Make sure you have the vite plugin installed.
In your entry.ssr.tsx
file, which is your server entry point, you need to set the locale getter, as well as the HTML lang
attribute and the base path for assets. Apply the lines marked with +++:
// +++ Extra import
import {extractBase, setSsrLocaleGetter} from 'compiled-i18n/qwik'
// +++ Allow compiled-i18n to get the current SSR locale
export default function (opts: RenderToStreamOptions) {
return renderToStream(<Root />, {
// +++ Configure the base path for assets
base: extractBase,
// Use container attributes to set attributes on the html tag.
containerAttributes: {
// +++ Set the HTML lang attribute to the SSR locale
lang: opts.serverData!.locale,
Then, in the client code, you either need to manage the locale as a route, a query parameter, or use a cookie.
When using a route, you can use the onGet
handler on /
to redirect GET requests to the correct locale, and then use the locale()
function to set the locale for the current request:
import type {RequestHandler} from ''
import {guessLocale} from 'compiled-i18n'
export const onGet: RequestHandler = async ({request, redirect, url}) => {
const acceptLang = request.headers.get('accept-language')
const guessedLocale = guessLocale(acceptLang)
throw redirect(301, `/${guessedLocale}/${}`)
import {component$, Slot} from ''
import type {RequestHandler} from ''
import {guessLocale, locales} from 'compiled-i18n'
const replaceLocale = (pathname: string, oldLocale: string, locale: string) => {
const idx = pathname.indexOf(oldLocale)
return (
pathname.slice(0, idx) + locale + pathname.slice(idx + oldLocale.length)
export const onRequest: RequestHandler = async ({
}) => {
if (locales.includes(params.locale)) {
// Set the locale for this request
} else {
const acceptLang = request.headers.get('accept-language')
// Redirect to the correct locale
const guessedLocale = guessLocale(acceptLang)
const path =
// You can use `__` as the locale in URLs to auto-select it
params.locale === '__' ||
? // invalid locale
'/' + replaceLocale(pathname, params.locale, guessedLocale)
: // no locale
throw redirect(301, `${path}${}`)
export default component$(() => {
return <Slot />
When using a query parameter, you can use the onRequest
handler in the top layout to set the locale for the current request:
// ... other imports
import {guessLocale} from 'compiled-i18n'
export const onRequest: RequestHandler = async ({query, headers, locale}) => {
// Allow overriding locale with query param `locale`
const maybeLocale = query.get('locale') || headers.get('accept-language')
When using a cookie, you can use the onRequest
handler in the top layout to set the locale for the current request:
// ... other imports
import {guessLocale} from 'compiled-i18n'
export const onRequest: RequestHandler = async ({
}) => {
// Allow overriding locale with query param `locale`
// This sets the cookie but doesn't redirect to save another request
if (query.has('locale')) {
const newLocale = guessLocale(query.get('locale'))
cookie.set('locale', newLocale, {})
} else {
// Choose locale based on cookie or accept-language header
const maybeLocale =
cookie.get('locale')?.value || headers.get('accept-language')
Note that you still need to set the cookie, this is done here with a query parameter. You could also set it in the client and reload.
If you like, you can also add a task to remove the entire query string from the URL:
, in the exported component:
$(() => {
// remove all query params except allowed
const allowed = new Set(['page'])
if ( {
const params = new URLSearchParams(
for (const [key] of params) {
if (!allowed.has(key)) {
let search = params.toString()
if (search) search = '?' + search
location.href.slice(0, location.href.indexOf('?')) + search
Finally, to allow the user to change the locale, you can use a locale selector like this:
import {component$, getLocale} from ''
import {_, locales} from 'compiled-i18n'
export const LocaleSelector = component$(() => {
const currentLocale = getLocale()
return (
{ => {
const isCurrent = locale === currentLocale
return (
// Note, you must use `<a>` and not `<Link>` so the page reloads
// When using route-based locale selection, build the URL here
'btn btn-ghost btn-sm' +
? ' bg-neutralContent text-neutral pointer-events-none'
: ' bg-base-100 text-base-content')
If you are using a qwik version lower than 1.8, you will need to move the i18nPlugin to the top of the plugin list.
import { qwikVite } from '';
import { qwikCity } from '';
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import {i18nPlugin} from 'compiled-i18n/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
locales: ['en_us', 'en_uk', 'en', 'nl'],