.\n", "timestamp_created": 1390359005, "timestamp_updated": 1390359005, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500794", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8760963": {"recommendationid": "8760963", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965333589", "num_games_owned": 1995, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 6268, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421172558}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Adol Christin, el amigo pelirrojo de los ni\u00f1os y cabr\u00f3n que deja a mujeres solas mientras piensa \"a joderse t\u00eda\"\n\nHablando m\u00e1s en serio, juego tambi\u00e9n conocido c\u00f3mo YS 3 siendo su remake con una est\u00e9tica cambiada y revamp total de controles, ya no m\u00e1s \"bump\" para intentar matar a los enemigos, destroza el dedo dando al bot\u00f3n del gamepad para matar a cualquier bicho que se te ponga por delante.\nJuego frustrante a m\u00e1s no poder, la primera vez que juegas y notas esa dificultad en cualquier boss dices \"HHHHNGGGGG\" pero te acaba llegando a la patata y acabas am\u00e1ndolo.\nOST a mi parecer insuperable, con temas c\u00f3mo \"The Strongest Foe\" y \"Valestein Castle\" (gustos personales, no mirar raro pofav\u00f3)\nMucha gente ha acabado calva por intentar jugar en normal, creer que ser\u00eda un paseo en el campo, llegar al primer boss y tener que pagar un monitor y un gamepad nuevo.\n\nNo lo recomiendo, OBLIGO a comprarlo y jugarlo.", "timestamp_created": 1390088186, "timestamp_updated": 1390088243, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 18, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.669078", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8755900": {"recommendationid": "8755900", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030471843", "num_games_owned": 871, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 219, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421639952}, "language": "english", "review": "Waste of however much you pay for it. Oh god why.", "timestamp_created": 1390064606, "timestamp_updated": 1390064606, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.162390", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8755855": {"recommendationid": "8755855", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042216590", "num_games_owned": 1299, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 276, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460689487}, "language": "english", "review": "Arse.", "timestamp_created": 1390064356, "timestamp_updated": 1390064356, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.149656", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8748480": {"recommendationid": "8748480", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039224705", "num_games_owned": 415, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 6291, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389993217}, "language": "english", "review": "The hardest difficulties are definitely challenging.", "timestamp_created": 1390017764, "timestamp_updated": 1390017764, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501878", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8706654": {"recommendationid": "8706654", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000402183", "num_games_owned": 249, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 69, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1361001600}, "language": "english", "review": "Wanna play this more but it says I've played about 69 minutes of it and heh 69", "timestamp_created": 1389721976, "timestamp_updated": 1389721976, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499121", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8700703": {"recommendationid": "8700703", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055288143", "num_games_owned": 477, "num_reviews": 50, "playtime_forever": 290, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467512551}, "language": "english", "review": "Where is the oath?? Whats an ys? Whats is this? Metal Gear? Best thing since the Atari 5200 5200/10", "timestamp_created": 1389672963, "timestamp_updated": 1389672963, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 11, "weighted_vote_score": "0.381939", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8626875": {"recommendationid": "8626875", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067700772", "num_games_owned": 1147, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1360, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440369931}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like Zelda, you will definitely like this game. It works especially nice with just about any cheap USB controller.", "timestamp_created": 1389231565, "timestamp_updated": 1389231565, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8610622": {"recommendationid": "8610622", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970998848", "num_games_owned": 152, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1170, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1398812255}, "language": "english", "review": "VALESTEIN CASTLE: Best BGM in a JRPG period.\n\nThe rest of the game isn't bad, either. The gameplay is kind of dated, but it's an excellent throwback to days of 16-bit-style action RPGs.", "timestamp_created": 1389126645, "timestamp_updated": 1389126645, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8598797": {"recommendationid": "8598797", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012972850", "num_games_owned": 328, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 694, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481427503}, "language": "english", "review": "Well made port of the PSP version. The controls are excellent seeing as all of the problems I've had were only with me not jumping too great on the platforms.The boss battles are quite challenging (unless you're on very easy) and you'll want to destroy your keyboard & mouse/controller after dying time after time (you do get an achievement for dying 10 times on the same boss, so don't feel too bad!) but it is a rewarding experience that truly tests your skills. While it is just a good 'ol hack & slash, it's a really fun action RPG and as such is a great installment in one my favourite series.", "timestamp_created": 1389050949, "timestamp_updated": 1389050949, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502450", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8575483": {"recommendationid": "8575483", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041081111", "num_games_owned": 189, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 2502, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455347409}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is worth looking into even if you don't like the anime artstyle. The story is pretty generic, and the graphics aren't fantastic. But hot damn the gameplay is fast paced and difficult. The translation can be pretty rocky at times, and it doesn't really fully explain some abilities. You also can't map controls, but it does automatically map controls to a gamepad.\nIt also does a good job of spacing out powerups and abilities, so you can actually learn how to use what you have before you get something new. The combat is a boring at first when you only have basic attacks, but you soon start to get magic abilities that help mix it up a lot more.\n\nEdit: I just realized that i'm an idiot and the controls are fully configurable for both KB/M and gamepad in the config launcher.", "timestamp_created": 1388939254, "timestamp_updated": 1388940174, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8528804": {"recommendationid": "8528804", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062443533", "num_games_owned": 306, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 147, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428406106}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u53ea\u6709\u82f1\u6587\uff0c\u8fde\u4e2a\u65e5\u6587\u90fd\u6ca1\u6709\uff0c\u770b\u8d77\u6765\u76f8\u5f53\u5403\u529b\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u82f1\u6587\u7ffb\u8bd1\u8fc7\u6765\u611f\u89c9\u5f88\u4e0d\u4e60\u60ef\uff1b\u4f0a\u82cf\u5386\u4ee3\u65e0\u8bed\u97f3\uff1b\u8001\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u6d41\u7545\u7684\u5f88\uff0c\u753b\u9762\u5c31\u90a3\u6837\u4e86\uff0c\u6536\u85cf\u7528\uff0c\u771f\u8981\u73a9\u8fd8\u662f\u73a9\u5176\u4ed6\u4e3b\u673a\u7248\u672c\u7684\u597d\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1388730530, "timestamp_updated": 1388730530, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.560533", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8528709": {"recommendationid": "8528709", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003801741", "num_games_owned": 139, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1972, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482555635}, "language": "english", "review": "not a half bad game, but the combat is way to repetitive, and very little is explained about what you are supposed to do. Has great potential though. Little patients and some learning though and it can be a lot of fun. Kind of like fire emblem meets ninja gaiden.", "timestamp_created": 1388727963, "timestamp_updated": 1388984494, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499853", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8500239": {"recommendationid": "8500239", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999460215", "num_games_owned": 406, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 938, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452208149}, "language": "english", "review": "You die a lot and Zelda gets a lot of new weapons.", "timestamp_created": 1388639565, "timestamp_updated": 1388639565, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497242", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8499166": {"recommendationid": "8499166", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031294895", "num_games_owned": 1236, "num_reviews": 200, "playtime_forever": 422, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439503242}, "language": "english", "review": "asian weeaboo shit", "timestamp_created": 1388635643, "timestamp_updated": 1388635643, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.415770", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8499060": {"recommendationid": "8499060", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075939220", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1386, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466803845}, "language": "english", "review": "hardest game of my life (or maybe I'm just retarded)\n\n\nFirst MINI boss and I died 30+ times against a guy who repeats the exact same attack pattern. Another 30+ death at the first \"real\" boss, seems retarded easy on paper (mostly only shoots 2 projectiles that can be dodged by pressing 1 single button) and somehow I just keep dying WTF.", "timestamp_created": 1388635336, "timestamp_updated": 1388635336, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8494816": {"recommendationid": "8494816", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037288848", "num_games_owned": 171, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 745, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1394651617}, "language": "english", "review": "Incredibly difficult bossfights, infrequent save points that require you to redo the entire dungeon if you die, and an overall boring combat system. Also, god damn awful controls.\nEDIT: For those f you that want to fanboy up and tell me to \"go back to CoD\", please find someone else to throw your opinions at. I got the game for like $3, and it's not that fun. The entire combat system is button mashing, but then they want you to channel your inner Korean MLG player to beat the first boss in the fucking game. LOL NOPE.", "timestamp_created": 1388620318, "timestamp_updated": 1388891652, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 15, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.237167", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8472455": {"recommendationid": "8472455", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048072508", "num_games_owned": 469, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 452, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403622095}, "language": "english", "review": "If Ys The Oath in Felghana whas a person it would say IM HARD GO FUCK YOUSELF!", "timestamp_created": 1388550406, "timestamp_updated": 1388550406, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.484769", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8466628": {"recommendationid": "8466628", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001179889", "num_games_owned": 569, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 15, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454578387}, "language": "english", "review": "If you ever needed a game to make you feel like a man, this is that game. If you need hair on your chest, and adventure in your heart, this is that game. If you need a game that will make you moist, this is that game. Like Terranigma or Zelda on steroids, Oath in Felghana grabs you by the plums and squeezes until you cry. Blazing fast sword stabbing action. Perilous platforming. Nightmarish challenge. This is the game you must own, you need to own, you DESERVE to own. And you will, surely. And eventually, you will rise to the challenge. You will conquer Felghana like the righteous man you are. Walls will be destroyed, monsters slain. Will you rest? NAY. For your true love, your precious heart, Adventure, calls. And like Adol, you must move on, seeking that mistress that is always out of reach. You must go to the Origin, and then to the Chronicles. Your hunger will not be satiated, but you will have a further taste of that precious nectar. Adventure awaits. Let her in. You'll be glad you did.", "timestamp_created": 1388527564, "timestamp_updated": 1388527564, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 24, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.721403", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8462433": {"recommendationid": "8462433", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019271601", "num_games_owned": 430, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 17, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1378625069}, "language": "english", "review": "Not support japanese", "timestamp_created": 1388515342, "timestamp_updated": 1388515342, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 15, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.206402", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8418962": {"recommendationid": "8418962", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036106979", "num_games_owned": 230, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1119, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1346050800}, "language": "english", "review": "My second Ys game that I have finished on Steam (the first one is Ys Origin). This game is another jewel for your collection of rpg platformer. A MUST HAVE !! Personally, I found it more difficult that Ys Origin but I loved this gameplay and story.\n\nFalcom and Xseed ? I love them. :-D", "timestamp_created": 1388381614, "timestamp_updated": 1388381614, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8410042": {"recommendationid": "8410042", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995992757", "num_games_owned": 1961, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 1093, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388352968}, "language": "english", "review": "There are not as many jRPGs for PCs as I would like to see these days and this one begins with a great intro (If one is not allergic to anime. But if so, this game should be avoided at all costs), and features a cozy, classic jRPG art style of 3D backgrounds with pre-rendered actors. The battle system is also quick and enjoyable, if a bit simple. \n\nThat said, there are some things not that great concerning this game. First of all, it\u2019s not particularly long for a role-play. Beating the game should take no more than 15 hours (and it is entirely possible to complete the storyline in about 5) which is not all that impressive concerning the fact that some other jRPGs have mini-games that are more time consuming.\n\n After completing the campaign, you can try the time attack or replay the story on another difficulty setting. There is no incentive to do so, since perhaps the Oath\u2019s weakest point is its plot. The story told is extremely generic and predictable. Furthermore, the 30-some cast of characters is largely uninteresting. Finally, the extremely pompous dialogue (and I do say that as a fan of jRPG narration) lines do not help at all.\n\n There aren\u2019t that many items to be collected either \u2013 6 sets of equipment (sword, shield and armor each \u2013 all with 3 levels of upgrades ), 3 (also upgradeable 3 times )spells, 24 other items (usable, plot tokens or granting a particular ability). And , which is quite surprising in this genre \u2013 no party can be formed at any point of the game \u2013 the protagonist is forever alone (in battle) . \n\nWhat saves the day and, in the end, redeems this otherwise average game, are some of the most brilliant boss- battles I have ever seen in a jRPG game: quick, demanding and almost perfectly balanced to avoid the excessive grind (at least on the medium difficulty setting). \n\nConcluding, this is not a greatly memorable title and in the end I feel that it abused my longing for a classic jRPG experience, which kept me in front of the computer until the end. 6 out of 10, and I recommend it solely due to the awesomeness of boss battles. \n", "timestamp_created": 1388356117, "timestamp_updated": 1388356117, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.559194", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8385873": {"recommendationid": "8385873", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044116325", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2708, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452306260}, "language": "english", "review": "Just beat this game and thought id write this review since it was a very well done game. The storyline was awesome, the characters were cool beans, and the game play was the best part that made me play it. I tried on the hardest difficulty and was the hardest game ive ever played to date. Its awesome especially if you want a challenge...", "timestamp_created": 1388288526, "timestamp_updated": 1388288526, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8353287": {"recommendationid": "8353287", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028440194", "num_games_owned": 346, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 2101, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464303098}, "language": "english", "review": "wow amazing.........hack n slash game", "timestamp_created": 1388198295, "timestamp_updated": 1388198295, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.442085", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8326786": {"recommendationid": "8326786", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119721939", "num_games_owned": 92, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 130, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498773927}, "language": "english", "review": "Since The Wanders from Ys 3, I have loved this game in all its variations. It was my first experience with the Ys series, so it's always held a spot in my top ten lists. After playing Ys: TOiF, I was surprised by the some of the changes and the additions of different story-lines, as well as more characters being added in. As for the game play, it is more of a top-down style RPG, having you hack and slash every enemy you come across. It can get a bit repetitive, especially if you are overwhelmed by some enemies in an area, but with the upgrading system for your items, the spell system you could call it, and the musical score, it may just be me, but I find it hard to get bored with the game.\n\nThis review is probably on the more biased side, but I would just say, if you are curious, give it a try and don't get discouraged if you end up hitting a bit of a roadblock at certain points. The Ys series was never one for much hand holding, just pointing you in one direction with a pat on the back, then going from there.", "timestamp_created": 1388129487, "timestamp_updated": 1388129487, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8310599": {"recommendationid": "8310599", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002466885", "num_games_owned": 240, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 579, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1374679827}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome Game.Money well spent.", "timestamp_created": 1388086155, "timestamp_updated": 1388086155, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.488372", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8295566": {"recommendationid": "8295566", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994617402", "num_games_owned": 210, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 460, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510976140}, "language": "english", "review": "Definately get a controller for this was playing with a keyboard and it really starts to get taxing.\n\nGood range of difficulties and solid challenging gameplay.\n", "timestamp_created": 1388055171, "timestamp_updated": 1388055171, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8291993": {"recommendationid": "8291993", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018613742", "num_games_owned": 100, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452936565}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys The Oath in Felghana is a remake of Ys III in the Ys series. It had a massive overhaul from the original that includes gameplay, style, graphics, and music. It's action RPG goodness to say the least. I know veteran fans will blast me, but think of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on crack with a lot of enemies, 80's rock and power metal, tough bosses, and leveling, but without the puzzles, exploration and Zelda.\n\nIf you want to jump in to the series, I recommend you play it on Easy first. Normal isn't that hard but the bosses will punish you for mistakes. The bosses themselves don't look bad and they have set patterns but dodging is harder than it looks and if you can't keep up BOOM! That's a tenth or more of your health gone.\n\nThere's also a bit of level scaling to the table. Say a boss is level 15, and you're level 12. You are going to get mopped on the floor. It's possible but it's really hard. Climb up to level 15 and you should be okay. Level up to 16. It's almost a joke! For the most part.\n\nLastly, you don't have to play the past series to understand the story because each entry in the series is a new adventure. Ys I and II are the execptions because they're sequels to each other.", "timestamp_created": 1388045558, "timestamp_updated": 1388045558, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8291058": {"recommendationid": "8291058", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028304196", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 780, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405395991}, "language": "english", "review": "How the fuck do I get past that missile-launching roboknight in the castle?", "timestamp_created": 1388042712, "timestamp_updated": 1388042712, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.462533", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8247460": {"recommendationid": "8247460", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013369340", "num_games_owned": 381, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 74, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1347865200}, "language": "english", "review": "An intellectually stimulating combination of symbolic game design, brilliant visuals, an immersive soundtrack, and a post-modern story that will leave you pondering its implications for months. I consider this the best videogame ever made.\n", "timestamp_created": 1387881043, "timestamp_updated": 1387881043, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.466035", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8242170": {"recommendationid": "8242170", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072182182", "num_games_owned": 1686, "num_reviews": 182, "playtime_forever": 1521, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387851901}, "language": "english", "review": "I'm not a huge JRPG guy, but I absolutely adore the Ys (pronounced \"ease\") series, of which this is the 3rd entry. The Ys games are all extremely fast-paced action RPGs with rockin' ADVENTURE METAL soundtracks, and they all star Adol Christin, a dauntless adventurer who makes the ladies melt with his flaming red mane. The stories the games tell are very simple, sort of like epic fairy tales, and they thankfully lack that chirping, cheap fakeness that hangs over most JRPG narratives like a pall. There are always archetypes to be sure (the angel-pure but troubled maiden, the grizzled old battlemaster), but Ys possesses a sincerity that appeals on a deep level.\n\nEven though this game doesn't have the frenetic \"bump\" combat of the first two entries (a mechanic that really turned me on, gamerwise) Felghana's push-to-slash fighting is every bit as frenzied and quite a bit more strategic. Also, with the exception of the Azure Statue in Tigray Quarry (the first level), the bosses are spectacular.", "timestamp_created": 1387857833, "timestamp_updated": 1397000997, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502675", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8241456": {"recommendationid": "8241456", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049855243", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1110, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1378692426}, "language": "english", "review": "This has become one of my favorite franchises and Oath of Felghana just is a blast, the 3D world is very pretty and amazingly fun for the age of this game. Its face paced, open world combat that is not hard run through, this game continues the Y's franchises mechanics of health regen and open feild combat. It is a great game and a fantastic experience for any rpg fan.", "timestamp_created": 1387855064, "timestamp_updated": 1387855064, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8241070": {"recommendationid": "8241070", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110431990", "num_games_owned": 729, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 40, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451637908}, "language": "english", "review": "COOL", "timestamp_created": 1387853601, "timestamp_updated": 1387853601, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467561", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8213677": {"recommendationid": "8213677", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009287010", "num_games_owned": 73, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 926, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486334444}, "language": "english", "review": "A must have game for any casual Action RPG fan!\nYs Origin is also a really good game, but I like this one better, especially due to the incredible soundtrack.", "timestamp_created": 1387765678, "timestamp_updated": 1387765678, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502450", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8199713": {"recommendationid": "8199713", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053795724", "num_games_owned": 145, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 2281, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482696124}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Toda mi fe para este juego", "timestamp_created": 1387727811, "timestamp_updated": 1387727811, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8194406": {"recommendationid": "8194406", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087051225", "num_games_owned": 166, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 776, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467116127}, "language": "italian", "review": "Se cercate un ottimo action-rpg dal gameplay veloce e old school questo titolo fa per voi (come un p\u00f2 tutta la serie di Ys).\nE' un grosso peccato che tutta la serie non sia molto nota al di fuori della sua nicchia perch\u00e9 si tratta di prodotti ben realizzati che offrono un divertimento alla portata di tutti.\nDi questo capitolo ho apprezzato tutto, dalla trama alla grafica che nei suoi limiti \u00e8 stata ben curata.\nL'unica pecca che secondo me contraddistingue tutta la saga \u00e8 la longevit\u00e0 molto bassa, anche se sono disponibili diverse difficolt\u00e0 di gioco non tutti potrebbero essere spinti a rigiocarlo.\nLongevit\u00e0 a parte questo titolo vale sicuramente la pena di essere giocato (e nel caso rigiocato).", "timestamp_created": 1387713687, "timestamp_updated": 1387713687, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8174500": {"recommendationid": "8174500", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968150826", "num_games_owned": 211, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 846, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430336015}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like action RPGs at all, you need to play this game.", "timestamp_created": 1387650818, "timestamp_updated": 1387650818, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8135476": {"recommendationid": "8135476", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028426229", "num_games_owned": 133, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486106437}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Si tienes lo que hay que tener, ju\u00e9galo. No te arrepentir\u00e1s.", "timestamp_created": 1387527908, "timestamp_updated": 1387527908, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8133076": {"recommendationid": "8133076", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034128475", "num_games_owned": 561, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 1636, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490824774}, "language": "english", "review": "Excellent action RPG. Easy-to-learn interface, challenging adventuring and bosses, interesting story, and epic music. An all-around solid game; highly recommended.\n\n(Disclosure: I received this game as part of Steam's Indie Bundle V, which was gifted to me by a friend, in exchange for a gift I sent him.)", "timestamp_created": 1387516614, "timestamp_updated": 1462348481, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519875", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8132168": {"recommendationid": "8132168", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045432939", "num_games_owned": 443, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 571, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451261514}, "language": "english", "review": "Having owned the original Ys III: Wanderers from Ys for the Super Nintendo, you can imagine how nostalgic and excited I was to hear there was a remake of one of my most treasured SNES titles. Would you believe there was a time a young Indie thought that Roy in Smash Bros was Adol from this game?\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana is a hack and slash RPG (compared to it's side scrolling original) offering hours of fun and a great story, nobody should turn their nose at this one. Felghana deserves a spot in everyone's game library.", "timestamp_created": 1387513011, "timestamp_updated": 1387513011, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8062307": {"recommendationid": "8062307", "author": {"steamid": "76561198015143697", "num_games_owned": 139, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 947, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343890800}, "language": "english", "review": "Towards the later half of my college career I found myself having a much shorter attention span when it came to games. I didn't know anything about Ys going into it, but I didn't need to. This is one of the few games in recent memory that I could not put down.", "timestamp_created": 1387158650, "timestamp_updated": 1387158650, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501411", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7997038": {"recommendationid": "7997038", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064827731", "num_games_owned": 148, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 4068, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499867324}, "language": "english", "review": "It is the best nuf said! Dat sound track bangin yo!", "timestamp_created": 1386708656, "timestamp_updated": 1386708656, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7988061": {"recommendationid": "7988061", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979894180", "num_games_owned": 363, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 636, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1341385200}, "language": "english", "review": "Waste of time.", "timestamp_created": 1386635947, "timestamp_updated": 1386635947, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.155810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7973014": {"recommendationid": "7973014", "author": {"steamid": "76561198015308546", "num_games_owned": 426, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1991, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1386529024}, "language": "english", "review": "This beat 'em up RPG is all about boss fights, which are hard and sometimes frustrating, however are also very interesting and make you want to get better and complete the challenge. Story is not bad, the RPG system is sometimes hard to predict, art is cool provided you don't mind the anime style, and the soundtrack is just awesome (oh hey, there are 1.192 plays of Jindo Yukihiro on my last.fm). If you pick up this game and aren't familiar with the genre (like I was), normal difficulty will be quite challenging, even with a FAQ.", "timestamp_created": 1386529842, "timestamp_updated": 1386529842, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500341", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7958363": {"recommendationid": "7958363", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041107679", "num_games_owned": 605, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425501213}, "language": "english", "review": "Kill things and go fast.\nWhat more could you ask for?", "timestamp_created": 1386446514, "timestamp_updated": 1386446514, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7930399": {"recommendationid": "7930399", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042478352", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1904, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356768000}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Tiene una jugabilidad estupenda y la m\u00fasica te hace sentir lo m\u00e1s badass de este lado del mundo :-D. Es dif\u00edcil pero justo, y te hace sentir muy bien cuando le coges el truco.", "timestamp_created": 1386278933, "timestamp_updated": 1386278933, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7889231": {"recommendationid": "7889231", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097884064", "num_games_owned": 80, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 627, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438125841}, "language": "english", "review": "Be strong be powerful. Play this game!", "timestamp_created": 1386033271, "timestamp_updated": 1386033271, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7865020": {"recommendationid": "7865020", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994456077", "num_games_owned": 734, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 922, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1395638035}, "language": "english", "review": "this game is solid", "timestamp_created": 1385912373, "timestamp_updated": 1385912373, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7858653": {"recommendationid": "7858653", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027281787", "num_games_owned": 216, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 188, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385954172}, "language": "english", "review": "I really like pancakes. I think if you top them with chocolate it's also pretty good. 10/10 would lick again.", "timestamp_created": 1385881565, "timestamp_updated": 1385881565, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497242", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7849834": {"recommendationid": "7849834", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992024362", "num_games_owned": 1058, "num_reviews": 121, "playtime_forever": 1136, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1370395837}, "language": "english", "review": "Really liked this game. Old school action rpg goodness not enough of these now a days.", "timestamp_created": 1385840695, "timestamp_updated": 1385840695, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7837799": {"recommendationid": "7837799", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990639403", "num_games_owned": 2858, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 951, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1348642800}, "language": "english", "review": "That epic, rockin' soundtrack mixed with a solid action/RPG.", "timestamp_created": 1385789611, "timestamp_updated": 1385789611, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493395", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7814042": {"recommendationid": "7814042", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002953214", "num_games_owned": 222, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 117, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1355472000}, "language": "english", "review": "plz steam booster/cards for my achievements? :) TY :)", "timestamp_created": 1385676189, "timestamp_updated": 1385676189, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7813459": {"recommendationid": "7813459", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027825717", "num_games_owned": 191, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2083, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514925729}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game, if not fucking difficult.\n\nBuy it when you can, you won't be dissapointed.", "timestamp_created": 1385673887, "timestamp_updated": 1385673887, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7790754": {"recommendationid": "7790754", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047689249", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 584, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449907491}, "language": "english", "review": "A remake of Ys 3: Wanderers of Ys for SNES and Sega Genesis, this is a must play for fans of classic Action-RPG gameplay. Based on the 2D side scrolling layouts of the original, this new version is a complete rework based on Ys 6's topdown 3D engine using 2D sprites and lightning fast gameplay. Run through dungeons fighting monsters, finding items, and facing difficult bosses. The music is also rock'n.", "timestamp_created": 1385581643, "timestamp_updated": 1385581643, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7788372": {"recommendationid": "7788372", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991666125", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 803, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431758674}, "language": "english", "review": "This game has the classic SNES feel but with enhanced graphics. The pacing of this game is smooth with minimal to zero amount of grinding. What this game does extremely well are the boss fights and the soundtrack. If you are looking for a few hours of a classic adventure game then Ys: The Oath in Felghana is worth picking up.", "timestamp_created": 1385576488, "timestamp_updated": 1385576488, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7766966": {"recommendationid": "7766966", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008230359", "num_games_owned": 247, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 423, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436077189}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a lot of fun. Very good music, fun game mechanics. This game isn't a deep RPG but it is an entertaining hack and slash. The high difficulties are brutal if you're looking for a challange. Definitly recommend if you're looking for a Asian style RPG-action game.", "timestamp_created": 1385476346, "timestamp_updated": 1385476346, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7760368": {"recommendationid": "7760368", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025324740", "num_games_owned": 811, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1043, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1392966788}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a rare beast on the PC... well it is to me. Before I broke down and bought it I stared at its gameplay video in steam. I stalked the title for months on end. I was delighted to see a JRPG on Steam. Would my delight be broken, or would I take the oath and never look back?\n\nFirst off I must say I played this game to completion with a gamepad. I never even once tested out the keyboard ad mouse controls. This type of game just screamed use a controller to me haha. The game controls perfectly with a gamepad. Every little command I used worked, and never were the controls broken. A++ on that.\n\nSound design in Ys is all about the music. The sound effects are very basic and serve the game well, but do not stand out at all. The musical score on the other hand does stand out. Each piece was moving, and the guitar driven battle themes fit perfectly. Never once did I feel like I wanted to put on my own soundtrack while playing the game. If it's any testament to the games music, I would even go into the options menu just to play the games soundtrack a few occasions.\n\nThe story of the game is its weakest area. The game uses nearly every JRPG trope. I knew of every upcoming plot twist and action. This made me really sad as someone who enjoys a good narrative. I must admit though that not once did the narrative become convoluted. It served its purpous rather well, and that was to transition from dungeon to dungeon and the awesomely addicting gameplay.\n\nThe gameplay of Ys is where it's at. A simple mixture of semi strategic hack n slash with a dabble of platforming and RPG light elements. Combat is fast, fluid and when you get hit it's ultimately you're fault. The game doesn't offer that much in terms of different combos. You can perform only basic ground and air combos. You can't knock an enemy into the air and combo them further. What you can do is cancel combos to get in more hits. There are 3 magic in the game, but playing on normal I didn't find much use for them. The most useful if magics is the earth dash as it nullifies enemy attacks. Once you get this magic it'll be you're go to magic. This is because the game doesn't feature a shield or dodge roll which some may find annoying, but I understood it as part of the game.\n\nLevel design is simplistic and yet very well done. That being said, there are a few areas where you can enter a new screen keep holding the same direction, and move yourself back into the previous area. It's a personal annoyance to me. These areas are few and far between so it's not that big of a deal. The platforming segents mainly located towards the end of the game are well thought out. I initially believed I was going to have trouble with them until I realised your character shadow does appear on the ground. This way you could at least tell where you might land. For people who fear platforming there is a mode in options to make it even easier, and even at that there no fall related deaths in the game.\n\nThe bosses are where the game really shines. Each boss fight presents a new challenge and build upon eachother as the game progresses. You're first time playing the game the bosses will kick your ass, unless you're an uber-gamer, don't get discouraged. Their attacks hit hard, and require precise timing to dodge. There is also limited time to hit the bosses. That window becomes less and less as the game goes on forcing you to get better with your attack dodging. This type of progression is saught after by me, because no matter how much someone could power level, you still need the skill to back it up. Speaking of leveling in this game, I didn't have to grind more than one time, and the combat is so fluid and fun it didn't even feel like grinding and lasted all of thirty minutes anyways.\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana isn't an expierence I'll soon forget. Nearly all elements of the game blend harmoniously into a polished hidden gem just waiting to be stumbled upon. I thought I was risking $15 paying full price for the game, but my apprehension was laid to rest quickly.", "timestamp_created": 1385447237, "timestamp_updated": 1385960875, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 73, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.816852", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7753057": {"recommendationid": "7753057", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976824494", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 67, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1365836400}, "language": "english", "review": "SNES style action at its best", "timestamp_created": 1385424086, "timestamp_updated": 1385424086, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7751043": {"recommendationid": "7751043", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022488414", "num_games_owned": 338, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1224, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429118292}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a remake of Ys III with a brand new engine, reworked storyline, and remastered music. You play as Adol Crispin, a badass red-haired silent hero, visiting a new land called Felghana with your friend Dogi. The story is rather simplistic, so don't expect much from it, but it is serviciable. The meat and bone of this game are, as expected, the combat and its multiple bosses. There are multiple standard moves, and as the game progresses, you will gain newer skills to help you out, all those skills will remain useful for all the game.\n\nThe game's Normal is quite hard for a first timer, but it is actually recommended to start there. This is challenging game, so don't cripple yourself too much, or the game, by playing on Easy mode.\n\nThis game also includes a Boss Rush mode available after the game, that can be played in many difficulities, some will make you pull your hair, but you will feel amazing while doing them.\n\nIf you want to get a valid gamer card, you don't play Dark Souls, you play Ys!", "timestamp_created": 1385419828, "timestamp_updated": 1385419828, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 19, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.633313", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7743821": {"recommendationid": "7743821", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963799189", "num_games_owned": 4746, "num_reviews": 75, "playtime_forever": 1012, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481988246}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a very easy game to jump into storywise, even if you have not played any of the previous games in the series. It has its own epic tale to tell, and knowledge of previous events is not required. A fair warning though: if you have never played a Ys game before, start on Easy or Very Easy. I'm not trying to scare you away, but Oath is without a doubt one of the most challenging games to hit the market in recent times. If you choose normal, prepare to die a LOT during the massive boss encounters. That is not to say that the game is cheap or unbalanced, as often tempering your equipment or simply gaining another level will even the playing field. The reward lies in the challenge, and you WILL feel a great sense of accomplishment each time you finally triumph over your foe.\n\nOne way to describe the gameplay in Oath would be to imagine an amped-up Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Add blazing speed and the ability to jump into the mix, and toss with a heavy dash of well-executed platforming, and you have a hearty recipe for gaming success. Don't just go rushing in headfirst hacking away at your foes with reckless abandon however, the combat in Oath requires a fair bit of strategy. You will have at your disposal three elemental rings, and the powers they bestow upon you are necessary to dispatch your foes with efficiency. Always be on the lookout in hard to reach areas, as you can always find hidden chests containing upgrades and new equipment, as well as the Raval ore needed to temper your gear at the smithy in town.\n\nBack to the topic of combat. The boss encounters in Oath are epic in scale, and they take a fair bit of thinking to overcome. Simply flailing away with reckless abandon is sure to get you killed. Don't be afraid of failure however, if you die in a boss fight you will be given the option to retry as many times as you wish (though beware, dying 10 times to the same boss and the game will mock you with an \"achievement\"). The key to success is to study the bosses patterns, and use the proper attack for the job. If all else fails you can grind a level or two, or temper your gear as I pointed out before.\n\nIt truly is a grand day for the Steam Community and Ys fans alike now that one of the finest games in the series has hit the platform, and with promises of Ys: Origin on the horizon. Oath will definitely fulfill the wishes of anyone who desires a solid JRPG experience on their PC. With an epic storyline, badass bosses, masterful music, gorgeous graphics, and all around gratuitous gameplay, Ys: The Oath in Felghana does NOT disappoint. With unlockables such as higher difficulties, time attack, and boss rush modes, players will be entertained long after the main story has wrapped up. What are you waiting for? Go get your Ys fix now!", "timestamp_created": 1385408899, "timestamp_updated": 1385408899, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 20, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.599407", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7322035": {"recommendationid": "7322035", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055389903", "num_games_owned": 497, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425019958}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is Action-RPG in its most distilled form. From the non-stop action to the epic boss battles and the magnificent guitar-driven soundtrack, few games keep your pulse pounding like this one. The PC version alas is missing the voice-overs of the PSP version, but otherwise the graphics here is better and the 60fps is a pleasure to witness. If you even remotely like Japanese RPGS, you can't go wrong with The Oath in Felghana. 9/10", "timestamp_created": 1381058686, "timestamp_updated": 1381058686, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507407", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1960281": {"recommendationid": "1960281", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000289143", "num_games_owned": 416, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 5128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499460456}, "language": "english", "review": "First time I've played all the way through a JRPG in years.", "timestamp_created": 1380323277, "timestamp_updated": 1380323277, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4095545": {"recommendationid": "4095545", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031976721", "num_games_owned": 1122, "num_reviews": 62, "playtime_forever": 7207, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1, "last_played": 1516416669}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc7ac\ubc0c\uae34 \ud55c\ub370 \ub3c8 \uc880 \ub354 \uc8fc\uace0 \uc774\uc2a4 \uc624\ub9ac\uc9c4 \uc0ac\ub294\uac8c \ucee8\ud150\uce20\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \ub354 \uc720\ub9ac\ud558\ub2e4. \uc5b4\ucc28\ud53c \ud398\ub974\uac00\ub098 \uc544\ub3cc \uac70\uae30\uc11c\ub3c4 \ub098\uc634.", "timestamp_created": 1379851611, "timestamp_updated": 1431872975, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "741284": {"recommendationid": "741284", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977081885", "num_games_owned": 524, "num_reviews": 368, "playtime_forever": 37, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1381640717}, "language": "english", "review": "y?", "timestamp_created": 1378840613, "timestamp_updated": 1385414162, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.430781", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "254191": {"recommendationid": "254191", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966707780", "num_games_owned": 1021, "num_reviews": 89, "playtime_forever": 209, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356681600}, "language": "english", "review": "It took me the longest time to figure out how you pronounce the title of these games.\nThank you, Hayate no Gotoku, for teaching me something so important.", "timestamp_created": 1378088011, "timestamp_updated": 1378088011, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499962", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "934513": {"recommendationid": "934513", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982460446", "num_games_owned": 782, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 1630, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450364953}, "language": "english", "review": "If you can perservere through the difficulty, a fun and rewarding experience awaits.\n\nOverall 9/10\n\nMusic 1000/10", "timestamp_created": 1377416846, "timestamp_updated": 1377416846, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7049454": {"recommendationid": "7049454", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084054056", "num_games_owned": 489, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 661, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1381818837}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys has always been a classic to many fans of the JRPG genre, you have an unforgettable tale of adventure with the main hero, Adol Christian and his pal, Dogi and this game being a reimaging of the classic, Wanderers From Ys just with a bit of a twist. With new magic spells, added skills and extra challenges, it gives the player many a replay to look forward to. Now mind you, if you're not into ARPGs, or JRPGs this might not be for you but if you ARE or looking for a challenge, well this game suits you with one.", "timestamp_created": 1377264361, "timestamp_updated": 1377264361, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1626626": {"recommendationid": "1626626", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995561810", "num_games_owned": 137, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1231, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1377551389}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good game :) \n+ Good graphics\n+ Very good story\n+ Good gameplay\n+ \"Good to Play\"\n:D", "timestamp_created": 1377023045, "timestamp_updated": 1377023045, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.509874", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2367289": {"recommendationid": "2367289", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006418715", "num_games_owned": 414, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1429, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1350975600}, "language": "english", "review": "Great Game, very challenging, decent length and sweet Bossfights. Buy this shit.", "timestamp_created": 1376839915, "timestamp_updated": 1426304163, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4666983": {"recommendationid": "4666983", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040558326", "num_games_owned": 631, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 1569, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1370943995}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Este es uno de esos juegos que deben ser jugados. Con un sabor retro inigualable, buena historia y la dificultad es insanamente mayor a muchos juegos, pues en modo normal ya es todo un reto, en modo dif\u00edcil a mi parecer ya es un poco masoquista... no quiero ni intentar en pesadilla\u2026 \nEl juego ofrece una gran cantidad de enemigos sorprendentemente bien pensados, las batallas requieren de habilidad, coordinaci\u00f3n e intuici\u00f3n.\nUn gran titulo sin lugar a dudas, recomendado jugarlo con control aunque desafortunadamente no funciona la vibraci\u00f3n pero la experiencia de juego es mucho mejor con el control que con el teclado.\n", "timestamp_created": 1376593972, "timestamp_updated": 1376593972, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1811398": {"recommendationid": "1811398", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998316515", "num_games_owned": 374, "num_reviews": 68, "playtime_forever": 1836, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1376264774}, "language": "english", "review": "A very good action Rpg with simple mechanics, great music and boss fights that make you throw your keyboard/controller.\n\nGame was hard as fuck", "timestamp_created": 1376272900, "timestamp_updated": 1376272900, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6396880": {"recommendationid": "6396880", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065401152", "num_games_owned": 224, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1553, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450894545}, "language": "english", "review": "A fast-paced, combat/combo-centered action rpg from an isometric perspective. So, Castlevania meets Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (no puzzles,a little platforming). Though I started the series with Ys: Origins, I'm enjoying this one more: better soundtrack, and having a town and an overworld is nice.", "timestamp_created": 1376033086, "timestamp_updated": 1385421120, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "689669": {"recommendationid": "689669", "author": {"steamid": "76561197975572145", "num_games_owned": 220, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1516, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433218249}, "language": "english", "review": "This whole series is great. You play as the master Swordsman Adol Christin, a read haired dude that woke up with wanderlust one day, travels around the globe in search of adventure, fulfills prophecies left and right with his best bro Dogi \"the wallcrusher\" and a metal band. Fine bitches keep throwing themselves at him left and right but he breaks all their hearts, because he's Adol fuckin' Christin and Adventure is the only mistress he craves.", "timestamp_created": 1374733082, "timestamp_updated": 1374733082, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2524221": {"recommendationid": "2524221", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008745161", "num_games_owned": 290, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 108, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1374686275}, "language": "english", "review": "Help my face hurts playing this", "timestamp_created": 1374687381, "timestamp_updated": 1374687381, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3519417": {"recommendationid": "3519417", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024096136", "num_games_owned": 185, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 3487, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434979527}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u65e5\u672c\u306e\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u306e\u304f\u305b\u3057\u3066\u5168\u3066\u82f1\u8a9e\u8868\u8a18\u3060\u3051\u3069\u30d7\u30ec\u30a4\u306b\u652f\u969c\u304c\u51fa\u308b\u307b\u3069\u306e\u3082\u306e\u3067\u306f\u306a\u3044\n\u73fe\u72b6\u3001\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u5316\u306f\u3067\u304d\u306a\u3044\u3089\u3057\u3044\n\u30a2\u30af\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u3068\u3057\u3066\u306f\u304b\u306a\u308a\u9aa8\u592a\u3067\u9577\u304f\u904a\u3079\u308b\n\u305f\u3060\u3001\u4e00\u90e8\u306e\u30dc\u30b9\u6226\u3067\u6975\u3005\u7a00\u306b\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\u304c\u304d\u304b\u306a\u304f\u306a\u308b\u3068\u3053\u308d\u304c\u30a4\u30e9\u30a4\u30e9\u30dd\u30a4\u30f3\u30c8\u3060\u3063\u305f\nPC\u30b9\u30da\u30c3\u30af\u304c\u9ad8\u3051\u308c\u3070\u305d\u3046\u3044\u3046\u73fe\u8c61\u306f\u8d77\u304d\u306a\u3044\u304b\u3082\u3057\u308c\u306a\u3044\n", "timestamp_created": 1374680161, "timestamp_updated": 1374680161, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.478261", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "308885": {"recommendationid": "308885", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968310633", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 531, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1375147157}, "language": "english", "review": "good action JRPG!", "timestamp_created": 1374640152, "timestamp_updated": 1374640152, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "138407": {"recommendationid": "138407", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963074193", "num_games_owned": 704, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 1816, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1437912202}, "language": "english", "review": "mega ball bustin, hell yea", "timestamp_created": 1374627982, "timestamp_updated": 1374627982, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497288", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2534040": {"recommendationid": "2534040", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008906680", "num_games_owned": 655, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 782, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433227661}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Aquela sensa\u00e7\u00e3o de jogar Super NES (mas agora entendendo a hist\u00f3ria).", "timestamp_created": 1374624754, "timestamp_updated": 1374624754, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1606997": {"recommendationid": "1606997", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995302724", "num_games_owned": 916, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 0, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 0}, "language": "english", "review": "Best Action RPG since Secret of Mana 3, must-buy A++ game.", "timestamp_created": 1374610188, "timestamp_updated": 1374610188, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555064", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "732821": {"recommendationid": "732821", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976854110", "num_games_owned": 774, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 313, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485923765}, "language": "english", "review": "slashy", "timestamp_created": 1374367211, "timestamp_updated": 1421985074, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "506127": {"recommendationid": "506127", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971267030", "num_games_owned": 191, "num_reviews": 62, "playtime_forever": 775, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422762091}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty solid action-RPG with some interesting boss fights. It's the right kind of hard, where you realize that all of your failures are because you're a terrible, worthless person. And the soundtrack is top-tier if you're into prog rock!", "timestamp_created": 1374246079, "timestamp_updated": 1416676035, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3160605": {"recommendationid": "3160605", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018401824", "num_games_owned": 521, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 1647, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434436151}, "language": "english", "review": "Classic Japaneses Action, platform, beat them up, RPG, this games has been updated with HD wide screen graphics and supports the xBox 360 controller on the PC.\nThis game is short with great fast game play, requires very little grinding and has awesome music.", "timestamp_created": 1374104355, "timestamp_updated": 1374104355, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5869362": {"recommendationid": "5869362", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055739084", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1909, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454160226}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Simplemente genial", "timestamp_created": 1374072897, "timestamp_updated": 1374072897, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3598544": {"recommendationid": "3598544", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025127873", "num_games_owned": 334, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1179, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435336860}, "language": "spanish", "review": "R\u00e1pido y fren\u00e9tico. Es como si Terranigma y un shumup japones hubieran tenido un hijo.", "timestamp_created": 1374063609, "timestamp_updated": 1374063609, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3477675": {"recommendationid": "3477675", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023420000", "num_games_owned": 560, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1159, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421347405}, "language": "english", "review": "A jRPG with an actually fun and fast-paced combat system and it's on PC! Whaaaa?", "timestamp_created": 1373925998, "timestamp_updated": 1373925998, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1800184": {"recommendationid": "1800184", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998163088", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 2179, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1382937396}, "language": "english", "review": "Do you like good music? Do you like to go fast? Do you like to be challenged? Do you like swords? Do you like to go fast with swords? Then do I have a game for you.", "timestamp_created": 1373814035, "timestamp_updated": 1373814035, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4629411": {"recommendationid": "4629411", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040037065", "num_games_owned": 559, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 278, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466708314}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0440\u0435\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0439 (\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0439) \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b.\n\u041e\u0442 \u043e\u0440\u0438\u0433\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u0432 \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0430\u0447\u0438 \u0441\u044e\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0430 \u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e (\u0434\u0430 \u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0446\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430 \u0442\u043e\u0436\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0441\u044c). \u0421\u0430\u043c\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0445\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0441\u044b \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u044b\u0445 \u0438 \u044f\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440, \u043d\u043e \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u043e\u043d\u0438 \u043a\u0430\u043a-\u0442\u043e \u043d\u0435 \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0431\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0430\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0432 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0430, \u0430 \u0441\u0430\u043c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0441 \u0438 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u0443\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0434\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u043e\u0442\u0432\u043b\u0435\u0447\u044c\u0441\u044f.", "timestamp_created": 1373740825, "timestamp_updated": 1489223483, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502211", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1603839": {"recommendationid": "1603839", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995274635", "num_games_owned": 759, "num_reviews": 95, "playtime_forever": 35, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417274357}, "language": "english", "review": "are you a masochist?\ndo you like good games?\ndo you like brilliant soundtracks?\nthen why the hell haven't you bought this game yet", "timestamp_created": 1373713447, "timestamp_updated": 1385417196, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 20, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.599958", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6952934": {"recommendationid": "6952934", "author": {"steamid": "76561198080424813", "num_games_owned": 57, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 997, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496129465}, "language": "german", "review": "Wer auf Action, RPG usw. steht sollte sich das Spiel kaufen es lohnt sich", "timestamp_created": 1373674334, "timestamp_updated": 1373674334, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.437666", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1682317": {"recommendationid": "1682317", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996384673", "num_games_owned": 415, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1268, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1390086955}, "language": "english", "review": "A great game, which you should buy and play or you're bald and foolish. Tough and challenging, but so it should be. Finished it on Hard, and DAMN DID I FEEL AWESOME.\n\nWhile most of the story is predictable, it's just so fun to cut stuff and bring peace to Felghana.\n\nBuy it and when you're at it, BRINGEN SIE MIR FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN\nFEGELEIN FEGELEIN!", "timestamp_created": 1372527544, "timestamp_updated": 1372527544, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4159146": {"recommendationid": "4159146", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033021862", "num_games_owned": 825, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 1828, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451511507}, "language": "english", "review": "The game is almost too Ysy.", "timestamp_created": 1372369071, "timestamp_updated": 1372369071, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.474138", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3664052": {"recommendationid": "3664052", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025758732", "num_games_owned": 546, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 2428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432238071}, "language": "english", "review": "It's too bad the Ys games aren't more popular, because they're a ton of fun. Although I can understand why this is the case; if you want a deep story with well-developed characters in a rich, vibrant world, you're probably better off looking elsewhere. (Or you could read a book.)\n\nHowever, if your cup of tea happens to be runney-jumpey-hackey-slashey-swing-your-swordey-things-get-deadey gameplay where you mow down swarms of monsters, all building up to fights against gargantuan, screen-filling bosses with heavy rock music playing in the background, then you should totally give the Ys series a try. Like I said, they're a lot of fun.\n\nI haven't played all the games in the series, but out of the ones I have played, I feel that The Oath in Felghana is pretty good game to start out with. I & II are fun, but very much showing their age; Seven is a good one also (and was actually my first Ys game), but it's only for PSP. I would actually argue that Origin is better than The Oath in Felghana, but being a prequel, it does have some spoilers for Ys I, and it doesn't have everyone's favorite mute redheaded berserker.\n\nEvery Ys game also comes with multiple difficulty settings, so if you want to let off steam by making everything that looks at you the wrong way your bitch, there's Easy and Very Easy. If you like a really good challenge, there's Nightmare and Inferno. And yes, holding down your jump button (at least I think it's the jump button, off the top of my head) speeds up the text scrolling in the cutscenes.\n\nSpeaking of buttons, if you have a USB controller, you're definitely going to want to dust it off; in my opinion, Ys games weren't meant to be played with a keyboard.", "timestamp_created": 1370048655, "timestamp_updated": 1370048655, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.578064", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "107094": {"recommendationid": "107094", "author": {"steamid": "76561197962001532", "num_games_owned": 211, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1072, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1371152199}, "language": "english", "review": "The ground is too soft.", "timestamp_created": 1369448534, "timestamp_updated": 1369448534, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5276063": {"recommendationid": "5276063", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047292749", "num_games_owned": 180, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1369520540}, "language": "english", "review": "This excellent game has a 3/4th isometric view that reminds me of an older platform game called Landstalker, but with the leveling aspects typical of action oriented role-playing games. The music great and the bosses are just difficult enough to keep you coming back. The only feature that is really missing from the Steam version is the voice dialog that the later PSP port included.", "timestamp_created": 1369394547, "timestamp_updated": 1387976380, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "136383": {"recommendationid": "136383", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963002630", "num_games_owned": 281, "num_reviews": 41, "playtime_forever": 115, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1359878400}, "language": "english", "review": "Old Good.", "timestamp_created": 1369142910, "timestamp_updated": 1369142910, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2061586": {"recommendationid": "2061586", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001656684", "num_games_owned": 328, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1072, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344495600}, "language": "english", "review": "Ahahaha, this game is awesome.\n\nLook, the game is simple. You go around, beat up monsters, platform, jump, story's just kind of there, and the bad guy's named Chester. But it's great.\n\nBoss fights are definitely the highlight of the game. Music is great, always from Falcom's standards. Dodge bullets, swing swords, platform, use magic, solve puzzles! Great fun and music you can air guitar to. It's just all great fun.\n\nOh, if I have to criticize...\n\nTHE BAD GUY'S NAME IS CHESTER.", "timestamp_created": 1369101880, "timestamp_updated": 1369101880, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1765053": {"recommendationid": "1765053", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997661118", "num_games_owned": 359, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 6144, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510687225}, "language": "english", "review": "Oath in Felghana is actually a remake of Ys III: Wanderers of Ys, which was released on many consoles during the 16-bit era. It was a side-scroller, played a lot like Zelda 2. However, it received a lot of backlash from fans, but Falcom took notice and eventually remade Ys III in the style of the previous game (released before Oath in Felghana), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim, but greatly improved on its' engine. And not just that, but the story was retold in both a different and yet similar way and the music was given a complete overhaul as well. It's easily my favourite game in the series, I highly recommend it for anyone who loves a challenge. And Zelda-like games.", "timestamp_created": 1368995745, "timestamp_updated": 1368995745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500722", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1040934": {"recommendationid": "1040934", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985093456", "num_games_owned": 124, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388167886}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun and addictive JRPG. Not super long, but there's multiple difficulties to make up for that. The story's about as thin as they get with these, but that's likely a result of its being a remake.\n\nThe combats fun, scouring each area for items is fun, and it looks great. For 15 bucks you don't have a lot to lose.", "timestamp_created": 1368928452, "timestamp_updated": 1368928452, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "357729": {"recommendationid": "357729", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969511161", "num_games_owned": 510, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1107, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1404956037}, "language": "english", "review": "Muh Castlevanias, muh animes.", "timestamp_created": 1368748581, "timestamp_updated": 1368748581, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7061967": {"recommendationid": "7061967", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084556409", "num_games_owned": 330, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 994, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428697976}, "language": "english", "review": "Good game", "timestamp_created": 1368480258, "timestamp_updated": 1368480258, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5133361": {"recommendationid": "5133361", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045436361", "num_games_owned": 457, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2000, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497606519}, "language": "english", "review": "Do you like anime? An awesome soundtrack that almost never stops rockin'? A somewhat cliche but nontheless awesome storyline? How about brutally difficulty, fast-paced, real time RPG combat? Blend that all together and you have Ys - The Oath in Felghana. I know nothing about the original Ys games, nor have I played the other three on Steam yet. But as an intro to the series, I am very pleased I picked this up. Am I completely terrible at the game? You bet I am, but damned if I haven't enjoyed every second of playing through it. Minus the last few boss fights.. they will make you cry blood. Through your ass. <3", "timestamp_created": 1367504727, "timestamp_updated": 1367504727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1377820": {"recommendationid": "1377820", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992407255", "num_games_owned": 364, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 1055, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1362124800}, "language": "english", "review": "I never knew how much I missed old school Japanese games until I loaded this baby up. Strikes the perfect balance of challenge and playability. Had never played an Ys title before, but now I'm determined to hunt down as many as I can find. The design aesthetic, music, gameplay, and even the characters makes for a great little package. You don't need any prior knowledge of the Ys franchise to get the most out of this game. Finished in about 20 hrs....Then hunted down Ys III (on which this is based) for the TG-16, and played through that.....and then played through Felghana again. This game rocks.\n\nP.S. Look through the steam forums for instructions on how to patch in the voice dubbing.", "timestamp_created": 1365191512, "timestamp_updated": 1365191512, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5034434": {"recommendationid": "5034434", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044394836", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1080, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500305285}, "language": "bulgarian", "review": "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0442\u043e \u0430\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0435 \u0435\u043a\u0448\u044a\u043d RPG! :)", "timestamp_created": 1365001165, "timestamp_updated": 1392253059, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2693321": {"recommendationid": "2693321", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011178675", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1299, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421280419}, "language": "english", "review": "A hardcore Action RPG. You beat Diablo series, you're ok. You beat this game, you're awesome.", "timestamp_created": 1364836442, "timestamp_updated": 1364836442, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6314116": {"recommendationid": "6314116", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063520777", "num_games_owned": 431, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 606, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1364713200}, "language": "english", "review": "Worth the money if you like Action RPGs.", "timestamp_created": 1364822989, "timestamp_updated": 1364822989, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4649442": {"recommendationid": "4649442", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040334612", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1457, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422726515}, "language": "english", "review": "grate game. love killing slimejons.\n\nplay as adol the red and kill all the peopls and bad doods and learn to accept ys as da awesome game of the year\n\nbut watch out for the dunkaroos\n\nthey will jam you and you'll go \"ow\"\n\n2/10\n\noh wait this is a good game\n\n10/10 fun game of the fun year", "timestamp_created": 1364452368, "timestamp_updated": 1364452368, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3754081": {"recommendationid": "3754081", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026999250", "num_games_owned": 183, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1234, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343804400}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is the game The Legend of Zelda wishes it could be. Action-RPG fans need to play this, as well as every other Ys game.", "timestamp_created": 1364253550, "timestamp_updated": 1364253550, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "137283": {"recommendationid": "137283", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963035255", "num_games_owned": 529, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 313, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1354521600}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game, hints of Alundra, Secret of Mana & Legend of Zelda.", "timestamp_created": 1364128115, "timestamp_updated": 1364128115, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "727392": {"recommendationid": "727392", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976703753", "num_games_owned": 833, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 861, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456726522}, "language": "english", "review": "A fast-paced & challenging hack 'n slash RPG.", "timestamp_created": 1363641540, "timestamp_updated": 1363641540, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4770208": {"recommendationid": "4770208", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041655823", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1041, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1408589754}, "language": "english", "review": "This game feels like a classic SNES game, while at the same time having HD graphics, and a great soundtrack. If you liked Secret of Mana, you should give this a try.", "timestamp_created": 1362934360, "timestamp_updated": 1362934360, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4308386": {"recommendationid": "4308386", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035375228", "num_games_owned": 404, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 823, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431244451}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: Da Oath up in Felghana (\u30a4\u30fc\u30b9 -\u30d5\u30a7\u30eb\u30ac\u30ca\u306e\ufffd\"\u3044- \u012asu -Ferugana no Chikai-?) be a Japanese Action RPG busted out up in 2005 fo' Microsizzlez Windows by Nihon Falcom. It be a remake of tha third game up in tha Ys series, Ys Pt III: Wanderers from Ys fo' realz. A PSP version was busted out on April 22, 2010 up in Japan.[1] XSEED Game busted out tha PSP version up in English up in Uptown Tha Ghetto on November 2, 2010, n' up in Europe (only on PlayStation Network) on January 27, 2011.[2] XSEED also busted out tha Windows version up in English ghettowide all up in Screw on March 19, 2012.[3] A hustla translation patch was also busted fo' tha Japanese PC version of tha game. \n\nAs up in Ys Pt III, Adol Christin n' his wild lil' playa Dogi is travelin ta Dogiz hometown of Redmont three muthafuckin years afta tha eventz of tha straight-up original gangsta two game. Upon arriving, they discover dat evil happenings is threatenin tha townsplayas, n' it is up ta Adol ta put a stop ta dat shit.\n\nDa basic deal has been slightly modified from tha original, n' expanded all up in tha bust of additionizzle scenes.", "timestamp_created": 1362340699, "timestamp_updated": 1362340699, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500175", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "490409": {"recommendationid": "490409", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971072805", "num_games_owned": 422, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 1231, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427304479}, "language": "english", "review": "A remake of one of my favorite SNES games, this is an action RPG with a big ass emphasis on the action part. You run, jump and slash your way through this high octane game while listening to the amazing heavy metal-ish soundtrack. Not for everybody, but damn I loved it.", "timestamp_created": 1362174014, "timestamp_updated": 1362174014, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1046585": {"recommendationid": "1046585", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985230217", "num_games_owned": 638, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 1017, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433029394}, "language": "english", "review": "hey. HEY\nthis game is amazing. play it.", "timestamp_created": 1361167244, "timestamp_updated": 1361167244, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3849523": {"recommendationid": "3849523", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028103514", "num_games_owned": 2151, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 3592, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1357459200}, "language": "english", "review": "Plot, characters and graphics are quite obsolete for today's standards, but... Gosh... BEST BOSS BATTLES EVER. Don't be a sissy, play at the highest difficulty right ahead and don't overlevel them to get the most enjoyment from this game. Controller is recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1360895875, "timestamp_updated": 1385406521, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3858389": {"recommendationid": "3858389", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028207910", "num_games_owned": 544, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 1567, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1361952000}, "language": "english", "review": "Cool Game.\nis on of the Games that gived me i bit of old school RPG gameplay.(in a Positive way!)\nthe Music is Awesome, Gameplay Fun, the Story is ok and for 12\u20ac a good deal where i didn't ffel like wasting time.\ntranslation is good to(and if i say good it enjoyable because im really HATING bad Translation/synch).\n\nHF O~O", "timestamp_created": 1360668570, "timestamp_updated": 1360668570, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.478261", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3876286": {"recommendationid": "3876286", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028439325", "num_games_owned": 448, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 158, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471546338}, "language": "english", "review": "A great action RPG with some of the best boss fights in any game I've played so far, Ys: The Oath in Felghana is probably the best game in its genre as of yet. With a good story, excellent gameplay, great music, and fun as fuck and challenging boss fights, Ys OiF is a must-play for any fan of action-oriented JRPGs (though you should play Ys: Ark of Napishtim first).\n\nAlso, for your information, this is a remake of a previous Ys game (Ys III: Wanderers from Ys). It's not necessary to play the original, but it's fun regardless.", "timestamp_created": 1359672138, "timestamp_updated": 1359672138, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "313773": {"recommendationid": "313773", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968407942", "num_games_owned": 460, "num_reviews": 86, "playtime_forever": 1280, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1359964800}, "language": "english", "review": "Growing up, I guess I never realized that Wanderers From Ys was kinda...crappy. You don't really think about how bullshitty games were back then when you were a kid, you just thought that taping the attack button down in the first dungeon and coming back later when you're at max level is just a thing you do. Most of the Ys games don't hold up really well, and that's why I'm glad Falcom has continually revisited the series while progressing it over the years.\n\nThis remake of Wanderers from Ys is completely top shelf. Sure, the story's still about as dry as it ever was, but the game is just a damn joy to play. Fast-paced, breakneck combat cut with (almost always) just the right amount of punishing difficulty and the spectacularly responsive controls make it a joy to play for those of us that like a good bit of twitch reflexes and pattern memorization. There's rarely ever any need to grind like in the original either, given that each dungeon is set to level you up appropriately before each boss encounter.\n\nMy only real issue is that the game's balance can be a bit wonky and a few boss encounters border on unfair and completely luck based. It's just really weird how a few times simply gaining one level or piece of gear will suddenly cut enemy damage down by 50-75%, and a few bosses can get really cheap in their patterns by either canceling their vulnerable states with attacks you simply can't dodge or unleashing a combination of attacks that trap you in a way that's really unfair. \n\nEven with its slight flaws, Oath in Felghana was a treat to roll through and I felt satisfied with my victory in the end in a way modern games don't really strive for anymore.", "timestamp_created": 1359471390, "timestamp_updated": 1385409394, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1694303": {"recommendationid": "1694303", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996575664", "num_games_owned": 406, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 945, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1359446400}, "language": "english", "review": "While enjoyable, this game is brutal on anything higher than normal. It is a sprite based hack and slash game determined to whoop you good. The story has its moments but nothing that makes it stand out from all the other RPGs. The gear progression has very nice pacing, although there is very minimum backtracking which kind of dulls the excitement of new items.", "timestamp_created": 1359390344, "timestamp_updated": 1385409348, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495663", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6048699": {"recommendationid": "6048699", "author": {"steamid": "76561198057953038", "num_games_owned": 107, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 1426, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430564736}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good game , especially recommended to anime lovers", "timestamp_created": 1359388470, "timestamp_updated": 1359388470, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6852914": {"recommendationid": "6852914", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077345586", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1661, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1364713200}, "language": "english", "review": "very good action rpg <3", "timestamp_created": 1359327861, "timestamp_updated": 1359327861, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4974722": {"recommendationid": "4974722", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043869907", "num_games_owned": 166, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2150, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473528610}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Buen\u00edsimo... Un action RPG r\u00e1pido y adictivo 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1358539604, "timestamp_updated": 1358539604, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5283905": {"recommendationid": "5283905", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047398971", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2414, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435731626}, "language": "english", "review": ".", "timestamp_created": 1358340374, "timestamp_updated": 1488286776, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5107508": {"recommendationid": "5107508", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045118115", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 379, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452615950}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Para quem gosta de jogos com belas musicas \u2665", "timestamp_created": 1357624422, "timestamp_updated": 1357624422, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3647679": {"recommendationid": "3647679", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025573917", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1357632000}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is unforgiving at early levels, but once you figure the patterns its a fun little distraction. Just beware. for those good at patterns you can get deceptively far with no problems and get splatted by powerful boss attacks.", "timestamp_created": 1357617543, "timestamp_updated": 1357617543, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "659194": {"recommendationid": "659194", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974570403", "num_games_owned": 443, "num_reviews": 103, "playtime_forever": 399, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1412995554}, "language": "english", "review": "stupid hard game made by stupid hard japanese men looking for a quick buck and a quick way to recruit new recruits into their strange weird cult cultures where they buy schoolgirl panties and trade them as collectible. BUYERS BEWARE!!!", "timestamp_created": 1357588558, "timestamp_updated": 1357588558, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.550770", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5384083": {"recommendationid": "5384083", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048899858", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 908, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356854400}, "language": "english", "review": "A remake of Ys III Wanderer From Ys, fast and really hard bosses.", "timestamp_created": 1357533568, "timestamp_updated": 1357533568, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2365200": {"recommendationid": "2365200", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006394590", "num_games_owned": 3966, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 502, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1364626800}, "language": "english", "review": "OMG its so hard -_-' you will go bald with the amount of dying you do but the game has some really fantastic bosses and the OST is truly amazing and even the story had me interested overall well worth a purchase but seriously just dont expect and easy ride the game is really quite difficult and you will die alot but its quite satisfying clearing an area when your health is so low :D buy it if you look tough games with the aforementioned attributes", "timestamp_created": 1357414391, "timestamp_updated": 1357414391, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2103209": {"recommendationid": "2103209", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002359992", "num_games_owned": 226, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 911, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345791600}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10 Action RPG", "timestamp_created": 1357376793, "timestamp_updated": 1357376793, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4434637": {"recommendationid": "4434637", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037100585", "num_games_owned": 164, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 2645, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471475355}, "language": "english", "review": "Reworking of the review edition:\n\nRecommendation is unchanged.\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana is a full rework of the older Ys title \"Wanderers From Ys\", aka Ys III. The game is restructured as a top-down metroidvania reminiscent of Ys VI, which was their first title to use this layout. In place of modification rings is a magic ring system that would be repeated in Ys Origin, in which each ring serves a purpose at least once in this game.\n\nSome much-needed changes in the dialogue, to reflect a more bold story, was welcoming; the music is a more modern remaster of the music of Ys III, done by the same in-house band, breathing new life into this rework.\n\nHowever you don't need to know about the Ys series in order to enjoy this game. Exploration, combat and the engaging story is well worth the money you can invest. After you beat the game, you can particpate in Boss Rush to get the best boss kill times; or even try your hand at the insanely cruel Inferno skill if Nightmare was not punishing enough.\n\nWelcome to Felghana, remastered.", "timestamp_created": 1357323841, "timestamp_updated": 1471476172, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4005446": {"recommendationid": "4005446", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030579451", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1095, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356163200}, "language": "english", "review": "We need more JRPGs on Steam. The Ys series is a classic and it took long enough to get on Steam. Here's to hoping XSEED will release more Ys games in here, namely Ys Seven (wink wink).", "timestamp_created": 1357226082, "timestamp_updated": 1357226082, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "591692": {"recommendationid": "591692", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972562520", "num_games_owned": 309, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1379, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438760157}, "language": "english", "review": "There are few games in this world worth playing twice. Fewer still that merit a third go.\n\nYs: The Oath in Felghana is one of the rare titles that deserves even more than that.", "timestamp_created": 1356832667, "timestamp_updated": 1356832667, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1150027": {"recommendationid": "1150027", "author": {"steamid": "76561197987889359", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 135, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1357027200}, "language": "english", "review": "Harder than Diamonds", "timestamp_created": 1356803821, "timestamp_updated": 1356803821, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4446352": {"recommendationid": "4446352", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037299711", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 1603, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430073015}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is one of the best JRPGs on Steam at the moment, but Ys: Origin is slightly better in most ways. This Ys game has more - and better - metal music than Origin does, but Origin really nailed the violin sound, much better than this game. Besides that, this game isn't quite as linear as Origin, but then Origin makes up for it by telling a better story and multiple characters with multiple stories.\n\nThis game's graphics can be slightly bland with the odd shading style, but in a way it's quite a work of art. The level designs are actually well done. The controls are responsive besides my nit pick with upward slashing. Bosses are EPIC, especially as you progress. The game is literally worth $5 JUST for the boss fights. It's a fun game that will probably take you about 10-15 hours to beat once, but if you want to get all the items and sidequests (there aren't a lot of items, as it's a fairly short game compared to most RPGs), you'll probably spend more than 15 hours. I admit the story could be better, but in the end it's a great game!\n\nRating: 7/10\nWorth: $5 - $10", "timestamp_created": 1356755996, "timestamp_updated": 1356755996, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4978062": {"recommendationid": "4978062", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043891670", "num_games_owned": 316, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1651, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1393082842}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "japao", "timestamp_created": 1356650134, "timestamp_updated": 1356650134, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3870491": {"recommendationid": "3870491", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028363174", "num_games_owned": 147, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 477, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421677954}, "language": "english", "review": "Soild Action JRPG. Plays more like Diablo than your Final Fantasy's of this world. Ace game. Nice graphic style. Bosses are insane and even on normal I die, die and die again.", "timestamp_created": 1356374120, "timestamp_updated": 1386348552, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2420729": {"recommendationid": "2420729", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007083756", "num_games_owned": 448, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1044, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429490073}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "INSANO, MALUCO, IMPOSS\u00cdVEL. Excelente, A/10.", "timestamp_created": 1356266567, "timestamp_updated": 1356266567, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2949109": {"recommendationid": "2949109", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014977150", "num_games_owned": 226, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 0, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 0}, "language": "english", "review": "Zelda on speed with godly music.", "timestamp_created": 1356214444, "timestamp_updated": 1356214444, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5622508": {"recommendationid": "5622508", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053063712", "num_games_owned": 326, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1477, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1402806634}, "language": "english", "review": "Fast-paced, epic music, tough-as-nails difficulty...this is Ys at its finest.", "timestamp_created": 1356134579, "timestamp_updated": 1356134579, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.955446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3259144": {"recommendationid": "3259144", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019692495", "num_games_owned": 215, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 329, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479441962}, "language": "english", "review": "You will die a lot. It's kind of like that movie Groundhog Day, except it's kicking rad. And hard as balls.", "timestamp_created": 1356040242, "timestamp_updated": 1356040242, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5417437": {"recommendationid": "5417437", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049436130", "num_games_owned": 256, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 76, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385931420}, "language": "english", "review": "buy it", "timestamp_created": 1355540585, "timestamp_updated": 1355540585, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.486652", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1902099": {"recommendationid": "1902099", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999496491", "num_games_owned": 396, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 605, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356508800}, "language": "english", "review": "A fantastic action-adventure that provides a tight, cohesive storyline that never wears out it's welcome, and despite being beatable in under 5 hours is chock-full of replay value with six difficulty levels and lots of secrets.", "timestamp_created": 1354610921, "timestamp_updated": 1354610921, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3170536": {"recommendationid": "3170536", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018515086", "num_games_owned": 501, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1168, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424843135}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Muy din\u00e1mico y con mucha acci\u00f3n y gran banda sonora. No es tan dif\u00edcil si vas al nivel y con el equipo que tocan. Recomendado.", "timestamp_created": 1354297634, "timestamp_updated": 1354297634, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496264", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "548169": {"recommendationid": "548169", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971993032", "num_games_owned": 258, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 713, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1333868400}, "language": "english", "review": "Good if you played the original.\n\nMore difficulty options.", "timestamp_created": 1354086814, "timestamp_updated": 1354086814, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5076373": {"recommendationid": "5076373", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044805568", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1033, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427589114}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action RPG game with hack'n'slash elements made by the glorious Falcon. \nGreat BGM and a enjoyable story.", "timestamp_created": 1353980857, "timestamp_updated": 1353980857, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6351756": {"recommendationid": "6351756", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064414257", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 489, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514107619}, "language": "english", "review": "Das 3. Abenteuer von Adol Christin geht nach Ys I&II Chronicle weiter. Begleite Adol auf seine Abenteuer in Felghana. Anders als die PSP Version hat diese keine englische Stimmen Sychron.", "timestamp_created": 1353769982, "timestamp_updated": 1353769982, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3094904": {"recommendationid": "3094904", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017333818", "num_games_owned": 452, "num_reviews": 74, "playtime_forever": 127, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356163200}, "language": "english", "review": "Best game ever made please purchase", "timestamp_created": 1352721901, "timestamp_updated": 1352721901, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "332887": {"recommendationid": "332887", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968852115", "num_games_owned": 2204, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1736, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512817604}, "language": "english", "review": "This is probably the finest action-rpg (emphasis on action) I have ever played. The combat is satisfying, the bosses are brutal (in a good way), and the metroidvania-esque exploration elements are a very nice touch. I also like that the game is difficult (even on Normal), but never unfair. If you're in the mood for something resembling classic zelda but with far more emphasis on action than puzzles (there are a few, but puzzles are definitely not the focus here), I cannot recommend this game highly enough. If I could only recommend one game on Steam, this would be it.", "timestamp_created": 1352702167, "timestamp_updated": 1352702167, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2670839": {"recommendationid": "2670839", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010822523", "num_games_owned": 119, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 3322, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479069833}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like hard RPG games heres a game that I'm stuck on skill normal.", "timestamp_created": 1352146951, "timestamp_updated": 1352146951, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "168569": {"recommendationid": "168569", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963981805", "num_games_owned": 1232, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 768, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440109309}, "language": "english", "review": "See what I wrote about Ys Origin. \n\nFelghana is more of a traditional aRPG than origin, with a town and multiple dungeons, vendors, various quests, etc. Outside of the change in setting and differences that brings about, the graphics, sound, and gameplay in combat are much the same as Origin.\n\nGamepad recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1352064693, "timestamp_updated": 1385424518, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "997985": {"recommendationid": "997985", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984000264", "num_games_owned": 304, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 935, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1350889200}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Magnifica conversi\u00f3n de \"Ys III: Wanderers of Ys\". Un Action JRPG con un sistema de combate sencillo pero eficaz, banda sonora espl\u00e9ndida y unas 12-15 horas de juego.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1350876049, "timestamp_updated": 1350876049, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1890927": {"recommendationid": "1890927", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999370543", "num_games_owned": 234, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427823780}, "language": "english", "review": "Everything about this game is fun and amazing.", "timestamp_created": 1349417197, "timestamp_updated": 1349417197, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3188094": {"recommendationid": "3188094", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018689546", "num_games_owned": 190, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1282, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421502431}, "language": "english", "review": "Wildes Rumgeschnetzel und total \u00fcberzogene G\u00f6tter und Magie Story im Anime Stil.\nMan spielt einen jungen Helden der nicht nur die Welt vor einem b\u00f6sen Magier rettet sondern auch seine geliebte aus den F\u00e4ngen des Feindes.\nMacht aber Spass da man viele Gegenst\u00e4nde findet und sich manchmal gut umsehen muss, um herauszufinden wie man weiter kommt", "timestamp_created": 1348404917, "timestamp_updated": 1459722316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "161016": {"recommendationid": "161016", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963738035", "num_games_owned": 219, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 1194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343113200}, "language": "english", "review": "Action platforming, button spamming, simple fun.", "timestamp_created": 1347820318, "timestamp_updated": 1347820318, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5650463": {"recommendationid": "5650463", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053519269", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 160, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500374629}, "language": "english", "review": "I've always loved the Ys series since I was a kid playing Ys: Vanished Omen on the Sega Master System, but this title goes above and beyond what a Ys game should be. Truly a Magnum Opus. The soundtrack is flawless as usual, and the complete overhaul of the 2D sidescroller Ys III into OiF is handled well. The game is fast, but requires you to think on your feet (especially on the higher difficulties) and the bosses are always quite a challenge to work through.", "timestamp_created": 1347234269, "timestamp_updated": 1452065777, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "324485": {"recommendationid": "324485", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968621105", "num_games_owned": 577, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1899, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482440509}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Si ya los dos primeros Ys eran buenos (sobre todo el segundo) este es ya la leche. Ahora hay bot\u00f3n para atacar, lo cual lo hace mucho m\u00e1s variado, con distintos movimientos y combos. Otra novedad con la que el juego gana una barbaridad es la inclusi\u00f3n de un bot\u00f3n de salto. Combates \u00e9picos + Plataformeo \u00e9pico = Supreme Epic Win.\n\nA esto hay que a\u00f1adir una banda sonora tremenda, unos gr\u00e1ficos agradables y una duraci\u00f3n aceptable (me ha durado m\u00e1s de 10 horas). Todo junto hace de Ys: The Oath in Felghana una joyita obligada para cualquier persona que disfrute con este tipo de juegos.", "timestamp_created": 1346866691, "timestamp_updated": 1393265437, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1925932": {"recommendationid": "1925932", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999823834", "num_games_owned": 1786, "num_reviews": 99, "playtime_forever": 387, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1346396400}, "language": "english", "review": "I hate how Steam won't let you give games an \"un-recommend\" rating, because this game deserves one. It is a rather mindless hack-n-slash (weak story), with old-schoolish graphics, fun fast-paced combat (just like in the video), and some interesting moves, all screwed up by horrendously tedious jumping puzzles. I mean the type that you fail 16 times in a row, falling 2 floors down and having to re-fight your way through multiple rooms only to get back to the beginning of the \"puzzle\" for the 17th time. \n\nThe boss fights are pretty awesome, but some of the more platformy levels are ridiculously bad, and unforgiveable. Ask yourself: When I finally beat a level I had to repeat 20 times, what do I say? \n1) YESSSSS!! *fist-pump*\n2) Ha, that took a while.\n3) Blegh, annoying.\n4) IT'S ABOUT @#$@ING TIME!!\n\nIf your answer is anything but 1, avoid this game like the herp.", "timestamp_created": 1346318050, "timestamp_updated": 1346318050, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.452408", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2247378": {"recommendationid": "2247378", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004584439", "num_games_owned": 363, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1839, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496252623}, "language": "english", "review": "When videogames were videogames", "timestamp_created": 1346018519, "timestamp_updated": 1346018519, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.466624", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5170152": {"recommendationid": "5170152", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045907153", "num_games_owned": 110, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 973, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1370098271}, "language": "english", "review": "A very good serie, famous in Japan but unluckily unrecognized in Europe and USA. Otherwise, this game is a bit short but it's compensated by a difficulty rather high, destinated at the \"hardcore\" gamers !", "timestamp_created": 1345999194, "timestamp_updated": 1345999194, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2115165": {"recommendationid": "2115165", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002518295", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 136, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1336892400}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is one of those under-the-radar, hidden gem kinda series. If you love old-school top down Zelda games and Seiken Densetsu, imagine that, but about 100x faster paced with flashier combat and killer electric guitar on the soundtrack.", "timestamp_created": 1345958997, "timestamp_updated": 1345958997, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "973897": {"recommendationid": "973897", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983412898", "num_games_owned": 623, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1757, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391991304}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is very challenging with some very entertaining gameplay. The lack of healing items puts a heavy emphasis on player skill, and the progression of character skill gives you a great feeling of power whenever you visit previously completed areas of the game. If you enjoyed Ninja Gaiden for its difficult and rewarding gameplay, you'll enjoy this game too. If hard games aren't your thing, move along.", "timestamp_created": 1345953917, "timestamp_updated": 1345953917, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "490449": {"recommendationid": "490449", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971072907", "num_games_owned": 289, "num_reviews": 41, "playtime_forever": 970, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387407789}, "language": "english", "review": "An excellent remake of the 16-bit classic Ys III. Released overseas years ago before coming to the US, the graphics are a little dated, but the game is still fantastic. I'm glad to see someone was finally able to take this series into the modern console/PC era.\n", "timestamp_created": 1345951725, "timestamp_updated": 1345951725, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1090949": {"recommendationid": "1090949", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986448970", "num_games_owned": 7228, "num_reviews": 55, "playtime_forever": 305, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454296958}, "language": "english", "review": "I never thought I'd ever see a Falcom game here on Steam, let alone an Ys game!\nI played this game years ago and if you know anything about Falcom games and Ys, then you know this game is going to be good.\nIt's pretty much an awesome remake of the original Ys III, that came out back in 1989 for the NEC PC-8801/9801, MSX2 and X68000, then remade in 1991 for the Famicom, Super Nintendo, SEGA Genesis and the TurboGrafx-16 CD (which was a first to include animated cutscenes and voice dialogue) and remade again in 2005 for the Playstation 2.\nYs: Oath in Felghana was released for the PC in 2005 and was the first of the Ys III remakes to have a 3D world. It also has a perfectly remixed soundtrack that does not take the feel away from the epic original.\nPlus, the addition of Cloud save and Steam achievements is a nice bonus!\nHighly recommended for fans of Falcom games.", "timestamp_created": 1345448037, "timestamp_updated": 1345448037, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545997", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3308910": {"recommendationid": "3308910", "author": {"steamid": "76561198020573470", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 1033, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465488361}, "language": "english", "review": "extremly fun and full of action", "timestamp_created": 1344924008, "timestamp_updated": 1344924008, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4833912": {"recommendationid": "4833912", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042296503", "num_games_owned": 257, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 565, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344150000}, "language": "english", "review": "2 thumbs up!", "timestamp_created": 1344878121, "timestamp_updated": 1344878121, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5000960": {"recommendationid": "5000960", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044081373", "num_games_owned": 610, "num_reviews": 89, "playtime_forever": 643, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424881003}, "language": "english", "review": "Damn good action-based, dungeun crawler, anime-ish JRPG. The combat and platforming are freaking frenetic! The graphics style is similar to Dark Cloud 2 or Rogue Galaxy for Playstation 2. The characters are pretty likable and endearing. Music = awesome. Whether you're an action fan, platformer fan or RPG fan...I highly recommend this game.", "timestamp_created": 1344734025, "timestamp_updated": 1344734025, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3312062": {"recommendationid": "3312062", "author": {"steamid": "76561198020624321", "num_games_owned": 458, "num_reviews": 140, "playtime_forever": 1677, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454083194}, "language": "english", "review": "A decent 2\u00bdDimension Hack-N-Slash RPG that stayed true to all the other Ys games. If you want to play a really hard game, give this one a go. I played it on normal, and there's 4 tougher difficulties. I had a hard time finishing it.\n\nGame's lacking of a little bit of gameplay and better music, otherwise, it's all right.\n\nOverall: 7/10", "timestamp_created": 1344630072, "timestamp_updated": 1344630072, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502379", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5334747": {"recommendationid": "5334747", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048090167", "num_games_owned": 75, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 597, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1463856595}, "language": "italian", "review": "Grafica retr\u00f2, storia accattivante, sistema di gioco eccellente e di livello di difficolt\u00e0 medio-alto! Meraviglioso!", "timestamp_created": 1344620492, "timestamp_updated": 1344620492, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "164666": {"recommendationid": "164666", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963840237", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 2229, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424649573}, "language": "english", "review": "Mother fucking hard, but fun. Adol is also the hero in every Ys game but Origin. This game will take your wrists to the break of exhaustion prepare to dodge.", "timestamp_created": 1344553694, "timestamp_updated": 1344553694, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2591268": {"recommendationid": "2591268", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009702779", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 361, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471642222}, "language": "english", "review": "Not for the faint of heart., this retro gem puts most modern RPGs to shame with it's steep learning curve and fast paced gameplay. As one of the few Japanese RPGs available to Western PC owners Ys really sets the standard for the genre and is a must buy for anybody looking for a challenge. If you are looking for an RPG that doesn't hold your hand or patronise you with tutorials then I'd advise you to pick this up. You won't be disappointed.", "timestamp_created": 1344527460, "timestamp_updated": 1344527460, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5513319": {"recommendationid": "5513319", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051080983", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 335, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1353657600}, "language": "english", "review": "I can't write a snarky review of this. It's ridiculously fun, the music's fantastic, and it's hard as all getout. The grindan never feels boring, you never really have to grind for long. At least for XP. Gold and ore grindan is alot harder.\n\nI recommend this game to big RPG fans and JRPG fans.\n\n\nOkay okay if you really want a joke review:\n\nIn Yes: I'll Felghana Your Oath, you play a ginger swordsman. Gingers have no soul so you have to steal the souls of the monsters you slay. There's some blond waifu who's all shy and stuff so you know she's your one twoo wuv.", "timestamp_created": 1344285598, "timestamp_updated": 1385410522, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499891", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5572302": {"recommendationid": "5572302", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052146009", "num_games_owned": 142, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2987, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1350025200}, "language": "english", "review": "You like action rpgs? Do you like challenge? Are you a retro fan? This game has all of that!! It's a blast to say the least.", "timestamp_created": 1344275840, "timestamp_updated": 1344275840, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "248212": {"recommendationid": "248212", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966548041", "num_games_owned": 933, "num_reviews": 64, "playtime_forever": 3626, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1370212266}, "language": "english", "review": "You like oldschool as hell JRPGs with straightforward and predictable storylines?\nYou like year-2005 remakes of games from 1989 that didn't come out here 'till 2012 and thus are definitely not dated in any way?\nYou like a million difficulty levels, the majority of which are above \"Normal\", when \"Normal\" in this game is more difficult than the hardest difficulty of most other video games?\nYou like steam achievements that make you play all the way through every single damn one of said difficulty levels and dialogue scenes/FMVs that can't be skipped?\nYou better, because this game is actually really damn fun despite these faults and is an action-RPG fan's -- and oldschool, hard-as-hell video game fan's -- wet dream, along with most of this series at large anyway, but this is the first and cheapest you can get on Steam. And it's worth the money.\n\nLet's go play some EESE.", "timestamp_created": 1344178837, "timestamp_updated": 1344178837, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1555494": {"recommendationid": "1555494", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994662237", "num_games_owned": 580, "num_reviews": 60, "playtime_forever": 1114, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1375925686}, "language": "english", "review": "Metroidvania-style game in 3D, complete with a Castlevania-esque Clock Tower area, challenging platforming, and attack pattern-based boss fights.", "timestamp_created": 1344174076, "timestamp_updated": 1344174076, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1592226": {"recommendationid": "1592226", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995193619", "num_games_owned": 605, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 1426, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344236400}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a fantastic title. Not exactly a true ARPG, the game plays like an action-adventure-platformer, somewhat like Metroid or Castlevania. Combat is very fast, and very satisfying. I'll warn you now, this game is hard, very very hard. It's extremely challenging, but also extremely satisfying to complete. That sense of accomplishment you get when you best a boss after learning it's moves and patterns is like nothing else. No cheap deaths either. You'll know what killed you and learn how to avoid it. If you're looking for a title that will challenge you and never let up, look no further than this game. It may kill you over and over, but you'll always come back for more, just to try that boss one more time. It's also worth noting that the title has controller support with fully remappable buttons. It's also better with a controller.", "timestamp_created": 1344153049, "timestamp_updated": 1412038645, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3757138": {"recommendationid": "3757138", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027032201", "num_games_owned": 340, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 2595, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422017110}, "language": "english", "review": "A great Action-RPG/Action-Adventure with a memorable soundtrack and decent length(though it really depends on the difficulty). Had tons of fun playing thru it esp. against the bosses, which makes you work hard for a win. If you enjoyed games like the Secret of Mana series or the Tales series, you'll definitely enjoy this.\n", "timestamp_created": 1344148846, "timestamp_updated": 1344148846, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4146597": {"recommendationid": "4146597", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032788858", "num_games_owned": 1060, "num_reviews": 673, "playtime_forever": 1247, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425729559}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u044c\u043c\u0430\u043a 2 \u043d\u0430 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043c\u043d\u043e\u043c? \u041f\u043b\u044e\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c \u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044c! \n\n\u0414\u0430 \u044f \u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0443 \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0449\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0440\u043e\u0436\u0443 \u0440\u0435\u0431\u0451\u043d\u043a\u0430, \u0447\u0435\u043c \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0434\u0443 \u044d\u0442\u0443 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0440\u0430\u0437, \u0434\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u043b\u0451\u0433\u043a\u043e\u043c. \u041d\u0430 \u043d\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u044f \u0434\u0443\u043c\u0430\u043b, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043e\u0439\u0434\u0443 \u0441 \u0443\u043c\u0430, \u043f\u044b\u0442\u0430\u044f\u0441\u044c \u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0440\u044f\u0442\u044c \u0437\u0434\u0435\u0448\u043d\u0438\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u0441\u0441\u043e\u0432. \u0418 \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0432 \u0438\u0442\u043e\u0433\u0435? \u041c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0434\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043d\u0435\u0442 \u0432 \u0442\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438\u0446\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434\u043e\u0432...\u0447\u0442\u043e \u0437\u0430 \u0445*\u0439\u043d\u044f \u0443 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439? \u041c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e - \u0431\u0435\u0437\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0448\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0440. \u0413\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0439\u043d\u043e - \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0438 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f. \u0412\u0438\u0437\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e - \u043d\u0435 \u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u044f \u043e \u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0448\u0435\u0439 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043a\u0438, \u0430\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0448\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c \u0437\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044c \u0430\u0431\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0442\u043d\u043e \u043b\u0438\u0448\u043d\u0438\u0439, \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0437-\u0437\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u043c\u043e\u043d\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c. \n\n\u0412\u044b\u0431\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437! \u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0415\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0443! 7 \u0438\u0437 10 :)", "timestamp_created": 1344120967, "timestamp_updated": 1390688378, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 22, "votes_funny": 6, "weighted_vote_score": "0.642327", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2248836": {"recommendationid": "2248836", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004604229", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 99, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427320556}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u30de\u30a6\u30b9\u30ab\u30fc\u30bd\u30eb\u304c\u753b\u9762\u4e2d\u592e\u56fa\u5b9a\u3001\u753b\u9762\u306b\u5bfe\u3059\u308b\u30de\u30a6\u30b9\u30ab\u30fc\u30bd\u30eb\u306e\u4f4d\u7f6e\u3068\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u30a6\u30a3\u30f3\u30c9\u30a6\u5185\u306e\u30ab\u30fc\u30bd\u30eb\u304c\u4e0d\u4e00\u81f4\n\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u8a55\u4fa1\u3059\u308b\u3068\u304b\u4ee5\u524d\u306e\u554f\u984c", "timestamp_created": 1344117487, "timestamp_updated": 1427315092, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 20, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.702824", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "570667": {"recommendationid": "570667", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972323182", "num_games_owned": 539, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 1528, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344150000}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is difficult but fun. It feels like a shoot-em-up game mixed with a 2D RPG platformer. If you don't have a controller for your PC, then purchase one if you want to play this game.", "timestamp_created": 1344062730, "timestamp_updated": 1344062730, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1225401": {"recommendationid": "1225401", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989597774", "num_games_owned": 948, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 93, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428073584}, "language": "english", "review": "this is the 3rd part of the story, and a remake of the orignal game, its very stylish and fun to play, if you ever liked playing classic zelda, then you might like this :)", "timestamp_created": 1343901133, "timestamp_updated": 1343901133, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2489630": {"recommendationid": "2489630", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008158447", "num_games_owned": 397, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 886, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344409200}, "language": "english", "review": "Fantastic Japanese action RPG game, that can be challenging and has a great soundtrack. I'm looking forward to more Ys games on Steam!", "timestamp_created": 1343865534, "timestamp_updated": 1343865534, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "838941": {"recommendationid": "838941", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979907181", "num_games_owned": 313, "num_reviews": 140, "playtime_forever": 1160, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343804400}, "language": "english", "review": "This ys a pretty challenging Japanese action RPG that does everything right. It ys well worth your time.", "timestamp_created": 1343776988, "timestamp_updated": 1343776988, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3130696": {"recommendationid": "3130696", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017939840", "num_games_owned": 232, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2543, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1361606400}, "language": "english", "review": "great old school platformer. ys3 was one of my favorite snes plats growing up and this remake did great justice. very consistent usefulness of your entire skillset throughout the whole game ,monster setups are always crossed up to keep even walking through a plain area interesting and challenging. extremely epic boss battles, killed almost every boss in the game with only one hit left on me. just a very well-made game overall. great remastered bgm from the original, good thought went into every dungeon and boss fight.", "timestamp_created": 1343748606, "timestamp_updated": 1343748606, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2659285": {"recommendationid": "2659285", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010637770", "num_games_owned": 142, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1573, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343631600}, "language": "english", "review": "A great ARPG in which you have no healing items and your character has no recovery time. It has a good blend of challenge in which you feel like you deserve the hits you take. With a good cast of npc that are likable and flesh out Felghana.", "timestamp_created": 1343701483, "timestamp_updated": 1343701483, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1508117": {"recommendationid": "1508117", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993952985", "num_games_owned": 713, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 790, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433553420}, "language": "english", "review": "An old school Action RPG at its purest. Its pure action zelda style adventure. Amazing music, great dungeons and challenging boss battles make this an easy reccomendation.", "timestamp_created": 1343626610, "timestamp_updated": 1343626610, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5402914": {"recommendationid": "5402914", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049203481", "num_games_owned": 182, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 666, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345014000}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game. I've loved the Ys series since I first played Wanderers on the SNES, and Oath in Felghana is an amazing remake of that game. The graphics are beautiful and expressive with an old-school charm, the soundtrack is stunning, and the gameplay is fantastic. Runs great with a controller. Highly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1343617277, "timestamp_updated": 1343617277, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2386371": {"recommendationid": "2386371", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006636652", "num_games_owned": 1787, "num_reviews": 112, "playtime_forever": 172, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343631600}, "language": "english", "review": "Damn difficult game, even on Normal. I wish i played this when i was 12, then maybe i would be able to beat it.\nIt is a fast paced action RPG, with what seems a typical asian rpg story behind it. The game is good, but would be better on a console, as a keyboard won't do the combat justice.\nIt reminds me of Landstalker on the Sega Mega Drive, only this game is on steroids.\nIm afraid i don't have the patience to play it the way it ought to be played, so it will be uninstalled.\nShame really....", "timestamp_created": 1343566262, "timestamp_updated": 1343566262, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497703", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1660680": {"recommendationid": "1660680", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996033380", "num_games_owned": 1957, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 1018, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421203772}, "language": "english", "review": "Possibly the 2nd longest running JRPG franchise, YS is pretty much one of the best hacky-slashy JRPGs,and Oath does not dissapoint.Although a bit light on the story ,the gameplay compensates by being very fast and engaging with your standard upgradable sword,armor & shield (of which you'll pick better ones later) and special trinkets with various effects.And you'll need all of this,as the bosses will surely kick your arse.They are challenging,but beatable,giving that sense of accomplishment few games do today.\n\nOn the technical side,this game is already 7 years old,so any dinky-arse machine can run it with no sweats.That's not to say it looks ugly.The game has really decent texture work,and with almost all recent machines being able to apply AA & AF easily,it can look incredibly pretty and @ 60FPS.\n\nLastly, XSEED went through all the trouble of adding achievements,Leaderboards(for the post-game content) & steamcloud.\n\nOverall,a worthy game to be in your games list!", "timestamp_created": 1343545088, "timestamp_updated": 1385404103, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4582341": {"recommendationid": "4582341", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039358224", "num_games_owned": 443, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 966, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388002968}, "language": "english", "review": "The crabs... their everywhere... those pincers... so sharp... crabs, why did it have to be crabs!?\n\nGreat game, lots of fun challenges await thee who enter its dungeons. Bosses surely do not disappoint. Be sure to have an extra controller or two handy if you play Nightmare mode. You just might need them!\n\n*Death by Crabs*", "timestamp_created": 1343509722, "timestamp_updated": 1467273791, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3571848": {"recommendationid": "3571848", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024905981", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 900, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484660211}, "language": "english", "review": "Having played the original Wanderer from YS3 on the Sega Genesis, this remake is a huge overhaul to the entire game. Previously cleared this remake of YS in 2006 when the original Japanese version was released for PC, but purchased and cleared again for nostalgia when it was re-released on Steam. \n\nGameplay is action-RPG'ish (resembling both Zelda and Diablo), as the player controls the main character from an overhead third person view. Character can level up and acquire a set of sword-skills and magic to demolish enemies that are encountered throughout the game. Storyline is very well-paced, keeping the user focused on the set objectives he must accomplish to get to the next segment. Music is absolutely amazing, setting the tone of each and every stage the character enters. Graphics are outdated by modern standards, but the gameplay and music completely allow the user to forget about it. \n\nHighly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars.", "timestamp_created": 1343481198, "timestamp_updated": 1419466157, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "830629": {"recommendationid": "830629", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979693740", "num_games_owned": 2786, "num_reviews": 122, "playtime_forever": 17, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343199600}, "language": "english", "review": "You really need to get this game. It is a remake/retelling of Ys III and one of the tightest-controlling action RPGs you'll ever play.\n\nThere's no requirement to know the lore of the Ys series to jump right into the game, so jump on it! Jump on it! Keep it started! Jump on it! While it is sometimes difficult, at no point will you feel that the game is being cheap - whenever you die, you'll feel like it's your fault. Plus, the bad guy in the game is named Chester. CHESTER. It doesn't get any better than that.", "timestamp_created": 1343476989, "timestamp_updated": 1343476989, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4012816": {"recommendationid": "4012816", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030702683", "num_games_owned": 470, "num_reviews": 94, "playtime_forever": 417, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1381125730}, "language": "english", "review": "I saw the Ys series back in my old emulation days before I graduated high school and learned just how easy the whole 'disposable income' thing makes getting new games. The series has apparently been around for a while, at least since the days of the SNES, and the title always struck me as odd, probably why I never picked it up before. It also made me think up a few rather awful jokes, I was in high school at the time aftera ll...\n\nY is it called Y? Y would anyone play a game with such a silly name?\n\nWell, here's a new one. Y the hell didn't I try Ys sooner?!\n\nThe combat is fast paced and energetic, the magic system is a lot of fun and plays double duty as a means of getting to new areas, the graphics are bright and colorful, and the music... well, I'm getting the soundtrack to this one.\n\nDefinitely worth a play if you have some spare cash on hand.", "timestamp_created": 1343471266, "timestamp_updated": 1343471266, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2843390": {"recommendationid": "2843390", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013460128", "num_games_owned": 298, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1347433200}, "language": "english", "review": "so much fun to be had", "timestamp_created": 1343457436, "timestamp_updated": 1343457436, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4708464": {"recommendationid": "4708464", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040984993", "num_games_owned": 333, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1972, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1415428629}, "language": "english", "review": "If you were ever a fan of a Zelda, Alundra, or Castlevania:SOTN type game, I think you'll love this one. I'm having a blast with it!", "timestamp_created": 1343440348, "timestamp_updated": 1343440348, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "646504": {"recommendationid": "646504", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974134229", "num_games_owned": 410, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 10035, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505612850}, "language": "english", "review": "If you've enjoyed other Ys games (particularly Ys III / Wanderers of Ys which this is a remake of), this is an absolute must-play. I was wary of it because I know Ys games tend to have particularly brutal boss battles, but the lowest difficulty is easily doable for a first-timer (though bosses may still be a challenge). Higher difficulties will give you more of a run for your money, with stronger enemies with more HP.\n\nIn terms of content, it's no more than a 10-hour game realistically, and maybe doesn't seem like much by today's RPG standards, but especially if you've played the original Ys III you'll enjoy the vast improvements to the story, the reimaginings of the setting, and the rearrangement of the soundtrack.", "timestamp_created": 1343431828, "timestamp_updated": 1385416162, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499891", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5050758": {"recommendationid": "5050758", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044546565", "num_games_owned": 947, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 6516, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1354953600}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u042d\u043a\u0448\u043e\u043d-\u0440\u043f\u0433 \u0441 \u044f\u0439\u0446\u0435\u0432\u044b\u043a\u0440\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u0431\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0430\u043c\u0438, \u043c\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0438\u043c \u0433\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0430\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0438 \u043d\u0435\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0445\u0438\u043c \u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0439\u043d\u043e\u043c - \u0414\u0410\u0419\u0422\u0415 \u0414\u0412\u0415!", "timestamp_created": 1343426374, "timestamp_updated": 1343426374, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504926", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3336833": {"recommendationid": "3336833", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021038522", "num_games_owned": 2379, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 2671, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1373679587}, "language": "english", "review": "If you've never played a Ys game, this is the core experience crystallized into one entertaining game. If you have played a Ys game, you know how good the series is, and this one does not disappoint.", "timestamp_created": 1343420753, "timestamp_updated": 1343420753, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "997689": {"recommendationid": "997689", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983993131", "num_games_owned": 463, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 33, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1356249600}, "language": "english", "review": "JRPGish kinda game but like zelda.. go buy it", "timestamp_created": 1343416015, "timestamp_updated": 1343416015, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1361337": {"recommendationid": "1361337", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992101032", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 1617, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343458800}, "language": "english", "review": "PROS: HARD AS FUCK. BOSSES HAVE EIGHT BILLION GODDAMN HP AND YOU DO FIVE DAMAGE A HIT, YES YOU HAVE TO HIT THEM THAT MANY TIMES, CONTROLS ARE RESPONSIVE, EVERYTHING IS INSTANT.\nMUSIC WITH BLOW YOUR GODDAMN MIND.\n\nCONS: Story is clich\u00e9, but that was probably intended (leaning on the Fourth Wall and such). Trailer lies, there are healing items. \"Funny\" achievements (srsly, these are reddit-tier unfunny). Not for casuals--WAIT THE FUCK UP, THIS SHOULD BE IN PROS YOU BABBY SCUM.", "timestamp_created": 1343383810, "timestamp_updated": 1343383810, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1097357": {"recommendationid": "1097357", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986636300", "num_games_owned": 1118, "num_reviews": 50, "playtime_forever": 779, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343372400}, "language": "english", "review": "The Oath In Felghana is a remake of Ys 3 Wanderers From Ys. Falcom had sone a great job of staying true to the original while improving almost every aspect of the game. While the story isn''t really that big or epic the soundtrack on the other hand keeps your heart pumping in every area and the graphics while not great the artstyle makes the game looks awesome. If you''re looking for a challenging game even on the easiest difficulyy give this game a try.", "timestamp_created": 1343375306, "timestamp_updated": 1343375306, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495458", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2696601": {"recommendationid": "2696601", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011237429", "num_games_owned": 184, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1242, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425852431}, "language": "english", "review": "It's Ys 3, in 3D form. They added stuff like Raval and achievements, but I recognize large portions of the map and music from the SNES 15 years ago.\n\nWarning: The bosses are hard. Even on normal. It's way too much a relief to win.", "timestamp_created": 1343344117, "timestamp_updated": 1343344117, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5412299": {"recommendationid": "5412299", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049360151", "num_games_owned": 558, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 1068, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1408404112}, "language": "english", "review": "Do you believe your terrible behavior has gone unpunnished? Good thing that a great Ys game returns to the PC via steam! Enjoy the skill required in this real-time action RPG game that refuses to give you more than a moments respite. Featuring gameplay that helped change the whole franchise, Ys: The Oath in Felghana pits the hero, Adol, against unknown evils whose only wish is to wipe out the whole of humanity. Various \"one-chance-only\" side quests and rewards await you as you travel from the town of Redmont. With 6 difficulty levels, even the most unexperienced Ys gamer can easily become emersed within the world and it's story. This is one difficult, but grand, game you won't want to miss.", "timestamp_created": 1343340916, "timestamp_updated": 1343340916, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "209225": {"recommendationid": "209225", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965305338", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 127, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343113200}, "language": "english", "review": "Get this game. Gameplay is amazing and crisp, the soundtrack is even better.", "timestamp_created": 1343288072, "timestamp_updated": 1343288072, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2460381": {"recommendationid": "2460381", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007677832", "num_games_owned": 300, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 1426, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502555459}, "language": "english", "review": "I've been a big fan of the Ys series since I played the SNES port of Wanderers From Ys 3. The gameplay is very fast-paced and boss battles are very intense. The music is a joy to listen to, especially for me since I got to listen to the familiar music with a serious steroid injection! While the game itself can be completed in less than 5 hours (A feat that you earn an achievement for!) they had the courtesy to provide us with 6 different difficulties and a time attack mode. I definitely recommend picking this game up if you're looking for a new RPG to run through and have 15 dollars to spare.", "timestamp_created": 1343184895, "timestamp_updated": 1343184895, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497630", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1272704": {"recommendationid": "1272704", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990457077", "num_games_owned": 289, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 583, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1349074800}, "language": "english", "review": "Balls awesome Action RPG. Soundtrack that is made of rad. Bosses that require more skill than just hacking away. This game freaking rocks.", "timestamp_created": 1343156462, "timestamp_updated": 1343156462, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "987221": {"recommendationid": "987221", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983741338", "num_games_owned": 1575, "num_reviews": 71, "playtime_forever": 1125, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433727112}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "No Healing Items\nNo Recovery Time \nNo Party Members\nNo Problem... \"This is not a Friendly place, This is FELGHANA!!!!!!\"\n\nUm joguito com toda a ess\u00eancia japonesa, uma s\u00e9rie mais antiga que final fantasy, e esse \u00e9 s\u00f3 para quem realmente \u00e9 determinado (como eu, mouse ai ;\\ ) n\u00e3o \u00e9 um jogo f\u00e1cil (nem fudendo \u00e9 f\u00e1cil) por\u00e9m \u00e9 muito bom , a trilha sonora \u00e9 fantardigas e a hist\u00f3ria n\u00e3o posso dizer muito porqu\u00ea n\u00e3o terminei o jogo,m\u00e1s por enquanto est\u00e1 boa.\n\nH\u00e1 certas fases que voc\u00ea come\u00e7a a odiar o jap\u00e3o, e toda a cambada japonesa por fazerem joguitos t\u00e3o filho da putescos como estes, e em certos momentos voc\u00ea se sente maquiav\u00e9lico por terem jogado bombas em hiroshima e nagasaki :D pois, assim voc\u00ea se sente melhor, como se tivesse vingado toda o seu tempo perdido e raiva repetindo essas fazes que os japoneises fdp's (paus pequenos) criaram (bosses! principalmente).", "timestamp_created": 1343089013, "timestamp_updated": 1343089013, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.440473", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1291833": {"recommendationid": "1291833", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990815638", "num_games_owned": 312, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 988, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510201181}, "language": "english", "review": "Anybody who passed this up during the summer sale doesn't deserve to play video games.", "timestamp_created": 1343086873, "timestamp_updated": 1343086873, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3448367": {"recommendationid": "3448367", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022919531", "num_games_owned": 452, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 388, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512097598}, "language": "english", "review": "I can't get enough of this game. I know YS: Origins is out now, but you should definitely own this if you like action RPGs, or any RPG in general. Keep in mind though; the story is a tad bland, and the game is frustratingly difficult even on normal mode, so if you don't like challenges or care more about story than gameplay, this might not be for you.", "timestamp_created": 1343073482, "timestamp_updated": 1343073482, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "226904": {"recommendationid": "226904", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965895871", "num_games_owned": 833, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 2197, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507874888}, "language": "english", "review": "\uc544\ub3cc\ubcf4\ub2e4 \uce74\ub9ac\uc2a4\ub9c8 \uc5c5 + \ub77c\uac04\uc9c0\uc778 \uccb4\uc2a4\ud130!!!", "timestamp_created": 1343067698, "timestamp_updated": 1343067698, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1861419": {"recommendationid": "1861419", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998983193", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 263, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1344236400}, "language": "english", "review": "Get ready to grind like it's 1994. If you're not prepared, this game will brutally destroy you. However if you pay close attention all of the boss battles follow individual patterns. As always Youtube can come to the rescue but it is far more satisfying to beat the game with no outside help. Casual gamers need not apply. Highly Recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1343067055, "timestamp_updated": 1343067055, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1802478": {"recommendationid": "1802478", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998193567", "num_games_owned": 396, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 407, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456899987}, "language": "english", "review": "this game can will bring back the back of what you really need to bring back", "timestamp_created": 1343060924, "timestamp_updated": 1343060924, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1358837": {"recommendationid": "1358837", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992055898", "num_games_owned": 291, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 4415, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496472611}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a remake of one of my favorite SNES games, how could I not love it?", "timestamp_created": 1343032730, "timestamp_updated": 1343032730, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3238414": {"recommendationid": "3238414", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019338462", "num_games_owned": 2286, "num_reviews": 82, "playtime_forever": 179, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343026800}, "language": "english", "review": "My honest opinion is that this is the best SNES/PlayStation RPG feel I have gotten from a Steam game. If you enjoyed games such as Soul Blazer, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Tales of Symphonia then you'll be sure to enjoy Ys: The Oath in Felghana. The only downside is that it's not a long game, it's pretty short. If you rushed through it, you can get it done in less than 5 hours... Sadly. :(\n", "timestamp_created": 1343010581, "timestamp_updated": 1343010581, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2080908": {"recommendationid": "2080908", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001957380", "num_games_owned": 1332, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 651, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454868352}, "language": "english", "review": "Recommended for every RPG fan.", "timestamp_created": 1343002831, "timestamp_updated": 1343002831, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2292047": {"recommendationid": "2292047", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005275316", "num_games_owned": 48, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 487, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1353139200}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun little action game. Nice BGM, Bosses that you can't just power your way through and a decent learning curve.", "timestamp_created": 1342997059, "timestamp_updated": 1342997059, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "96412": {"recommendationid": "96412", "author": {"steamid": "76561197961701052", "num_games_owned": 376, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 751, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458381341}, "language": "english", "review": "It's like Legend of Zelda on steroids. You'll be doing a lot of button mashing in this fast-paced hack'n'slash action RPG. Simplified inventory, yet satisfying. Using a gamepad is highly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1342990298, "timestamp_updated": 1342990298, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24753": {"recommendationid": "24753", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960429105", "num_games_owned": 724, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 1210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433391124}, "language": "english", "review": "Elena is a cutie and this game is so cool! 10 cutes out of 10 cools!", "timestamp_created": 1342981582, "timestamp_updated": 1385420819, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502653", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "866348": {"recommendationid": "866348", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980501005", "num_games_owned": 502, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 0, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 0}, "language": "english", "review": "The Ys games are completely fantastic action RPGs. Light on RPG, but heavy on action, are fun as hell with hack and slash with some mild platforming, and this one in particular took the worst game in the entire series (Ys 3), and turned it into what has to be the best game in the whole damn series. Add in the usually AMAZING soundtrack that the Ys games have, and basically, you're doing yourself a disservice by NOT getting this game.", "timestamp_created": 1342976756, "timestamp_updated": 1342976756, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4321670": {"recommendationid": "4321670", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035530500", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 701, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456689499}, "language": "english", "review": "One of the most enjoyable RPGs I have play in years, it uses a simple gameplay system that even non-RPG fans will devour over", "timestamp_created": 1342915561, "timestamp_updated": 1342915561, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2315602": {"recommendationid": "2315602", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005622164", "num_games_owned": 268, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342854000}, "language": "english", "review": "Basically a (kind of) sidescrolling Zelda on cocaine. OP.", "timestamp_created": 1342912501, "timestamp_updated": 1342912501, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5036694": {"recommendationid": "5036694", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044416218", "num_games_owned": 275, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1018, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343545200}, "language": "finnish", "review": "P\u00e4\u00e4t\u00f6nt\u00e4 monsterien raiskaamista ja helvetin vaikeat bossit.\nHyv\u00e4 peli!", "timestamp_created": 1342901655, "timestamp_updated": 1342901655, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6407352": {"recommendationid": "6407352", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065633485", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1019, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343890800}, "language": "english", "review": "If you're a old school/Hardcore gamer like myself, you'll love the YS series! A nice mix of exploration and fighting with very little grinding seeing as how a few gained levels make a world of difference. Warning: Ys is a hard game, don't be a wuss, play on hard mode or higher!", "timestamp_created": 1342893823, "timestamp_updated": 1342893823, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4448624": {"recommendationid": "4448624", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037335745", "num_games_owned": 1240, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 37, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342854000}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game and something from the past, reminds me of the game in Sega Master System; gameplay is like that of Secret of Mana.", "timestamp_created": 1342867942, "timestamp_updated": 1342867942, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3215334": {"recommendationid": "3215334", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019035295", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 3081, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1462417386}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Excelente jogo, um dos melhores que joguei nos \u00faltimos anos.", "timestamp_created": 1342851969, "timestamp_updated": 1342851969, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2844760": {"recommendationid": "2844760", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013479659", "num_games_owned": 121, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1100, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343631600}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is a dainty kiss... on my swollen balls.", "timestamp_created": 1342850969, "timestamp_updated": 1342850969, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4257345": {"recommendationid": "4257345", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034606056", "num_games_owned": 159, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 653, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391292826}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is great for all of those who like hard, fast games. I would honestly put this thing on par with Dark Souls for difficulty, requiring much trial and error if you refuse to play with a walkthrough (like me).\n\nThe camera angle is static but is rather comfortable, and the graphics are charming. The game is also rather light in that it's easy to just pick up, play through a dungeon and advance the story a little, then put down again for another day. The music is also beautiful, making me want to sit in dungeons areas after clearing a room of enemies just so I can listen to it.\n\nObviously if you're looking at JRPG classic like Ys, graphics aren't exactly what you're seeking. You're searching for a game that fast, challenging, and ultimately rewarding once you finish the task, and Ys: The Oath in Felghana delivers just that.", "timestamp_created": 1342850461, "timestamp_updated": 1342850461, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4580524": {"recommendationid": "4580524", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039330620", "num_games_owned": 567, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 2165, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456379486}, "language": "english", "review": "mega! :D", "timestamp_created": 1342845792, "timestamp_updated": 1342845792, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502050", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3617701": {"recommendationid": "3617701", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025286968", "num_games_owned": 205, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 910, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342940400}, "language": "english", "review": "Goddamn, this game is hard. It's kicking my ass frequently. And I love it.", "timestamp_created": 1342816378, "timestamp_updated": 1342816378, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5096705": {"recommendationid": "5096705", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045004682", "num_games_owned": 41, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 461, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1347606000}, "language": "english", "review": "must have rpg old school ;3", "timestamp_created": 1342769582, "timestamp_updated": 1342769582, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1239164": {"recommendationid": "1239164", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989865330", "num_games_owned": 248, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 903, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342940400}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty much as good as a game can get, and with a shitload of challenge to boot, for those who don't like victory shoved down their throat.", "timestamp_created": 1342762482, "timestamp_updated": 1342762482, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1081169": {"recommendationid": "1081169", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986159511", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385521161}, "language": "english", "review": "StarCraft II Better Game,", "timestamp_created": 1342757857, "timestamp_updated": 1408463520, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.202857", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1307265": {"recommendationid": "1307265", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991113840", "num_games_owned": 482, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 331, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343718000}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun ACTION RPG, the bold action is because this is a very fast pace game! Enjoyable!!", "timestamp_created": 1342698389, "timestamp_updated": 1342698389, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2520028": {"recommendationid": "2520028", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008677119", "num_games_owned": 588, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 961, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403670498}, "language": "english", "review": "Looks like a remake of Wanderers from Ys III from the SNES. WAY easier...you still only get one healing item, but at least it's isometric as opposed to 2D. Action-RPG fan? GET THIS.", "timestamp_created": 1342677235, "timestamp_updated": 1342677235, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2519810": {"recommendationid": "2519810", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008674581", "num_games_owned": 314, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 1265, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423342777}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't be fooled by the anime artstyle, this game is nothing like other RPGs I've played. If you like games with the dungeon design of Zelda, the boss fights of Demon's/Dark Souls, and simple but fun hack-and-slash combat of Secret of Mana, you're in for a treat.", "timestamp_created": 1342676023, "timestamp_updated": 1423342904, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2205346": {"recommendationid": "2205346", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003997834", "num_games_owned": 518, "num_reviews": 86, "playtime_forever": 811, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421419411}, "language": "english", "review": "This is really, really good. 15+ hours of gameplay, great combat, okay story, fantastic music and boss design. Buy it, there's no game like it.", "timestamp_created": 1342659555, "timestamp_updated": 1385409985, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2138411": {"recommendationid": "2138411", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002870619", "num_games_owned": 351, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1550, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452020969}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game from a classic series. If you're looking for a game similar to Zelda in regards to game-play, then this game is for you. It's really challenging and rewarding for those who are able to overcome to tough bosses. This game also has a challenge mode and higher difficulty levels for more re-playability. It's worth it for the price so anyone new to the series should at least give this game a try.", "timestamp_created": 1342651200, "timestamp_updated": 1385672468, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "545550": {"recommendationid": "545550", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971948326", "num_games_owned": 496, "num_reviews": 60, "playtime_forever": 774, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343286000}, "language": "english", "review": "Remake of the SNES version with 3d (lol) graphics. Combat is easy to learn. Game is just as hard as the SNES counterpart and has adjustable difficulty just in case if you hate yourself enough to do that.\n\nPlay it with a controller if you know what's good for you.", "timestamp_created": 1342643918, "timestamp_updated": 1342643918, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3626741": {"recommendationid": "3626741", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025370779", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1474, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447797457}, "language": "english", "review": "Running around and slashing enemies to bits has never been so fun. Well, except in earlier Ys games, where in you ram into enemies. Also, Adol is a badass.", "timestamp_created": 1342607399, "timestamp_updated": 1342607399, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "835800": {"recommendationid": "835800", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979840241", "num_games_owned": 946, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 840, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1347865200}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action RPG with an old-school vibe. Nice story and awesome battles.", "timestamp_created": 1342602836, "timestamp_updated": 1342602836, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4027476": {"recommendationid": "4027476", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030936416", "num_games_owned": 222, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 700, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343286000}, "language": "english", "review": "Sehr Actionreich, die normalen Gegner sind einfach, Bosse k\u00f6nnen sich aber bei falschem Umgang ganz sch\u00f6n wehren. Trotzdem sehr lohnenswert, es mal auszuprobieren, wer ein schnelles Action-RPG spielen will.\nYs: Origins versuch ich dann sp\u00e4ter :-)", "timestamp_created": 1342594761, "timestamp_updated": 1342594761, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4929078": {"recommendationid": "4929078", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043429943", "num_games_owned": 291, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 6895, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464843551}, "language": "english", "review": "If you haven't played this game, you're a bad person and you should feel bad. Ignoring the anime art style and (so far) bland storyline, the games gameplay is just unbelievable.", "timestamp_created": 1342581596, "timestamp_updated": 1342581596, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "167340": {"recommendationid": "167340", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963944669", "num_games_owned": 232, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 517, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342594800}, "language": "english", "review": "if you get this game, play it on \"nightmare\" mode. it will piss you the fuck off. It could use a story skip button because there are a lot of stupid anime charcters talking to eachother.", "timestamp_created": 1342567008, "timestamp_updated": 1342567008, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2575495": {"recommendationid": "2575495", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009479165", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342335600}, "language": "english", "review": "It's an Action RPG that plays more like a bullett hell game with platforming. One of the achievements is to die 10 times on the same boss. Which I accomplished on the second boss. On normal difficulty. Yeah. It's great fun.", "timestamp_created": 1342557555, "timestamp_updated": 1342557555, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3086498": {"recommendationid": "3086498", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017202175", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342508400}, "language": "english", "review": "Hack and Slash that you think will be a walk in the park, but it is far from that. A lot of fun.", "timestamp_created": 1342556984, "timestamp_updated": 1342556984, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9895": {"recommendationid": "9895", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960322732", "num_games_owned": 952, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 619, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421275628}, "language": "english", "review": "Perfect game for action RPG fans. (HAH, no recommendation starting with \"if...\")", "timestamp_created": 1342550740, "timestamp_updated": 1342550740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.993345", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6103692": {"recommendationid": "6103692", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059091338", "num_games_owned": 764, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 422, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465482283}, "language": "english", "review": "ASDF@i#%)#%*#) ADOL IS A PIMP. Nuff said.", "timestamp_created": 1342547987, "timestamp_updated": 1342547987, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": "5", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1173538": {"recommendationid": "1173538", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988455059", "num_games_owned": 391, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 279, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482268240}, "language": "english", "review": "Just buy it already", "timestamp_created": 1342512104, "timestamp_updated": 1342512104, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2560489": {"recommendationid": "2560489", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009313381", "num_games_owned": 198, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2390, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484899553}, "language": "english", "review": "Following the adventures of the main hero Adol christin each Ys game is episodic aside from Ys 2 so no worries about the order. Game plays Super smooth and looks incredible in motion. Really high quality animations and Sprite work at high resolution and a silky smooth framerate with Great action music and gameplay. Simple mechenics charming story and characters and super fun gameplay. This game might not look like much but man it plays like Zelda fused with megaman on Roids which is awesome If you want something that fuses that old school awesome feeling with some newer feel try this out. Its playable with any configureation but a controller is more ideal. Mote normal mode is pretty tough this game wont hesitate to kill you where as the other Ys game`s normal modes are a lot more fair so if your going into this dont expect a walk in the park.Start with rather this or Origin if your intrested 1 and 2 are crazy old school. Also prepare for some epic boss fights. some of the most memerable boss fights on a PC game IMO are found here. Definintly Check this out, Adol is awesome and Ys is awesome ^.^", "timestamp_created": 1342492207, "timestamp_updated": 1386310255, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3554184": {"recommendationid": "3554184", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024630596", "num_games_owned": 577, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 586, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1372361439}, "language": "english", "review": "it's fun", "timestamp_created": 1342490133, "timestamp_updated": 1342490133, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1512300": {"recommendationid": "1512300", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994012812", "num_games_owned": 927, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1144, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1374372689}, "language": "english", "review": "Very addicting action RPG, it is fairly brutal with its bosses and can be fairly cheap at times... but I really enjoyed the difficulty of the fights even on normal difficulty.", "timestamp_created": 1342455097, "timestamp_updated": 1342455097, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1689372": {"recommendationid": "1689372", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996503768", "num_games_owned": 2810, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 2209, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1368774000}, "language": "english", "review": "this game is amazing", "timestamp_created": 1342399610, "timestamp_updated": 1342399610, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1639583": {"recommendationid": "1639583", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995726554", "num_games_owned": 821, "num_reviews": 133, "playtime_forever": 160, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1333522800}, "language": "english", "review": "slash slash jump nigga blat", "timestamp_created": 1342385351, "timestamp_updated": 1342385351, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1783424": {"recommendationid": "1783424", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997929671", "num_games_owned": 148, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1252, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1333090800}, "language": "english", "review": "A little short but it's old school goodness to hard rock music. hellz yeah.", "timestamp_created": 1342374528, "timestamp_updated": 1342374528, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2586626": {"recommendationid": "2586626", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009631254", "num_games_owned": 1322, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 822, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1353830400}, "language": "english", "review": "An awesome and fast-paced action platformer that incorporates some nostalgic RPG elements into its formula. The difficulty scale is brilliant and is particularly noticeable during the intense boss fights.\n\nI highly recommend this to fans of the genre.", "timestamp_created": 1342373729, "timestamp_updated": 1342373729, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5417672": {"recommendationid": "5417672", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049440352", "num_games_owned": 211, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 869, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454892687}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesomeness in a digital download, like Ys Origin, it is a MUST HAVE for all RPG lovers", "timestamp_created": 1342370625, "timestamp_updated": 1342370625, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501799", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1892627": {"recommendationid": "1892627", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999388649", "num_games_owned": 965, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 844, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421287392}, "language": "english", "review": "really fun hack and slash with some prg elements , highly recomend using a controller for this game the music is pretty awesome and as of this posting on sale for just over 5 bucks til the end of the sale, ive played for about 7 hours and mabey about 2/3rds done with the story, havent played the other one on thats on steam just yet, but i did pick it up. grab it if youve got the spare cash", "timestamp_created": 1342368657, "timestamp_updated": 1385415178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499891", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3641270": {"recommendationid": "3641270", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025509390", "num_games_owned": 420, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2395, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456671773}, "language": "english", "review": "If you are a fan of old school RPGs, then you'll love the Ys series! It's literally the only JRPG series I even care for.", "timestamp_created": 1342368019, "timestamp_updated": 1342368019, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "194497": {"recommendationid": "194497", "author": {"steamid": "76561197964849629", "num_games_owned": 432, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 902, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343804400}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988 \uc911 \uc608\uc804\uc5d0 \ubc1c\ub9e4\ud55c \uac83\uc744 \ub9ac\uba54\uc774\ud06c \ud55c \uc791\ud488\uc73c\ub85c \ubaa8\ud5d8\uac00\uc774\uc790 \uadc0\ucd95\uc655 \uc544\ub3cc \n\ud06c\ub9ac\uc2a4\ud2f4\uc758 \uc5ec\ud589\uc911 \ud558\ub098\ub97c \ub2e4\ub8e8\uace0 \uc788\ub2e4 \ud0dc\ucd08 \uc77c\ubcf8 \ud314\ucf64\uc5d0\uc11c \ub9cc\ub4e4\uc5c8\uae30\uc5d0 JRPG\uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c\n\uc774 \uac70\uc758 \ub179\uc544\ub4e4\uc5b4 \uc788\uace0 \ud2b9\uc720\uc758 \ud0c0\uaca9\uac10\uc774 \uaf64 \uba4b\uc9c0\ub2e4 \ub2e4\ub9cc \ubcf4\uc2a4\uac00 \ub108\ubb34 \uc138\uc11c \ud328\ud134\uc744\n \uc77d\uc9c0 \ubabb\ud558\uba74 \uc9c4\ud589\uc774 \uc548\ub420 \uc815\ub3c4\ub85c \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \uc788\uc73c\ub098 \ub3c4\uc804\ud560\ub9cc\ud558\ub2e4.\n\n\uc774 \uac8c\uc784\uc740 \uad6d\ub0b4 \uc11c\ube44\uc2a4\ub418\ub294 \uc544\ub8e8\uc628\uc5d0\uc11c \ud55c\uae00\ud654\uac00 \ub418\uc5b4 \uc774\ubbf8 \uc11c\ube44\uc2a4\uc911\uc774\uba70 \uc2a4\ud300\ud310\uc740\n\uc601\ubb38 \ubd81\ubbf8\ud310\uc774\ub2e4 \n\n\uc77c\ubcf8\uc2dd JRPG\ub97c \uc88b\uc544\ud558\ub294 \uac8c\uc774\uba38\uc5d0\uac8c \ucd94\ucc9c !", "timestamp_created": 1342351196, "timestamp_updated": 1385797488, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3423908": {"recommendationid": "3423908", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022452370", "num_games_owned": 731, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 13, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1379691333}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys:Oath in Felghana is a remake of Ys:III for various platforms like the Megadrive and the PC Engine. The original was a black sheep side-scrolling action rpg with some dodgy hit detection but the remake uses tne engine from Ys: Ark of Napishtim which is sadly not yet on Steam. It becomes a top-down action rpg again and is much better for it. The only problem is that, like most Ys games, it's rather short but with the multiple skill levels to choose from, it does add something to come back for.", "timestamp_created": 1342340106, "timestamp_updated": 1342340106, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2115608": {"recommendationid": "2115608", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002522209", "num_games_owned": 227, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1315, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426131189}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game. get it while is hawt! it will hook u up on the series.. this was my first one.. now Ive own/play most of them cept for 5 which not on pc.. for now\nMusic is great, action rpg !! what else could u want!", "timestamp_created": 1342320741, "timestamp_updated": 1511864085, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5184109": {"recommendationid": "5184109", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046087168", "num_games_owned": 109, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 344, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453496376}, "language": "english", "review": "This a game for people who really like a challenge! Highly recommended!", "timestamp_created": 1342317357, "timestamp_updated": 1342317357, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "118057": {"recommendationid": "118057", "author": {"steamid": "76561197962326618", "num_games_owned": 863, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 600, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342422000}, "language": "english", "review": "Hack and Slash Action-JRPG Goodness. This game is very fast pace, has tight controls, and is very colorful. I am about to complete this game on Easy (which is still a challenge) in about 7 hours, there are 7? 8? total difficulties to play on which gives this alot of replay value.", "timestamp_created": 1342305349, "timestamp_updated": 1342305349, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "897057": {"recommendationid": "897057", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981362866", "num_games_owned": 1194, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1447, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1381312617}, "language": "english", "review": "this is heavy.", "timestamp_created": 1342278026, "timestamp_updated": 1342278026, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2449240": {"recommendationid": "2449240", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007500396", "num_games_owned": 522, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1017, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343631600}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys is one of my favorite series. This is a remake of Ys III and I'm enjoying it a lot. Hopefully more Ys games get released on the PC.", "timestamp_created": 1342275699, "timestamp_updated": 1342275699, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2119900": {"recommendationid": "2119900", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002559680", "num_games_owned": 343, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 109, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421179070}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Esse jogo \u00e9 muito SELVAGEM !!", "timestamp_created": 1342274201, "timestamp_updated": 1342274201, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502322", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1820453": {"recommendationid": "1820453", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998418536", "num_games_owned": 534, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 612, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486096146}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice old-school action RPG that's hard for all the right reasons", "timestamp_created": 1342274130, "timestamp_updated": 1342274130, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1382602": {"recommendationid": "1382602", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992500044", "num_games_owned": 543, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 815, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343199600}, "language": "english", "review": "What can I say, another great Ys game...", "timestamp_created": 1342272820, "timestamp_updated": 1342272820, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1317903": {"recommendationid": "1317903", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991310485", "num_games_owned": 2102, "num_reviews": 40, "playtime_forever": 305, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342249200}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun action RPG game not to complicated and liniar but decent enough to spend your time on.\nDificulty level is a bit higher then the avarage RPG but this can easly be countered by either select a lower didiculty level or power level a bit to prepair your self for the end boss", "timestamp_created": 1342269103, "timestamp_updated": 1342269103, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "930954": {"recommendationid": "930954", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982357713", "num_games_owned": 337, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387681038}, "language": "english", "review": "Despite being full of the animes this is a really solid action RPG with pretty decent combat!", "timestamp_created": 1342252121, "timestamp_updated": 1385411440, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499891", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "715528": {"recommendationid": "715528", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976352319", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1317, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1394405362}, "language": "english", "review": "DO YOU LIKE ACTION? WELL FUCK YOU BECAUSE ACTION KICKS YOUR ASS AND FUCKS YOUR MOTHER.\n\nTHIS GAME IS AWESOME.", "timestamp_created": 1342240744, "timestamp_updated": 1342240744, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1314332": {"recommendationid": "1314332", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991249046", "num_games_owned": 279, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 960, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493548384}, "language": "english", "review": "Good action and music. Can get a bit hard at times but is fun overall.", "timestamp_created": 1342238304, "timestamp_updated": 1342238304, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "542038": {"recommendationid": "542038", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971880107", "num_games_owned": 568, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1030, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1384814518}, "language": "english", "review": "A 3d remake of Ys 3: Wanderers of Ys, it managed to keep the challange and charm of the original, along with a few added features.", "timestamp_created": 1342228341, "timestamp_updated": 1342228341, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "901823": {"recommendationid": "901823", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981500048", "num_games_owned": 263, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2352, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1341903600}, "language": "english", "review": "The most dangerous game since Rick Dangerous", "timestamp_created": 1342222031, "timestamp_updated": 1342222031, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1675039": {"recommendationid": "1675039", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996268561", "num_games_owned": 554, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 217, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456666723}, "language": "english", "review": "Hell yeah!", "timestamp_created": 1342189955, "timestamp_updated": 1342189955, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3884119": {"recommendationid": "3884119", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028552164", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345359600}, "language": "english", "review": "Cruel pure action RPG, one of the harderst games I played.\n\nCombat is simple in nature but carefully balanced, never unfair, exremely fast and fun. You start with a simple sword combo and jump, but subsequently aquire other abilities, like dash and double jump, as well as elemental spells, that not only do damage, but change the way you move and behave in battle. Wind spell lets you glide in air, useful for making long jumps and avoiding some boss attacks; Earth spell can break some walls to reveal hidden paths and provides you with invincibility frames; Fire spell... just shoots fireballs, that's all.\n\nMain gameplay basically consists of two sections.\nFirst, you have to traverse the level and reach the next boss. Enemies in level may start as challenging and drive you back to town to heal and upgrade your equipment, but little by little you will be pushing forward, gaining levels and eventually will overcome any obstacle. Exploring levels rewards you with some very useful items as well.\nThen, when you get to the boss, real fun starts. Game rewards you with an achievement for dying ten times in a single boss fight and I almost got it with the very first boss encountered - reached 9/10. Needless to say, I \"succeeded\" unlocking this achievment with the second boss. Boss attack patterns are varied and tend to change mid-fight, when you think you're adapted to it. The last boss in particular will mercilessly test everything you learned in the game - you have to have lightning reflexes and full control over your character movements to beat it, but when you'll do it you will feel like total badass.\n\nFinal word about music. It's often praised in reviewes, but I was afraid that it will not fit the fantasy setting. I was wrong - music is very fitting to non-stop hack and slash action and creates epic rock opera feel.", "timestamp_created": 1342163010, "timestamp_updated": 1385503584, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.538867", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3134998": {"recommendationid": "3134998", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018011931", "num_games_owned": 1289, "num_reviews": 50, "playtime_forever": 483, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1352361600}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like action RPGs and JRPGs or the Ys series of course, its highly recommended. Yea the game already came out on the PSP, but this is the the definitive edition with high resolution graphics and all that. The gameplay is fast and fun. Not a big fan of the Ys series, but for me this is definitely the best one. Its on sale as I type this, a good time to grab it!", "timestamp_created": 1342149095, "timestamp_updated": 1342149095, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1697744": {"recommendationid": "1697744", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996627007", "num_games_owned": 390, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 1925, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1428888485}, "language": "english", "review": "fun simple gameplay\nchallenging bosses\ngreat map design\nbro tier devs\ngreat ost (fuck you fed hurr durr midi sux dubstep 4 lyf)\nlittle girl who wants to play with you because her daddy is gone\nwhats not to love?\ngreat game", "timestamp_created": 1342147595, "timestamp_updated": 1342147595, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1249175": {"recommendationid": "1249175", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990062804", "num_games_owned": 1303, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 0, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 0}, "language": "english", "review": "Probably one of my favorite games around for action intensity, great music, and solid boss fights. Don't let the trailers scare you, Adol gets awesome abilities and gear to take the fight back to the enemy.", "timestamp_created": 1342131740, "timestamp_updated": 1342131740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4351450": {"recommendationid": "4351450", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035857573", "num_games_owned": 140, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1749, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1335337200}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the best action RPG on Steam. If you like the old school overhead Zelda games, Secret of Mana, or Illusion of Gaia and haven't played an Ys game, this is a good place to start. Despite taking place directly after Ys I & II, Felghana's story stands alone and, like all entries in the series, takes a backseat to the frenetic gameplay.", "timestamp_created": 1342127719, "timestamp_updated": 1412005777, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3057227": {"recommendationid": "3057227", "author": {"steamid": "76561198016705098", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 218, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342422000}, "language": "english", "review": "Take Legend of Zelda, dial back the puzzle elements about halfway, then replace them with incentives to murder your way through fantasy dungeons filled with well-balanced risks at break neck speed. I don't know how I hadn't played this game until now, but my mind is blown.", "timestamp_created": 1342123775, "timestamp_updated": 1342123775, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2752554": {"recommendationid": "2752554", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012099696", "num_games_owned": 718, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1182, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1342767600}, "language": "english", "review": "Without a doubt, the finest Action RPG ever released. Fans of Zelda, Secret of Mana, and Bastion will absolutely adore this game. This game is worth every penny and has one of the finest soundtracks ever. Just buy it, if you don't like it, we'd probably not be very good friends.", "timestamp_created": 1342114755, "timestamp_updated": 1342114755, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2166689": {"recommendationid": "2166689", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003350099", "num_games_owned": 576, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 936, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434211505}, "language": "russian", "review": "Action/JRPG. \u041d\u0435\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0437\u043b\u044b \u0438 \u0441\u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439 challenge \u043d\u0430 \u0431\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0430\u0445 \u0432 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u043f\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0435.", "timestamp_created": 1342111045, "timestamp_updated": 1342111045, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "940961": {"recommendationid": "940961", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982630449", "num_games_owned": 960, "num_reviews": 307, "playtime_forever": 93, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460386070}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc774\uc2a4\uc758 \ud751\uc5ed\uc0ac\ub77c\uace0 \uc77c\uceec\uc5b4\uc9c0\ub294 3\ud3b8\uc758 \ub9ac\uba54\uc774\ud06c \uc791\ud488. \ub09c\uc774\ub3c4\uac00 \uc81c\ubc95 \ub192\uc740 \ud3b8\uc774\ub2c8 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\uc5d0 \uc775\uc219\ud55c \uc0ac\ub78c\ub9cc \uad6c\uc785\ud558\ub3c4\ub85d \ud558\uc790. \uadf8\ub798\ub3c4 \uc774\uc2a4 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988 \ub2f5\uac8c \uc548\uc815\uc801\uc778 \uc7ac\ubbf8\ub97c \uc790\ub791\ud55c\ub2e4. \uac1c\uc778\uc801\uc73c\ub85c\ub294 \ucd5c\uadfc\uc758 \uc774\uc2a4 \uac8c\uc784\ubcf4\ub2e4\ub294 1,2\ud3b8\uc744 \ub9ac\uba54\uc774\ud06c \ud588\ub358 \uc774\ud130\ub110 \uc2dc\ub9ac\uc988\ub97c \ucd94\ucc9c\ud558\ub294 \ud3b8.", "timestamp_created": 1340853648, "timestamp_updated": 1385421421, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2960018": {"recommendationid": "2960018", "author": {"steamid": "76561198015126976", "num_games_owned": 671, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 560, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500694954}, "language": "english", "review": "Saga of Y's finally official on Steam. Why not buy it?", "timestamp_created": 1340543372, "timestamp_updated": 1340543372, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4280876": {"recommendationid": "4280876", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034985684", "num_games_owned": 759, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 749, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388519016}, "language": "german", "review": "Einfach nur Geil mir hat es sehr gefallen.", "timestamp_created": 1339795590, "timestamp_updated": 1339795590, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.397878", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2861353": {"recommendationid": "2861353", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013723081", "num_games_owned": 411, "num_reviews": 142, "playtime_forever": 547, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1345964400}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this games series..the Y's series. I hope in the future they bring all their games to pc, in the meantime...\n\nThis game is a spirited remake of Ys3: Wanderers from Ys.\nOriginally this was made on a portalble gaming system, but ported to pc. This port is pretty good though. I also updated this information on here because my old review for this game was only one sentence...\n\nGreat gameplay, hard bosses.\n\nRecommended!", "timestamp_created": 1339788339, "timestamp_updated": 1474611944, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.522613", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2700791": {"recommendationid": "2700791", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011305133", "num_games_owned": 195, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 3022, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508531223}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game, fun as hell.", "timestamp_created": 1339358057, "timestamp_updated": 1339358057, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5390462": {"recommendationid": "5390462", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048995543", "num_games_owned": 2134, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 903, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475991547}, "language": "english", "review": "One word: \"AWESOME!\"", "timestamp_created": 1337990170, "timestamp_updated": 1337990170, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.520857", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1688159": {"recommendationid": "1688159", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996487205", "num_games_owned": 409, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332572400}, "language": "english", "review": "The epitome of hacking and slashing action. Amazingly fluid gameplay and a rocking soundtrack that'll keep you drawn in. Forget any qualms you have with the game's art style - it has gameplay in spades to make up for it! And it's a real PC game, from a developer whose RPG legacy reaches back to the eighties.\nMight be too hardcore for some. Graphics were good for their time - at least they held up reasonably well. You don't need to care about the story.", "timestamp_created": 1337512866, "timestamp_updated": 1385475174, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3410056": {"recommendationid": "3410056", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022224313", "num_games_owned": 765, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1054, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452673686}, "language": "english", "review": "This game reminds me a lot of Demon/Dark Souls: tough bosses, simple RPG style progression, and the like. Although it is a little heavier on the story, it absolutely does not hold your hand and can be very addictive, at least when you're not throwing your controller across the room because you've failed a boss for the 35th time in a row.", "timestamp_created": 1337299365, "timestamp_updated": 1337299365, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "770465": {"recommendationid": "770465", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977883536", "num_games_owned": 216, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 986, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452580846}, "language": "english", "review": "Great Action RPG", "timestamp_created": 1336330526, "timestamp_updated": 1336330526, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1425339": {"recommendationid": "1425339", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993154749", "num_games_owned": 1242, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 284, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421175920}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game, one of the best in the series. If you haven't played any of them, you won't miss out on much story by doing so. Good for fans of Zelda, Secret of Mana and other such action RPGs.", "timestamp_created": 1336000190, "timestamp_updated": 1336000190, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "6182066": {"recommendationid": "6182066", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060733263", "num_games_owned": 133, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2324, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1335855600}, "language": "german", "review": "Spiel gut! Kauf!", "timestamp_created": 1334349328, "timestamp_updated": 1334349328, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.491397", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1409506": {"recommendationid": "1409506", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992909722", "num_games_owned": 622, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 3858, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491892757}, "language": "english", "review": "I feel like a lot of people are going to give up on this because the story is pretty bad and the first boss is hard. But fuck you, this is an amazing piece of action game design and you need to stop being a big pissypants babby. Oh, and the story is stupid as hell but it's kind of comforting in its 90s anime RPG dumbness.", "timestamp_created": 1334305628, "timestamp_updated": 1334305628, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "288969": {"recommendationid": "288969", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967714806", "num_games_owned": 651, "num_reviews": 262, "playtime_forever": 1547, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421790833}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty slick hack-n-slash game. I was not familiar with the game nor its story originally, so I came to it pretty fresh. It does not disappoint, though I find a few decisions they've made questionable.\n\nOverall,a great title and tons of fun.", "timestamp_created": 1334200225, "timestamp_updated": 1334200225, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1861868": {"recommendationid": "1861868", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998988019", "num_games_owned": 3247, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 872, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421277767}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun game! One of the few I've gotten around to beating lately. It has the right amount of difficulty that doesn't feel too hard but not too easy at the same time. I've struggled on some bosses for over an hour and it feels so great to finally be able to beat them. Hope they release the others soon!", "timestamp_created": 1334175346, "timestamp_updated": 1334175346, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "619387": {"recommendationid": "619387", "author": {"steamid": "76561197973200565", "num_games_owned": 416, "num_reviews": 249, "playtime_forever": 1505, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1339311600}, "language": "english", "review": "I feel I have played this before. actually I have as the Wanderer from Ys. Well most of it. this is a 3D remake of a classic 8bit rpg. They did a great job with it for the most part. its not exact to the original but there cant be any better remake. Ys is made in the very popular big head ISO 3D style that was very popular this past decade. the combat is great for and the rpg elements are balanced. the story is pretty cliche in points and the engine is fairly solid. \n\n6.5/10", "timestamp_created": 1334109711, "timestamp_updated": 1334109711, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3875726": {"recommendationid": "3875726", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028431599", "num_games_owned": 557, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 891, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1335510000}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the version of Ys III: Wanders From Ys that we all wanted it to be 20 years ago. Having so much fun with it, the controls are excellent, and there's enough nostalgia in here to probably keep me playing through all six difficulty levels. Really highly recommend, it's a great deal at $15, one of the first in a while where I didn't wait for a sale.", "timestamp_created": 1333993109, "timestamp_updated": 1333993109, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5416100": {"recommendationid": "5416100", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049417656", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 337, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486240174}, "language": "english", "review": "Blazing fast, action packed gameplay... And not for the faint of heart. This game is hard.", "timestamp_created": 1333907345, "timestamp_updated": 1333907345, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5260183": {"recommendationid": "5260183", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047090591", "num_games_owned": 493, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1777, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1383260257}, "language": "english", "review": "An awesome play. My first SNES game was Ys 3, and I didn't really like it. LOVE this remake though, everything got improved! Hoping they bring more Ys PC games to Steam :D", "timestamp_created": 1333894205, "timestamp_updated": 1333894205, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "812626": {"recommendationid": "812626", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979116822", "num_games_owned": 481, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 875, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1365750000}, "language": "english", "review": "It's pretty YS-y to write this off as just another jRPG at first look, but if you take the time to YS your way into a different mindset and give it a try. Phenomenal action-heavy gameplay, a blistering synth-rock soundtrack and brutal, challenging bosses all come together to mae one hell of a ride, especially for fifteen dollars!\n\nI want to make more Ys puns but I'm having an off day. PLAY THE GAME, DAMN IT. >:|", "timestamp_created": 1333865491, "timestamp_updated": 1333865491, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "4.960396", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1299799": {"recommendationid": "1299799", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990969478", "num_games_owned": 830, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 2685, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479674394}, "language": "english", "review": "If you want a hard old-school action adventure in the vein of Zelda or Illusion of Gaia, this game is definitely for you. Challenging bosses, and a fast paced combat system that has you blazing around dungeons, it will be the best 15 dollars you'll ever spend.", "timestamp_created": 1333793191, "timestamp_updated": 1333793191, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.491921", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "990382": {"recommendationid": "990382", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983820655", "num_games_owned": 775, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 1072, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1369910310}, "language": "english", "review": "Holy crap is this game good.", "timestamp_created": 1333780038, "timestamp_updated": 1333780038, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2123963": {"recommendationid": "2123963", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002596288", "num_games_owned": 764, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 436, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1368342000}, "language": "english", "review": "Erinnert mich an meine alten 16bit Zeiten , bietet aber bessere Optik und den gleichen Spass......", "timestamp_created": 1333691440, "timestamp_updated": 1333691440, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3125459": {"recommendationid": "3125459", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017858165", "num_games_owned": 226, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 815, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511987925}, "language": "english", "review": "Great nonstop Action-RPG game. RECOMMENDED!!!", "timestamp_created": 1333578273, "timestamp_updated": 1333578273, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "709446": {"recommendationid": "709446", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976192453", "num_games_owned": 730, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 337, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1410886476}, "language": "english", "review": "YS GUD", "timestamp_created": 1333393285, "timestamp_updated": 1333393285, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502262", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1489578": {"recommendationid": "1489578", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993727037", "num_games_owned": 192, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1357372800}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome JRPG... Buy it! Great gameplay and fast paced action! The story is typical but I'm gonna say it's great just because it's a story like you've always remembered it would be. :D Great nostalgia and fun in an economic lil package.", "timestamp_created": 1333277798, "timestamp_updated": 1333277798, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "825249": {"recommendationid": "825249", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979518537", "num_games_owned": 796, "num_reviews": 61, "playtime_forever": 1349, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1333090800}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Cl\u00e1sico juego JRPG original en PC que fue traducido en ingl\u00e9s para PSP. Y ahora est\u00e1 en steam. Tiene todo lo bueno de un juego de acci\u00f3n isom\u00e9trico con equipos, magias y tambi\u00e9n con niveles tanto de las armaduras, escudo y espada como del personaje. Como recomendaci\u00f3n si no se puede con un jefe lo mejor es actualizar lo que se equipa y subir de nivel.", "timestamp_created": 1333227186, "timestamp_updated": 1333227186, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2046625": {"recommendationid": "2046625", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001438279", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 3146, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470686762}, "language": "english", "review": "I sometimes have to stop to remember that this game is based on \"Ys III: Wanderers from Ys\", which has probably aged the worst out of all the games in the series. But I digress. Besides, you don't have to be a fan of the series to appreciate the oodles of old-school cool packed into this fast-pased hack-em-up. It's simple yet satisfying, with a rockin' soundtrack and equally hardcore boss battles. Multiple difficulties ensure beginners and experts alike will feel honored to take the oath. Kudos once again to XSeed for giving the series another well-deserved chance here in the States", "timestamp_created": 1333007400, "timestamp_updated": 1333007400, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507008", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4795444": {"recommendationid": "4795444", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041935451", "num_games_owned": 119, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 327, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388793182}, "language": "english", "review": "Redheads, intense action, amazing music, there are some cute pigs, and also Dogi. What more could you possibly ask for? If you've never played an Ys game, this is the perfect place to start.", "timestamp_created": 1332969337, "timestamp_updated": 1332969337, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "266524": {"recommendationid": "266524", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967108792", "num_games_owned": 377, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 0, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 0}, "language": "english", "review": "A great action game with RPG elements, although if you have a PSP I recommend the handheld version instead as it has voice acting.", "timestamp_created": 1332966998, "timestamp_updated": 1332966998, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "525449": {"recommendationid": "525449", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971556005", "num_games_owned": 443, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 684, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1334818800}, "language": "english", "review": "The purchase includes a soundtrack in .ogg format.\n\nIf you're familiar with the Y's series, that alone should be a sale; these games have some of the most delightfully heart-pumping adventure music ever to so generously grace my ears.\n\nOn top of that, the gameplay of the remake is actually quite well done; Control is fast and fluid, the magic is quick and flashy, kill-streak systems keep things moving and beating the crap out of monsters is genuinely fun. Concessions to convenience, such as an unrestricted teleport system, keep mid-to-lategame travel times and backtracking relatively painless.\n\nIf I had to nitpick, I'd pick on a flaw endemic to the Y's series based on its action-RPG makeup, which is that boss difficulty can vary dramatically based on your gear; Especially early on, it can go from very difficult to near-trivial in the span of a single level-up or equipment upgrade.\n\nStill, If you're looking for an old-schoolish platformer-slasher action-RPG, head to Felghana.", "timestamp_created": 1332938824, "timestamp_updated": 1332938824, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "138114": {"recommendationid": "138114", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963065110", "num_games_owned": 311, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 825, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438316427}, "language": "english", "review": "Every lady wants Adol.\n\nIf you must know about the game, it's basically what you would get if you took one of the old 2D Zelda games and made it 3D. Less puzzles, faster gameplay, and Adol is way more nimble than Link ever was. Highly recommended if you like good games.", "timestamp_created": 1332881891, "timestamp_updated": 1332881891, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2275158": {"recommendationid": "2275158", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004997266", "num_games_owned": 411, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1373556705}, "language": "english", "review": "The Ys series has always been a favorite of mine and the PC versions have always been above and beyond some of the best old-school action RPGs I've played. Here's hoping that if this does well XSEED will release localizations of the other games as well.\n\nEither way, as my brother essentially said \"shut up and take my money.\"\n-J-", "timestamp_created": 1332852082, "timestamp_updated": 1332852082, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "773725": {"recommendationid": "773725", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977972937", "num_games_owned": 629, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 781, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421778953}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like old school zelda-like games, GET THIS!", "timestamp_created": 1332835882, "timestamp_updated": 1332835882, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2840517": {"recommendationid": "2840517", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013416278", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332745200}, "language": "english", "review": "Worth it just for the soundtrack, great Ys game, a Zelda game with a better history.", "timestamp_created": 1332700710, "timestamp_updated": 1332700710, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "745148": {"recommendationid": "745148", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977186427", "num_games_owned": 662, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 1166, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332745200}, "language": "english", "review": "I had never played a Ys game before Oath in Felghana, and this was a very pleasant surprise. The best way to describe it would be \"simple yet satisfying.\"\n\nThe combat isn't at all complex, yet with just three attacks and three spells it neither becomes tedious nor devolves into mindless buttonmashing. Boss fights are fantastic; they're all challenging but fair and focused entirely on recognizing attack patterns and knowing when it's safe to attack.\n\nThe story is very straightforward, featuring pretty much every 90s JRPG cliche--some may see this as a negative, but it makes me nostalgic for the days when games in the genre weren't just a bunch of incomprehensible anime mush. Childhood friends, surprise antagonists, collecting macguffins, legendary weapons--it's all here.\n\nThere's some light grinding involved if you're bad at video games (I am bad at video games), and the dearth of save points is a bit of a pain sometimes, but overall it was a very enjoyable and wonderful experience.", "timestamp_created": 1332693028, "timestamp_updated": 1332693028, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503058", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "560143": {"recommendationid": "560143", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972216688", "num_games_owned": 294, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 835, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1343286000}, "language": "english", "review": "If you like hard old school action rpg's this game is for you", "timestamp_created": 1332665810, "timestamp_updated": 1332665810, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4932289": {"recommendationid": "4932289", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043464217", "num_games_owned": 169, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 272, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1339916400}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Excelente game action RPG com sistema de evolu\u00e7\u00e3o dos equipamentos e poderes. O melhor do genero, Ys \u00e9 uma saga que faz muito sucesso e finalmente chegou ao steam... espero que os demais cheguem tamb\u00e9m. ^^ Recomendadissimo!!!", "timestamp_created": 1332554750, "timestamp_updated": 1392334450, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1051901": {"recommendationid": "1051901", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985373265", "num_games_owned": 199, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 819, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1404008025}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome fast paced action-rpg, with a great balance of accessibility and difficulty and kickass music.", "timestamp_created": 1332530022, "timestamp_updated": 1332530022, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2189251": {"recommendationid": "2189251", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003732441", "num_games_owned": 554, "num_reviews": 78, "playtime_forever": 5, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1336546800}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun. Fast-paced. Simple, but challenging. The rock music makes me rock hard.", "timestamp_created": 1332527667, "timestamp_updated": 1450413126, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3878277": {"recommendationid": "3878277", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028467241", "num_games_owned": 1417, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 382, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445899279}, "language": "english", "review": "A timeless classic that not even 4+ years of Nightwolve rectal devastation can tarnish. Buy this game, and remember to flip the loser the finger if you ever see him crying.", "timestamp_created": 1332520364, "timestamp_updated": 1332520364, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "184608": {"recommendationid": "184608", "author": {"steamid": "76561197964464401", "num_games_owned": 288, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 805, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332572400}, "language": "english", "review": "Instant Classic. Trendy soap opera story but fantastic experience with swords and magic rings. I coudnt stop playing until i clear whole game. \nThis is fun.", "timestamp_created": 1332516487, "timestamp_updated": 1332516487, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4315214": {"recommendationid": "4315214", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035452026", "num_games_owned": 232, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 604, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452947116}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is the tits.", "timestamp_created": 1332475881, "timestamp_updated": 1332475881, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "760409": {"recommendationid": "760409", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977615476", "num_games_owned": 239, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 4809, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1441954974}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is fucking exhilirating. Get it.", "timestamp_created": 1332460055, "timestamp_updated": 1332460055, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.430659", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "4485962": {"recommendationid": "4485962", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037920776", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 883, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425994300}, "language": "english", "review": "gooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1332441694, "timestamp_updated": 1332441694, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3575012": {"recommendationid": "3575012", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024941000", "num_games_owned": 436, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 713, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445276038}, "language": "english", "review": "If you in any way enjoy old-school gaming buy this! This is one of my favorite action RPG's. Blisteringly fast and challenging. The way your Mama always told you games should be.", "timestamp_created": 1332394502, "timestamp_updated": 1332394502, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "322021": {"recommendationid": "322021", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968571703", "num_games_owned": 479, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 105, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332486000}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is for masochists. Fighting against regular monsters is easy, but when comes BOSS time, it's time to seriously rage! Somehow it still keeps me going, guess 'cuz of how easy you come back if you die, just a fast instant reload, kinda like super meat boy.", "timestamp_created": 1332385265, "timestamp_updated": 1332385265, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2666137": {"recommendationid": "2666137", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010745565", "num_games_owned": 907, "num_reviews": 85, "playtime_forever": 1490, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448516261}, "language": "english", "review": "highly recommended if you like good games (which you probably don't)", "timestamp_created": 1332384716, "timestamp_updated": 1332384716, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1674153": {"recommendationid": "1674153", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996251590", "num_games_owned": 731, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389400816}, "language": "english", "review": "Zelda on a caffiene rush.\n\nSlow to get started, with an intro that's so full of JRPG cliches that a drinking game would be lethal, it fairly quickly picks up into a frantic action-RPG with fun mechanics. You can just sort-of tell that the people making this game had fun with it, and that ends up making it incredibly enjoyable.\n\nBe warned, however, that it's hard. Precise timing is often essential, and enemies get tougher far faster than you do, leading to you having to dodge like a maniac to stay alive.", "timestamp_created": 1332374275, "timestamp_updated": 1332374275, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "3259261": {"recommendationid": "3259261", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019693621", "num_games_owned": 264, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 370, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1349679600}, "language": "english", "review": "Blazing fast action-RPG greatness with one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard. Buy this game now.", "timestamp_created": 1332367132, "timestamp_updated": 1332367132, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "516890": {"recommendationid": "516890", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971423563", "num_games_owned": 361, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 625, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431806378}, "language": "english", "review": "I have had this game since it launched in Japan back in 2005. This has been one of the best action RPGs not only on the PC but in the entire market. The aesthetics, gameplay, music, and story are all phenomenal as well as the nostalgia factor for those who played the original Ys III. There are few modern games I play through repeatedly and this is one of them.", "timestamp_created": 1332364536, "timestamp_updated": 1332364536, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "564690": {"recommendationid": "564690", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972271187", "num_games_owned": 798, "num_reviews": 106, "playtime_forever": 1955, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422389277}, "language": "english", "review": "I have only played this game for bout 3 hours but let me tell you. THIS GAME IS KICK ASS!. Holy crap I played lots and lots of rpgs from the NES to the PS2 and this is one of those games that does things right. Its Action adventure with a huge emphasis on action.\n\nHas all the classic rpg elements,lvling,spells,etc.Great game worth every penny.", "timestamp_created": 1332350798, "timestamp_updated": 1332350798, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496008", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2625940": {"recommendationid": "2625940", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010203035", "num_games_owned": 257, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 7762, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460872207}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a re-imagining of Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, originally released on the NEC PC-8801 in 1989, and it is one of the most finely-crafted action RPGs ever made. Ys III was the sequel to the classic Ancient Ys Vanished duology, and followed the autobiographical story of the world's most famous adventurer, Adol \"The Red\" Christin, albeit in a new setting with a plot mostly unrelated to the previous games. The Oath in Felghana follows the same overall story as the original, but with many additions. However, the story is not even remotely the focus of the game and while the characters are charming and the plot is by no means awful or unbearable, it's also very barebones, like its predecessors. The series is well-known for its fantastic music, and The Oath in Felghana is no exception to this. It has one of the finest soundtracks in the industry, with calm, soothing melodies, fast-paced frenetic orchestral music, and powerful rock themes for the more intense fights.\nYs III's main departure was in the gameplay department, where the top-down \"bumper car\" combat of the previous games was replaced by a side-scrolling platformer. This new style was poorly received by series fans for being too clunky and slow in comparison to the older combat style. The Oath in Felghana completely overhauls the combat and gameplay, to the point where the only real similarity to the original are some side-scrolling-styled segments. \nThe combat in The Oath in Felghana is a drastically improved version of Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim's style. It's a fully 3D action-based combat system that is extremely fast paced and rewards patience, quick reflexes, timing, and the utmost precision over memorization, button mashing, \"cheesing,\" or trial-and-error. Unlike Ys VI, there are no consumable healing items in The Oath in Felghana. The only way to restore your health is by touching a save point, using one-time powerups occasionally dropped by enemies, or by leveling up. You can also restore health while outside dungeons by standing still for an extended period, but it's usually faster to simply run to a save point. In addition, enemies will sometimes drop powerups that boost your stats temporarily, and keeping on the offensive keeps your combo counter high, giving you bonus experience. This combination rewards players for keeping a fast tempo through a dungeon, as staying on the offensive levels you more quickly and nets you more stat and health bonuses. However, during a boss fight, there are NO powerups available, so you can only defeat the boss with pure skill. With the exception of a single boss on a specific difficulty setting, every attack that each boss uses can be completely avoided with the right timing and technique, and thus you must be entirely reliant on your skills and reflexes to win. This doesn't mean that the bosses are easy, however, as some bosses will fill their arena with projectiles and particle effects that can be extremely difficult to avoid effectively while also damaging the boss. Each boss is also entirely unique, except two recurring boss fights (which are significantly more powerful and more difficult on their second round) and no bosses that might as well just be a really powerful regular enemy.\n While each level is memorable and each combat skill you obtain is used to traverse dungeons and avoid traps, regular enemies can sometimes be very simple to defeat on lower difficulties, which can lure some players into a false sense of security, leading them into believing they're ready to fight a boss when they may not be. One thing that is very important to remember in The Oath in Felghana is to ALWAYS ensure that you've explored every level thoroughly and obtained each treasure, and to upgrade your equipment regularly. If you don't, the game will punish you HARD. This can be a tempting challenge to skilled veterans, but to players not used to RPG-styled exploration, it can be a very rude awakening. In addition, the game is very difficult. The lower difficulties are definitely managable for most players, but they also dull the experience somewhat. Normal will provide a good challenge to those who don't often play action games. Hard and Nightmare difficulties will provide a significant challenge even for the most skilled and experienced players and can be extremely frustrating for people unused to the genre.\nThe Oath in Felghana has a Time Attack mode that you can unlock upon completion of the game that allows you to re-fight any boss on any difficulty with pre-set equipment and stats, and while this can provide dozens of hours of entertainment to those looking to challenge themselves at speedrunnin or people who just want to re-visit their favorite boss fights on various difficulties (as well as an opportunity to unlock a secret boss), the game offers little else in terms of replay value other than playing the game again on a higher difficulty (which improves boss' AI and makes many of their attacks more complex and harder to avoid). However, for $15, The Oath in Felghana is worth the price of entry even if you only complete the game once (which should take between 10 and 20 hours) and then never touch the game again. Ys: The Oath in Felghana is one of the best action games ever released, and is most definitely worth the low cost.", "timestamp_created": 1332328010, "timestamp_updated": 1385554879, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.529382", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2586526": {"recommendationid": "2586526", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009630339", "num_games_owned": 976, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2395, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1398568948}, "language": "english", "review": "Kudos to steam and xseed for adding this classic here. hope to see the other ys games!", "timestamp_created": 1332311491, "timestamp_updated": 1332311491, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "974170": {"recommendationid": "974170", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983416895", "num_games_owned": 207, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 708, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481167206}, "language": "english", "review": "This is basically one of my most favorite games ever.", "timestamp_created": 1332288105, "timestamp_updated": 1332288105, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5253292": {"recommendationid": "5253292", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047008556", "num_games_owned": 1714, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 443, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421164015}, "language": "english", "review": "a truly gem of japanese pc devs on steam for instance.", "timestamp_created": 1332269132, "timestamp_updated": 1332269132, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2691438": {"recommendationid": "2691438", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011147944", "num_games_owned": 1196, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 620, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451867563}, "language": "english", "review": "Great action RPG game. Buy it now!", "timestamp_created": 1332254623, "timestamp_updated": 1332254623, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1487532": {"recommendationid": "1487532", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993704680", "num_games_owned": 402, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 417, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1377673040}, "language": "english", "review": "The game is an absolute pleasure to play, especially with a gamepad. Those looking for old school zelda look no further.", "timestamp_created": 1332227968, "timestamp_updated": 1332227968, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2380028": {"recommendationid": "2380028", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006574782", "num_games_owned": 2374, "num_reviews": 166, "playtime_forever": 172, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488267239}, "language": "english", "review": "While Ys: The Oath in Felghana is not a terrible game, it is in my opinion overpriced. Unfortunately the game suffers from the common tropes of the anime genre, overlong cutscenes that appear ripped straight from the source cartoon, a reliance on onscreen text dialogue that is inexplicably typed at you one character at a time (with offending clacking sounds included) and earsplittingly awful music. If you are an enormous fan of the anime genre these flaws might be overlooked but even in this niche there are much better games such as Reccetear or Blade Kitten to be considered first. Lastly, although the configuration suggests it, the game does not support widescreen and is 1600x1200 letterboxed with low quality textures. Really this is a game for someone who wants to complete their collection or people who are huge fans of the story but I recommend that general audiences pass on this offering.", "timestamp_created": 1332206426, "timestamp_updated": 1385407458, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1715722": {"recommendationid": "1715722", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996870709", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 84, "playtime_forever": 854, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502396437}, "language": "english", "review": "Kickass old-school RPG action with a fantastic and hard-driving soundtrack. My favorite in the entire Ys series.", "timestamp_created": 1332198473, "timestamp_updated": 1332198473, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1945870": {"recommendationid": "1945870", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000097981", "num_games_owned": 593, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332399600}, "language": "english", "review": "Such a good game. Usually I can't get into any style of JRPG due to both the art style and the trope ridden plotlines and characters, but the gameplay in this hack n slasher is just too addictive to put down. Can't go wrong for $15.", "timestamp_created": 1332197160, "timestamp_updated": 1385407719, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "308533": {"recommendationid": "308533", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968302607", "num_games_owned": 1171, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 622, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1386400235}, "language": "english", "review": "Another extremely fun title in the Ys series. And not a pain in the ass to get ahold of this time! Wonderful action RPG for a fair price, get this, play with a controller.", "timestamp_created": 1332195587, "timestamp_updated": 1385405439, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1890163": {"recommendationid": "1890163", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999363439", "num_games_owned": 159, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1216, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1373371274}, "language": "english", "review": "A great fast paced action RPG with entertaining combat and an amazing soundtrack", "timestamp_created": 1332195386, "timestamp_updated": 1332195386, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1192792": {"recommendationid": "1192792", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988908361", "num_games_owned": 456, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 1200, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1381242674}, "language": "french", "review": "Zelda dans les cordes.", "timestamp_created": 1332190397, "timestamp_updated": 1332190397, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.486736", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "395651": {"recommendationid": "395651", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970339404", "num_games_owned": 445, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332226800}, "language": "english", "review": "The Ys series are some of, if no the, best action games of all time. Amazingly fast-paced combat with perfect controls and music that will have you humming it for weeks. BUY IT. NOW.", "timestamp_created": 1332190043, "timestamp_updated": 1332190043, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1963519": {"recommendationid": "1963519", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000339287", "num_games_owned": 555, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 1103, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332399600}, "language": "english", "review": "Fantastic port of a fantastic game! Support Nihon Falcom\\XSEED!", "timestamp_created": 1332189378, "timestamp_updated": 1332189378, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "1851295": {"recommendationid": "1851295", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998844556", "num_games_owned": 901, "num_reviews": 97, "playtime_forever": 4086, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497888106}, "language": "english", "review": "I'm happy Steam will release Ys Origin soon, with Felghana.\nFelghana is one of the bests Ys from all time. This is the perfect remake for Wanderers From Ys : Nervous gameplay, perfect OST (Rock and electro), and good difficulty.\nJust buy, 15 dollars is a steal for that game. You will have fun on this, even if this is your 2xxx playthrough !", "timestamp_created": 1332184430, "timestamp_updated": 1332184430, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "345414": {"recommendationid": "345414", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969248721", "num_games_owned": 458, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 147, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1332486000}, "language": "english", "review": "An absolutely fantastic action game, gleefully fast and challenging. Charming, too -- I always appreciate games where the townsfolk are distinct people with names and personalities. Just as good today as it was in 2005.", "timestamp_created": 1332178589, "timestamp_updated": 1385408326, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "204138": {"recommendationid": "204138", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965156080", "num_games_owned": 538, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 808, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418517223}, "language": "english", "review": "Quite possibly the greatest Ys game of all time. XSeed did a great job with the translation, and Falcom did an amazing job it the gameplay. Als, it has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Yes, the game is old school, but it is so finely polished that its hard to think of a better playing Action\\RPG.", "timestamp_created": 1332177363, "timestamp_updated": 1332177363, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "5238364": {"recommendationid": "5238364", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046816770", "num_games_owned": 1591, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 2009, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465828531}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u5728\u6211\u5fc3\u4e2d\u6b64\u4e43\u6211\u7b2c\u4e8c\u5927\u559c\u6b22\u7684\u65e5\u5f0fARPG\uff08\u7b2c\u4e00\u662f\u53cc\u661f\u7269\u8bed2\uff09\n\u4e2a\u4eba\u8ba4\u4e3aYS\u7cfb\u5217\u6700\u597d\u7684\u4e00\u4f5c\uff08\u6ca1\u6709\u4e4b\u4e00\uff09\n\u81ea\u7531\u5ea6\u76f8\u5bf9\u4e8e\u8d77\u6e90\u8981\u9ad8\u4e86\u4e0d\u662f\u4e00\u70b9\uff08\u524d\u8005\u6beb\u65e0\u81ea\u7531\u5ea6\u53ef\u8a00\uff09\n\u518d\u8005\u5267\u60c5\u6b64\u4f5c\u4e5f\u6bd4\u8d77\u6e90\u5267\u60c5\u8981\u597d\u4e0d\u5c11\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\u7f3a\u70b9\u8fd8\u662f\u6709\u7684\uff0c\u611f\u89c9BOSS\u96be\u5ea6\u4e0d\u5982\u8d77\u6e90\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u5267\u60c5\u957f\u5ea6\u4e5f\u504f\u77ed\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\u8fd8\u662f\u90a3\u53e5\u8bddFalcom\u51fa\u54c1\uff0c\u5fc5\u5c5e\u7cbe\u54c1\uff01\uff01\uff01\n\n\u5e0c\u671b\u53cc\u661f\u7269\u8bed\u7cfb\u5217\u80fd\u65e9\u65e5\u767b\u9646STEAM\u54e6~~~~", "timestamp_created": 1332177319, "timestamp_updated": 1332177319, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505911", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "2091680": {"recommendationid": "2091680", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002139609", "num_games_owned": 454, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 4410, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487032182}, "language": "english", "review": "You'll get to see me slash things", "timestamp_created": 1332176830, "timestamp_updated": 1385408969, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504842", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39442735": {"recommendationid": "39442735", "author": {"steamid": "76561198115983353", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 571, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 571, "last_played": 1515949804}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uace0\uc804\uba85\uc791 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"steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39561642": {"recommendationid": "39561642", "author": {"steamid": "76561198292547483", "num_games_owned": 265, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 1857, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1857, "last_played": 1516724586}, "language": "schinese", "review": "YS=\u9057\u8ff9\u715e\u661f\uff08\u8bef\uff09\u3002\n\u5176\u5b9e\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7cfb\u5217\u6211\u4e4b\u524d\u53ea\u73a9\u8fc76\u4ee3\u3002\u4e0d\u8fc7\u5b83\u7684\u7ed3\u5c40\u4e5f\u662f\u53e4\u8001\u800c\u4f1f\u5927\u7684\u9057\u8ff9\u70df\u6d88\u4e91\u6563\u3002\n\u4e9a\u7279\u9c81\u541b\uff0c\u4f60\u8fd9\u4e2a\u5192\u9669\u5bb6\u771f\u7684\u4e0d\u662f\u7ec8\u7ed3\u53e4\u4eba\u6210\u5c31\u7684\u715e\u661f\u4e48\u2026\u2026\n---\n\u770b\u4e86\u522b\u4eba\u7684\u6d4b\u8bc4\uff0c\u4f3c\u4e4e\u666e\u904d\u89c9\u5f97\u672c\u4f5c\u7684\u96be\u5ea6\u548c\u6311\u6218\u6027\u90fd\u633a\u9ad8\u3002\n\u4e8e\u662f\uff0c\u6211\u679c\u65ad\u7528\u4e86\u4fee\u6539 ysf_win.ini \u7684\u4f5c\u5f0a\u6cd5\u3002\n\u6211\u4e0d\u559c\u6b22\u7ec3\u7ea7\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u5bf9\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u7c7b\u578b\u7684\u70ed\u60c5\u4e0d\u590d\u5f53\u5e74\u4e86\u3002\n---\n\u672c\u4f5c\u662f6\u4ee3\u4e4b\u540e\uff0c\u5bf93\u4ee3\u8fdb\u884c\u4e863D\u5316\u91cd\u542f\u3002\n\u7ecf\u5178\u7cfb\u5217\u4e2d\u7684\u4e00\u90e8\u7a33\u5b9a\u53d1\u6325\u6c34\u51c6\u7684\u4f5c\u54c1\u3002\n\u6309\u73b0\u5728\u7684\u773c\u5149\uff0c\u5b83\u53ea\u80fd\u7b97\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u6bd4\u5c0f\u54c1\u7ea7\u6e38\u620f\u7a0d\u7a0d\u9ad8\u4e00\u622a\u7684\u7a0b\u5ea6\u3002\n\u6211\u662f\u5728\u5927\u5e45\u5ea6\u6253\u6298\u65f6\u4e70\u7684\u3002\u611f\u89c9\u8fd8\u7b97\u503c\u5427\u3002\n\u81f3\u5c11\uff0c\u6211\u73a9\u4e8630\u5c0f\u65f6\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\uff08\u5728\u4f4e\u96be\u5ea6\u4e0b\uff09\u901a\u5173\u4e86\u3002\n\n[h1]\u7c97\u7565\u70b9\u8bc4[/h1]\n\n\u5267\u60c5\u2026\u2026\u4e0d\u63d0\u4e5f\u7f62\u3002\u5934\u5c3e\u7684\u52a8\u753b\u6c34\u5e73\u4f4e\u4e0b\uff0c\u6beb\u65e0\u89c2\u770b\u4ef7\u503c\u3002\n\u96be\u5ea6\u8bbe\u7f6e\u6bd4\u8f83\u5408\u7406\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u6709\u5404\u79cd\u96be\u5ea6\u6a21\u5f0f\u9009\u62e9\u3002\n\u6742\u5175\u5168\u90fd\u5f88\u83dc\u3002\u6211\u4e0d\u7ec3\u7ea7\uff0c\u7ecf\u5e38\u8e66\u8e66\u8df3\u8df3\u4e0d\u7406\u776c\u5b83\u4eec\u3002\u800c\u5b83\u4eec\u5f88\u5c11\u80fd\u963b\u6321\u6211\u7684\u524d\u8fdb\u3002\n\u800c\u4e0e\u4e4b\u5bf9\u6bd4\u7684\u662f\uff0cboss\u5927\u591a\u5bf9\u73a9\u5bb6\u7684\u6311\u6218\u6027\u9661\u7136\u4e0a\u5347\u3002\u6211\u9047\u5230\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2aboss\u65f6\uff0c\u5c31\u88ab\u8650\u5f88\u60e8\u2026\u2026\n\u5730\u5f62\u548c\u673a\u5173\u7684\u8bbe\u8ba1\uff0c\u53d1\u6325\u4e863D\u7684\u4e00\u4e9b\u7279\u70b9\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u7279\u522b\u51fa\u5f69\u7684\u4eae\u70b9\u4e0d\u591a\u3002\n\u4f46\u597d\u5728\uff0c\u573a\u666f\u4e30\u5bcc\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u8282\u594f\u5f88\u5feb\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4e00\u76f4\u6709\u65b0\u9c9c\u611f\uff0c\u8db3\u4ee5\u8ba9\u6211\u4e0d\u505c\u73a9\u4e0b\u53bb\u3002\n\n[h1]\u5fc3\u5f97\u548c\u6ce8\u610f\u4e8b\u9879[/h1]\n\n\u52a8\u4f5c\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u5f53\u7136\u5e94\u5f53\u7528\u624b\u67c4\u73a9\u3002\u6211\u7684\u662fXBox 360\u624b\u67c4\u3002\n\n\u9996\u5148\uff0c\u53bb[url=https://steamcn.com/t107903-1-1]\u4e0b\u8f7d\u6c49\u5316[/url]\u5e76\u6309\u8bf4\u660e\u64cd\u4f5c\u3002\n\n\u7136\u540e\uff0c\u8fd0\u884c\u8bbe\u7f6e\u7a0b\u5e8f\u3002\n\n[u][b]\u63a8\u8350\u6309\u952e\u8bbe\u7f6e\u4e3a\uff1a[/b][/u]\n\n[list]\n\t[*] \u8df3\u8dc3: A\n\t[*] \u653b\u51fb: X\n\t[*] \u9b54\u6cd5: R1\n\t[*] \u7206\u6c14: L1\n\t[*] \u4e0a\u4e00\u8155\u8f6e: Y\n\t[*] \u4e0b\u4e00\u8155\u8f6e: B\n\t[*] \u83dc\u5355: \u9009\u62e9\u952e\n[/list]\n\n[u]\u9b54\u6cd5\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u7528R1\uff1f[/u]\n\n\u5982\u679c\u7528B\u4e4b\u7c7b\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u6309\u952e\uff0c\u5f88\u5bb9\u6613\u5c31\u6309\u4f4f\u8fc7\u4e45\u3002\n\u800c\u9b54\u6cd5\u7684\u65bd\u653e\u662f\u4ee5[b]\u677e\u5f00\u6309\u952e[/b]\u4e3a\u51c6\u7684\u3002\n\u5c24\u5176\u5bf9\u4e8e\u65cb\u98ce\u9b54\u6cd5\u2014\u2014\u7528\u6765\u6682\u65f6\u6d6e\u7a7a\u2014\u2014\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e2a\u5728\u65f6\u673a\u4e0a\u7684\u5ef6\u540e\uff0c\u5f80\u5f80\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u540e\u679c\u3002\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u5403\u591f\u4e8f\u4e86\u3002\nR1\u66f4\u5bb9\u6613\u5f39\u5f00\u3002\u6539\u6210\u5b83\u540e\uff0c\u6211\u7684\u5931\u8bef\u5927\u5927\u51cf\u5c11\u3002\n\n[u]\u83dc\u5355\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u4e0d\u7528\u4f20\u7edf\u7684\u5f00\u59cb\u952e\uff1f[/u]\n\n\u56e0\u4e3a\u786e\u8ba4\u952e\u5c31\u662f\u653b\u51fb\u952e\u3002\u800c\u6211\u53d1\u73b0\u7528\u53f3\u624b\u5927\u62c7\u6307\u5148\u4f38\u51fa\u3001\u6309\u5f00\u59cb\u952e\uff0c\u518d\u7d27\u63a5\u7740\u6536\u56de\u3001\u6309X\uff0c\u4e0d\u987a\u7545\u3002\u6709\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u4e00\u7740\u6025\uff0c\u6307\u7532\u8fd8\u4f1a\u59a8\u788d\u6309\u4e0b\u5f00\u59cb\u952e\u3002\n\u6539\u6210\u5de6\u624b\u6309\u9009\u62e9\u952e\uff0c\u53f3\u624b\u5c31\u4e0d\u7528\u79fb\u52a8\u592a\u8fdc\u3002\n\n[u][b]\u5176\u5b83[/b][/u]\n\n\u6e38\u620f\u540e\u671f\uff0c\u9047\u5230\u975e\u5e38\u8003\u9a8c\u8df3\u8dc3\u7684\u5173\u5361\u8bbe\u8ba1\uff0c\u8fd9\u65f6\uff0c\u52a1\u5fc5\u7528[b]\u5341\u5b57\u952e[/b]\u6765\u63a7\u5236\u65b9\u5411\uff01\n\u5426\u5219\uff0c\u8611\u83c7\u5934\u6447\u6746\u7edd\u5bf9\u4f1a\u5751\u4f60\u5751\u5f97\u8ba9\u4f60\u60f3\u6b7b\u2026\u2026\n\n\u6309 F1 \u53ef\u4ee5\u5207\u6362 No-Fall \u6a21\u5f0f\u3002\u89c1\u6e38\u620f\u4e2d\u53f3\u4e0a\u89d2\u7684\u7ea2\u5b57\u3002\n\u5f00\u542f\u5b83(on)\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u4f60\u672c\u8be5\u6389\u843d\u5230\u4e0b\u4e00\u5c42\u573a\u666f\u65f6\uff0c\u53d8\u6210\u56de\u5230\u672c\u573a\u666f\u7684\u5165\u53e3\u3002\n\u4f46\u5c0f\u5fc3\uff1a\u8fd9\u65f6\uff0c\u5b83\u4f1a[b]\u81ea\u52a8\u91cd\u65b0\u53d8\u6210\u5173\u95ed(off)[/b]\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4e0b\u4e00\u6b21\u6389\u843d\u5c31\u4e0d\u7ba1\u4e86\uff01\n\u5947\u602a\u7684\u89c4\u5219\u2026\u2026\n\n\u81f3\u4e8e\u4fee\u6539 ysf_win.ini \u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\uff0c\u4e0a\u7f51\u641c\u7d22\u5373\u53ef\u627e\u5230\u3002\u7565\u3002\n\u9700\u8981\u8865\u5145\u7684\u662f\uff1a\u5982\u679c\u53cd\u590d\u6309F2\u628a\u7b49\u7ea7\u5347\u5230\u9876\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u8ba9\u4e3b\u89d2\u53d8\u5f97\u8fd1\u4e4e\u65e0\u654c\uff0c\u7701\u5f97\u65f6\u4e0d\u65f6\u6309F5\u8865\u8840\u3002\n\n[h1]\u5173\u5361\u548c\u5267\u60c5\u76f8\u5173[/h1]\n\n\u5f97\u5230\u4e00\u4e2a\u79d8\u836f\uff0c\u5176\u8bf4\u660e\u6ca1\u6709\u6307\u51fa\u6709\u5565\u7528\u3002\u8ba9\u4eba\u72b9\u8c6b\u3002\n\u5e94\u8be5\u7acb\u5373\u559d\u4e86\u5b83\u3002[spoiler]\u53ef\u4ee5\u7ed9\u4f60\u589e\u52a0\u201c\u51b2\u523a\u201d\uff08\u5176\u5b9e\u5c31\u662f\u8dd1\u5f97\u66f4\u5feb\uff09\u7684\u80fd\u529b\u3002[/spoiler]\n\n\u4e00\u4e2aNPC\u591a\u6b21\u6536\u8d2d\u4f60\u7684\u77ff\u77f3\u540e\uff0c\u6700\u7ec8\u4f1a\u5956\u52b1\u4f60\u4e00\u4e2a\u6212\u6307\u3002\n\u7acb\u5373\u51fa\u9547\uff0c\u5b58\u4e2a\u6863\u3002\n\u7136\u540e\uff0c[spoiler]\u53bb\u5546\u5e97\uff0c\u628a\u6212\u6307\u201c\u5356\u201d\u7ed9\u9053\u5177\u5a18\u3002\u4f60\u4f1a\u53d1\u73b0\u5de8\u4e8f\uff0c\u4f46\u53ef\u4ee5\u5f97\u5230\u4e00\u4e2a\u54ed\u8138\u7684\u6210\u5c31\u3002[/spoiler]\n\u7136\u540e\uff0c\u8bfb\u6863\uff0c[spoiler]\u7559\u7740\u6212\u6307\u3002\u4e4b\u540e\u4f60\u4f1a\u53d1\u73b0\u5b83\u771f\u6b63\u7684\u4e3b\u4eba\u662f\u8c01\u7684\u3002\u5230\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u6362\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u5ef6\u957f\u6218\u6597buff\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u88ab\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u3002[/spoiler]\n\n\u7531\u4e8e\u6211\u542f\u7528\u4e86\u4f5c\u5f0a\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5728\u7194\u5ca9\u5730\u5e26\uff0c\u4e0d\u754f\u8d70\u8def\u635f\u8840\u5c31\u7ee7\u7eed\u524d\u8fdb\u4e86\u2026\u2026\n\u6211\u8d77\u521d\u8fd8\u4ee5\u4e3a\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e2a\u5173\u5361\u8bbe\u8ba1\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u8003\u9a8c\u73a9\u5bb6\u8df3\u8d77\u5e76\u5728\u7a7a\u4e2d\u6325\u5251\uff0c\u4ece\u800c\u5c3d\u53ef\u80fd\u5ef6\u957f\u6bcf\u4e00\u8df3\u7684\u8ddd\u79bb\uff08\u5927\u6982\u591a\u4e8620%\u5427\uff09\u3002\u540e\u6765\u53d1\u73b0\u662f\u6211\u60f3\u591a\u4e86\u3002\n\u6b63\u5e38\u7684\u6d41\u7a0b\u5e94\u8be5\u662f\uff1a[spoiler]\u5728\u4e00\u4e2a\u5bb9\u6613\u6389\u843d\u51fa\u53bb\u7684\u573a\u666f\uff08\u8bb0\u5f97\u5229\u7528F1\uff09\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u5c3d\u5934\u62ff\u5230\u4e00\u4e2a\u514d\u75ab\u7194\u5ca9\u7684\u9053\u5177\u3002[/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1516727998, "timestamp_updated": 1516776337, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40932677": {"recommendationid": "40932677", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013463344", "num_games_owned": 339, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2532, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 2054, "last_played": 1521523389}, "language": "english", "review": "Ultra cool gameplay and fluid gameplay with a surprising nice story.", "timestamp_created": 1521521754, "timestamp_updated": 1521521754, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40763446": {"recommendationid": "40763446", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960388518", "num_games_owned": 427, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 4866, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 4440, "last_played": 1521152801}, "language": "german", "review": "Ich mag die Serie, ich mag die Mechanik, ich mag das Artwork.\nAber dieses Spiel hier ist schlicht schlecht designt. Speicherpunkte liegen fristrierend weit au\u00dfeinander und Bossk\u00e4mpfe sind ganz schlicht unfait. Der Dritte Boss kann z.B. unsichtbar werden, sich ranteleportieren und direkt angreifen.\nAu\u00dferdem fehlt der PC Version die Sprachausgabe die Konsolen bekommen haben.\nAlles in allem ein ziemlich frustrierendes Spiel.", "timestamp_created": 1520857484, "timestamp_updated": 1520857484, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40743565": {"recommendationid": "40743565", "author": {"steamid": "76561198094815578", "num_games_owned": 41, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2037, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1518550978}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun 2.5D platformer, with some caveats. It's classified as an RPG, but there is no meaningful choice for you to make: you're along for the ride and can't influence what happens in the game in any way. I'd call it an action platformer. The gameplay makes up for its flaws, but it could easily have been so much better.\nI finished the game on Normal difficulty in about 32 hours.\n\nPro:\n- Controls are super responsive;\n- You get to pull off all kinds of cool moves;\n- Each boss requires a new, careful approach.\nCon:\n- Dungeons are very linear and uninspiring;\n- The 'story' is cliched and telegraphed miles in advance;\n- The grind is real! Bosses are often a lot harder than the mobs that precede them, requiring you to grind quite a bit before you can hope tackle the boss. Combined with the run-of-the-mill dungeons, that's a bit of a drudgery.", "timestamp_created": 1520780742, "timestamp_updated": 1520780742, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40657101": {"recommendationid": "40657101", "author": {"steamid": "76561198120135845", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 975, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1520410162}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ubc84\uc2a4\ud2b8 \ud0a4\uace0 \ubaac\uc2a4\ud130 \ub54c\ub824\uc7a1\ub294 \uac83\uc774 \uc544\uc8fc \uc190\uc5d0 \ucc29\ucc29 \uac10\uae34\ub2e4", "timestamp_created": 1520523150, "timestamp_updated": 1520523150, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40608541": {"recommendationid": "40608541", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989861176", "num_games_owned": 96, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 203, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1520346766}, "language": "english", "review": "First off, let me start by saying that I went into this with an open mind, and I have a penchant for playing so-called \"Fiendishly difficult\" games quite frequently. I love a good challenge as well as fast paced games that require quick reflexes. Games like the Megaman X Series, Hyperlight Drifter, ICEY, etc. are some of my personal favorites.\n\nThis is my first Ys game, btw. Going into this I initially was in love with the extremely quick and responsive, and extremely satisfying combat system. Exploring dungeons and cutting through droves of monsters like butter was fantastic. All was going well up until those damn boss battles started rolling around. \"Difficult\" isn't even the appropriate word to describe these battles. \"Stupid\" seems more appropriate. There is no real skill involved in defeating these bosses, contrary to what other users may be saying. \n\nThe idea is to go into a boss battle and bash your head against the boss wall until you've memorized every phase of the boss. It is literally impossible to defeat a boss on your first attempt. You spend your first 5 or so attempts memorizing their first phase until you can predict it fairly easily. Again, no real skill involved, just wrote memorization. Once memorized that phase becomes trivial, yet you're still forced to play through it (often takes a while) until you get to the next phase of the boss, at which point mechanics alter. Boss fights take forever simply due to this seemingly cheap tactic of drawing out the game - you spend most of your time replaying phases you've already memorizing, only for the opportunity to face and perhaps memorize the next phase. A ludicious design to say the least.\n\nA point that begs mention is that while you cut through droves of monsters with relative ease, all boss battles smack you down in a few blows. The discprenacy in difficulty between dungeon exploring and actual boss battles is staggering. \nFurthermore, most boss battles are simply insulting. For example, in one particular fight you, a veteran swordsman, goes up against someone who's apparently a newly appointed knight. Your blows do 3-5 damage, (unless of course you try your ranged ability which does 1), while he does between 20-38 damage per blow. Your hp? About 120. His? 700. Combine this with the general mechanics of learning and overcoming boss battles and you'll start to understand how miserable and unsatisfying of an experience boss battles are.\n\nThe whole point is to have fun while gaming, isn't it? I still believe that, though I may be in the minority. Thus I cannot reccomend this game in good concience. Unless of course you're the kind of person that enjoys childbirth and icepick lobotomies, then step right up!", "timestamp_created": 1520347898, "timestamp_updated": 1520347898, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.456432", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40601267": {"recommendationid": "40601267", "author": {"steamid": "76561197973095348", "num_games_owned": 178, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 10134, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1520318106}, "language": "english", "review": "Introduction:\nThis is definitely my favourite of the Ys series. The story, characters, and music all tie together well, and when paired with interesting and well-balanced gameplay, it makes for an awesome experience. \n\nNote for all Ys Games:\nI recommend playing them in the order that they were created rather than in the order of the Ys timeline as everything will flow better and no plot twists will be spoiled. If you're just in it for the story, no need to ramp up the difficulty, but if you're in it for the true Ys experience and all the achievements, start on the hardest difficulty... only if you're ready for a challenge (this game is extremely difficult and when you finally take down those bosses, you really feel a sense of achievement). Onto the review.\n\nGameplay Mechanics:\nCombat:\nUnlike Ys 1 and 2, you have a variety of attacks and movement available to you. You have various physical attacks/combos, 3 types of magic all with normal and charged activation, a boost state (rage, special, etc.), and the most amazing ability of all... Adol can now push his feet into the ground with sufficient force resulting in him launching off of said ground.\n\nParty:\nUntil you get to Ys 7, you go solo (no party).\n\nEquipment/Inventory:\nNo crafting in this game but you can upgrade your gear. You buy/find all of your items and gear and monsters give you gold, exp, and raval (used to upgrade your equips). Just like Ys 1 and 2, Adol is not a thief... breaking into peoples' houses and rummaging through their drawers will not result in you acquiring pantsu (I tried).\n\nQuests:\nWhile there is no quest log, certain NPCs will have things for you to do at varying times throughout the storyline.\n\nAchievements:\nOne issue for me is that some of the achievements need to be done on every difficulty level. This means you need to beat the game (at least up to that point) 6 times, and one of those achievements \"That's the Last Time, Kid\", can be missed (if you're after all achievements, keep track of this one). This makes the whole process pretty time consuming.\n\nStory:\nLike all the classics, you are the hero. Go save that princess. Slay the boss man. Ride/sail off into the sunset. While there are no daring writing choices, there are no issues or breaks in the immersion which is just as important if not more important. Like my initial note, if you play this on a difficulty that is not challenging to you, you don't get the right experience. If you start on a high difficulty, make it to the first boss, and experience difficulty, don't give up right away. Watch a video of the fight and keep trying. Only if you're certain that you can't beat it should you dial back the difficulty (it was hard with plenty of rage, but if I played on a lower difficulty, it would not have felt like I earned those victories).\n\nFinal Score:\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1520318095, "timestamp_updated": 1520318095, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40543470": {"recommendationid": "40543470", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999282226", "num_games_owned": 657, "num_reviews": 98, "playtime_forever": 793, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1520068638}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys: Oath in Felghana is a remake of the originsl Ys III: Wanderers of Ys, and takes place chronologically after Ys Origins, and Ys 1 an 2, and before Ark of Napishtim and later games. It has none of the features of the PSP re-release, unfortunately, but is perfectly fine, running smoothly at 60 FPs with no drops whatosever.\n\nAll of the Ys games pride themselves on being very fast paced action RPG affairs, and OiF is no exception. It builds on the Napishtim engine games, and is the second of the series, the first being Ark of Napishtim itself, and Ys Origins being the final culmination of the games. Oath is difficult, even on Normal, and even for fans and devotees of the Ys series, and this speaks nothing of playing the game on Nightmare and Inferno if you're interested in achivement hunting all of the content. (which will require beating the game no less than 6 times, and time attack completely 3 times, as well as post rush boss content) Oath builds on the base of Napishtim and perfects it, removing buying healing items completely and forcing the player to rely entirely on drops and skill.\n\nYs: Oath in Felghana again tracks the adventures of Adol and Dogi after Ys 1 and 2, and returns them to Dogi's homeland of Felghana, and the town of Redmont. Soon enough, you come across Dogi's old friend Elana, and hear about her missing brother Chester, and the monsters that have been plaguing the land, and Adol and Dogi suddenly find themselves off on another monster crushing adventure, with a few hints and tidbits about previous games sprinkled throughout, linking the series through these quiet connections.\n\nThe gameplay is like the other Napishtim games, relying on combos, Focus (a shorrt lived but powerful boost to attacks and defense and combo ability), and spammable magic spells (a ranged fireball, an aoe tornado, and an invincible rock-dash) to let Adol cleave through enemies at blinding speed and rack up XP multipliers and temporary stat buffs. Platforming is frequent and sharp, with Adol being incredibly responsive to movements at all times, even when dashing at full speeds. Bosses often represent steep difficulty spikes compared to normal enemies, but this is standard for Ys games. Bossfights have a lot going on, but almost always feel fair in how they work (save for one lava boss), attacks are essentially always telegraphed, even if it's a quick tell, and so you can dodge and position properly. I didn't need to grind much at all, except for one specific instance in the aforementioned lava land. As long as you fight every enemy you see, you'll have enough XP and GP for everything you need, plus a little extra if you want to buy a couple extra HP elixers (I ended up having the spare money for 3 by the end of the game)\n\nThe music is up to Ys standard, the classic mix of power rock and orchetral environment music, so if you're used to the series, you're going to get much more of that, and if for some reason Oath is your intro to the series, 1: Good luck, this isd a rough starter entry to the series, and 2: The music is fantastic, so enjoy.\n\nOath is a shorter Ys game and has an achievement for beating it in under 5 hours, but I'm confident it could be much much faster. Much like Origins, I think most players will play on one of 3 difficulties: Very Easy just to play the story and see the game, Normal for the usual challenge, and Nightmare into Inferno for the true Ys dedicated people (or people who hate their lives and want to grind out a boss forever because of 1 mistake - not for me). The boss rush extra content is optional, and unlike Origins, you only unlock a single extra bossfight and no other content besides achievements.\n\nOverall, Oath is probably my second favorite of the Ys games I've played (Origins is my favorite but by a very narrow margin), and I've yet to play Napishtim, or Ys Seven. Oath has some of the best bosses in the series though, both in how you have to react and fight, and in the satisfaction you get when you finally best them. Strong recommendation - but also recommended you play Ys 1 and 2 first, at the very least, to be grounded in the series and have an understanding of how \"the game works\" even though the combat systems differ between the games. Going from Origins to Felghana isn't a big step down - the graphics are a bit less, and Origins has more caracters, but you'll already be right at home with how the combat system works, and what's expected during bossfights and normal combat.\n\nSail forth and defeat your enemies!", "timestamp_created": 1520105703, "timestamp_updated": 1520105703, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40206010": {"recommendationid": "40206010", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078152869", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 434, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1519161027}, "language": "french", "review": "Etant un grand adepte de la s\u00e9rie Ys je voulais essayer cet opus. En effet, je n'ai pu faire que les deux opus sortis sur Psvita et j'ai donc achet\u00e9 les autres sur Steam. Il s'agit d'un tr\u00e8s bon opus mais il est vrai que quand on a jou\u00e9 aux autres o\u00f9 l'on a un groupe d'aventuriers cela fait bizarre de se retrouver seul. Cependant, tous les ingredients qui font de Ys un excellent jeu d'action RPG sont pr\u00e9sents. Falcom fait toujours du bon boulot :). Je le conseille fortement!", "timestamp_created": 1518990062, "timestamp_updated": 1518990062, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39982548": {"recommendationid": "39982548", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053806238", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1518287578}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc708\ub3c4\uc6b010\uc5d0\uc11c \ud55c\uae00\ud328\uce58\ud574\uc11c \uc2e4\ud589\ud574\ubcfc\uae4c \ud588\ub294\ub370 \uc911\uad6d\uc5b4 \ub098\uc624\ub124\uc694 \ud639\uc2dc \uc774\ubd80\ubd84\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574\uc11c \uc544\uc2dc\ub294 \ubd84\ub4e4 \ub2f5\ubcc0\uc880 \ubd80\ud0c1\ub4dc\ub9b4\uaed8\uc694", "timestamp_created": 1518284735, "timestamp_updated": 1518284735, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39968721": {"recommendationid": "39968721", "author": {"steamid": "76561198251336840", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 71, "playtime_forever": 344, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517645742}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6cd5\u8001\u63a7\u7684\u51b7\u996d\u600e\u4e48\u4e5f\u8981\u5403\u4e00\u4e0b\u7684", "timestamp_created": 1518238462, "timestamp_updated": 1518238462, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39922577": {"recommendationid": "39922577", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078312059", "num_games_owned": 62, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 876, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517473870}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a fast-paced action/RPG, originally released on the PSP. This version looks and plays great! This plays a lot like a hack and slash, but with some RPG mechanics.\n\nPros:\n-\tBeautiful soundtrack\n-\tFast-paced, fluid gameplay\n-\tFast travel!\n-\tFun dungeon exploration\n-\tNice graphics options\n-\tPerfect length \n\nCons:\n-\tRelatively small world to explore\n-\tHUGE difficulty spike at the final boss\n-\tUnnecessary level grinding\n-\tYour fingers may get tired of button mashing!\n-\tUnfulfilling side quests\n\nThis is one of the more enjoyable entries in the series. While it\u2019s not the most in-depth game, its strengths make it hard to pass up!\n_______________________________________\nEntertainment Value - 5\nGameplay - 4\nStory \u2013 3.5\nPresentation (Graphics + Sound) \u2013 4.5\nValue for Price - 5\n\nFINAL RATING \u2013 4.4/5 (88%)", "timestamp_created": 1518065461, "timestamp_updated": 1518065595, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39830127": {"recommendationid": "39830127", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022311251", "num_games_owned": 628, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 1288, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500871550}, "language": "english", "review": "Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim -- which actually came out before both this game and Ys Origin -- was a clear attempt at redeeming a new playstyle concept Falcom toyed around with on the Super Famicom in 1995's Ys V: Kefin, Lost City of Sand. While Napishtim was objectively superior to Kefin in every possible way, it was still rough along the edges: effectively rebuilding a D minus/F-grade game's mechanics into something I'd place anywhere from a B minus to a solid C.\n\nMeanwhile, there's the third game in the series: Wanderers from Ys, released on far more platforms than I care to list. A significant departure for the series, Wanderers was a side-scrolling action game that relied on linear platforming more than the traditional top-down labyrinths seen in previous and future titles. It felt less like an Ys game and more like a successor to games like Castlevania and especially Zelda II, another contested sequel. Generally considered a black sheep of the franchise as a whole, Wanderers from Ys was also the first game in the franchise to receive a widespread release in the West, appearing on all three major 16-bit platforms -- while the original Ys was limited to Sega's Master System and a limited IBM PC release, and the second game was only released on the TurboGrafx-CD, via a compilation of the first two games.\n\nSo with remakes of the first two games, as well as a new sixth entry in the series, Falcom decided that rather that going straight into developing a seventh game -- more on that later -- they would remake the contested third game in the series, using the framework they developed for Napishtim as a base. This development culminated in what is generally considered among the best games in the entire series: The Oath in Felghana.\n\nWhile Wanderers from Ys was more or less a standalone game, Felghana reimagines many of the story's elements to afford a greater sense of continuity with future games in the series. That being said, the basic outline of the game is kept the same and Falcom focuses more on expanding existing characters than outright adding brand-new ones (though there are a few of those as well). This leads to a storyline that manages to stay true to the source material, while feeling more complete at the same time. The story begins with Adol and his travelling companion Dogi returning to Dogi's home village of Redmont after a fortune teller warns of disaster in the area. Upon arrival, the two adventurers find Felghana infested with monsters, a new figurehead installed by the Romn Empire (a recurring foe of Adol's) and worst of all, Chester Stoddard in league with him, causing even more problems for the ailing villagers.\n\nNapishtim was a good start for a more modernized take on the Ys games, but Felghana smoothes out its predecessor's various issues, leading to a much more streamlined and responsive game. It also retains a similar graphical style, focusing on aesthetics over graphical fidelity. Wanderers from Ys' soundtrack was the only element of the game that fans generally liked -- with the TurboGrafx-CD/Perfect Collection, arranged by Ryo Yoneimitsu being considered the best iteration of the classic soundtrack -- but Yukihiro Jindo's soundtracks, consisting entirely of new arrangements of every song from previous versions of the game managed to deliver what many fans consider to be the definitive way to experience the game's soundtrack.\n\nXSEED released this game well after they released it on the PSP. It was their first PC release -- and it shows. None of the extra features associated with the PSP version are present in this release, including the art gallery and the voice acting. Of course, that means that the rebalancing that made the game easier and more tedious in many respects are also not present, which I think is a fair trade. XSEED did manage to optimize the game for more modern PC platforms, even implementing support for higher resolutions and widescreen, so at the very least, XSEED's release is the ideal way to play the game on PC.\n\nMany people will recommend going for Felghana first if you're just getting into the series. Admittedly, that's not the way I handled it, but if you want to get a feel for the series before diving into the rest of the games, Felghana may very well be the best place to start. While most Ys games have episodic storylines in general, Felghana's story relies the least on earlier games in the series, the gameplay from Napishtim has been refined into something that is both easy to learn and a joy to master and both the aesthetics and sound design are top-notch. It's generally available on sale for a hefty discount, but personally, I'd say that it's well worth the full $15.", "timestamp_created": 1517704192, "timestamp_updated": 1517704192, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39823435": {"recommendationid": "39823435", "author": {"steamid": "76561198026637457", "num_games_owned": 1021, "num_reviews": 78, "playtime_forever": 884, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517683425}, "language": "english", "review": "One of the main characters name is Dogi.", "timestamp_created": 1517684712, "timestamp_updated": 1517684712, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39727649": {"recommendationid": "39727649", "author": {"steamid": "76561198746302688", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 177, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1518105040}, "language": "schinese", "review": " \u5973\u4e3b\u5f88\u575a\u5f3a\uff0c\u5973\u4e3b\u54e5\u54e5\u4e5f\u5f88\u5e05\u6c14\uff01\n \u597d\u4f5c\u54c1\uff0c\u5565\u65f6\u6c49\u5316\uff1f\n \u9f0e\u529b\u652f\u6301\u6cd5\u8001\u63a7\u7684\u6e38\u620f\uff01\n \u5e0c\u671b\u96f6\u8f68\u78a7\u8f68\u4e5f\u80fd\u4e0a\u67b6\uff0c\u82e5\u80fd\u6c49\u5316\u4fbf\u66f4\u597d\u4e86\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1517322507, "timestamp_updated": 1517322507, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39684840": {"recommendationid": "39684840", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043630976", "num_games_owned": 160, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1521, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517302508}, "language": "english", "review": "The best Ys.", "timestamp_created": 1517152972, "timestamp_updated": 1517152972, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39670388": {"recommendationid": "39670388", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022259298", "num_games_owned": 887, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1732, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517103268}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a bold statement to say this is the best action jRPG of all time. So I won't do it. But I'll say I don't believe that a game can't be better - the most it can achieve is to be so good as this one.\n\nIt tuns on everything. It's not the prettiest game out there, but there's some charm and beauty about it. Tight controls. A fucking amazing sountrack (that goes well with the sounds of monsters and slashing).\n\nIt's so much fun I'm not sure why the government even allow it to be sold.\n\nOh, I have one thing to complain about the story (spoiler): there's a bad guy. And he is rich and powerful. And he kills a lot of guys. And you kill a lot of guys. But you can't kill this son of a bitch who have ruined everyone's life because you are a good guy. Fuck it. I wanna spill his guts in the floor. I wanna cut his head. I wanna at least to be able to kill him as I killed another characters. I hate the kind of story when the main character can injury the hired bodyguards but can't injure the villain.\n\nOtherwise, 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1517104743, "timestamp_updated": 1517104743, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}}, "query_summary": {"num_reviews": 20, "review_score": 8, "review_score_desc": "Very Positive", "total_positive": 857, "total_negative": 48, "total_reviews": 905}}